diff --git a/docs/developers-guide/devenv.md b/docs/developers-guide/devenv.md
index c288b9d987d11e45ec92b07a979950b3e6ea187b..d7a1a09b2aebc6130199d5f589159743815d0787 100644
--- a/docs/developers-guide/devenv.md
+++ b/docs/developers-guide/devenv.md
@@ -141,6 +141,41 @@ And of course your Jetty development server is available via
 clojure -M:run
+You can also start a REPL another way (e.g., through your editor) and then call:
+(do (dev) (start!))
+To start the server (at `localhost:3000`). This will also set up or migrate your application database. To actually
+use Metabase, don't forget to start the frontend as well (e.g. with `yarn build-hot`).
+### The application database
+By default, Metabase uses H2 for its application database, but we recommend using Postgres. This is configured with
+several properties that can be set as environment variables or in a `deps.edn`. One approach is:
+;; ~/.clojure/deps.edn
+ {:user
+  {:jvm-opts
+   ["-Dmb.db.host=localhost"
+    "-Dmb.db.type=postgres"
+    "-Dmb.db.user=<username>"
+    "-Dmb.db.dbname=<dbname>"
+    "-Dmb.db.pass="]}}}
+You could also pass a full conection string in as the `mb.db.connection.uri`:
 ### Building drivers
 Most of the drivers Metabase uses to connect to external data warehouse databases are separate projects under the
@@ -196,6 +231,69 @@ clojure -X:dev:test :only metabase.api.session-test/my-test
 clojure -X:dev:test :only '"test/metabase/util"'
+As in any clojure.test project, you can also run unit tests from the REPL. Some examples of useful ways to run tests are:
+;; run a single test with clojure.test
+some-ns=> (clojure.test/run-test metabase.util-test/add-period-test)
+Testing metabase.util-test
+Ran 1 tests containing 4 assertions.
+0 failures, 0 errors.
+{:test 1, :pass 4, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}
+;; run all tests in the namespace
+some-ns=> (clojure.test/run-tests 'metabase.util-test)
+Testing metabase.util-test
+{:result true, :num-tests 100, :seed 1696600311261, :time-elapsed-ms 45, :test-var "pick-first-test"}
+Ran 33 tests containing 195 assertions.
+0 failures, 0 errors.
+{:test 33, :pass 195, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}
+;; run tests for a set of namespaces related to a feature you are working on (eg pulses)
+some-ns=> (let [namespaces '[metabase.pulse.markdown-test metabase.pulse.parameters-test]]
+            (apply require namespaces) ;; make sure the test namespaces are loaded
+            (apply clojure.test/run-tests namespaces))
+Testing metabase.pulse.markdown-test
+Testing metabase.pulse.parameters-test
+Ran 5 tests containing 147 assertions.
+0 failures, 0 errors.
+{:test 5, :pass 147, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}
+;; but we also have a lovely test runner with lots of cool options
+some-ns=> (metabase.test-runner/find-and-run-tests-repl {:namespace-pattern ".*pulse.*"})
+Running tests with options {:mode :repl, :namespace-pattern ".*pulse.*", :exclude-directories ["classes" "dev" "enterprise/backend/src" "local" "resources" "resources-ee" "shared/src" "src" "target" "test_config" "test_resources"], :test-warn-time 3000}
+Excluding directory "dev/src"
+Excluding directory "local/src"
+Looking for test namespaces in directory test
+Looking for test namespaces in directory shared/test
+Finding tests took 1.6 s.
+Excluding directory "test_resources"
+Excluding directory "enterprise/backend/src"
+Looking for test namespaces in directory enterprise/backend/test
+Excluding directory "src"
+Excluding directory "shared/src"
+Excluding directory "resources"
+Running 159 tests
+;; you can even specify a directory if you're working on a subfeature like that
+some-ns=> (metabase.test-runner/find-and-run-tests-repl {:only "test/metabase/pulse/"})
+Running tests with options {:mode :repl, :namespace-pattern #"^metabase.*", :exclude-directories ["classes" "dev" "enterprise/backend/src" "local" "resources" "resources-ee" "shared/src" "src" "target" "test_config" "test_resources"], :test-warn-time 3000, :only "test/metabase/pulse/"}
+Running tests in "test/metabase/pulse/"
+Looking for test namespaces in directory test/metabase/pulse
+Finding tests took 37.0 ms.
+Running 65 tests
 #### Testing drivers
 By default, the tests only run against the `h2` driver. You can specify which drivers to run tests against with the env var `DRIVERS`:
@@ -204,7 +302,60 @@ By default, the tests only run against the `h2` driver. You can specify which dr
 DRIVERS=h2,postgres,mysql,mongo clojure -X:dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test
-Some drivers require additional environment variables when testing since they are impossible to run locally (such as Redshift and Bigquery). The tests will fail on launch and let you know what parameters to supply if needed.
+Some drivers require additional environment variables when testing since they are impossible to run locally (such as
+Redshift and Bigquery). The tests will fail on launch and let you know what parameters to supply if needed.
+If running tests from the REPL, you can call something like:
+(mt/set-test-drivers! #{:postgres :mysql :h2})
+Most drivers need to be able to load some data (a few use static datasets) and all drivers need to be able to connect to an instance of that database. You can find out what is needed in each's drivers test data namespace which follows that pattern `metabase.test.data.<driver>`.
+There should be an implementation of a multimethod tx/dbdef->connection-details which must produce a way to connect to a database. You can see what is required.
+Here's the one for postgres in `metabase.test.data.postgres`:
+(defmethod tx/dbdef->connection-details :postgres
+  [_ context {:keys [database-name]}]
+  (merge
+   {:host     (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :postgresql :host "localhost")
+    :port     (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :postgresql :port 5432)
+    :timezone :America/Los_Angeles}
+   (when-let [user (tx/db-test-env-var :postgresql :user)]
+     {:user user})
+   (when-let [password (tx/db-test-env-var :postgresql :password)]
+     {:password password})
+   (when (= context :db)
+     {:db database-name})))
+You can see that this looks in the environment for:
+- host (defaults to "localhost")
+- port (defaults to 5432)
+- user
+- password
+The function names indicate if they throw or not (although in this instance the ones that would throw are also supplied default values).
+The `(tx/db-test-env-var :postgresql :password)` will look in the env/env map for `:mb-postgres-test-password` which will be set by the environmental variable `MB_POSTGRESQL_TEST_PASSWORD`.
+some-ns=> (take 10 (keys environ.core/env))
+ :java-class-path
+ :path
+ :mb-athena-test-s3-staging-dir
+ :iterm-profile
+ :mb-snowflake-test-warehouse
+ :mb-bigquery-cloud-sdk-test-service-account-json
+ :tmpdir
+ :mb-oracle-test-service-name
+ :sun-management-compiler)
 ### Running the linters
@@ -218,7 +369,10 @@ clojure -X:dev:ee:ee-dev:drivers:drivers-dev:eastwood
 clojure -X:dev:ee:ee-dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test:namespace-checker
 # Run clj-kondo
-clj-kondo --parallel --lint src shared/src enterprise/backend/src --config .clj-kondo/config.edn
+# Lint the migrations file (if you've written a database migration):
 ## Continuous integration