diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
index 22c744974495735a0ddd5caa2bb06da629fe2013..e7b3155e06aaea3b222ccac6274c1d90c8c4615b 100644
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
                             ;; This list isn't complete; add more forms as we come across them.
                               (api-let 2)
+                              (assert 1)
                               (assoc* 1)
                               (auto-parse 1)
                               (catch-api-exceptions 0)
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 3454e3ac94e875bff0876ab9ef96d05ed67d7080..890036e7ce1db63406caa74476e69293c882a488 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
          :init metabase.core/init}
   :eastwood {:exclude-namespaces [:test-paths]
              :add-linters [:unused-private-vars]
-             :exclude-linters [:constant-test]}                       ; korma macros generate some formats with if statements that are always logically true or false
+             :exclude-linters [:constant-test                         ; korma macros generate some forms with if statements that are always logically true or false
+                               :suspicious-expression]}               ; core.match macros generate some forms like (and expr) which is "suspicious"
   :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]  ; REPL <3
                                   [expectations "2.1.1"]              ; unit tests
                                   [marginalia "0.8.0"]                ; for documentation
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@
                             :jvm-opts ["-Dmb.db.file=target/metabase-test"
-                                       "-Dmb.api.key=test-api-key"]}
+                                       "-Dmb.api.key=test-api-key"
+                                       "-Xverify:none"]}              ; disable bytecode verification when running tests so they start slightly faster
              :uberjar {:aot :all
                        :prep-tasks ^:replace ["npm" "webpack" "javac" "compile"]}})
diff --git a/resources/migrations/007_add_field_parent_id.json b/resources/migrations/007_add_field_parent_id.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2fd5df82bb57753795ffcf4da312627c444771e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/migrations/007_add_field_parent_id.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+    "databaseChangeLog": [
+        {
+            "changeSet": {
+                "id": "7",
+                "author": "cammsaul",
+                "changes": [
+                    {
+                        "addColumn": {
+                            "tableName": "metabase_field",
+                            "columns": [
+                                {
+                                    "column": {
+                                        "name": "parent_id",
+                                        "type": "int",
+                                        "constraints": {
+                                            "nullable": true,
+                                            "references": "metabase_field(id)",
+                                            "foreignKeyName": "fk_field_parent_ref_field_id"
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/resources/migrations/liquibase.json b/resources/migrations/liquibase.json
index ba2d99753d644777803e605526db1a1f82a2e165..de127f9b52a8b07a2a4d08da0ed6c46470cef4cf 100644
--- a/resources/migrations/liquibase.json
+++ b/resources/migrations/liquibase.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
       {"include": {"file": "migrations/002_add_session_table.json"}},
       {"include": {"file": "migrations/004_add_setting_table.json"}},
       {"include": {"file": "migrations/005_add_org_report_tz_column.json"}},
-      {"include": {"file": "migrations/006_disconnect_orgs.json"}}
+      {"include": {"file": "migrations/006_disconnect_orgs.json"}},
+      {"include": {"file": "migrations/007_add_field_parent_id.json"}}
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/meta/field.clj b/src/metabase/api/meta/field.clj
index eb37aa20e4e387b55f20050122bd62f6a133b84e..274b8aabece45dbedca08fdfd788602cc03c8975 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/meta/field.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/meta/field.clj
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
   {field_type   FieldType
    special_type FieldSpecialType}
   (write-check Field id)
-  (check-500 (m/mapply upd Field id (merge {:description  description                                                ; you're allowed to unset description and special_type
-                                            :special_type special_type}                                              ; but field_type and preview_display must be replaced
-                                           (when field_type                   {:field_type field_type})              ; with new non-nil values
-                                           (when (not (nil? preview_display)) {:preview_display preview_display}))))
+  (check-500 (m/mapply upd Field id (merge {:description  description                                              ; you're allowed to unset description and special_type
+                                            :special_type special_type}                                            ; but field_type and preview_display must be replaced
+                                           (when field_type                 {:field_type field_type})              ; with new non-nil values
+                                           (when-not (nil? preview_display) {:preview_display preview_display}))))
   (Field id))
 (defendpoint GET "/:id/summary"
diff --git a/src/metabase/db.clj b/src/metabase/db.clj
index 1543ca4a64fd560dc30fb40d578a6747cc1ce451..399d83338af19c1d15d376a98d4aa9378f04abb3 100644
--- a/src/metabase/db.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/db.clj
@@ -176,28 +176,7 @@
 ;; ## SEL
-  :id->field `(let [[entity# field#] ~entity]
-                (->> (sel :many :fields [entity# field# :id] ~@forms)
-                     (map (fn [{id# :id field-val# field#}]
-                            {id# field-val#}))
-                     (into {})))
-  :field->id `(let [[entity# field#] ~entity]
-                (->> (sel :many :fields [entity# field# :id] ~@forms)
-                     (map (fn [{id# :id field-val# field#}]
-                            {field-val# id#}))
-                     (into {})))
-  :field->field `(let [[entity# field1# field2#] ~entity]
-                   (->> (sel :many entity# ~@forms)
-                        (map (fn [obj#]
-                               {(field1# obj#) (field2# obj#)}))
-                        (into {})))
-  :field->obj `(let [[entity# field#] ~entity]
-                 (->> (sel :many entity# ~@forms)
-                      (map (fn [obj#]
-                             {(field# obj#) obj#}))
-                      (into {})))
-  )
+(def ^:dynamic *sel-disable-logging* false)
 (defmacro sel
   "Wrapper for korma `select` that calls `post-select` on results and provides a few other conveniences.
@@ -207,7 +186,8 @@
     (sel :one User :id 1)          -> returns the User (or nil) whose id is 1
     (sel :many OrgPerm :user_id 1) -> returns sequence of OrgPerms whose user_id is 1
-  OPTION, if specified, is one of `:field`, `:fields`, `:id`, `:id->field`, `:field->id`, `:field->obj`, or `:id->fields`.
+  OPTION, if specified, is one of `:field`, `:fields`, `:id`, `:id->field`, `:field->id`, `:field->obj`, `:id->fields`,
+  `:field->field`, or `:field->fields`.
     ;; Only return IDs of objects.
     (sel :one :id User :email \"cam@metabase.com\") -> 120
@@ -236,6 +216,11 @@
       -> {\"venues\" {:id 1, :name \"venues\", ...}
           \"users\"  {:id 2, :name \"users\", ...}}
+    ;; Return a map of field value -> other fields.
+    (sel :many :field->fields [Table :name :id :db_id])
+      -> {\"venues\" {:id 1, :db_id 1}
+          \"users\"  {:id 2, :db_id 1}}
     ;; Return a map of ID -> specified fields
     (sel :many :id->fields [User :first_name :last_name])
       -> {1 {:first_name \"Cam\", :last_name \"Saul\"},
diff --git a/src/metabase/db/internal.clj b/src/metabase/db/internal.clj
index 2758e3d906c9847dbe7b436b7b7a5afac68bdd8b..8f8cfe6e1f4331f2d4203561244b83b70f39f05c 100644
--- a/src/metabase/db/internal.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/db/internal.clj
@@ -82,9 +82,10 @@
     ;; Log if applicable
       (when (config/config-bool :mb-db-logging)
-        (log/debug "DB CALL: " (:name entity)
-                   (or (:fields entity+fields) "*")
-                   (s/replace log-str #"korma.core/" ""))))
+        (when-not @(resolve 'metabase.db/*sel-disable-logging*)
+          (log/debug "DB CALL: " (:name entity)
+                     (or (:fields entity+fields) "*")
+                     (s/replace log-str #"korma.core/" "")))))
     (->> (k/exec (select-fn entity+fields))
          (map (partial models/internal-post-select entity))
@@ -136,6 +137,17 @@
          f2# ~f2]
      (sel:field->field* f1# f2# (sel* [~entity f1# f2#] ~@forms))))
+;;; :field->fields
+(defn sel:field->fields* [key-field other-fields results]
+  (into {} (for [result results]
+             {(key-field result) (select-keys result other-fields)})))
+(defmacro sel:field->fields [[entity key-field & other-fields] & forms]
+  `(let [key-field# ~key-field
+         other-fields# ~(vec other-fields)]
+     (sel:field->fields* key-field# other-fields# (sel* `[~~entity ~key-field# ~@other-fields#] ~@forms))))
 ;;; : id->field
 (defmacro sel:id->field [[entity field] & forms]
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver.clj b/src/metabase/driver.clj
index a389355d6c05c813314f8cca98e0e421db549f9c..b00dc02355638ae0d3c06384581e38f3e52ab4bb 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver.clj
@@ -32,21 +32,26 @@
               :name    "MongoDB"
               :example "mongodb://password:username@"}})
-(def ^:const class->base-type
-  "Map of classes returned from DB call to metabase.models.field/base-types"
-  {java.lang.Boolean            :BooleanField
-   java.lang.Double             :FloatField
-   java.lang.Float              :FloatField
-   java.lang.Integer            :IntegerField
-   java.lang.Long               :IntegerField
-   java.lang.String             :TextField
-   java.math.BigDecimal         :DecimalField
-   java.math.BigInteger         :BigIntegerField
-   java.sql.Date                :DateField
-   java.sql.Timestamp           :DateTimeField
-   java.util.Date               :DateField
-   java.util.UUID               :TextField
-   org.postgresql.util.PGobject :UnknownField}) ; this mapping included here since Native QP uses class->base-type directly. TODO - perhaps make *class-base->type* driver specific?
+(defn class->base-type
+  "Return the `Field.base_type` that corresponds to a given class returned by the DB."
+  [klass]
+  (or ({Boolean                         :BooleanField
+        Double                          :FloatField
+        Float                           :FloatField
+        Integer                         :IntegerField
+        Long                            :IntegerField
+        String                          :TextField
+        java.math.BigDecimal            :DecimalField
+        java.math.BigInteger            :BigIntegerField
+        java.sql.Date                   :DateField
+        java.sql.Timestamp              :DateTimeField
+        java.util.Date                  :DateField
+        java.util.UUID                  :TextField
+        org.postgresql.util.PGobject    :UnknownField} klass)
+      (cond
+        (isa? klass clojure.lang.IPersistentMap) :DictionaryField)
+      (do (log/warn (format "Don't know how to map class '%s' to a Field base_type, falling back to :UnknownField." klass))
+          :UnknownField)))
 ;; ## Driver Lookup
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
index 505686f572484d5b51f11e4bf8781e72601d07e4..f281f15ed2d77176f21be958cd714be6afb6150c 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
   ;; Query Processing
+  (wrap-process-query-middleware [_ qp]
+    (fn [query]
+      (qp query))) ; Nothing to do here
   (process-query [_ query]
     (qp/process-and-run query))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/native.clj b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/native.clj
index cd36f36f5b5609b8b9d9e17cb73f1a77c898a8d5..146fcb203b1f2852ef0dc49fb0c28495285e94c8 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/native.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/native.clj
@@ -13,11 +13,7 @@
 (defn- value->base-type
   "Attempt to match a value we get back from the DB with the corresponding base-type`."
-  (if-not v :UnknownField
-          (or (driver/class->base-type (type v))
-              (do (log/warn (format "Missing base type mapping for %s in driver/class->base-type. Please add an entry."
-                                    (str (type v))))
-                  :UnknownField))))
+  (driver/class->base-type (type v)))
 (defn process-and-run
   "Process and run a native (raw SQL) QUERY."
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj
index 4261ff59f79954a78e0d75492c4331cf612f6a1c..d3e704c4769be4b367f8ee05e0b8f21a7ea2b208 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj
@@ -19,19 +19,20 @@
+(def ^:dynamic ^:private *query* nil)
 (defn- uncastify
   "Remove CAST statements from a column name if needed.
     (uncastify \"DATE\")               -> \"DATE\"
     (uncastify \"CAST(DATE AS DATE)\") -> \"DATE\""
-  [column-name]
+  [driver column-name]
   (let [column-name (name column-name)]
     (keyword (or (second (re-find #"CAST\([^.\s]+\.([^.\s]+) AS [\w]+\)" column-name))
-                 (second (re-find (:uncastify-timestamp-regex qp/*driver*) column-name))
+                 (second (re-find (:uncastify-timestamp-regex driver) column-name))
-(def ^:dynamic ^:private *query* nil)
 (defn process-structured
   "Convert QUERY into a korma `select` form, execute it, and annotate the results."
   [{{:keys [source-table]} :query, database :database, :as query}]
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
                                                       (filter identity)
                                                       (mapcat #(if (vector? %) % [%]))))
             set-timezone-sql  (when-let [timezone (:timezone (:details database))]
-                                (when-let [set-timezone-sql (:timezone->set-timezone-sql qp/*driver*)]
+                                (when-let [set-timezone-sql (:timezone->set-timezone-sql (:driver *query*))]
                                   `(exec-raw ~(set-timezone-sql timezone))))
             korma-form        `(let [~entity (korma-entity ~database ~source-table)]
                                  ~(if set-timezone-sql `(korma.db/with-db (:db ~entity)
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
         (let [results (eval korma-form)]
           {:results      results
-           :uncastify-fn uncastify}))
+           :uncastify-fn (partial uncastify (:driver query))}))
       (catch java.sql.SQLException e
         (let [^String message (or (->> (.getMessage e) ; error message comes back like "Error message ... [status-code]" sometimes
@@ -95,33 +96,50 @@
 (defprotocol IGenericSQLFormattable
-  (formatted [this]))
+  (formatted [this] [this include-as?]))
 (extend-protocol IGenericSQLFormattable
-  (formatted [{:keys [table-name field-name base-type special-type]}]
-    ;; TODO - add Table names
-    (cond
-      (contains? #{:DateField :DateTimeField} base-type) `(raw ~(format "CAST(\"%s\".\"%s\" AS DATE)" table-name field-name))
-      (= special-type :timestamp_seconds)                `(raw ~((:cast-timestamp-seconds-field-to-date-fn qp/*driver*) table-name field-name))
-      (= special-type :timestamp_milliseconds)           `(raw ~((:cast-timestamp-milliseconds-field-to-date-fn qp/*driver*) table-name field-name))
-      :else                                              (keyword (format "%s.%s" table-name field-name))))
+  (formatted
+    ([this]
+     (formatted this false))
+    ([{:keys [table-name field-name base-type special-type]} include-as?]
+     ;; TODO - add Table names
+     (cond
+       (contains? #{:DateField :DateTimeField} base-type) `(raw ~(str (format "CAST(\"%s\".\"%s\" AS DATE)" table-name field-name)
+                                                                      (when include-as?
+                                                                        (format " AS \"%s\"" field-name))))
+       (= special-type :timestamp_seconds)                `(raw ~(str ((:cast-timestamp-seconds-field-to-date-fn (:driver *query*)) table-name field-name)
+                                                                      (when include-as?
+                                                                        (format " AS \"%s\"" field-name))))
+       (= special-type :timestamp_milliseconds)           `(raw ~(str ((:cast-timestamp-milliseconds-field-to-date-fn (:driver *query*)) table-name field-name)
+                                                                      (when include-as?
+                                                                        (format " AS \"%s\"" field-name))))
+       :else                                              (keyword (format "%s.%s" table-name field-name)))))
   ;; e.g. the ["aggregation" 0] fields we allow in order-by
-  (formatted [_]
-    (let [{:keys [aggregation-type]} (:aggregation (:query *query*))] ; determine the name of the aggregation field
-      `(raw ~(case aggregation-type
-               :avg      "\"avg\""
-               :count    "\"count\""
-               :distinct "\"count\""
-               :stddev   "\"stddev\""
-               :sum      "\"sum\""))))
+  (formatted
+    ([this]
+     (formatted this false))
+    ([_ _]
+     (let [{:keys [aggregation-type]} (:aggregation (:query *query*))] ; determine the name of the aggregation field
+       `(raw ~(case aggregation-type
+                :avg      "\"avg\""
+                :count    "\"count\""
+                :distinct "\"count\""
+                :stddev   "\"stddev\""
+                :sum      "\"sum\"")))))
-  (formatted [{:keys [value]}]
-    (if-not (instance? java.util.Date value) value
-            `(raw ~(format "CAST('%s' AS DATE)" (.toString ^java.util.Date value))))))
+  (formatted
+    ([this]
+     (formatted this false))
+    ([{:keys [value]} _]
+     (if-not (instance? java.util.Date value) value
+             `(raw ~(format "CAST('%s' AS DATE)" (.toString ^java.util.Date value)))))))
 (defmethod apply-form :aggregation [[_ {:keys [aggregation-type field]}]]
@@ -147,11 +165,11 @@
     ;; Add fields form only for fields that weren't specified in :fields clause -- we don't want to include it twice, or korma will barf
     (fields ~@(->> fields
                    (filter (partial (complement contains?) (set (:fields (:query *query*)))))
-                   (map formatted)))])
+                   (map (u/rpartial formatted :include-as))))])
 (defmethod apply-form :fields [[_ fields]]
-  `(fields ~@(map formatted fields)))
+  `(fields ~@(map (u/rpartial formatted :include-as) fields)))
 (defn- filter-subclause->predicate
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/interface.clj b/src/metabase/driver/interface.clj
index d13bef75b43f6e1dba62410a06086011607dc604..928df060f7b637ffcc659e6eeaa6429e005d2c67 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/interface.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/interface.clj
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 (def ^:const driver-optional-features
   "A set on optional features (as keywords) that may or may not be supported by individual drivers."
+    :nested-fields                         ; are nested Fields (i.e., Mongo-style nested keys) supported?
@@ -52,7 +53,13 @@
   (process-query [this query]
     "Process a native or structured query.
      (Don't use this directly; instead, use `metabase.driver/process-query`,
-     which does things like preprocessing before calling the appropriate implementation.)"))
+     which does things like preprocessing before calling the appropriate implementation.)")
+  (wrap-process-query-middleware [this qp-fn]
+    "Custom QP middleware for this driver.
+     Like `sync-in-context`, but for running queries rather than syncing. This is basically around-advice for the QP pre and post-processing stages.
+     This should be used to do things like open DB connections that need to remain open for the duration of post-processing.
+     This middleware is injected into the QP middleware stack immediately after the Query Expander; in other words, it will receive the expanded query.
+     See the Mongo driver for and example of how this is intended to be used."))
 ;; ## ISyncDriverTableFKs Protocol (Optional)
@@ -69,12 +76,19 @@
      *  dest-column-name"))
+(defprotocol ISyncDriverFieldNestedFields
+  "Optional protocol that should provide information about the subfields of a FIELD when applicable.
+   Drivers that declare support for `:nested-fields` should implement this protocol."
+  (active-nested-field-name->type [this field]
+    "Return a map of string names of active child `Fields` of FIELD -> `Field.base_type`."))
 ;; ## ISyncDriverField Protocols
 ;; Sync drivers need to implement either ISyncDriverFieldValues or ISyncDriverFieldAvgLength *and* ISyncDriverFieldPercentUrls.
 ;; ISyncDriverFieldValues is used to provide a generic fallback implementation of the other two that calculate these values by
-;; iterating over *every* value of the Field in Clojure-land. Since that's slower, it's preferable to provide implementations
+;; iterating over a few thousand values of the Field in Clojure-land. Since that's slower, it's preferable to provide implementations
 ;; of ISyncDriverFieldAvgLength/ISyncDriverFieldPercentUrls when possible. (You can also implement ISyncDriverFieldValues and
 ;; *one* of the other two; the optimized implementation will be used for that and the fallback implementation for the other)
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj b/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
index 37f3b1d04469eb1a58d710a5cea619ad3d4b9a2e..826c97fe99ff016f4c6ca9f25000d027be3980e1 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
             [clojure.set :as set]
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
             [colorize.core :as color]
+            [medley.core :as m]
             (monger [collection :as mc]
                     [command :as cmd]
                     [conversion :as conv]
@@ -13,10 +14,18 @@
             [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.driver.interface :refer :all]
             (metabase.driver.mongo [query-processor :as qp]
-                                   [util :refer [*mongo-connection* with-mongo-connection values->base-type]])))
+                                   [util :refer [*mongo-connection* with-mongo-connection values->base-type]])
+            [metabase.util :as u]))
 (declare driver)
+;; TODO - this isn't necessarily Mongo-specific
+(def ^:private ^:const document-scanning-limit
+  "The maximum number of documents to scan to look for Fields.
+   We can't feasibly scan every document in a million+ document collection, so scan the first `document-scanning-limit`
+   documents and hope that the rest follow the same schema."
+  10000)
 ;;; ### Driver Helper Fns
 (defn- table->column-names
@@ -24,7 +33,7 @@
   (with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DBApiLayer conn @(:db table)]
     (->> (mc/find-maps conn (:name table))
-         (take 10000)                      ; it's probably enough to only consider the first 10,000 docs in the collection instead of iterating over potentially millions of them
+         (take document-scanning-limit)
          (map keys)
          (map set)
          (reduce set/union))))
@@ -42,7 +51,7 @@
 (def ^:const ^:private mongo-driver-features
   "Optional features supported by the Mongo driver."
-  #{}) ; nothing yet
+  #{:nested-fields})
 (deftype MongoDriver []
@@ -62,6 +71,11 @@
     (can-connect? this {:details details}))
 ;;; ### QP
+  (wrap-process-query-middleware [_ qp]
+    (fn [query]
+      (with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DBApiLayer conn (:database query)]
+        (qp query))))
   (process-query [_ query]
     (qp/process-and-run query))
@@ -77,25 +91,49 @@
   (active-column-names->type [_ table]
     (with-mongo-connection [_ @(:db table)]
-      (->> (table->column-names table)
-           (map (fn [column-name]
-                  {(name column-name)
-                   (field->base-type {:name (name column-name)
-                                      :table (delay table)})}))
-           (into {}))))
+      (into {} (for [column-name (table->column-names table)]
+                 {(name column-name)
+                  (field->base-type {:name                      (name column-name)
+                                     :table                     (delay table)
+                                     :qualified-name-components (delay [(:name table) (name column-name)])})}))))
   (table-pks [_ _]
-  (field-values-lazy-seq [_ field]
+  (field-values-lazy-seq [_ {:keys [qualified-name-components table], :as field}]
+    (assert (and (map? field)
+                 (delay? qualified-name-components)
+                 (delay? table))
+            (format "Field is missing required information:\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str 'red field)))
-     (let [table @(:table field)]
-       (map (keyword (:name field))
-            (with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DBApiLayer conn @(:db table)]
-              (mq/with-collection conn (:name table)
-                (mq/fields [(:name field)]))))))))
-(def ^:const driver
+     (assert *mongo-connection*
+             "You must have an open Mongo connection in order to get lazy results with field-values-lazy-seq.")
+     (let [table           @table
+           name-components (rest @qualified-name-components)]
+       (assert (seq name-components))
+       (map #(get-in % (map keyword name-components))
+            (mq/with-collection *mongo-connection* (:name table)
+              (mq/fields [(apply str (interpose "." name-components))]))))))
+  ISyncDriverFieldNestedFields
+  (active-nested-field-name->type [this field]
+    ;; Build a map of nested-field-key -> type -> count
+    ;; TODO - using an atom isn't the *fastest* thing in the world (but is the easiest); consider alternate implementation
+    (let [field->type->count (atom {})]
+      (doseq [val (take document-scanning-limit (field-values-lazy-seq this field))]
+        (when (map? val)
+          (doseq [[k v] val]
+            (swap! field->type->count update-in [k (type v)] #(if % (inc %) 1)))))
+      ;; (seq types) will give us a seq of pairs like [java.lang.String 500]
+      (->> @field->type->count
+           (m/map-vals (fn [type->count]
+                         (->> (seq type->count)                 ; convert to pairs of [type count]
+                              (sort-by second)                  ; source by count
+                              last                              ; take last item (highest count)
+                              first                             ; keep just the type
+                              driver/class->base-type)))))))    ; get corresponding Field base_type
+(def driver
   "Concrete instance of the MongoDB driver."
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
index e605a93b6651d8e22c97075be023ce1c32aa2c31..e663381ffc262be87ae4746029644b7b7edc9643 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 (ns metabase.driver.mongo.query-processor
   (:refer-clojure :exclude [find sort])
   (:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
+            (clojure [set :as set]
+                     [string :as s])
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+            [clojure.walk :as walk]
             [colorize.core :as color]
             (monger [collection :as mc]
                     [core :as mg]
@@ -12,6 +15,7 @@
             [metabase.driver :as driver]
             (metabase.driver [interface :as i]
                              [query-processor :as qp])
+            [metabase.driver.query-processor.expand :as expand]
             [metabase.driver.mongo.util :refer [with-mongo-connection *mongo-connection* values->base-type]]
             [metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]
             [metabase.util :as u])
@@ -32,19 +36,19 @@
 (defn process-and-run
   "Process and run a MongoDB QUERY."
-  [{query-type :type, database :database, :as query}]
+  [{query-type :type, :as query}]
   (binding [*query* query]
-    (with-mongo-connection [_ database]
-      (case (keyword query-type)
-        :query (let [generated-query (process-structured (:query query))]
-                 (when-not qp/*disable-qp-logging*
-                   (log/debug (color/magenta "\n\n******************** Generated Monger Query: ********************\n"
-                                             (u/pprint-to-str generated-query)
-                                             "\n*****************************************************************\n")))
-                 {:results (eval generated-query)})
-        :native (let [results (eval-raw-command (:query (:native query)))]
-                  {:results (if (sequential? results) results
-                                [results])})))))
+    (case (keyword query-type)
+      :query (let [generated-query (process-structured (:query query))]
+               (when-not qp/*disable-qp-logging*
+                 (log/debug (u/format-color 'green "\nMONGER FORM:\n%s\n"
+                                            (->> generated-query
+                                                 (walk/postwalk #(if (symbol? %) (symbol (name %)) %)) ; strip namespace qualifiers from Monger form
+                                                 u/pprint-to-str) "\n"))) ; so it's easier to read
+                {:results (eval generated-query)})
+      :native (let [results (eval-raw-command (:query (:native query)))]
+                {:results (if (sequential? results) results
+                              [results])}))))
@@ -82,10 +86,17 @@
                                                                         [{$match *constraints*}])
                                                                     ~@(filter identity forms)]))
-(defn field->$str
+(defn- field->name
+  "Return qualified string name of FIELD, e.g. `venue` or `venue.address`."
+  (^String [field separator]
+           (apply str (interpose separator (rest (expand/qualified-name-components field))))) ; drop the first part, :table-name
+  (^String [field]
+           (field->name field ".")))
+(defn- field->$str
   "Given a FIELD, return a `$`-qualified field name for use in a Mongo aggregate query, e.g. `\"$user_id\"`."
-  (format "$%s" (name (:field-name field))))
+  (format "$%s" (field->name field)))
 (defn- aggregation:rows []
   `(doall (with-collection ^DBApiLayer *mongo-connection* ~*collection-name*
@@ -99,7 +110,7 @@
    `[{:count (mc/count ^DBApiLayer *mongo-connection* ~*collection-name*
                        (merge ~*constraints*
-                              {(:field-name field) {$exists true}}))}]))
+                              {~(field->name field) {$exists true}}))}]))
 (defn- aggregation:avg [field]
   (aggregate {$group {"_id" nil
@@ -170,36 +181,63 @@
       :avg ["avg" {$avg (field->$str field)}]
       :sum ["sum" {$sum (field->$str field)}])))
-(defn do-breakout
+;; We're not allowed to use field names that contain a period in the Mongo aggregation $group stage.
+;; Not OK:
+;;   {"$group" {"source.username" {"$first" {"$source.username"}, "_id" "$source.username"}}, ...}
+;; For *nested* Fields, we'll replace the '.' with '___', and restore the original names afterward.
+;; Escaped:
+;;   {"$group" {"source___username" {"$first" {"$source.username"}, "_id" "$source.username"}}, ...}
+(defn ag-unescape-nested-field-names
+  "Restore the original, unescaped nested Field names in the keys of RESULTS.
+   E.g. `:source___service` becomes `:source.service`"
+  [results]
+  ;; Build a map of escaped key -> unescaped key by looking at the keys in the first result
+  ;; e.g. {:source___username :source.username}
+  (let [replacements (into {} (for [k (keys (first results))]
+                                (let [k-str     (name k)
+                                      unescaped (s/replace k-str #"___" ".")]
+                                  (when-not (= k-str unescaped)
+                                    {k (keyword unescaped)}))))]
+    ;; If the map is non-empty then map set/rename-keys over the results with it
+    (if-not (seq replacements)
+      results
+      (for [row results]
+        (set/rename-keys row replacements)))))
+(defn- do-breakout
   "Generate a Monger query from a structured QUERY dictionary that contains a `breakout` clause.
    Since the Monger query we generate looks very different from ones we generate when no `breakout` clause
    is present, this is essentialy a separate implementation :/"
   [{aggregation :aggregation, breakout-fields :breakout, order-by :order-by, limit :limit, :as query}]
-  (let [[ag-field ag-clause] (breakout-aggregation->field-name+expression aggregation)
-        fields               (map :field-name breakout-fields)
+  (let [;; Shadow the top-level definition of field->name with one that will use "___" as the separator instead of "."
+        field->escaped-name  (u/rpartial field->name "___")
+        [ag-field ag-clause] (breakout-aggregation->field-name+expression aggregation)
+        fields               (map field->escaped-name breakout-fields)
         $fields              (map field->$str breakout-fields)
         fields->$fields      (zipmap fields $fields)]
-    (aggregate {$group  (merge {"_id" (if (= (count fields) 1) (first $fields)
-                                          fields->$fields)}
-                               (when (and ag-field ag-clause)
-                                 {ag-field ag-clause})
-                               (->> fields->$fields
-                                    (map (fn [[field $field]]
-                                           (when-not (= field "_id")
-                                             {field {$first $field}})))
-                                    (into {})))}
-               {$sort    (->> order-by
-                              (mapcat (fn [{:keys [field direction]}]
-                                        [(:field-name field) (case direction
-                                                               :ascending   1
-                                                               :descending -1)]))
-                              (apply sorted-map))}
-               {$project (merge {"_id" false}
-                                (when ag-field
-                                  {ag-field true})
-                                (zipmap fields (repeat true)))}
-               (when limit
-                 {$limit limit}))))
+    `(ag-unescape-nested-field-names
+      ~(aggregate {$group  (merge {"_id" (if (= (count fields) 1) (first $fields)
+                                             fields->$fields)}
+                                  (when (and ag-field ag-clause)
+                                    {ag-field ag-clause})
+                                  (into {} (for [[field $field] fields->$fields]
+                                             (when-not (= field "_id")
+                                               {field {$first $field}}))))}
+                  {$sort    (->> order-by
+                                 (mapcat (fn [{:keys [field direction]}]
+                                           [(field->escaped-name field) (case direction
+                                                                  :ascending   1
+                                                                  :descending -1)]))
+                                 (apply sorted-map))}
+                  {$project (merge {"_id" false}
+                                   (when ag-field
+                                     {ag-field true})
+                                   (zipmap fields (repeat true)))}
+                  (when limit
+                    {$limit limit})))))
@@ -241,7 +279,7 @@
 ;; ### fields
 (defclause :fields fields
-  `[(fields ~(mapv :field-name fields))])
+  `[(fields ~(mapv field->name fields))])
 ;; ### filter
@@ -254,13 +292,13 @@
 (defn- parse-filter-subclause [{:keys [filter-type field value] :as filter}]
-  (let [field (when field (:field-name field))
+  (let [field (when field (field->name field))
         value (when value (format-value value))]
     (case filter-type
       :inside  (let [lat (:lat filter)
                      lon (:lon filter)]
-                 {$and [{(:field-name (:field lat)) {$gte (format-value (:min lat)), $lte (format-value (:max lat))}}
-                        {(:field-name (:field lon)) {$gte (format-value (:min lon)), $lte (format-value (:max lon))}}]})
+                 {$and [{(field->name (:field lat)) {$gte (format-value (:min lat)), $lte (format-value (:max lat))}}
+                        {(field->name (:field lon)) {$gte (format-value (:min lon)), $lte (format-value (:max lon))}}]})
       :between  {field {$gte (format-value (:min-val filter))
                         $lte (format-value (:max-val filter))}}
       :is-null  {field {$exists false}}
@@ -290,7 +328,7 @@
 ;; ### order_by
 (defclause :order-by subclauses
   (let [sort-options (mapcat (fn [{:keys [field direction]}]
-                               [(:field-name field) (case direction
+                               [(field->name field) (case direction
                                                       :ascending   1
                                                       :descending -1)])
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/mongo/util.clj b/src/metabase/driver/mongo/util.clj
index d97786f7ac26f6c5b8d6ff421886c21772d14382..595d7ed94bd8db733d2e68bf4641152ae5257eeb 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/mongo/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/mongo/util.clj
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-(def ^:dynamic *mongo-connection*
+(def ^:dynamic ^com.mongodb.DBApiLayer *mongo-connection*
   "Connection to a Mongo database.
    Bound by top-level `with-mongo-connection` so it may be reused within its body."
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
                             (:dbname (:details database))   (details-map->connection-string (:details database)) ; new-style -- entire Database obj
                             (:dbname database)              (details-map->connection-string database)            ; new-style -- connection details map only
                             :else                           (throw (Exception. (str "with-mongo-connection failed: bad connection details:" (:details database)))))
-        {conn :conn mongo-connection :db} (mg/connect-via-uri connection-string)]
+        {conn :conn, mongo-connection :db} (mg/connect-via-uri connection-string)]
     (log/debug (color/cyan "<< OPENED NEW MONGODB CONNECTION >>"))
       (binding [*mongo-connection* mongo-connection]
@@ -76,22 +76,25 @@
      (if *mongo-connection* (f# *mongo-connection*)
          (-with-mongo-connection f# ~database))))
-;; TODO - this is actually more sophisticated than the one used for annotation in the GenericSQL driver, which just takes the
-;; types of the values in the first row.
-;; We should move this somewhere where it can be shared amongst the drivers and rewrite GenericSQL to use it instead.
+;; TODO - this isn't neccesarily Mongo-specific; consider moving
 (defn values->base-type
-  "Given a sequence of values, return `Field` `base_type` in the most ghetto way possible.
+  "Given a sequence of values, return `Field.base_type` in the most ghetto way possible.
    This just gets counts the types of *every* value and returns the `base_type` for class whose count was highest."
   {:pre [(sequential? values-seq)]}
   (or (->> values-seq
-           (filter identity)             ; TODO - why not do a query to return non-nil values of this column instead
-           (take 1000)                   ; it's probably fine just to consider the first 1,000 non-nil values when trying to type a column instead of iterating over the whole collection
+           ;; TODO - why not do a query to return non-nil values of this column instead
+           (filter identity)
+           ;; it's probably fine just to consider the first 1,000 *non-nil* values when trying to type a column instead
+           ;; of iterating over the whole collection. (VALUES-SEQ should be up to 10,000 values, but we don't know how many are
+           ;; nil)
+           (take 1000)
            (group-by type)
-           (map (fn [[type valus]]
-                  [type (count valus)]))
+           ;; create tuples like [Integer count].
+           (map (fn [[klass valus]]
+                  [klass (count valus)]))
            (sort-by second)
-           first
-           first
-           driver/class->base-type)
+           last                     ; last result will be tuple with highest count
+           first                    ; keep just the type
+           driver/class->base-type) ; convert to Field base_type
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj
index 2293f62b8a719ee4a44a04978f5413a6d831043f..25703d2fd7f1ac176e2d44b2ac65da29bf5ddacd 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
             [metabase.db :refer :all]
             [metabase.driver.interface :as i]
             [metabase.driver.query-processor.expand :as expand]
-            (metabase.models [field :refer [Field]]
+            (metabase.models [field :refer [Field], :as field]
                              [foreign-key :refer [ForeignKey]])
             [metabase.util :as u]))
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@
   "Should we disable logging for the QP? (e.g., during sync we probably want to turn it off to keep logs less cluttered)."
-(def ^:dynamic *driver*
-  "The driver currently being used to process this query."
-  (atom nil))
 ;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;; |                                     QP INTERNAL IMPLEMENTATION                                     |
@@ -50,7 +46,7 @@
 (defn- pre-expand [qp]
   (fn [query]
-    (qp (expand/expand *driver* query))))
+    (qp (expand/expand query))))
 (defn- post-add-row-count-and-status
@@ -73,8 +69,8 @@
     (qp (if (or (not (= ag-type :rows)) breakout fields) query
             (-> query
                 (assoc-in [:query :fields-is-implicit] true)
-                (assoc-in [:query :fields] (->> (sel :many [Field :name :base_type :special_type :table_id], :table_id source-table-id, :active true,
-                                                     :preview_display true, :field_type [not= "sensitive"], (k/order :position :asc), (k/order :id :desc))
+                (assoc-in [:query :fields] (->> (sel :many :fields [Field :name :base_type :special_type :table_id], :table_id source-table-id, :active true,
+                                                     :preview_display true, :field_type [not= "sensitive"], :parent_id nil, (k/order :position :asc), (k/order :id :desc))
                                                 (map expand/rename-mb-field-keys)
                                                 (map expand/map->Field)
                                                 (map #(expand/resolve-table % {source-table-id source-table})))))))))
@@ -171,8 +167,7 @@
 (defn- cumulative-sum [qp]
   (fn [query]
-    (let [[cumulative-sum-field query] (pre-cumulative-sum query)
-          results                      (qp query)]
+    (let [[cumulative-sum-field query] (pre-cumulative-sum query)]
       (cond->> (qp query)
         cumulative-sum-field (post-cumulative-sum cumulative-sum-field)))))
@@ -180,9 +175,10 @@
 (defn- limit
   "Add an implicit `limit` clause to queries with `rows` aggregations, and limit the maximum number of rows that can be returned in post-processing."
-  (fn [{{{ag-type :aggregation-type} :aggregation} :query, :as query}]
+  (fn [{{{ag-type :aggregation-type} :aggregation, limit :limit} :query, :as query}]
     (let [query   (cond-> query
-                    (= ag-type :rows) (assoc :limit max-result-bare-rows))
+                    (and (not limit)
+                         (= ag-type :rows)) (assoc-in [:query :limit] max-result-bare-rows))
           results (qp query)]
       (update-in results [:rows] (partial take max-result-rows)))))
@@ -226,13 +222,20 @@
 (defn- order-cols
   "Construct a sequence of column keywords that should be used for pulling ordered rows from RESULTS.
    FIELDS should be a sequence of all `Fields` for the `Table` associated with QUERY."
-  [{{breakout-fields :breakout, fields-fields :fields, fields-is-implicit :fields-is-implicit} :query} results fields]
-  {:post [(= (set %)
-             (set (keys (first results))))]}
-  (let [;; TODO - This function was written before the advent of the expanded query it is designed to work with Field IDs rather than expanded forms
-        ;; Since this logic is delecate I've side-stepped the issue by converting the expanded Fields back to IDs for the time being.
-        ;; We should carefully re-work this function to use expanded Fields so we don't need the complicated logic below to fetch their names
+  [{{breakout-fields :breakout, {ag-type :aggregation-type} :aggregation, fields-fields :fields, fields-is-implicit :fields-is-implicit} :query} results fields]
+  (let [;; Get all the column name keywords returned by the results
+        result-kws       (set (keys (first results)))
+        valid-kw?        (partial contains? result-kws)
         breakout-ids     (map :field-id breakout-fields)
+        breakout-kws     (->> (for [field breakout-fields]
+                                (->> (rest (expand/qualified-name-components field)) ; TODO - this "qualified name for results" should be calculated in the Query expander
+                                     (interpose ".")
+                                     (apply str)
+                                     keyword))
+                              (filter valid-kw?))
         fields-ids       (map :field-id fields-fields)
         field-id->field  (zipmap (map :id fields) fields)
@@ -241,23 +244,20 @@
         fields-ids       (when-not fields-is-implicit fields-ids)
         all-field-ids    (->> fields    ; Sort the Fields.
                               (sort-by (fn [{:keys [position special_type name]}] ; For each field generate a vector of
-                                         [position                                ; [position special-type-group name]
-                                          (cond                                   ; and Clojure will take care of the rest.
+                                         [position ; [position special-type-group name]
+                                          (cond ; and Clojure will take care of the rest.
                                             (= special_type :id)   0
                                             (= special_type :name) 1
                                             :else                  2)
                               (map :id)) ; Return the sorted IDs
-        ;; Concat the Fields clause IDs + the sequence of all Fields ID for the Table.
-        ;; Then filter out ones that appear in breakout clause and remove duplicates
-        ;; which effectively gives us parts #3 and #4 from above.
-        non-breakout-ids (->> (concat fields-ids all-field-ids)
-                              (filter (complement (partial contains? (set breakout-ids))))
-                              distinct)
-        ;; Get all the column name keywords returned by the results
-        result-kws       (set (keys (first results)))
+        ;; Get the aggregate column if any
+        ag-kws           (when (and ag-type
+                                    (not= ag-type :rows))
+                           (let [ag (if (= ag-type :distinct) :count
+                                        ag-type)]
+                             [ag]))
         ;; Make a helper function that will take a sequence of Field IDs and convert them to corresponding column name keywords.
         ;; Don't include names that aren't part of RESULT-KWS: we fetch *all* the Fields for a Table regardless of the Query, so
@@ -266,23 +266,38 @@
                            (some->> (map field-id->field field-ids)
                                     (map :name)
                                     (map keyword)
-                                    (filter (partial contains? result-kws))))
+                                    (filter valid-kw?)))
+        ;; Concat the Fields clause IDs + the sequence of all Fields ID for the Table.
+        ;; Then filter out ones that appear in breakout clause and remove duplicates
+        ;; which effectively gives us parts #3 and #4 from above.
+        non-breakout-ids (->> (concat fields-ids all-field-ids)
+                              (filter (complement (partial contains? (set breakout-ids))))
+                              distinct)
+        ;; Use fn above to get the keyword column names of other non-aggregation fields [#3 and #4]
+        non-breakout-kws (->> (ids->kws non-breakout-ids)
+                              (filter (complement (partial contains? (set ag-kws)))))
-        ;; Use fn above to get the keyword column names of breakout clause fields [#1] + fields clause fields / other non-aggregation fields [#3 and #4]
-        breakout-kws     (ids->kws breakout-ids)
-        non-breakout-kws (ids->kws non-breakout-ids)
+        ;; Collect all other Fields
+        other-kws        (->> result-kws
+                              (filter (complement (partial contains? (set (concat breakout-kws non-breakout-kws ag-kws)))))
+                              sort)] ; sort by name so results are deterministic
-        ;; Now get all the keyword column names specific to aggregation, such as :sum or :count [#2].
-        ;; Just get all the items in RESULT-KWS that *aren't* part of BREAKOUT-KWS or NON-BREAKOUT-KWS
-        ag-kws           (->> result-kws
-                              ;; TODO - Currently, this will never be more than a single Field, since we only
-                              ;; support a single aggregation clause at this point. When we add support for
-                              ;; multiple aggregation clauses, we'll need to add some logic to make sure they're
-                              ;; being ordered correctly, e.g. the first aggregate column before the second, etc.
-                              (filter (complement (partial contains? (set (concat breakout-kws non-breakout-kws))))))]
+    (when (seq other-kws)
+      (log/warn (u/format-color 'red "Warning: not 100%% sure how to order these columns: %s" (vec other-kws))))
     ;; Now combine the breakout [#1] + aggregate [#2] + "non-breakout" [#3 &  #4] column name keywords into a single sequence
-    (concat breakout-kws ag-kws non-breakout-kws)))
+    (when-not *disable-qp-logging*
+      (log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "Using this ordering: breakout: %s, ag: %s, non-breakout: %s, other: %s"
+                                 (vec breakout-kws) (vec ag-kws) (vec non-breakout-kws) (vec other-kws))))
+    (let [ordered-kws (concat breakout-kws ag-kws non-breakout-kws other-kws)]
+      (assert (and (= (set ordered-kws) result-kws)
+                   (= (count ordered-kws) (count result-kws)))
+        (format "Order-cols returned invalid results: expected %s, got %s\nbreakout: %s, ag: %s, non-breakout: %s, other: %s" result-kws (vec ordered-kws)
+                (vec breakout-kws) (vec ag-kws) (vec non-breakout-kws) (vec other-kws)))
+      ordered-kws)))
 (defn- add-fields-extra-info
   "Add `:extra_info` about `ForeignKeys` to `Fields` whose `special_type` is `:fk`."
@@ -328,6 +343,20 @@
             (and (seq join-table-ids)
                  (sel :one :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type], :name (name col-kw), :table_id [in join-table-ids]))
+            ;; Otherwise if this is a nested Field recursively find the appropriate info
+            (let [name-components (s/split (name col-kw) #"\.")]
+              (when (> (count name-components) 1)
+                ;; Find the nested Field by recursing through each Field's :children
+                (loop [field-kw->field field-kw->field, [component & more] (map keyword name-components)]
+                  (when-let [f (field-kw->field component)]
+                    (if-not (seq more)
+                      ;; If the are no more components to recurse through give the resulting Field a qualified name like "source.service" and return it
+                      (assoc f :name (apply str (interpose "." name-components)))
+                      ;; Otherwise recurse with a map of child-name-kw -> child and the rest of the name components
+                      (recur (zipmap (map (comp keyword :name) (:children f))
+                                     (:children f))
+                             more))))))
             ;; Otherwise it is an aggregation column like :sum, build a map of information to return
             (merge (assert ag-type)
                    {:name        (name col-kw)
@@ -341,6 +370,7 @@
                      ;; count should always be IntegerField/number
                      (= col-kw :count)                       {:base_type    :IntegerField
                                                               :special_type :number}
                      ;; Otherwise something went wrong !
                      :else                                   (do (log/error (u/format-color 'red "Annotation failed: don't know what to do with Field '%s'.\nExpected these Fields:\n%s"
@@ -348,7 +378,10 @@
                                                                  {:base_type    :UnknownField
                                                                   :special_type nil})))))
          ;; Add FK info the the resulting Fields
-         add-fields-extra-info)))
+         add-fields-extra-info
+         ;; Remove extra data from the resulting Fields
+         (map (u/rpartial dissoc :children :parent_id)))))
 (defn- post-annotate
   "Take a sequence of RESULTS of executing QUERY and return the \"annotated\" results we pass to postprocessing -- the map with `:cols`, `:columns`, and `:rows`.
@@ -359,13 +392,15 @@
           results                        (if-not uncastify-fn results
                                                  (for [row results]
                                                    (m/map-keys uncastify-fn row)))
+          _                              (when-not *disable-qp-logging*
+                                           (log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "Driver QP returned results with keys: %s." (vec (keys (first results))))))
           join-table-ids                 (set (map :table-id join-tables))
-          fields                         (sel :many :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type],
-                                              :table_id source-table-id, :active true)
+          fields                         (field/unflatten-nested-fields (sel :many :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type :parent_id], :table_id source-table-id, :active true))
           ordered-col-kws                (order-cols query results fields)]
       {:rows    (for [row results]
-                  (mapv row ordered-col-kws))                                          ; might as well return each row and col info as vecs because we're not worried about making
-       :columns (mapv name ordered-col-kws)                                            ; making them lazy, and results are easier to play with in the REPL / paste into unit tests
+                  (mapv row ordered-col-kws))                                                      ; might as well return each row and col info as vecs because we're not worried about making
+       :columns (mapv name ordered-col-kws)                                                        ; making them lazy, and results are easier to play with in the REPL / paste into unit tests
        :cols    (vec (get-cols-info query fields ordered-col-kws join-table-ids))})))  ; as vecs. Make sure :rows stays lazy!
@@ -400,10 +435,21 @@
 ;; Pre-processing then happens in order from bottom-to-top; i.e. POST-ANNOTATE gets to modify the results, then LIMIT, then CUMULATIVE-SUM, etc.
-(defn- process-structured [driver query]
-  (let [driver-process-query (partial i/process-query driver)]
+(defn- wrap-guard-multiple-calls
+  "Throw an exception if a QP function accidentally calls (QP QUERY) more than once."
+  [qp]
+  (let [called? (atom false)]
+    (fn [query]
+      (assert (not @called?) "(QP QUERY) IS BEING CALLED MORE THAN ONCE!")
+      (reset! called? true)
+      (qp query))))
+(defn- process-structured [{:keys [driver], :as query}]
+  (let [driver-process-query      (partial i/process-query driver)
+        driver-wrap-process-query (partial i/wrap-process-query-middleware driver)]
     ((<<- wrap-catch-exceptions
+          driver-wrap-process-query
@@ -412,21 +458,27 @@
+          wrap-guard-multiple-calls
           driver-process-query) query)))
-(defn- process-native [driver query]
-  (let [driver-process-query (partial i/process-query driver)]
+(defn- process-native [{:keys [driver], :as query}]
+  (let [driver-process-query      (partial i/process-query driver)
+        driver-wrap-process-query (partial i/wrap-process-query-middleware driver)]
     ((<<- wrap-catch-exceptions
+          driver-wrap-process-query
+          wrap-guard-multiple-calls
           driver-process-query) query)))
 (defn process
   "Process a QUERY and return the results."
   [driver query]
-  (binding [*driver* driver]
-    ((case (keyword (:type query))
-       :native process-native
-       :query  process-structured)
-     driver query)))
+  (when-not *disable-qp-logging*
+    (log/debug (u/format-color 'blue "\nQUERY:\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str query))))
+  ((case (keyword (:type query))
+     :native process-native
+     :query  process-structured)
+   (assoc query
+          :driver driver)))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/query_processor/expand.clj b/src/metabase/driver/query_processor/expand.clj
index 4d3ec5b8fdc3769d744f84fcd38997b8a179aac3..8e376ec89be051977339b845286aa69c17756262 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/query_processor/expand.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/query_processor/expand.clj
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
                      [string :as s]
                      [walk :as walk])
             [medley.core :as m]
+            [korma.core :as k]
             [swiss.arrows :refer [-<>]]
             [metabase.db :refer [sel]]
             [metabase.driver.interface :as i]
@@ -54,7 +55,8 @@
-         parse-order-by)
+         parse-order-by
+         ph)
 ;; ## -------------------- Protocols --------------------
@@ -81,17 +83,31 @@
 ;; ## -------------------- Expansion - Impl --------------------
-(def ^:private ^:dynamic *driver* nil)
+(def ^:private ^:dynamic *field-ids*
+  "Bound to an atom containing a set of `Field` IDs referenced in the query being expanded."
+  nil)
+(def ^:private ^:dynamic *original-query-dict*
+  "The entire original Query dict being expanded."
+  nil)
+(def ^:private ^:dynamic *fk-field-ids*
+  "Bound to an atom containing a set of Foreign Key `Field` IDs (on the `source-table`) that we should use for joining to additional `Tables`."
+  nil)
+(def ^:private ^:dynamic *table-ids*
+  "Bound to an atom containing a set of `Table` IDs referenced by `Fields` in the query being expanded."
+  nil)
 (defn- assert-driver-supports [^Keyword feature]
-  {:pre [*driver*]}
-  (i/assert-driver-supports *driver* feature))
+  {:pre [(:driver *original-query-dict*)]}
+  (i/assert-driver-supports (:driver *original-query-dict*) feature))
 (defn- non-empty-clause? [clause]
   (and clause
        (or (not (sequential? clause))
            (and (seq clause)
-                (every? identity clause)))))
+                (not (every? nil? clause))))))
 (defn- parse [query-dict]
   (update-in query-dict [:query] #(-<> (assoc %
@@ -104,18 +120,6 @@
                                                             :source_table :source-table})
                                        (m/filter-vals non-empty-clause? <>))))
-(def ^:private ^:dynamic *field-ids*
-  "Bound to an atom containing a set of `Field` IDs referenced in the query being expanded."
-  nil)
-(def ^:private ^:dynamic *fk-field-ids*
-  "Bound to an atom containing a set of Foreign Key `Field` IDs (on the `source-table`) that we should use for joining to additional `Tables`."
-  nil)
-(def ^:private ^:dynamic *table-ids*
-  "Bound to an atom containing a set of `Table` IDs referenced by `Fields` in the query being expanded."
-  nil)
 (defn rename-mb-field-keys
   "Rename the keys in a Metabase `Field` to match the format of those in Query Expander `Fields`."
@@ -123,18 +127,29 @@
                           :name         :field-name
                           :special_type :special-type
                           :base_type    :base-type
-                          :table_id     :table-id}))
+                          :table_id     :table-id
+                          :parent_id    :parent-id}))
 (defn- resolve-fields
   "Resolve the `Fields` in an EXPANDED-QUERY-DICT."
-  [expanded-query-dict field-ids]
-  (if-not (seq field-ids) expanded-query-dict ; No need to do a DB call or walk expanded-query-dict if we didn't see any Field IDs
-          (let [fields (->> (sel :many :id->fields [field/Field :name :base_type :special_type :table_id] :id [in field-ids])
-                            (m/map-vals rename-mb-field-keys))]
-            (reset! *table-ids* (set (map :table-id (vals fields))))
-            ;; This is performed depth-first so we don't end up walking the newly-created Field/Value objects
-            ;; they may have nil values; this was we don't have to write an implementation of resolve-field for nil
-            (walk/postwalk #(resolve-field % fields) expanded-query-dict))))
+  [expanded-query-dict field-ids & [count]]
+  (if-not (seq field-ids)
+    ;; Base case: if there's no field-ids to expand we're done
+    expanded-query-dict
+    ;; Re-bind *field-ids* in case we need to do recursive Field resolution
+    (binding [*field-ids* (atom #{})]
+      (let [fields (->> (sel :many :id->fields [field/Field :name :base_type :special_type :table_id :parent_id], :id [in field-ids])
+                        (m/map-vals rename-mb-field-keys)
+                        (m/map-vals #(assoc % :parent (when (:parent-id %)
+                                                        (ph (:parent-id %))))))]
+        (swap! *table-ids* set/union (set (map :table-id (vals fields))))
+        ;; Recurse in case any new [nested] Field placeholders were emitted and we need to do recursive Field resolution
+        ;; We can't use recur here because binding wraps body in try/catch
+        (resolve-fields (walk/postwalk #(resolve-field % fields) expanded-query-dict)
+                        @*field-ids*
+                        (inc (or count 0)))))))
 (defn- resolve-database
   "Resolve the `Database` in question for an EXPANDED-QUERY-DICT."
@@ -192,11 +207,11 @@
 (defn expand
   "Expand a QUERY-DICT."
-  [driver query-dict]
-  (binding [*driver*       driver
-            *field-ids*    (atom #{})
-            *fk-field-ids* (atom #{})
-            *table-ids*    (atom #{})]
+  [query-dict]
+  (binding [*original-query-dict* query-dict
+            *field-ids*           (atom #{})
+            *fk-field-ids*        (atom #{})
+            *table-ids*           (atom #{})]
     (some-> query-dict
             (resolve-fields @*field-ids*)
@@ -206,17 +221,40 @@
 ;; ## -------------------- Field + Value --------------------
+(defprotocol IField
+  "Methods specific to the Query Expander `Field` record type."
+  (qualified-name-components [this]
+    "Return a vector of name components of the form `[table-name parent-names... field-name]`"))
 ;; Field is the expansion of a Field ID in the standard QL
 (defrecord Field [^Integer field-id
                   ^String  field-name
                   ^Keyword base-type
                   ^Keyword special-type
                   ^Integer table-id
-                  ^String  table-name]
+                  ^String  table-name
+                  ^Integer parent-id
+                  parent] ; Field once its resolved; FieldPlaceholder before that
+  (resolve-field [this field-id->fields]
+    (cond
+      parent          (if (= (type parent) Field)
+                        this
+                        (resolve-field parent field-id->fields))
+      parent-id       (assoc this :parent (or (field-id->fields parent-id)
+                                              (ph parent-id)))
+      :else           this))
   (resolve-table [this table-id->table]
     (assoc this :table-name (:name (or (table-id->table table-id)
-                                       (throw (Exception. (format "Query expansion failed: could not find table %d." table-id))))))))
+                                       (throw (Exception. (format "Query expansion failed: could not find table %d." table-id)))))))
+  IField
+  (qualified-name-components [this]
+    (conj (if parent
+            (qualified-name-components parent)
+            [table-name])
+          field-name)))
 (defn- Field?
   "Is this a valid value for a `Field` ID in an unexpanded query? (i.e. an integer or `fk->` form)."
@@ -243,9 +281,13 @@
 (defrecord FieldPlaceholder [^Integer field-id]
   (resolve-field [this field-id->fields]
-    (-> (:field-id this)
-        field-id->fields
-        map->Field)))
+    (or
+     ;; try to resolve the Field with the ones available in field-id->fields
+     (some->> (field-id->fields field-id)
+              (merge this)
+              map->Field)
+     ;; If that fails just return ourselves as-is
+     this)))
 (defn- parse-value
   "Convert the `value` of a `Value` to a date or timestamp if needed.
@@ -276,14 +318,17 @@
    If `*field-ids*` is bound, "
    (match field-id
-     (field-id :guard integer?)        (do (swap! *field-ids* conj field-id)
-                                           (->FieldPlaceholder field-id))
-     ["fk->"
-      (fk-field-id :guard integer?)
-      (dest-field-id :guard integer?)] (do (assert-driver-supports :foreign-keys)
-                                           (swap! *field-ids* conj dest-field-id)
-                                           (swap! *fk-field-ids* conj fk-field-id)
-                                           (->FieldPlaceholder dest-field-id))))
+     (id :guard integer?)
+     (do (swap! *field-ids* conj id)
+         (->FieldPlaceholder id))
+     ["fk->" (fk-field-id :guard integer?) (dest-field-id :guard integer?)]
+     (do (assert-driver-supports :foreign-keys)
+         (swap! *field-ids* conj dest-field-id)
+         (swap! *fk-field-ids* conj fk-field-id)
+         (->FieldPlaceholder dest-field-id))
+      _ (throw (Exception. (str "Invalid field: " field-id)))))
   ([field-id value]
    (->ValuePlaceholder (:field-id (ph field-id)) value)))
@@ -296,7 +341,8 @@
   `(defn ~(vary-meta fn-name assoc :private true) [form#]
      (when (non-empty-clause? form#)
        (match form#
-         ~@match-forms))))
+         ~@match-forms
+         form# (throw (Exception. (format ~(format "%s failed: invalid clause: %%s" fn-name) form#)))))))
 ;; ## -------------------- Aggregation --------------------
@@ -358,7 +404,7 @@
 ;; ### Parsers
 (defparser parse-filter-subclause
-  ["INSIDE" lat-field lon-field lat-max lon-min lat-min lon-max]
+  ["INSIDE" (lat-field :guard Field?) (lon-field :guard Field?) (lat-max :guard number?) (lon-min :guard number?) (lat-min :guard number?) (lon-max :guard number?)]
   (map->Filter:Inside {:filter-type :inside
                        :lat         {:field (ph lat-field)
                                      :min   (ph lat-field lat-min)
@@ -367,18 +413,18 @@
                                      :min   (ph lon-field lon-min)
                                      :max   (ph lon-field lon-max)}})
-  ["BETWEEN" field-id min max]
+  ["BETWEEN" (field-id :guard Field?) (min :guard identity) (max :guard identity)]
   (map->Filter:Between {:filter-type :between
                         :field       (ph field-id)
                         :min-val     (ph field-id min)
                         :max-val     (ph field-id max)})
-  [filter-type field-id val]
+  [(filter-type :guard (partial contains? #{"=" "!=" "<" ">" "<=" ">="})) (field-id :guard Field?) (val :guard identity)]
   (map->Filter:Field+Value {:filter-type (keyword filter-type)
                             :field       (ph field-id)
                             :value       (ph field-id val)})
-  [filter-type field-id]
+  [(filter-type :guard string?) (field-id :guard Field?)]
   (map->Filter:Field {:filter-type (case filter-type
                                      "NOT_NULL" :not-null
                                      "IS_NULL"  :is-null)
@@ -395,8 +441,15 @@
 ;; ## -------------------- Order-By --------------------
-(defrecord OrderByAggregateField [^Keyword source  ; e.g. :aggregation
-                                  ^Integer index]) ; e.g. 0
+(defrecord OrderByAggregateField [^Keyword source           ; Name used in original query. Always :aggregation for right now
+                                  ^Integer index            ; e.g. 0
+                                  ^Aggregation aggregation] ; The aggregation clause being referred to
+  IField
+  (qualified-name-components [_]
+    ;; Return something like [nil "count"]
+    ;; nil is used where Table name would normally go
+    [nil (name (:aggregation-type aggregation))]))
 (defrecord OrderBySubclause [^Field   field       ; or aggregate Field?
                              ^Keyword direction]) ; either :ascending or :descending
@@ -407,8 +460,10 @@
     "descending" :descending))
 (defparser parse-order-by-subclause
-  [["aggregation" index] direction]    (->OrderBySubclause (->OrderByAggregateField :aggregation index)
-                                                           (parse-order-by-direction direction))
+  [["aggregation" index] direction]    (let [{{:keys [aggregation]} :query} *original-query-dict*]
+                                            (assert aggregation "Query does not contain an aggregation clause.")
+                                            (->OrderBySubclause (->OrderByAggregateField :aggregation index (parse-aggregation aggregation))
+                                                                (parse-order-by-direction direction)))
   [(field-id :guard Field?) direction] (->OrderBySubclause (ph field-id)
                                                            (parse-order-by-direction direction)))
 (defparser parse-order-by
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/sync.clj b/src/metabase/driver/sync.clj
index 90fcc3abb97c9fb7f83b5a1edf582ad1d838c75e..311a4f0c4b45efe9996630d795b42a45bc618894 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/sync.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/sync.clj
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
   (:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math]
             [clojure.string :as s]
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
-            [colorize.core :as color]
             [korma.core :as k]
             [medley.core :as m]
             [metabase.db :refer :all]
@@ -24,6 +23,7 @@
+         sync-field-nested-fields!
 ;; ## sync-database! and sync-table!
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@
 (defn sync-database!
   "Sync DATABASE and all its Tables and Fields."
   [driver database]
-  (binding [qp/*disable-qp-logging* true]
+  (binding [qp/*disable-qp-logging* true
+            *sel-disable-logging* true]
     (sync-in-context driver database
       (fn []
-        (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Syncing %s database %s..." (name (:engine database)) (:name database)))
+        (log/info (u/format-color 'magenta "Syncing %s database '%s'..." (name (:engine database)) (:name database)))
         (let [active-table-names (active-table-names driver database)
               table-name->id (sel :many :field->id [Table :name] :db_id (:id database) :active true)]
@@ -47,12 +48,12 @@
           (doseq [[table-name table-id] table-name->id]
             (when-not (contains? active-table-names table-name)
               (upd Table table-id :active false)
-              (log/info (format "Marked table %s.%s as inactive." (:name database) table-name))
+              (log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Marked table %s.%s as inactive." (:name database) table-name))
-              ;; We need to mark driver Table's Fields as inactive so we don't expose them in UI such as FK selector (etc.) This can happen in the background
-              (future (k/update Field
-                                (k/where {:table_id table-id})
-                                (k/set-fields {:active false})))))
+              ;; We need to mark driver Table's Fields as inactive so we don't expose them in UI such as FK selector (etc.)
+              (k/update Field
+                        (k/where {:table_id table-id})
+                        (k/set-fields {:active false}))))
           ;; Next, we'll create new Tables (ones that came back in active-table-names but *not* in table-name->id)
           (log/debug "Creating new tables...")
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
             (doseq [active-table-name active-table-names]
               (when-not (contains? existing-table-names active-table-name)
                 (ins Table :db_id (:id database), :active true, :name active-table-name)
-                (log/info (format "Found new table: %s.%s" (:name database) active-table-name))))))
+                (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Found new table: '%s'" active-table-name))))))
         ;; Now sync the active tables
         (log/debug "Syncing active tables...")
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
              (map #(assoc % :db (delay database))) ; replace default delays with ones that reuse database (and don't require a DB call)
              (sync-database-active-tables! driver))
-        (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Finished syncing %s database %s." (name (:engine database)) (:name database)))))))
+        (log/info (u/format-color 'magenta "Finished syncing %s database %s." (name (:engine database)) (:name database)))))))
 (defn sync-table!
   "Sync a *single* TABLE by running all the sync steps for it.
@@ -91,18 +92,18 @@
   [driver active-tables]
   ;; update the row counts for every Table. These *can* happen asynchronously, but since they make a lot of DB calls each so
   ;; going to block while they run for the time being. (TODO - fix this)
-  (log/debug (color/green "Updating table row counts..."))
+  (log/debug "Updating table row counts...")
   (doseq [table active-tables]
     (u/try-apply update-table-row-count! table))
   ;; Next, create new Fields / mark inactive Fields / mark PKs for each table
   ;; (TODO - this was originally done in parallel but it was only marginally faster, and harder to debug. Should we switch back at some point?)
-  (log/debug (color/green "Syncing active Fields + PKs..."))
+  (log/debug "Syncing active fields + PKs...")
   (doseq [table active-tables]
     (u/try-apply sync-table-active-fields-and-pks! driver table))
   ;; Once that's finished, we can sync FKs
-  (log/debug (color/green "Syncing FKs..."))
+  (log/debug "Syncing FKs...")
   (doseq [table active-tables]
     (u/try-apply sync-table-fks! driver table))
@@ -111,10 +112,10 @@
   (let [tables-count (count active-tables)
         finished-tables-count (atom 0)]
     (doseq [table active-tables]
-      (log/debug (color/green (format "Syncing metadata for %s.%s..." (:name @(:db table)) (:name table))))
+      (log/debug (format "Syncing metadata for table '%s'..." (:name table)))
       (sync-table-fields-metadata! driver table)
       (swap! finished-tables-count inc)
-      (log/info (color/blue (format "Synced %s.%s (%d/%d)" (:name @(:db table)) (:name table) @finished-tables-count tables-count))))))
+      (log/info (u/format-color 'magenta "Synced table '%s'. (%d/%d)" (:name table) @finished-tables-count tables-count)))))
 ;; ## sync-table steps.
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@
       (when-not (= (:rows table) table-row-count)
         (upd Table (:id table) :rows table-row-count)))
     (catch Throwable e
-      (log/error (color/red (format "Unable to update row_count for %s: %s" (:name table) (.getMessage e)))))))
+      (log/error (u/format-color 'red "Unable to update row_count for '%s': %s" (:name table) (.getMessage e))))))
 ;; ### 2) sync-table-active-fields-and-pks!
@@ -140,8 +141,8 @@
   [table pk-fields]
   {:pre [(set? pk-fields)
          (every? string? pk-fields)]}
-  (doseq [{field-name :name field-id :id} (sel :many :fields [Field :name :id] :table_id (:id table) :special_type nil :name [in pk-fields])]
-    (log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' is a primary key. Marking it as such." (:name table) field-name))
+  (doseq [{field-name :name field-id :id} (sel :many :fields [Field :name :id], :table_id (:id table), :special_type nil, :name [in pk-fields], :parent_id nil)]
+    (log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s.%s' is a primary key. Marking it as such." (:name table) field-name))
     (upd Field field-id :special_type :id)))
 (defn sync-table-active-fields-and-pks!
@@ -150,27 +151,36 @@
   (let [database @(:db table)]
     ;; Now do the syncing for Table's Fields
     (log/debug (format "Determining active Fields for Table '%s'..." (:name table)))
-    (let [active-column-names->type (active-column-names->type driver table)
-          field-name->id (sel :many :field->id [Field :name] :table_id (:id table) :active true)]
+    (let [active-column-names->type  (active-column-names->type driver table)
+          existing-field-name->field (sel :many :field->fields [Field :name :base_type :id], :table_id (:id table), :active true, :parent_id nil)]
       (assert (map? active-column-names->type) "active-column-names->type should return a map.")
       (assert (every? string? (keys active-column-names->type)) "The keys of active-column-names->type should be strings.")
       (assert (every? (partial contains? field/base-types) (vals active-column-names->type)) "The vals of active-column-names->type should be valid Field base types.")
       ;; As above, first mark inactive Fields
       (let [active-column-names (set (keys active-column-names->type))]
-        (doseq [[field-name field-id] field-name->id]
+        (doseq [[field-name {field-id :id}] existing-field-name->field]
           (when-not (contains? active-column-names field-name)
             (upd Field field-id :active false)
-            (log/info (format "Marked field %s.%s.%s as inactive." (:name database) (:name table) field-name)))))
+            (log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Marked field '%s.%s' as inactive." (:name table) field-name)))))
-      ;; Next, create new Fields as needed
-      (let [existing-field-names (set (keys field-name->id))]
+      ;; Create new Fields, update existing types if needed
+      (let [existing-field-names (set (keys existing-field-name->field))]
         (doseq [[active-field-name active-field-type] active-column-names->type]
-          (when-not (contains? existing-field-names active-field-name)
-            (ins Field
-              :table_id (:id table)
-              :name active-field-name
-              :base_type active-field-type))))
+          ;; If Field doesn't exist create it
+          (if-not (contains? existing-field-names active-field-name)
+            (do (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Found new field: '%s.%s'" (:name table) active-field-name))
+                (ins Field
+                  :table_id  (:id table)
+                  :name      active-field-name
+                  :base_type active-field-type))
+            ;; Otherwise update the Field type if needed
+            (let [{existing-base-type :base_type, existing-field-id :id} (existing-field-name->field active-field-name)]
+              (when-not (= active-field-type existing-base-type)
+                (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Field '%s.%s' has changed from a %s to a %s." (:name table) active-field-name existing-base-type active-field-type))
+                (upd Field existing-field-id :base_type active-field-type))))))
+      ;; TODO - we need to add functionality to update nested Field base types as well!
       ;; Now mark PK fields as such if needed
       (let [pk-fields (table-pks driver table)]
@@ -201,17 +211,17 @@
                    (every? :dest-column-name fks))
               "table-fks should return a set of maps with keys :fk-column-name, :dest-table-name, and :dest-column-name.")
       (when (seq fks)
-        (let [fk-name->id    (sel :many :field->id [Field :name] :table_id (:id table), :special_type nil, :name [in (map :fk-column-name fks)])
-              table-name->id (sel :many :field->id [Table :name] :name [in (map :dest-table-name fks)])]
+        (let [fk-name->id    (sel :many :field->id [Field :name], :table_id (:id table), :special_type nil, :name [in (map :fk-column-name fks)], :parent_id nil)
+              table-name->id (sel :many :field->id [Table :name], :name [in (map :dest-table-name fks)])]
           (doseq [{:keys [fk-column-name dest-column-name dest-table-name] :as fk} fks]
             (when-let [fk-column-id (fk-name->id fk-column-name)]
               (when-let [dest-table-id (table-name->id dest-table-name)]
-                (when-let [dest-column-id (sel :one :id Field :table_id dest-table-id :name dest-column-name)]
-                  (log/info (format "Marking foreign key '%s.%s' -> '%s.%s'." (:name table) fk-column-name dest-table-name dest-column-name))
+                (when-let [dest-column-id (sel :one :id Field, :table_id dest-table-id, :name dest-column-name, :parent_id nil)]
+                  (log/info (u/format-color 'green "Marking foreign key '%s.%s' -> '%s.%s'." (:name table) fk-column-name dest-table-name dest-column-name))
                   (ins ForeignKey
-                    :origin_id fk-column-id
+                    :origin_id      fk-column-id
                     :destination_id dest-column-id
-                    :relationship (determine-fk-type {:id fk-column-id, :table (delay table)})) ; fake a Field instance
+                    :relationship   (determine-fk-type {:id fk-column-id, :table (delay table)})) ; fake a Field instance
                   (upd Field fk-column-id :special_type :fk))))))))))
@@ -220,10 +230,11 @@
 (defn sync-table-fields-metadata!
   "Call `sync-field!` for every active Field for TABLE."
   [driver table]
-  (let [active-fields (->> (sel :many Field, :table_id (:id table), :active true)
-                           (map #(assoc % :table (delay table))))] ; as above, replace the delay that comes back with one that reuses existing table obj
+  {:pre [(map? table)]}
+  (let [active-fields (sel :many Field, :table_id (:id table), :active true, :parent_id nil)]
     (doseq [field active-fields]
-      (u/try-apply sync-field! driver field))))
+      ;; replace the normal delay for the Field with one that just returns the existing Table so we don't need to re-fetch
+      (u/try-apply sync-field! driver (assoc field :table (delay table))))))
 ;; ## sync-field
@@ -244,12 +255,13 @@
   [driver field]
   {:pre [driver
-  (log/debug (format "Syncing field '%s.%s'..." (:name @(:table field)) (:name field)))
+  (log/debug (format "Syncing field '%s'..." @(:qualified-name field)))
   (sync-field->> field
                  (mark-url-field! driver)
                  (mark-no-preview-display-field! driver)
-                 auto-assign-field-special-type-by-name!))
+                 auto-assign-field-special-type-by-name!
+                 (sync-field-nested-fields! driver)))
 ;; Each field-syncing function below should return FIELD with any updates that we made, or nil.
@@ -264,8 +276,9 @@
 (defn percent-valid-urls
   "Recursively count the values of non-nil values in VS that are valid URLs, and return it as a percentage."
-  (loop [valid-count 0 non-nil-count 0 [v & more :as vs] vs]
-    (cond (not (seq vs)) (float (/ valid-count non-nil-count))
+  (loop [valid-count 0, non-nil-count 0, [v & more :as vs] vs]
+    (cond (not (seq vs)) (if (zero? non-nil-count) 0.0
+                             (float (/ valid-count non-nil-count)))
           (nil? v)       (recur valid-count non-nil-count more)
           :else          (let [valid? (and (string? v)
                                            (u/is-url? v))]
@@ -293,7 +306,7 @@
       (assert (>= percent-urls 0.0))
       (assert (<= percent-urls 100.0))
       (when (> percent-urls percent-valid-url-threshold)
-        (log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' is %d%% URLs. Marking it as a URL." (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) (int (math/round (* 100 percent-urls)))))
+        (log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s' is %d%% URLs. Marking it as a URL." @(:qualified-name field) (int (math/round (* 100 percent-urls)))))
         (upd Field (:id field) :special_type :url)
         (assoc field :special_type :url)))))
@@ -311,7 +324,7 @@
     (let [cardinality (queries/field-distinct-count field low-cardinality-threshold)]
       (when (and (> cardinality 0)
                  (< cardinality low-cardinality-threshold))
-        (log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' has %d unique values. Marking it as a category." (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) cardinality))
+        (log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s' has %d unique values. Marking it as a category." @(:qualified-name field) cardinality))
         (upd Field (:id field) :special_type :category)
         (assoc field :special_type :category)))))
@@ -346,81 +359,109 @@
     (let [avg-len (field-avg-length driver field)]
       (assert (integer? avg-len) "field-avg-length should return an integer.")
       (when (> avg-len average-length-no-preview-threshold)
-        (log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' has an average length of %d. Not displaying it in previews." (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) avg-len))
+        (log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s' has an average length of %d. Not displaying it in previews." @(:qualified-name field) avg-len))
         (upd Field (:id field) :preview_display false)
         (assoc field :preview_display false)))))
 ;; ### auto-assign-field-special-type-by-name!
-(def ^{:arglists '([field])}
+(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([field])}
   "If FIELD has a `name` and `base_type` that matches a known pattern, return the `special_type` we should assign to it."
   (let [bool-or-int #{:BooleanField :BigIntegerField :IntegerField}
         float       #{:DecimalField :FloatField}
         int-or-text #{:BigIntegerField :IntegerField :CharField :TextField}
         text        #{:CharField :TextField}
-        ;; tuples of [pattern set-of-valid-base-types special-type]
+        ;; tuples of [pattern set-of-valid-base-types special-type [& top-level-only?]
         ;; * Convert field name to lowercase before matching against a pattern
         ;; * consider a nil set-of-valid-base-types to mean "match any base type"
-        pattern+base-types+special-type [[#"^.*_lat$"       float       :latitude]
-                                         [#"^.*_lon$"       float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^.*_lng$"       float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^.*_long$"      float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^.*_longitude$" float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^.*_rating$"    int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^.*_type$"      int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^.*_url$"       text        :url]
-                                         [#"^_latitude$"    float       :latitude]
-                                         [#"^active$"       bool-or-int :category]
-                                         [#"^city$"         text        :city]
-                                         [#"^country$"      text        :country]
-                                         [#"^countrycode$"  text        :country]
-                                         [#"^currency$"     int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^first_name$"   text        :name]
-                                         [#"^full_name$"    text        :name]
-                                         [#"^gender$"       int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^id$"           nil         :id]
-                                         [#"^last_name$"    text        :name]
-                                         [#"^lat$"          float       :latitude]
-                                         [#"^latitude$"     float       :latitude]
-                                         [#"^lon$"          float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^lng$"          float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^long$"         float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^longitude$"    float       :longitude]
-                                         [#"^name$"         text        :name]
-                                         [#"^postalCode$"   int-or-text :zip_code]
-                                         [#"^postal_code$"  int-or-text :zip_code]
-                                         [#"^rating$"       int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^role$"         int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^sex$"          int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^state$"        text        :state]
-                                         [#"^status$"       int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^type$"         int-or-text :category]
-                                         [#"^url$"          text        :url]
-                                         [#"^zip_code$"     int-or-text :zip_code]
-                                         [#"^zipcode$"      int-or-text :zip_code]]]
+        pattern+base-types+special-type+top-level-only? [[#"^.*_lat$"       float       :latitude]
+                                                         [#"^.*_lon$"       float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^.*_lng$"       float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^.*_long$"      float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^.*_longitude$" float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^.*_rating$"    int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^.*_type$"      int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^.*_url$"       text        :url]
+                                                         [#"^_latitude$"    float       :latitude]
+                                                         [#"^active$"       bool-or-int :category]
+                                                         [#"^city$"         text        :city]
+                                                         [#"^country$"      text        :country]
+                                                         [#"^countrycode$"  text        :country]
+                                                         [#"^currency$"     int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^first_name$"   text        :name]
+                                                         [#"^full_name$"    text        :name]
+                                                         [#"^gender$"       int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^id$"           nil         :id         :top-level-only]
+                                                         [#"^last_name$"    text        :name]
+                                                         [#"^lat$"          float       :latitude]
+                                                         [#"^latitude$"     float       :latitude]
+                                                         [#"^lon$"          float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^lng$"          float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^long$"         float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^longitude$"    float       :longitude]
+                                                         [#"^name$"         text        :name]
+                                                         [#"^postalCode$"   int-or-text :zip_code]
+                                                         [#"^postal_code$"  int-or-text :zip_code]
+                                                         [#"^rating$"       int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^role$"         int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^sex$"          int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^state$"        text        :state]
+                                                         [#"^status$"       int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^type$"         int-or-text :category]
+                                                         [#"^url$"          text        :url]
+                                                         [#"^zip_code$"     int-or-text :zip_code]
+                                                         [#"^zipcode$"      int-or-text :zip_code]]]
     ;; Check that all the pattern tuples are valid
-    (doseq [[name-pattern base-types special-type] pattern+base-types+special-type]
+    (doseq [[name-pattern base-types special-type] pattern+base-types+special-type+top-level-only?]
       (assert (= (type name-pattern) java.util.regex.Pattern))
       (assert (every? (partial contains? field/base-types) base-types))
       (assert (contains? field/special-types special-type)))
-    (fn [{base-type :base_type, field-name :name}]
+    (fn [{base-type :base_type, field-name :name, :as field}]
       {:pre [(string? field-name)
              (keyword? base-type)]}
-      (m/find-first (fn [[name-pattern valid-base-types _]]
-                      (and (or (nil? valid-base-types)
-                               (contains? valid-base-types base-type))
-                           (re-matches name-pattern (s/lower-case field-name))))
-                    pattern+base-types+special-type))))
-(defn auto-assign-field-special-type-by-name!
+      (or (m/find-first (fn [[name-pattern valid-base-types _ top-level-only?]]
+                          (and (or (nil? valid-base-types)
+                                   (contains? valid-base-types base-type))
+                               (re-matches name-pattern (s/lower-case field-name))
+                               (or (not top-level-only?)
+                                   (nil? (:parent_id field)))))
+                        pattern+base-types+special-type+top-level-only?)))))
+(defn- auto-assign-field-special-type-by-name!
   "If FIELD doesn't have a special type, but has a name that matches a known pattern like `latitude`, mark it as having the specified special type."
   (when-not (:special_type field)
     (when-let [[pattern _ special-type] (field->name-inferred-special-type field)]
-      (log/info (format "%s '%s.%s' matches '%s'. Setting special_type to '%s'."
-                        (name (:base_type field)) (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) pattern (name special-type)))
+      (log/info (u/format-color 'green "%s '%s' matches '%s'. Setting special_type to '%s'."
+                                (name (:base_type field)) @(:qualified-name field) pattern (name special-type)))
       (upd Field (:id field) :special_type special-type)
       (assoc field :special_type special-type))))
+(defn- sync-field-nested-fields! [driver field]
+  (when (and (= (:base_type field) :DictionaryField)
+             (supports? driver :nested-fields)                 ; if one of these is true
+             (satisfies? ISyncDriverFieldNestedFields driver)) ; the other should be :wink:
+    (log/debug (format "Syncing nested fields for '%s'..."  @(:qualified-name field)))
+    (let [nested-field-name->type (active-nested-field-name->type driver field)]
+      ;; fetch existing nested fields
+      (let [existing-nested-field-name->id (sel :many :field->id [Field :name], :table_id (:table_id field), :active true, :parent_id (:id field))]
+        ;; mark existing nested fields as inactive if they didn't come back from active-nested-field-name->type
+        (doseq [[nested-field-name nested-field-id] existing-nested-field-name->id]
+          (when-not (contains? (set (map keyword (keys nested-field-name->type))) (keyword nested-field-name))
+            (log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Marked nested field '%s.%s' as inactive." @(:qualified-name field) nested-field-name))
+            (upd Field nested-field-id :active false)))
+        ;; OK, now create new Field objects for ones that came back from active-nested-field-name->type but *aren't* in existing-nested-field-name->id
+        (doseq [[nested-field-name nested-field-type] nested-field-name->type]
+          (when-not (contains? (set (map keyword (keys existing-nested-field-name->id))) (keyword nested-field-name))
+            (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Found new nested field: '%s.%s'" @(:qualified-name field) (name nested-field-name)))
+            (let [nested-field (ins Field, :table_id (:table_id field), :parent_id (:id field), :name (name nested-field-name) :base_type (name nested-field-type), :active true)]
+              ;; Now recursively sync this nested Field
+              ;; Replace parent so deref doesn't need to do a DB call
+              (sync-field! driver (assoc nested-field :parent (delay field))))))))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/field.clj b/src/metabase/models/field.clj
index 71272f40b162adcf6a66a22171eaec7a65f50174..3155fbde6121047c25bf89de8e96c6f1f907d24b 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/field.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/field.clj
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
                              [interface :refer :all])
             [metabase.util :as u]))
-(declare field->fk-field)
+(declare field->fk-field
+         qualified-name-components)
 (def ^:const special-types
   "Possible values for `Field` `:special_type`."
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@
+    :DictionaryField
@@ -107,16 +109,22 @@
               (contains? field :special_type))
       (future (create-field-values-if-needed (sel :one [this :id :table_id :base_type :special_type :field_type] :id id)))))
-  (post-select [_ {:keys [table_id] :as field}]
+  (post-select [this {:keys [table_id parent_id] :as field}]
       (u/assoc* field
-        :table               (delay (sel :one 'metabase.models.table/Table :id table_id))
-        :db                  (delay @(:db @(:table <>)))
-        :target              (delay (field->fk-field field))
-        :human_readable_name (when (name :field)
-                               (delay (common/name->human-readable-name (:name field)))))))
-  (pre-cascade-delete [_ {:keys [id]}]
+        :table                     (delay (sel :one 'metabase.models.table/Table :id table_id))
+        :db                        (delay @(:db @(:table <>)))
+        :target                    (delay (field->fk-field field))
+        :human_readable_name       (when (name :field)
+                                     (delay (common/name->human-readable-name (:name field))))
+        :parent                    (when parent_id
+                                     (delay (this parent_id)))
+        :children                  (delay (sel :many this :parent_id (:id field)))
+        :qualified-name-components (delay (qualified-name-components <>))
+        :qualified-name            (delay (apply str (interpose "." @(:qualified-name-components <>)))))))
+  (pre-cascade-delete [this {:keys [id]}]
+    (cascade-delete this :parent_id id)
     (cascade-delete ForeignKey (where (or (= :origin_id id)
                                           (= :destination_id id))))
     (cascade-delete 'metabase.models.field-values/FieldValues :field_id id)))
@@ -132,3 +140,29 @@
   (when (= :fk special_type)
     (let [dest-id (sel :one :field [ForeignKey :destination_id] :origin_id id)]
       (Field dest-id))))
+(defn unflatten-nested-fields
+  "Take a sequence of both top-level and nested FIELDS, and return a sequence of top-level `Fields`
+   with nested `Fields` moved into sequences keyed by `:children` in their parents.
+     (unflatten-nested-fields [{:id 1, :parent_id nil}, {:id 2, :parent_id 1}])
+       -> [{:id 1, :parent_id nil, :children [{:id 2, :parent_id 1, :children nil}]}]
+   You may optionally specify a different PARENT-ID-KEY; the default is `:parent_id`."
+  ([fields]
+   (unflatten-nested-fields fields :parent_id))
+  ([fields parent-id-key]
+   (let [parent-id->fields (group-by parent-id-key fields)
+         resolve-children  (fn resolve-children [field]
+                             (assoc field :children (map resolve-children
+                                                         (parent-id->fields (:id field)))))]
+     (map resolve-children (parent-id->fields nil)))))
+(defn- qualified-name-components
+  "Return the pieces that represent a path to FIELD, of the form `[table-name parent-fields-name* field-name]`."
+  [{:keys [table parent], :as field}]
+  {:pre [(delay? table)]}
+  (conj (if parent
+          (qualified-name-components @parent)
+          [(:name @table)])
+        (:name field)))
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/field_values.clj b/src/metabase/models/field_values.clj
index e6c25f51ea83668e05a8ef0e07a98901d7dcdbe2..4792b0151efcf59e38212d10a5d6152a5560922b 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/field_values.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/field_values.clj
@@ -41,15 +41,14 @@
 (defn create-field-values
   "Create `FieldValues` for a `Field`."
-  {:arglists '([field]
-               [field human-readable-values])}
-  [{field-id :id :as field} & [human-readable-values]]
+  {:arglists '([field] [field human-readable-values])}
+  [{field-id :id, field-name :name, :as field} & [human-readable-values]]
   {:pre [(integer? field-id)
-         (:table field)]}                                              ; need to pass a full `Field` object with delays beause the `metadata/` functions need those
-  (log/debug (format "Creating FieldValues for Field %d..." field-id))
+         (:table field)]} ; need to pass a full `Field` object with delays beause the `metadata/` functions need those
+  (log/debug (format "Creating FieldValues for Field %s..." (or field-name field-id))) ; use field name if available
   (ins FieldValues
-    :field_id field-id
-    :values (field-distinct-values field)
+    :field_id              field-id
+    :values                (field-distinct-values field)
     :human_readable_values human-readable-values))
 (defn create-field-values-if-needed
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/interface.clj b/src/metabase/models/interface.clj
index ac46ee92c838387dc30b58202125acc2ce34db6e..89346f5f1847b11e66c08dff58ca7c75556e0c62 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/interface.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/interface.clj
@@ -153,8 +153,9 @@
   [entity id]
   (when id
     (when (metabase.config/config-bool :mb-db-logging)
-      (clojure.tools.logging/debug
-       "DB CALL: " (:name entity) id))
+      (when-not @(resolve 'metabase.db/*sel-disable-logging*)
+        (clojure.tools.logging/debug
+         "DB CALL: " (:name entity) id)))
     (let [[obj] (k/select (assoc entity :fields (::default-fields entity))
                           (k/where {:id id})
                           (k/limit 1))]
diff --git a/src/metabase/util.clj b/src/metabase/util.clj
index 15210e9d713f55eeb6619dffadaf1760608134fb..4b5d93bb0fa89fedeed3faad54d3a807c0dbb627 100644
--- a/src/metabase/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/util.clj
@@ -268,4 +268,11 @@
   ([color-symb x]
    ((ns-resolve 'colorize.core color-symb) (pprint-to-str x))))
+(defmacro cond-let
+  "Like `if-let` or `when-let`, but for `cond`."
+  [binding-form then-form & more]
+  `(if-let ~binding-form ~then-form
+           ~(when (seq more)
+              `(cond-let ~@more))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/meta/field_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/meta/field_test.clj
index 15b8c860989489b6624851c6b1f309c26bf2b732..003c1fb8f548827e9d7f9401ba32b6a64cb7a33f 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/meta/field_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/meta/field_test.clj
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@
        :field_type "info"
        :position 0
        :preview_display true
-       :created_at $
-       :base_type "TextField"})
+       :created_at      $
+       :base_type       "TextField"
+       :parent_id       nil
+       :parent          nil})
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/field/%d" (id :users :name))))
@@ -62,18 +64,20 @@
                (upd Field (id :venues :latitude) :special_type "latitude")
                ;; match against the modified Field
-      {:description nil
-       :table_id (id :venues)
-       :special_type "fk"
-       :name "LATITUDE"
-       :updated_at $
-       :active true
-       :id $
-       :field_type "info"
-       :position 0
+      {:description     nil
+       :table_id        (id :venues)
+       :special_type    "fk"
+       :name            "LATITUDE"
+       :updated_at      $
+       :active          true
+       :id              $
+       :field_type      "info"
+       :position        0
        :preview_display true
-       :created_at $
-       :base_type "FloatField"})
+       :created_at      $
+       :base_type       "FloatField"
+       :parent_id       nil
+       :parent          nil})
   ((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "meta/field/%d" (id :venues :latitude)) {:special_type :fk}))
 (defn- field->field-values
@@ -85,18 +89,18 @@
 ;; Should return something useful for a field that has special_type :category
     (match-$ (field->field-values :venues :price)
-      {:field_id (id :venues :price)
+      {:field_id              (id :venues :price)
        :human_readable_values {}
-       :values [1 2 3 4]
-       :updated_at $
-       :created_at $
-       :id $})
-  (do (upd FieldValues (:id (field->field-values :venues :price)) :human_readable_values nil)       ; clear out existing human_readable_values in case they're set
+       :values                [1 2 3 4]
+       :updated_at            $
+       :created_at            $
+       :id                    $})
+  (do (upd FieldValues (:id (field->field-values :venues :price)) :human_readable_values nil) ; clear out existing human_readable_values in case they're set
       ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/field/%d/values" (id :venues :price)))))
 ;; Should return nothing for a field whose special_type is *not* :category
-    {:values {}
+    {:values                {}
      :human_readable_values {}}
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/field/%d/values" (id :venues :id))))
@@ -107,32 +111,32 @@
     [{:status "success"}
      (match-$ (sel :one FieldValues :field_id (id :venues :price))
-       {:field_id (id :venues :price)
+       {:field_id              (id :venues :price)
         :human_readable_values {:1 "$"
                                 :2 "$$"
                                 :3 "$$$"
                                 :4 "$$$$"}
-        :values [1 2 3 4]
-        :updated_at $
-        :created_at $
-        :id $})]
+        :values                [1 2 3 4]
+        :updated_at            $
+        :created_at            $
+        :id                    $})]
   [((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "meta/field/%d/value_map_update" (id :venues :price)) {:values_map {:1 "$"
-                                                                                                                           :2 "$$"
-                                                                                                                           :3 "$$$"
-                                                                                                                           :4 "$$$$"}})
+                                                                                                                    :2 "$$"
+                                                                                                                    :3 "$$$"
+                                                                                                                    :4 "$$$$"}})
    ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/field/%d/values" (id :venues :price)))])
 ;; Check that we can unset values
     [{:status "success"}
      (match-$ (sel :one FieldValues :field_id (id :venues :price))
-       {:field_id (id :venues :price)
+       {:field_id              (id :venues :price)
         :human_readable_values {}
-        :values [1 2 3 4]
-        :updated_at $
-        :created_at $
-        :id $})]
-  [(do (upd FieldValues (:id (field->field-values :venues :price)) :human_readable_values {:1 "$"      ; make sure they're set
+        :values                [1 2 3 4]
+        :updated_at            $
+        :created_at            $
+        :id                    $})]
+  [(do (upd FieldValues (:id (field->field-values :venues :price)) :human_readable_values {:1 "$" ; make sure they're set
                                                                                            :2 "$$"
                                                                                            :3 "$$$"
                                                                                            :4 "$$$$"})
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/meta/table_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/meta/table_test.clj
index f53ad2dba3c7aff2b3f375b3649a3ebb65010b82..2065edbe4c541d5a5863188b8f3477365538f578 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/meta/table_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/meta/table_test.clj
@@ -60,23 +60,23 @@
     (match-$ (Table (id :venues))
       {:description nil
        :entity_type nil
-       :db (match-$ (db)
-             {:created_at $
-              :engine "h2"
-              :id $
-              :updated_at $
-              :name "Test Database"
-              :organization_id nil
-              :description nil})
-       :name "VENUES"
-       :rows 100
-       :updated_at $
+       :db          (match-$ (db)
+                      {:created_at $
+                       :engine "h2"
+                       :id $
+                       :updated_at $
+                       :name "Test Database"
+                       :organization_id nil
+                       :description nil})
+       :name        "VENUES"
+       :rows        100
+       :updated_at  $
        :entity_name nil
-       :active true
-       :pk_field (deref $pk_field)
-       :id (id :venues)
-       :db_id (db-id)
-       :created_at $})
+       :active      true
+       :pk_field    (deref $pk_field)
+       :id          (id :venues)
+       :db_id       (db-id)
+       :created_at  $})
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d" (id :venues))))
 ;; ## GET /api/meta/table/:id/fields
@@ -93,7 +93,9 @@
             :position            0
             :preview_display     true
             :created_at          $
-            :base_type           "BigIntegerField"})
+            :base_type           "BigIntegerField"
+            :parent_id           nil
+            :parent              nil})
          (match-$ (Field (id :categories :name))
            {:description         nil
             :table_id            (id :categories)
@@ -107,59 +109,65 @@
             :position            0
             :preview_display     true
             :created_at          $
-            :base_type           "TextField"})]
+            :base_type           "TextField"
+            :parent_id           nil
+            :parent              nil})]
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/fields" (id :categories))))
 ;; ## GET /api/meta/table/:id/query_metadata
     (match-$ (Table (id :categories))
-      {:description nil
-       :entity_type nil
-       :db (match-$ (db)
-             {:created_at $
-              :engine "h2"
-              :id $
-              :updated_at $
-              :name "Test Database"
-              :organization_id nil
-              :description nil})
-       :name "CATEGORIES"
-       :fields [(match-$ (Field (id :categories :id))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :categories)
-                   :special_type "id"
-                   :name "ID"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "BigIntegerField"})
-                (match-$ (Field (id :categories :name))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :categories)
-                   :special_type "name"
-                   :name "NAME"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "TextField"})]
+      {:description  nil
+       :entity_type  nil
+       :db           (match-$ (db)
+                       {:created_at      $
+                        :engine          "h2"
+                        :id              $
+                        :updated_at      $
+                        :name            "Test Database"
+                        :organization_id nil
+                        :description     nil})
+       :name         "CATEGORIES"
+       :fields       [(match-$ (Field (id :categories :id))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :categories)
+                         :special_type    "id"
+                         :name            "ID"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "BigIntegerField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})
+                      (match-$ (Field (id :categories :name))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :categories)
+                         :special_type    "name"
+                         :name            "NAME"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "TextField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})]
        :field_values {}
-       :rows 75
-       :updated_at $
-       :entity_name nil
-       :active true
-       :id (id :categories)
-       :db_id (db-id)
-       :created_at $})
+       :rows         75
+       :updated_at   $
+       :entity_name  nil
+       :active       true
+       :id           (id :categories)
+       :db_id        (db-id)
+       :created_at   $})
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/query_metadata" (id :categories))))
@@ -184,80 +192,88 @@
 ;;; GET api/meta/table/:id/query_metadata?include_sensitive_fields
 ;;; Make sure that getting the User table *does* include info about the password field, but not actual values themselves
-    (match-$ (Table (id :users))
-      {:description nil
-       :entity_type nil
-       :db (match-$ (db)
-             {:created_at $
-              :engine "h2"
-              :id $
-              :updated_at $
-              :name "Test Database"
-              :organization_id nil
-              :description nil})
-       :name "USERS"
-       :fields [(match-$ (Field (id :users :id))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :users)
-                   :special_type "id"
-                   :name "ID"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "BigIntegerField"})
-                (match-$ (Field (id :users :last_login))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :users)
-                   :special_type "category"
-                   :name "LAST_LOGIN"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "DateTimeField"})
-                (match-$ (Field (id :users :name))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :users)
-                   :special_type "category"
-                   :name "NAME"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "TextField"})
-                (match-$ (sel :one Field :table_id (id :users) :name "PASSWORD")
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :users)
-                   :special_type "category"
-                   :name "PASSWORD"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "sensitive"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "TextField"})]
-       :rows 15
-       :updated_at $
-       :entity_name nil
-       :active true
-       :id (id :users)
-       :db_id (db-id)
+    (match-$ (sel :one Table :id (id :users))
+      {:description  nil
+       :entity_type  nil
+       :db           (match-$ (db)
+                       {:created_at      $
+                        :engine          "h2"
+                        :id              $
+                        :updated_at      $
+                        :name            "Test Database"
+                        :organization_id nil
+                        :description     nil})
+       :name         "USERS"
+       :fields       [(match-$ (sel :one Field :id (id :users :id))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :users)
+                         :special_type    "id"
+                         :name            "ID"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "BigIntegerField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})
+                      (match-$ (sel :one Field :id (id :users :last_login))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :users)
+                         :special_type    "category"
+                         :name            "LAST_LOGIN"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "DateTimeField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})
+                      (match-$ (sel :one Field :id (id :users :name))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :users)
+                         :special_type    "category"
+                         :name            "NAME"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "TextField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})
+                      (match-$ (sel :one Field :table_id (id :users) :name "PASSWORD")
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :users)
+                         :special_type    "category"
+                         :name            "PASSWORD"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "sensitive"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "TextField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})]
+       :rows         15
+       :updated_at   $
+       :entity_name  nil
+       :active       true
+       :id           (id :users)
+       :db_id        (db-id)
        :field_values {(keyword (str (id :users :last_login)))
@@ -277,72 +293,78 @@
                        "Simcha Yan"
                        "Spiros Teofil"
                        "Szymon Theutrich"]}
-       :created_at $})
+       :created_at   $})
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/query_metadata?include_sensitive_fields=true" (id :users))))
 ;;; GET api/meta/table/:id/query_metadata
 ;;; Make sure that getting the User table does *not* include password info
     (match-$ (Table (id :users))
-      {:description nil
-       :entity_type nil
-       :db (match-$ (db)
-             {:created_at $
-              :engine "h2"
-              :id $
-              :updated_at $
-              :name "Test Database"
-              :organization_id nil
-              :description nil})
-       :name "USERS"
-       :fields [(match-$ (Field (id :users :id))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :users)
-                   :special_type "id"
-                   :name "ID"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "BigIntegerField"})
-                (match-$ (Field (id :users :last_login))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :users)
-                   :special_type "category"
-                   :name "LAST_LOGIN"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "DateTimeField"})
-                (match-$ (Field (id :users :name))
-                  {:description nil
-                   :table_id (id :users)
-                   :special_type "category"
-                   :name "NAME"
-                   :updated_at $
-                   :active true
-                   :id $
-                   :field_type "info"
-                   :position 0
-                   :target nil
-                   :preview_display true
-                   :created_at $
-                   :base_type "TextField"})]
-       :rows 15
-       :updated_at $
-       :entity_name nil
-       :active true
-       :id (id :users)
-       :db_id (db-id)
+      {:description  nil
+       :entity_type  nil
+       :db           (match-$ (db)
+                       {:created_at      $
+                        :engine          "h2"
+                        :id              $
+                        :updated_at      $
+                        :name            "Test Database"
+                        :organization_id nil
+                        :description     nil})
+       :name         "USERS"
+       :fields       [(match-$ (Field (id :users :id))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :users)
+                         :special_type    "id"
+                         :name            "ID"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "BigIntegerField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})
+                      (match-$ (Field (id :users :last_login))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :users)
+                         :special_type    "category"
+                         :name            "LAST_LOGIN"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "DateTimeField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})
+                      (match-$ (Field (id :users :name))
+                        {:description     nil
+                         :table_id        (id :users)
+                         :special_type    "category"
+                         :name            "NAME"
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :active          true
+                         :id              $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :position        0
+                         :target          nil
+                         :preview_display true
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :base_type       "TextField"
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil})]
+       :rows         15
+       :updated_at   $
+       :entity_name  nil
+       :active       true
+       :id           (id :users)
+       :db_id        (db-id)
        :field_values {(keyword (str (id :users :last_login)))
@@ -362,7 +384,7 @@
                        "Simcha Yan"
                        "Spiros Teofil"
                        "Szymon Theutrich"]}
-       :created_at $})
+       :created_at   $})
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/query_metadata" (id :users))))
@@ -374,27 +396,27 @@
       {:description "What a nice table!"
        :entity_type "person"
-       :db (match-$ (db)
-             {:description nil
-              :organization_id $
-              :name "Test Database"
-              :updated_at $
-              :details $
-              :id $
-              :engine "h2"
-              :created_at $})
-       :name "USERS"
-       :rows 15
-       :updated_at $
+       :db          (match-$ (db)
+                      {:description     nil
+                       :organization_id $
+                       :name            "Test Database"
+                       :updated_at      $
+                       :details         $
+                       :id              $
+                       :engine          "h2"
+                       :created_at      $})
+       :name        "USERS"
+       :rows        15
+       :updated_at  $
        :entity_name "Userz"
-       :active true
-       :pk_field (deref $pk_field)
-       :id $
-       :db_id (db-id)
-       :created_at $})
+       :active      true
+       :pk_field    (deref $pk_field)
+       :id          $
+       :db_id       (db-id)
+       :created_at  $})
   (do ((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "meta/table/%d" (id :users)) {:entity_name "Userz"
-                                                                                       :entity_type "person"
-                                                                                       :description "What a nice table!"})
+                                                                                :entity_type "person"
+                                                                                :description "What a nice table!"})
       ((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d" (id :users)))))
@@ -403,78 +425,82 @@
 (expect-let [checkins-user-field (sel :one Field :table_id (id :checkins) :name "USER_ID")
              users-id-field (sel :one Field :table_id (id :users) :name "ID")]
   [(match-$ (sel :one ForeignKey :destination_id (:id users-id-field))
-     {:id $
-      :origin_id (:id checkins-user-field)
+     {:id             $
+      :origin_id      (:id checkins-user-field)
       :destination_id (:id users-id-field)
-      :relationship "Mt1"
-      :created_at $
-      :updated_at $
-      :origin (match-$ checkins-user-field
-                {:id $
-                 :table_id $
-                 :name "USER_ID"
-                 :description nil
-                 :base_type "IntegerField"
-                 :preview_display $
-                 :position $
-                 :field_type "info"
-                 :active true
-                 :special_type "fk"
-                 :created_at $
-                 :updated_at $
-                 :table (match-$ (Table (id :checkins))
-                          {:description nil
-                           :entity_type nil
-                           :name "CHECKINS"
-                           :rows 1000
-                           :updated_at $
-                           :entity_name nil
-                           :active true
-                           :id $
-                           :db_id $
-                           :created_at $
-                           :db (match-$ (db)
-                                 {:description nil,
-                                  :organization_id nil,
-                                  :name "Test Database",
-                                  :updated_at $,
-                                  :id $,
-                                  :engine "h2",
-                                  :created_at $})})})
-      :destination (match-$ users-id-field
-                     {:id $
-                      :table_id $
-                      :name "ID"
-                      :description nil
-                      :base_type "BigIntegerField"
-                      :preview_display $
-                      :position $
-                      :field_type "info"
-                      :active true
-                      :special_type "id"
-                      :created_at $
-                      :updated_at $
-                      :table (match-$ (Table (id :users))
-                               {:description nil
-                                :entity_type nil
-                                :name "USERS"
-                                :rows 15
-                                :updated_at $
-                                :entity_name nil
-                                :active true
-                                :id $
-                                :db_id $
-                                :created_at $})})})]
+      :relationship   "Mt1"
+      :created_at     $
+      :updated_at     $
+      :origin         (match-$ checkins-user-field
+                        {:id              $
+                         :table_id        $
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil
+                         :name            "USER_ID"
+                         :description     nil
+                         :base_type       "IntegerField"
+                         :preview_display $
+                         :position        $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :active          true
+                         :special_type    "fk"
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :table           (match-$ (Table (id :checkins))
+                                            {:description nil
+                                             :entity_type nil
+                                             :name        "CHECKINS"
+                                             :rows        1000
+                                             :updated_at  $
+                                             :entity_name nil
+                                             :active      true
+                                             :id          $
+                                             :db_id       $
+                                             :created_at  $
+                                             :db          (match-$ (db)
+                                                            {:description     nil,
+                                                             :organization_id nil,
+                                                             :name            "Test Database",
+                                                             :updated_at      $,
+                                                             :id              $,
+                                                             :engine          "h2",
+                                                             :created_at      $})})})
+      :destination    (match-$ users-id-field
+                        {:id              $
+                         :table_id        $
+                         :parent_id       nil
+                         :parent          nil
+                         :name            "ID"
+                         :description     nil
+                         :base_type       "BigIntegerField"
+                         :preview_display $
+                         :position        $
+                         :field_type      "info"
+                         :active          true
+                         :special_type    "id"
+                         :created_at      $
+                         :updated_at      $
+                         :table           (match-$ (Table (id :users))
+                                            {:description nil
+                                             :entity_type nil
+                                             :name        "USERS"
+                                             :rows        15
+                                             :updated_at  $
+                                             :entity_name nil
+                                             :active      true
+                                             :id          $
+                                             :db_id       $
+                                             :created_at  $})})})]
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/fks" (id :users))))
 ;; ## POST /api/meta/table/:id/reorder
-  {:result "success"}
-  (let [categories-id-field (sel :one Field :table_id (id :categories) :name "ID")
+    {:result "success"}
+  (let [categories-id-field   (sel :one Field :table_id (id :categories) :name "ID")
         categories-name-field (sel :one Field :table_id (id :categories) :name "NAME")
-        api-response ((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "meta/table/%d/reorder" (id :categories))
-                       {:new_order [(:id categories-name-field) (:id categories-id-field)]})]
+        api-response          ((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "meta/table/%d/reorder" (id :categories))
+                               {:new_order [(:id categories-name-field) (:id categories-id-field)]})]
     ;; check the modified values (have to do it here because the api response tells us nothing)
     (assert (= 0 (:position (sel :one :fields [Field :position] :id (:id categories-name-field)))))
     (assert (= 1 (:position (sel :one :fields [Field :position] :id (:id categories-id-field)))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
index f97fe8275c35ad114dca50ae5578f7966b93eab2..7f460990eea55f8f5922fc8cc993bb38f1ff9a59 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
@@ -59,8 +59,10 @@
   [table-name field-name]
   {:pre [(keyword? table-name)
          (keyword? field-name)]}
-  {:name (name field-name)
-   :table (delay (table-name->fake-table table-name))})
+  (let [table-delay (delay (table-name->fake-table table-name))]
+    {:name                      (name field-name)
+     :table                     table-delay
+     :qualified-name-components (delay [(name (:name @table-delay)) (name field-name)])}))
 ;; ## Tests for connection functions
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/query_processor_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/query_processor_test.clj
index 32c9b35a94430454521d257e818b651970bc56a6..aee567b2021325fa2e862014bf4014e01d0f8637 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/query_processor_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/query_processor_test.clj
@@ -876,20 +876,18 @@
 ;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;; The top 10 cities by number of Tupac sightings
-;; Test that we can breakout on an FK field
-;; (Note how the FK Field is returned in the results)
-;; TODO - this is broken for Postgres! Returns columns in the wrong order
-(datasets/expect-with-dataset :h2
-  [[16 "Arlington"]
-   [15 "Albany"]
-   [14 "Portland"]
-   [13 "Louisville"]
-   [13 "Philadelphia"]
-   [12 "Anchorage"]
-   [12 "Lincoln"]
-   [11 "Houston"]
-   [11 "Irvine"]
-   [11 "Lakeland"]]
+;; Test that we can breakout on an FK field (Note how the FK Field is returned in the results)
+(datasets/expect-with-datasets #{:h2 :postgres}
+  [["Arlington" 16]
+   ["Albany" 15]
+   ["Portland" 14]
+   ["Louisville" 13]
+   ["Philadelphia" 13]
+   ["Anchorage" 12]
+   ["Lincoln" 12]
+   ["Houston" 11]
+   ["Irvine" 11]
+   ["Lakeland" 11]]
   (Q run with db tupac-sightings
      return :data :rows
      tbl sightings
@@ -904,33 +902,32 @@
 ;; Test that we can filter on an FK field
 (datasets/expect-with-datasets #{:h2 :postgres}
-  (-> (query-with-temp-db defs/tupac-sightings
-        :source_table &sightings:id
-        :aggregation  ["count"]
-        :filter       ["=" ["fk->" &sightings.category_id:id &categories.id:id] 8])
-      :data :rows first first))
+  (Q run against tupac-sightings
+     return :data :rows first first
+     aggregate count of sightings
+     filter = category_id->categories.id 8))
 ;; (What he was doing when we saw him, sighting ID)
 ;; Check that we can include an FK field in the :fields clause
 (datasets/expect-with-datasets #{:h2 :postgres}
-  [["In the Park" 772]
-   ["Working at a Pet Store" 894]
-   ["At the Airport" 684]
-   ["At a Restaurant" 199]
-   ["Working as a Limo Driver" 33]
-   ["At Starbucks" 902]
-   ["On TV" 927]
-   ["At a Restaurant" 996]
-   ["Wearing a Biggie Shirt" 897]
-   ["In the Expa Office" 499]]
-  (->> (query-with-temp-db defs/tupac-sightings
-         :source_table &sightings:id
-         :fields       [&sightings.id:id ["fk->" &sightings.category_id:id &categories.name:id]]
-         :order_by     [[&sightings.timestamp:id "descending"]]
-         :limit        10)
-       :data :rows))
+  [[772 "In the Park"]
+   [894 "Working at a Pet Store"]
+   [684 "At the Airport"]
+   [199 "At a Restaurant"]
+   [33 "Working as a Limo Driver"]
+   [902 "At Starbucks"]
+   [927 "On TV"]
+   [996 "At a Restaurant"]
+   [897 "Wearing a Biggie Shirt"]
+   [499 "In the Expa Office"]]
+  (Q run against tupac-sightings
+     return :data :rows
+     of sightings
+     fields id category_id->categories.name
+     order timestamp-
+     lim 10))
 ;; 1. Check that we can order by Foreign Keys
@@ -950,13 +947,11 @@
    [2 11 524]
    [2 13 77]
    [2 13 202]]
-  (->> (query-with-temp-db defs/tupac-sightings
-         :source_table &sightings:id
-         :order_by     [[["fk->" &sightings.city_id:id &cities.name:id] "ascending"]
-                        [["fk->" &sightings.category_id:id &categories.name:id] "descending"]
-                        [&sightings.id:id "ascending"]]
-         :limit        10)
-       :data :rows (map butlast) (map reverse))) ; drop timestamps. reverse ordering to make the results columns order match order_by
+  (Q run against tupac-sightings
+     return :data :rows (map butlast) (map reverse) ; drop timestamps. reverse ordering to make the results columns order match order_by
+     of sightings
+     order city_id->cities.name+ category_id->categories.name- id+
+     lim 10))
 ;; Check that trying to use a Foreign Key fails for Mongo
@@ -969,3 +964,131 @@
                    [["fk->" &sightings.category_id:id &categories.name:id] "descending"]
                    [&sightings.id:id "ascending"]]
     :limit        10))
+;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;; |                                                MONGO NESTED-FIELD ACCESS                                               |
+;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; Nested Field in FILTER
+;; Get the first 10 tips where tip.venue.name == "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"
+    [[8   "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [67  "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [80  "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [83  "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [295 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [342 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [417 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [426 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
+     [470 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]]
+  (Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
+     return :data :rows (map (fn [[id _ _  {venue-name :name}]] [id venue-name]))
+     aggregate rows of tips
+     filter = venue...name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"
+     order id
+     lim 10))
+;;; Nested Field in ORDER
+;; Let's get all the tips Kyle posted on Twitter sorted by tip.venue.name
+    [[446
+      {:mentions ["@cams_mexican_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#mexican" "#gastro" "#pub"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
+      {:large  "http://cloudfront.net/6e3a5256-275f-4056-b61a-25990b4bb484/large.jpg",
+       :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6e3a5256-275f-4056-b61a-25990b4bb484/med.jpg",
+       :small  "http://cloudfront.net/6e3a5256-275f-4056-b61a-25990b4bb484/small.jpg"}
+      {:phone "415-320-9123", :name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}]
+     [230
+      {:mentions ["@haight_european_grill"], :tags ["#european" "#grill"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
+      {:large  "http://cloudfront.net/1dcef7de-a1c4-405b-a9e1-69c92d686ef1/large.jpg",
+       :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1dcef7de-a1c4-405b-a9e1-69c92d686ef1/med.jpg",
+       :small  "http://cloudfront.net/1dcef7de-a1c4-405b-a9e1-69c92d686ef1/small.jpg"}
+      {:phone "415-191-2778", :name "Haight European Grill", :categories ["European" "Grill"], :id "7e6281f7-5b17-4056-ada0-85453247bc8f"}]
+     [319
+      {:mentions ["@haight_soul_food_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
+      {:large  "http://cloudfront.net/8f613909-550f-4d79-96f6-dc498ff65d1b/large.jpg",
+       :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8f613909-550f-4d79-96f6-dc498ff65d1b/med.jpg",
+       :small  "http://cloudfront.net/8f613909-550f-4d79-96f6-dc498ff65d1b/small.jpg"}
+      {:phone "415-741-8726", :name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}]
+     [224
+      {:mentions ["@pacific_heights_free_range_eatery"], :tags ["#free-range" "#eatery"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
+      {:large  "http://cloudfront.net/cedd4221-dbdb-46c3-95a9-935cce6b3fe5/large.jpg",
+       :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cedd4221-dbdb-46c3-95a9-935cce6b3fe5/med.jpg",
+       :small  "http://cloudfront.net/cedd4221-dbdb-46c3-95a9-935cce6b3fe5/small.jpg"}
+      {:phone "415-901-6541", :name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}]]
+  (Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
+     return :data :rows
+     aggregate rows of tips
+     filter and = source...service "twitter"
+                = source...username "kyle"
+     order venue...name))
+;; Nested Field in AGGREGATION
+;; Let's see how many *distinct* venue names are mentioned
+(expect 99
+  (Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
+     return :data :rows first first
+     aggregate distinct venue...name of tips))
+;; Now let's just get the regular count
+(expect 500
+  (Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
+     return :data :rows first first
+     aggregate count venue...name of tips))
+;;; Nested Field in BREAKOUT
+;; Let's see how many tips we have by source.service
+    {:rows    [["facebook" 107]
+               ["flare" 105]
+               ["foursquare" 100]
+               ["twitter" 98]
+               ["yelp" 90]]
+     :columns ["source.service" "count"]}
+  (Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
+     return :data (#(dissoc % :cols))
+     aggregate count of tips
+     breakout source...service))
+;;; Nested Field in FIELDS
+;; Return the first 10 tips with just tip.venue.name
+    [[1  {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Café"}]
+     [2  {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery"}]
+     [3  {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House"}]
+     [4  {:name "Oakland European Liquor Store"}]
+     [5  {:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant"}]
+     [6  {:name "Marina Modern Sushi"}]
+     [7  {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill"}]
+     [8  {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"}]
+     [9  {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros"}]
+     [10 {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store"}]]
+  (Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
+     return :data :rows
+     aggregate rows of tips
+     order id
+     fields venue...name
+     lim 10))
+;;; Nested Field w/ ordering by aggregation
+    [["jane" 4]
+     ["kyle" 5]
+     ["tupac" 5]
+     ["jessica" 6]
+     ["bob" 7]
+     ["lucky_pigeon" 7]
+     ["joe" 8]
+     ["mandy" 8]
+     ["amy" 9]
+     ["biggie" 9]
+     ["sameer" 9]
+     ["cam_saul" 10]
+     ["rasta_toucan" 13]
+     [nil 400]]
+  (Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
+     return :data :rows
+     aggregate count of tips
+     breakout source...mayor
+     order ag.0))
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data.clj b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
index 3bd4a711a248ce1f5ab639b701934b39e2874791..94bf8c3b1a86a1a315cf05e5b2fcb7f8f826abd0 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
             (metabase.test.data [data :as data]
                                 [datasets :as datasets :refer [*dataset*]]
                                 [h2 :as h2]
-                                [interface :refer :all]))
+                                [interface :refer :all])
+            [metabase.util :as u])
   (:import clojure.lang.Keyword
            (metabase.test.data.interface DatabaseDefinition
@@ -87,15 +88,15 @@
      (or (metabase-instance database-definition engine)
            ;; Create the database
-           (log/info (color/blue (format "Creating %s database %s..." (name engine) database-name)))
+           (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Creating %s database %s..." (name engine) database-name))
            (create-physical-db! dataset-loader database-definition)
            ;; Load data
-           (log/info (color/blue "Loading data..."))
+           (log/debug (color/blue "Loading data..."))
            (doseq [^TableDefinition table-definition (:table-definitions database-definition)]
-             (log/info (color/blue (format "Loading data for table '%s'..." (:table-name table-definition))))
+             (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Loading data for table '%s'..." (:table-name table-definition)))
              (load-table-data! dataset-loader database-definition table-definition)
-             (log/info (color/blue (format "Inserted %d rows." (count (:rows table-definition))))))
+             (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Inserted %d rows." (count (:rows table-definition)))))
            ;; Add DB object to Metabase DB
            (log/info (color/blue "Adding DB to Metabase..."))
@@ -151,17 +152,21 @@
 (defn- table-id->field-name->field
   "Return a map of lowercased `Field` names -> fields for `Table` with TABLE-ID."
-  (->> (sel :many :field->obj [Field :name] :table_id table-id)
-       (m/map-keys s/lower-case)))
+  {:pre [(integer? table-id)]}
+  (->> (binding [*sel-disable-logging* true]
+         (sel :many :field->obj [Field :name], :table_id table-id, :parent_id nil))
+       (m/map-keys s/lower-case)
+       (m/map-keys (u/rpartial s/replace #"^_id$" "id")))) ; rename Mongo _id fields to ID so we can use the same name for any driver
 (defn- db-id->table-name->table
   "Return a map of lowercased `Table` names -> Tables for `Database` with DATABASE-ID.
    Add a delay `:field-name->field` to each Table that calls `table-id->field-name->field` for that Table."
-  (->> (sel :many :field->obj [Table :name] :db_id database-id)
+  {:pre [(integer? database-id)]}
+  (->> (binding [*sel-disable-logging* true]
+         (sel :many :field->obj [Table :name] :db_id database-id))
        (m/map-keys s/lower-case)
-       (m/map-vals (fn [table]
-                     (assoc table :field-name->field (delay (table-id->field-name->field (:id table))))))))
+       (m/map-vals #(assoc % :field-name->field (delay (table-id->field-name->field (:id %)))))))
 (defn -temp-db-add-getter-delay
   "Add a delay `:table-name->table` to DB that calls `db-id->table-name->table`."
@@ -174,11 +179,27 @@
    With three args, fetch `Field` with FIELD-NAME by recursively fetching `Table` and using its `:field-name->field` delay."
   ([temp-db table-name]
    {:pre [(map? temp-db)
-          (string? table-name)]}
+          (string? table-name)]
+    :post [(or (map? %) (assert nil (format "Couldn't find table '%s'.\nValid choices are: %s" table-name
+                                            (vec (keys @(:table-name->table temp-db))))))]}
    (@(:table-name->table temp-db) table-name))
   ([temp-db table-name field-name]
-   {:pre [(string? field-name)]}
-   (@(:field-name->field (-temp-get temp-db table-name)) field-name)))
+   {:pre [(string? field-name)]
+    :post [(or (map? %) (assert nil (format "Couldn't find field '%s.%s'.\nValid choices are: %s" table-name field-name
+                                            (vec (keys @(:field-name->field (-temp-get temp-db table-name)))))))]}
+   (@(:field-name->field (-temp-get temp-db table-name)) field-name))
+  ([temp-db table-name parent-field-name & nested-field-names]
+   {:pre [(every? string? nested-field-names)]
+    :post [(or (map? %) (assert nil (format "Couldn't find nested field '%s.%s.%s'.\nValid choices are: %s" table-name parent-field-name
+                                            (apply str (interpose "." nested-field-names))
+                                            (vec (map :name @(:children (apply -temp-get temp-db table-name parent-field-name (butlast nested-field-names))))))))]}
+   (binding [*sel-disable-logging* true]
+     (let [parent            (apply -temp-get temp-db table-name parent-field-name (butlast nested-field-names))
+           children          @(:children parent)
+           child-name->child (zipmap (map :name children) children)]
+       (child-name->child (last nested-field-names))))))
 (defn- walk-expand-&
   "Walk BODY looking for symbols like `&table` or `&table.field` and expand them to appropriate `-temp-get` forms.
@@ -198,17 +219,20 @@
-(defn with-temp-db* [loader ^DatabaseDefinition dbdef f]
+(defn -with-temp-db [loader ^DatabaseDefinition dbdef f]
   (let [dbdef (map->DatabaseDefinition (assoc dbdef :short-lived? true))]
-      (remove-database! loader dbdef)
-      (let [db (-> (get-or-create-database! loader dbdef)
-                   -temp-db-add-getter-delay)]
-        (assert db)
-        (assert (exists? Database :id (:id db)))
-        (f db))
+      (binding [*sel-disable-logging* true]
+        (remove-database! loader dbdef)
+        (let [db (-> (get-or-create-database! loader dbdef)
+                     -temp-db-add-getter-delay)]
+          (assert db)
+          (assert (exists? Database :id (:id db)))
+          (binding [*sel-disable-logging* false]
+            (f db))))
-        (remove-database! loader dbdef)))))
+        (binding [*sel-disable-logging* true]
+          (remove-database! loader dbdef))))))
 (defmacro with-temp-db
   "Load and sync DATABASE-DEFINITION with DATASET-LOADER and execute BODY with
@@ -229,6 +253,6 @@
                                           :aggregation  [\"count\"]
                                           :filter       [\"<\" (:id &events.timestamp) \"1765-01-01\"]}}))"
   [[db-binding dataset-loader ^DatabaseDefinition database-definition] & body]
-  `(with-temp-db* ~dataset-loader ~database-definition
+  `(-with-temp-db ~dataset-loader ~database-definition
      (fn [~db-binding]
        ~@(walk-expand-& db-binding body))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions.clj
index 5d98f2f7361cce7d64ea19781af6ba2d597e83cd..93868974f7536bbcff58f81b61a2fe81b4dfc218 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions.clj
@@ -37,3 +37,5 @@
 ;; Places, times, and circumstances where Tupac was sighted
 (def-database-definition-edn tupac-sightings)
+(def-database-definition-edn geographical-tips)
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/geographical-tips.edn b/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/geographical-tips.edn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..271eafce334efe38559688479a75d214b8dd4eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/geographical-tips.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,3008 @@
+[["tips" [{:field-name "text"
+           :base-type  :CharField}
+          {:field-name "url"
+           :base-type :UnknownField}
+          {:field-name "venue"
+           :base-type :UnknownField}
+          {:field-name "source"
+           :base-type :UnknownField}]
+  [["Lucky's Gluten-Free Café is a atmospheric and delicious place to have a drink during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/50576ac9-2211-4198-8915-265d32a6ba82/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/50576ac9-2211-4198-8915-265d32a6ba82/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/50576ac9-2211-4198-8915-265d32a6ba82/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-740-2328", :id "379af987-ad40-4a93-88a6-0233e1c14649"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "e46749c3-c532-4dc7-bdc3-da274de3c3ab", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/e46749c3-c532-4dc7-bdc3-da274de3c3ab"}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a exclusive and historical place to have breakfast on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b90e3288-c02c-4744-823a-d4110ca2d71b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b90e3288-c02c-4744-823a-d4110ca2d71b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b90e3288-c02c-4744-823a-d4110ca2d71b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a underground and fantastic place to catch a bite to eat on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2122308c-e15a-460e-98a0-a3b604db3cd1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2122308c-e15a-460e-98a0-a3b604db3cd1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2122308c-e15a-460e-98a0-a3b604db3cd1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Oakland European Liquor Store is a swell and wonderful place to take a date in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2fb9d1ae-a3d1-4b27-966e-260983f01813/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2fb9d1ae-a3d1-4b27-966e-260983f01813/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2fb9d1ae-a3d1-4b27-966e-260983f01813/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland European Liquor Store", :categories ["European" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-559-1516", :id "e342e7b7-e82d-475d-a822-b2df9c84850d"}
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+   ["Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant is a world-famous and popular place to have a drink during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/30ef9979-b1a9-40a9-82a4-32565401bab5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/30ef9979-b1a9-40a9-82a4-32565401bab5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/30ef9979-b1a9-40a9-82a4-32565401bab5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant", :categories ["Gormet" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-127-4197", :id "54a9eac8-d80d-4af8-b6d7-34651a60e59c"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@tenderloin_gormet_restaurant"], :tags ["#gormet" "#restaurant"], :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Marina Modern Sushi is a fantastic and underappreciated place to have a birthday party weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/bc7bac7f-5e92-4023-9b35-fd80f106274a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/bc7bac7f-5e92-4023-9b35-fd80f106274a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/bc7bac7f-5e92-4023-9b35-fd80f106274a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Modern Sushi", :categories ["Modern" "Sushi"], :phone "415-393-7672", :id "21807c63-ca4c-4468-9844-d0c2620fbdfc"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "58084e61-6381-4313-83be-6e35c8424600", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/58084e61-6381-4313-83be-6e35c8424600"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a world-famous and well-decorated place to conduct a business meeting Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3fc720ca-07d7-48b7-bcab-550d951f58b9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3fc720ca-07d7-48b7-bcab-550d951f58b9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3fc720ca-07d7-48b7-bcab-550d951f58b9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
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+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a delicious and underappreciated place to have a after-work cocktail after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/49b48260-5c56-4873-956e-c13423f4feed/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/49b48260-5c56-4873-956e-c13423f4feed/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/49b48260-5c56-4873-956e-c13423f4feed/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
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+   ["Mission Homestyle Churros is a groovy and wonderful place to catch a bite to eat weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2110742e-7e30-4a0d-8df4-1d20d2503f42/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2110742e-7e30-4a0d-8df4-1d20d2503f42/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2110742e-7e30-4a0d-8df4-1d20d2503f42/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"], :phone "415-343-4489", :id "21d903d3-8bdb-4b7d-b288-6063ad48af44"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "b2a4862c-c5b7-4cfb-8ff6-fb564c28f4c8", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/b2a4862c-c5b7-4cfb-8ff6-fb564c28f4c8"}]
+   ["Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store is a overrated and decent place to sip a glass of expensive wine during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/df8c679d-93d5-4008-a129-b33711892cba/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/df8c679d-93d5-4008-a129-b33711892cba/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/df8c679d-93d5-4008-a129-b33711892cba/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store", :categories ["Pizza" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-969-7474", :id "7b9c7dc3-d8f1-498d-843a-e62360449892"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sameers_pizza_liquor_store"], :tags ["#pizza" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Market St. European Ice Cream Truck is a overrated and overrated place to watch the Giants game on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/25be5a46-88b0-4ac7-965d-196d4dbab4b8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/25be5a46-88b0-4ac7-965d-196d4dbab4b8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/25be5a46-88b0-4ac7-965d-196d4dbab4b8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. European Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["European" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-555-4197", :id "4ed53fe4-4bd9-4fa3-8f61-374ea75129ca"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "d3717643-c5c3-4e36-8721-99c2fd65972f", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/d3717643-c5c3-4e36-8721-99c2fd65972f"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a fantastic and overrated place to sip a glass of expensive wine with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d01af223-d655-4b62-83a9-63a03118b288/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d01af223-d655-4b62-83a9-63a03118b288/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d01af223-d655-4b62-83a9-63a03118b288/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "5eac8186-24ef-4369-9b46-3bbec215a9c3", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Rasta's Mexican Sushi is a overrated and well-decorated place to watch the Warriors game with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c807068e-1def-4902-987a-75e4e06636f9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c807068e-1def-4902-987a-75e4e06636f9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c807068e-1def-4902-987a-75e4e06636f9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Mexican Sushi", :categories ["Mexican" "Sushi"], :phone "415-387-1284", :id "e4912a22-e6ac-4806-8377-6497bf533a21"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Market St. European Ice Cream Truck is a amazing and groovy place to have a drink on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1b91096b-206b-4823-8ef9-13f0bf9ac76e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1b91096b-206b-4823-8ef9-13f0bf9ac76e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1b91096b-206b-4823-8ef9-13f0bf9ac76e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. European Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["European" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-555-4197", :id "4ed53fe4-4bd9-4fa3-8f61-374ea75129ca"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "d7ab7046-43cd-472e-a48d-1b11cd3f7b55", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/d7ab7046-43cd-472e-a48d-1b11cd3f7b55"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant is a underappreciated and fantastic place to take visiting friends and relatives after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5ad20c96-0a12-43ff-97e9-8b8b7e373b6c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5ad20c96-0a12-43ff-97e9-8b8b7e373b6c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5ad20c96-0a12-43ff-97e9-8b8b7e373b6c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Paleo" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-402-1652", :id "4dea27b4-6d89-4b86-80a8-5631e171da8d"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a well-decorated and amazing place to watch the Warriors game when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5809d5db-cfc0-4f54-8760-228bdb3e1697/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5809d5db-cfc0-4f54-8760-228bdb3e1697/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5809d5db-cfc0-4f54-8760-228bdb3e1697/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "b8ef27c8-8dc4-45ff-9485-c130889eaea1", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a world-famous and modern place to pitch an investor in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a351a826-49e8-43d5-b983-7b4f013e872e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a351a826-49e8-43d5-b983-7b4f013e872e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a351a826-49e8-43d5-b983-7b4f013e872e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "3c80ed1f-409b-4cfa-bf78-9bbc8cd8f9f5", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/3c80ed1f-409b-4cfa-bf78-9bbc8cd8f9f5"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a amazing and world-famous place to drink a craft beer when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d6ff64d9-1779-4cbf-bbbf-6f666a67691e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d6ff64d9-1779-4cbf-bbbf-6f666a67691e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d6ff64d9-1779-4cbf-bbbf-6f666a67691e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "4ab42195-c3df-49e2-b8e9-20e4f5fae63b", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"]}]
+   ["Marina Modern Bar & Grill is a atmospheric and great place to have breakfast during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/95842ec7-663b-48db-b667-d6b70d0c194d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/95842ec7-663b-48db-b667-d6b70d0c194d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/95842ec7-663b-48db-b667-d6b70d0c194d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Modern Bar & Grill", :categories ["Modern" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-203-8530", :id "806144f1-bb7a-4271-8fcb-fc6550f51676"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "0a3e4b0e-ecd7-4c55-8d5f-2265ad57b02a", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/0a3e4b0e-ecd7-4c55-8d5f-2265ad57b02a"}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a swell and wonderful place to have a after-work cocktail in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4b773ee9-a6db-4e6a-8314-24530a35cdf5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4b773ee9-a6db-4e6a-8314-24530a35cdf5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4b773ee9-a6db-4e6a-8314-24530a35cdf5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@polk_st._mexican_coffee_house"], :tags ["#mexican" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Korean Taqueria is a decent and modern place to catch a bite to eat on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e87adb96-9303-4728-a2e2-ce4d2c1edb74/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e87adb96-9303-4728-a2e2-ce4d2c1edb74/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e87adb96-9303-4728-a2e2-ce4d2c1edb74/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-107-7332", :id "a43c184c-90f5-488c-bb3b-00ea2666d90e"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "b0b7027e-5884-48fb-93d4-d11f44c564df", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"]}]
+   ["SF Deep-Dish Eatery is a world-famous and historical place to catch a bite to eat on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/bda4e656-d27d-44f2-a0ca-8aa8856a4eb5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/bda4e656-d27d-44f2-a0ca-8aa8856a4eb5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/bda4e656-d27d-44f2-a0ca-8aa8856a4eb5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF Deep-Dish Eatery", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Eatery"], :phone "415-476-9257", :id "ad41d3f6-c20c-46a7-9e5d-db602fff7d0d"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "217e84df-2032-4e13-b32d-20745fc36be0", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["Sunset Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a popular and groovy place to have a drink weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6f15c573-5718-4e17-a64b-5b5ac3a4be00/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6f15c573-5718-4e17-a64b-5b5ac3a4be00/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6f15c573-5718-4e17-a64b-5b5ac3a4be00/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-332-0978", :id "a80745c7-af74-4579-8932-70dd488269e6"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sunset_deep_dish_hotel_&_restaurant"], :tags ["#deep-dish" "#hotel" "#&" "#restaurant"], :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Polk St. Japanese Liquor Store is a fantastic and delicious place to catch a bite to eat with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5af61fa2-9031-4be5-86c8-210e9612a184/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5af61fa2-9031-4be5-86c8-210e9612a184/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5af61fa2-9031-4be5-86c8-210e9612a184/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-726-7986", :id "b57ceac5-328d-4b65-9909-a1f9abc93015"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "0928a8d9-8198-4004-ae00-58025bc98a4b", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["Chinatown Paleo Food Truck is a modern and underappreciated place to nurse a hangover weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/55ab1c20-acae-491b-afa2-455e35c924bd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/55ab1c20-acae-491b-afa2-455e35c924bd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/55ab1c20-acae-491b-afa2-455e35c924bd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown Paleo Food Truck", :categories ["Paleo" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-583-4380", :id "aa9b5ce9-db74-470e-8573-f2faca24d546"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "533e16df-df5c-4368-81fe-ca4c53797f4c", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/533e16df-df5c-4368-81fe-ca4c53797f4c"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a well-decorated and underground place to sip a glass of expensive wine in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/45c98735-bbc7-4d81-bac6-d45527446f71/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/45c98735-bbc7-4d81-bac6-d45527446f71/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/45c98735-bbc7-4d81-bac6-d45527446f71/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "71b1c7b4-cf56-4cb1-985a-d97edb8bda7c", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/71b1c7b4-cf56-4cb1-985a-d97edb8bda7c"}]
+   ["Market St. Gluten-Free Café is a classic and exclusive place to drink a craft beer with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/569435ff-07e5-4369-bf69-075ee03b3f74/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/569435ff-07e5-4369-bf69-075ee03b3f74/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/569435ff-07e5-4369-bf69-075ee03b3f74/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-697-9776", :id "ce4947d0-071a-4491-b5ac-f8b0241bd54c"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "250305eb-9827-43b8-a190-401a7170eb1e", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/250305eb-9827-43b8-a190-401a7170eb1e"}]
+   ["Lucky's Old-Fashioned Eatery is a underground and delicious place to watch the Warriors game during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/188511ac-9217-42ca-8d1e-973072669935/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/188511ac-9217-42ca-8d1e-973072669935/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/188511ac-9217-42ca-8d1e-973072669935/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Old-Fashioned Eatery", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Eatery"], :phone "415-362-2338", :id "71dc221c-6e82-4d06-8709-93293121b1da"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "c1759648-8365-48ca-8068-f3ba5fbb32a4", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["Polk St. Japanese Liquor Store is a underappreciated and modern place to catch a bite to eat weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f143dd2d-b46d-4444-ac48-f5253fa0fdae/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f143dd2d-b46d-4444-ac48-f5253fa0fdae/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f143dd2d-b46d-4444-ac48-f5253fa0fdae/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-726-7986", :id "b57ceac5-328d-4b65-9909-a1f9abc93015"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "3f7b182d-22b8-401c-939d-bd08cde5a9ac", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/3f7b182d-22b8-401c-939d-bd08cde5a9ac"}]
+   ["Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a great and world-famous place to catch a bite to eat when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/dc69ae89-81f7-49d3-aa4d-ce48621f7497/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/dc69ae89-81f7-49d3-aa4d-ce48621f7497/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/dc69ae89-81f7-49d3-aa4d-ce48621f7497/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-320-9123", :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "6a0d547d-2053-4c14-b35f-f658cfc21f84", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub is a wonderful and horrible place to have a birthday party with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5c9aedc4-916f-4552-b520-084495bf5cce/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5c9aedc4-916f-4552-b520-084495bf5cce/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5c9aedc4-916f-4552-b520-084495bf5cce/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-391-6443", :id "7ccf8bbb-74b4-48f7-aa7c-43872f63cb1b"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "c5fff3c3-8ea4-42d2-b3dd-29d83c6a9ed2", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/c5fff3c3-8ea4-42d2-b3dd-29d83c6a9ed2"}]
+   ["Kyle's Chinese Restaurant is a classic and decent place to catch a bite to eat the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/460f06c2-3fd1-4356-a2ed-cddfef334a76/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/460f06c2-3fd1-4356-a2ed-cddfef334a76/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/460f06c2-3fd1-4356-a2ed-cddfef334a76/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-298-9499", :id "de08b3c7-9929-40d8-8c20-dd9317613c17"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "eff5660c-a3bf-42e5-9406-a9181f3abf41", :mayor "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House is a wonderful and overrated place to meet new friends the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3e975ead-6942-48d4-98a4-01147baf0e9c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3e975ead-6942-48d4-98a4-01147baf0e9c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3e975ead-6942-48d4-98a4-01147baf0e9c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-605-9554", :id "df57ff6d-1b5f-46da-b292-32321c6b1a7e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "901ae47c-e6f2-4511-a20b-b89e2b600239", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a amazing and exclusive place to have a birthday party the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7db04c5a-49bd-4606-b3c6-af074075db64/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7db04c5a-49bd-4606-b3c6-af074075db64/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7db04c5a-49bd-4606-b3c6-af074075db64/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "b4f4f18b-fb73-42a5-9628-607f6526a8ca", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/b4f4f18b-fb73-42a5-9628-607f6526a8ca"}]
+   ["SoMa British Bakery is a atmospheric and underground place to sip Champagne in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e3da9d78-f911-451c-a64c-929ecbfb477d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e3da9d78-f911-451c-a64c-929ecbfb477d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e3da9d78-f911-451c-a64c-929ecbfb477d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa British Bakery", :categories ["British" "Bakery"], :phone "415-909-5728", :id "662cb0d0-8ee6-4db7-aaf1-89eb2530feda"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a swell and historical place to people-watch on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7ea17999-9e65-414a-a86c-891cb0ee41bc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7ea17999-9e65-414a-a86c-891cb0ee41bc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7ea17999-9e65-414a-a86c-891cb0ee41bc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@tenderloin_cage_free_sushi"], :tags ["#cage-free" "#sushi"], :username "joe"}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a great and atmospheric place to conduct a business meeting with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e41c5cf4-8ccd-410e-bbad-feed53827baf/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e41c5cf4-8ccd-410e-bbad-feed53827baf/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e41c5cf4-8ccd-410e-bbad-feed53827baf/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
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+   ["Rasta's British Food Truck is a fantastic and underground place to sip a glass of expensive wine in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6670e042-020e-4919-90da-020cf93fab95/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6670e042-020e-4919-90da-020cf93fab95/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6670e042-020e-4919-90da-020cf93fab95/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's British Food Truck", :categories ["British" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-958-9031", :id "b6616c97-01d0-488f-a855-bcd6efe2b899"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "ff353525-8a3c-4510-85ec-c22d5fe5b831", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/ff353525-8a3c-4510-85ec-c22d5fe5b831"}]
+   ["Haight Gormet Pizzeria is a swell and modern place to have a after-work cocktail weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0d491f2a-db93-4226-bbee-8e3647a6d3fa/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0d491f2a-db93-4226-bbee-8e3647a6d3fa/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0d491f2a-db93-4226-bbee-8e3647a6d3fa/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Gormet Pizzeria", :categories ["Gormet" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-869-2197", :id "0425bdd0-3f57-4108-80e3-78335327355a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "6387d17f-d000-488b-b9f4-5f808e517f28", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/6387d17f-d000-488b-b9f4-5f808e517f28"}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a modern and great place to meet new friends the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/562d5a4b-6d03-43b4-89f6-68270448c8cc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/562d5a4b-6d03-43b4-89f6-68270448c8cc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/562d5a4b-6d03-43b4-89f6-68270448c8cc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "8c4a5b4b-f72b-41bc-8242-3d31df7f175a", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/8c4a5b4b-f72b-41bc-8242-3d31df7f175a"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a fantastic and overrated place to have brunch in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/06e5458e-25da-45b6-bb26-7662ac033edc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/06e5458e-25da-45b6-bb26-7662ac033edc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/06e5458e-25da-45b6-bb26-7662ac033edc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-871-9473", :id "5d1f918e-ef00-40de-b6e4-3f9f34ee8cd4"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "0562bf77-bb42-464e-951f-6e18206de08b", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a underappreciated and wonderful place to have a after-work cocktail on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c727c895-8572-453b-b8bf-921298fb9240/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c727c895-8572-453b-b8bf-921298fb9240/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c727c895-8572-453b-b8bf-921298fb9240/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "506df972-9899-40d8-be2d-052a0d32730b", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store is a classic and decent place to have a birthday party with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4c023049-681d-4c45-a1ed-b7859bb9b8aa/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4c023049-681d-4c45-a1ed-b7859bb9b8aa/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4c023049-681d-4c45-a1ed-b7859bb9b8aa/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store", :categories ["Pizza" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-969-7474", :id "7b9c7dc3-d8f1-498d-843a-e62360449892"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sameers_pizza_liquor_store"], :tags ["#pizza" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Oakland Afgan Coffee House is a wonderful and historical place to watch the Warriors game Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8f18bcd6-66de-414a-a087-5d57f042b26b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8f18bcd6-66de-414a-a087-5d57f042b26b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8f18bcd6-66de-414a-a087-5d57f042b26b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland Afgan Coffee House", :categories ["Afgan" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-674-0208", :id "dcc9efd9-f34c-4ca1-9a41-386f1130f411"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "d4b18407-5358-43a0-8bee-c53606ceb4b4", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/d4b18407-5358-43a0-8bee-c53606ceb4b4"}]
+   ["Mission Homestyle Churros is a swell and well-decorated place to sip Champagne with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/58de8593-50a8-494f-9aa9-99f64db4339b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/58de8593-50a8-494f-9aa9-99f64db4339b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/58de8593-50a8-494f-9aa9-99f64db4339b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"], :phone "415-343-4489", :id "21d903d3-8bdb-4b7d-b288-6063ad48af44"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "9d710fa3-1505-43a4-8f41-ea8c188ee172", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a swell and swell place to have a drink in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f188d9d9-211f-4b66-87bd-6271f05fbcc6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f188d9d9-211f-4b66-87bd-6271f05fbcc6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f188d9d9-211f-4b66-87bd-6271f05fbcc6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "81f9c252-5b76-45f1-baf9-a2d919ee7695", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/81f9c252-5b76-45f1-baf9-a2d919ee7695"}]
+   ["Marina Japanese Liquor Store is a historical and horrible place to drink a craft beer the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4a27d895-0832-47c1-8e30-5b41c7f2d8aa/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4a27d895-0832-47c1-8e30-5b41c7f2d8aa/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4a27d895-0832-47c1-8e30-5b41c7f2d8aa/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-587-9819", :id "08fd0138-35dd-41b0-836d-1c652e95ffcd"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["SF British Pop-Up Food Stand is a groovy and popular place to meet new friends weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b1397f37-124b-435d-ab72-ac9002e56f7b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b1397f37-124b-435d-ab72-ac9002e56f7b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b1397f37-124b-435d-ab72-ac9002e56f7b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF British Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["British" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-441-3725", :id "19eac087-7b1c-4668-a26c-d7c02cbcd3f6"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "adf58b74-9ac3-4c27-a4a7-b951736b79ae", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/adf58b74-9ac3-4c27-a4a7-b951736b79ae"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant is a delicious and fantastic place to have breakfast in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e4251131-92d3-4097-82f5-782405eb0ae5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e4251131-92d3-4097-82f5-782405eb0ae5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e4251131-92d3-4097-82f5-782405eb0ae5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-128-9430", :id "7ac8a7dd-c07f-45a6-92ba-bdb1b1280af2"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sameers_gmo_free_restaurant"], :tags ["#gmo-free" "#restaurant"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a underappreciated and atmospheric place to catch a bite to eat when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1729a6bc-19f5-4084-b4fe-e91eafbe07cb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1729a6bc-19f5-4084-b4fe-e91eafbe07cb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1729a6bc-19f5-4084-b4fe-e91eafbe07cb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a underground and fantastic place to drink a craft beer when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7905ee6d-f63b-4f36-bc51-c8006b4c39f4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7905ee6d-f63b-4f36-bc51-c8006b4c39f4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7905ee6d-f63b-4f36-bc51-c8006b4c39f4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "98c776ab-0c90-4fa4-a4c6-6f0e19ad6b9e", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/98c776ab-0c90-4fa4-a4c6-6f0e19ad6b9e"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a exclusive and underappreciated place to pitch an investor the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f46c53c3-8987-4dee-88ba-6693f884f53a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f46c53c3-8987-4dee-88ba-6693f884f53a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f46c53c3-8987-4dee-88ba-6693f884f53a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@soma_old_fashioned_pizzeria"], :tags ["#old-fashioned" "#pizzeria"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Oakland American Grill is a groovy and modern place to sip a glass of expensive wine weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/700e2004-8a15-4cd6-9341-413c09249098/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/700e2004-8a15-4cd6-9341-413c09249098/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/700e2004-8a15-4cd6-9341-413c09249098/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland American Grill", :categories ["American" "Grill"], :phone "415-660-0889", :id "856f907d-b669-4b9c-8337-bf9c88883746"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@oakland_american_grill"], :tags ["#american" "#grill"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a atmospheric and horrible place to sip a glass of expensive wine weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d60aea9e-0e15-4bf5-90a8-68fcbb7f1f06/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d60aea9e-0e15-4bf5-90a8-68fcbb7f1f06/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d60aea9e-0e15-4bf5-90a8-68fcbb7f1f06/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-666-8681", :id "47f1698e-ae11-46f5-818b-85a59d0affba"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@polk_st._deep_dish_hotel_&_restaurant"], :tags ["#deep-dish" "#hotel" "#&" "#restaurant"], :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a world-famous and amazing place to sip Champagne when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cae5889b-70e1-4f7e-b097-709ae2db369e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cae5889b-70e1-4f7e-b097-709ae2db369e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cae5889b-70e1-4f7e-b097-709ae2db369e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_chinese_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#chinese" "#gastro" "#pub"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub is a popular and overrated place to watch the Giants game the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1f98a61a-b644-4adf-bb2a-24207ed563f8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1f98a61a-b644-4adf-bb2a-24207ed563f8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1f98a61a-b644-4adf-bb2a-24207ed563f8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-391-6443", :id "7ccf8bbb-74b4-48f7-aa7c-43872f63cb1b"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "9543ebb3-8d33-468f-8ba1-980fe43aa09b", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub is a great and family-friendly place to meet new friends on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/58db9f8b-70b5-4f9e-9b3e-9eab40907b1e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/58db9f8b-70b5-4f9e-9b3e-9eab40907b1e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/58db9f8b-70b5-4f9e-9b3e-9eab40907b1e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-487-4085", :id "0136c454-0968-41cd-a237-ceec5724cab8"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@luckys_deep_dish_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#deep-dish" "#gastro" "#pub"], :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Alcatraz Pizza Churros is a delicious and classic place to have breakfast on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d3e4995f-57ad-4b71-8321-6d71082cb24c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d3e4995f-57ad-4b71-8321-6d71082cb24c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d3e4995f-57ad-4b71-8321-6d71082cb24c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Pizza Churros", :categories ["Pizza" "Churros"], :phone "415-754-7867", :id "df95e4f1-8719-42af-a15d-3ee00de6e04f"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a popular and amazing place to take visiting friends and relatives during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d516bb79-8683-4e5a-a2e0-937144346293/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d516bb79-8683-4e5a-a2e0-937144346293/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d516bb79-8683-4e5a-a2e0-937144346293/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a underappreciated and underappreciated place to people-watch weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0c331686-89ff-451e-8283-d08742746c3b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0c331686-89ff-451e-8283-d08742746c3b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0c331686-89ff-451e-8283-d08742746c3b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "cf77c28d-03a5-44d4-9882-4fe4bef60a02", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a overrated and historical place to catch a bite to eat the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1b419482-e80c-4783-8b7f-d21b04e35a4b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1b419482-e80c-4783-8b7f-d21b04e35a4b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1b419482-e80c-4783-8b7f-d21b04e35a4b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
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+   ["Polk St. Red White & Blue Café is a historical and swell place to have a birthday party in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8b0d7fc8-2b5c-4bfb-a947-3fd4753b118c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8b0d7fc8-2b5c-4bfb-a947-3fd4753b118c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8b0d7fc8-2b5c-4bfb-a947-3fd4753b118c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Red White & Blue Café", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Café"], :phone "415-986-0661", :id "6eb9d2db-5015-49f0-bd18-f4c4938b7e5a"}
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+   ["Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a classic and underground place to take a date during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/96e29fb5-834c-437c-9747-b2f33a3f096c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/96e29fb5-834c-437c-9747-b2f33a3f096c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/96e29fb5-834c-437c-9747-b2f33a3f096c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-213-3030", :id "2d873280-e43d-449e-9940-af96ae7df718"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "64feb4b2-a403-4be7-aa96-5c5e5595eba5", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["Marina Low-Carb Food Truck is a classic and groovy place to nurse a hangover weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/08213fe2-157e-46f7-a71d-82588347d023/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/08213fe2-157e-46f7-a71d-82588347d023/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/08213fe2-157e-46f7-a71d-82588347d023/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Low-Carb Food Truck", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-748-3513", :id "a13a5beb-19de-40ca-a334-02df3bdf5285"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_low_carb_food_truck"], :tags ["#low-carb" "#food" "#truck"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Marina Modern Bar & Grill is a modern and well-decorated place to watch the Giants game on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/00be0fe9-6765-4c76-98ee-f7e2e7e0b7b9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/00be0fe9-6765-4c76-98ee-f7e2e7e0b7b9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/00be0fe9-6765-4c76-98ee-f7e2e7e0b7b9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Modern Bar & Grill", :categories ["Modern" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-203-8530", :id "806144f1-bb7a-4271-8fcb-fc6550f51676"}
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+   ["Alcatraz Cage-Free Restaurant is a swell and underappreciated place to have a after-work cocktail in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3e6adc7d-41cc-426d-8221-e1d75e60c6c9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3e6adc7d-41cc-426d-8221-e1d75e60c6c9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3e6adc7d-41cc-426d-8221-e1d75e60c6c9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Cage-Free Restaurant", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-568-0312", :id "fe0c7f8e-4937-4a76-bda4-44ad89c5231c"}
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+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a exclusive and fantastic place to have a birthday party on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ec5fd5d5-4e24-4a8e-99a8-1c06c9b6ad83/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ec5fd5d5-4e24-4a8e-99a8-1c06c9b6ad83/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ec5fd5d5-4e24-4a8e-99a8-1c06c9b6ad83/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Marina Modern Sushi is a exclusive and fantastic place to conduct a business meeting in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a44ff874-27fd-480a-b723-79516d9a0f5a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a44ff874-27fd-480a-b723-79516d9a0f5a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a44ff874-27fd-480a-b723-79516d9a0f5a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Modern Sushi", :categories ["Modern" "Sushi"], :phone "415-393-7672", :id "21807c63-ca4c-4468-9844-d0c2620fbdfc"}
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+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a world-famous and popular place to nurse a hangover Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c9d748f5-245c-4a0f-9308-76e56ae5666c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c9d748f5-245c-4a0f-9308-76e56ae5666c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c9d748f5-245c-4a0f-9308-76e56ae5666c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a decent and fantastic place to have a drink weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7a5085d9-5fe6-49c1-9556-9f196f0938ae/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7a5085d9-5fe6-49c1-9556-9f196f0938ae/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7a5085d9-5fe6-49c1-9556-9f196f0938ae/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
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+   ["Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a family-friendly and acceptable place to people-watch weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a6bddb27-880a-46da-b824-4449b2389a73/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a6bddb27-880a-46da-b824-4449b2389a73/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a6bddb27-880a-46da-b824-4449b2389a73/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-320-9123", :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}
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+   ["Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House is a fantastic and historical place to have a after-work cocktail with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c3c254d4-4a06-472a-8373-c96d1cf13ca1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c3c254d4-4a06-472a-8373-c96d1cf13ca1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c3c254d4-4a06-472a-8373-c96d1cf13ca1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-605-9554", :id "df57ff6d-1b5f-46da-b292-32321c6b1a7e"}
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+   ["Rasta's British Food Truck is a fantastic and underappreciated place to sip a glass of expensive wine when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1f6bfab8-196f-41cb-9abb-55fcf5ce501b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1f6bfab8-196f-41cb-9abb-55fcf5ce501b/med.jpg",
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+    {:name "Rasta's British Food Truck", :categories ["British" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-958-9031", :id "b6616c97-01d0-488f-a855-bcd6efe2b899"}
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+   ["Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery is a delicious and amazing place to watch the Giants game weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/44645780-38d0-4de9-9d8e-468b9f237a5f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/44645780-38d0-4de9-9d8e-468b9f237a5f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/44645780-38d0-4de9-9d8e-468b9f237a5f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"], :phone "415-006-0149", :id "7fda37a5-810f-4902-b571-54afe583f0dd"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "0927d96d-e419-49a9-bd61-cb6bb7f46a33", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/0927d96d-e419-49a9-bd61-cb6bb7f46a33"}]
+   ["Marina No-MSG Sushi is a atmospheric and historical place to sip Champagne on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/679db911-40ba-4250-9b11-46cc3d1a135f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/679db911-40ba-4250-9b11-46cc3d1a135f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/679db911-40ba-4250-9b11-46cc3d1a135f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-856-5937", :id "d51013a3-8547-4705-a5f0-cb11d8206481"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "61efe486-455b-4327-995f-235de7d75f5a", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/61efe486-455b-4327-995f-235de7d75f5a"}]
+   ["Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store is a well-decorated and delicious place to nurse a hangover on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/bbbe5406-2b10-4af1-a63d-6c98fe101d90/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/bbbe5406-2b10-4af1-a63d-6c98fe101d90/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/bbbe5406-2b10-4af1-a63d-6c98fe101d90/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-571-0783", :id "ad68f549-3000-407e-ab98-7f314cfa4653"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "f13a16b2-3177-4827-bc81-3abccba5506b", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/f13a16b2-3177-4827-bc81-3abccba5506b"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store is a horrible and exclusive place to have brunch weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/30f58fc0-8e79-4c25-bffa-5cf022b984a9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/30f58fc0-8e79-4c25-bffa-5cf022b984a9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/30f58fc0-8e79-4c25-bffa-5cf022b984a9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-497-3039", :id "4d4eabfc-ff1f-4bc6-88b0-2f55489ff666"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "2b761a56-e66d-4cad-9117-ef6b0b633720", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/2b761a56-e66d-4cad-9117-ef6b0b633720"}]
+   ["Mission British Café is a world-famous and groovy place to pitch an investor on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a75b8799-e41c-4a50-b19c-b3cb21ef8ae6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a75b8799-e41c-4a50-b19c-b3cb21ef8ae6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a75b8799-e41c-4a50-b19c-b3cb21ef8ae6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission British Café", :categories ["British" "Café"], :phone "415-715-7004", :id "c99899e3-439c-4444-9dc4-5598632aec8d"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "9b584eeb-9715-4874-8e56-8a69838e6ddf", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/9b584eeb-9715-4874-8e56-8a69838e6ddf"}]
+   ["Oakland American Grill is a fantastic and well-decorated place to have a birthday party weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e255e8ea-3015-46bd-94db-198385ae5f7c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e255e8ea-3015-46bd-94db-198385ae5f7c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e255e8ea-3015-46bd-94db-198385ae5f7c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland American Grill", :categories ["American" "Grill"], :phone "415-660-0889", :id "856f907d-b669-4b9c-8337-bf9c88883746"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a overrated and fantastic place to have breakfast with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/629404a1-ed36-4288-95e0-e57f6142990f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/629404a1-ed36-4288-95e0-e57f6142990f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/629404a1-ed36-4288-95e0-e57f6142990f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "35681dab-4f25-420d-9a65-915d233817f0", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House is a underappreciated and family-friendly place to take a date after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5d8da40a-6415-4dcc-8f51-f8e3ef99f332/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5d8da40a-6415-4dcc-8f51-f8e3ef99f332/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5d8da40a-6415-4dcc-8f51-f8e3ef99f332/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-605-9554", :id "df57ff6d-1b5f-46da-b292-32321c6b1a7e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "1714302b-8629-4b18-ab25-2368ad1e4568", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Alcatraz Cage-Free Restaurant is a underappreciated and groovy place to have a drink when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/92e9ca72-bdf1-4e8a-8f21-709644a8a848/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/92e9ca72-bdf1-4e8a-8f21-709644a8a848/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/92e9ca72-bdf1-4e8a-8f21-709644a8a848/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Cage-Free Restaurant", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-568-0312", :id "fe0c7f8e-4937-4a76-bda4-44ad89c5231c"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "c1e232ec-e10f-4ad6-b932-84cd854ee3c2", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a decent and well-decorated place to sip a glass of expensive wine in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2e81de9d-a366-4756-ab0f-c88b1eeb15cc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2e81de9d-a366-4756-ab0f-c88b1eeb15cc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2e81de9d-a366-4756-ab0f-c88b1eeb15cc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "23e11b87-eb0d-48a8-9eb4-0e7b0453f4d7", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"]}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store is a modern and well-decorated place to pitch an investor after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/28f821ba-fc0c-43d5-90aa-014997910ff4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/28f821ba-fc0c-43d5-90aa-014997910ff4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/28f821ba-fc0c-43d5-90aa-014997910ff4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-497-3039", :id "4d4eabfc-ff1f-4bc6-88b0-2f55489ff666"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@lower_pac_heights_deep_dish_liquor_store"], :tags ["#deep-dish" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Kyle's Chinese Restaurant is a decent and world-famous place to drink a craft beer in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0a8ca876-81d1-43de-928c-6dfaaa99a4d9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0a8ca876-81d1-43de-928c-6dfaaa99a4d9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0a8ca876-81d1-43de-928c-6dfaaa99a4d9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-298-9499", :id "de08b3c7-9929-40d8-8c20-dd9317613c17"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@kyles_chinese_restaurant"], :tags ["#chinese" "#restaurant"], :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Lucky's Japanese Bar & Grill is a atmospheric and decent place to watch the Warriors game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/81d4c210-2aad-44be-a5a5-554d0c68a1b3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/81d4c210-2aad-44be-a5a5-554d0c68a1b3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/81d4c210-2aad-44be-a5a5-554d0c68a1b3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Japanese Bar & Grill", :categories ["Japanese" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-816-1300", :id "602d574a-6fd3-44df-9bac-e71ce1ab5eb4"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "f132a200-55f9-4ae8-b61e-4e932287c502", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/f132a200-55f9-4ae8-b61e-4e932287c502"}]
+   ["Marina Japanese Liquor Store is a fantastic and modern place to have a birthday party on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e7db8648-76ac-4f59-aa43-f8e980e929fe/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e7db8648-76ac-4f59-aa43-f8e980e929fe/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e7db8648-76ac-4f59-aa43-f8e980e929fe/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-587-9819", :id "08fd0138-35dd-41b0-836d-1c652e95ffcd"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "3f37d940-c75b-41f2-b13f-e5b0828843af", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/3f37d940-c75b-41f2-b13f-e5b0828843af"}]
+   ["Kyle's Chinese Restaurant is a great and delicious place to conduct a business meeting on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1620fe7b-8e84-46d4-8807-fa47f52be5bb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1620fe7b-8e84-46d4-8807-fa47f52be5bb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1620fe7b-8e84-46d4-8807-fa47f52be5bb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-298-9499", :id "de08b3c7-9929-40d8-8c20-dd9317613c17"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "27189121-e22e-4dd6-85da-8880be9c513c", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/27189121-e22e-4dd6-85da-8880be9c513c"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a world-famous and atmospheric place to sip a glass of expensive wine Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8b7f40e0-1ab0-4f11-8313-04fb6dc3c1a9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8b7f40e0-1ab0-4f11-8313-04fb6dc3c1a9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8b7f40e0-1ab0-4f11-8313-04fb6dc3c1a9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_soul_food_hotel_&_restaurant"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#hotel" "#&" "#restaurant"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Café is a wonderful and underground place to watch the Warriors game on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/68e3313a-d8cf-4de6-9d85-393b5e881259/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/68e3313a-d8cf-4de6-9d85-393b5e881259/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/68e3313a-d8cf-4de6-9d85-393b5e881259/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Café", :categories ["Soul Food" "Café"], :phone "415-257-1769", :id "a1796c4b-da2b-474f-9fd6-4fa96c1eac70"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "3bbd4357-aba9-4a8e-837c-c57e42dee4e3", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a atmospheric and great place to have brunch weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/14743cfe-f2e7-4532-bd72-3ef14a277fa6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/14743cfe-f2e7-4532-bd72-3ef14a277fa6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/14743cfe-f2e7-4532-bd72-3ef14a277fa6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "39e3b7a2-6fcf-4e90-b038-fafcc1e528f6", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/39e3b7a2-6fcf-4e90-b038-fafcc1e528f6"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand is a wonderful and fantastic place to have breakfast the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a9e803dd-7cdf-47ac-8314-3f12eee7fdfc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a9e803dd-7cdf-47ac-8314-3f12eee7fdfc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a9e803dd-7cdf-47ac-8314-3f12eee7fdfc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-217-7891", :id "a829efc7-7e03-4e73-b072-83d10d1e3953"}
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+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a modern and family-friendly place to take visiting friends and relatives Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/490f4943-6aaa-422c-8a7a-5996d806b67f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/490f4943-6aaa-422c-8a7a-5996d806b67f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/490f4943-6aaa-422c-8a7a-5996d806b67f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-871-9473", :id "5d1f918e-ef00-40de-b6e4-3f9f34ee8cd4"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a overrated and overrated place to watch the Warriors game weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6cf1e5bd-3fd0-4ee4-a35a-fbc60cc2d8be/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6cf1e5bd-3fd0-4ee4-a35a-fbc60cc2d8be/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6cf1e5bd-3fd0-4ee4-a35a-fbc60cc2d8be/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria is a atmospheric and wonderful place to conduct a business meeting Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2b9bbbcb-b715-4429-b139-2855600d721e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2b9bbbcb-b715-4429-b139-2855600d721e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2b9bbbcb-b715-4429-b139-2855600d721e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-719-8143", :id "eba3dbcd-100a-4f38-a701-e0dec157f437"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "331f4c85-0b7b-4106-94be-df6628e6fb09", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/331f4c85-0b7b-4106-94be-df6628e6fb09"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a overrated and amazing place to catch a bite to eat weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/da6fff65-7f9d-403a-b905-d21cd0306f69/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/da6fff65-7f9d-403a-b905-d21cd0306f69/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/da6fff65-7f9d-403a-b905-d21cd0306f69/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
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+   ["Lucky's Old-Fashioned Eatery is a delicious and family-friendly place to drink a craft beer the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4437ee2a-9520-4357-a9d5-c321055a249f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4437ee2a-9520-4357-a9d5-c321055a249f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4437ee2a-9520-4357-a9d5-c321055a249f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Old-Fashioned Eatery", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Eatery"], :phone "415-362-2338", :id "71dc221c-6e82-4d06-8709-93293121b1da"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@luckys_old_fashioned_eatery"], :tags ["#old-fashioned" "#eatery"], :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Japanese Ice Cream Truck is a well-decorated and decent place to have breakfast with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/04f74c1f-c835-46f4-8c7f-823042f2a091/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/04f74c1f-c835-46f4-8c7f-823042f2a091/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/04f74c1f-c835-46f4-8c7f-823042f2a091/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Japanese Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Japanese" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-856-0371", :id "5ce47baa-bbef-4bc7-adf6-57842913ea8a"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@tenderloin_japanese_ice_cream_truck"], :tags ["#japanese" "#ice" "#cream" "#truck"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Oakland American Grill is a wonderful and underappreciated place to watch the Giants game with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/11b1c0e3-005a-414a-bd5a-e05880d277d5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/11b1c0e3-005a-414a-bd5a-e05880d277d5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/11b1c0e3-005a-414a-bd5a-e05880d277d5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland American Grill", :categories ["American" "Grill"], :phone "415-660-0889", :id "856f907d-b669-4b9c-8337-bf9c88883746"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "b5874d46-0247-4515-bd96-e8cc562c256d", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/b5874d46-0247-4515-bd96-e8cc562c256d"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant is a classic and decent place to sip Champagne the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ed01632a-a03e-4f9a-8949-0b06c690abd5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ed01632a-a03e-4f9a-8949-0b06c690abd5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ed01632a-a03e-4f9a-8949-0b06c690abd5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Paleo" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-402-1652", :id "4dea27b4-6d89-4b86-80a8-5631e171da8d"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "dafa1931-d938-44cf-bd12-4321d5c22407", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/dafa1931-d938-44cf-bd12-4321d5c22407"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Café is a well-decorated and exclusive place to sip a glass of expensive wine on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/42b88fc6-e651-4ca3-9d53-e750df273b71/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/42b88fc6-e651-4ca3-9d53-e750df273b71/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/42b88fc6-e651-4ca3-9d53-e750df273b71/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Café", :categories ["Paleo" "Café"], :phone "415-392-6341", :id "4f9e69be-f06c-46a0-bb8b-f3ddd8218ca1"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@rastas_paleo_café"], :tags ["#paleo" "#café"], :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck is a family-friendly and atmospheric place to nurse a hangover on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6ff7a334-5c10-4be7-8cdf-320f10f12f6e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6ff7a334-5c10-4be7-8cdf-320f10f12f6e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6ff7a334-5c10-4be7-8cdf-320f10f12f6e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-495-1414", :id "d5efa2f2-496d-41b2-8b85-3d002a22a2bc"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "1a06dc7a-c6a4-47e6-a93d-131e99c481da", :mayor "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a popular and atmospheric place to conduct a business meeting on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/42fa4469-19ba-41a2-816f-eeedf65664e5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/42fa4469-19ba-41a2-816f-eeedf65664e5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/42fa4469-19ba-41a2-816f-eeedf65664e5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "416a5da5-6d01-4a16-956d-dcb85ce88bd5", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House is a exclusive and overrated place to pitch an investor on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/30379e31-47c0-4ba6-be2f-9a1cbd4baa63/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/30379e31-47c0-4ba6-be2f-9a1cbd4baa63/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/30379e31-47c0-4ba6-be2f-9a1cbd4baa63/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-145-7107", :id "81b0f944-f0ce-45e5-b84e-a924c441064a"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "3b06925f-553a-4117-9864-b3e35d81d9e0", :mayor "tupac"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck is a delicious and great place to have a drink on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9766eef8-6548-4a83-ab8d-ce023b2681c9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9766eef8-6548-4a83-ab8d-ce023b2681c9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9766eef8-6548-4a83-ab8d-ce023b2681c9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-495-1414", :id "d5efa2f2-496d-41b2-8b85-3d002a22a2bc"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "06e30d03-9b56-4820-adb4-c0b7ddde578b", :mayor "jane"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a horrible and swell place to people-watch the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0bf95c7a-44aa-4a9d-8580-c3b8f79147d2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0bf95c7a-44aa-4a9d-8580-c3b8f79147d2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0bf95c7a-44aa-4a9d-8580-c3b8f79147d2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@lower_pac_heights_cage_free_coffee_house"], :tags ["#cage-free" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store is a wonderful and acceptable place to watch the Warriors game during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cb4a1c99-85d3-401c-b015-48839206ebfe/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cb4a1c99-85d3-401c-b015-48839206ebfe/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cb4a1c99-85d3-401c-b015-48839206ebfe/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-571-0783", :id "ad68f549-3000-407e-ab98-7f314cfa4653"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "16a05fd8-120e-4f96-9857-4f340611e5f9", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/16a05fd8-120e-4f96-9857-4f340611e5f9"}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a fantastic and swell place to drink a craft beer in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/20a5ff27-ccd3-4c02-8cf5-7bc11e03b47d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/20a5ff27-ccd3-4c02-8cf5-7bc11e03b47d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/20a5ff27-ccd3-4c02-8cf5-7bc11e03b47d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "4022dab6-225b-4677-be1d-7c201233bdee", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/4022dab6-225b-4677-be1d-7c201233bdee"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck is a groovy and fantastic place to have brunch on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2e8ef910-73c2-45d1-8b15-fb2f4913d094/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2e8ef910-73c2-45d1-8b15-fb2f4913d094/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2e8ef910-73c2-45d1-8b15-fb2f4913d094/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Free-Range" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-787-4049", :id "08d1e93c-105f-4abf-a9ec-b2e3cd30747e"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "7e9a5a67-48ab-4a54-821c-1a6f59a3ea92", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/7e9a5a67-48ab-4a54-821c-1a6f59a3ea92"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a horrible and horrible place to conduct a business meeting on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8fd7a773-2103-4d2a-8337-f965ad7bb41e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8fd7a773-2103-4d2a-8337-f965ad7bb41e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8fd7a773-2103-4d2a-8337-f965ad7bb41e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "a868cdab-32c0-4939-a024-463412457bca", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/a868cdab-32c0-4939-a024-463412457bca"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a fantastic and family-friendly place to take a date with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/252aa589-8ab3-48d8-861a-bfefd422b257/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/252aa589-8ab3-48d8-861a-bfefd422b257/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/252aa589-8ab3-48d8-861a-bfefd422b257/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_soul_food_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a atmospheric and modern place to nurse a hangover on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/860991ab-b4ca-4a5b-93fb-7a6cd7a6d208/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/860991ab-b4ca-4a5b-93fb-7a6cd7a6d208/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/860991ab-b4ca-4a5b-93fb-7a6cd7a6d208/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a3ad3c09-99fc-45e3-b786-0b293eaa525d", :mayor "jane"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant is a underground and swell place to watch the Warriors game on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/51846ade-98ab-4b6a-b783-2714d9c751d0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/51846ade-98ab-4b6a-b783-2714d9c751d0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/51846ade-98ab-4b6a-b783-2714d9c751d0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-128-9430", :id "7ac8a7dd-c07f-45a6-92ba-bdb1b1280af2"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "f8d9a1ea-707f-4e4d-9a1b-fbc953f50361", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/f8d9a1ea-707f-4e4d-9a1b-fbc953f50361"}]
+   ["Rasta's European Taqueria is a acceptable and groovy place to have a birthday party Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ae49f9bb-7498-44ea-bfaf-e9d4c2f7b7f3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ae49f9bb-7498-44ea-bfaf-e9d4c2f7b7f3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ae49f9bb-7498-44ea-bfaf-e9d4c2f7b7f3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's European Taqueria", :categories ["European" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-631-1599", :id "cb472880-ee6e-46e3-bd58-22cf33109aba"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "50e226aa-7b65-450e-9248-040c24bf3577", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/50e226aa-7b65-450e-9248-040c24bf3577"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a groovy and classic place to take a date weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ba2b9659-02d5-4df5-849d-b24d342176e6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ba2b9659-02d5-4df5-849d-b24d342176e6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ba2b9659-02d5-4df5-849d-b24d342176e6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-871-9473", :id "5d1f918e-ef00-40de-b6e4-3f9f34ee8cd4"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "e6266710-a32b-4da5-8d9d-6b0440596c10", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a exclusive and well-decorated place to people-watch weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2cfd3695-50fd-46fe-b141-07491a10ac99/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2cfd3695-50fd-46fe-b141-07491a10ac99/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2cfd3695-50fd-46fe-b141-07491a10ac99/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@polk_st._mexican_coffee_house"], :tags ["#mexican" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Gluten-Free Bar & Grill is a swell and exclusive place to have brunch weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cfb304d9-bb56-4b72-b9e7-df983f1fb9e1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cfb304d9-bb56-4b72-b9e7-df983f1fb9e1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cfb304d9-bb56-4b72-b9e7-df983f1fb9e1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gluten-Free Bar & Grill", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-904-0956", :id "0d7e235a-eea8-45b3-aaa7-23b4ea2b50f2"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "02362879-deac-452e-b656-976edb806e8b", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a world-famous and fantastic place to meet new friends on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a1ccd1c5-5144-475a-a151-450c3cc66742/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a1ccd1c5-5144-475a-a151-450c3cc66742/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a1ccd1c5-5144-475a-a151-450c3cc66742/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "fc57f41a-9684-4b88-bb8b-9c223eeb47ef", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/fc57f41a-9684-4b88-bb8b-9c223eeb47ef"}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a exclusive and underappreciated place to drink a craft beer the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1ac6a807-49a0-4c57-90c7-4ded792903fe/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1ac6a807-49a0-4c57-90c7-4ded792903fe/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1ac6a807-49a0-4c57-90c7-4ded792903fe/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_chinese_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#chinese" "#gastro" "#pub"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Café is a great and popular place to pitch an investor during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9e69fff5-926e-4fdd-a160-1dc607ab06a0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9e69fff5-926e-4fdd-a160-1dc607ab06a0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9e69fff5-926e-4fdd-a160-1dc607ab06a0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Café", :categories ["Soul Food" "Café"], :phone "415-257-1769", :id "a1796c4b-da2b-474f-9fd6-4fa96c1eac70"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "dc0709af-da58-4c33-9919-0c3e42e4e0d7", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["SF Deep-Dish Eatery is a horrible and great place to drink a craft beer on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b76358fa-f3cc-470a-9f9f-91be479e7c77/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b76358fa-f3cc-470a-9f9f-91be479e7c77/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b76358fa-f3cc-470a-9f9f-91be479e7c77/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF Deep-Dish Eatery", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Eatery"], :phone "415-476-9257", :id "ad41d3f6-c20c-46a7-9e5d-db602fff7d0d"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "e415f4d4-08f0-4ee0-abab-d2df0bf41fa1", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a groovy and historical place to have a birthday party in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b3499888-ccc2-456c-875b-c1b16e6a9fab/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b3499888-ccc2-456c-875b-c1b16e6a9fab/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b3499888-ccc2-456c-875b-c1b16e6a9fab/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a world-famous and popular place to take visiting friends and relatives the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/98170d41-1145-4c3c-8e4e-ecf65ac1ff26/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/98170d41-1145-4c3c-8e4e-ecf65ac1ff26/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/98170d41-1145-4c3c-8e4e-ecf65ac1ff26/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a3de9324-b821-47ec-a07d-36c9c0702400", :mayor "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a great and wonderful place to catch a bite to eat weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3187fbfa-fa2c-4109-af80-77b4e0afe5bd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3187fbfa-fa2c-4109-af80-77b4e0afe5bd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3187fbfa-fa2c-4109-af80-77b4e0afe5bd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "6747488f-9287-40f4-b676-0116b0973bec", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"]}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill is a horrible and decent place to watch the Giants game in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/919615dc-461e-4f34-ac5f-97253d515021/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/919615dc-461e-4f34-ac5f-97253d515021/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/919615dc-461e-4f34-ac5f-97253d515021/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-208-2550", :id "c7547aa1-94c1-44bd-bf5a-8655e4698ed8"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "2e35c934-2f4c-417f-a6ab-56a8bda58b16", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"]}]
+   ["Rasta's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand is a exclusive and family-friendly place to conduct a business meeting on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0e16f689-a170-4fe0-9e15-8fd838abdf09/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0e16f689-a170-4fe0-9e15-8fd838abdf09/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0e16f689-a170-4fe0-9e15-8fd838abdf09/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-942-1875", :id "9fd8b920-a877-4888-86bf-578b2724ac4e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Mission Free-Range Liquor Store is a groovy and delicious place to conduct a business meeting in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d72b00cf-fc40-493a-9f27-aab6ab438e38/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d72b00cf-fc40-493a-9f27-aab6ab438e38/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d72b00cf-fc40-493a-9f27-aab6ab438e38/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Free-Range Liquor Store", :categories ["Free-Range" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-041-3816", :id "6e665924-8e2c-42ab-af58-23a27f017e37"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "9f9fdd2d-a3d1-4bc1-b706-7e94d8ea2042", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Kyle's European Churros is a underappreciated and family-friendly place to watch the Giants game during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/046e8027-3830-4251-a7a9-b3039b4300f9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/046e8027-3830-4251-a7a9-b3039b4300f9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/046e8027-3830-4251-a7a9-b3039b4300f9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's European Churros", :categories ["European" "Churros"], :phone "415-233-8392", :id "5270240c-6e6e-4512-9344-3dc497d6ea49"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@kyles_european_churros"], :tags ["#european" "#churros"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a classic and decent place to people-watch on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e23afb15-0deb-4060-a5ff-ec8497816adf/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e23afb15-0deb-4060-a5ff-ec8497816adf/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e23afb15-0deb-4060-a5ff-ec8497816adf/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a world-famous and classic place to catch a bite to eat in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/926c9016-ec2e-4ef3-b40f-fd404e573d94/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/926c9016-ec2e-4ef3-b40f-fd404e573d94/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/926c9016-ec2e-4ef3-b40f-fd404e573d94/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "22e2d196-931a-4251-8fce-a5492c304185", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a modern and underground place to watch the Warriors game weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b6c37f33-b6c7-4684-b96e-54b5ee77cac2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b6c37f33-b6c7-4684-b96e-54b5ee77cac2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b6c37f33-b6c7-4684-b96e-54b5ee77cac2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "0211f4dc-c9db-4505-8b9d-fd5abf151ada", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a decent and modern place to conduct a business meeting Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/34c40a62-a21f-4110-a3a9-d633e2bad9da/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/34c40a62-a21f-4110-a3a9-d633e2bad9da/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/34c40a62-a21f-4110-a3a9-d633e2bad9da/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-871-9473", :id "5d1f918e-ef00-40de-b6e4-3f9f34ee8cd4"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "dc22d4ab-1f2a-4ad2-babf-9b5b96cc65d7", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["Market St. Gluten-Free Café is a classic and wonderful place to watch the Warriors game in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b8408489-88ec-4ff0-9c18-1dc647aa70aa/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b8408489-88ec-4ff0-9c18-1dc647aa70aa/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b8408489-88ec-4ff0-9c18-1dc647aa70aa/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-697-9776", :id "ce4947d0-071a-4491-b5ac-f8b0241bd54c"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a033581b-09b2-487f-b78d-18af543bc0b6", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant is a world-famous and swell place to sip a glass of expensive wine weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/00a4a70a-3f26-46a7-b952-a08e9ae1281f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/00a4a70a-3f26-46a7-b952-a08e9ae1281f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/00a4a70a-3f26-46a7-b952-a08e9ae1281f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Paleo" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-402-1652", :id "4dea27b4-6d89-4b86-80a8-5631e171da8d"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "44854a6b-c709-4f0f-ab52-f4b5982ec2ee", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Sushi is a swell and acceptable place to nurse a hangover on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d14c0a83-f0a8-4bee-b760-4c91bbd44c21/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d14c0a83-f0a8-4bee-b760-4c91bbd44c21/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d14c0a83-f0a8-4bee-b760-4c91bbd44c21/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Sushi", :categories ["Soul Food" "Sushi"], :phone "415-371-8026", :id "b4df5eb7-d8cd-431d-9d43-381984ec81ae"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "73b07d4f-8de1-4c30-be6e-65e891d60dcd", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a world-famous and modern place to drink a craft beer when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d058c540-7cba-4cdd-82a1-1c19bb6e0926/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d058c540-7cba-4cdd-82a1-1c19bb6e0926/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d058c540-7cba-4cdd-82a1-1c19bb6e0926/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Marina Low-Carb Food Truck is a fantastic and decent place to watch the Giants game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7984c64f-8b50-49fe-bb19-d96b88d692eb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7984c64f-8b50-49fe-bb19-d96b88d692eb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7984c64f-8b50-49fe-bb19-d96b88d692eb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Low-Carb Food Truck", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-748-3513", :id "a13a5beb-19de-40ca-a334-02df3bdf5285"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "7888806a-6bcb-43e4-89a6-ee06096d8f6f", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/7888806a-6bcb-43e4-89a6-ee06096d8f6f"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a historical and acceptable place to catch a bite to eat on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d04563bd-9802-4fd9-bcb3-132544b06612/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d04563bd-9802-4fd9-bcb3-132544b06612/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d04563bd-9802-4fd9-bcb3-132544b06612/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "e63bccf1-3d28-46c5-a3ca-7b8b8063a785", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand is a wonderful and horrible place to drink a craft beer on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4a743cdf-ef0f-4b8c-839f-c7691449fe9e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4a743cdf-ef0f-4b8c-839f-c7691449fe9e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4a743cdf-ef0f-4b8c-839f-c7691449fe9e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-217-7891", :id "a829efc7-7e03-4e73-b072-83d10d1e3953"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "2ae13e5f-bfef-46cb-8bfb-f568f5fa383d", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store is a delicious and acceptable place to pitch an investor on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/aa31e351-b952-4757-80ce-5563659b677e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/aa31e351-b952-4757-80ce-5563659b677e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/aa31e351-b952-4757-80ce-5563659b677e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-571-0783", :id "ad68f549-3000-407e-ab98-7f314cfa4653"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "03bfbbbc-ca84-459a-a81e-3a2e08986052", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"]}]
+   ["Mission British Café is a decent and decent place to nurse a hangover after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/dd60f1e4-5954-4bb3-b826-684715614901/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/dd60f1e4-5954-4bb3-b826-684715614901/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/dd60f1e4-5954-4bb3-b826-684715614901/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission British Café", :categories ["British" "Café"], :phone "415-715-7004", :id "c99899e3-439c-4444-9dc4-5598632aec8d"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "4b790ee2-1c3f-4ee6-bd5d-9debea0377e1", :categories ["British" "Café"]}]
+   ["Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store is a great and popular place to nurse a hangover during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b579ac79-99e9-4be9-861a-36e540f0d335/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b579ac79-99e9-4be9-861a-36e540f0d335/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b579ac79-99e9-4be9-861a-36e540f0d335/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store", :categories ["Pizza" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-969-7474", :id "7b9c7dc3-d8f1-498d-843a-e62360449892"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a8cc052d-7c49-4c06-b81d-81d5208ed90c", :mayor "jessica"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Irish Grill is a overrated and underground place to people-watch in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/11e72119-4d0a-4136-b84f-46ce0d184767/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/11e72119-4d0a-4136-b84f-46ce0d184767/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/11e72119-4d0a-4136-b84f-46ce0d184767/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Irish Grill", :categories ["Irish" "Grill"], :phone "415-491-2202", :id "d6b92dfc-56e9-4f65-b1d0-595f120043d9"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "5d6e0806-1f8c-43c7-84c4-2209c132d438", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a exclusive and acceptable place to watch the Giants game in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a17fc0ad-3eb8-4b64-877e-4320b87f1ec5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a17fc0ad-3eb8-4b64-877e-4320b87f1ec5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a17fc0ad-3eb8-4b64-877e-4320b87f1ec5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "5b08d58b-61b1-464a-8380-0bf9d846a9be", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["Mission Chinese Liquor Store is a swell and well-decorated place to catch a bite to eat during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1cb214d4-0140-4aa5-aa4c-259f6d980fea/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1cb214d4-0140-4aa5-aa4c-259f6d980fea/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1cb214d4-0140-4aa5-aa4c-259f6d980fea/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Chinese Liquor Store", :categories ["Chinese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-906-6919", :id "00132b5b-31fc-46f0-a288-f547f23477ee"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@mission_chinese_liquor_store"], :tags ["#chinese" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Sushi is a swell and underappreciated place to watch the Giants game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/88e6aee5-89e4-4b52-ac93-d721652a8d36/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/88e6aee5-89e4-4b52-ac93-d721652a8d36/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/88e6aee5-89e4-4b52-ac93-d721652a8d36/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Sushi", :categories ["Soul Food" "Sushi"], :phone "415-371-8026", :id "b4df5eb7-d8cd-431d-9d43-381984ec81ae"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "4043626c-1296-45f8-ba01-eca54642defa", :categories ["Soul Food" "Sushi"]}]
+   ["Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a amazing and classic place to sip Champagne Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d4d40457-4efa-414e-8741-a10843fea0fd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d4d40457-4efa-414e-8741-a10843fea0fd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d4d40457-4efa-414e-8741-a10843fea0fd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-213-3030", :id "2d873280-e43d-449e-9940-af96ae7df718"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "9b425a8e-9bcb-40ce-98df-52e8c6e47978", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"]}]
+   ["Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a well-decorated and fantastic place to take a date in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0f7bdbd7-40e6-4b97-81c0-daae0875c3b7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0f7bdbd7-40e6-4b97-81c0-daae0875c3b7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0f7bdbd7-40e6-4b97-81c0-daae0875c3b7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-666-8681", :id "47f1698e-ae11-46f5-818b-85a59d0affba"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "cd159f6b-6c5d-400e-90e9-c667d40cea43", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/cd159f6b-6c5d-400e-90e9-c667d40cea43"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill is a decent and family-friendly place to have a drink on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e7211862-740e-4100-919a-4fd221276ef1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e7211862-740e-4100-919a-4fd221276ef1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e7211862-740e-4100-919a-4fd221276ef1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-208-2550", :id "c7547aa1-94c1-44bd-bf5a-8655e4698ed8"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_red_white_&_blue_bar_&_grill"], :tags ["#red" "#white" "#&" "#blue" "#bar" "#&" "#grill"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Haight European Grill is a wonderful and horrible place to sip Champagne with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f08661e3-3f7d-4e05-b3b7-25643b1478f1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f08661e3-3f7d-4e05-b3b7-25643b1478f1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f08661e3-3f7d-4e05-b3b7-25643b1478f1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight European Grill", :categories ["European" "Grill"], :phone "415-191-2778", :id "7e6281f7-5b17-4056-ada0-85453247bc8f"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "bad6706f-9387-4946-a65f-872b5055638b", :mayor "tupac"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a underappreciated and family-friendly place to have a drink with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/83f2915e-edff-49bf-bb42-2236c634f0da/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/83f2915e-edff-49bf-bb42-2236c634f0da/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/83f2915e-edff-49bf-bb42-2236c634f0da/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-871-9473", :id "5d1f918e-ef00-40de-b6e4-3f9f34ee8cd4"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@cams_old_fashioned_coffee_house"], :tags ["#old-fashioned" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a exclusive and fantastic place to have a birthday party weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2f4200f6-8a0e-4a51-a80d-2783be070731/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2f4200f6-8a0e-4a51-a80d-2783be070731/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2f4200f6-8a0e-4a51-a80d-2783be070731/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-871-9473", :id "5d1f918e-ef00-40de-b6e4-3f9f34ee8cd4"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "dcc28cfa-c4aa-4c03-8985-48b72c682e06", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Mission Homestyle Churros is a well-decorated and exclusive place to have a after-work cocktail the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2c0d54dc-414f-45c0-9844-643b05dda78d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2c0d54dc-414f-45c0-9844-643b05dda78d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2c0d54dc-414f-45c0-9844-643b05dda78d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"], :phone "415-343-4489", :id "21d903d3-8bdb-4b7d-b288-6063ad48af44"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Alcatraz Pizza Churros is a groovy and underappreciated place to take visiting friends and relatives on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e566abbe-39c9-47a6-be61-1654ca23d783/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e566abbe-39c9-47a6-be61-1654ca23d783/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e566abbe-39c9-47a6-be61-1654ca23d783/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Pizza Churros", :categories ["Pizza" "Churros"], :phone "415-754-7867", :id "df95e4f1-8719-42af-a15d-3ee00de6e04f"}
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+   ["Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a modern and swell place to have a birthday party on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3511bf6b-6066-4139-bde0-ce2a4ffee9bd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3511bf6b-6066-4139-bde0-ce2a4ffee9bd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3511bf6b-6066-4139-bde0-ce2a4ffee9bd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-666-8681", :id "47f1698e-ae11-46f5-818b-85a59d0affba"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a8cf3fba-ecc4-46b5-97de-35f953def90e", :mayor "bob"}]
+   ["Rasta's Mexican Sushi is a swell and horrible place to conduct a business meeting in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5ec77779-ac5d-4c0e-8d7c-a83cb883db1b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5ec77779-ac5d-4c0e-8d7c-a83cb883db1b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5ec77779-ac5d-4c0e-8d7c-a83cb883db1b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Mexican Sushi", :categories ["Mexican" "Sushi"], :phone "415-387-1284", :id "e4912a22-e6ac-4806-8377-6497bf533a21"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "7679858d-2f30-4af5-b620-e406eb0b2f73", :categories ["Mexican" "Sushi"]}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a underappreciated and overrated place to take a date weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/10d9c169-e448-4c5a-bc35-d6c316f0ebf6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/10d9c169-e448-4c5a-bc35-d6c316f0ebf6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/10d9c169-e448-4c5a-bc35-d6c316f0ebf6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_chinese_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#chinese" "#gastro" "#pub"], :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Alcatraz Modern Eatery is a underground and underground place to meet new friends on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ea1f1ae6-f34f-429d-b3ae-f31d4eec1560/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ea1f1ae6-f34f-429d-b3ae-f31d4eec1560/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ea1f1ae6-f34f-429d-b3ae-f31d4eec1560/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Modern Eatery", :categories ["Modern" "Eatery"], :phone "415-899-2965", :id "bbfafaac-e825-4c4f-8655-f5e697148d9c"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "ab85f630-7d6d-445f-9848-48461b588909", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/ab85f630-7d6d-445f-9848-48461b588909"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Café is a amazing and fantastic place to drink a craft beer with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0acfc578-9f98-4e18-aa00-b9f4913d5aa8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0acfc578-9f98-4e18-aa00-b9f4913d5aa8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0acfc578-9f98-4e18-aa00-b9f4913d5aa8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Café", :categories ["Soul Food" "Café"], :phone "415-257-1769", :id "a1796c4b-da2b-474f-9fd6-4fa96c1eac70"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "050b4f87-87f7-45c2-aeb7-d02cae41b076", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/050b4f87-87f7-45c2-aeb7-d02cae41b076"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Café is a swell and horrible place to watch the Giants game with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f2ce5a16-6524-49f1-aa01-c231e73d8e0e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f2ce5a16-6524-49f1-aa01-c231e73d8e0e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f2ce5a16-6524-49f1-aa01-c231e73d8e0e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-740-2328", :id "379af987-ad40-4a93-88a6-0233e1c14649"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "f63d629b-0e13-4c23-8cc8-6b08ca2e8213", :mayor "tupac"}]
+   ["Joe's Modern Coffee House is a exclusive and exclusive place to sip Champagne with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1388c27c-c987-4d8d-8f26-60094f8057e8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1388c27c-c987-4d8d-8f26-60094f8057e8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1388c27c-c987-4d8d-8f26-60094f8057e8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Modern Coffee House", :categories ["Modern" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-331-5269", :id "cd9e3610-9ead-4f0b-ad93-cd53611d49fe"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "ff896124-cf74-44f8-ab68-631810f8bbff", :categories ["Modern" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Oakland Low-Carb Bakery is a classic and groovy place to have breakfast on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1fde679f-4f4d-4cd9-b4ba-33417d84f2bb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1fde679f-4f4d-4cd9-b4ba-33417d84f2bb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1fde679f-4f4d-4cd9-b4ba-33417d84f2bb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland Low-Carb Bakery", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Bakery"], :phone "415-546-0101", :id "da7dd72d-60fb-495b-a2c0-1e2ae73a1a86"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "8608a711-9a31-4f23-a2b5-01de2b554df0", :mayor "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Mission Homestyle Churros is a exclusive and popular place to have a birthday party Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d50c5351-db5f-409d-a3db-b17509974e6c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d50c5351-db5f-409d-a3db-b17509974e6c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d50c5351-db5f-409d-a3db-b17509974e6c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"], :phone "415-343-4489", :id "21d903d3-8bdb-4b7d-b288-6063ad48af44"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "b9f30495-8334-43b1-bcbd-e3b9e8cab52a", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a swell and exclusive place to meet new friends with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/86e0d356-dd46-477f-9dae-338c30ea5a2b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/86e0d356-dd46-477f-9dae-338c30ea5a2b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/86e0d356-dd46-477f-9dae-338c30ea5a2b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_mexican_restaurant"], :tags ["#mexican" "#restaurant"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand is a great and decent place to have breakfast in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5c8a43de-d9a0-49a9-8cc6-eb9dea7800fb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5c8a43de-d9a0-49a9-8cc6-eb9dea7800fb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5c8a43de-d9a0-49a9-8cc6-eb9dea7800fb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-217-7891", :id "a829efc7-7e03-4e73-b072-83d10d1e3953"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sameers_gmo_free_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#gmo-free" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a delicious and modern place to people-watch on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9a3e6c72-3ab0-4105-bde4-0c08ee753d40/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9a3e6c72-3ab0-4105-bde4-0c08ee753d40/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9a3e6c72-3ab0-4105-bde4-0c08ee753d40/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-868-2973", :id "27592c2b-e682-44bb-be28-8e9a622becca"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "4549eb5a-9e17-4b08-bfb3-44acfcc9d494", :mayor "tupac"}]
+   ["Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a great and swell place to drink a craft beer in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/036ac2ce-65b1-4a03-aef3-6919a7789f00/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/036ac2ce-65b1-4a03-aef3-6919a7789f00/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/036ac2ce-65b1-4a03-aef3-6919a7789f00/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-320-9123", :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a overrated and underappreciated place to nurse a hangover in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7b59a37b-1f2c-4cf1-a6dd-14bbf2111904/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7b59a37b-1f2c-4cf1-a6dd-14bbf2111904/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7b59a37b-1f2c-4cf1-a6dd-14bbf2111904/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sunset_homestyle_grill"], :tags ["#homestyle" "#grill"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Polk St. Red White & Blue Café is a delicious and swell place to conduct a business meeting on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9aefced2-f658-485c-a1c5-ee5cbdbb42d7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9aefced2-f658-485c-a1c5-ee5cbdbb42d7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9aefced2-f658-485c-a1c5-ee5cbdbb42d7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Red White & Blue Café", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Café"], :phone "415-986-0661", :id "6eb9d2db-5015-49f0-bd18-f4c4938b7e5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "01ba3c6f-4360-406a-b1d3-5e6ca8d28a5a", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/01ba3c6f-4360-406a-b1d3-5e6ca8d28a5a"}]
+   ["Haight European Grill is a swell and overrated place to watch the Giants game with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b0c4fee2-d9cd-4183-8695-8466dd15c08d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b0c4fee2-d9cd-4183-8695-8466dd15c08d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b0c4fee2-d9cd-4183-8695-8466dd15c08d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight European Grill", :categories ["European" "Grill"], :phone "415-191-2778", :id "7e6281f7-5b17-4056-ada0-85453247bc8f"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "42762b62-7cff-4a54-a0f7-f16c1f42d81c", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/42762b62-7cff-4a54-a0f7-f16c1f42d81c"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a amazing and world-famous place to sip a glass of expensive wine weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1285fa6f-a990-46c0-ad26-443d959f183c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1285fa6f-a990-46c0-ad26-443d959f183c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1285fa6f-a990-46c0-ad26-443d959f183c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_soul_food_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria is a decent and underappreciated place to have a drink on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0229bb84-6bc0-4ed4-b3da-dc743a49c8c8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0229bb84-6bc0-4ed4-b3da-dc743a49c8c8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0229bb84-6bc0-4ed4-b3da-dc743a49c8c8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-719-8143", :id "eba3dbcd-100a-4f38-a701-e0dec157f437"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@tenderloin_red_white_&_blue_pizzeria"], :tags ["#red" "#white" "#&" "#blue" "#pizzeria"], :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a amazing and wonderful place to have brunch on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4203f53b-6a89-4f14-a597-305c3b2a27a1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4203f53b-6a89-4f14-a597-305c3b2a27a1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4203f53b-6a89-4f14-a597-305c3b2a27a1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sunset_homestyle_grill"], :tags ["#homestyle" "#grill"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Lucky's Old-Fashioned Eatery is a decent and acceptable place to have a birthday party on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9ea7bca8-891b-4b8e-be13-6374a91604a9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9ea7bca8-891b-4b8e-be13-6374a91604a9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9ea7bca8-891b-4b8e-be13-6374a91604a9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Old-Fashioned Eatery", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Eatery"], :phone "415-362-2338", :id "71dc221c-6e82-4d06-8709-93293121b1da"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "b555bae0-96f0-492f-807d-484460d33f62", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a swell and swell place to have a birthday party the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/52083005-7074-4b91-b2e7-aa3cbd81bb21/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/52083005-7074-4b91-b2e7-aa3cbd81bb21/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/52083005-7074-4b91-b2e7-aa3cbd81bb21/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "bb3679fc-46fa-4b28-b0d2-291b301c67c1", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Mission Homestyle Churros is a swell and great place to have a birthday party weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/bd9023b0-0eda-41d6-823c-9cf526e5f5f3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/bd9023b0-0eda-41d6-823c-9cf526e5f5f3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/bd9023b0-0eda-41d6-823c-9cf526e5f5f3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"], :phone "415-343-4489", :id "21d903d3-8bdb-4b7d-b288-6063ad48af44"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "76baeb06-f79c-43c4-ae15-108b69983aa3", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["Mission Japanese Coffee House is a classic and wonderful place to watch the Warriors game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8bff3709-0af5-4e6f-9963-575cb5044b37/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8bff3709-0af5-4e6f-9963-575cb5044b37/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8bff3709-0af5-4e6f-9963-575cb5044b37/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Japanese Coffee House", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-561-0506", :id "60dd274e-0cbf-4521-946d-8a4e0f151150"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "35f2e21d-b05f-4e7c-adfe-e8d70ecd478e", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria is a popular and modern place to have a birthday party in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/00ba782a-b50a-4246-88eb-c965f39a27b2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/00ba782a-b50a-4246-88eb-c965f39a27b2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/00ba782a-b50a-4246-88eb-c965f39a27b2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria", :categories ["Free-Range" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-201-7832", :id "7aeb9416-4fe6-45f9-8849-6b8ba6d3f3b9"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "f1bc8db8-9cd5-4664-b6d9-440618790ffc", :categories ["Free-Range" "Taqueria"]}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a wonderful and amazing place to meet new friends with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/84c1175b-e3aa-47cd-83b8-abf1122496bf/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/84c1175b-e3aa-47cd-83b8-abf1122496bf/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/84c1175b-e3aa-47cd-83b8-abf1122496bf/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a fantastic and world-famous place to watch the Warriors game when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/60f59426-c2db-4bb5-885b-af2641a8f7b5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/60f59426-c2db-4bb5-885b-af2641a8f7b5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/60f59426-c2db-4bb5-885b-af2641a8f7b5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@soma_japanese_churros"], :tags ["#japanese" "#churros"], :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery is a overrated and exclusive place to take visiting friends and relatives on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/721c2488-5e3b-4f25-9da4-463c5cbecf21/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/721c2488-5e3b-4f25-9da4-463c5cbecf21/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/721c2488-5e3b-4f25-9da4-463c5cbecf21/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"], :phone "415-006-0149", :id "7fda37a5-810f-4902-b571-54afe583f0dd"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "da8703eb-dd7c-4559-b39c-e2a6fff91b92", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"]}]
+   ["Mission British Café is a decent and swell place to drink a craft beer in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/75976ced-01ca-4762-93aa-3e9b255a8dc7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/75976ced-01ca-4762-93aa-3e9b255a8dc7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/75976ced-01ca-4762-93aa-3e9b255a8dc7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission British Café", :categories ["British" "Café"], :phone "415-715-7004", :id "c99899e3-439c-4444-9dc4-5598632aec8d"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@mission_british_café"], :tags ["#british" "#café"], :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Oakland American Grill is a amazing and underground place to have brunch on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a848ecf7-8d6a-4bb4-bd15-674fac1b7f79/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a848ecf7-8d6a-4bb4-bd15-674fac1b7f79/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a848ecf7-8d6a-4bb4-bd15-674fac1b7f79/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland American Grill", :categories ["American" "Grill"], :phone "415-660-0889", :id "856f907d-b669-4b9c-8337-bf9c88883746"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a great and modern place to take visiting friends and relatives on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b12a9c02-b78a-43de-a4e4-838be542a7b7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b12a9c02-b78a-43de-a4e4-838be542a7b7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b12a9c02-b78a-43de-a4e4-838be542a7b7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_free_range_eatery"], :tags ["#free-range" "#eatery"], :username "biggie"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a groovy and delicious place to nurse a hangover when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1182d679-c0cb-4250-b219-d6da0fefaa2e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1182d679-c0cb-4250-b219-d6da0fefaa2e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1182d679-c0cb-4250-b219-d6da0fefaa2e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "joe"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a historical and horrible place to sip Champagne weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/18129bb1-88f0-45c2-ba6b-bb86b8004a18/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/18129bb1-88f0-45c2-ba6b-bb86b8004a18/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/18129bb1-88f0-45c2-ba6b-bb86b8004a18/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_mexican_restaurant"], :tags ["#mexican" "#restaurant"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Korean Taqueria is a overrated and classic place to pitch an investor weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c466065c-7be8-46d0-8920-f0a98d4d94ef/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c466065c-7be8-46d0-8920-f0a98d4d94ef/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c466065c-7be8-46d0-8920-f0a98d4d94ef/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-107-7332", :id "a43c184c-90f5-488c-bb3b-00ea2666d90e"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@nob_hill_korean_taqueria"], :tags ["#korean" "#taqueria"], :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Joe's Modern Coffee House is a acceptable and fantastic place to watch the Giants game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ec13291b-2bee-4993-8198-0c1f799f9a3b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ec13291b-2bee-4993-8198-0c1f799f9a3b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ec13291b-2bee-4993-8198-0c1f799f9a3b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Modern Coffee House", :categories ["Modern" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-331-5269", :id "cd9e3610-9ead-4f0b-ad93-cd53611d49fe"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "e00287d6-3633-42a1-a096-7756abdc25fa", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["Kyle's Chinese Restaurant is a exclusive and great place to have a after-work cocktail on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/bc41c4ff-50e6-4971-9de8-14cd0ed203ee/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/bc41c4ff-50e6-4971-9de8-14cd0ed203ee/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/bc41c4ff-50e6-4971-9de8-14cd0ed203ee/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-298-9499", :id "de08b3c7-9929-40d8-8c20-dd9317613c17"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@kyles_chinese_restaurant"], :tags ["#chinese" "#restaurant"], :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House is a fantastic and great place to catch a bite to eat in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b00518e6-988c-4175-a17a-e49b5924a014/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b00518e6-988c-4175-a17a-e49b5924a014/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b00518e6-988c-4175-a17a-e49b5924a014/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House", :categories ["Soul Food" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-838-3464", :id "6aed1816-4c64-4f76-8e2a-619528e5b48d"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "a909c6c2-faee-4994-9f99-a922f40d64ea", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/a909c6c2-faee-4994-9f99-a922f40d64ea"}]
+   ["Chinatown Paleo Food Truck is a underground and well-decorated place to drink a craft beer weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ffa9dc6d-5d1c-4475-923c-72934f3e8762/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ffa9dc6d-5d1c-4475-923c-72934f3e8762/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ffa9dc6d-5d1c-4475-923c-72934f3e8762/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown Paleo Food Truck", :categories ["Paleo" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-583-4380", :id "aa9b5ce9-db74-470e-8573-f2faca24d546"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@chinatown_paleo_food_truck"], :tags ["#paleo" "#food" "#truck"], :username "joe"}]
+   ["Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House is a delicious and atmospheric place to take a date during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/256793eb-de7f-45c6-9143-9fde81134caf/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/256793eb-de7f-45c6-9143-9fde81134caf/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/256793eb-de7f-45c6-9143-9fde81134caf/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-145-7107", :id "81b0f944-f0ce-45e5-b84e-a924c441064a"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a underground and acceptable place to have a drink in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d138162c-e3bc-4d50-b3bd-55bc9b599e9a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d138162c-e3bc-4d50-b3bd-55bc9b599e9a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d138162c-e3bc-4d50-b3bd-55bc9b599e9a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "33e0c40f-43b2-4f59-8539-9ff952ce06c3", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/33e0c40f-43b2-4f59-8539-9ff952ce06c3"}]
+   ["Kyle's Chinese Restaurant is a historical and atmospheric place to watch the Warriors game in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/267696df-7262-4dab-9c71-0346861f9a9c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/267696df-7262-4dab-9c71-0346861f9a9c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/267696df-7262-4dab-9c71-0346861f9a9c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-298-9499", :id "de08b3c7-9929-40d8-8c20-dd9317613c17"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "36ecd1a2-0282-422c-995a-664668a4cb80", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/36ecd1a2-0282-422c-995a-664668a4cb80"}]
+   ["Polk St. Korean Taqueria is a overrated and popular place to watch the Warriors game with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a4d216fa-08b5-4f73-a236-eabf0b3e38e7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a4d216fa-08b5-4f73-a236-eabf0b3e38e7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a4d216fa-08b5-4f73-a236-eabf0b3e38e7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-511-5531", :id "ddb09b32-6f0b-4e54-98c7-14398f16ca4e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Marina Japanese Liquor Store is a underappreciated and fantastic place to conduct a business meeting in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cd9e419f-75ef-404b-8637-7120d469b743/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cd9e419f-75ef-404b-8637-7120d469b743/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cd9e419f-75ef-404b-8637-7120d469b743/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-587-9819", :id "08fd0138-35dd-41b0-836d-1c652e95ffcd"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_japanese_liquor_store"], :tags ["#japanese" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Polk St. Red White & Blue Café is a underground and horrible place to nurse a hangover on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9629743a-e19f-4443-966e-b3cede3cce45/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9629743a-e19f-4443-966e-b3cede3cce45/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9629743a-e19f-4443-966e-b3cede3cce45/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Red White & Blue Café", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Café"], :phone "415-986-0661", :id "6eb9d2db-5015-49f0-bd18-f4c4938b7e5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "54f31306-b4ce-46f6-b30e-37dc2f10fc18", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/54f31306-b4ce-46f6-b30e-37dc2f10fc18"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a groovy and amazing place to have brunch with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a29570eb-e53f-4ddd-ab61-747cf6709515/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a29570eb-e53f-4ddd-ab61-747cf6709515/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a29570eb-e53f-4ddd-ab61-747cf6709515/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "c8f35c36-0f19-4318-a0e4-88d96b5b72eb", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a popular and modern place to take visiting friends and relatives weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a0842810-2d69-48c3-ba37-941479473250/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a0842810-2d69-48c3-ba37-941479473250/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a0842810-2d69-48c3-ba37-941479473250/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "d753f0de-f1db-4cf0-9260-ad3eeee4aa9c", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"]}]
+   ["Marina Low-Carb Food Truck is a underappreciated and modern place to take a date with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/576cf625-4a9e-443a-b0df-ffb279f418f8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/576cf625-4a9e-443a-b0df-ffb279f418f8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/576cf625-4a9e-443a-b0df-ffb279f418f8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Low-Carb Food Truck", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-748-3513", :id "a13a5beb-19de-40ca-a334-02df3bdf5285"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a5c87b6a-a1e6-4abe-932f-90dde0e8125b", :mayor "tupac"}]
+   ["Mission Soul Food Pizzeria is a amazing and world-famous place to have a after-work cocktail in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/171695dd-4ad1-4c50-9056-27d6d80d524a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/171695dd-4ad1-4c50-9056-27d6d80d524a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/171695dd-4ad1-4c50-9056-27d6d80d524a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Soul Food Pizzeria", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-437-3479", :id "9905fe61-44cb-4626-843b-5d725c7949bb"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "728c253f-8576-4e91-a0f7-8f4409ef3ea3", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a delicious and overrated place to have a birthday party weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8270c1f4-e118-4d40-a5f1-f2257c99b3ab/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8270c1f4-e118-4d40-a5f1-f2257c99b3ab/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8270c1f4-e118-4d40-a5f1-f2257c99b3ab/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-871-9473", :id "5d1f918e-ef00-40de-b6e4-3f9f34ee8cd4"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@cams_old_fashioned_coffee_house"], :tags ["#old-fashioned" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Haight European Grill is a family-friendly and wonderful place to sip Champagne on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1b7745d8-0082-495f-a767-589bfd31dc04/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1b7745d8-0082-495f-a767-589bfd31dc04/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1b7745d8-0082-495f-a767-589bfd31dc04/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight European Grill", :categories ["European" "Grill"], :phone "415-191-2778", :id "7e6281f7-5b17-4056-ada0-85453247bc8f"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_european_grill"], :tags ["#european" "#grill"], :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a world-famous and popular place to sip Champagne with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d81ae9d6-676c-45c5-add1-f0c007db6de5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d81ae9d6-676c-45c5-add1-f0c007db6de5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d81ae9d6-676c-45c5-add1-f0c007db6de5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-666-8681", :id "47f1698e-ae11-46f5-818b-85a59d0affba"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["SF Afgan Restaurant is a horrible and delicious place to sip a glass of expensive wine the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/77737d07-f201-4898-90b9-72b7d4c73de9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/77737d07-f201-4898-90b9-72b7d4c73de9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/77737d07-f201-4898-90b9-72b7d4c73de9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF Afgan Restaurant", :categories ["Afgan" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-451-4697", :id "66ccc68a-db9a-470c-a17b-7764d23daced"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sf_afgan_restaurant"], :tags ["#afgan" "#restaurant"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Gluten-Free Bar & Grill is a exclusive and wonderful place to meet new friends on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/48526d8c-934d-4f24-b31e-ce1bc15bc734/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/48526d8c-934d-4f24-b31e-ce1bc15bc734/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/48526d8c-934d-4f24-b31e-ce1bc15bc734/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gluten-Free Bar & Grill", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-904-0956", :id "0d7e235a-eea8-45b3-aaa7-23b4ea2b50f2"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "f073cb47-002c-4db7-b80a-c5ed327d0ac9", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/f073cb47-002c-4db7-b80a-c5ed327d0ac9"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Irish Grill is a overrated and popular place to catch a bite to eat during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c01dad01-edba-4413-b723-52d87a587f2d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c01dad01-edba-4413-b723-52d87a587f2d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c01dad01-edba-4413-b723-52d87a587f2d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Irish Grill", :categories ["Irish" "Grill"], :phone "415-491-2202", :id "d6b92dfc-56e9-4f65-b1d0-595f120043d9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Café is a horrible and underground place to take visiting friends and relatives on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f3bd2564-9a67-4712-86e7-5c1abe816bd0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f3bd2564-9a67-4712-86e7-5c1abe816bd0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f3bd2564-9a67-4712-86e7-5c1abe816bd0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Café", :categories ["Soul Food" "Café"], :phone "415-257-1769", :id "a1796c4b-da2b-474f-9fd6-4fa96c1eac70"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store is a delicious and family-friendly place to watch the Warriors game after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ea520d10-a490-416c-a603-058a212a3e0c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ea520d10-a490-416c-a603-058a212a3e0c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ea520d10-a490-416c-a603-058a212a3e0c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-571-0783", :id "ad68f549-3000-407e-ab98-7f314cfa4653"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_cage_free_liquor_store"], :tags ["#cage-free" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck is a classic and underground place to take a date with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6a960d66-43a5-4053-b5d6-b03ab59a263b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6a960d66-43a5-4053-b5d6-b03ab59a263b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6a960d66-43a5-4053-b5d6-b03ab59a263b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-495-1414", :id "d5efa2f2-496d-41b2-8b85-3d002a22a2bc"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a swell and acceptable place to sip a glass of expensive wine on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a04b6844-2caf-4303-9921-e750208f79ee/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a04b6844-2caf-4303-9921-e750208f79ee/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a04b6844-2caf-4303-9921-e750208f79ee/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@soma_old_fashioned_pizzeria"], :tags ["#old-fashioned" "#pizzeria"], :username "biggie"}]
+   ["SF British Pop-Up Food Stand is a swell and popular place to people-watch on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/fc488143-5e29-44be-9dc4-2b7a3653c3b3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/fc488143-5e29-44be-9dc4-2b7a3653c3b3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/fc488143-5e29-44be-9dc4-2b7a3653c3b3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF British Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["British" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-441-3725", :id "19eac087-7b1c-4668-a26c-d7c02cbcd3f6"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "98c2e661-c20e-41df-967a-b65635e34031", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/98c2e661-c20e-41df-967a-b65635e34031"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a classic and fantastic place to take visiting friends and relatives with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9b7e4812-949c-4b68-8ff5-312e6bf143fb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9b7e4812-949c-4b68-8ff5-312e6bf143fb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9b7e4812-949c-4b68-8ff5-312e6bf143fb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a amazing and underappreciated place to nurse a hangover weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/df889bbe-152e-483f-9599-a6e12ae821a7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/df889bbe-152e-483f-9599-a6e12ae821a7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/df889bbe-152e-483f-9599-a6e12ae821a7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_mexican_restaurant"], :tags ["#mexican" "#restaurant"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a delicious and great place to pitch an investor when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/80c44503-734b-4aac-8659-1d90ddd579ab/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/80c44503-734b-4aac-8659-1d90ddd579ab/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/80c44503-734b-4aac-8659-1d90ddd579ab/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-868-2973", :id "27592c2b-e682-44bb-be28-8e9a622becca"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "81a3711b-d0c6-4100-b3f7-b18f67613a09", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/81a3711b-d0c6-4100-b3f7-b18f67613a09"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant is a modern and decent place to have a after-work cocktail during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cf1833eb-476c-45fc-8eb5-68fd009f0871/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cf1833eb-476c-45fc-8eb5-68fd009f0871/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cf1833eb-476c-45fc-8eb5-68fd009f0871/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant", :categories ["Gormet" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-127-4197", :id "54a9eac8-d80d-4af8-b6d7-34651a60e59c"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "joe"}]
+   ["Chinatown Paleo Food Truck is a classic and underground place to watch the Giants game in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9432fe46-24be-40e9-a0b5-8824149712fd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9432fe46-24be-40e9-a0b5-8824149712fd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9432fe46-24be-40e9-a0b5-8824149712fd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown Paleo Food Truck", :categories ["Paleo" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-583-4380", :id "aa9b5ce9-db74-470e-8573-f2faca24d546"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@chinatown_paleo_food_truck"], :tags ["#paleo" "#food" "#truck"], :username "joe"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a family-friendly and amazing place to watch the Warriors game in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2fff12e5-6582-4c35-8fed-4bae3f61acc1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2fff12e5-6582-4c35-8fed-4bae3f61acc1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2fff12e5-6582-4c35-8fed-4bae3f61acc1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_soul_food_hotel_&_restaurant"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#hotel" "#&" "#restaurant"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a decent and underground place to conduct a business meeting in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6509339f-e90f-4961-9041-25984c0068e1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6509339f-e90f-4961-9041-25984c0068e1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6509339f-e90f-4961-9041-25984c0068e1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Joe's Modern Coffee House is a underappreciated and delicious place to take a date in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1402d2a6-e94f-43dc-b66c-22621bfc0709/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1402d2a6-e94f-43dc-b66c-22621bfc0709/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1402d2a6-e94f-43dc-b66c-22621bfc0709/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Modern Coffee House", :categories ["Modern" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-331-5269", :id "cd9e3610-9ead-4f0b-ad93-cd53611d49fe"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "7d0faa6d-0d94-4920-894a-8da7537839a7", :mayor "bob"}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a popular and historical place to catch a bite to eat with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a8c99e30-dc02-456c-b752-91702acb84c5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a8c99e30-dc02-456c-b752-91702acb84c5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a8c99e30-dc02-456c-b752-91702acb84c5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Marina No-MSG Sushi is a overrated and overrated place to pitch an investor Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c14d1b58-b607-4a3b-86c0-331e6b965534/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c14d1b58-b607-4a3b-86c0-331e6b965534/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c14d1b58-b607-4a3b-86c0-331e6b965534/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-856-5937", :id "d51013a3-8547-4705-a5f0-cb11d8206481"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_no_msg_sushi"], :tags ["#no-msg" "#sushi"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Sunset Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a horrible and world-famous place to catch a bite to eat Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/038a5a74-18a8-48f2-a771-6a32c9c57d98/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/038a5a74-18a8-48f2-a771-6a32c9c57d98/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/038a5a74-18a8-48f2-a771-6a32c9c57d98/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-332-0978", :id "a80745c7-af74-4579-8932-70dd488269e6"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sunset_deep_dish_hotel_&_restaurant"], :tags ["#deep-dish" "#hotel" "#&" "#restaurant"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a wonderful and modern place to take visiting friends and relatives Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cedd4221-dbdb-46c3-95a9-935cce6b3fe5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cedd4221-dbdb-46c3-95a9-935cce6b3fe5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cedd4221-dbdb-46c3-95a9-935cce6b3fe5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_free_range_eatery"], :tags ["#free-range" "#eatery"], :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub is a decent and delicious place to watch the Giants game on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a9b4f7f8-637b-4b83-9881-78d3b7f417dc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a9b4f7f8-637b-4b83-9881-78d3b7f417dc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a9b4f7f8-637b-4b83-9881-78d3b7f417dc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-487-4085", :id "0136c454-0968-41cd-a237-ceec5724cab8"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "dfad685c-f2a7-4ab4-ba45-a9d94919d8f6", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/dfad685c-f2a7-4ab4-ba45-a9d94919d8f6"}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a world-famous and horrible place to pitch an investor the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cf7ce0ef-0ce6-4138-9f33-a13de2a6c752/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cf7ce0ef-0ce6-4138-9f33-a13de2a6c752/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cf7ce0ef-0ce6-4138-9f33-a13de2a6c752/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@polk_st._mexican_coffee_house"], :tags ["#mexican" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery is a acceptable and fantastic place to have a after-work cocktail after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/71ec461a-21c1-4c41-9fe5-31e69dfd95f4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/71ec461a-21c1-4c41-9fe5-31e69dfd95f4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/71ec461a-21c1-4c41-9fe5-31e69dfd95f4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"], :phone "415-006-0149", :id "7fda37a5-810f-4902-b571-54afe583f0dd"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "a7da25d3-cf05-444f-9a1c-11541fdbdb78", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"]}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a underappreciated and groovy place to take a date with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/03e3ec21-9842-4b57-a311-3c1ecf5716c3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/03e3ec21-9842-4b57-a311-3c1ecf5716c3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/03e3ec21-9842-4b57-a311-3c1ecf5716c3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Marina Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a amazing and acceptable place to take visiting friends and relatives during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2da70d7a-afe8-4708-84a4-8023b813194d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2da70d7a-afe8-4708-84a4-8023b813194d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2da70d7a-afe8-4708-84a4-8023b813194d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-094-4567", :id "88a7ae3c-8b36-4901-a0c5-b82342cba6cd"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "a031364b-8035-45ba-8948-3e3d42cd0bb1", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"]}]
+   ["Haight European Grill is a horrible and amazing place to have a birthday party during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1dcef7de-a1c4-405b-a9e1-69c92d686ef1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1dcef7de-a1c4-405b-a9e1-69c92d686ef1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1dcef7de-a1c4-405b-a9e1-69c92d686ef1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight European Grill", :categories ["European" "Grill"], :phone "415-191-2778", :id "7e6281f7-5b17-4056-ada0-85453247bc8f"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_european_grill"], :tags ["#european" "#grill"], :username "kyle"}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a horrible and overrated place to people-watch during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f49ffbdc-9f8b-4191-ad5c-a6d32a709fec/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f49ffbdc-9f8b-4191-ad5c-a6d32a709fec/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f49ffbdc-9f8b-4191-ad5c-a6d32a709fec/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "d9c67f4f-f651-4e29-91bf-fe8a13c51a42", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/d9c67f4f-f651-4e29-91bf-fe8a13c51a42"}]
+   ["Marina Japanese Liquor Store is a wonderful and historical place to people-watch in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b6595a58-aa5a-4653-a582-321a0499af2c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b6595a58-aa5a-4653-a582-321a0499af2c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b6595a58-aa5a-4653-a582-321a0499af2c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-587-9819", :id "08fd0138-35dd-41b0-836d-1c652e95ffcd"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "a09b2b6a-2cc4-4c75-ad94-bc4b255f2609", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"]}]
+   ["Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House is a popular and historical place to take visiting friends and relatives weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f42279fb-7c4d-4dc6-8788-04be94c68b67/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f42279fb-7c4d-4dc6-8788-04be94c68b67/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f42279fb-7c4d-4dc6-8788-04be94c68b67/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-605-9554", :id "df57ff6d-1b5f-46da-b292-32321c6b1a7e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "e11de3d3-8166-424c-91a4-857d3abb8487", :mayor "kyle"}]
+   ["Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a family-friendly and amazing place to take visiting friends and relatives in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a938a596-27ad-4d83-bc32-d5113d44bc56/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a938a596-27ad-4d83-bc32-d5113d44bc56/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a938a596-27ad-4d83-bc32-d5113d44bc56/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-666-8681", :id "47f1698e-ae11-46f5-818b-85a59d0affba"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "101ea39b-5bc5-4bb7-905e-017f1a8271c8", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"]}]
+   ["Joe's No-MSG Sushi is a underappreciated and family-friendly place to people-watch weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5469697b-2b07-46ab-b9ef-3bfa449e7db5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5469697b-2b07-46ab-b9ef-3bfa449e7db5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5469697b-2b07-46ab-b9ef-3bfa449e7db5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-739-8157", :id "9ff21570-cd5b-415e-933a-52144f551b86"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Mission Soul Food Pizzeria is a acceptable and historical place to pitch an investor during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/38325411-8a54-4a10-930f-0c1a439d0f78/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/38325411-8a54-4a10-930f-0c1a439d0f78/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/38325411-8a54-4a10-930f-0c1a439d0f78/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Soul Food Pizzeria", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-437-3479", :id "9905fe61-44cb-4626-843b-5d725c7949bb"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "22c576f1-d64a-44c1-a510-85ed03cd8a9c", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a popular and underappreciated place to drink a craft beer with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9d0c77a6-ac3a-4221-8125-c670c48a963a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9d0c77a6-ac3a-4221-8125-c670c48a963a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9d0c77a6-ac3a-4221-8125-c670c48a963a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "3e5b3749-a758-4acf-b87e-aadca225127c", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/3e5b3749-a758-4acf-b87e-aadca225127c"}]
+   ["Market St. Gluten-Free Café is a family-friendly and family-friendly place to have a after-work cocktail when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f1891933-8d88-4e80-92c3-76b0a10c6b45/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f1891933-8d88-4e80-92c3-76b0a10c6b45/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f1891933-8d88-4e80-92c3-76b0a10c6b45/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-697-9776", :id "ce4947d0-071a-4491-b5ac-f8b0241bd54c"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a swell and classic place to nurse a hangover with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/325091a5-4a50-45bd-9566-654940a8932c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/325091a5-4a50-45bd-9566-654940a8932c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/325091a5-4a50-45bd-9566-654940a8932c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@tenderloin_cage_free_sushi"], :tags ["#cage-free" "#sushi"], :username "joe"}]
+   ["Mission Chinese Liquor Store is a family-friendly and great place to take visiting friends and relatives weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1b313721-9de8-4f91-afe2-659873693387/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1b313721-9de8-4f91-afe2-659873693387/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1b313721-9de8-4f91-afe2-659873693387/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Chinese Liquor Store", :categories ["Chinese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-906-6919", :id "00132b5b-31fc-46f0-a288-f547f23477ee"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@mission_chinese_liquor_store"], :tags ["#chinese" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House is a great and decent place to conduct a business meeting when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e9e3efe7-1b9a-48c7-85d6-92a1322960b8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e9e3efe7-1b9a-48c7-85d6-92a1322960b8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e9e3efe7-1b9a-48c7-85d6-92a1322960b8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-145-7107", :id "81b0f944-f0ce-45e5-b84e-a924c441064a"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "f7b66a97-8c94-4754-8938-6b4e3244b08e", :mayor "jane"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a exclusive and fantastic place to take visiting friends and relatives with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b3321e36-0ffa-40be-bba4-f8ada008c0f0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b3321e36-0ffa-40be-bba4-f8ada008c0f0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b3321e36-0ffa-40be-bba4-f8ada008c0f0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["SoMa Taquería Diner is a overrated and amazing place to have breakfast in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/36b82a08-66c3-4c94-a76d-0026653fadf0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/36b82a08-66c3-4c94-a76d-0026653fadf0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/36b82a08-66c3-4c94-a76d-0026653fadf0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Taquería Diner", :categories ["Taquería" "Diner"], :phone "415-947-9521", :id "f97ede4a-074f-4e24-babc-5c44f2be9c36"}
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+   ["Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a swell and world-famous place to take visiting friends and relatives Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c4414384-985d-4539-b6e5-1758bd4ec73a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c4414384-985d-4539-b6e5-1758bd4ec73a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c4414384-985d-4539-b6e5-1758bd4ec73a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-320-9123", :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}
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+   ["Alcatraz Pizza Churros is a horrible and underground place to sip a glass of expensive wine during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a0d56ff5-9a10-4b98-bdcf-152d45019943/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a0d56ff5-9a10-4b98-bdcf-152d45019943/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a0d56ff5-9a10-4b98-bdcf-152d45019943/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Pizza Churros", :categories ["Pizza" "Churros"], :phone "415-754-7867", :id "df95e4f1-8719-42af-a15d-3ee00de6e04f"}
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+   ["Marina Low-Carb Food Truck is a groovy and delicious place to watch the Giants game on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/91c8de79-39fa-41b8-8022-fdfef267bb71/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/91c8de79-39fa-41b8-8022-fdfef267bb71/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/91c8de79-39fa-41b8-8022-fdfef267bb71/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Low-Carb Food Truck", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-748-3513", :id "a13a5beb-19de-40ca-a334-02df3bdf5285"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a acceptable and family-friendly place to have brunch weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b3866479-4dfb-48e8-97fa-058d125e36e7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b3866479-4dfb-48e8-97fa-058d125e36e7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b3866479-4dfb-48e8-97fa-058d125e36e7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "0b3c791c-935c-4d01-84f8-9708c699eb1b", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/0b3c791c-935c-4d01-84f8-9708c699eb1b"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria is a swell and historical place to nurse a hangover Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/99dce602-9ba9-4a3c-b9c3-c86ef6f9bcfa/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/99dce602-9ba9-4a3c-b9c3-c86ef6f9bcfa/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/99dce602-9ba9-4a3c-b9c3-c86ef6f9bcfa/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-719-8143", :id "eba3dbcd-100a-4f38-a701-e0dec157f437"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "c6aa321a-e8f7-484b-9fd1-ab8f6a1c5906", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria is a amazing and wonderful place to have breakfast in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/613f6695-adee-4175-ad07-1af6b7753fa7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/613f6695-adee-4175-ad07-1af6b7753fa7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/613f6695-adee-4175-ad07-1af6b7753fa7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria", :categories ["Free-Range" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-201-7832", :id "7aeb9416-4fe6-45f9-8849-6b8ba6d3f3b9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store is a delicious and acceptable place to drink a craft beer on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9311a1df-401c-4c89-b4ee-d399635fd558/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9311a1df-401c-4c89-b4ee-d399635fd558/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9311a1df-401c-4c89-b4ee-d399635fd558/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-341-3219", :id "968eac8d-1fd0-443d-a7ff-b48810ab0f69"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "ef083c69-08d6-45be-8cfb-c71654b0a8fc", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Café is a groovy and wonderful place to have a drink with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/85d2ae70-0381-4c67-9d5f-97f8068e64df/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/85d2ae70-0381-4c67-9d5f-97f8068e64df/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/85d2ae70-0381-4c67-9d5f-97f8068e64df/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-740-2328", :id "379af987-ad40-4a93-88a6-0233e1c14649"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@luckys_gluten_free_café"], :tags ["#gluten-free" "#café"], :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Marina Modern Sushi is a wonderful and exclusive place to watch the Warriors game the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ad6ceaf6-a43a-4c35-8f6c-ecef429c7408/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ad6ceaf6-a43a-4c35-8f6c-ecef429c7408/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ad6ceaf6-a43a-4c35-8f6c-ecef429c7408/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Modern Sushi", :categories ["Modern" "Sushi"], :phone "415-393-7672", :id "21807c63-ca4c-4468-9844-d0c2620fbdfc"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill is a decent and delicious place to watch the Giants game when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7ae8b782-4cf9-4efd-af2f-12f3d921e44a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7ae8b782-4cf9-4efd-af2f-12f3d921e44a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7ae8b782-4cf9-4efd-af2f-12f3d921e44a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-208-2550", :id "c7547aa1-94c1-44bd-bf5a-8655e4698ed8"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "55c948c7-8d08-46e1-98e6-a03ca330795c", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["Joe's Modern Coffee House is a acceptable and exclusive place to catch a bite to eat during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9f063ae2-9db6-490e-8098-bac5a030b5d4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9f063ae2-9db6-490e-8098-bac5a030b5d4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9f063ae2-9db6-490e-8098-bac5a030b5d4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Modern Coffee House", :categories ["Modern" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-331-5269", :id "cd9e3610-9ead-4f0b-ad93-cd53611d49fe"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Haight Gormet Pizzeria is a historical and modern place to pitch an investor Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1484e4b7-fe56-4bed-8598-c6558202adeb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1484e4b7-fe56-4bed-8598-c6558202adeb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1484e4b7-fe56-4bed-8598-c6558202adeb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Gormet Pizzeria", :categories ["Gormet" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-869-2197", :id "0425bdd0-3f57-4108-80e3-78335327355a"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a world-famous and fantastic place to take a date in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7663dd1e-d8d3-4add-9cdd-e6b7322e622c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7663dd1e-d8d3-4add-9cdd-e6b7322e622c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7663dd1e-d8d3-4add-9cdd-e6b7322e622c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-320-9123", :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "c76eeafe-a161-492d-8a84-f0d3eb729d2b", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"]}]
+   ["Haight European Grill is a acceptable and underground place to have breakfast on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/833021dd-cdcf-419f-8891-cf680f8d124e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/833021dd-cdcf-419f-8891-cf680f8d124e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/833021dd-cdcf-419f-8891-cf680f8d124e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight European Grill", :categories ["European" "Grill"], :phone "415-191-2778", :id "7e6281f7-5b17-4056-ada0-85453247bc8f"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "joe"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a modern and atmospheric place to sip Champagne weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4e14334f-fa3d-4c90-af94-7aa9c37a5dbd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4e14334f-fa3d-4c90-af94-7aa9c37a5dbd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4e14334f-fa3d-4c90-af94-7aa9c37a5dbd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "fd4144e1-bddb-4f4d-8985-de94a554a730", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/fd4144e1-bddb-4f4d-8985-de94a554a730"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store is a horrible and decent place to pitch an investor on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3d883dfb-23a7-4097-aed9-d69c4cbb67ef/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3d883dfb-23a7-4097-aed9-d69c4cbb67ef/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3d883dfb-23a7-4097-aed9-d69c4cbb67ef/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-497-3039", :id "4d4eabfc-ff1f-4bc6-88b0-2f55489ff666"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "50bdc257-fcc9-44d1-b121-87f5c3e45058", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Liquor Store"]}]
+   ["Mission Free-Range Liquor Store is a popular and fantastic place to watch the Giants game on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/57374d95-ff55-4a20-b98e-191dfc08ce75/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/57374d95-ff55-4a20-b98e-191dfc08ce75/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/57374d95-ff55-4a20-b98e-191dfc08ce75/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Free-Range Liquor Store", :categories ["Free-Range" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-041-3816", :id "6e665924-8e2c-42ab-af58-23a27f017e37"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "90c4812a-a426-4776-aeb1-81e4770c7887", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["SoMa British Bakery is a wonderful and historical place to have a drink during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7ee329cb-d9c3-48cf-8486-639e39df7329/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7ee329cb-d9c3-48cf-8486-639e39df7329/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7ee329cb-d9c3-48cf-8486-639e39df7329/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa British Bakery", :categories ["British" "Bakery"], :phone "415-909-5728", :id "662cb0d0-8ee6-4db7-aaf1-89eb2530feda"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "d2643a6d-6669-48e5-890e-080aaff6d1e7", :categories ["British" "Bakery"]}]
+   ["Market St. Gluten-Free Café is a great and modern place to sip a glass of expensive wine Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/723c33fc-4901-4403-9f13-f451f98be98b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/723c33fc-4901-4403-9f13-f451f98be98b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/723c33fc-4901-4403-9f13-f451f98be98b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-697-9776", :id "ce4947d0-071a-4491-b5ac-f8b0241bd54c"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "7ae76e90-44db-483e-a5bc-2cb8ec65fa61", :mayor "jessica"}]
+   ["Marina No-MSG Sushi is a fantastic and classic place to have brunch with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c338a1ea-38e3-4409-9c0e-5099609318aa/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c338a1ea-38e3-4409-9c0e-5099609318aa/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c338a1ea-38e3-4409-9c0e-5099609318aa/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-856-5937", :id "d51013a3-8547-4705-a5f0-cb11d8206481"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_no_msg_sushi"], :tags ["#no-msg" "#sushi"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a underappreciated and world-famous place to have brunch with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/56669abd-119c-4a02-abfc-d9acdd1e84fc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/56669abd-119c-4a02-abfc-d9acdd1e84fc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/56669abd-119c-4a02-abfc-d9acdd1e84fc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "1b34eb04-290c-409e-b63c-ee82fff83878", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store is a decent and underground place to meet new friends the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/010b1a6c-8ddf-4ea8-9c30-ab990356a5eb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/010b1a6c-8ddf-4ea8-9c30-ab990356a5eb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/010b1a6c-8ddf-4ea8-9c30-ab990356a5eb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store", :categories ["Pizza" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-969-7474", :id "7b9c7dc3-d8f1-498d-843a-e62360449892"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "biggie"}]
+   ["SF Deep-Dish Eatery is a delicious and modern place to watch the Warriors game on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/29b0f569-4023-455e-bfbf-4e2e799c6f6e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/29b0f569-4023-455e-bfbf-4e2e799c6f6e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/29b0f569-4023-455e-bfbf-4e2e799c6f6e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF Deep-Dish Eatery", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Eatery"], :phone "415-476-9257", :id "ad41d3f6-c20c-46a7-9e5d-db602fff7d0d"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "79616795-0585-478a-9998-8c9b0169005e", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Eatery"]}]
+   ["SF Afgan Restaurant is a fantastic and exclusive place to nurse a hangover in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9af6de8f-b24f-4f36-8991-0888e7dbad4e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9af6de8f-b24f-4f36-8991-0888e7dbad4e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9af6de8f-b24f-4f36-8991-0888e7dbad4e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF Afgan Restaurant", :categories ["Afgan" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-451-4697", :id "66ccc68a-db9a-470c-a17b-7764d23daced"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "c00e6384-fc26-4056-86fc-95df69092552", :mayor "kyle"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill is a swell and atmospheric place to conduct a business meeting the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1c465d71-1c46-492f-883a-a069df6048ce/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1c465d71-1c46-492f-883a-a069df6048ce/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1c465d71-1c46-492f-883a-a069df6048ce/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-208-2550", :id "c7547aa1-94c1-44bd-bf5a-8655e4698ed8"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "d4c43b07-932f-42d3-b70f-29306c9f0746", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/d4c43b07-932f-42d3-b70f-29306c9f0746"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a acceptable and family-friendly place to nurse a hangover during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7cb07300-7f55-4634-b998-4999aa1b4fb8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7cb07300-7f55-4634-b998-4999aa1b4fb8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7cb07300-7f55-4634-b998-4999aa1b4fb8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Oakland American Grill is a amazing and swell place to catch a bite to eat the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/dd1aaaba-124f-4722-8a46-33f2bcb826a4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/dd1aaaba-124f-4722-8a46-33f2bcb826a4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/dd1aaaba-124f-4722-8a46-33f2bcb826a4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland American Grill", :categories ["American" "Grill"], :phone "415-660-0889", :id "856f907d-b669-4b9c-8337-bf9c88883746"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "38bc4d27-d28f-434b-b89d-5b88384a1c9b", :categories ["American" "Grill"]}]
+   ["Joe's No-MSG Sushi is a well-decorated and delicious place to catch a bite to eat on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/27579436-073b-45b3-91c8-49f361fecefd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/27579436-073b-45b3-91c8-49f361fecefd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/27579436-073b-45b3-91c8-49f361fecefd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-739-8157", :id "9ff21570-cd5b-415e-933a-52144f551b86"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@joes_no_msg_sushi"], :tags ["#no-msg" "#sushi"], :username "joe"}]
+   ["Rasta's British Food Truck is a historical and well-decorated place to take visiting friends and relatives on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6274a518-20f4-4db9-bcad-473c4f452841/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6274a518-20f4-4db9-bcad-473c4f452841/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6274a518-20f4-4db9-bcad-473c4f452841/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's British Food Truck", :categories ["British" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-958-9031", :id "b6616c97-01d0-488f-a855-bcd6efe2b899"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a groovy and horrible place to take visiting friends and relatives with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c28e51fc-ac77-43ab-90d3-d660143a78fe/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c28e51fc-ac77-43ab-90d3-d660143a78fe/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c28e51fc-ac77-43ab-90d3-d660143a78fe/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-666-8681", :id "47f1698e-ae11-46f5-818b-85a59d0affba"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Market St. Gluten-Free Café is a delicious and delicious place to catch a bite to eat on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cd5d0bf5-1341-4340-877d-b4f22ae989c9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cd5d0bf5-1341-4340-877d-b4f22ae989c9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cd5d0bf5-1341-4340-877d-b4f22ae989c9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-697-9776", :id "ce4947d0-071a-4491-b5ac-f8b0241bd54c"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Marina Modern Sushi is a underground and family-friendly place to sip Champagne Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1c3be2ad-9aa2-4bea-8153-6130512cd9e8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1c3be2ad-9aa2-4bea-8153-6130512cd9e8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1c3be2ad-9aa2-4bea-8153-6130512cd9e8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Modern Sushi", :categories ["Modern" "Sushi"], :phone "415-393-7672", :id "21807c63-ca4c-4468-9844-d0c2620fbdfc"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "joe"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery is a underappreciated and popular place to sip a glass of expensive wine the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ac8b7804-3e6b-4c2d-b78e-aa20530c9a35/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ac8b7804-3e6b-4c2d-b78e-aa20530c9a35/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ac8b7804-3e6b-4c2d-b78e-aa20530c9a35/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"], :phone "415-006-0149", :id "7fda37a5-810f-4902-b571-54afe583f0dd"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "8e817a6f-5d3d-4fff-9c80-b5ed3e225095", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"]}]
+   ["Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant is a amazing and family-friendly place to have breakfast in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9967c7f3-3da3-4891-b00e-8296898bbeb6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9967c7f3-3da3-4891-b00e-8296898bbeb6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9967c7f3-3da3-4891-b00e-8296898bbeb6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Japanese" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-337-5387", :id "eced4f41-b627-4553-a297-888871038b69"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi is a groovy and groovy place to drink a craft beer when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6d5d0c28-8b65-4392-9fe9-3b85427a1cdb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6d5d0c28-8b65-4392-9fe9-3b85427a1cdb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6d5d0c28-8b65-4392-9fe9-3b85427a1cdb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-354-9547", :id "b15b66a8-f3da-4b65-8156-80f5518fdd5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "265681c6-d000-4618-87fc-f8e35eef9ee3", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/265681c6-d000-4618-87fc-f8e35eef9ee3"}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a decent and fantastic place to conduct a business meeting on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0ad76a39-e0df-4212-a365-b5afb27bf7b6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0ad76a39-e0df-4212-a365-b5afb27bf7b6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0ad76a39-e0df-4212-a365-b5afb27bf7b6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "69b17ca8-3a3e-4df2-a46b-a18d4d82283d", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"]}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Irish Grill is a world-famous and delicious place to conduct a business meeting with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4e773c36-2173-4583-967c-9d31f56b086d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4e773c36-2173-4583-967c-9d31f56b086d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4e773c36-2173-4583-967c-9d31f56b086d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Irish Grill", :categories ["Irish" "Grill"], :phone "415-491-2202", :id "d6b92dfc-56e9-4f65-b1d0-595f120043d9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["Marina Japanese Liquor Store is a classic and groovy place to watch the Giants game Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a3abdf98-ee64-4a7d-96a4-0983e7c6a616/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a3abdf98-ee64-4a7d-96a4-0983e7c6a616/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a3abdf98-ee64-4a7d-96a4-0983e7c6a616/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-587-9819", :id "08fd0138-35dd-41b0-836d-1c652e95ffcd"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_japanese_liquor_store"], :tags ["#japanese" "#liquor" "#store"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House is a wonderful and underappreciated place to watch the Warriors game in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/08e81253-a561-45d2-8715-e2e8a6d990a0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/08e81253-a561-45d2-8715-e2e8a6d990a0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/08e81253-a561-45d2-8715-e2e8a6d990a0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House", :categories ["Soul Food" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-838-3464", :id "6aed1816-4c64-4f76-8e2a-619528e5b48d"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Polk St. Korean Taqueria is a amazing and historical place to people-watch on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a9ad1e78-ebe9-4248-b265-048c12945997/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a9ad1e78-ebe9-4248-b265-048c12945997/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a9ad1e78-ebe9-4248-b265-048c12945997/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-511-5531", :id "ddb09b32-6f0b-4e54-98c7-14398f16ca4e"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@polk_st._korean_taqueria"], :tags ["#korean" "#taqueria"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store is a delicious and amazing place to catch a bite to eat on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9e74ec8b-ecd9-4987-b2d8-63a84938d699/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9e74ec8b-ecd9-4987-b2d8-63a84938d699/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9e74ec8b-ecd9-4987-b2d8-63a84938d699/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-341-3219", :id "968eac8d-1fd0-443d-a7ff-b48810ab0f69"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "8ce61a42-cb9c-4304-bada-3a8fb245bb64", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/8ce61a42-cb9c-4304-bada-3a8fb245bb64"}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a wonderful and modern place to conduct a business meeting during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/41114760-4e0c-4555-a67c-9018ec34ef73/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/41114760-4e0c-4555-a67c-9018ec34ef73/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/41114760-4e0c-4555-a67c-9018ec34ef73/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "4e3d4ad7-54ba-4f55-baf7-4ad223bcfaf6", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/4e3d4ad7-54ba-4f55-baf7-4ad223bcfaf6"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a well-decorated and horrible place to meet new friends in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/dd0eb180-3e40-4ac6-becb-653a32f2d43d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/dd0eb180-3e40-4ac6-becb-653a32f2d43d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/dd0eb180-3e40-4ac6-becb-653a32f2d43d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "91e06ea0-df70-48e2-bb43-6acfe787d203", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/91e06ea0-df70-48e2-bb43-6acfe787d203"}]
+   ["Oakland European Liquor Store is a popular and historical place to sip Champagne with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9c28ae3e-e583-4ec2-9646-a58af7de6e5a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9c28ae3e-e583-4ec2-9646-a58af7de6e5a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9c28ae3e-e583-4ec2-9646-a58af7de6e5a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland European Liquor Store", :categories ["European" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-559-1516", :id "e342e7b7-e82d-475d-a822-b2df9c84850d"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery is a classic and classic place to have a birthday party on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/114749c9-8bf7-4a65-9757-ac8e42be72bb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/114749c9-8bf7-4a65-9757-ac8e42be72bb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/114749c9-8bf7-4a65-9757-ac8e42be72bb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"], :phone "415-006-0149", :id "7fda37a5-810f-4902-b571-54afe583f0dd"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_pizza_bakery"], :tags ["#pizza" "#bakery"], :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant is a decent and family-friendly place to take visiting friends and relatives during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ce7cc9e2-9948-4ca3-9803-87d565168cbb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ce7cc9e2-9948-4ca3-9803-87d565168cbb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ce7cc9e2-9948-4ca3-9803-87d565168cbb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-128-9430", :id "7ac8a7dd-c07f-45a6-92ba-bdb1b1280af2"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery is a great and swell place to take a date on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/76d68d0c-7118-41eb-9c5b-b45c1096b791/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/76d68d0c-7118-41eb-9c5b-b45c1096b791/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/76d68d0c-7118-41eb-9c5b-b45c1096b791/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"], :phone "415-006-0149", :id "7fda37a5-810f-4902-b571-54afe583f0dd"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "f420e2a8-13ce-4753-b30e-493d6e59f7ce", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/f420e2a8-13ce-4753-b30e-493d6e59f7ce"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub is a exclusive and overrated place to nurse a hangover in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8651fa50-125f-47bf-99ec-2e950facd1fd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8651fa50-125f-47bf-99ec-2e950facd1fd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8651fa50-125f-47bf-99ec-2e950facd1fd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-391-6443", :id "7ccf8bbb-74b4-48f7-aa7c-43872f63cb1b"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "22fac240-8066-4a4d-a3a4-08c268bca17d", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"]}]
+   ["Oakland Low-Carb Bakery is a classic and modern place to have brunch weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ecb14fc2-cbc6-4f8f-b879-c6884bec5fb0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ecb14fc2-cbc6-4f8f-b879-c6884bec5fb0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ecb14fc2-cbc6-4f8f-b879-c6884bec5fb0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland Low-Carb Bakery", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Bakery"], :phone "415-546-0101", :id "da7dd72d-60fb-495b-a2c0-1e2ae73a1a86"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant is a underground and classic place to have breakfast weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d40b4507-d30a-4c0c-a1da-bf78e510607d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d40b4507-d30a-4c0c-a1da-bf78e510607d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d40b4507-d30a-4c0c-a1da-bf78e510607d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant", :categories ["Gormet" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-127-4197", :id "54a9eac8-d80d-4af8-b6d7-34651a60e59c"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "joe"}]
+   ["SoMa Taquería Diner is a historical and world-famous place to watch the Warriors game on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1e4cb1bb-ec7a-45b4-bcd8-230a32350a51/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1e4cb1bb-ec7a-45b4-bcd8-230a32350a51/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1e4cb1bb-ec7a-45b4-bcd8-230a32350a51/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Taquería Diner", :categories ["Taquería" "Diner"], :phone "415-947-9521", :id "f97ede4a-074f-4e24-babc-5c44f2be9c36"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a world-famous and amazing place to nurse a hangover on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7cf33495-cc12-499d-b243-53100bd76df6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7cf33495-cc12-499d-b243-53100bd76df6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7cf33495-cc12-499d-b243-53100bd76df6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "9edda8de-49c1-41f7-8c22-06c0fc7cfc10", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/9edda8de-49c1-41f7-8c22-06c0fc7cfc10"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a modern and acceptable place to watch the Warriors game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/be0f6011-ee1b-47ae-9d71-d7e8561e25a1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/be0f6011-ee1b-47ae-9d71-d7e8561e25a1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/be0f6011-ee1b-47ae-9d71-d7e8561e25a1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "234f4d52-f5b6-4214-9fbc-13ae88e25cdb", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/234f4d52-f5b6-4214-9fbc-13ae88e25cdb"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a fantastic and classic place to nurse a hangover during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/51726cf2-f9af-476c-9eea-e8ef16a03cc4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/51726cf2-f9af-476c-9eea-e8ef16a03cc4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/51726cf2-f9af-476c-9eea-e8ef16a03cc4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "ced4f00d-21ed-4b10-90f6-8d5db5cc24e7", :mayor "bob"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a fantastic and delicious place to take a date when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3ebb84e2-a51e-4e2d-913b-3e20974f0ed5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3ebb84e2-a51e-4e2d-913b-3e20974f0ed5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3ebb84e2-a51e-4e2d-913b-3e20974f0ed5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["SF Afgan Restaurant is a groovy and family-friendly place to have a after-work cocktail weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6ad9e353-e342-4aa3-beca-dff8a2c80506/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6ad9e353-e342-4aa3-beca-dff8a2c80506/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6ad9e353-e342-4aa3-beca-dff8a2c80506/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF Afgan Restaurant", :categories ["Afgan" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-451-4697", :id "66ccc68a-db9a-470c-a17b-7764d23daced"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Mission Homestyle Churros is a historical and well-decorated place to catch a bite to eat weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f00dd865-2e18-4924-aa16-fb50cc0829de/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f00dd865-2e18-4924-aa16-fb50cc0829de/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f00dd865-2e18-4924-aa16-fb50cc0829de/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"], :phone "415-343-4489", :id "21d903d3-8bdb-4b7d-b288-6063ad48af44"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@mission_homestyle_churros"], :tags ["#homestyle" "#churros"], :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a groovy and overrated place to sip a glass of expensive wine in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7ca05f25-488c-47ec-b308-9ac9aa506f3a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7ca05f25-488c-47ec-b308-9ac9aa506f3a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7ca05f25-488c-47ec-b308-9ac9aa506f3a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "8ebf793a-f6e8-4113-8d3b-769d6eb1a0bf", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"]}]
+   ["Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store is a delicious and fantastic place to nurse a hangover during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/39c91431-8787-4240-b706-911793d6826c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/39c91431-8787-4240-b706-911793d6826c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/39c91431-8787-4240-b706-911793d6826c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-571-0783", :id "ad68f549-3000-407e-ab98-7f314cfa4653"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "1a1168ce-aa45-485f-a427-309eeb536510", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria is a atmospheric and atmospheric place to nurse a hangover during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/fcf38a30-edfb-4dd0-b2e1-91ddfae20425/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/fcf38a30-edfb-4dd0-b2e1-91ddfae20425/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/fcf38a30-edfb-4dd0-b2e1-91ddfae20425/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Red White & Blue Pizzeria", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-719-8143", :id "eba3dbcd-100a-4f38-a701-e0dec157f437"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "989113fd-f95f-4e62-ac21-a428e2b72334", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a classic and swell place to watch the Giants game weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ffe98db7-7824-4685-99ec-eaebf63d9248/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ffe98db7-7824-4685-99ec-eaebf63d9248/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ffe98db7-7824-4685-99ec-eaebf63d9248/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "4384296d-a41c-44c8-bff9-a5d64bb01f44", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/4384296d-a41c-44c8-bff9-a5d64bb01f44"}]
+   ["Mission Chinese Liquor Store is a horrible and atmospheric place to have a birthday party when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9c3f49c7-3924-4213-b09d-aaa9db7993f3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9c3f49c7-3924-4213-b09d-aaa9db7993f3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9c3f49c7-3924-4213-b09d-aaa9db7993f3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Chinese Liquor Store", :categories ["Chinese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-906-6919", :id "00132b5b-31fc-46f0-a288-f547f23477ee"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "4623b716-fb61-4349-8f79-cef3706d6b0d", :categories ["Chinese" "Liquor Store"]}]
+   ["Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant is a overrated and swell place to nurse a hangover in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/817b3f0f-3cee-48ac-bfec-9b5ad18d8350/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/817b3f0f-3cee-48ac-bfec-9b5ad18d8350/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/817b3f0f-3cee-48ac-bfec-9b5ad18d8350/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant", :categories ["Gormet" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-127-4197", :id "54a9eac8-d80d-4af8-b6d7-34651a60e59c"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "a4e6c1c8-afaf-48ed-b18d-755f9c6dd4b6", :categories ["Gormet" "Restaurant"]}]
+   ["Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant is a modern and groovy place to pitch an investor the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8357d4c5-a502-4b71-ab70-25a5090ac16c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8357d4c5-a502-4b71-ab70-25a5090ac16c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8357d4c5-a502-4b71-ab70-25a5090ac16c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Paleo" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-402-1652", :id "4dea27b4-6d89-4b86-80a8-5631e171da8d"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a underground and family-friendly place to have a after-work cocktail with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7a4260f9-efef-4e28-8c78-4b2d2f36d30d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7a4260f9-efef-4e28-8c78-4b2d2f36d30d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7a4260f9-efef-4e28-8c78-4b2d2f36d30d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "cc9465c4-b3af-45f1-aa0d-8b38c5a6a366", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"]}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck is a classic and atmospheric place to meet new friends weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e7bf1145-72d9-4229-b464-d33209e3549a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e7bf1145-72d9-4229-b464-d33209e3549a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e7bf1145-72d9-4229-b464-d33209e3549a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-495-1414", :id "d5efa2f2-496d-41b2-8b85-3d002a22a2bc"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "6b5975f9-77f6-4375-be86-5fd047a5493a", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Ice Cream Truck"]}]
+   ["Mission BBQ Churros is a family-friendly and delicious place to people-watch on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/24d757ff-5f11-4864-8395-744c78e36ade/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/24d757ff-5f11-4864-8395-744c78e36ade/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/24d757ff-5f11-4864-8395-744c78e36ade/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission BBQ Churros", :categories ["BBQ" "Churros"], :phone "415-406-5374", :id "429ea81a-02c5-449f-bfa7-03a11b227f1f"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "dd02f753-593e-4bc5-b370-08a6fe46de96", :categories ["BBQ" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House is a family-friendly and wonderful place to pitch an investor weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/24928248-5bf6-4a49-a2aa-2331d9d83990/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/24928248-5bf6-4a49-a2aa-2331d9d83990/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/24928248-5bf6-4a49-a2aa-2331d9d83990/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House", :categories ["Soul Food" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-838-3464", :id "6aed1816-4c64-4f76-8e2a-619528e5b48d"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_soul_food_coffee_house"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Mission Soul Food Pizzeria is a groovy and underground place to take visiting friends and relatives in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c60e9321-eae7-43a9-aa60-654d6be34177/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c60e9321-eae7-43a9-aa60-654d6be34177/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c60e9321-eae7-43a9-aa60-654d6be34177/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Soul Food Pizzeria", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-437-3479", :id "9905fe61-44cb-4626-843b-5d725c7949bb"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "bf759d74-af3f-4a57-addb-1349f2b2f8c9", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Chinatown American Bakery is a decent and great place to have brunch during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/301b02c7-4539-4713-9d5f-3f478ca2b2c3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/301b02c7-4539-4713-9d5f-3f478ca2b2c3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/301b02c7-4539-4713-9d5f-3f478ca2b2c3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown American Bakery", :categories ["American" "Bakery"], :phone "415-658-7393", :id "cf55cdbd-c614-4be1-8496-0e11b195d16f"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a groovy and popular place to have a birthday party in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1aed40ef-77a4-4207-9bc5-c657fad18f61/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1aed40ef-77a4-4207-9bc5-c657fad18f61/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1aed40ef-77a4-4207-9bc5-c657fad18f61/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-868-2973", :id "27592c2b-e682-44bb-be28-8e9a622becca"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@cams_old_fashioned_coffee_house"], :tags ["#old-fashioned" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi is a well-decorated and amazing place to conduct a business meeting in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4e1edf59-97fa-456b-94ff-bc82c7282d86/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4e1edf59-97fa-456b-94ff-bc82c7282d86/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4e1edf59-97fa-456b-94ff-bc82c7282d86/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-354-9547", :id "b15b66a8-f3da-4b65-8156-80f5518fdd5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "251a7bf8-73d3-44b8-9f55-2ee0048158d1", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/251a7bf8-73d3-44b8-9f55-2ee0048158d1"}]
+   ["Mission Chinese Liquor Store is a underappreciated and acceptable place to have breakfast with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4276a5e5-3821-4fba-bf48-32c8d9fb2ba1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4276a5e5-3821-4fba-bf48-32c8d9fb2ba1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4276a5e5-3821-4fba-bf48-32c8d9fb2ba1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Chinese Liquor Store", :categories ["Chinese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-906-6919", :id "00132b5b-31fc-46f0-a288-f547f23477ee"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "b2fa77dd-6e6d-440e-8f12-caa3ea7c120c", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/b2fa77dd-6e6d-440e-8f12-caa3ea7c120c"}]
+   ["Kyle's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand is a underappreciated and groovy place to catch a bite to eat on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/36d9d88d-a911-4e0e-911a-16645a2d939e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/36d9d88d-a911-4e0e-911a-16645a2d939e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/36d9d88d-a911-4e0e-911a-16645a2d939e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-638-8972", :id "7da187e8-bd01-48ca-ad93-7a02a442d9eb"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant is a groovy and modern place to people-watch after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/74209bf9-650b-4130-8095-95ce2caf22bf/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/74209bf9-650b-4130-8095-95ce2caf22bf/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/74209bf9-650b-4130-8095-95ce2caf22bf/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-128-9430", :id "7ac8a7dd-c07f-45a6-92ba-bdb1b1280af2"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sameers_gmo_free_restaurant"], :tags ["#gmo-free" "#restaurant"], :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a underground and modern place to have breakfast on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8f613909-550f-4d79-96f6-dc498ff65d1b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8f613909-550f-4d79-96f6-dc498ff65d1b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8f613909-550f-4d79-96f6-dc498ff65d1b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_soul_food_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Irish Grill is a acceptable and world-famous place to have a after-work cocktail on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a7c43f41-345f-43ce-8bb9-48b4717d1cfd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a7c43f41-345f-43ce-8bb9-48b4717d1cfd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a7c43f41-345f-43ce-8bb9-48b4717d1cfd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Irish Grill", :categories ["Irish" "Grill"], :phone "415-491-2202", :id "d6b92dfc-56e9-4f65-b1d0-595f120043d9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Mission Homestyle Churros is a decent and horrible place to pitch an investor on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/da92cb40-5920-49cf-b065-4cb558f201df/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/da92cb40-5920-49cf-b065-4cb558f201df/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/da92cb40-5920-49cf-b065-4cb558f201df/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros", :categories ["Homestyle" "Churros"], :phone "415-343-4489", :id "21d903d3-8bdb-4b7d-b288-6063ad48af44"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Sushi is a well-decorated and wonderful place to drink a craft beer with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/918a829c-61a2-439f-8607-b5c42f39345c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/918a829c-61a2-439f-8607-b5c42f39345c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/918a829c-61a2-439f-8607-b5c42f39345c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Sushi", :categories ["Soul Food" "Sushi"], :phone "415-371-8026", :id "b4df5eb7-d8cd-431d-9d43-381984ec81ae"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "95609cc6-1197-4713-bc72-7e3e799dbb6c", :mayor "jessica"}]
+   ["Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a historical and great place to nurse a hangover weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8f9473e3-1128-4383-8f9d-3a2009b97f56/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8f9473e3-1128-4383-8f9d-3a2009b97f56/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8f9473e3-1128-4383-8f9d-3a2009b97f56/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-213-3030", :id "2d873280-e43d-449e-9940-af96ae7df718"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "002d03c2-9c91-4160-a9e8-4603ae977245", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["Sameer's European Sushi is a atmospheric and horrible place to take a date on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e0767b0f-2938-4e84-be6f-9c7e6ba8ff82/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e0767b0f-2938-4e84-be6f-9c7e6ba8ff82/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e0767b0f-2938-4e84-be6f-9c7e6ba8ff82/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's European Sushi", :categories ["European" "Sushi"], :phone "415-035-2474", :id "7de6b3ef-7b53-4831-bf76-43123874f8ce"}
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+   ["Polk St. Korean Taqueria is a family-friendly and horrible place to take a date in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/53a88ef8-505f-4923-9a13-eb686c6e7f25/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/53a88ef8-505f-4923-9a13-eb686c6e7f25/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/53a88ef8-505f-4923-9a13-eb686c6e7f25/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-511-5531", :id "ddb09b32-6f0b-4e54-98c7-14398f16ca4e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Polk St. Red White & Blue Café is a popular and swell place to have a birthday party in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/eed1df2e-ed28-4a7c-a9b4-9b6511837414/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/eed1df2e-ed28-4a7c-a9b4-9b6511837414/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/eed1df2e-ed28-4a7c-a9b4-9b6511837414/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Red White & Blue Café", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Café"], :phone "415-986-0661", :id "6eb9d2db-5015-49f0-bd18-f4c4938b7e5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "276865a5-e7d3-40f6-a2b2-62172caf3024", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/276865a5-e7d3-40f6-a2b2-62172caf3024"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub is a underappreciated and historical place to watch the Warriors game with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4020585b-9a66-4cb1-b5f2-2e7e3a1d26c2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4020585b-9a66-4cb1-b5f2-2e7e3a1d26c2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4020585b-9a66-4cb1-b5f2-2e7e3a1d26c2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-391-6443", :id "7ccf8bbb-74b4-48f7-aa7c-43872f63cb1b"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Café is a decent and swell place to have a drink weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7bdece4f-bc76-46a3-bbf6-c8a9c2012e79/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7bdece4f-bc76-46a3-bbf6-c8a9c2012e79/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7bdece4f-bc76-46a3-bbf6-c8a9c2012e79/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Café", :categories ["Paleo" "Café"], :phone "415-392-6341", :id "4f9e69be-f06c-46a0-bb8b-f3ddd8218ca1"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "26cff009-fce9-4439-a263-39df23a3b143", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/26cff009-fce9-4439-a263-39df23a3b143"}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a modern and historical place to have brunch when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/34084c76-3ff7-4bf0-a0f9-bcf9a3767f03/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/34084c76-3ff7-4bf0-a0f9-bcf9a3767f03/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/34084c76-3ff7-4bf0-a0f9-bcf9a3767f03/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
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+   ["Polk St. Korean Taqueria is a amazing and classic place to take visiting friends and relatives weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/95f2673c-fa99-4429-918d-45095a699691/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/95f2673c-fa99-4429-918d-45095a699691/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/95f2673c-fa99-4429-918d-45095a699691/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-511-5531", :id "ddb09b32-6f0b-4e54-98c7-14398f16ca4e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "686a4c8a-51ca-4f6b-b216-d4b53dc11944", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a groovy and swell place to sip a glass of expensive wine during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/10f63b40-459d-446a-9bc9-a7a6a078d77a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/10f63b40-459d-446a-9bc9-a7a6a078d77a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/10f63b40-459d-446a-9bc9-a7a6a078d77a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Market St. Low-Carb Taqueria is a delicious and groovy place to watch the Warriors game with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1d458234-44b2-47f7-9038-1110a9a0dc0d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1d458234-44b2-47f7-9038-1110a9a0dc0d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1d458234-44b2-47f7-9038-1110a9a0dc0d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Low-Carb Taqueria", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-751-6525", :id "f30eb85b-f048-4d8c-8008-3c2876125061"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "b136f58c-6b1f-433b-bce8-c803040ff9bd", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/b136f58c-6b1f-433b-bce8-c803040ff9bd"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery is a classic and historical place to meet new friends during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/903495d4-56b9-4ac6-a141-fd30ad37f00c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/903495d4-56b9-4ac6-a141-fd30ad37f00c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/903495d4-56b9-4ac6-a141-fd30ad37f00c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Pizza Bakery", :categories ["Pizza" "Bakery"], :phone "415-006-0149", :id "7fda37a5-810f-4902-b571-54afe583f0dd"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "024c7142-3009-4fcc-9094-f7975b939e80", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/024c7142-3009-4fcc-9094-f7975b939e80"}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a horrible and underground place to have brunch with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4c06d251-8f13-4195-b5d6-68857091b26f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4c06d251-8f13-4195-b5d6-68857091b26f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4c06d251-8f13-4195-b5d6-68857091b26f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Marina Low-Carb Food Truck is a swell and world-famous place to watch the Warriors game with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/95b4c506-0290-4042-ba97-de6d46d23cbe/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/95b4c506-0290-4042-ba97-de6d46d23cbe/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/95b4c506-0290-4042-ba97-de6d46d23cbe/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Low-Carb Food Truck", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-748-3513", :id "a13a5beb-19de-40ca-a334-02df3bdf5285"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "10073113-dee8-47d0-a994-eb84a3099ad4", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/10073113-dee8-47d0-a994-eb84a3099ad4"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a exclusive and amazing place to nurse a hangover during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/fd764dce-022d-45ca-80ac-6603f807de11/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/fd764dce-022d-45ca-80ac-6603f807de11/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/fd764dce-022d-45ca-80ac-6603f807de11/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "59df02f3-5581-43bb-8875-ce689355302d", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"]}]
+   ["Polk St. Red White & Blue Café is a family-friendly and wonderful place to have brunch weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0e61715d-c180-4fd0-942a-1917392c5b18/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0e61715d-c180-4fd0-942a-1917392c5b18/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0e61715d-c180-4fd0-942a-1917392c5b18/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Red White & Blue Café", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Café"], :phone "415-986-0661", :id "6eb9d2db-5015-49f0-bd18-f4c4938b7e5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "061a7423-a561-4ed6-9b75-20053659738c", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/061a7423-a561-4ed6-9b75-20053659738c"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a classic and overrated place to catch a bite to eat in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6298f645-2abd-4b53-821a-6d3d1dd5eab7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6298f645-2abd-4b53-821a-6d3d1dd5eab7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6298f645-2abd-4b53-821a-6d3d1dd5eab7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "3326a855-2959-486f-a0f3-21c21211361f", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Nob Hill Korean Taqueria is a great and popular place to take a date when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/0717cf07-cc25-4938-82ad-582fbb27753c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/0717cf07-cc25-4938-82ad-582fbb27753c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/0717cf07-cc25-4938-82ad-582fbb27753c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-107-7332", :id "a43c184c-90f5-488c-bb3b-00ea2666d90e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Japanese Ice Cream Truck is a swell and acceptable place to nurse a hangover on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/aa6e3b77-7eba-4817-8510-e1e19e96ae2a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/aa6e3b77-7eba-4817-8510-e1e19e96ae2a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/aa6e3b77-7eba-4817-8510-e1e19e96ae2a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Japanese Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Japanese" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-856-0371", :id "5ce47baa-bbef-4bc7-adf6-57842913ea8a"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "cc977fda-1fb0-4e78-8699-1558c5f42e69", :categories ["Japanese" "Ice Cream Truck"]}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Sushi is a decent and swell place to conduct a business meeting in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/677835f0-ba4f-40b1-bd8b-993760fa3117/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/677835f0-ba4f-40b1-bd8b-993760fa3117/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/677835f0-ba4f-40b1-bd8b-993760fa3117/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Sushi", :categories ["Soul Food" "Sushi"], :phone "415-371-8026", :id "b4df5eb7-d8cd-431d-9d43-381984ec81ae"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "40052a53-f10e-4d38-806f-d88d2e77faf2", :categories ["Soul Food" "Sushi"]}]
+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a classic and wonderful place to have a drink when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7f021f2d-479e-4115-a0ad-18115f906184/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7f021f2d-479e-4115-a0ad-18115f906184/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7f021f2d-479e-4115-a0ad-18115f906184/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a modern and horrible place to watch the Giants game on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cb993d22-054e-4848-ac71-ad7071d1df7f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cb993d22-054e-4848-ac71-ad7071d1df7f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cb993d22-054e-4848-ac71-ad7071d1df7f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "ed2871fe-d033-4d81-87b1-86550a879d9c", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Kyle's Chinese Restaurant is a delicious and well-decorated place to pitch an investor the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/750fb652-b5a7-4107-8c46-8e28bc3e86f6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/750fb652-b5a7-4107-8c46-8e28bc3e86f6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/750fb652-b5a7-4107-8c46-8e28bc3e86f6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-298-9499", :id "de08b3c7-9929-40d8-8c20-dd9317613c17"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "964cf5f3-9d68-4fa5-8fff-93d09fe23f13", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"]}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Café is a exclusive and popular place to sip Champagne on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5faf0fda-041a-446d-aba4-54b7a6ceaa18/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5faf0fda-041a-446d-aba4-54b7a6ceaa18/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5faf0fda-041a-446d-aba4-54b7a6ceaa18/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Café", :categories ["Paleo" "Café"], :phone "415-392-6341", :id "4f9e69be-f06c-46a0-bb8b-f3ddd8218ca1"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "0fc82427-48c6-468d-8813-9dca3289e519", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/0fc82427-48c6-468d-8813-9dca3289e519"}]
+   ["Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria is a horrible and exclusive place to sip a glass of expensive wine with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/865964d4-35c0-40e2-9029-584fc6f393ce/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/865964d4-35c0-40e2-9029-584fc6f393ce/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/865964d4-35c0-40e2-9029-584fc6f393ce/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria", :categories ["Free-Range" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-201-7832", :id "7aeb9416-4fe6-45f9-8849-6b8ba6d3f3b9"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "6c35de08-10de-4ca4-acb8-a659d005f73c", :mayor "bob"}]
+   ["Sunset Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a modern and acceptable place to take visiting friends and relatives the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/896eef7b-8a70-4706-a70f-f8fbf75acffc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/896eef7b-8a70-4706-a70f-f8fbf75acffc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/896eef7b-8a70-4706-a70f-f8fbf75acffc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-332-0978", :id "a80745c7-af74-4579-8932-70dd488269e6"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "6b2657cc-f404-4507-99d0-89df941c8c19", :mayor "jessica"}]
+   ["Rasta's European Taqueria is a fantastic and great place to watch the Warriors game weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/11b7f47b-1a68-43a9-b3be-0228fa19c70c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/11b7f47b-1a68-43a9-b3be-0228fa19c70c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/11b7f47b-1a68-43a9-b3be-0228fa19c70c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's European Taqueria", :categories ["European" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-631-1599", :id "cb472880-ee6e-46e3-bd58-22cf33109aba"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "d2f7fc44-73f5-4c46-b6ac-b4407bb0df0e", :categories ["European" "Taqueria"]}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a amazing and delicious place to have a drink when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/90957931-5a61-49dd-ab52-bdcf648e370f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/90957931-5a61-49dd-ab52-bdcf648e370f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/90957931-5a61-49dd-ab52-bdcf648e370f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "e5070b25-6933-44e9-a96b-bc7273c13616", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"]}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a acceptable and horrible place to have a birthday party with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/91e5dd78-7a6d-4384-8252-943b8a860a2d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/91e5dd78-7a6d-4384-8252-943b8a860a2d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/91e5dd78-7a6d-4384-8252-943b8a860a2d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a groovy and swell place to have breakfast when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4337bc10-99dc-4f86-a9c2-a64e9d1804da/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4337bc10-99dc-4f86-a9c2-a64e9d1804da/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4337bc10-99dc-4f86-a9c2-a64e9d1804da/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Mission Free-Range Liquor Store is a exclusive and horrible place to have a birthday party Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ba5c2732-f133-41c7-b3aa-4b627710733b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ba5c2732-f133-41c7-b3aa-4b627710733b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ba5c2732-f133-41c7-b3aa-4b627710733b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Free-Range Liquor Store", :categories ["Free-Range" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-041-3816", :id "6e665924-8e2c-42ab-af58-23a27f017e37"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "532267f2-2b66-4adc-8c51-b8ee4509e548", :mayor "kyle"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Café is a delicious and delicious place to drink a craft beer in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c8302d26-6053-438a-9ac4-979699496d0f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c8302d26-6053-438a-9ac4-979699496d0f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c8302d26-6053-438a-9ac4-979699496d0f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Café", :categories ["Paleo" "Café"], :phone "415-392-6341", :id "4f9e69be-f06c-46a0-bb8b-f3ddd8218ca1"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "7b6c29d2-078d-4feb-af95-88f10dc8937b", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/7b6c29d2-078d-4feb-af95-88f10dc8937b"}]
+   ["Mission Soul Food Pizzeria is a family-friendly and acceptable place to sip Champagne in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1ec9c182-6624-4444-8a7f-71c2058c0b0d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1ec9c182-6624-4444-8a7f-71c2058c0b0d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1ec9c182-6624-4444-8a7f-71c2058c0b0d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Soul Food Pizzeria", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-437-3479", :id "9905fe61-44cb-4626-843b-5d725c7949bb"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@mission_soul_food_pizzeria"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#pizzeria"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Japanese Ice Cream Truck is a horrible and decent place to pitch an investor on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f818171e-344f-45e2-b0b7-d1ef9fc75866/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f818171e-344f-45e2-b0b7-d1ef9fc75866/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f818171e-344f-45e2-b0b7-d1ef9fc75866/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Japanese Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Japanese" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-856-0371", :id "5ce47baa-bbef-4bc7-adf6-57842913ea8a"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant is a decent and great place to drink a craft beer on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/33738a8e-ee82-45da-919d-e8739f7600e8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/33738a8e-ee82-45da-919d-e8739f7600e8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/33738a8e-ee82-45da-919d-e8739f7600e8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Paleo Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Paleo" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-402-1652", :id "4dea27b4-6d89-4b86-80a8-5631e171da8d"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House is a horrible and historical place to take a date on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e81790b7-b61d-4c97-a11d-d29414d5f3f6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e81790b7-b61d-4c97-a11d-d29414d5f3f6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e81790b7-b61d-4c97-a11d-d29414d5f3f6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Low-Carb Coffee House", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-145-7107", :id "81b0f944-f0ce-45e5-b84e-a924c441064a"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Korean Taqueria is a atmospheric and horrible place to sip Champagne on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6444cc6c-ec22-4e3c-acfe-d1cf028d85b4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6444cc6c-ec22-4e3c-acfe-d1cf028d85b4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6444cc6c-ec22-4e3c-acfe-d1cf028d85b4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-107-7332", :id "a43c184c-90f5-488c-bb3b-00ea2666d90e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Rasta's Mexican Sushi is a popular and amazing place to nurse a hangover on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/586597a8-4d55-4d75-9146-55988033886c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/586597a8-4d55-4d75-9146-55988033886c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/586597a8-4d55-4d75-9146-55988033886c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Mexican Sushi", :categories ["Mexican" "Sushi"], :phone "415-387-1284", :id "e4912a22-e6ac-4806-8377-6497bf533a21"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "0bb00482-d502-4381-9efb-975487a53dc8", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a popular and underground place to drink a craft beer with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/62670450-c60f-4292-b667-4aed5e1ea266/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/62670450-c60f-4292-b667-4aed5e1ea266/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/62670450-c60f-4292-b667-4aed5e1ea266/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "9c94e761-e464-419e-8696-4670f1d9672c", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["SoMa British Bakery is a swell and fantastic place to take visiting friends and relatives on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4dc5fa04-8931-456e-b05c-3056fb4b4678/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4dc5fa04-8931-456e-b05c-3056fb4b4678/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4dc5fa04-8931-456e-b05c-3056fb4b4678/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa British Bakery", :categories ["British" "Bakery"], :phone "415-909-5728", :id "662cb0d0-8ee6-4db7-aaf1-89eb2530feda"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Market St. Gluten-Free Café is a historical and acceptable place to meet new friends during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/69b12faf-ddb6-491a-986b-a432c44ec881/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/69b12faf-ddb6-491a-986b-a432c44ec881/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/69b12faf-ddb6-491a-986b-a432c44ec881/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-697-9776", :id "ce4947d0-071a-4491-b5ac-f8b0241bd54c"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@market_st._gluten_free_café"], :tags ["#gluten-free" "#café"], :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a amazing and underground place to watch the Warriors game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8ed4e7fd-b105-4b49-8785-01fb01b56408/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8ed4e7fd-b105-4b49-8785-01fb01b56408/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8ed4e7fd-b105-4b49-8785-01fb01b56408/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_soul_food_hotel_&_restaurant"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#hotel" "#&" "#restaurant"], :username "joe"}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a world-famous and popular place to conduct a business meeting in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/65330afd-5c4c-4647-87c6-ac687ea7b542/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/65330afd-5c4c-4647-87c6-ac687ea7b542/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/65330afd-5c4c-4647-87c6-ac687ea7b542/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
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+   ["Polk St. Red White & Blue Café is a groovy and world-famous place to nurse a hangover on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/74df80a0-ead8-4389-a23c-b7126f5898fe/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/74df80a0-ead8-4389-a23c-b7126f5898fe/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/74df80a0-ead8-4389-a23c-b7126f5898fe/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Red White & Blue Café", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Café"], :phone "415-986-0661", :id "6eb9d2db-5015-49f0-bd18-f4c4938b7e5a"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "c4683200-8e6c-4e0f-801b-8b5c69263c82", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Café"]}]
+   ["Rasta's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand is a modern and great place to have a after-work cocktail after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/104a8586-58c9-4591-a46e-0b37a6a22078/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/104a8586-58c9-4591-a46e-0b37a6a22078/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/104a8586-58c9-4591-a46e-0b37a6a22078/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-942-1875", :id "9fd8b920-a877-4888-86bf-578b2724ac4e"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "0a9c5d13-ab77-4b81-9404-78519055f74f", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/0a9c5d13-ab77-4b81-9404-78519055f74f"}]
+   ["Rasta's European Taqueria is a acceptable and overrated place to have brunch during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/62cbd734-78f4-4309-afbd-4399f6c19325/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/62cbd734-78f4-4309-afbd-4399f6c19325/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/62cbd734-78f4-4309-afbd-4399f6c19325/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's European Taqueria", :categories ["European" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-631-1599", :id "cb472880-ee6e-46e3-bd58-22cf33109aba"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Café is a overrated and historical place to watch the Warriors game when hungover."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/85edb88a-a7b8-4c77-aa67-cb937406f07e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/85edb88a-a7b8-4c77-aa67-cb937406f07e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/85edb88a-a7b8-4c77-aa67-cb937406f07e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Café", :categories ["Soul Food" "Café"], :phone "415-257-1769", :id "a1796c4b-da2b-474f-9fd6-4fa96c1eac70"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "38bdb459-90a7-45d2-815b-ac50f4b945b2", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/38bdb459-90a7-45d2-815b-ac50f4b945b2"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a exclusive and amazing place to pitch an investor with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2d605283-ac21-4fbb-8fcc-b0c237d95998/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2d605283-ac21-4fbb-8fcc-b0c237d95998/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2d605283-ac21-4fbb-8fcc-b0c237d95998/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "28eec82b-1a47-4e75-970f-ae118d14fcc0", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Haight Gormet Pizzeria is a overrated and popular place to have a after-work cocktail with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/36ea3dc3-e9f5-4306-8b38-267eb0080754/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/36ea3dc3-e9f5-4306-8b38-267eb0080754/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/36ea3dc3-e9f5-4306-8b38-267eb0080754/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Gormet Pizzeria", :categories ["Gormet" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-869-2197", :id "0425bdd0-3f57-4108-80e3-78335327355a"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "7ad05d8f-924b-4e77-8222-54704df41a83", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["SF Deep-Dish Eatery is a exclusive and classic place to have a after-work cocktail the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ade9dbce-8bef-4aa4-836c-3dc0ef024976/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ade9dbce-8bef-4aa4-836c-3dc0ef024976/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ade9dbce-8bef-4aa4-836c-3dc0ef024976/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF Deep-Dish Eatery", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Eatery"], :phone "415-476-9257", :id "ad41d3f6-c20c-46a7-9e5d-db602fff7d0d"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "e149be3f-de3b-4f90-a3d5-fa5a51362a45", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/e149be3f-de3b-4f90-a3d5-fa5a51362a45"}]
+   ["Cam's Soul Food Ice Cream Truck is a overrated and underground place to sip a glass of expensive wine on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/30c66e10-c0dc-4439-9d3a-485ebec2b984/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/30c66e10-c0dc-4439-9d3a-485ebec2b984/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/30c66e10-c0dc-4439-9d3a-485ebec2b984/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Soul Food Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Soul Food" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-270-8888", :id "f474e587-1801-43ea-93d5-4c4fd96460b8"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "75345d37-3a17-48ac-926c-707fdd1ed073", :categories ["Soul Food" "Ice Cream Truck"]}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a horrible and underappreciated place to have brunch during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/80b32b4f-9d75-4494-bec3-0e4d1c77e592/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/80b32b4f-9d75-4494-bec3-0e4d1c77e592/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/80b32b4f-9d75-4494-bec3-0e4d1c77e592/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_soul_food_hotel_&_restaurant"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#hotel" "#&" "#restaurant"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant is a well-decorated and underappreciated place to drink a craft beer weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/375174fb-6d46-4034-aa46-e69d8501c16f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/375174fb-6d46-4034-aa46-e69d8501c16f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/375174fb-6d46-4034-aa46-e69d8501c16f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Japanese" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-337-5387", :id "eced4f41-b627-4553-a297-888871038b69"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "7c8ab6a5-f832-4d16-9f5a-e5bb64991845", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/7c8ab6a5-f832-4d16-9f5a-e5bb64991845"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant is a underappreciated and well-decorated place to take a date Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f513fc07-1819-4e27-8459-621ee8daa89b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f513fc07-1819-4e27-8459-621ee8daa89b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f513fc07-1819-4e27-8459-621ee8daa89b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Restaurant", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-128-9430", :id "7ac8a7dd-c07f-45a6-92ba-bdb1b1280af2"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria is a groovy and classic place to pitch an investor the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3496607d-7f71-4f4d-a3fb-38a93cb7dc9f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3496607d-7f71-4f4d-a3fb-38a93cb7dc9f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3496607d-7f71-4f4d-a3fb-38a93cb7dc9f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria", :categories ["Free-Range" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-201-7832", :id "7aeb9416-4fe6-45f9-8849-6b8ba6d3f3b9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub is a atmospheric and wonderful place to drink a craft beer on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5e5e3ec3-45af-41e3-90fe-aa4923bfff0c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5e5e3ec3-45af-41e3-90fe-aa4923bfff0c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5e5e3ec3-45af-41e3-90fe-aa4923bfff0c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-391-6443", :id "7ccf8bbb-74b4-48f7-aa7c-43872f63cb1b"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "94ee2c9f-bfcc-462e-9893-6a740cd89edf", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"]}]
+   ["Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a fantastic and great place to nurse a hangover the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1682e808-cd81-455c-a146-310951ee9a48/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1682e808-cd81-455c-a146-310951ee9a48/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1682e808-cd81-455c-a146-310951ee9a48/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-320-9123", :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@cams_mexican_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#mexican" "#gastro" "#pub"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store is a classic and family-friendly place to watch the Giants game weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4ad99b2b-e8c3-4ee0-b689-4bf4e5f6afc4/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4ad99b2b-e8c3-4ee0-b689-4bf4e5f6afc4/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4ad99b2b-e8c3-4ee0-b689-4bf4e5f6afc4/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-571-0783", :id "ad68f549-3000-407e-ab98-7f314cfa4653"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "3bd9b0c5-4bb3-492f-9f79-b95540dce0a5", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"]}]
+   ["Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store is a exclusive and classic place to catch a bite to eat with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ea6196c8-f2da-4765-9705-24e9d74314a0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ea6196c8-f2da-4765-9705-24e9d74314a0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ea6196c8-f2da-4765-9705-24e9d74314a0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-341-3219", :id "968eac8d-1fd0-443d-a7ff-b48810ab0f69"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "ed8f13c6-cb45-4dd5-ab2b-9e5261fe3e7b", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/ed8f13c6-cb45-4dd5-ab2b-9e5261fe3e7b"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a well-decorated and popular place to have brunch on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4e19c71c-f413-4e9e-a802-df85a3ea1ca8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4e19c71c-f413-4e9e-a802-df85a3ea1ca8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4e19c71c-f413-4e9e-a802-df85a3ea1ca8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria is a decent and well-decorated place to have a birthday party after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2e81d020-d65b-43ac-abad-32c74d5890b8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2e81d020-d65b-43ac-abad-32c74d5890b8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2e81d020-d65b-43ac-abad-32c74d5890b8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Old-Fashioned Pizzeria", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-966-8856", :id "deb8997b-734d-402b-a181-bd888214bc86"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@soma_old_fashioned_pizzeria"], :tags ["#old-fashioned" "#pizzeria"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Marina Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a groovy and great place to conduct a business meeting with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2cf13084-184a-4a3b-9c64-9732b00b2410/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2cf13084-184a-4a3b-9c64-9732b00b2410/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2cf13084-184a-4a3b-9c64-9732b00b2410/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-094-4567", :id "88a7ae3c-8b36-4901-a0c5-b82342cba6cd"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store is a world-famous and underappreciated place to have breakfast the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2805f64d-9ee0-41e7-b07e-cffe37193efb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2805f64d-9ee0-41e7-b07e-cffe37193efb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2805f64d-9ee0-41e7-b07e-cffe37193efb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store", :categories ["Pizza" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-969-7474", :id "7b9c7dc3-d8f1-498d-843a-e62360449892"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a06600a6-ab71-4c47-bf7d-9334f0de14a6", :mayor "jessica"}]
+   ["Mission BBQ Churros is a underground and overrated place to have breakfast Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e2e3cd36-f1f4-4a23-b1db-166d87e4bba2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e2e3cd36-f1f4-4a23-b1db-166d87e4bba2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e2e3cd36-f1f4-4a23-b1db-166d87e4bba2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission BBQ Churros", :categories ["BBQ" "Churros"], :phone "415-406-5374", :id "429ea81a-02c5-449f-bfa7-03a11b227f1f"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "500335c8-a480-4d0a-b2e5-fd44f240c668", :categories ["BBQ" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Kyle's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand is a amazing and underappreciated place to catch a bite to eat with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ee0eca87-45da-43e0-b8ad-15e80d4fd00a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ee0eca87-45da-43e0-b8ad-15e80d4fd00a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ee0eca87-45da-43e0-b8ad-15e80d4fd00a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-638-8972", :id "7da187e8-bd01-48ca-ad93-7a02a442d9eb"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "dab0b46c-7062-4a40-8098-290e126c47df", :mayor "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck is a decent and classic place to meet new friends during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/98aa0ae9-fc5c-4dad-a643-8d3415b7a95d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/98aa0ae9-fc5c-4dad-a643-8d3415b7a95d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/98aa0ae9-fc5c-4dad-a643-8d3415b7a95d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Free-Range" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-787-4049", :id "08d1e93c-105f-4abf-a9ec-b2e3cd30747e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Haight Chinese Gastro Pub is a world-famous and acceptable place to have a birthday party with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/faeeb454-e78f-4f14-84db-4b7acaafe5bb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/faeeb454-e78f-4f14-84db-4b7acaafe5bb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/faeeb454-e78f-4f14-84db-4b7acaafe5bb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Chinese Gastro Pub", :categories ["Chinese" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-521-5825", :id "12a8dc6e-1b2c-47e2-9c18-3ae220e4806f"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a061d2b6-8c85-4bf4-bc25-9450136340ca", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store is a world-famous and historical place to catch a bite to eat after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ff6df82c-49f2-4061-9369-51ff3d043f61/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ff6df82c-49f2-4061-9369-51ff3d043f61/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ff6df82c-49f2-4061-9369-51ff3d043f61/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store", :categories ["Pizza" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-969-7474", :id "7b9c7dc3-d8f1-498d-843a-e62360449892"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a45a7d9f-e866-4edf-9594-4229dc893000", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Market St. Low-Carb Taqueria is a well-decorated and modern place to have breakfast weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/86ecd1d3-5d67-4ff2-9839-4c5858ac1013/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/86ecd1d3-5d67-4ff2-9839-4c5858ac1013/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/86ecd1d3-5d67-4ff2-9839-4c5858ac1013/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Low-Carb Taqueria", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-751-6525", :id "f30eb85b-f048-4d8c-8008-3c2876125061"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "b02f088b-0b6e-4543-bb64-fc46173488c6", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/b02f088b-0b6e-4543-bb64-fc46173488c6"}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a horrible and historical place to sip a glass of expensive wine Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1f29c79b-7119-4f34-aec1-bc3863b6f392/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1f29c79b-7119-4f34-aec1-bc3863b6f392/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1f29c79b-7119-4f34-aec1-bc3863b6f392/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@joes_homestyle_eatery"], :tags ["#homestyle" "#eatery"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a popular and delicious place to conduct a business meeting weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6caf3094-8900-4461-8b3a-f6c43b3cea3d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6caf3094-8900-4461-8b3a-f6c43b3cea3d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6caf3094-8900-4461-8b3a-f6c43b3cea3d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-213-3030", :id "2d873280-e43d-449e-9940-af96ae7df718"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Lucky's Afgan Sushi is a historical and fantastic place to catch a bite to eat in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f3fb00c6-96fe-4b76-ba66-118e26328fd6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f3fb00c6-96fe-4b76-ba66-118e26328fd6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f3fb00c6-96fe-4b76-ba66-118e26328fd6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Afgan Sushi", :categories ["Afgan" "Sushi"], :phone "415-188-3506", :id "4a47d0d2-0123-4bb9-b941-38702f0697e9"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "97487fd1-61b3-4492-9d4f-45ceba863252", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/97487fd1-61b3-4492-9d4f-45ceba863252"}]
+   ["Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a overrated and wonderful place to drink a craft beer with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/af633118-4ae8-450f-b48b-d02d86913e22/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/af633118-4ae8-450f-b48b-d02d86913e22/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/af633118-4ae8-450f-b48b-d02d86913e22/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-213-3030", :id "2d873280-e43d-449e-9940-af96ae7df718"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a acceptable and classic place to meet new friends in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e495076c-d822-460c-8e1e-eb76d9378433/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e495076c-d822-460c-8e1e-eb76d9378433/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e495076c-d822-460c-8e1e-eb76d9378433/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sunset_homestyle_grill"], :tags ["#homestyle" "#grill"], :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Polk St. Mexican Coffee House is a overrated and great place to meet new friends on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7f2cad4a-5bae-4860-af42-59af2b94c90f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7f2cad4a-5bae-4860-af42-59af2b94c90f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7f2cad4a-5bae-4860-af42-59af2b94c90f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Mexican Coffee House", :categories ["Mexican" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-144-7901", :id "396d36d7-13ad-41fd-86b5-8b70b6ecdabf"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@polk_st._mexican_coffee_house"], :tags ["#mexican" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Marina Low-Carb Food Truck is a exclusive and acceptable place to have breakfast on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b4147277-a95e-4c14-b8de-cdd330292af2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b4147277-a95e-4c14-b8de-cdd330292af2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b4147277-a95e-4c14-b8de-cdd330292af2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Low-Carb Food Truck", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-748-3513", :id "a13a5beb-19de-40ca-a334-02df3bdf5285"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "83ad3825-1e95-4078-9a3e-902802396114", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/83ad3825-1e95-4078-9a3e-902802396114"}]
+   ["Polk St. Korean Taqueria is a family-friendly and amazing place to conduct a business meeting the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9eb15f11-015b-497c-86ee-ad3680ab00a8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9eb15f11-015b-497c-86ee-ad3680ab00a8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9eb15f11-015b-497c-86ee-ad3680ab00a8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-511-5531", :id "ddb09b32-6f0b-4e54-98c7-14398f16ca4e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "ade689fc-821b-4c22-8e66-cc48a2e4d7b9", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant is a world-famous and world-famous place to have a drink Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8a2fc34f-49ce-4705-85f7-94d0f5847656/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8a2fc34f-49ce-4705-85f7-94d0f5847656/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8a2fc34f-49ce-4705-85f7-94d0f5847656/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Japanese" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-337-5387", :id "eced4f41-b627-4553-a297-888871038b69"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "e6a59e30-0ffd-4a6f-b4bc-f45ba8c214cf", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/e6a59e30-0ffd-4a6f-b4bc-f45ba8c214cf"}]
+   ["Mission Soul Food Pizzeria is a swell and swell place to pitch an investor with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/108c11d1-e973-45c2-8c99-86ae460dfb1d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/108c11d1-e973-45c2-8c99-86ae460dfb1d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/108c11d1-e973-45c2-8c99-86ae460dfb1d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Soul Food Pizzeria", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-437-3479", :id "9905fe61-44cb-4626-843b-5d725c7949bb"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "0e7ee5ce-7a90-4431-959f-948658ec504c", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Alcatraz Pizza Churros is a fantastic and world-famous place to watch the Giants game in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c97060df-c900-4330-bc2d-8277ca9844b2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c97060df-c900-4330-bc2d-8277ca9844b2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c97060df-c900-4330-bc2d-8277ca9844b2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Pizza Churros", :categories ["Pizza" "Churros"], :phone "415-754-7867", :id "df95e4f1-8719-42af-a15d-3ee00de6e04f"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "645a21e2-d948-4e57-a2c2-a29c6a6a32d8", :mayor "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Marina No-MSG Sushi is a wonderful and family-friendly place to have a birthday party in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7ad88c11-910e-4e48-b42c-3a2050f6f52b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7ad88c11-910e-4e48-b42c-3a2050f6f52b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7ad88c11-910e-4e48-b42c-3a2050f6f52b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-856-5937", :id "d51013a3-8547-4705-a5f0-cb11d8206481"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_no_msg_sushi"], :tags ["#no-msg" "#sushi"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Sushi is a groovy and historical place to have a drink weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/87a2f10c-18f9-4382-ab09-c5c8b92835b9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/87a2f10c-18f9-4382-ab09-c5c8b92835b9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/87a2f10c-18f9-4382-ab09-c5c8b92835b9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Sushi", :categories ["Soul Food" "Sushi"], :phone "415-371-8026", :id "b4df5eb7-d8cd-431d-9d43-381984ec81ae"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "tupac"}]
+   ["SF British Pop-Up Food Stand is a horrible and amazing place to drink a craft beer with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/25cf609f-25e8-4575-9ce0-e3037368fc53/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/25cf609f-25e8-4575-9ce0-e3037368fc53/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/25cf609f-25e8-4575-9ce0-e3037368fc53/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SF British Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["British" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-441-3725", :id "19eac087-7b1c-4668-a26c-d7c02cbcd3f6"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "e60013b6-4660-4767-8500-d55ccf154362", :categories ["British" "Pop-Up Food Stand"]}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Café is a amazing and family-friendly place to take visiting friends and relatives on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a6b38881-d547-43f5-8a6f-429b73c92321/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a6b38881-d547-43f5-8a6f-429b73c92321/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a6b38881-d547-43f5-8a6f-429b73c92321/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Café", :categories ["Soul Food" "Café"], :phone "415-257-1769", :id "a1796c4b-da2b-474f-9fd6-4fa96c1eac70"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Oakland European Liquor Store is a wonderful and underappreciated place to people-watch in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/09b212d7-4cfe-42d7-92bd-2be6b0c4239a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/09b212d7-4cfe-42d7-92bd-2be6b0c4239a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/09b212d7-4cfe-42d7-92bd-2be6b0c4239a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland European Liquor Store", :categories ["European" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-559-1516", :id "e342e7b7-e82d-475d-a822-b2df9c84850d"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck is a atmospheric and world-famous place to have brunch on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/fcf20e3b-3966-467a-9a91-0a1be39e0c86/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/fcf20e3b-3966-467a-9a91-0a1be39e0c86/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/fcf20e3b-3966-467a-9a91-0a1be39e0c86/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Free-Range" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-787-4049", :id "08d1e93c-105f-4abf-a9ec-b2e3cd30747e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub is a family-friendly and family-friendly place to watch the Warriors game weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4929ecb6-e987-4a98-be9b-aa01ace293b1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4929ecb6-e987-4a98-be9b-aa01ace293b1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4929ecb6-e987-4a98-be9b-aa01ace293b1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Gastro Pub", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-391-6443", :id "7ccf8bbb-74b4-48f7-aa7c-43872f63cb1b"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "1be63daf-2a0c-4514-a7a3-d20264346b9d", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/1be63daf-2a0c-4514-a7a3-d20264346b9d"}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a well-decorated and horrible place to watch the Giants game on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/98e6d78e-7926-44d8-b94d-12fa9903485c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/98e6d78e-7926-44d8-b94d-12fa9903485c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/98e6d78e-7926-44d8-b94d-12fa9903485c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "2852b37d-d922-4259-be12-744fa4bfee02", :categories ["American" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Kyle's European Churros is a family-friendly and fantastic place to have brunch in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/33370b35-d26b-48be-a6f0-135d09d82dd6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/33370b35-d26b-48be-a6f0-135d09d82dd6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/33370b35-d26b-48be-a6f0-135d09d82dd6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's European Churros", :categories ["European" "Churros"], :phone "415-233-8392", :id "5270240c-6e6e-4512-9344-3dc497d6ea49"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "c151203a-b7d1-45c7-89c5-f874054cb524", :categories ["European" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a world-famous and underground place to drink a craft beer on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6ec6cac2-7492-4432-af7f-291301d03031/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6ec6cac2-7492-4432-af7f-291301d03031/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6ec6cac2-7492-4432-af7f-291301d03031/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@tenderloin_cage_free_sushi"], :tags ["#cage-free" "#sushi"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant is a wonderful and decent place to catch a bite to eat with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d4806e59-38d0-4dc2-87b9-49c4ef406fd1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d4806e59-38d0-4dc2-87b9-49c4ef406fd1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d4806e59-38d0-4dc2-87b9-49c4ef406fd1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Japanese Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Japanese" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-337-5387", :id "eced4f41-b627-4553-a297-888871038b69"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "7efa0b90-41f8-42b4-b148-b981eb3d2c0f", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a decent and atmospheric place to nurse a hangover weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/73c98d12-5bf9-40a1-b119-708f84d0fc74/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/73c98d12-5bf9-40a1-b119-708f84d0fc74/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/73c98d12-5bf9-40a1-b119-708f84d0fc74/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-741-8726", :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "87cbe196-2aa6-45d1-87b8-bf9027c655c1", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Gluten-Free Bar & Grill is a popular and wonderful place to sip Champagne on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/03a096b6-2326-4e11-9326-29793d4a03d5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/03a096b6-2326-4e11-9326-29793d4a03d5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/03a096b6-2326-4e11-9326-29793d4a03d5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gluten-Free Bar & Grill", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-904-0956", :id "0d7e235a-eea8-45b3-aaa7-23b4ea2b50f2"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "07b3bf42-0187-4f24-9d2a-b6cb5419fe6b", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/07b3bf42-0187-4f24-9d2a-b6cb5419fe6b"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck is a amazing and family-friendly place to have a birthday party Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a93dc0cc-7974-4a90-a899-fdcd468c5f8d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a93dc0cc-7974-4a90-a899-fdcd468c5f8d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a93dc0cc-7974-4a90-a899-fdcd468c5f8d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-495-1414", :id "d5efa2f2-496d-41b2-8b85-3d002a22a2bc"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "d8cfa65d-018c-4a07-baa5-ef38e019b53e", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Ice Cream Truck"]}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a historical and swell place to catch a bite to eat on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f7e89230-3e54-487f-aa62-c941fa30e833/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f7e89230-3e54-487f-aa62-c941fa30e833/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f7e89230-3e54-487f-aa62-c941fa30e833/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "e73b3ca1-da16-42f7-99ed-11e978abae41", :categories ["American" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a decent and great place to watch the Warriors game in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b24e4e79-6771-4b12-b614-eb702200e544/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b24e4e79-6771-4b12-b614-eb702200e544/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b24e4e79-6771-4b12-b614-eb702200e544/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "abf79d51-a26b-48f8-8267-28af692327b7", :mayor "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi is a world-famous and groovy place to have breakfast during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3ee22abf-acd2-433f-9d18-00747bb907b3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3ee22abf-acd2-433f-9d18-00747bb907b3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3ee22abf-acd2-433f-9d18-00747bb907b3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-354-9547", :id "b15b66a8-f3da-4b65-8156-80f5518fdd5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "24bc49af-3dd9-4d57-bd9c-204aacd68eea", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/24bc49af-3dd9-4d57-bd9c-204aacd68eea"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store is a delicious and underappreciated place to have a after-work cocktail in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/585e25e5-5ae1-403b-acdf-a5069173d053/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/585e25e5-5ae1-403b-acdf-a5069173d053/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/585e25e5-5ae1-403b-acdf-a5069173d053/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Deep-Dish Liquor Store", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-497-3039", :id "4d4eabfc-ff1f-4bc6-88b0-2f55489ff666"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "c57cddd8-4867-43cf-8f71-892e87788b73", :mayor "jessica"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a decent and acceptable place to take visiting friends and relatives Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d0f3968e-c660-45eb-9d17-bcd3b9229956/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d0f3968e-c660-45eb-9d17-bcd3b9229956/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d0f3968e-c660-45eb-9d17-bcd3b9229956/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_free_range_eatery"], :tags ["#free-range" "#eatery"], :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store is a popular and wonderful place to take visiting friends and relatives weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/88852ac8-d7e1-4cba-b4e3-ec810088b8a9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/88852ac8-d7e1-4cba-b4e3-ec810088b8a9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/88852ac8-d7e1-4cba-b4e3-ec810088b8a9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-571-0783", :id "ad68f549-3000-407e-ab98-7f314cfa4653"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "6301ba32-41f7-44ff-872e-3c6f96e34ebb", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"]}]
+   ["Mission Japanese Coffee House is a popular and swell place to have a drink on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5b8270f9-29aa-4d47-8a64-23b26dc7e688/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5b8270f9-29aa-4d47-8a64-23b26dc7e688/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5b8270f9-29aa-4d47-8a64-23b26dc7e688/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Japanese Coffee House", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-561-0506", :id "60dd274e-0cbf-4521-946d-8a4e0f151150"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "7c9bc27a-7478-4bec-b6e1-99657346b360", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a swell and groovy place to take a date in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6b7c484a-4839-4f61-b32d-690fbffe08d8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6b7c484a-4839-4f61-b32d-690fbffe08d8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6b7c484a-4839-4f61-b32d-690fbffe08d8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@joes_homestyle_eatery"], :tags ["#homestyle" "#eatery"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck is a well-decorated and modern place to watch the Giants game after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f2c105a6-db11-44c4-a0a7-5adac712a5f1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f2c105a6-db11-44c4-a0a7-5adac712a5f1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f2c105a6-db11-44c4-a0a7-5adac712a5f1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Free-Range Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Free-Range" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-787-4049", :id "08d1e93c-105f-4abf-a9ec-b2e3cd30747e"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@nob_hill_free_range_ice_cream_truck"], :tags ["#free-range" "#ice" "#cream" "#truck"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Lucky's Gluten-Free Café is a horrible and historical place to conduct a business meeting on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/e1af0686-6fdb-415a-baa1-2e076dd1af2a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/e1af0686-6fdb-415a-baa1-2e076dd1af2a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/e1af0686-6fdb-415a-baa1-2e076dd1af2a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Café", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Café"], :phone "415-740-2328", :id "379af987-ad40-4a93-88a6-0233e1c14649"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "f37c703b-0e19-4b91-9fc0-3945524300ed", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/f37c703b-0e19-4b91-9fc0-3945524300ed"}]
+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a decent and underground place to have brunch on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b29b4f66-ef21-47e1-be7e-a3cd319c2110/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b29b4f66-ef21-47e1-be7e-a3cd319c2110/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b29b4f66-ef21-47e1-be7e-a3cd319c2110/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Churros is a popular and family-friendly place to conduct a business meeting on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ab6f99aa-a1b9-4f3b-904a-fdc16c363827/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ab6f99aa-a1b9-4f3b-904a-fdc16c363827/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ab6f99aa-a1b9-4f3b-904a-fdc16c363827/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Churros", :categories ["Paleo" "Churros"], :phone "415-915-0309", :id "3bf48ec6-434b-43b1-be28-7644975ecaf9"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Kyle's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand is a world-famous and family-friendly place to have a drink with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7333d3c2-37c6-4a9d-96ab-019ac1174b91/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7333d3c2-37c6-4a9d-96ab-019ac1174b91/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7333d3c2-37c6-4a9d-96ab-019ac1174b91/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Old-Fashioned Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-638-8972", :id "7da187e8-bd01-48ca-ad93-7a02a442d9eb"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "e99162db-5fc6-4164-9537-a35aee30f51c", :mayor "kyle"}]
+   ["Joe's Homestyle Eatery is a horrible and exclusive place to watch the Giants game the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/bd701a19-53c9-4cc2-aecd-f1e3c499493e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/bd701a19-53c9-4cc2-aecd-f1e3c499493e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/bd701a19-53c9-4cc2-aecd-f1e3c499493e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery", :categories ["Homestyle" "Eatery"], :phone "415-950-1337", :id "5cc18489-dfaf-417b-900f-5d1d61b961e8"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "87163e8d-0bcf-4d20-b3a8-ab895ddfef15", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/87163e8d-0bcf-4d20-b3a8-ab895ddfef15"}]
+   ["Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub is a horrible and underground place to have a birthday party with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/30ca52de-38cc-4194-9afb-f8879e55cbf5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/30ca52de-38cc-4194-9afb-f8879e55cbf5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/30ca52de-38cc-4194-9afb-f8879e55cbf5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-487-4085", :id "0136c454-0968-41cd-a237-ceec5724cab8"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "08c45fbc-d085-4e2d-8b69-3e2d89f457a9", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand is a swell and world-famous place to take visiting friends and relatives during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/271d9185-e724-4afd-b3a2-b8d9eee096eb/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/271d9185-e724-4afd-b3a2-b8d9eee096eb/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/271d9185-e724-4afd-b3a2-b8d9eee096eb/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-217-7891", :id "a829efc7-7e03-4e73-b072-83d10d1e3953"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sameers_gmo_free_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#gmo-free" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :username "joe"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Korean Taqueria is a classic and classic place to take a date after baseball games."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8f8cfa52-8973-4af0-9226-1df9eda589d9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8f8cfa52-8973-4af0-9226-1df9eda589d9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8f8cfa52-8973-4af0-9226-1df9eda589d9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-107-7332", :id "a43c184c-90f5-488c-bb3b-00ea2666d90e"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@nob_hill_korean_taqueria"], :tags ["#korean" "#taqueria"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Lucky's Afgan Sushi is a swell and amazing place to drink a craft beer the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/77cdaadd-b53a-48f5-b434-8b9b2262e5cf/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/77cdaadd-b53a-48f5-b434-8b9b2262e5cf/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/77cdaadd-b53a-48f5-b434-8b9b2262e5cf/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Afgan Sushi", :categories ["Afgan" "Sushi"], :phone "415-188-3506", :id "4a47d0d2-0123-4bb9-b941-38702f0697e9"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "ba479234-45d6-4e25-aba9-5f820f0ba318", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/ba479234-45d6-4e25-aba9-5f820f0ba318"}]
+   ["Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub is a delicious and amazing place to sip a glass of expensive wine in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9c59add8-379d-4f9a-81a8-7346e88b25d5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9c59add8-379d-4f9a-81a8-7346e88b25d5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9c59add8-379d-4f9a-81a8-7346e88b25d5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-487-4085", :id "0136c454-0968-41cd-a237-ceec5724cab8"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "8c374317-71fe-4112-ab02-53450a771d48", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a exclusive and wonderful place to pitch an investor in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/fe3f8af1-a494-48af-b6c2-a4d16f99c506/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/fe3f8af1-a494-48af-b6c2-a4d16f99c506/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/fe3f8af1-a494-48af-b6c2-a4d16f99c506/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery", :categories ["Free-Range" "Eatery"], :phone "415-901-6541", :id "88b361c8-ce69-4b2e-b0f2-9deedd574af6"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a fantastic and modern place to take a date during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/546084bf-adf8-4f19-9a77-09b06e67c07d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/546084bf-adf8-4f19-9a77-09b06e67c07d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/546084bf-adf8-4f19-9a77-09b06e67c07d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@tenderloin_cage_free_sushi"], :tags ["#cage-free" "#sushi"], :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Polk St. Japanese Liquor Store is a delicious and decent place to drink a craft beer the first Sunday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/3f9ee642-6113-4d6c-ba97-2e51be75474f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/3f9ee642-6113-4d6c-ba97-2e51be75474f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/3f9ee642-6113-4d6c-ba97-2e51be75474f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Japanese Liquor Store", :categories ["Japanese" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-726-7986", :id "b57ceac5-328d-4b65-9909-a1f9abc93015"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "4e3e3372-d489-4ec6-9b80-c3615d7bb110", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/4e3e3372-d489-4ec6-9b80-c3615d7bb110"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a overrated and popular place to have a after-work cocktail weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/27bffcc4-0017-4759-aeb9-5b78d1bf7ec3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/27bffcc4-0017-4759-aeb9-5b78d1bf7ec3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/27bffcc4-0017-4759-aeb9-5b78d1bf7ec3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "e40f9858-278e-4b0f-aa49-57295cdad381", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/e40f9858-278e-4b0f-aa49-57295cdad381"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a groovy and popular place to conduct a business meeting weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/ef480d7a-3256-450b-9631-b38e9848a3f3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/ef480d7a-3256-450b-9631-b38e9848a3f3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/ef480d7a-3256-450b-9631-b38e9848a3f3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-868-2973", :id "27592c2b-e682-44bb-be28-8e9a622becca"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["Joe's Modern Coffee House is a swell and swell place to catch a bite to eat in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/95a7cf90-5437-4f75-9bee-e61c08daca75/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/95a7cf90-5437-4f75-9bee-e61c08daca75/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/95a7cf90-5437-4f75-9bee-e61c08daca75/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Joe's Modern Coffee House", :categories ["Modern" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-331-5269", :id "cd9e3610-9ead-4f0b-ad93-cd53611d49fe"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "a81b8c97-cde1-40d8-8a54-05fc2c6074b4", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Marina Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand is a exclusive and modern place to have brunch the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a9541f11-91c0-4a36-bb2f-5b41fcd7d6f9/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a9541f11-91c0-4a36-bb2f-5b41fcd7d6f9/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a9541f11-91c0-4a36-bb2f-5b41fcd7d6f9/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Homestyle Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Homestyle" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-094-4567", :id "88a7ae3c-8b36-4901-a0c5-b82342cba6cd"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@marina_homestyle_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#homestyle" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :username "biggie"}]
+   ["Mission Japanese Coffee House is a amazing and decent place to catch a bite to eat on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4af17c4d-013b-47b6-83af-46fce1f5ceba/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4af17c4d-013b-47b6-83af-46fce1f5ceba/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4af17c4d-013b-47b6-83af-46fce1f5ceba/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Japanese Coffee House", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-561-0506", :id "60dd274e-0cbf-4521-946d-8a4e0f151150"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "c628a149-96fc-4ece-a89c-d07f0d57bc83", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria is a underground and groovy place to have a drink during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c7533c61-98b3-4592-b02c-15d34d4b2da6/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c7533c61-98b3-4592-b02c-15d34d4b2da6/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c7533c61-98b3-4592-b02c-15d34d4b2da6/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Free-Range Taqueria", :categories ["Free-Range" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-201-7832", :id "7aeb9416-4fe6-45f9-8849-6b8ba6d3f3b9"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "29bdfc7c-9766-463f-a8c0-4568fa583604", :mayor "bob"}]
+   ["Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand is a delicious and family-friendly place to people-watch weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/dffdba53-41d7-4b09-bacd-9dacd98f576d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/dffdba53-41d7-4b09-bacd-9dacd98f576d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/dffdba53-41d7-4b09-bacd-9dacd98f576d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's GMO-Free Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["GMO-Free" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :phone "415-217-7891", :id "a829efc7-7e03-4e73-b072-83d10d1e3953"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "8a7c76a5-9099-4e2e-b6d8-8eebe10acf72", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/8a7c76a5-9099-4e2e-b6d8-8eebe10acf72"}]
+   ["Mission Japanese Coffee House is a underappreciated and delicious place to drink a craft beer on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6326e639-414c-4a23-8997-d6165cf61ea5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6326e639-414c-4a23-8997-d6165cf61ea5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6326e639-414c-4a23-8997-d6165cf61ea5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Japanese Coffee House", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-561-0506", :id "60dd274e-0cbf-4521-946d-8a4e0f151150"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "ec651838-e2d7-45c1-8b8a-70f80f87fae5", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a historical and underappreciated place to conduct a business meeting with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6e3a5256-275f-4056-b61a-25990b4bb484/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6e3a5256-275f-4056-b61a-25990b4bb484/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6e3a5256-275f-4056-b61a-25990b4bb484/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-320-9123", :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@cams_mexican_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#mexican" "#gastro" "#pub"], :username "kyle"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a well-decorated and popular place to have breakfast Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6c89c785-1e69-449f-9eb8-81f5adaa40a3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6c89c785-1e69-449f-9eb8-81f5adaa40a3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6c89c785-1e69-449f-9eb8-81f5adaa40a3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_mexican_restaurant"], :tags ["#mexican" "#restaurant"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Chinatown Paleo Food Truck is a great and underappreciated place to take a date in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/57814010-b3cc-424f-ba74-4e2cc39e838d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/57814010-b3cc-424f-ba74-4e2cc39e838d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/57814010-b3cc-424f-ba74-4e2cc39e838d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown Paleo Food Truck", :categories ["Paleo" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-583-4380", :id "aa9b5ce9-db74-470e-8573-f2faca24d546"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@chinatown_paleo_food_truck"], :tags ["#paleo" "#food" "#truck"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store is a overrated and fantastic place to have a birthday party in the fall."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b1686642-2751-4c46-9bbf-cf37fdb35fd2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b1686642-2751-4c46-9bbf-cf37fdb35fd2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b1686642-2751-4c46-9bbf-cf37fdb35fd2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-341-3219", :id "968eac8d-1fd0-443d-a7ff-b48810ab0f69"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "sameer"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi is a horrible and horrible place to people-watch the second Saturday of the month."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/dd186a13-fd25-4114-9f7e-ea2e045638b8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/dd186a13-fd25-4114-9f7e-ea2e045638b8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/dd186a13-fd25-4114-9f7e-ea2e045638b8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights No-MSG Sushi", :categories ["No-MSG" "Sushi"], :phone "415-354-9547", :id "b15b66a8-f3da-4b65-8156-80f5518fdd5a"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "362ae2f8-3bca-4a80-8b34-708aaac74139", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/362ae2f8-3bca-4a80-8b34-708aaac74139"}]
+   ["Alcatraz Pizza Churros is a swell and acceptable place to catch a bite to eat Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/59cd5ba5-a68d-4d65-b104-9c0b7cc090f3/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/59cd5ba5-a68d-4d65-b104-9c0b7cc090f3/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/59cd5ba5-a68d-4d65-b104-9c0b7cc090f3/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Alcatraz Pizza Churros", :categories ["Pizza" "Churros"], :phone "415-754-7867", :id "df95e4f1-8719-42af-a15d-3ee00de6e04f"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "8ab454e9-36ae-4824-a60b-bcacaaa56a76", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/8ab454e9-36ae-4824-a60b-bcacaaa56a76"}]
+   ["Marina Modern Bar & Grill is a exclusive and world-famous place to catch a bite to eat weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/98d2956f-a799-49c8-9e39-cefd74ae6280/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/98d2956f-a799-49c8-9e39-cefd74ae6280/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/98d2956f-a799-49c8-9e39-cefd74ae6280/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Marina Modern Bar & Grill", :categories ["Modern" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-203-8530", :id "806144f1-bb7a-4271-8fcb-fc6550f51676"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["Rasta's British Food Truck is a amazing and great place to sip Champagne on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d0061644-021c-4ee1-a2e2-1c0da0c0348a/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d0061644-021c-4ee1-a2e2-1c0da0c0348a/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d0061644-021c-4ee1-a2e2-1c0da0c0348a/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's British Food Truck", :categories ["British" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-958-9031", :id "b6616c97-01d0-488f-a855-bcd6efe2b899"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "bf141876-b610-4fcb-a1c2-d292d8989929", :mayor "amy"}]
+   ["Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub is a classic and well-decorated place to have a birthday party in the spring."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/eb4cef56-fac6-4407-b952-ed5da677a144/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/eb4cef56-fac6-4407-b952-ed5da677a144/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/eb4cef56-fac6-4407-b952-ed5da677a144/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Deep-Dish Gastro Pub", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Gastro Pub"], :phone "415-487-4085", :id "0136c454-0968-41cd-a237-ceec5724cab8"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@luckys_deep_dish_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#deep-dish" "#gastro" "#pub"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Sameer's Chinese Restaurant is a underappreciated and popular place to watch the Warriors game Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d201302e-4e74-4db8-84f2-bd3dec57c1d8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d201302e-4e74-4db8-84f2-bd3dec57c1d8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d201302e-4e74-4db8-84f2-bd3dec57c1d8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-707-3659", :id "51a9545e-7e1e-40f1-b550-09067b648f20"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "f7875634-d317-4cb5-a04a-cf6babd14144", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Korean Taqueria is a well-decorated and underappreciated place to catch a bite to eat on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4e782847-17da-4f87-bc31-fb61f22f3928/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4e782847-17da-4f87-bc31-fb61f22f3928/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4e782847-17da-4f87-bc31-fb61f22f3928/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-107-7332", :id "a43c184c-90f5-488c-bb3b-00ea2666d90e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "ffbd6d15-24cf-4dd3-a168-40ac03cd2f18", :mayor "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["SoMa British Bakery is a fantastic and modern place to take a date on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/cda97264-0585-4313-91c5-2d022eae6048/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/cda97264-0585-4313-91c5-2d022eae6048/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/cda97264-0585-4313-91c5-2d022eae6048/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa British Bakery", :categories ["British" "Bakery"], :phone "415-909-5728", :id "662cb0d0-8ee6-4db7-aaf1-89eb2530feda"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "9ecd820a-7017-4be2-a4b1-18ab0da5e233", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/9ecd820a-7017-4be2-a4b1-18ab0da5e233"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a exclusive and swell place to nurse a hangover on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a8b906e6-9b89-4e89-b997-1476ba37e137/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a8b906e6-9b89-4e89-b997-1476ba37e137/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a8b906e6-9b89-4e89-b997-1476ba37e137/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "4a084c4a-884f-4907-9b96-390b543cb03f", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Sameer's Chinese Restaurant is a horrible and well-decorated place to have a drink on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/658de6d7-a7c1-4130-a5e5-d65946445068/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/658de6d7-a7c1-4130-a5e5-d65946445068/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/658de6d7-a7c1-4130-a5e5-d65946445068/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sameer's Chinese Restaurant", :categories ["Chinese" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-707-3659", :id "51a9545e-7e1e-40f1-b550-09067b648f20"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "2f1c35f8-83fb-4c81-a92c-00a81d9c93de", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/2f1c35f8-83fb-4c81-a92c-00a81d9c93de"}]
+   ["Chinatown Paleo Food Truck is a groovy and decent place to drink a craft beer during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/8fc01dbf-d0ff-4a50-b460-6e92367ced21/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/8fc01dbf-d0ff-4a50-b460-6e92367ced21/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/8fc01dbf-d0ff-4a50-b460-6e92367ced21/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown Paleo Food Truck", :categories ["Paleo" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-583-4380", :id "aa9b5ce9-db74-470e-8573-f2faca24d546"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "62fdb59c-0629-4adb-b4e1-6a6cb7c7e280", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["Rasta's Mexican Sushi is a acceptable and exclusive place to have a drink weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/74795ea3-50d8-450a-b82b-33e6a1bb2e2c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/74795ea3-50d8-450a-b82b-33e6a1bb2e2c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/74795ea3-50d8-450a-b82b-33e6a1bb2e2c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Mexican Sushi", :categories ["Mexican" "Sushi"], :phone "415-387-1284", :id "e4912a22-e6ac-4806-8377-6497bf533a21"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "089ff188-9374-4b13-93e6-005c9767dabb", :mayor "bob"}]
+   ["Haight Mexican Restaurant is a modern and groovy place to watch the Warriors game on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/5e14844c-74af-4fdd-861d-293877f4505c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/5e14844c-74af-4fdd-861d-293877f4505c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/5e14844c-74af-4fdd-861d-293877f4505c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Mexican Restaurant", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-758-8690", :id "a5e3f0ac-f6e8-4e71-a0a2-3f10f48b4ab1"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "42494912-52c5-4492-83c8-76454f465d99", :categories ["Mexican" "Restaurant"]}]
+   ["Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House is a horrible and classic place to people-watch during summer."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b3276e40-75ad-497a-a2d9-a3d3dfdf39cc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b3276e40-75ad-497a-a2d9-a3d3dfdf39cc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b3276e40-75ad-497a-a2d9-a3d3dfdf39cc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-605-9554", :id "df57ff6d-1b5f-46da-b292-32321c6b1a7e"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "d326a510-ac21-46f3-8474-078ef511cc54", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/d326a510-ac21-46f3-8474-078ef511cc54"}]
+   ["Mission British Café is a underground and groovy place to have brunch weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/67d2f053-4bf1-43da-9135-0751266acd32/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/67d2f053-4bf1-43da-9135-0751266acd32/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/67d2f053-4bf1-43da-9135-0751266acd32/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission British Café", :categories ["British" "Café"], :phone "415-715-7004", :id "c99899e3-439c-4444-9dc4-5598632aec8d"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "1df360d1-5d63-4a28-9c37-966dc7e616f0", :mayor "joe"}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a classic and popular place to watch the Warriors game on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a0c29909-96a1-4292-95b7-0d3daaf25634/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a0c29909-96a1-4292-95b7-0d3daaf25634/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a0c29909-96a1-4292-95b7-0d3daaf25634/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "2dda53d5-9b31-4f4e-b36b-e37b45e67de7", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant is a amazing and acceptable place to have breakfast weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/836d04ac-32b2-4c7a-888f-155ca6e93634/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/836d04ac-32b2-4c7a-888f-155ca6e93634/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/836d04ac-32b2-4c7a-888f-155ca6e93634/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Soul Food Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Soul Food" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-786-9541", :id "11a72eb3-9e96-4703-9a01-e8c2a9469046"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House is a atmospheric and well-decorated place to have brunch weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/37488ad8-7f52-40e4-9330-505b7174701d/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/37488ad8-7f52-40e4-9330-505b7174701d/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/37488ad8-7f52-40e4-9330-505b7174701d/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-697-9309", :id "02b1f618-41a0-406b-96dd-1a017f630b81"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "01dcf27f-6233-415d-8b8b-4fe7a841b457", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/01dcf27f-6233-415d-8b8b-4fe7a841b457"}]
+   ["Haight Gormet Pizzeria is a fantastic and modern place to pitch an investor during winter."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/482b6b0e-88ab-4963-bc96-00add6dde0ec/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/482b6b0e-88ab-4963-bc96-00add6dde0ec/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/482b6b0e-88ab-4963-bc96-00add6dde0ec/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Gormet Pizzeria", :categories ["Gormet" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-869-2197", :id "0425bdd0-3f57-4108-80e3-78335327355a"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "ad5aa48a-bdda-4396-86f3-1dc63b40a0d1", :categories ["Gormet" "Pizzeria"]}]
+   ["Rasta's Paleo Café is a wonderful and family-friendly place to have a drink on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/96553ade-9bcd-464f-888e-7b4b621e44fd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/96553ade-9bcd-464f-888e-7b4b621e44fd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/96553ade-9bcd-464f-888e-7b4b621e44fd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Paleo Café", :categories ["Paleo" "Café"], :phone "415-392-6341", :id "4f9e69be-f06c-46a0-bb8b-f3ddd8218ca1"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "f62fb4d0-d254-4496-a5c9-01ed4f7a3651", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/f62fb4d0-d254-4496-a5c9-01ed4f7a3651"}]
+   ["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill is a horrible and popular place to nurse a hangover weekend mornings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/048415e9-f535-44c3-85ce-cb08a29bb107/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/048415e9-f535-44c3-85ce-cb08a29bb107/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/048415e9-f535-44c3-85ce-cb08a29bb107/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Grill"], :phone "415-992-8278", :id "b27f50c6-55eb-48b0-9fee-17a6ef5243bd"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill is a modern and historical place to have a after-work cocktail with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7b7cbf78-f8fe-4cb1-a086-2e9cdd0fba9c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7b7cbf78-f8fe-4cb1-a086-2e9cdd0fba9c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7b7cbf78-f8fe-4cb1-a086-2e9cdd0fba9c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-208-2550", :id "c7547aa1-94c1-44bd-bf5a-8655e4698ed8"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "124a768c-40b4-433c-b907-4ebcb575dd51", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a overrated and wonderful place to take a date in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/18ddcbe9-b183-4281-8f43-5f318e8d841e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/18ddcbe9-b183-4281-8f43-5f318e8d841e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/18ddcbe9-b183-4281-8f43-5f318e8d841e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "ad2c2b45-b959-48cc-aac7-c049a3902c3a", :categories ["American" "Churros"]}]
+   ["Chinatown Paleo Food Truck is a great and modern place to have a birthday party on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2ca5c924-bb42-4f7f-a6bd-eb17b1c9e6aa/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2ca5c924-bb42-4f7f-a6bd-eb17b1c9e6aa/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2ca5c924-bb42-4f7f-a6bd-eb17b1c9e6aa/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown Paleo Food Truck", :categories ["Paleo" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-583-4380", :id "aa9b5ce9-db74-470e-8573-f2faca24d546"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "1f41e84f-2cbb-4579-a7d4-43d4e8532353", :categories ["Paleo" "Food Truck"]}]
+   ["Market St. European Ice Cream Truck is a popular and historical place to pitch an investor on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2731d670-e7d3-4ade-a1da-d1381355276f/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2731d670-e7d3-4ade-a1da-d1381355276f/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2731d670-e7d3-4ade-a1da-d1381355276f/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Market St. European Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["European" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-555-4197", :id "4ed53fe4-4bd9-4fa3-8f61-374ea75129ca"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "b1d569ba-ab45-4965-af9d-366dd4bc44bb", :categories ["European" "Ice Cream Truck"]}]
+   ["Haight Gormet Pizzeria is a well-decorated and amazing place to take visiting friends and relatives on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/485712f2-ec47-43df-9a32-f872aed21d81/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/485712f2-ec47-43df-9a32-f872aed21d81/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/485712f2-ec47-43df-9a32-f872aed21d81/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Haight Gormet Pizzeria", :categories ["Gormet" "Pizzeria"], :phone "415-869-2197", :id "0425bdd0-3f57-4108-80e3-78335327355a"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@haight_gormet_pizzeria"], :tags ["#gormet" "#pizzeria"], :username "rasta_toucan"}]
+   ["SoMa Taquería Diner is a well-decorated and acceptable place to have a after-work cocktail weekend evenings."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/c9e18865-81de-4444-93fa-dd77ff19977e/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/c9e18865-81de-4444-93fa-dd77ff19977e/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/c9e18865-81de-4444-93fa-dd77ff19977e/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Taquería Diner", :categories ["Taquería" "Diner"], :phone "415-947-9521", :id "f97ede4a-074f-4e24-babc-5c44f2be9c36"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Cam's Soul Food Ice Cream Truck is a acceptable and fantastic place to people-watch with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/f38cd426-8b7f-4481-96b2-cb44095a0709/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/f38cd426-8b7f-4481-96b2-cb44095a0709/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/f38cd426-8b7f-4481-96b2-cb44095a0709/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Soul Food Ice Cream Truck", :categories ["Soul Food" "Ice Cream Truck"], :phone "415-270-8888", :id "f474e587-1801-43ea-93d5-4c4fd96460b8"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi is a delicious and delicious place to have breakfast with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/45dc5a3b-a0c5-4f69-afc8-711cfc5f84b5/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/45dc5a3b-a0c5-4f69-afc8-711cfc5f84b5/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/45dc5a3b-a0c5-4f69-afc8-711cfc5f84b5/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Cage-Free Sushi", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Sushi"], :phone "415-348-0644", :id "0b6c036f-82b0-4008-bdfe-5360dd93fb75"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "bob"}]
+   ["Polk St. Korean Taqueria is a horrible and atmospheric place to people-watch in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/fc6f7000-2347-49dc-aeff-22559cfd7ce8/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/fc6f7000-2347-49dc-aeff-22559cfd7ce8/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/fc6f7000-2347-49dc-aeff-22559cfd7ce8/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-511-5531", :id "ddb09b32-6f0b-4e54-98c7-14398f16ca4e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "e48f5b9f-a12e-4339-b6d7-992c44aa481b", :mayor "kyle"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a world-famous and modern place to sip Champagne Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/d3f31d2b-f10a-44cb-91a7-37e5b9491fbc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/d3f31d2b-f10a-44cb-91a7-37e5b9491fbc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/d3f31d2b-f10a-44cb-91a7-37e5b9491fbc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Chinatown American Bakery is a underground and underappreciated place to have brunch in June."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1707f0ac-6df5-4340-a5ef-c31609c4ead0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1707f0ac-6df5-4340-a5ef-c31609c4ead0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1707f0ac-6df5-4340-a5ef-c31609c4ead0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Chinatown American Bakery", :categories ["American" "Bakery"], :phone "415-658-7393", :id "cf55cdbd-c614-4be1-8496-0e11b195d16f"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@chinatown_american_bakery"], :tags ["#american" "#bakery"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill is a swell and acceptable place to take visiting friends and relatives with your pet toucan."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/37a5f9f6-b1bd-405f-bec2-fad8a476cf62/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/37a5f9f6-b1bd-405f-bec2-fad8a476cf62/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/37a5f9f6-b1bd-405f-bec2-fad8a476cf62/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-208-2550", :id "c7547aa1-94c1-44bd-bf5a-8655e4698ed8"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "6f0c3b95-145b-4b9f-8c63-a04ca70e3835", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"]}]
+   ["Sunset American Churros is a popular and delicious place to watch the Giants game on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/75a631a2-43b1-47a3-a7a6-687c853b857c/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/75a631a2-43b1-47a3-a7a6-687c853b857c/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/75a631a2-43b1-47a3-a7a6-687c853b857c/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset American Churros", :categories ["American" "Churros"], :phone "415-191-5018", :id "2e88c921-29fb-489b-a956-d3ba1182da73"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@sunset_american_churros"], :tags ["#american" "#churros"], :username "amy"}]
+   ["Sunset Homestyle Grill is a underappreciated and swell place to watch the Giants game on Thursdays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2bd0472b-267c-4be6-992d-94e72edfe719/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2bd0472b-267c-4be6-992d-94e72edfe719/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2bd0472b-267c-4be6-992d-94e72edfe719/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill", :categories ["Homestyle" "Grill"], :phone "415-356-7052", :id "c57673cd-f2d0-4bbc-aed0-6c166d7cf2c3"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "9ae208eb-c7c1-43b1-9a1e-f7a4d276e8e2", :mayor "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Rasta's British Food Truck is a classic and historical place to sip a glass of expensive wine Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/253137fd-7a54-431e-a991-a1a5175ff9fc/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/253137fd-7a54-431e-a991-a1a5175ff9fc/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/253137fd-7a54-431e-a991-a1a5175ff9fc/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's British Food Truck", :categories ["British" "Food Truck"], :phone "415-958-9031", :id "b6616c97-01d0-488f-a855-bcd6efe2b899"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "647413c2-f132-46e9-ac47-155cec8346d0", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/647413c2-f132-46e9-ac47-155cec8346d0"}]
+   ["Polk St. Korean Taqueria is a groovy and great place to watch the Giants game on public holidays."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/fabc9014-285d-41b4-8b1c-a66ecae0e8b0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/fabc9014-285d-41b4-8b1c-a66ecae0e8b0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/fabc9014-285d-41b4-8b1c-a66ecae0e8b0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Korean Taqueria", :categories ["Korean" "Taqueria"], :phone "415-511-5531", :id "ddb09b32-6f0b-4e54-98c7-14398f16ca4e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jessica"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House is a decent and acceptable place to watch the Giants game on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/9e1072a8-82ee-46ee-a625-578384e641f7/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/9e1072a8-82ee-46ee-a625-578384e641f7/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/9e1072a8-82ee-46ee-a625-578384e641f7/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-605-9554", :id "df57ff6d-1b5f-46da-b292-32321c6b1a7e"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "2d74b28c-aab1-489e-a18b-1bfb3495cc19", :mayor "sameer"}]
+   ["Oakland American Grill is a acceptable and popular place to conduct a business meeting on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/beff31d4-4685-4805-bf89-dd705ada2fe2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/beff31d4-4685-4805-bf89-dd705ada2fe2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/beff31d4-4685-4805-bf89-dd705ada2fe2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland American Grill", :categories ["American" "Grill"], :phone "415-660-0889", :id "856f907d-b669-4b9c-8337-bf9c88883746"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "18546192-88d1-4c74-a40e-b502d32f7a5b", :mayor "mandy"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House is a decent and swell place to catch a bite to eat on Saturday night."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/2018a275-f498-47bf-a15b-e7b1c57147f0/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/2018a275-f498-47bf-a15b-e7b1c57147f0/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/2018a275-f498-47bf-a15b-e7b1c57147f0/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House", :categories ["Soul Food" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-838-3464", :id "6aed1816-4c64-4f76-8e2a-619528e5b48d"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_soul_food_coffee_house"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "jane"}]
+   ["Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant is a delicious and acceptable place to take a date on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1bc7f807-4ee1-4c37-af6e-918e978b95fd/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1bc7f807-4ee1-4c37-af6e-918e978b95fd/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1bc7f807-4ee1-4c37-af6e-918e978b95fd/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Polk St. Deep-Dish Hotel & Restaurant", :categories ["Deep-Dish" "Hotel & Restaurant"], :phone "415-666-8681", :id "47f1698e-ae11-46f5-818b-85a59d0affba"}
+    {:service "foursquare", :foursquare-photo-id "2efbeca5-5a55-4310-abdd-936ae97bc1bc", :mayor "biggie"}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House is a fantastic and popular place to watch the Giants game in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/4ad94fa2-4174-4617-872b-a925006d0841/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/4ad94fa2-4174-4617-872b-a925006d0841/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/4ad94fa2-4174-4617-872b-a925006d0841/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Soul Food Coffee House", :categories ["Soul Food" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-838-3464", :id "6aed1816-4c64-4f76-8e2a-619528e5b48d"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_soul_food_coffee_house"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#coffee" "#house"], :username "cam_saul"}]
+   ["Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant is a horrible and underground place to have brunch in July."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7120084f-5792-425f-8469-170b6fa01df1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7120084f-5792-425f-8469-170b6fa01df1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7120084f-5792-425f-8469-170b6fa01df1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant", :categories ["Gormet" "Restaurant"], :phone "415-127-4197", :id "54a9eac8-d80d-4af8-b6d7-34651a60e59c"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "86617b70-de39-40aa-9ca2-9c33c5bd1fa4", :categories ["Gormet" "Restaurant"]}]
+   ["Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill is a underappreciated and modern place to meet new friends with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/a0d24e43-c01d-4b02-b236-e8dc2155aa37/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/a0d24e43-c01d-4b02-b236-e8dc2155aa37/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/a0d24e43-c01d-4b02-b236-e8dc2155aa37/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Pacific Heights Red White & Blue Bar & Grill", :categories ["Red White & Blue" "Bar & Grill"], :phone "415-208-2550", :id "c7547aa1-94c1-44bd-bf5a-8655e4698ed8"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@pacific_heights_red_white_&_blue_bar_&_grill"], :tags ["#red" "#white" "#&" "#blue" "#bar" "#&" "#grill"], :username "mandy"}]
+   ["Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House is a underappreciated and swell place to take visiting friends and relatives with your pet dog."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1e92e043-2910-4d1b-b72e-43608cc0e2ff/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1e92e043-2910-4d1b-b72e-43608cc0e2ff/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1e92e043-2910-4d1b-b72e-43608cc0e2ff/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Nob Hill Gluten-Free Coffee House", :categories ["Gluten-Free" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-605-9554", :id "df57ff6d-1b5f-46da-b292-32321c6b1a7e"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "jane"}]
+   ["Mission Japanese Coffee House is a modern and historical place to take visiting friends and relatives on Taco Tuesday."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/7dcd5015-ddf0-40db-a38e-c40308a00720/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/7dcd5015-ddf0-40db-a38e-c40308a00720/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/7dcd5015-ddf0-40db-a38e-c40308a00720/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Mission Japanese Coffee House", :categories ["Japanese" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-561-0506", :id "60dd274e-0cbf-4521-946d-8a4e0f151150"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "83699a56-416c-49cc-a31a-dd6b4c5aa91b", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/83699a56-416c-49cc-a31a-dd6b4c5aa91b"}]
+   ["Oakland Low-Carb Bakery is a modern and fantastic place to conduct a business meeting on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6b16ed76-4ccb-4ce2-b255-55f69271ddf1/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6b16ed76-4ccb-4ce2-b255-55f69271ddf1/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6b16ed76-4ccb-4ce2-b255-55f69271ddf1/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Oakland Low-Carb Bakery", :categories ["Low-Carb" "Bakery"], :phone "415-546-0101", :id "da7dd72d-60fb-495b-a2c0-1e2ae73a1a86"}
+    {:service "twitter", :mentions ["@oakland_low_carb_bakery"], :tags ["#low-carb" "#bakery"], :username "bob"}]
+   ["Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House is a world-famous and decent place to sip a glass of expensive wine on a Tuesday afternoon."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/1282e126-e15b-4aa4-a3dc-869ea9d6d6c2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/1282e126-e15b-4aa4-a3dc-869ea9d6d6c2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/1282e126-e15b-4aa4-a3dc-869ea9d6d6c2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Cam's Old-Fashioned Coffee House", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"], :phone "415-868-2973", :id "27592c2b-e682-44bb-be28-8e9a622becca"}
+    {:service "yelp", :yelp-photo-id "de90a66b-d19e-4665-b0c2-c64ba899a02b", :categories ["Old-Fashioned" "Coffee House"]}]
+   ["Rasta's Mexican Sushi is a fantastic and atmospheric place to have a after-work cocktail weekday afternoons."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/65dc9189-9de4-4bdc-bdfb-e2ff8247829b/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/65dc9189-9de4-4bdc-bdfb-e2ff8247829b/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/65dc9189-9de4-4bdc-bdfb-e2ff8247829b/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Rasta's Mexican Sushi", :categories ["Mexican" "Sushi"], :phone "415-387-1284", :id "e4912a22-e6ac-4806-8377-6497bf533a21"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "amy"}]
+   ["SoMa Japanese Churros is a underappreciated and swell place to take a date Friday nights."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/b8fe2a0a-3cfc-4e39-afb7-c1fa4ff708e2/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/b8fe2a0a-3cfc-4e39-afb7-c1fa4ff708e2/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/b8fe2a0a-3cfc-4e39-afb7-c1fa4ff708e2/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "SoMa Japanese Churros", :categories ["Japanese" "Churros"], :phone "415-404-1510", :id "373858b2-e634-45d0-973d-4d0fed8c438b"}
+    {:service "facebook", :facebook-photo-id "bdd68c35-bffc-4091-b32c-bf8bf3a8f834", :url "http://facebook.com/photos/bdd68c35-bffc-4091-b32c-bf8bf3a8f834"}]
+   ["Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store is a modern and groovy place to take a date with friends."
+    {:small "http://cloudfront.net/6bccb82b-1102-4f60-aa9b-372ee1164118/small.jpg",
+     :medium "http://cloudfront.net/6bccb82b-1102-4f60-aa9b-372ee1164118/med.jpg",
+     :large "http://cloudfront.net/6bccb82b-1102-4f60-aa9b-372ee1164118/large.jpg"}
+    {:name "Lucky's Cage-Free Liquor Store", :categories ["Cage-Free" "Liquor Store"], :phone "415-341-3219", :id "968eac8d-1fd0-443d-a7ff-b48810ab0f69"}
+    {:service "flare", :username "lucky_pigeon"}]]]]
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/h2.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/h2.clj
index c210f8fe09224df5472bba088301f1279cca7a97..3a6e869dc4364310e930ca5fc3f5a24b7399712b 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/h2.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/h2.clj
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 (defrecord H2DatasetLoader []
   (generic/execute-sql! [_ database-definition raw-sql]
-    (log/info raw-sql)
+    (log/debug raw-sql)
     (k/exec-raw (korma-connection-pool database-definition) raw-sql))
   (generic/korma-entity [_ database-definition table-definition]
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/postgres.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/postgres.clj
index 09180a9192ce95eeee94e844bb0507f630778d38..a77e13c5b17ba4a64427c9b96c118cdbb25941ff 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/postgres.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/postgres.clj
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 (defrecord PostgresDatasetLoader []
   (generic/execute-sql! [_ database-definition raw-sql]
-    (log/info raw-sql)
+    (log/debug raw-sql)
     (execute! :db database-definition raw-sql))
   (generic/korma-entity [_ database-definition table-definition]
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/util/mql.clj b/test/metabase/test/util/mql.clj
index a1d25d8fe030603860b569d0b7303c2c86a6312a..f37b175fa9b613dcf871e9b299c90db25dc5d5c2 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/util/mql.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/util/mql.clj
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
             [clojure.walk :refer [macroexpand-all]]
             [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.test.data :as data]
-            [metabase.test.data.datasets :as datasets]))
+            [metabase.test.data.datasets :as datasets]
+            [metabase.util :as u]))
 (defn- partition-tokens [keywords tokens]
   (->> (loop [all [], current-split nil, [token & more] tokens]
-           (not token)                (conj all current-split)
+           (and (not token)
+                (not (seq more)))     (conj all current-split)
            (contains? keywords token) (recur (or (when (seq current-split)
                                                    (conj all current-split))
@@ -22,8 +24,8 @@
        (map seq)
        (filter identity)))
-(def ^:private ^:const outer-q-tokens '#{with run return})
-(def ^:private ^:const inner-q-tokens '#{ag breakout fields filter lim order page tbl})
+(def ^:private ^:const outer-q-tokens '#{against with run return using})
+(def ^:private ^:const inner-q-tokens '#{ag aggregate breakout fields filter lim limit order page of tbl})
 (defmacro Q:temp-get [& args]
   `(:id (data/-temp-get ~'db ~@(map name args))))
@@ -38,23 +40,31 @@
        (macrolet [(~'id [& args#] `(Q:temp-get ~@args#))]
          ~(macroexpand-all body)))))
+(defmacro Q:against [query arg]
+  `(Q:with-temp-db ~arg
+                   ~query))
+(defmacro Q:using [query arg]
+  `(datasets/with-dataset ~(keyword arg)
+     ~query))
 (defmacro Q:with [query arg & [arg2 :as more]]
   (case (keyword arg)
-    :db       `(Q:with-temp-db ~arg2
-                 ~query)
-    :dataset  `(datasets/with-dataset ~(keyword arg2)
-                 ~query)
+    :db       `(Q:against ~query ~arg2)
+    :dataset  `(Q:using ~query ~arg2)
     :datasets `(do ~@(for [dataset# more]
                        `(datasets/with-dataset ~(keyword dataset#)
 (defmacro Q:return [q & args]
-  `(-> ~q ~@args))
+  `(->> ~q ~@args))
 (defmacro Q:expand-outer [token form]
-  (macroexpand-all `(symbol-macrolet [~'return Q:return
-                                      ~'run    driver/process-query
-                                      ~'with   Q:with]
+  (macroexpand-all `(symbol-macrolet [~'against Q:against
+                                      ~'return  Q:return
+                                      ~'run     driver/process-query
+                                      ~'using   Q:using
+                                      ~'with    Q:with]
                       (-> ~form ~token))))
 (defmacro Q:expand-outer* [[token & tokens] form]
@@ -63,8 +73,8 @@
 (defmacro Q:expand-inner [& forms]
   {:database 'db-id
-   :type :query
-   :query `(Q:expand-clauses {} ~@forms)})
+   :type     :query
+   :query    `(Q:expand-clauses {} ~@forms)})
 (defmacro Q:wrap-fallback-captures [form]
   `(symbol-macrolet [~'db-id (data/db-id)
@@ -72,23 +82,26 @@
      ~(macroexpand-all form)))
 (defmacro Q:field [f]
-  (let [f (name f)]
-    (if-let [[_ from to] (re-matches #"^(.*)->(.*)$" f)]
-      ["fk->" `(Q:field ~(symbol from)) `(Q:field ~(symbol to))]
-      (if-let [[_ ag-field-index] (re-matches #"^ag\.(\d+)$" f)]
-        ["aggregation" (Integer/parseInt ag-field-index)]
-        (let [[_ table field] (re-matches #"^(?:([^\.]+)\.)?([^\.]+)$" f)]
-          `(~'id ~(if table (keyword table)
-                      'table)
-                 ~(keyword field)))))))
+  (or (when (symbol? f)
+        (let [f (name f)]
+          (u/cond-let
+           [[_ from to] (re-matches #"^(.+)->(.+)$" f)]                  ["fk->" `(Q:field ~(symbol from)) `(Q:field ~(symbol to))]
+           [[_ f sub] (re-matches #"^(.+)\.\.\.(.+)$" f)]                `(~@(macroexpand-1 `(Q:field ~(symbol f))) ~(keyword sub))
+           [[_ ag-field-index] (re-matches #"^ag\.(\d+)$" f)]            ["aggregation" (Integer/parseInt ag-field-index)]
+           [[_ table field] (re-matches #"^(?:([^\.]+)\.)?([^\.]+)$" f)] `(~'id ~(if table (keyword table)
+                                                                                     'table)
+                                                                                ~(keyword field)))))
+      f))
 (defmacro Q [& tokens]
   (let [[outer-tokens inner-tokens] (split-with (complement (partial contains? inner-q-tokens)) tokens)
         outer-tokens                (partition-tokens outer-q-tokens outer-tokens)
         inner-tokens                (partition-tokens inner-q-tokens inner-tokens)
-        query                       (macroexpand-all `(Q:expand-inner ~@inner-tokens))]
+        query                       (macroexpand-all `(Q:expand-inner ~@inner-tokens))
+        table                       (second (:source_table (:query query)))]
+    (assert table "No table specified. Did you include a `tbl`/`of` clause?")
     `(Q:wrap-fallback-captures (Q:expand-outer* ~outer-tokens
-                                                (symbol-macrolet [~'table ~(second (:source_table (:query query)))
+                                                (symbol-macrolet [~'table ~table
                                                                   ~'fl Q:field]
                                                   ~(macroexpand-all query))))))
@@ -110,6 +123,9 @@
                               ['sum id]      ["sum" `(~'fl ~id)]
                               ['cum-sum id]  ["cum_sum" `(~'fl ~id)])))
+(defmacro Q:aggregate [& args]
+  `(Q:ag ~@args))
 ;; ## breakout
@@ -158,13 +174,17 @@
 (defmacro Q:lim [query lim]
   (assoc query :limit lim))
+(defmacro Q:limit [& args]
+  `(Q:lim ~@args))
 ;; ## order
 (defmacro Q:order [query & fields]
   (assoc query :order_by (vec (for [field fields]
                                 `(Q:order* ~field)))))
-(defmacro Q:order* [field]
-  (let [[_ field +-] (re-matches #"^([^\-+]+)([\-+])?$" (name field))]
+(defmacro Q:order* [field-symb]
+  (let [[_ field +-] (re-matches #"^(.+[^\-+])([\-+])?$" (name field-symb))]
+    (assert field (format "Invalid field passed to order: '%s'" field-symb))
     [`(~'fl ~(symbol field)) (case (keyword (or +- '+))
                                :+ "ascending"
                                :- "descending")]))
@@ -179,3 +199,6 @@
 (defmacro Q:tbl [query table]
   (assoc query :source_table `(~'id ~(keyword table))))
+(defmacro Q:of [query table]
+  `(Q:tbl ~query ~table))