diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/dashboard/dashboard-management.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/dashboard/dashboard-management.cy.spec.js
index e064d33f2246606cf41a4fbba8e36cfe21161880..d6f885ad7a3594819d2834255be46015e904defa 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/dashboard/dashboard-management.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/dashboard/dashboard-management.cy.spec.js
@@ -76,30 +76,30 @@ describe("managing dashboard from the dashboard's edit menu", () => {
               cy.findByText(`Orders in a dashboard - Duplicate`);
-            describe("move", () => {
-              beforeEach(() => {
-                popover().within(() => {
-                  cy.findByText("Move").click();
-                });
-                cy.location("pathname").should("eq", "/dashboard/1/move");
-                modal().within(() => {
-                  cy.findByText("First collection").click();
-                  clickButton("Move");
-                });
-              });
+            it("should be able to move/undo move a dashboard (metabase#13059)", () => {
+              cy.findByTestId("app-bar").contains("Our analytics");
-              it("should be able to move/undo move a dashboard", () => {
-                assertOnRequest("updateDashboard");
-                // Why do we use "Dashboard moved to" here (without its location, btw) vs. "Moved dashboard" for the same action?
-                cy.findByText("Dashboard moved to");
-                cy.findByText("Undo").click();
-                assertOnRequest("updateDashboard");
+              popover().within(() => {
+                cy.findByText("Move").click();
+              cy.location("pathname").should("eq", "/dashboard/1/move");
-              it.skip("should update dashboard's collection after the move without page reload (metabase#13059)", () => {
-                cy.contains("37.65");
-                cy.get(".DashboardHeader a").contains("First collection");
+              modal().within(() => {
+                cy.findByText("First collection").click();
+                clickButton("Move");
+              assertOnRequest("updateDashboard");
+              cy.contains("37.65");
+              // it should update dashboard's collection after the move without the page reload (metabase#13059)
+              cy.findByTestId("app-bar").contains("First collection");
+              // Why do we use "Dashboard moved to" here (without its location, btw) vs. "Moved dashboard" for the same action?
+              cy.findByText("Dashboard moved to");
+              cy.findByText("Undo").click();
+              assertOnRequest("updateDashboard");
+              cy.findByTestId("app-bar").contains("Our analytics");
             it("should be able to archive/unarchive a dashboard", () => {