diff --git a/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj b/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj
index 002ccce8d4165521bb9d8fb160aa0c7345e1962c..d1fc9849c9ceffbfd47a66cc707e9c8b894cfcac 100644
--- a/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj
@@ -23,8 +23,19 @@
   "Has the computation job been canceled?"
   (comp some? #{:canceled} :status))
+(defn result
+  "Get result of an asynchronous computation job."
+  [job]
+  (if (done? job)
+    (if-let [result (db/select-one ComputationJobResult :job_id (:id job))]
+      {:status     (:status job)
+       :result     (:payload result)
+       :created-at (:created_at result)}
+      {:status :result-not-available})
+    {:status (:status job)}))
 (defn- save-result
-  [{:keys [id]} payload]
+  [{:keys [id] :as job} payload callback]
   (when-not (future-cancelled? (@running-jobs id))
       (db/insert! ComputationJobResult
@@ -33,13 +44,15 @@
         :payload    payload)
       (db/update! ComputationJob id
         :status   :done
-        :ended_at (u/new-sql-timestamp))))
+        :ended_at (u/new-sql-timestamp)))
+    (when callback
+      (callback job payload)))
   (swap! running-jobs dissoc id)
   (log/info (format "Async job %s done." id))
 (defn- save-error
-  [{:keys [id]} error]
+  [{:keys [id] :as job} error callback]
   (let [error (Throwable->map error)]
     (when-not (future-cancelled? (@running-jobs id))
       (log/warn (format "Async job %s encountered an error:\n%s." id error))
@@ -50,7 +63,9 @@
           :payload    error)
         (db/update! ComputationJob id
           :status :error
-          :ended_at (u/new-sql-timestamp))))
+          :ended_at (u/new-sql-timestamp)))
+      (when callback
+        (callback job error)))
     (swap! running-jobs dissoc id)
@@ -88,12 +103,16 @@
 (defn compute
   "Compute closure `f` in context `ctx` asynchronously. Returns id of the
-   associated computation job.
+   associated computation job. Optionally takes a callback function `callback`
+   that will be called on compleation with 2 arguments: the ComputationJob object
+   and the result.
    Will return cached result if query caching is enabled and a job with identical
    context has successfully run within TTL."
-  [ctx f]
-  (or (-> ctx cached-job :id)
+  [ctx f & [callback]]
+  (or (when-let [job (cached-job ctx)]
+        (callback job (:result (result job)))
+        (:id job))
       (let [{:keys [id] :as job} (db/insert! ComputationJob
                                    :creator_id api/*current-user-id*
                                    :status     :running
@@ -102,9 +121,9 @@
         (log/info (format "Async job %s started." id))
         (swap! running-jobs assoc id (future
-                                         (save-result job (f))
+                                         (save-result job (f) callback)
                                          (catch Throwable e
-                                           (save-error job e)))))
+                                           (save-error job e callback)))))
 (defmacro with-async
@@ -121,17 +140,6 @@
                  :closure  (zipmap (quote ~binding-vars) ~binding-vars)}
                 (fn [] ~@body)))))
-(defn result
-  "Get result of an asynchronous computation job."
-  [job]
-  (if (done? job)
-    (if-let [result (db/select-one ComputationJobResult :job_id (:id job))]
-      {:status     (:status job)
-       :result     (:payload result)
-       :created-at (:created_at result)}
-      {:status :result-not-available})
-    {:status (:status job)}))
 (defn running-jobs-user
   "Get all running jobs for a given user."
   ([] (running-jobs-user api/*current-user-id*))
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/async.clj b/test/metabase/test/async.clj
index 1c4983f6b0e909a2958b91c0b1d3706e5a552630..e0b291b3709c023d546bfd16139c774786fba746 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/async.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/async.clj
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (def ^:dynamic ^Integer *max-while-runtime*
   "Maximal time in milliseconds `while-with-timeout` runs."
-  10000000)
+  100000)
 (defmacro while-with-timeout
   "Like `clojure.core/while` except it runs a maximum of `*max-while-runtime*`
@@ -20,20 +20,17 @@
      (when (>= (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start#) *max-while-runtime*)
        (log/warn "While loop terminated due to exceeded max runtime."))))
+(def ^:private job-done? (atom #{}))
+(add-watch (deref #'async/running-jobs) :done-watch
+           (fn [_ _ old new]
+             (let [in-new? (set (keys new))]
+               (reduce #(swap! %1 conj %2)
+                       job-done?
+                       (remove in-new? (keys old))))))
 (defn result!
   "Blocking version of async/result."
-  (let [f (-> #'async/running-jobs
-              deref                  ; var
-              deref                  ; atom
-              (get job-id))]
-    (if (and f (not (or (future-cancelled? f)
-                        (future-done? f))))
-      {:result     @f
-       :status     (-> job-id ComputationJob :status)
-       :created-at (u/new-sql-timestamp)}
-      (do
-        ;; Make sure the transaction has finished
-        (binding [*max-while-runtime* 1000]
-          (while-with-timeout (-> job-id ComputationJob async/running?)))
-        (async/result (ComputationJob job-id))))))
+  (while-with-timeout (not (@job-done? job-id)))
+  (async/result (ComputationJob job-id)))