diff --git a/src/metabase/api/session.clj b/src/metabase/api/session.clj
index 3b27ad0ee0c7c9ec1abcc6cd5f435bd36999d16e..573425e10ad6fec6a78a80c7b971174a03ddff23 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/session.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/session.clj
@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@
 (api/defendpoint POST "/"
-  [:as {{:keys [username password]} :body, remote-address :remote-addr}]
+  [:as {{:keys [username password]} :body, remote-address :remote-addr, :as request}]
   {username su/NonBlankString
    password su/NonBlankString}
   (throttle-check (login-throttlers :ip-address) remote-address)
   (throttle-check (login-throttlers :username)   username)
   (let [session-id (login username password)
         response   {:id session-id}]
-    (mw.session/set-session-cookie response session-id)))
+    (mw.session/set-session-cookie request response session-id)))
 (api/defendpoint DELETE "/"
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
 (api/defendpoint POST "/reset_password"
   "Reset password with a reset token."
-  [:as {{:keys [token password]} :body}]
+  [:as {{:keys [token password]} :body, :as request}]
   {token    su/NonBlankString
    password su/ComplexPassword}
   (or (when-let [{user-id :id, :as user} (valid-reset-token->user token)]
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@
         ;; after a successful password update go ahead and offer the client a new session that they can use
         (let [session-id (create-session! user)]
+           request
            {:success    true
             :session_id (str session-id)}
@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@
 (api/defendpoint POST "/google_auth"
   "Login with Google Auth."
-  [:as {{:keys [token]} :body, remote-address :remote-addr}]
+  [:as {{:keys [token]} :body, remote-address :remote-addr, :as request}]
   {token su/NonBlankString}
   (throttle-check (login-throttlers :ip-address) remote-address)
   ;; Verify the token is valid with Google
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@
     (log/info (trs "Successfully authenticated Google Auth token for: {0} {1}" given_name family_name))
     (let [session-id (api/check-500 (google-auth-fetch-or-create-user! given_name family_name email))
           response   {:id session-id}]
-      (mw.session/set-session-cookie response session-id))))
+      (mw.session/set-session-cookie request response session-id))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/setup.clj b/src/metabase/api/setup.clj
index 34db8770dfb673b615de27f0f434e6026c971562..b3d0f4e0a39d575712e51c7aa6523badf37adfa9 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/setup.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/setup.clj
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
   [:as {{:keys [token]
          {:keys [name engine details is_full_sync is_on_demand schedules]} :database
          {:keys [first_name last_name email password]}                     :user
-         {:keys [allow_tracking site_name]}                                :prefs} :body}]
+         {:keys [allow_tracking site_name]}                                :prefs} :body
+        :as request}]
   {token          SetupToken
    site_name      su/NonBlankString
    first_name     su/NonBlankString
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@
     ;; notify that we've got a new user in the system AND that this user logged in
     (events/publish-event! :user-create {:user_id (:id new-user)})
     (events/publish-event! :user-login {:user_id (:id new-user), :session_id (str session-id), :first_login true})
-    (mw.session/set-session-cookie {:id (str session-id)} session-id)))
+    (mw.session/set-session-cookie request {:id (str session-id)} session-id)))
 (api/defendpoint POST "/validate"
diff --git a/src/metabase/middleware/session.clj b/src/metabase/middleware/session.clj
index 4757e14593cb6daeb02b5012de81082f1c713200..9ccb9fc5bde409e83bac86a33368400a76e84688 100644
--- a/src/metabase/middleware/session.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/middleware/session.clj
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 (ns metabase.middleware.session
   "Ring middleware related to session (binding current user and permissions)."
-  (:require [metabase
+  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [metabase
              [config :as config]
-             [db :as mdb]
-             [public-settings :as public-settings]]
-            [metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user* *current-user-id* *current-user-permissions-set*
-                                         *is-superuser?*]]
+             [db :as mdb]]
+            [metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user* *current-user-id* *current-user-permissions-set* *is-superuser?*]]
             [metabase.core.initialization-status :as init-status]
              [session :refer [Session]]
@@ -13,8 +12,7 @@
             [ring.util.response :as resp]
             [schema.core :as s]
             [toucan.db :as db])
-  (:import java.net.URL
-           java.util.UUID
+  (:import java.util.UUID
 ;; How do authenticated API requests work? Metabase first looks for a cookie called `metabase.SESSION`. This is the
@@ -44,9 +42,38 @@
     {:body response, :status 200}))
+(defn- https-request?
+  "True if the original request made by the frontend client (i.e., browser) was made over HTTPS.
+  In many production instances, a reverse proxy such as an ELB or nginx will handle SSL termination, and the actual
+  request handled by Jetty will be over HTTP."
+  [{{:strs [x-forwarded-proto x-forwarded-protocol x-url-scheme x-forwarded-ssl front-end-https origin]} :headers
+    :keys                                                                                                [scheme]}]
+  (cond
+    ;; If `X-Forwarded-Proto` is present use that. There are several alternate headers that mean the same thing. See
+    ;; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-Proto
+    (or x-forwarded-proto x-forwarded-protocol x-url-scheme)
+    (= "https" (str/lower-case (or x-forwarded-proto x-forwarded-protocol x-url-scheme)))
+    ;; If none of those headers are present, look for presence of `X-Forwarded-Ssl` or `Frontend-End-Https`, which
+    ;; will be set to `on` if the original request was over HTTPS.
+    (or x-forwarded-ssl front-end-https)
+    (= "on" (str/lower-case (or x-forwarded-ssl front-end-https)))
+    ;; If none of the above are present, we are most not likely being accessed over a reverse proxy. Still, there's a
+    ;; good chance `Origin` will be present because it should be sent with `POST` requests, and most auth requests are
+    ;; `POST`. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Origin
+    origin
+    (str/starts-with? (str/lower-case origin) "https")
+    ;; Last but not least, if none of the above are set (meaning there are no proxy servers such as ELBs or nginx in
+    ;; front of us), we can look directly at the scheme of the request sent to Jetty.
+    scheme
+    (= scheme :https)))
 (s/defn set-session-cookie
   "Add a `Set-Cookie` header to `response` to persist the Metabase session."
-  [response, session-id :- UUID]
+  [request response, session-id :- UUID]
   (-> response
       (clear-cookie metabase-legacy-session-cookie)
@@ -58,9 +85,9 @@
          :http-only true
          :path      "/api"
          :max-age   (config/config-int :max-session-age)}
-        ;; If Metabase is running over HTTPS (hopefully always except for local dev instances) then make sure to
-        ;; make this cookie HTTPS-only
-        (when (some-> (public-settings/site-url) URL. .getProtocol (= "https"))
+        ;; If the authentication request request was made over HTTPS (hopefully always except for local dev instances)
+        ;; add `Secure` attribute so the cookie is only sent over HTTPS.
+        (when (https-request? request)
           {:secure true})))))
 (defn clear-session-cookie