diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AlertModals.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AlertModals.jsx
index cde532315946eaa58754f29ec5fe0472b5ba30ad..de4efa3c33be4cb6f607ae35beeffde8814d4f3b 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AlertModals.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AlertModals.jsx
@@ -522,13 +522,11 @@ export class RawDataAlertTip extends Component {
                 <div className="circle flex align-center justify-center bg-grey-0 p2 mr2 text-grey-3">
                     <Icon name="lightbulb" size="20" />
-                <div>
-                    { showMultiSeriesGoalAlert
-                        ? jt`${<strong>Heads up:</strong>} Goal-based alerts aren't yet supported for charts with more than one line, so this alert will be sent whenever the chart has ${<em>results</em>}.`
-                        : jt`${<strong>Tip:</strong>} This kind of alert is most useful when your saved question doesn’t ${<em>usually</em>} return any results, but you want to know when it does.`
-                    }
-                </div>
+                { showMultiSeriesGoalAlert ? <MultiSeriesAlertTip /> : <NormalAlertTip /> }
+export const MultiSeriesAlertTip = () => <div>{jt`${<strong>Heads up:</strong>} Goal-based alerts aren't yet supported for charts with more than one line, so this alert will be sent whenever the chart has ${<em>results</em>}.`}</div>
+export const NormalAlertTip  = () => <div>{jt`${<strong>Tip:</strong>} This kind of alert is most useful when your saved question doesn’t ${<em>usually</em>} return any results, but you want to know when it does.`}</div>
diff --git a/frontend/test/alert/alert.integ.spec.js b/frontend/test/alert/alert.integ.spec.js
index b99503f56e6d8ed149d3265909e879681201af21..69c9daa731136f245e67ae488e4d729c365bb0f9 100644
--- a/frontend/test/alert/alert.integ.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/alert/alert.integ.spec.js
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import {
+    MultiSeriesAlertTip,
+    NormalAlertTip,
 } from "metabase/query_builder/components/AlertModals";
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ describe("Alerts", () => {
     let rawDataQuestion = null;
     let timeSeriesQuestion = null;
     let timeSeriesWithGoalQuestion = null;
+    let timeMultiSeriesWithGoalQuestion = null;
     let progressBarQuestion = null;
     beforeAll(async () => {
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ describe("Alerts", () => {
             Question.create({databaseId: 1, tableId: 1, metadata })
-                .addBreakout(["datetime-field", ["field-id", 1], "day"])
+                .addBreakout(["datetime-field", ["field-id", 1], "month"])
@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ describe("Alerts", () => {
             Question.create({databaseId: 1, tableId: 1, metadata })
-                .addBreakout(["datetime-field", ["field-id", 1], "day"])
+                .addBreakout(["datetime-field", ["field-id", 1], "month"])
@@ -122,6 +125,22 @@ describe("Alerts", () => {
                 .setDisplayName("Time series line with goal")
+        timeMultiSeriesWithGoalQuestion = await createSavedQuestion(
+            Question.create({databaseId: 1, tableId: 1, metadata })
+                .query()
+                .addAggregation(["count"])
+                .addAggregation(["sum", ["field-id", 6]])
+                .addBreakout(["datetime-field", ["field-id", 1], "month"])
+                .question()
+                .setDisplay("line")
+                .setVisualizationSettings({
+                    "graph.show_goal": true,
+                    "graph.goal_value": 10,
+                    "graph.dimensions": ["CREATED_AT"],
+                    "graph.metrics": ["count", "sum"]
+                })
+                .setDisplayName("Time multiseries line with goal")
+        )
         progressBarQuestion = await createSavedQuestion(
             Question.create({databaseId: 1, tableId: 1, metadata })
@@ -137,6 +156,7 @@ describe("Alerts", () => {
         await CardApi.delete({cardId: rawDataQuestion.id()})
         await CardApi.delete({cardId: timeSeriesQuestion.id()})
         await CardApi.delete({cardId: timeSeriesWithGoalQuestion.id()})
+        await CardApi.delete({cardId: timeMultiSeriesWithGoalQuestion.id()})
         await CardApi.delete({cardId: progressBarQuestion.id()})
@@ -270,6 +290,7 @@ describe("Alerts", () => {
             const alertModal = app.find(QueryHeader).find(".test-modal")
             const creationScreen = alertModal.find(CreateAlertModalContent)
+            expect(creationScreen.find(NormalAlertTip).length).toBe(1)
@@ -317,6 +338,22 @@ describe("Alerts", () => {
+        it("should fall back to raw data alert and show a warning for time-multiseries questions with a set goal", async () => {
+            useSharedNormalLogin()
+            const { app, store } = await initQbWithAlertMenuItemClicked(timeMultiSeriesWithGoalQuestion)
+            await store.waitForActions([FETCH_PULSE_FORM_INPUT])
+            const alertModal = app.find(QueryHeader).find(".test-modal")
+            const creationScreen = alertModal.find(CreateAlertModalContent)
+            // console.log(creationScreen.debug())
+            expect(creationScreen.find(RawDataAlertTip).length).toBe(1)
+            expect(creationScreen.find(MultiSeriesAlertTip).length).toBe(1)
+            expect(creationScreen.find(AlertSettingToggle).length).toBe(0)
+            clickButton(creationScreen.find(".Button.Button--primary"))
+            await store.waitForActions([CREATE_ALERT])
+        })
     describe("alert list for a question", () => {