diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/onboarding/setup/setup.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/onboarding/setup/setup.cy.spec.js
index c4190ca23fcc21e151f7e664f352e1a330a8c52e..0b5cdfb593a9015996d8aed3ab0d2eeb3ae2e033 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/onboarding/setup/setup.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/onboarding/setup/setup.cy.spec.js
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ import {
 } from "__support__/e2e/cypress";
+import { USERS } from "__support__/e2e/cypress_data";
+const { admin } = USERS;
 // we're testing for one known (en) and one unknown (xx) locale
 const locales = ["en", "xx"];
@@ -163,6 +167,58 @@ describe("scenarios > setup", () => {
+  it("should set up Metabase without first name and last name (metabase#22754)", () => {
+    // This is a simplified version of the "scenarios > setup" test
+    cy.visit("/");
+    cy.findByText("Welcome to Metabase");
+    cy.location("pathname").should("eq", "/setup");
+    cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Let's get started").click();
+    // Language
+    cy.findByText("What's your preferred language?");
+    cy.findByText("English").click();
+    cy.button("Next").click();
+    // User
+    cy.findByText("What should we call you?");
+    cy.findByLabelText("Email").type(admin.email);
+    cy.findByLabelText("Company or team name").type("Epic Team");
+    cy.findByLabelText("Create a password").type(admin.password);
+    cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password").type(admin.password);
+    cy.button("Next").click();
+    cy.findByText("Hi. Nice to meet you!");
+    // Database
+    cy.findByText("Add your data");
+    cy.findByText("I'll add my data later");
+    cy.findByText("Show more options").click();
+    cy.findByText("H2").click();
+    cy.findByLabelText("Display name").type("Metabase H2");
+    const dbFilename = "frontend/test/__runner__/empty.db";
+    const dbPath = Cypress.config("fileServerFolder") + "/" + dbFilename;
+    cy.findByLabelText("Connection String").type(`file:${dbPath}`);
+    cy.button("Connect database").click();
+    // Turns off anonymous data collection
+    cy.findByLabelText(
+      "Allow Metabase to anonymously collect usage events",
+    ).click();
+    cy.findByText("All collection is completely anonymous.").should(
+      "not.exist",
+    );
+    cy.button("Finish").click();
+    // Finish & Subscribe
+    cy.findByText("Take me to Metabase").click();
+    cy.location("pathname").should("eq", "/");
+  });
   it("should allow pre-filling user details", () => {
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/admin.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/admin.cy.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43d413b80ff27a19a66ba6aaa98fcc5bbbe8666e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/admin.cy.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  restore,
-  sidebar,
-  visualize,
-  startNewQuestion,
-  summarize,
-} from "__support__/e2e/cypress";
-import { USERS } from "__support__/e2e/cypress_data";
-const { admin } = USERS;
-const new_user = {
-  first_name: "Barb",
-  last_name: "Tabley",
-  email: "new@metabase.test",
-describe("metabase-smoketest > admin", () => {
-  before(() => restore("blank"));
-  describe("Admin can setup an account", () => {
-    beforeEach(() => restore("blank"));
-    it("should set up Metabase without first name and last name (metabase#22754)", () => {
-      // This is a simplified version of the "scenarios > setup" test
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.findByText("Welcome to Metabase");
-      cy.url().should("not.include", "login");
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Let's get started").click();
-      // Language
-      cy.findByText("What's your preferred language?");
-      cy.findByText("English").click();
-      cy.findByText("Next").click();
-      // User (with workaround from "scenarios > setup"  document)
-      cy.findByText("What should we call you?");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Email").type(admin.email);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Company or team name").type("Epic Team");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Create a password")
-        .clear()
-        .type(admin.password);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password")
-        .clear()
-        .type(admin.password);
-      cy.findByText("Next").click();
-      cy.findByText("Hi. Nice to meet you!");
-      // Database
-      cy.findByText("Add your data");
-      cy.findByText("I'll add my data later");
-      cy.findByText("Show more options").click();
-      cy.findByText("H2").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Display name").type("Metabase H2");
-      const dbFilename = "frontend/test/__runner__/empty.db";
-      const dbPath = Cypress.config("fileServerFolder") + "/" + dbFilename;
-      cy.findByLabelText("Connection String").type(`file:${dbPath}`);
-      cy.findByText("Connect database").click();
-      // Turns off anonymous data collection
-      cy.findByLabelText(
-        "Allow Metabase to anonymously collect usage events",
-      ).click();
-      cy.findByText("All collection is completely anonymous.").should(
-        "not.exist",
-      );
-      cy.findByText("Finish").click();
-      // Finish & Subscribe
-      cy.findByText("Take me to Metabase").click();
-      cy.location("pathname").should("eq", "/");
-    });
-    it("should set up Metabase", () => {
-      // This is a simplified version of the "scenarios > setup" test
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.findByText("Welcome to Metabase");
-      cy.url().should("not.include", "login");
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Let's get started").click();
-      // Language
-      cy.findByText("What's your preferred language?");
-      cy.findByText("English").click();
-      cy.findByText("Next").click();
-      // User (with workaround from "scenarios > setup"  document)
-      cy.findByText("What should we call you?");
-      cy.findByLabelText("First name").type(admin.first_name);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Last name").type(admin.last_name);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Email").type(admin.email);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Company or team name").type("Epic Team");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Create a password")
-        .clear()
-        .type(admin.password);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password")
-        .clear()
-        .type(admin.password);
-      cy.findByText("Next").click();
-      // Database
-      cy.findByText("Add your data");
-      cy.findByText("I'll add my data later");
-      cy.findByText("Show more options").click();
-      cy.findByText("H2").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Display name").type("Metabase H2");
-      const dbFilename = "frontend/test/__runner__/empty.db";
-      const dbPath = Cypress.config("fileServerFolder") + "/" + dbFilename;
-      cy.findByLabelText("Connection String").type(`file:${dbPath}`);
-      cy.findByText("Connect database").click();
-      // Turns off anonymous data collection
-      cy.findByLabelText(
-        "Allow Metabase to anonymously collect usage events",
-      ).click();
-      cy.findByText("All collection is completely anonymous.").should(
-        "not.exist",
-      );
-      cy.findByText("Finish").click();
-      // Finish & Subscribe
-      cy.findByText("Take me to Metabase").click();
-      cy.location("pathname").should("eq", "/");
-    });
-  });
-  describe("Admin has basic functionality", () => {
-    beforeEach(cy.signInAsAdmin);
-    it.skip("should add a simple summarized question as admin", () => {
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.contains(", " + admin.first_name);
-      // This page does not contain "OUR DATA"
-      cy.findByText("Our analytics");
-      // Following section is repeated-- turn into callback function?
-      // Also, selecting Metabase H2 doesn't do anything
-      cy.findByText("New").click();
-      cy.findByText("Question");
-      cy.findByText("SQL query");
-      cy.findByText("Question").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("People").click();
-      cy.findByText("Save");
-      // Filter for created within previous 5 years
-      cy.findByText("Filter").click();
-      cy.findAllByText("Created At")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.get("input[type='text']").type("{selectall}{del}5");
-      cy.findByText("days").click();
-      cy.findByText("years").click();
-      sidebar()
-        .findByText("Add filter")
-        .click();
-      // Summarize by source
-      cy.get(".Button")
-        .contains("Summarize")
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Source").click();
-      cy.findByText("Done").click();
-      cy.contains("Created At  Previous 5 Years");
-      cy.findByText("Source");
-      cy.findByText("Google");
-    });
-    it.skip("should add question to a new dashboard in my personal collection as admin", () => {
-      cy.findByText("Save").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Name")
-        .clear()
-        .type("People per Source");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Description").type(
-        "Bar graph illustrating where our customers come from",
-      );
-      // *** Cannot select 'My personal collection' (metabase#12718)
-      // cy.findByText("Our analytics").click();
-      // cy.findByText("My personal collection").click();
-      // cy.contains("My personal collection");
-      cy.findAllByText("Save")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Yes please!").click();
-      cy.findByText("Create a new dashboard").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Name").type("Demo Dash");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Description").type("Many demos live here");
-      cy.findByText("Create").click();
-      cy.contains("People per");
-      cy.findByText("This dashboard is looking empty").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Save").click();
-    });
-    it.skip("should add a simple JOINed question as admin", () => {
-      startNewQuestion();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Orders").click();
-      cy.findByText("Data");
-      cy.findByText("Showing").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Join data").click();
-      cy.findByText("People").click();
-      visualize();
-      // Summarize by State
-      cy.findAllByText("Summarize")
-        .first()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("State").click();
-      cy.findByText("Done").click();
-      cy.icon("pinmap");
-      cy.icon("table").should("not.exist");
-      // Save question (not to a dashboard)
-      cy.findByText("Save").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Name")
-        .clear()
-        .type("Order Totals by State");
-      cy.findAllByText("Save")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Not now").click();
-    });
-    it("should add a question with a default line visualization as admin", () => {
-      startNewQuestion();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Orders").click();
-      visualize();
-      cy.findByText("Product ID");
-      cy.findByText("Pick your data").should("not.exist");
-      // Summarize by date ordered
-      summarize();
-      sidebar()
-        .contains("Created At")
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Done").click();
-      cy.icon("line").should("have.length", 2);
-      // Save question (not to a dashboard)
-      cy.findByText("Save").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Name")
-        .clear()
-        .type("Orders Over Time");
-      cy.get(".ModalContent")
-        .get(".Button")
-        .contains("Save")
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Not now").click();
-    });
-    it.skip("should create a new dashboard with the previous questions as admin", () => {
-      cy.visit("/");
-      // New dashboard
-      cy.icon("add").click();
-      cy.findByText("Dashboard").click();
-      cy.findByText("Which collection should this go in?");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Name").type("Demo Dash 2");
-      cy.findByText("Create").click();
-      // Adding saved questions
-      cy.get(".Header-buttonSection").click("left");
-      cy.findByText("Order Totals by State").click();
-      cy.wait(2000).get(".Icon-string");
-      cy.get(".Header-buttonSection").click("left");
-      cy.findByText("Orders Over Time").click();
-      cy.contains("Order Totals by State");
-      cy.contains("Orders Over Time");
-      cy.findByText("Save").click();
-    });
-    it.skip("should add a new user who can perform basic functions", () => {
-      // Sets up route
-      cy.server();
-      cy.route({
-        method: "POST",
-        url: "/api/user",
-      }).as("createUser");
-      // Navigates through admin pages
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.icon("gear").click();
-      cy.findByText("Admin").click();
-      cy.findByText("Metabase Admin");
-      cy.findByText("dashboard").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("People").click();
-      cy.findAllByText("Groups");
-      // Inputs user info (first modal)
-      cy.findByText("Invite someone").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("First name").type(new_user.first_name);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Last name").type(new_user.last_name);
-      cy.findByLabelText("Email").type(new_user.email);
-      cy.findByText("Create").click();
-      cy.wait("@createUser").then(xhr => {
-        cy.wrap(xhr.request.body.password).as("password");
-      });
-      //  Password confirmation(second modal)
-      cy.contains("has been added");
-      cy.findByText("Done").click();
-      cy.findByText(new_user.email);
-      // ==============
-      // == NEW USER ==
-      // ==============
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.get("@password").then(pass => {
-        cy.visit("/");
-        cy.findByLabelText("Email address").type(new_user.email);
-        cy.findByLabelText("Password").type(pass);
-        cy.findByText("Sign in").click();
-        cy.contains(new_user.first_name);
-        // =================
-        // should see questions currently in the "Our Analytics" collection
-        // =================
-        cy.findByText("Browse all items").click();
-        cy.findByText("My personal collection");
-        // =================
-        // should see dashboard in the "Our Analytics" collection
-        // =================
-        cy.findByText("Dashboards").click();
-        // cy.findByText("");
-        cy.findAllByText("Demo Dash 2").click();
-        cy.icon("move");
-        cy.findByText("Created At");
-        cy.findByText("Orders Over Time").click();
-        cy.findByText(
-          "You won't make any permanent changes to a saved question unless you click Save and choose to replace the original question.",
-        );
-        cy.findByText("Okay").click();
-        cy.findByText("Orders Over Time");
-        cy.icon("line");
-        cy.findByText("Demo Dash 2").should("not.exist");
-        // =================
-        // should create my own question as user
-        // =================
-        cy.findByText("New").click();
-        cy.findByText("SQL query");
-        cy.findByText("Visual question").click();
-        cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-        cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Reviews").click();
-        cy.get(".Button")
-          .findByText("Summarize")
-          .click();
-        cy.findAllByText("Rating")
-          .last()
-          .click();
-        cy.findByText("Done").click();
-        cy.contains("Auto binned");
-        cy.icon("bar");
-        cy.findByText("Save").click();
-        cy.findByLabelText("Name")
-          .clear()
-          .type("Number of Reviews by Range of Rating");
-        cy.icon("chevrondown").click();
-        cy.findAllByText("Our analytics")
-          .last()
-          .click();
-        // *** Won't save into personal collection (metabase#12718)
-        // cy.findByText("My personal collection").click();
-        cy.findAllByText("Save")
-          .last()
-          .click();
-        cy.findByText("Not now").click();
-        // =================
-        // should create my own dashboard as user
-        // =================
-        cy.icon("add").click();
-        cy.findByText("Dashboard").click();
-        cy.findByLabelText("Name").type("New User Demo Dash");
-        cy.findByLabelText("Description").type("This is my own demo dash!");
-        cy.get(".ModalBody")
-          .find(".Icon-chevrondown")
-          .click();
-        cy.findAllByText("Our analytics")
-          .last()
-          .click();
-        // *** Won't save into personal collection (metabase#12718)
-        cy.findByText("Create").click();
-        cy.findByText("This dashboard is looking empty.");
-        cy.contains("Number of").should("not.exist");
-        cy.icon("add")
-          .last()
-          .click();
-        cy.findByText("Number of Reviews by Range of Rating").click();
-        cy.findByText("Save").click();
-        cy.contains("Number of");
-        cy.findByText("This dashboard is looking empty.").should("not.exist");
-      });
-    });
-  });