diff --git a/test/metabase/test/integrations/ldap.clj b/test/metabase/test/integrations/ldap.clj
index 205700dee7c83e64ff87e309d2834f6167aff508..b698d2be2034218ecaede949eaf17271d9a6bedc 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/integrations/ldap.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/integrations/ldap.clj
@@ -3,27 +3,23 @@
             [expectations :refer [expect]]
             [metabase.test.util :as tu])
   (:import (com.unboundid.ldap.listener InMemoryDirectoryServer InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig InMemoryListenerConfig))
-  (:import (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema Schema))
-  (:import (com.unboundid.ldif LDIFReader)))
+  (:import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema.Schema)
+  (:import com.unboundid.ldif.LDIFReader))
 (def ^:dynamic *ldap-server*
-  "An in-memory testing LDAP server."
-  nil)
-(def ^:dynamic *ldap-connection*
-  "A connection to the in-memory LDAP server in `*ldap-server*`."
+  "An in-memory LDAP testing server."
 (defn- get-server-config []
-  (doto (new InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig (into-array String ["dc=metabase,dc=com"]))
+  (doto (InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig. (into-array String ["dc=metabase,dc=com"]))
           (.addAdditionalBindCredentials "cn=Directory Manager" "password")
           (.setSchema (Schema/getDefaultStandardSchema))
           (.setListenerConfigs (into-array InMemoryListenerConfig [(InMemoryListenerConfig/createLDAPConfig "LDAP" 0)]))))
 (defn- start-ldap-server! []
-  (with-open [ldif (new LDIFReader (io/file (io/resource "ldap.ldif")))]
-    (doto (new InMemoryDirectoryServer (get-server-config))
+  (with-open [ldif (LDIFReader. (io/file (io/resource "ldap.ldif")))]
+    (doto (InMemoryDirectoryServer. (get-server-config))
             (.importFromLDIF true ldif)
@@ -57,22 +53,3 @@
   "Generate a unit test that runs ACTUAL with a bound `*ldap-server*` and relevant settings."
   [expected actual]
   `(expect ~expected (with-ldap-server ~actual)))
-(defn do-with-ldap-connection
-  "Bind `*ldap-connection*` to a connection to an in-memory LDAP testing server and executes `f`."
-  [f]
-  (with-ldap-server
-    (binding [*ldap-connection* (.getConnection *ldap-server*)]
-      (try
-        (f)
-        (finally (.close *ldap-connection*))))))
-(defmacro with-ldap-connection
-  "Bind `*ldap-connection*` to a connection to an in-memory LDAP testing server and executes BODY."
-  [& body]
-  `(do-with-ldap-connection (fn [] ~@body)))
-(defmacro expect-with-ldap-connection
-  "Generate a unit test that runs ACTUAL with a bound `*ldap-server*` and `*ldap-connection*`."
-  [expected actual]
-  `(expect ~expected (with-ldap-connection ~actual)))