diff --git a/backend/junit/test/metabase/junit.clj b/backend/junit/test/metabase/junit.clj
index e7e73bf0943199895dcdbc573caded413e1b7604..eb08b98aad70e91f65b537d7ab7758432f29eda4 100644
--- a/backend/junit/test/metabase/junit.clj
+++ b/backend/junit/test/metabase/junit.clj
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
              [string :as str]]
             [metabase.util :as u]
             [pjstadig.print :as p]
-            [test-report-junit-xml.core :as junit-xml]))
+            [test-report-junit-xml.core :as junit-xml]
+            [test_report_junit_xml.shaded.clojure.data.xml :as xml])
+  #_(:import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils))
 (defn- event-description [{:keys [file line context message]}]
@@ -15,32 +17,35 @@
    (when message
      (str "\n" message))))
+(defn- print-expected [expected actual]
+  (p/rprint "expected: ")
+  (pp/pprint expected)
+  (p/rprint "  actual: ")
+  (pp/pprint actual)
+  (p/clear))
 (defn- result-output [{:keys [expected actual diffs message], :as event}]
-  (with-redefs [u/colorize? (constantly false)]
-    (with-out-str
-      (println (event-description event))
-      ;; this code is adapted from `pjstadig.util`
-      (p/with-pretty-writer
-        (fn []
-          (let [print-expected (fn [actual]
-                                 (p/rprint "expected: ")
-                                 (pp/pprint expected)
-                                 (p/rprint "  actual: ")
-                                 (pp/pprint actual)
-                                 (p/clear))]
-            (if (seq diffs)
-              (doseq [[actual [a b]] diffs]
-                (print-expected actual)
-                (p/rprint "    diff:")
-                (if a
-                  (do (p/rprint " - ")
-                      (pp/pprint a)
-                      (p/rprint "          + "))
-                  (p/rprint " + "))
-                (when b
-                  (pp/pprint b))
-                (p/clear))
-              (print-expected actual))))))))
+  (let [s (with-out-str
+            (println (event-description event))
+            ;; this code is adapted from `pjstadig.util`
+            (p/with-pretty-writer
+              (fn []
+                (if (seq diffs)
+                  (doseq [[actual [a b]] diffs]
+                    (print-expected expected actual)
+                    (p/rprint "    diff:")
+                    (if a
+                      (do (p/rprint " - ")
+                          (pp/pprint a)
+                          (p/rprint "          + "))
+                      (p/rprint " + "))
+                    (when b
+                      (pp/pprint b))
+                    (p/clear))
+                  (print-expected expected actual)))))]
+    ;; remove ANSI color escape sequences, then encode things as character entities as needed
+    (u/decolorize s)
+    #_(-> s u/decolorize StringEscapeUtils/escapeXml11)))
 (defmulti format-result
   {:arglists '([event])}
@@ -53,4 +58,4 @@
 (defmethod format-result :fail
   {:tag     :failure
-   :content (result-output event)})
+   :content (xml/cdata (result-output event))})
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/dashboard/components/ClickBehaviorSidebar.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/dashboard/components/ClickBehaviorSidebar.jsx
index 2c1af6cbed691814b7684224fd1c384436e06801..4dcad4c0588f36e1766b484ff5558de33011ce3d 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/dashboard/components/ClickBehaviorSidebar.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/dashboard/components/ClickBehaviorSidebar.jsx
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ const Column = ({ column, clickBehavior, onClick }) => (
         {clickBehavior && clickBehavior.type === "crossfilter"
           ? (n =>
-              t`${ngettext(
+              ngettext(
                 msgid`${column.display_name} updates ${n} filter`,
                 `${column.display_name} updates ${n} filters`,
-              )}`)(Object.keys(clickBehavior.parameterMapping).length)
+              ))(Object.keys(clickBehavior.parameterMapping).length)
           : clickBehavior && clickBehavior.type === "link"
           ? jt`${column.display_name} goes to ${(
               <LinkTargetName clickBehavior={clickBehavior} />
diff --git a/modules/drivers/google/project.clj b/modules/drivers/google/project.clj
index cf94b367210ddb239d9e0af50d8fc2d51e9bf457..a7152cd0d05d44e2111c13529e73b87d342fabcc 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/google/project.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/google/project.clj
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
     [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
+     [com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core "2.10.2"] ; Not sure why this is needed -- this is a dep of metabase-core
      [metabase-core "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]]}
diff --git a/src/metabase/sync.clj b/src/metabase/sync.clj
index a1c47f0bab2548e8beee5e5e56c64638a274b93b..1b23b6515ffd745ae7b7de3b80062cb326abc698 100644
--- a/src/metabase/sync.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/sync.clj
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
     ;; Finally, update cached FieldValues
     (field-values/update-field-values! database)))
 (s/defn sync-table!
   "Perform all the different sync operations synchronously for a given `table`."
   [table :- i/TableInstance]
diff --git a/src/metabase/task/sync_databases.clj b/src/metabase/task/sync_databases.clj
index 6d69111ca9528fb58cffc1d43be01adcc472b403..3d808aa692905c884d63baa5b0b7ec5ef53b1116 100644
--- a/src/metabase/task/sync_databases.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/task/sync_databases.clj
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ;; The DisallowConcurrentExecution on the two defrecords below attaches an annotation to the generated class that will
 ;; constrain the job execution to only be one at a time. Other triggers wanting the job to run will misfire.
-(defn sync-and-analyze-database
+(defn- sync-and-analyze-database!
   "The sync and analyze database job, as a function that can be used in a test"
   (when-let [database-id (job-context->database-id job-context)]
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
       (sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! database)
       ;; only run analysis if this is a "full sync" database
       (when (:is_full_sync database)
-        (analyze/analyze-db! database)))) )
+        (analyze/analyze-db! database)))))
 (jobs/defjob ^{org.quartz.DisallowConcurrentExecution true} SyncAndAnalyzeDatabase [job-context]
-  (sync-and-analyze-database job-context))
+  (sync-and-analyze-database! job-context))
-(defn update-field-values
+(defn- update-field-values!
   "The update field values job, as a function that can be used in a test"
   (when-let [database-id (job-context->database-id job-context)]
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
         (log/info (trs "Skipping update, automatic Field value updates are disabled for Database {0}." database-id))))))
 (jobs/defjob ^{org.quartz.DisallowConcurrentExecution true} UpdateFieldValues [job-context]
-  (update-field-values job-context))
+  (update-field-values! job-context))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                         TASK INFO AND GETTER FUNCTIONS                                         |
diff --git a/src/metabase/util.clj b/src/metabase/util.clj
index 9e160e6863978f5cf57e84739632bbe88f02f997..fee5d04ed477670dd7d7a27293caf321df87fec0 100644
--- a/src/metabase/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/util.clj
@@ -223,6 +223,11 @@
     (fn [_ x]
       (str x))))
+(defn decolorize
+  "Remove ANSI escape sequences from a String `s`."
+  ^String [s]
+  (some-> s (str/replace #"\[[;\d]*m" "")))
 (defn format-color
   "With one arg, converts something to a string and colorizes it. With two args, behaves like `format`, but colorizes
   the output.
diff --git a/test/metabase/models/params/chain_filter_test.clj b/test/metabase/models/params/chain_filter_test.clj
index 83a1e378945ae92d00e93b16c306cea18226759d..1a89e136088f05a1fb4ead761785d4c181250c39 100644
--- a/test/metabase/models/params/chain_filter_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/models/params/chain_filter_test.clj
@@ -13,65 +13,61 @@
 (deftest chain-filter-test
-  (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
-    (testing "Show me expensive restaurants"
-      (is (= ["Dal Rae Restaurant"
-              "Lawry's The Prime Rib"
-              "Pacific Dining Car - Santa Monica"
-              "Sushi Nakazawa"
-              "Sushi Yasuda"
-              "Tanoshi Sushi & Sake Bar"]
-             (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 4}))))
-    (testing "Show me categories that have expensive restaurants"
+  (testing "Show me expensive restaurants"
+    (is (= ["Dal Rae Restaurant"
+            "Lawry's The Prime Rib"
+            "Pacific Dining Car - Santa Monica"
+            "Sushi Nakazawa"
+            "Sushi Yasuda"
+            "Tanoshi Sushi & Sake Bar"]
+           (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 4}))))
+  (testing "Show me categories that have expensive restaurants"
+    (is (= ["Japanese" "Steakhouse"]
+           (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price 4})))
+    (testing "Should work with string versions of param values"
       (is (= ["Japanese" "Steakhouse"]
-             (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price 4})))
-      (testing "Should work with string versions of param values"
-        (is (= ["Japanese" "Steakhouse"]
-               (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price "4"})))))
-    (testing "Show me categories starting with s (case-insensitive) that have expensive restaurants"
-      (is (= ["Steakhouse"]
-             (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price 4, categories.name [:starts-with "s" {:case-sensitive false}]}))))
-    (testing "Show me cheap Thai restaurants"
-      (is (= ["Kinaree Thai Bistro" "Krua Siri"]
-             (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 1, categories.name "Thai"}))))
-    (testing "Show me the categories that have cheap restaurants"
-      (is (= ["Asian" "BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar" "Burger" "Caribbean" "Deli" "Karaoke" "Mexican" "Pizza" "Southern" "Thai"]
-             (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price 1}))))
-    (testing "Show me cheap restaurants with the word 'taco' in their name (case-insensitive)"
-      (is (= ["Tacos Villa Corona" "Tito's Tacos"]
-             (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 1, venues.name [:contains "tAcO" {:case-sensitive false}]}))))
-    (testing "Show me the first 3 expensive restaurants"
-      (is (= ["Dal Rae Restaurant" "Lawry's The Prime Rib" "Pacific Dining Car - Santa Monica"]
-             (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 4} :limit 3))))
-    (testing "Oh yeah, we actually support arbitrary MBQL filter clauses. Neat!"
-      (is (= ["Festa" "Fred 62"]
-             (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price [:between 2 3]
-                                        venues.name  [:starts-with "f" {:case-sensitive false}]}))))))
+             (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price "4"})))))
+  (testing "Show me categories starting with s (case-insensitive) that have expensive restaurants"
+    (is (= ["Steakhouse"]
+           (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price 4, categories.name [:starts-with "s" {:case-sensitive false}]}))))
+  (testing "Show me cheap Thai restaurants"
+    (is (= ["Kinaree Thai Bistro" "Krua Siri"]
+           (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 1, categories.name "Thai"}))))
+  (testing "Show me the categories that have cheap restaurants"
+    (is (= ["Asian" "BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar" "Burger" "Caribbean" "Deli" "Karaoke" "Mexican" "Pizza" "Southern" "Thai"]
+           (chain-filter categories.name {venues.price 1}))))
+  (testing "Show me cheap restaurants with the word 'taco' in their name (case-insensitive)"
+    (is (= ["Tacos Villa Corona" "Tito's Tacos"]
+           (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 1, venues.name [:contains "tAcO" {:case-sensitive false}]}))))
+  (testing "Show me the first 3 expensive restaurants"
+    (is (= ["Dal Rae Restaurant" "Lawry's The Prime Rib" "Pacific Dining Car - Santa Monica"]
+           (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price 4} :limit 3))))
+  (testing "Oh yeah, we actually support arbitrary MBQL filter clauses. Neat!"
+    (is (= ["Festa" "Fred 62"]
+           (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price [:between 2 3]
+                                      venues.name  [:starts-with "f" {:case-sensitive false}]})))))
 (deftest multiple-values-test
-  (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
-    (testing "Chain filtering should support multiple values for a single parameter (as a vector or set of values)"
-      (testing "Show me restaurants with price = 1 or 2 with the word 'BBQ' in their name (case-sensitive)"
-        (is (= ["Baby Blues BBQ" "Beachwood BBQ & Brewing" "Bludso's BBQ"]
-               (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price #{1 2}, venues.name [:contains "BBQ"]}))))
-      (testing "Show me the possible values of price for Bakery *or* BBQ restaurants"
-        (is (= [1 2 3]
-               (chain-filter venues.price {categories.name ["Bakery" "BBQ"]})))))))
+  (testing "Chain filtering should support multiple values for a single parameter (as a vector or set of values)"
+    (testing "Show me restaurants with price = 1 or 2 with the word 'BBQ' in their name (case-sensitive)"
+      (is (= ["Baby Blues BBQ" "Beachwood BBQ & Brewing" "Bludso's BBQ"]
+             (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price #{1 2}, venues.name [:contains "BBQ"]}))))
+    (testing "Show me the possible values of price for Bakery *or* BBQ restaurants"
+      (is (= [1 2 3]
+             (chain-filter venues.price {categories.name ["Bakery" "BBQ"]}))))))
 (deftest auto-parse-string-params-test
-  (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
-    (testing "Parameters that come in as strings (i.e., all of them that come in via the API) should work as intended"
-      (is (= ["Baby Blues BBQ" "Beachwood BBQ & Brewing" "Bludso's BBQ"]
-             (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price ["1" "2"], venues.name [:contains "BBQ"]}))))))
+  (testing "Parameters that come in as strings (i.e., all of them that come in via the API) should work as intended"
+    (is (= ["Baby Blues BBQ" "Beachwood BBQ & Brewing" "Bludso's BBQ"]
+           (chain-filter venues.name {venues.price ["1" "2"], venues.name [:contains "BBQ"]})))))
 (deftest unrelated-params-test
-  (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
-    (testing "Parameters that are completely unrelated (don't apply to this Table) should just get ignored entirely"
-      ;; there is no way to join from venues -> users so users.id should get ignored
-      (binding [chain-filter/*enable-reverse-joins* false]
-        (is (= [1 2 3]
-               (chain-filter venues.price {categories.name ["Bakery" "BBQ"]
-                                           users.id        [1 2 3]})))))))
+  (testing "Parameters that are completely unrelated (don't apply to this Table) should just get ignored entirely"
+    ;; there is no way to join from venues -> users so users.id should get ignored
+    (binding [chain-filter/*enable-reverse-joins* false]
+      (is (= [1 2 3]
+             (chain-filter venues.price {categories.name ["Bakery" "BBQ"]
+                                         users.id        [1 2 3]}))))))
 (deftest find-joins-test
   (mt/dataset airports
@@ -119,40 +115,39 @@
                  (#'chain-filter/find-all-joins $$airport #{%region.name %municipality.name %region.id}))))))))
 (deftest multi-hop-test
-  (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
-    (mt/dataset airports
-      (testing "Should be able to filter against other tables with that require multiple joins\n"
-        (testing "single direct join: Airport -> Municipality"
-          (is (= ["San Francisco International Airport"]
-                 (chain-filter airport.name {municipality.name ["San Francisco"]}))))
-        (testing "2 joins required: Airport -> Municipality -> Region"
-          (is (= ["Beale Air Force Base"
-                  "Edwards Air Force Base"
-                  "John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport"]
-                 (take 3 (chain-filter airport.name {region.name ["California"]})))))
-        (testing "3 joins required: Airport -> Municipality -> Region -> Country"
-          (is (= ["Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport"
-                  "Albuquerque International Sunport"
-                  "Altus Air Force Base"]
-                 (take 3 (chain-filter airport.name {country.name ["United States"]})))))
-        (testing "4 joins required: Airport -> Municipality -> Region -> Country -> Continent"
-          (is (= ["Afonso Pena Airport"
-                  "Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport"
-                  "Carrasco International /General C L Berisso Airport"]
-                 (take 3 (chain-filter airport.name {continent.name ["South America"]})))))
-        (testing "[backwards]"
-          (testing "single direct join: Municipality -> Airport"
-            (is (= ["San Francisco"]
-                   (chain-filter municipality.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]}))))
-          (testing "2 joins required: Region -> Municipality -> Airport"
-            (is (= ["California"]
-                   (chain-filter region.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]}))))
-          (testing "3 joins required: Country -> Region -> Municipality -> Airport"
-            (is (= ["United States"]
-                   (chain-filter country.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]}))))
-          (testing "4 joins required: Continent -> Region -> Municipality -> Airport"
-            (is (= ["North America"]
-                   (chain-filter continent.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]})))))))))
+  (mt/dataset airports
+    (testing "Should be able to filter against other tables with that require multiple joins\n"
+      (testing "single direct join: Airport -> Municipality"
+        (is (= ["San Francisco International Airport"]
+               (chain-filter airport.name {municipality.name ["San Francisco"]}))))
+      (testing "2 joins required: Airport -> Municipality -> Region"
+        (is (= ["Beale Air Force Base"
+                "Edwards Air Force Base"
+                "John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport"]
+               (take 3 (chain-filter airport.name {region.name ["California"]})))))
+      (testing "3 joins required: Airport -> Municipality -> Region -> Country"
+        (is (= ["Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport"
+                "Albuquerque International Sunport"
+                "Altus Air Force Base"]
+               (take 3 (chain-filter airport.name {country.name ["United States"]})))))
+      (testing "4 joins required: Airport -> Municipality -> Region -> Country -> Continent"
+        (is (= ["Afonso Pena Airport"
+                "Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport"
+                "Carrasco International /General C L Berisso Airport"]
+               (take 3 (chain-filter airport.name {continent.name ["South America"]})))))
+      (testing "[backwards]"
+        (testing "single direct join: Municipality -> Airport"
+          (is (= ["San Francisco"]
+                 (chain-filter municipality.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]}))))
+        (testing "2 joins required: Region -> Municipality -> Airport"
+          (is (= ["California"]
+                 (chain-filter region.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]}))))
+        (testing "3 joins required: Country -> Region -> Municipality -> Airport"
+          (is (= ["United States"]
+                 (chain-filter country.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]}))))
+        (testing "4 joins required: Continent -> Region -> Municipality -> Airport"
+          (is (= ["North America"]
+                 (chain-filter continent.name {airport.name ["San Francisco International Airport"]}))))))))
 (deftest filterable-field-ids-test
diff --git a/test/metabase/task/sync_databases_test.clj b/test/metabase/task/sync_databases_test.clj
index 024409ead39b87a0090fea036939c21892141aa5..7923444f69a88f93b86959744266b0f5f59e4222 100644
--- a/test/metabase/task/sync_databases_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/task/sync_databases_test.clj
@@ -5,13 +5,18 @@
   (:require [clojure
              [string :as str]
              [test :refer :all]]
+            [metabase
+             [test :as mt]
+             [util :as u]]
             [metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
+            [metabase.sync
+             [analyze :as sync.analyze]
+             [field-values :as sync.field-values]
+             [sync-metadata :as sync.metadata]]
             [metabase.task.sync-databases :as sync-db]
             [metabase.test.util :as tu]
-            [metabase.util :as u]
             [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date]
-            [toucan.db :as db]
-            [toucan.util.test :as tt])
+            [toucan.db :as db])
   (:import [metabase.task.sync_databases SyncAndAnalyzeDatabase UpdateFieldValues]))
 (deftest annotations-test
@@ -66,7 +71,7 @@
 (deftest new-db-jobs-scheduled-test
   (is (= [sync-job fv-job]
-           (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
+           (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
              (current-tasks-for-db database))))))
 ;; Check that a custom schedule is respected when creating a new Database
@@ -74,7 +79,7 @@
   (is (= [(assoc-in sync-job [:triggers 0 :cron-schedule] "0 30 4,16 * * ? *")
           (assoc-in fv-job   [:triggers 0 :cron-schedule] "0 15 10 ? * 6#3")]
-           (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine                      :postgres
+           (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine                      :postgres
                                              :metadata_sync_schedule      "0 30 4,16 * * ? *" ; 4:30 AM and PM daily
                                              :cache_field_values_schedule "0 15 10 ? * 6#3"}] ; 10:15 on the 3rd Friday of the Month
              (current-tasks-for-db database))))))
@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@
   (is (= [(update sync-job :triggers empty)
           (update fv-job   :triggers empty)]
-          (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
+          (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
             (db/delete! Database :id (u/get-id database))
             (current-tasks-for-db database))))))
@@ -93,7 +98,7 @@
   (is (= [(assoc-in sync-job [:triggers 0 :cron-schedule] "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI")
           (assoc-in fv-job   [:triggers 0 :cron-schedule] "0 11 11 11 11 ?")]
-           (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
+           (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
              (db/update! Database (u/get-id database)
                :metadata_sync_schedule      "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI" ; 10:15 AM every weekday
                :cache_field_values_schedule "0 11 11 11 11 ?")    ; Every November 11th at 11:11 AM
@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@
   (is (= [sync-job
           (assoc-in fv-job [:triggers 0 :cron-schedule] "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI")]
-          (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
+          (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
             (db/update! Database (u/get-id database)
               :cache_field_values_schedule "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI")
             (current-tasks-for-db database)))))
@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@
   (is (= [(assoc-in sync-job [:triggers 0 :cron-schedule] "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI")
-           (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
+           (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
              (db/update! Database (u/get-id database)
                :metadata_sync_schedule "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI")
              (current-tasks-for-db database))))))
@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@
              (db/insert! Database {:engine :postgres, k "0 * ABCD"}))))))
   (testing "Check that you can't UPDATE a DB's schedule to something invalid"
-    (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
+    (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
       (doseq [k [:metadata_sync_schedule :cache_field_values_schedule]]
         (testing (format "Update %s" k)
           (is (thrown?
@@ -145,9 +150,9 @@
 (deftest check-orphaned-jobs-removed-test
   (testing "jobs for orphaned databases are removed during sync run"
-      (doseq [sync-fn [sync-db/update-field-values sync-db/sync-and-analyze-database]]
+      (doseq [sync-fn [#'sync-db/update-field-values! #'sync-db/sync-and-analyze-database!]]
         (testing (str sync-fn)
-          (tt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
+          (mt/with-temp Database [database {:engine :postgres}]
             (let [db-id (:id database)]
               (is (= [sync-job fv-job]
                      (current-tasks-for-db database)))
@@ -164,9 +169,7 @@
 ;;; |                                    CHECKING THAT SYNC TASKS RUN CORRECT FNS                                    |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; TODO - it would be nice if we could rework this test so we didn't have to wait for so long to see if things
-;; happened or not
-(defn- check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db {:style/indent 0} [db-info]
+(defn- check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db {:style/indent 0} [waits db-info]
   (let [sync-db-metadata-ran?    (promise)
         analyze-db-ran?          (promise)
         update-field-values-ran? (promise)]
@@ -174,42 +177,52 @@
                   metabase.sync.analyze/analyze-db!               (fn [& _] (deliver analyze-db-ran? true))
                   metabase.sync.field-values/update-field-values! (fn [& _] (deliver update-field-values-ran? true))]
-        (tt/with-temp Database [database db-info]
-          {:ran-sync?                (deref sync-db-metadata-ran?    1000 false)
-           :ran-analyze?             (deref analyze-db-ran?           200 false)
-           :ran-update-field-values? (deref update-field-values-ran?  500 false)})))))
+        (mt/with-temp Database [database db-info]
+          ;; deref the promises in parallel so they all get sufficient time to run.
+          (into {} (pmap (fn [[k promis]]
+                           (let [wait-time-ms (or (get waits k)
+                                                  (throw (ex-info (str "Don't know how long to wait for " k) {})))]
+                             [k (deref promis wait-time-ms false)]))
+                         {:ran-sync?                sync-db-metadata-ran?
+                          :ran-analyze?             analyze-db-ran?
+                          :ran-update-field-values? update-field-values-ran?})))))))
 (defn- cron-schedule-for-next-year []
   (format "0 15 10 * * ? %d" (inc (u.date/extract :year))))
 (deftest check-sync-tasks-run-test
-  (testing "Make sure that a database that *is* marked full sync *will* get analyzed"
-    (is (=  {:ran-sync? true, :ran-analyze? true, :ran-update-field-values? false}
-            (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
-              {:engine                      :postgres
-               :metadata_sync_schedule      "* * * * * ? *"
-               :cache_field_values_schedule (cron-schedule-for-next-year)}))))
-  (testing "Make sure that a database that *isn't* marked full sync won't get analyzed"
-    (is (= {:ran-sync? true, :ran-analyze? false, :ran-update-field-values? false}
-           (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
-             {:engine                      :postgres
-              :is_full_sync                false
-              :metadata_sync_schedule      "* * * * * ? *"
-              :cache_field_values_schedule (cron-schedule-for-next-year)}))))
-  (testing "Make sure the update field values task calls `update-field-values!`"
-    (is (= {:ran-sync? false, :ran-analyze? false, :ran-update-field-values? true}
-           (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
-             {:engine                      :postgres
-              :is_full_sync                true
-              :metadata_sync_schedule      (cron-schedule-for-next-year)
-              :cache_field_values_schedule "* * * * * ? *"}))))
-  (testing "...but if DB is not \"full sync\" it should not get updated FieldValues"
-    (is (= {:ran-sync? false, :ran-analyze? false, :ran-update-field-values? false}
-           (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
-             {:engine                      :postgres
-              :is_full_sync                false
-              :metadata_sync_schedule      (cron-schedule-for-next-year)
-              :cache_field_values_schedule "* * * * * ? *"})))))
+  (u/profile "new"
+    (testing "Make sure that a database that *is* marked full sync *will* get analyzed"
+      (is (=  {:ran-sync? true, :ran-analyze? true, :ran-update-field-values? false}
+              (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
+                {:ran-sync? 3000, :ran-analyze? 3000, :ran-update-field-values? 500}
+                {:engine                      :postgres
+                 :metadata_sync_schedule      "* * * * * ? *"
+                 :cache_field_values_schedule (cron-schedule-for-next-year)}))))
+    (testing "Make sure that a database that *isn't* marked full sync won't get analyzed"
+      (is (= {:ran-sync? true, :ran-analyze? false, :ran-update-field-values? false}
+             (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
+               {:ran-sync? 3000, :ran-analyze? 500, :ran-update-field-values? 500}
+               {:engine                      :postgres
+                :is_full_sync                false
+                :metadata_sync_schedule      "* * * * * ? *"
+                :cache_field_values_schedule (cron-schedule-for-next-year)}))))
+    (testing "Make sure the update field values task calls `update-field-values!`"
+      (is (= {:ran-sync? false, :ran-analyze? false, :ran-update-field-values? true}
+             (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
+               {:ran-sync? 500, :ran-analyze? 500, :ran-update-field-values? 3000}
+               {:engine                      :postgres
+                :is_full_sync                true
+                :metadata_sync_schedule      (cron-schedule-for-next-year)
+                :cache_field_values_schedule "* * * * * ? *"}))))
+    (testing "...but if DB is not \"full sync\" it should not get updated FieldValues"
+      (is (= {:ran-sync? false, :ran-analyze? false, :ran-update-field-values? false}
+             (check-if-sync-processes-ran-for-db
+               {:ran-sync? 500, :ran-analyze? 500, :ran-update-field-values? 500}
+               {:engine                      :postgres
+                :is_full_sync                false
+                :metadata_sync_schedule      (cron-schedule-for-next-year)
+                :cache_field_values_schedule "* * * * * ? *"}))))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/util_test.clj b/test/metabase/util_test.clj
index f4e149475edead29d12bfcd77f25c893b0928ad9..7f7213424fa6961b2dbdfd51592802969c2509b6 100644
--- a/test/metabase/util_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/util_test.clj
@@ -7,6 +7,16 @@
              [test :as mt]
              [util :as u]]))
+(deftest decolorize-test
+  (is (= "message"
+         (u/colorize 'red "message")))
+  (is (= "message"
+         (u/decolorize "message")))
+  (is (= "message"
+         (u/decolorize (u/colorize 'red "message"))))
+  (is (= nil
+         (u/decolorize nil))))
 (defn- are+-message [expr arglist args]
diff --git a/test_resources/log4j2-test.xml b/test_resources/log4j2-test.xml
index fdd87adecb90d41cecde3df655cbc82a2e626a62..20cc2d68c81f62ab76b84dcb2388079bf9fc7177 100644
--- a/test_resources/log4j2-test.xml
+++ b/test_resources/log4j2-test.xml
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
     <Logger name="metabase" level="FATAL"/>
-    <Logger name="metabase.driver" level="INFO"/>
-    <Logger name="metabase.plugins" level="INFO"/>
-    <Logger name="metabase.test-setup" level="INFO"/>
-    <Logger name="metabase.test.data.datasets" level="INFO"/>
-    <Logger name="metabase.test.data" level="INFO"/>
     <Root level="ERROR">
       <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>