diff --git a/modules/drivers/bigquery/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj b/modules/drivers/bigquery/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
index 4c2a80c083d6a9202e0952a6894df36ff4bcb0e5..3a1b4ba72daed0e499a11ab84029c80bc34427f7 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/bigquery/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/bigquery/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
@@ -58,14 +58,10 @@
 (s/defn ^:private dataset-name-for-current-query :- BigQueryIdentifierString
   "Fetch the dataset name for the database associated with this query, needed because BigQuery requires you to qualify
   identifiers with it. This is primarily called automatically for the `to-sql` implementation of the
-  `BigQueryIdentifier` record type; see its definition for more details.
-  This looks for the value inside the SQL QP's `*query*` dynamic var; since this won't be bound for non-MBQL queries,
-  you will want to avoid this function for SQL queries."
+  `BigQueryIdentifier` record type; see its definition for more details."
-  (or (some-> sql.qp/*query* :dataset-id)
-      (when (qp.store/initialized?)
-        (some-> (qp.store/database) :details :dataset-id))))
+  (when (qp.store/initialized?)
+    (some-> (qp.store/database) :details :dataset-id)))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -412,25 +408,17 @@
       ((partial apply h/merge-select) (for [field-clause breakout-field-clauses
                                             :when        (not (contains? (set fields-field-clauses) field-clause))]
                                         (sql.qp/as driver field-clause)))))
-(defn- ag-ref->alias [[_ index]]
-  (let [{{aggregations :aggregation} :query} sql.qp/*query*
-        [ag-type :as ag]                     (nth aggregations index)]
-    (mbql.u/match-one ag
-      [:distinct _]              :count
-      [:expression operator & _] operator
-      [:named _ ag-name]         (keyword ag-name)
-      [ag-type & _]              ag-type)))
-(defmethod sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause [:bigquery :order-by]
-  [driver _ honeysql-form {subclauses :order-by, :as query}]
-  (loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [[direction field-clause] & more] subclauses]
-    (let [honeysql-form (h/merge-order-by honeysql-form [(if (mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation field-clause)
-                                                           (ag-ref->alias field-clause)
-                                                           (sql.qp/field-clause->alias driver field-clause))
-                                                         direction])]
-      (if (seq more)
-        (recur honeysql-form more)
-        honeysql-form))))
+;; as with breakouts BigQuery requires that you use the Field aliases in order by clauses, so override the methods for
+;; compiling `:asc` and `:desc` and alias the Fields if applicable
+(defn- alias-order-by-field [driver [direction field-clause]]
+  (let [field-clause (if (mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation field-clause)
+                       field-clause
+                       (sql.qp/field-clause->alias driver field-clause))]
+    ((get-method sql.qp/->honeysql [:sql direction]) driver [direction field-clause])))
+(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:bigquery :asc]  [driver clause] (alias-order-by-field driver clause))
+(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:bigquery :desc] [driver clause] (alias-order-by-field driver clause))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
diff --git a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
index ca5581ed0ee71b3c24614b3cecd7723e2f4d6758..775c6feb9e245fd3af024c14b189e15e98fdfe98 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
@@ -9,16 +9,19 @@
              [util :as u]]
             [metabase.db.metadata-queries :as metadata-queries]
             [metabase.driver.bigquery :as bigquery]
+            [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
             [metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
              [database :refer [Database]]
              [field :refer [Field]]
              [table :refer [Table]]]
+            [metabase.query-processor.test-util :as qp.test-util]
              [data :as data]
              [util :as tu]]
             [metabase.test.data.datasets :refer [expect-with-driver]]
             [metabase.test.util.timezone :as tu.tz]
+            [metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
             [toucan.util.test :as tt]))
 ;; Test native queries
@@ -238,3 +241,30 @@
                :limit        1}
     :info     {:executed-by 1000
                :query-hash  (byte-array [1 2 3 4])}}))
+;; let's make sure we're generating correct HoneySQL + SQL for aggregations
+(expect-with-driver :bigquery
+  {:select   [[(hx/identifier :field "test_data.venues" "price")                        (hx/identifier :field-alias "price")]
+              [(hsql/call :avg (hx/identifier :field "test_data.venues" "category_id")) (hx/identifier :field-alias "avg")]]
+   :from     [(hx/identifier :table "test_data.venues")]
+   :group-by [(hx/identifier :field-alias "price")]
+   :order-by [[(hx/identifier :field-alias "avg") :asc]]}
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+    (#'sql.qp/mbql->honeysql
+     :bigquery
+     (data/mbql-query venues
+       {:aggregation [[:avg $category_id]]
+        :breakout    [$price]
+        :order-by    [[:asc [:aggregation 0]]]}))))
+(expect-with-driver :bigquery
+  {:query      (str "SELECT `test_data.venues`.`price` AS `price`,"
+                    " avg(`test_data.venues`.`category_id`) AS `avg` "
+                    "FROM `test_data.venues` "
+                    "GROUP BY `price` "
+                    "ORDER BY `avg` ASC, `price` ASC")
+   :table-name "venues"
+   :mbql?      true}
+  (qp/query->native
+    (data/mbql-query venues
+      {:aggregation [[:avg $category_id]], :breakout [$price], :order-by [[:asc [:aggregation 0]]]})))
diff --git a/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj b/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj
index c8086edf565a82f16f1de2269764e2a01a41ef0f..4c09f7e0bcdba2a40707c0be44518cb45fe62f48 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj
@@ -3,28 +3,25 @@
              [set :as set]
              [string :as str]]
             [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
-            [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
             [honeysql.core :as hsql]
              [config :as config]
-             [driver :as driver]
-             [util :as u]]
+             [driver :as driver]]
             [metabase.driver.common :as driver.common]
+            [metabase.driver.sql
+             [query-processor :as sql.qp]
+             [util :as sql.u]]
              [connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
              [execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
              [sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]]
-            [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
             [metabase.driver.sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
              [date :as du]
              [honeysql-extensions :as hx]
-             [i18n :refer [trs]]
-             [ssh :as ssh]]
-            [schema.core :as s])
+             [ssh :as ssh]])
   (:import [java.sql ResultSet Types]
-           java.util.Date
-           metabase.util.honeysql_extensions.Identifier))
+           java.util.Date))
 (driver/register! :oracle, :parent :sql-jdbc)
@@ -160,76 +157,6 @@
 (defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->timestamp [:oracle :milliseconds] [driver _ field-or-value]
   (sql.qp/unix-timestamp->timestamp driver :seconds (hx// field-or-value (hsql/raw 1000))))
-(s/defn ^:private increment-identifier-string :- s/Str
-  [last-component :- s/Str]
-  (if-let [[_ existing-suffix] (re-find #"^.*_(\d+$)" last-component)]
-    ;; if last-component already has an alias like col_2 then increment it to col_3
-    (let [new-suffix (str (inc (Integer/parseInt existing-suffix)))]
-      (str/replace last-component (re-pattern (str existing-suffix \$)) new-suffix))
-    ;; otherwise just stick a _2 on the end so it's col_2
-    (str last-component "_2")))
-(s/defn ^:private increment-identifier
-  "Add an appropriate suffix to a keyword `identifier` to make it distinct from previous usages of the same identifier,
-  e.g.
-     (increment-identifier :my_col)   ; -> :my_col_2
-     (increment-identifier :my_col_2) ; -> :my_col_3"
-  [identifier :- Identifier]
-  (update
-   identifier
-   :components
-   (fn [components]
-     (conj
-      (vec (butlast components))
-      (increment-identifier-string (u/keyword->qualified-name (last components)))))))
-(defn- alias-everything
-  "Make sure all the columns in `select-clause` are alias forms, e.g. `[:table.col :col]` instead of `:table.col`.
-  (This faciliates our deduplication logic.)"
-  [select-clause]
-  (for [col select-clause]
-    (cond
-      ;; if something's already an alias form like [:table.col :col] it's g2g
-      (sequential? col)
-      col
-      ;; otherwise we *should* be dealing with an Identifier. If so, take the last component of the Identifier and use
-      ;; that as the alias.
-      ;;
-      ;; TODO - could this be done using `->honeysql` or `field->alias` instead?
-      (instance? Identifier col)
-      [col (hx/identifier :field-alias (last (:components col)))]
-      :else
-      (do
-        (log/error (trs "Don't know how to alias {0}, expected an Identifer." col))
-        [col col]))))
-(defn- deduplicate-identifiers
-  "Make sure every column in `select-clause` has a unique alias. This is done because Oracle can't figure out how to use
-  a query that produces duplicate columns in a subselect."
-  [select-clause]
-  (if (= select-clause [:*])
-    ;; if we're doing `SELECT *` there's no way we can deduplicate anything so we're SOL, return as-is
-    select-clause
-    ;; otherwise we can actually deduplicate things
-    (loop [already-seen #{}, acc [], [[col alias] & more] (alias-everything select-clause)]
-      (cond
-        ;; if not more cols are left to deduplicate, we're done
-        (not col)
-        acc
-        ;; otherwise if we've already used this alias, replace it with one like `identifier_2` and try agan
-        (contains? already-seen alias)
-        (recur already-seen acc (cons [col (increment-identifier alias)]
-                                      more))
-        ;; otherwise if we haven't seen it record it as seen and move on to the next column
-        :else
-        (recur (conj already-seen alias) (conj acc [col alias]) more)))))
 ;; Oracle doesn't support `LIMIT n` syntax. Instead we have to use `WHERE ROWNUM <= n` (`NEXT n ROWS ONLY` isn't
 ;; supported on Oracle versions older than 12). This has to wrap the actual query, e.g.
@@ -267,7 +194,7 @@
    ;; back to including a `SELECT *` just to make sure a valid query is produced
    :from   [(-> (merge {:select [:*]}
-                (update :select deduplicate-identifiers))]
+                (update :select sql.u/select-clause-deduplicate-aliases))]
    :where  [:<= (hsql/raw "rownum") value]})
 (defmethod sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause [:oracle :page]
diff --git a/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/driver/oracle_test.clj b/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/driver/oracle_test.clj
index 742feb50efef31ee3701b466fcbfb566d7b8eb3b..1d593b5ec33fc9a1967d6ebd3caeb8a22d0dd00c 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/driver/oracle_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/driver/oracle_test.clj
@@ -2,16 +2,18 @@
   "Tests for specific behavior of the Oracle driver."
   (:require [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
             [expectations :refer [expect]]
+            [honeysql.core :as hsql]
              [driver :as driver]
              [query-processor :as qp]
              [query-processor-test :as qp.test]
              [util :as u]]
-            [metabase.driver.oracle :as oracle]
             [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
+            [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
              [field :refer [Field]]
              [table :refer [Table]]]
+            [metabase.query-processor.test-util :as qp.test-util]
              [data :as data]
              [util :as tu]]
@@ -69,36 +71,6 @@
      :service-name "MyCoolService"
      :sid          "ORCL"}))
-;; `deduplicate-identifiers` should use the last component of an identifier as the alias if it does not already have
-;; one
-  [[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
-   [(hx/identifier :field "F")             (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]
-  (#'oracle/deduplicate-identifiers
-   [(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
-    [(hx/identifier :field "F")            (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]))
-;; `deduplicate-identifiers` should append numeric suffixes to duplicate aliases
-  [[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
-   [(hx/identifier :field "E" "D")         (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]
-   [(hx/identifier :field "F")             (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]
-  (#'oracle/deduplicate-identifiers
-   [(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
-    (hx/identifier :field "E" "D")
-    [(hx/identifier :field "F")            (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]))
-;; `deduplicate-identifiers` should handle aliases that are already suffixed gracefully
-  [[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
-   [(hx/identifier :field "E" "D")         (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]
-   [(hx/identifier :field "F")             (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_3")]]
-  (#'oracle/deduplicate-identifiers
-   [(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
-    (hx/identifier :field "E" "D")
-    [(hx/identifier :field "F")            (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]]))
   (let [engine  :oracle
@@ -157,3 +129,48 @@
             {:database (data/id)
              :type     :query
              :query    {:source-table (u/get-id table)}}))))))
+;; let's make sure we're actually attempting to generate the correctl HoneySQL for joins and source queries so we
+;; don't sit around scratching our heads wondering why the queries themselves aren't working
+(expect-with-driver :oracle
+  {:select [:*]
+   :from
+   [{:select
+     [[(hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "id")          (hx/identifier :field-alias "id")]
+      [(hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "name")        (hx/identifier :field-alias "name")]
+      [(hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "category_id") (hx/identifier :field-alias "category_id")]
+      [(hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "latitude")    (hx/identifier :field-alias "latitude")]
+      [(hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "longitude")   (hx/identifier :field-alias "longitude")]
+      [(hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "price")       (hx/identifier :field-alias "price")]]
+     :from      [(hx/identifier :table oracle.tx/session-schema "venues")]
+     :left-join [[(hx/identifier :table oracle.tx/session-schema "categories") "test_data_categories__via__cat"]
+                 [:=
+                  (hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "category_id")
+                  (hx/identifier :field "test_data_categories__via__cat" "id")]]
+     :where     [:=
+                 (hx/identifier :field "test_data_categories__via__cat" "name")
+                 "BBQ"]
+     :order-by  [[(hx/identifier :field oracle.tx/session-schema "venues" "id") :asc]]}]
+   :where [:<= (hsql/raw "rownum") 100]}
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+    (#'sql.qp/mbql->honeysql
+     :oracle
+     (data/mbql-query venues
+       {:source-table $$venues
+        :order-by     [[:asc $id]]
+        :filter       [:=
+                       [:joined-field "test_data_categories__via__cat" $categories.name]
+                       [:value "BBQ" {:base_type :type/Text, :special_type :type/Name, :database_type "VARCHAR"}]]
+        :fields       [$id $name $category_id $latitude $longitude $price]
+        :limit        100
+        :joins        [{:source-table $$categories
+                        :alias        "test_data_categories__via__cat",
+                        :strategy     :left-join
+                        :condition    [:=
+                                       $category_id
+                                       [:joined-field "test_data_categories__via__cat" $categories.id]]
+                        :fk-field-id  (data/id :venues :category_id)
+                        :fields       :none}]}))))
diff --git a/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/test/data/oracle.clj b/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/test/data/oracle.clj
index a50415267b26377897ff758965fa74979bf1c4c9..85194428f4f7a36df9d6eb86fe03763f957aa4fe 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/test/data/oracle.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/oracle/test/metabase/test/data/oracle.clj
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ;; PUBLIC.CHECKINS.USER_ID    | CAM_195.test_data_checkins.user_id
 ;; PUBLIC.INCIDENTS.TIMESTAMP | CAM_195.sad_toucan_incidents.timestamp
 (defonce ^:private session-schema-number (rand-int 200))
-(defonce ^:private session-schema        (str "CAM_" session-schema-number))
+(defonce           session-schema        (str "CAM_" session-schema-number))
 (defonce ^:private session-password      (apply str (repeatedly 16 #(rand-nth (map char (range (int \a) (inc (int \z))))))))
 ;; Session password is only used when creating session user, not anywhere else
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj
index 2475da55529cdcf21c136352bb62e4dcd4be8d4d..8473dfe118479efc5a03a7e79166db1f9fc52242 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
              [i18n :refer [tru]]
              [schema :as su]]
             [schema.core :as s])
-  (:import honeysql.format.ToSql
-           metabase.util.honeysql_extensions.Identifier))
+  (:import metabase.util.honeysql_extensions.Identifier))
 ;; TODO - yet another `*query*` dynamic var. We should really consolidate them all so we only need a single one.
 (def ^:dynamic *query*
-  "The outer query currently being processed."
+  "The outer query currently being processed.
+  (This is only used to power `[:aggregation <index>]` and expression references, because they need to be able to find
+  the corresponding clauses outside of where they're being processed.)"
 (def ^:dynamic *nested-query-level*
@@ -263,26 +264,29 @@
   [driver [_ pred]]
   (hsql/call :/ (->honeysql driver [:count-where pred]) :%count.*))
+;; actual handling of the name is done in the top-level clause handler for aggregations
 (defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :named] [driver [_ ag ag-name]]
   (->honeysql driver ag))
 ;;  aggregation REFERENCE e.g. the ["aggregation" 0] fields we allow in order-by
 (defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :aggregation]
   [driver [_ index]]
-  (let [aggregation (mbql.u/aggregation-at-index *query* index *nested-query-level*)]
-    (cond
-      ;; For some arcane reason we name the results of a distinct aggregation "count",
-      ;; everything else is named the same as the aggregation
-      (mbql.u/is-clause? :distinct aggregation)
-      :count
+  (mbql.u/match-one (mbql.u/aggregation-at-index *query* index *nested-query-level*)
+    [:named _ ag-name]
+    (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :field-alias ag-name))
-      (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} aggregation)
-      (->honeysql driver aggregation)
+    ;; For some arcane reason we name the results of a distinct aggregation "count", everything else is named the
+    ;; same as the aggregation
+    :distinct
+    (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :field-alias :count))
-      ;; for everything else just use the name of the aggregation as an identifer, e.g. `:sum`
-      ;; TODO - this obviously doesn't work right for multiple aggregations of the same type
-      :else
-      (first aggregation))))
+    #{:+ :- :* :/}
+    (->honeysql driver &match)
+    ;; for everything else just use the name of the aggregation as an identifer, e.g. `:sum`
+    ;; TODO - this obviously doesn't work right for multiple aggregations of the same type
+    [ag-type & _]
+    (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :field-alias ag-type))))
 (defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :absolute-datetime]
   [driver [_ timestamp unit]]
@@ -303,7 +307,7 @@
 ;;; |                                            Field Aliases (AS Forms)                                            |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-(s/defn field-clause->alias :- (s/maybe ToSql)
+(s/defn field-clause->alias
   "Generate HoneySQL for an approriate alias (e.g., for use with SQL `AN`) for a Field clause of any type, or `nil` if
   the Field should not be aliased (e.g. if `field->alias` returns `nil`)."
   [driver, field-clause :- mbql.s/Field]
@@ -350,16 +354,12 @@
 (defmethod apply-top-level-clause [:sql :aggregation]
   [driver _ honeysql-form {aggregations :aggregation}]
-  (loop [form honeysql-form, [ag & more] aggregations]
-    (let [form (h/merge-select
-                form
-                [(->honeysql driver ag)
-                 (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier
-                                     :field-alias
-                                     (driver/format-custom-field-name driver (annotate/aggregation-name ag))))])]
-      (if-not (seq more)
-        form
-        (recur form more)))))
+  (let [honeysql-ags (for [ag aggregations]
+                       [(->honeysql driver ag)
+                        (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier
+                                            :field-alias
+                                            (driver/format-custom-field-name driver (annotate/aggregation-name ag))))])]
+    (reduce h/merge-select honeysql-form honeysql-ags)))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------- breakout & fields ------------------------------------------------
@@ -446,42 +446,59 @@
 (declare build-honeysql-form)
-(defn- make-honeysql-join-clauses
-  "Returns a seq of honeysql join clauses, joining to `table-or-query-expr`. `jt-or-jq` can be either a `JoinTable` or
-  a `JoinQuery`"
-  [driver table-or-query-expr {:keys [join-alias fk-field-id pk-field-id]}]
-  (let [source-field (qp.store/field fk-field-id)
-        pk-field     (qp.store/field pk-field-id)]
-    [[table-or-query-expr (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table-alias join-alias))]
-     [:=
-      (->honeysql driver source-field)
-      (binding [*table-alias* join-alias]
-        (->honeysql driver pk-field))]]))
-(s/defn ^:private join-info->honeysql
-  [driver , {:keys [query table-id], :as info} :- mbql.s/JoinInfo]
-  (if query
-    (make-honeysql-join-clauses driver (build-honeysql-form driver query) info)
-    (let [table            (qp.store/table table-id)
-          table-identifier (binding [*table-alias* nil]
-                             (->honeysql driver table))]
-      (make-honeysql-join-clauses driver table-identifier info))))
-(defmethod apply-top-level-clause [:sql :join-tables]
-  [driver _ honeysql-form {:keys [join-tables]}]
-  (reduce (partial apply h/merge-left-join) honeysql-form (map (partial join-info->honeysql driver) join-tables)))
+(defmulti join->honeysql
+  "Compile a single MBQL `join` to HoneySQL."
+  {:arglists '([driver join]), :style/indent 1}
+  driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver
+  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
+(defmulti join-source
+  "Generate HoneySQL for a table or query to be joined."
+  {:arglists '([driver join]), :style/indent 1}
+  driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver
+  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
+(defmethod join-source :sql
+  [driver {:keys [source-table source-query]}]
+  (if source-query
+    (build-honeysql-form driver source-query)
+    (binding [*table-alias* nil]
+      (->honeysql driver (qp.store/table source-table)))))
+(s/defmethod join->honeysql :sql
+  [driver, {:keys [condition alias], :as join} :- mbql.s/Join]
+  [[(join-source driver join) (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table-alias alias))]
+   (->honeysql driver condition)])
+(def ^:private join-strategy->merge-fn
+  {:left-join  h/merge-left-join
+   :right-join h/merge-right-join
+   :inner-join h/merge-join
+   :full-join  h/merge-full-join})
+(defmethod apply-top-level-clause [:sql :joins]
+  [driver _ honeysql-form {:keys [joins]}]
+  (reduce
+   (fn [honeysql-form {:keys [strategy], :as join}]
+     (apply (join-strategy->merge-fn strategy) honeysql-form (join->honeysql driver join)))
+   honeysql-form
+   joins))
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- order-by ----------------------------------------------------
+(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :asc]
+  [driver [direction field]]
+  [(->honeysql driver field) direction])
+(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :desc]
+  [driver [direction field]]
+  [(->honeysql driver field) direction])
 (defmethod apply-top-level-clause [:sql :order-by]
-  [driver _ honeysql-form {subclauses :order-by breakout-fields :breakout}]
-  (let [[{:keys [special-type] :as first-breakout-field}] breakout-fields]
-    (loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [[direction field] & more] subclauses]
-      (let [honeysql-form (h/merge-order-by honeysql-form [(->honeysql driver field) direction])]
-        (if (seq more)
-          (recur honeysql-form more)
-          honeysql-form)))))
+  [driver _ honeysql-form {subclauses :order-by}]
+  (reduce h/merge-order-by honeysql-form (map (partial ->honeysql driver)
+                                              subclauses)))
 ;;; -------------------------------------------------- limit & page --------------------------------------------------
@@ -514,29 +531,39 @@
 (def ^:private top-level-clause-application-order
   "Order to apply top-level clauses in. This is important because we build things like the `SELECT` clause progressively
-  and MBQL requires us to return results with `:breakout` columns before `:aggregation`, etc."
-  [:source-table :breakout :aggregation :fields :filter :join-tables :order-by :page :limit])
+  and MBQL requires us to return results with `:breakout` columns before `:aggregation`, etc.
+  Map of clause -> index, e.g.
+    {:source-table 0, :breakout 1, ...}"
+  (into {} (map-indexed
+            #(vector %2 %1)
+            [:source-table :breakout :aggregation :fields :filter :joins :order-by :page :limit])))
 (defn- query->keys-in-application-order
   "Return the keys present in an MBQL `inner-query` in the order they should be processed."
   ;; sort first by any known top-level clauses according to the `top-level-application-clause-order` defined above,
   ;; then sort any unknown clauses by name.
-  (let [known-clause->index (into {} (map-indexed (fn [i clause] [clause i]) top-level-clause-application-order))]
-    ;; We'll do this using a [<known-applicaton-order-index> <clause-name-keyword>] tuple
-    (sort-by (fn [clause] [(known-clause->index clause Integer/MAX_VALUE) clause]) (keys inner-query))))
+  (sort-by (fn [clause] [(get top-level-clause-application-order clause Integer/MAX_VALUE) clause])
+           (keys inner-query)))
+(defn- add-default-select
+  "Add `SELECT *` to `honeysql-form` if no `:select` clause is present."
+  [{:keys [select], :as honeysql-form}]
+  (cond-> honeysql-form
+    (empty? select) (assoc :select [:*])))
 (defn- apply-top-level-clauses
-  "Loop through all the `clause->handler` entries; if the query contains a given clause, apply the handler fn. Doesn't
-  handle `:source-query`; since that must be handled in a special way, that is handled separately."
+  "`apply-top-level-clause` for all of the top-level clauses in `inner-query`, progressively building a HoneySQL form.
+  Clauses are applied according to the order in `top-level-clause-application-order`."
   [driver honeysql-form inner-query]
-  (loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [k & more] (query->keys-in-application-order inner-query)]
-    (let [honeysql-form (apply-top-level-clause driver k honeysql-form inner-query)]
-      (if (seq more)
-        (recur honeysql-form more)
-        ;; ok, we're done; if no `:select` clause was specified (for whatever reason) put a default (`SELECT *`) one
-        ;; in
-        (update honeysql-form :select #(if (seq %) % [:*]))))))
+  (-> (reduce
+       (fn [honeysql-form k]
+         (apply-top-level-clause driver k honeysql-form inner-query))
+       honeysql-form
+       (query->keys-in-application-order inner-query))
+      add-default-select))
 ;;; -------------------------------------------- Handling source queries ---------------------------------------------
@@ -587,8 +614,8 @@
 (s/defn build-honeysql-form
   "Build the HoneySQL form we will compile to SQL and execute."
-  [driverr, {inner-query :query} :- su/Map]
-  (u/prog1 (apply-clauses driverr {} inner-query)
+  [driver, {inner-query :query} :- su/Map]
+  (u/prog1 (apply-clauses driver {} inner-query)
     (when-not i/*disable-qp-logging*
       (log/debug (tru "HoneySQL Form:") (u/emoji "🍯") "\n" (u/pprint-to-str 'cyan <>)))))
@@ -613,11 +640,14 @@
                             (throw e)))]
     (into [sql] args)))
+(defn- mbql->honeysql [driver outer-query]
+  (binding [*query* outer-query]
+    (build-honeysql-form driver outer-query)))
 (defn mbql->native
   "Transpile MBQL query into a native SQL statement."
   [driver {inner-query :query, database :database, :as outer-query}]
-  (binding [*query* outer-query]
-    (let [honeysql-form (build-honeysql-form driver outer-query)
-          [sql & args]  (honeysql-form->sql+args driver honeysql-form)]
-      {:query  sql
-       :params args})))
+  (let [honeysql-form (mbql->honeysql driver outer-query)
+        [sql & args]  (honeysql-form->sql+args driver honeysql-form)]
+    {:query  sql
+     :params args}))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/sql/util.clj b/src/metabase/driver/sql/util.clj
index 4806e3f4b43472d511200570e4be0009296e3d38..eec1af73e04228e778f2a4e069a8a01b5a718d83 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/sql/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/sql/util.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 (ns metabase.driver.sql.util
   "Utility functions for writing SQL drivers."
-  (:require [honeysql.core :as hsql]
+  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+            [honeysql.core :as hsql]
             [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
-            [metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
-            [schema.core :as s]))
+            [metabase.util :as u]
+            [metabase.util
+             [honeysql-extensions :as hx]
+             [i18n :refer [trs]]]
+            [schema.core :as s])
+  (:import metabase.util.honeysql_extensions.Identifier))
 (s/defn quote-name
   "Quote unqualified string or keyword identifier(s) by passing them to `hx/identifier`, then calling HoneySQL `format`
@@ -21,3 +27,76 @@
    (hsql/format (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (apply hx/identifier identifier-type components))
      :quoting             (sql.qp/quote-style driver)
      :allow-dashed-names? true)))
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                           Deduplicate Field Aliases                                            |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+(s/defn ^:private increment-identifier-string :- s/Str
+  [last-component :- s/Str]
+  (if-let [[_ existing-suffix] (re-find #"^.*_(\d+$)" last-component)]
+    ;; if last-component already has an alias like col_2 then increment it to col_3
+    (let [new-suffix (str (inc (Integer/parseInt existing-suffix)))]
+      (str/replace last-component (re-pattern (str existing-suffix \$)) new-suffix))
+    ;; otherwise just stick a _2 on the end so it's col_2
+    (str last-component "_2")))
+(s/defn ^:private increment-identifier
+  "Add an appropriate suffix to a keyword `identifier` to make it distinct from previous usages of the same identifier,
+  e.g.
+     (increment-identifier :my_col)   ; -> :my_col_2
+     (increment-identifier :my_col_2) ; -> :my_col_3"
+  [identifier :- Identifier]
+  (update
+   identifier
+   :components
+   (fn [components]
+     (conj
+      (vec (butlast components))
+      (increment-identifier-string (u/keyword->qualified-name (last components)))))))
+(defn select-clause-alias-everything
+  "Make sure all the columns in `select-clause` are alias forms, e.g. `[:table.col :col]` instead of `:table.col`.
+  (This faciliates our deduplication logic.)"
+  [select-clause]
+  (for [col select-clause]
+    (cond
+      ;; if something's already an alias form like [:table.col :col] it's g2g
+      (sequential? col)
+      col
+      ;; otherwise we *should* be dealing with an Identifier. If so, take the last component of the Identifier and use
+      ;; that as the alias.
+      ;;
+      ;; TODO - could this be done using `->honeysql` or `field->alias` instead?
+      (instance? Identifier col)
+      [col (hx/identifier :field-alias (last (:components col)))]
+      :else
+      (do
+        (log/error (trs "Don't know how to alias {0}, expected an Identifer." col))
+        [col col]))))
+(defn select-clause-deduplicate-aliases
+  "Make sure every column in `select-clause` has a unique alias. This is useful for databases like Oracle that can't
+  figure out how to use a query that produces duplicate columns in a subselect."
+  [select-clause]
+  (if (= select-clause [:*])
+    ;; if we're doing `SELECT *` there's no way we can deduplicate anything so we're SOL, return as-is
+    select-clause
+    ;; otherwise we can actually deduplicate things
+    (loop [already-seen #{}, acc [], [[col alias] & more] (select-clause-alias-everything select-clause)]
+      (cond
+        ;; if not more cols are left to deduplicate, we're done
+        (not col)
+        acc
+        ;; otherwise if we've already used this alias, replace it with one like `identifier_2` and try agan
+        (contains? already-seen alias)
+        (recur already-seen acc (cons [col (increment-identifier alias)]
+                                      more))
+        ;; otherwise if we haven't seen it record it as seen and move on to the next column
+        :else
+        (recur (conj already-seen alias) (conj acc [col alias]) more)))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/mbql/schema.clj b/src/metabase/mbql/schema.clj
index 4423d4467887a393e9dffeca2925a4bc4c9e8e5d..20a91b0d440035a749edc7f6534890ae27883ce9 100644
--- a/src/metabase/mbql/schema.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/mbql/schema.clj
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
              [core :as core]
              [set :as set]]
             [metabase.mbql.schema.helpers :refer [defclause is-clause? one-of]]
+            [metabase.util :as u]
              [date :as du]
              [schema :as su]]
@@ -526,38 +527,81 @@
     (set/rename-keys NativeQuery {:query :native})
     (s/recursive #'MBQLQuery)))
-(def JoinTableInfo
-  "Schema for information about a JOIN (or equivalent) that should be performed, and how to do it.. This is added
-  automatically by `resolve-joined-tables` middleware for `fk->` forms that are encountered."
-  { ;; The alias we should use for the table
-   :join-alias  su/NonBlankString
-   ;; ID of the Table to JOIN against. Table will be present in the QP store
-   :table-id    su/IntGreaterThanZero
-   ;; ID of the Field of the Query's SOURCE TABLE to use for the JOIN
-   ;; TODO - can `fk-field-id` and `pk-field-id` possibly be NAMES of FIELD LITERALS??
-   :fk-field-id su/IntGreaterThanZero
-   ;; ID of the Field on the Table we will JOIN (i.e., Table with `table-id`) to use for the JOIN
-   :pk-field-id su/IntGreaterThanZero})
-(def JoinQueryInfo
-  "Schema for information about about a JOIN (or equivalent) that should be performed using a recursive MBQL or native
-  query."
-  ;; Similar to a `JoinTable` but instead of referencing a table, it references a query expression
-  (assoc JoinTableInfo
-    :query (s/recursive #'Query)))
-(def JoinInfo
-  "Schema for information about a JOIN (or equivalent) that needs to be performed, either `JoinTableInfo` or
-  `JoinQueryInfo`."
-  (s/if :query
-    JoinQueryInfo
-    JoinTableInfo))
-(def ^:private JoinInfos
+(def JoinStrategy
+  "Strategy that should be used to perform the equivalent of a SQL `JOIN` against another table or a nested query.
+  These correspond 1:1 to features of the same name in driver features lists; e.g. you should check that the current
+  driver supports `:full-join` before generating a Join clause using that strategy."
+  (s/enum :left-join :right-join :inner-join :full-join))
+(def Join
+  "Perform the equivalent of a SQL `JOIN` with another Table or nested `:source-query`. JOINs are either explicitly
+  specified in the incoming query, or implicitly generated when one uses a `:fk->` clause.
+  In the top-level query, you can reference Fields from the joined table or nested query by the `:fk->` clause for
+  implicit joins; for explicit joins, you *must* specify `:alias` yourself; you can then reference Fields by using a
+  `:joined-field` clause, e.g.
+    [:joined-field \"my_join_alias\" [:field-id 1]]                 ; for joins against other Tabless
+    [:joined-field \"my_join_alias\" [:field-literal \"my_field\"]] ; for joins against nested queries"
+  (->
+   { ;; The condition on which to JOIN. Can be anything that is a valid `:filter` clause. For automatically-generated
+    ;; JOINs this is always
+    ;;
+    ;;    [:= <source-table-fk-field> [:joined-field <join-table-alias> <dest-table-pk-field>]]
+    ;;
+    :condition                     Filter
+    ;;
+    ;; *What* to JOIN. Self-joins can be done by using the same `:source-table` as in the query where this is specified.
+    ;; YOU MUST SUPPLY EITHER `:source-table` OR `:source-query`, BUT NOT BOTH!
+    (s/optional-key :source-table) su/IntGreaterThanZero
+    (s/optional-key :source-query) (s/recursive #'Query)
+    ;;
+    ;; Defaults to `:left-join`; used for all automatically-generated JOINs
+    ;;
+    ;; Driver implementations: this is guaranteed to be present after pre-processing.
+    (s/optional-key :strategy)     JoinStrategy
+    ;;
+    ;; The Fields to include in the results *if* a top-level `:fields` clause *is not* specified. This can be either
+    ;; `:none`, `:all`, or a sequence of Field clauses.
+    ;;
+    ;; *  `:none`: no Fields from the joined table or nested query are included (unless indirectly included by
+    ;;    breakouts or other clauses). This is the default, and what is used for automatically-generated joins.
+    ;;
+    ;; *  `:all`: will include all of the Fields from the joined table or query
+    ;;
+    ;; *  a sequence of Field clauses: include only the Fields specified. Valid clauses are the same as the top-level
+    ;;    `:fields` clause. This should be non-empty and all elements should be distinct. The normalizer will
+    ;;    automatically remove duplicate fields for you, and replace empty clauses with `:none`.
+    ;;
+    ;; Driver implementations: you can ignore this clause. Relevant fields will be added to top-level `:fields` clause
+    ;; with appropriate aliases.
+    (s/optional-key :fields)       (s/cond-pre
+                                    (s/enum :all :none)
+                                    (su/distinct (su/non-empty [Field])))
+    ;;
+    ;; The name used to alias the joined table or query. This is usually generated automatically and generally looks
+    ;; like `table__via__field`. You can specify this yourself if you need to reference a joined field in a
+    ;; `:joined-field` clause.
+    ;;
+    ;; Driver implementations: This is guaranteed to be present after pre-processing.
+    (s/optional-key :alias)        su/NonBlankString
+    ;;
+    ;; Used internally, only for annotation purposes in post-processing. When a join is implicitly generated via an
+    ;; `:fk->` clause, the ID of the foreign key field in the source Table will be recorded here. This information is
+    ;; used to add `fk_field_id` information to the `:cols` in the query results; I believe this is used to facilitate
+    ;; drill-thru? :shrug:
+    ;;
+    ;; Don't set this information yourself. It will have no effect.
+    (s/optional-key :fk-field-id)  (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero)}
+   (s/constrained
+    (fn [{:keys [source-table source-query]}]
+      (u/xor source-table source-query))
+    "Joins can must have either a `source-table` or `source-query`, but not both.")))
+(def Joins
+  "Schema for a valid sequence of `Join`s. Must be a non-empty sequence, and `:alias`, if specified, must be unique."
-   (su/distinct [JoinInfo])
-   #(su/empty-or-distinct? (filter some? (map :join-alias %)))
-   "all join aliases must be distinct."))
+   (su/non-empty [Join])
+   #(su/empty-or-distinct? (filter some? (map :alias %)))
+   "All join aliases must be unique."))
 (def ^java.util.regex.Pattern source-table-card-id-regex
   "Pattern that matches `card__id` strings that can be used as the `:source-table` of MBQL queries."
@@ -574,7 +618,7 @@
     (s/optional-key :source-table) SourceTable
     (s/optional-key :aggregation)  (su/non-empty [Aggregation])
     (s/optional-key :breakout)     (su/non-empty [Field])
-    ; TODO - expressions keys should be strings; fix this when we get a chance
+    ;; TODO - expressions keys should be strings; fix this when we get a chance
     (s/optional-key :expressions)  {s/Keyword FieldOrExpressionDef}
     (s/optional-key :fields)       (su/distinct (su/non-empty [Field]))
     (s/optional-key :filter)       Filter
@@ -588,7 +632,7 @@
                                     :items su/IntGreaterThanZero}
     ;; Various bits of middleware add additonal keys, such as `fields-is-implicit?`, to record bits of state or pass
     ;; info to other pieces of middleware. Everyone else can ignore them.
-    (s/optional-key :join-tables)  JoinInfos
+    (s/optional-key :joins)        Joins
     s/Keyword                      s/Any}
diff --git a/src/metabase/mbql/schema/helpers.clj b/src/metabase/mbql/schema/helpers.clj
index b558303446d709457fea5e10bf5f48c6605b1712..cee98b80f0ef08d2e6d09aad096cb5c7a0d65847 100644
--- a/src/metabase/mbql/schema/helpers.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/mbql/schema/helpers.clj
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 ;; TODO - this is a copy of the one in the `metabase.mbql.util` namespace. We need to reorganize things a bit so we
 ;; can use the same fn and avoid circular refs
-(defn ^:deprecated is-clause?
+(defn is-clause?
   "If `x` an MBQL clause, and an instance of clauses defined by keyword(s) `k-or-ks`?
     (is-clause? :count [:count 10])        ; -> true
diff --git a/src/metabase/mbql/util.clj b/src/metabase/mbql/util.clj
index 61cc95c209afe56cbc2525b52a134779aa8e83fe..acec8d6b935b49dd1e5978ce5009b65b7c04954a 100644
--- a/src/metabase/mbql/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/mbql/util.clj
@@ -354,6 +354,7 @@
    number to as optional arg `nesting-level` to make sure you reference aggregations at the right level of nesting."
   ([query index]
    (aggregation-at-index query index 0))
   ([query :- mbql.s/Query, index :- su/NonNegativeInt, nesting-level :- su/NonNegativeInt]
    (if (zero? nesting-level)
      (or (nth (get-in query [:query :aggregation]) index)
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/query/permissions.clj b/src/metabase/models/query/permissions.clj
index e139b7ba29167d076e21f4a953e33508b0a6e22d..d51218de51f138e8a242c81e6d2f720cf0857f1b 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/query/permissions.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/query/permissions.clj
@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@
 ;;                        ↓                          ↓
 ;;          tables->permissions-path-set   source-card-read-perms
-(defn- query->source-and-join-tables
+(defn- query->source-and-joins
   "Return a sequence of all Tables (as TableInstance maps, or IDs) referenced by `query`."
-  [{:keys [source-table join-tables source-query native], :as query}]
+  [{:keys [source-table joins source-query native], :as query}]
     ;; if we come across a native query just put a placeholder (`::native`) there so we know we need to add native
     ;; permissions to the complete set below.
     native       [::native]
     ;; if we have a source-query just recur until we hit either the native source or the MBQL source
     source-query (recur source-query)
-    ;; for root MBQL queries just return source-table + join-tables
-    :else        (cons source-table (map :table-id join-tables))))
+    ;; for root MBQL queries just return source-table + joins
+    :else        (cons source-table (map :source-table joins))))
 (def ^:private PermsOptions
   "Map of options to be passed to the permissions checking functions."
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
       ;; otherwise if there's no source card then calculate perms based on the Tables referenced in the query
       (let [{:keys [query database]} (cond-> query
                                        (not already-preprocessed?) preprocess-query)]
-        (tables->permissions-path-set database (query->source-and-join-tables query))))
+        (tables->permissions-path-set database (query->source-and-joins query))))
     ;; if for some reason we can't expand the Card (i.e. it's an invalid legacy card) just return a set of permissions
     ;; that means no one will ever get to see it (except for superusers who get to see everything)
     (catch Throwable e
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj
index 77bf39150f9d14cdf58b410feb6742c375738479..205418c16a65f7245d66ea8e52a9d90fc73fa4af 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@
 ;;; |                                       Adding :cols info for MBQL queries                                       |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-(s/defn ^:private join-with-alias :- (s/maybe mbql.s/JoinInfo)
-  [{{:keys [join-tables]} :query} :- su/Map, join-alias :- su/NonBlankString]
+(s/defn ^:private join-with-alias :- (s/maybe mbql.s/Join)
+  [{{:keys [joins]} :query} :- su/Map, join-alias :- su/NonBlankString]
-   (fn [{alias :join-alias, :as join}]
+   (fn [{:keys [alias], :as join}]
      (when (= alias join-alias)
-   join-tables))
+   joins))
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------- Field Info ---------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables.clj
index 7872ab3ba40bc57159411cf7d16404410b686f51..10f70a4fb9ac48da69d4601e8129d09ae07eff32 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables.clj
@@ -114,19 +114,22 @@
      (resolve-one-join-info clause pk-info))))
-;;; ---------------------------------------- Adding :join-tables to the query ----------------------------------------
+;;; ------------------------------------------- Adding :joins to the query -------------------------------------------
-(s/defn ^:private resolved-join-info->join-clause :- mbql.s/JoinInfo
+(s/defn ^:private resolved-join-info->join-clause :- mbql.s/Join
   [{:keys [source-table alias fk-field-id pk-field-id]} :- ResolvedJoinInfo]
-  {:table-id    source-table
-   :join-alias  alias
+  {:source-table source-table
+   :alias        alias
+   :strategy     :left-join
+   :condition    [:= [:field-id fk-field-id] [:joined-field alias [:field-id pk-field-id]]]
    :fk-field-id fk-field-id
-   :pk-field-id pk-field-id})
+   :fields      :none})
 (s/defn ^:private add-implicit-join-clauses :- mbql.s/Query
   [query, resolved-join-infos :- [ResolvedJoinInfo]]
   (let [join-clauses (map resolved-join-info->join-clause resolved-join-infos)]
-    (update-in query [:query :join-tables] (comp distinct concat) join-clauses)))
+    (update-in query [:query :joins] (comp distinct concat) join-clauses)))
 ;;; --------------------------------------------- Replacing fk-> clauses ---------------------------------------------
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj
index 9b192b8d0c9d65072b56d3d6b499380e69089cdd..61e2a77440503b7e4ad260685f15a91a4dd56d9f 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 (ns metabase.driver.sql.query-processor-test
   (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
-            [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]))
+            [honeysql.core :as hsql]
+            [metabase.driver :as driver]
+            [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
+            [metabase.query-processor.test-util :as qp.test-util]
+            [metabase.test.data :as data]
+            [metabase.util
+             [honeysql-extensions :as hx]
+             [pretty :refer [PrettyPrintable]]])
+  (:import metabase.util.honeysql_extensions.Identifier))
 ;; make sure our logic for deciding which order to process keys in the query works as expected
@@ -12,3 +20,141 @@
     :aggregation  3
     :fields       4
     :breakout     2}))
+;; Let's make sure we're actually attempting to generate the correctl HoneySQL for stuff so we don't sit around
+;; scratching our heads wondering why the queries themselves aren't working
+;; We'll slap together a driver called `::id-swap` whose only purpose is to replace instances of `Identifier` with
+;; `CustomIdentifier` when `->honeysql` is called. This way we can be sure it's being called everywhere it's used so
+;; drivers have the chance to do custom things as needed. Also `::id-swap` will record the current `*table-alias*` at
+;; the time `->honeysql` is called so we can make sure that's correct
+(driver/register! ::id-swap, :parent :sql, :abstract? true)
+(defrecord ^:private CustomIdentifier [identifier table-alias]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [_]
+    (let [identifier (cons 'id (cons (:identifier-type identifier) (:components identifier)))]
+      (if table-alias
+        (list 'bound-alias table-alias identifier)
+        identifier))))
+(defn- id [& args]
+  (CustomIdentifier. (apply hx/identifier args) nil))
+(defn- bound-alias [table-alias identifier]
+  (assoc identifier :table-alias table-alias))
+(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [::id-swap Identifier]
+  [driver identifier]
+  ((get-method sql.qp/->honeysql [:sql Identifier]) driver (CustomIdentifier. identifier sql.qp/*table-alias*)))
+;; This query tests that the correct HoneySQL gets generated for a query with a join, and that the correct identifiers
+;; are used
+  {:select    [[(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "ID")          (id :field-alias "ID")]
+               [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "NAME")        (id :field-alias "NAME")]
+               [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "CATEGORY_ID") (id :field-alias "CATEGORY_ID")]
+               [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "LATITUDE")    (id :field-alias "LATITUDE")]
+               [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "LONGITUDE")   (id :field-alias "LONGITUDE")]
+               [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "PRICE")       (id :field-alias "PRICE")]]
+   :from      [(id :table "PUBLIC" "VENUES")]
+   :where     [:=
+               (bound-alias "c" (id :field "c" "NAME"))
+               "BBQ"]
+   :left-join [[(id :table "PUBLIC" "CATEGORIES") (id :table-alias "c")]
+               [:=
+                (id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "CATEGORY_ID")
+                (bound-alias "c" (id :field "c" "ID"))]]
+   :order-by  [[(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "ID") :asc]]
+   :limit     100}
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+    (#'sql.qp/mbql->honeysql
+     ::id-swap
+     (data/mbql-query venues
+       {:source-table $$venues
+        :order-by     [[:asc $id]]
+        :filter       [:=
+                       [:joined-field "c" $categories.name]
+                       [:value "BBQ" {:base_type :type/Text, :special_type :type/Name, :database_type "VARCHAR"}]]
+        :fields       [$id $name $category_id $latitude $longitude $price]
+        :limit        100
+        :joins        [{:source-table $$categories
+                        :alias        "c",
+                        :strategy     :left-join
+                        :condition    [:=
+                                       $category_id
+                                       [:joined-field "c" $categories.id]]
+                        :fk-field-id  (data/id :venues :category_id)
+                        :fields       :none}]}))))
+;; This HAIRY query tests that the correct identifiers and aliases are used with both a nested query and JOIN in play.
+;; TODO `*table-alias*` stays bound to `:source` in a few places below where it probably shouldn't (for the top-level
+;; SELECT `:field-alias` identifiers and the `v` `:table-alias` identifier) but since drivers shouldn't be qualifying
+;; aliases with aliases things still work the right way.
+  {:select    [[(bound-alias "v" (id :field "v" "NAME")) (bound-alias :source (id :field-alias "NAME"))]
+               [:%count.*                                (bound-alias :source (id :field-alias "count"))]]
+   :from      [[{:select [[(id :field "PUBLIC" "CHECKINS" "ID")       (id :field-alias "ID")]
+                          [(id :field "PUBLIC" "CHECKINS" "DATE")     (id :field-alias "DATE")]
+                          [(id :field "PUBLIC" "CHECKINS" "USER_ID")  (id :field-alias "USER_ID")]
+                          [(id :field "PUBLIC" "CHECKINS" "VENUE_ID") (id :field-alias "VENUE_ID")]]
+                 :from   [(id :table "PUBLIC" "CHECKINS")]
+                 :where  [:>
+                          (id :field "PUBLIC" "CHECKINS" "DATE")
+                          #inst "2015-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"]}
+                (id :table-alias "source")]]
+   :left-join [[(id :table "PUBLIC" "VENUES") (bound-alias :source (id :table-alias "v"))]
+               [:=
+                (bound-alias :source (id :field "source" "VENUE_ID"))
+                (bound-alias "v" (id :field "v" "ID"))]],
+   :group-by  [(bound-alias "v" (id :field "v" "NAME"))]
+   :where     [:and
+               [:like (bound-alias "v" (id :field "v" "NAME")) "F%"]
+               [:> (bound-alias :source (id :field "source" "user_id")) 0]],
+   :order-by  [[(bound-alias "v" (id :field "v" "NAME")) :asc]]}
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+    (driver/with-driver :h2
+      (#'sql.qp/mbql->honeysql
+       ::id-swap
+       (data/mbql-query checkins
+         {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins
+                         :fields       [$id [:datetime-field $date :default] $user_id $venue_id]
+                         :filter       [:>
+                                        $date
+                                        [:absolute-datetime #inst "2015-01-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00" :default]],},
+          :aggregation  [[:count]]
+          :order-by     [[:asc [:joined-field "v" $venues.name]]]
+          :breakout     [[:joined-field "v" $venues.name]],
+          :filter       [:and
+                         [:starts-with
+                          [:joined-field "v" $venues.name]
+                          [:value "F" {:base_type :type/Text, :special_type :type/Name, :database_type "VARCHAR"}]]
+                         [:> [:field-literal "user_id" :type/Integer] 0]]
+          :joins        [{:source-table $$venues
+                          :alias        "v"
+                          :strategy     :left-join
+                          :condition    [:=
+                                         $venue_id
+                                         [:joined-field "v" $venues.id]]
+                          :fk-field-id  (data/id :checkins :venue_id)
+                          :fields       :none}]})))))
+;; This query tests that named aggregations are handled correctly
+  {:select   [[(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "PRICE")                        (id :field-alias "PRICE")]
+              [(hsql/call :avg (id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "CATEGORY_ID")) (id :field-alias "my_average")]]
+   :from     [(id :table "PUBLIC" "VENUES")]
+   :group-by [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "PRICE")],
+   :order-by [[(id :field-alias "my_average") :asc]]}
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+    (metabase.driver/with-driver :h2
+      (#'sql.qp/mbql->honeysql
+       ::id-swap
+       (data/mbql-query venues
+         {:aggregation [[:named [:avg $category_id] "my_average"]]
+          :breakout    [$price]
+          :order-by    [[:asc [:aggregation 0]]]})))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/sql/util_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/sql/util_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3fc934cd52a1a79544712051cd283e1986eeed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/sql/util_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(ns metabase.driver.sql.util-test
+  (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
+            [metabase.driver.sql.util :as sql.u]
+            [metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]))
+;; `select-clause-deduplicate-aliases` should use the last component of an identifier as the alias if it does not
+;; already have one
+  [[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
+   [(hx/identifier :field "F")             (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]
+  (sql.u/select-clause-deduplicate-aliases
+   [(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
+    [(hx/identifier :field "F")            (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]))
+;; `select-clause-deduplicate-aliases` should append numeric suffixes to duplicate aliases
+  [[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
+   [(hx/identifier :field "E" "D")         (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]
+   [(hx/identifier :field "F")             (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]
+  (sql.u/select-clause-deduplicate-aliases
+   [(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
+    (hx/identifier :field "E" "D")
+    [(hx/identifier :field "F")            (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]))
+;; `select-clause-deduplicate-aliases` should handle aliases that are already suffixed gracefully
+  [[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
+   [(hx/identifier :field "E" "D")         (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]
+   [(hx/identifier :field "F")             (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_3")]]
+  (sql.u/select-clause-deduplicate-aliases
+   [(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
+    (hx/identifier :field "E" "D")
+    [(hx/identifier :field "F")            (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]]))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj
index 95e348fec19ffd4fce171bffce552d4e7b9b8a03..ddd22690c30519f80495c94caf3f486a323b3cad 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
              [test-util :as qp.test-util]]
             [metabase.query-processor.middleware.annotate :as annotate]
             [metabase.test.data :as data]
+            [toucan.db :as db]
             [toucan.util.test :as tt]))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -37,13 +38,17 @@
 ;;; |                                              add-mbql-column-info                                              |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+(defn- info-for-field
+  ([field-id]
+   (db/select-one (into [Field] (disj (set qp.store/field-columns-to-fetch) :database_type)) :id field-id))
+  ([table-key field-key]
+   (info-for-field (data/id table-key field-key))))
 ;; make sure columns are comming back the way we'd expect
-  [(-> (Field (data/id :venues :price))
-       (dissoc :database_type)
-       (assoc :source :fields))]
-  (qp.store/with-store
-    (qp.store/store-field! (Field (data/id :venues :price)))
+  [(assoc (info-for-field :venues :price)
+     :source :fields)]
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
     (-> (#'annotate/add-mbql-column-info
          {:query {:fields [[:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]}}
          {:columns [:price]})
@@ -55,11 +60,9 @@
 ;; TODO - this can be removed, now that `fk->` forms are "sugar" and replaced with `:joined-field` clauses before the
 ;; query ever makes it to the 'annotate' stage
-  [(-> (Field (data/id :categories :name))
-       (dissoc :database_type)
-       (assoc :fk_field_id (data/id :venues :category_id), :source :fields))]
-  (qp.store/with-store
-    (qp.store/store-field! (Field (data/id :categories :name)))
+  [(assoc (info-for-field :categories :name)
+     :fk_field_id (data/id :venues :category_id), :source :fields)]
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
     (-> (#'annotate/add-mbql-column-info
          {:query {:fields [[:fk->
                             [:field-id (data/id :venues :category_id)]
@@ -70,28 +73,29 @@
 ;; we should get `:fk_field_id` and information where possible when using `:joined-field` clauses
-  [(-> (Field (data/id :categories :name))
-       (dissoc :database_type)
-       (assoc :fk_field_id (data/id :venues :category_id), :source :fields))]
-  (qp.store/with-store
-    (qp.store/store-field! (Field (data/id :categories :name)))
-    (-> (#'annotate/add-mbql-column-info
-         {:query {:fields      [[:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id (data/id :categories :name)]]]
-                  :join-tables [{:join-alias  "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
-                                 :table-id    (data/id :categories)
-                                 :fk-field-id (data/id :venues :category_id)
-                                 :pk-field-id (data/id :categories :id)}]}}
-         {:columns [:name]})
-        :cols
-        vec)))
+  [(assoc (info-for-field :categories :name)
+     :fk_field_id (data/id :venues :category_id), :source :fields)]
+  (data/$ids venues
+    (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+      (-> (#'annotate/add-mbql-column-info
+           {:query {:fields [[:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.name]]]
+                    :joins  [{:alias        "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
+                              :source-table $$table
+                              :condition    [:=
+                                             [:field-id $category_id]
+                                             [:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.id]]]
+                              :strategy     :left-join
+                              :fk-field-id  $category_id}]}}
+           {:columns [:name]})
+          :cols
+          vec))))
 ;; when a `:datetime-field` form is used, we should add in info about the `:unit`
-  [(-> (Field (data/id :venues :price))
-       (dissoc :database_type)
-       (assoc :unit :month, :source :fields))]
-  (qp.store/with-store
-    (qp.store/store-field! (Field (data/id :venues :price)))
+  [(assoc (info-for-field :venues :price)
+     :unit   :month
+     :source :fields)]
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
     (-> (#'annotate/add-mbql-column-info
          {:query {:fields [[:datetime-field [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)] :month]]}}
          {:columns [:price]})
@@ -198,9 +202,8 @@
    :special_type :type/Number
    :name         "sum"
    :display_name "sum"}
-  (qp.store/with-store
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
     (data/$ids venues
-      (qp.store/store-field! (Field $price))
       (col-info-for-aggregation-clause [:sum [:+ [:field-id $price] 1]]))))
 ;; if a driver is kind enough to supply us with some information about the `:cols` that come back, we should include
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables_test.clj
index 889b0f247b3c3c5c92bcdc3a33e6316e9db7b2ed..be9e4bafe1f0c4530fc6e3779384a73b55381f00 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/resolve_joined_tables_test.clj
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
                                                              :type     :query
                                                              :query    query})))
-;; make sure `:join-tables` get added automatically for `:fk->` clauses
+;; make sure `:joins` get added automatically for `:fk->` clauses
   {:database (data/id)
    :type     :query
@@ -18,17 +18,21 @@
                {:source-table $$table
                 :fields       [[:field-id $name]
                                [:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.name]]]
-                :join-tables  [{:join-alias  "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
-                                :table-id    (data/id :categories)
-                                :fk-field-id $category_id
-                                :pk-field-id $categories.id}]})}
+                :joins        [{:source-table (data/id :categories)
+                                :alias        "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
+                                :condition    [:=
+                                               [:field-id $category_id]
+                                               [:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.id]]]
+                                :strategy     :left-join
+                                :fields       :none
+                                :fk-field-id  $category_id}]})}
    (data/$ids venues
      {:source-table $$table
       :fields       [[:field-id $name]
                      [:fk-> [:field-id $category_id] [:field-id $categories.name]]]})))
-;; For FK clauses inside nested source queries, we should add the `:join-tables` info to the nested query instead of
+;; For FK clauses inside nested source queries, we should add the `:joins` info to the nested query instead of
 ;; at the top level (#8972)
   {:database (data/id)
@@ -38,10 +42,14 @@
                 {:source-table $$table
                  :fields       [[:field-id $name]
                                 [:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.name]]]
-                 :join-tables  [{:join-alias  "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
-                                 :table-id    (data/id :categories)
-                                 :fk-field-id $category_id
-                                 :pk-field-id $categories.id}]})}}
+                 :joins        [{:source-table (data/id :categories)
+                                 :alias        "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
+                                 :condition    [:=
+                                                [:field-id $category_id]
+                                                [:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.id]]]
+                                 :strategy     :left-join
+                                 :fields       :none
+                                 :fk-field-id  $category_id}]})}}
     (data/$ids venues
@@ -59,10 +67,14 @@
                  {:source-table $$table
                   :fields       [[:field-id $name]
                                  [:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.name]]]
-                  :join-tables  [{:join-alias  "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
-                                  :table-id    (data/id :categories)
-                                  :fk-field-id $category_id
-                                  :pk-field-id $categories.id}]})}}}
+                  :joins        [{:source-table (data/id :categories)
+                                  :alias        "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID"
+                                  :condition    [:=
+                                                 [:field-id $category_id]
+                                                 [:joined-field "CATEGORIES__via__CATEGORY_ID" [:field-id $categories.id]]]
+                                  :strategy     :left-join
+                                  :fields       :none
+                                  :fk-field-id  $category_id}]})}}}
@@ -84,10 +96,14 @@
                 :aggregation  [[:count]]
                 :breakout     [[:joined-field "VENUES__via__VENUE_ID" [:field-id $venues.price]]]
                 :order-by     [[:asc [:joined-field "VENUES__via__VENUE_ID" [:field-id $venues.price]]]]
-                :join-tables  [{:join-alias  "VENUES__via__VENUE_ID"
-                                :table-id    (data/id :venues)
-                                :fk-field-id $venue_id
-                                :pk-field-id $venues.id}]})}
+                :joins        [{:source-table (data/id :venues)
+                                :alias        "VENUES__via__VENUE_ID"
+                                :condition    [:=
+                                               [:field-id $venue_id]
+                                               [:joined-field "VENUES__via__VENUE_ID" [:field-id $venues.id]]]
+                                :strategy     :left-join
+                                :fields       :none
+                                :fk-field-id  $venue_id}]})}
    (data/$ids [checkins {:wrap-field-ids? true}]
      {:source-query {:source-table $$table
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj
index 8de6987a1e08725e1c7fd6ad362fd15b9403f13b..603178a0ff4852d5a1002c99fb6e85626f4a7f19 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj
@@ -2,20 +2,33 @@
   "Utilities for writing Query Processor tests that test internal workings of the QP rather than end-to-end results,
   e.g. middleware tests."
   (:require [metabase.models
+             [database :refer [Database]]
              [field :refer [Field]]
              [table :refer [Table]]]
             [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
+            [metabase.test.data :as data]
+            [metabase.util.schema :as su]
+            [schema.core :as s]
             [toucan.db :as db]))
+(s/defn ^:private everything-store-database []
+  (or (:database @@#'qp.store/*store*)
+      (db/select-one (into [Database] qp.store/database-columns-to-fetch), :id (data/id))))
+(s/defn ^:private everything-store-table [table-id :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero)]
+  (or (get-in @@#'qp.store/*store* [:tables table-id])
+      (db/select-one (into [Table] qp.store/table-columns-to-fetch), :id table-id)))
+(s/defn ^:private everything-store-field [field-id :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero)]
+  (or (get-in @@#'qp.store/*store* [:fields field-id])
+      (db/select-one (into [Field] qp.store/field-columns-to-fetch), :id field-id)))
 (defn do-with-everything-store
   "Impl for `with-everything-store`."
-  (with-redefs [qp.store/table (fn [table-id]
-                                 (or (get-in @@#'qp.store/*store* [:tables table-id])
-                                     (db/select-one (into [Table] qp.store/table-columns-to-fetch), :id table-id)))
-                qp.store/field (fn [field-id]
-                                 (or (get-in @@#'qp.store/*store* [:fields field-id])
-                                     (db/select-one (into [Field] qp.store/field-columns-to-fetch), :id field-id)))]
+  (with-redefs [qp.store/database everything-store-database
+                qp.store/table    everything-store-table
+                qp.store/field    everything-store-field]
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/aggregation_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/aggregation_test.clj
index 08a93db0e710dce07828ed21f3da151dc5f3fbbe..2cd1b823a2f765617a70b08ccece18caaad6f236 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/aggregation_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/aggregation_test.clj
@@ -344,3 +344,9 @@
       (data/run-mbql-query venues
         {:aggregation [[:sum $id] [:sum $price]]}))))
+;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+;; !                                                                                                                   !
+;; !                    tests for named aggregations can be found in `expression-aggregations-test`                    !
+;; !                                                                                                                   !
+;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj
index e515aac004f77a7b8f2ba46bb9aeff8626200603..bf09b3e839262787fd2f40a54d27a91c0b73b37d 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
             {:expressions {"bird-scarcity" ~formula}
              :fields      [[:expression "bird-scarcity"]]
              :filter      ~filter-clause
-             :order-by    [[:asc [:field-id $date]]]
+             :order-by    [[:asc [:field-id ~'$date]]]
              :limit       10})
           (format-rows-by [(partial u/round-to-decimals 2)]))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/nested_queries_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/nested_queries_test.clj
index a3627191bb518fa6dcf423828122b6365ebdf5c7..bb2b35eb21983a0224f0c1c523a0514ce8ec1a41 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/nested_queries_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/nested_queries_test.clj
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
             [toucan.util.test :as tt]))
 (defn- rows+cols
-  "Return the `:rows` and relevant parts of `:cols` from the RESULTS.
+  "Return the `:rows` and relevant parts of `:cols` from the `results`.
    (This is used to keep the output of various tests below focused and manageable.)"
   {:style/indent 0}
@@ -710,3 +710,18 @@
                       :filter       [:=
                                      [:field-literal (db/select-one-field :name Field :id $date) "type/DateTime"]
+;; make sure filters in source queries are applied correctly!
+(datasets/expect-with-drivers (qp.test/non-timeseries-drivers-with-feature :nested-queries :foreign-keys)
+  [["Fred 62"     1]
+   ["Frolic Room" 1]]
+  (qp.test/format-rows-by [str int]
+    (qp.test/rows
+      (qp/process-query
+        (data/mbql-query checkins
+          {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins
+                          :filter       [:> $date "2015-01-01"]}
+           :aggregation  [:count]
+           :order-by     [[:asc $venue_id->venues.name]]
+           :breakout     [$venue_id->venues.name]
+           :filter       [:starts-with $venue_id->venues.name "F"]})))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data.clj b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
index 7c89d3a098ec0303bd5efdac31ab29431a994d75..a055b8651296771c0060d9a0a4fea222a6a500e1 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
@@ -101,14 +101,23 @@
   [table-name body & {:keys [wrap-field-ids?], :or {wrap-field-ids? true}}]
    (fn [form]
-     (or (when (symbol? form)
-           (if (= form '$$table)
-             `(id ~(keyword table-name))
-             (let [[first-char & rest-chars] (name form)]
-               (when (= first-char \$)
-                 (let [token (apply str rest-chars)]
-                   (token->id-call wrap-field-ids? table-name token))))))
-         form))
+     (cond
+       (not (symbol? form))
+       form
+       (= form '$$table)
+       `(id ~(keyword table-name))
+       (str/starts-with? form "$$")
+       (let [table-name (str/replace form #"^\$\$" "")]
+         `(id ~(keyword table-name)))
+       (str/starts-with? form "$")
+       (let [field-name (str/replace form #"^\$" "")]
+         (token->id-call wrap-field-ids? table-name field-name))
+       :else
+       form))
 (defmacro $ids
@@ -123,6 +132,10 @@
     $$table -> (id :venues)
+  You can reference other tables by using `$$` as well:
+    $$categories -> (id :categories)
   You can pass options by wrapping `table-name` in a vector:
     ($ids [venues {:wrap-field-ids? true}]
@@ -136,16 +149,23 @@
     (m/mapply $->id (keyword table-name) `(do ~@body) (merge {:wrap-field-ids? false}
+(declare id)
 (defn wrap-inner-mbql-query
   "Wrap inner QUERY with `:database` ID and other 'outer query' kvs. DB ID is fetched by looking up the Database for
   the query's `:source-table`."
   {:style/indent 0}
-  {:database (db/select-one-field :db_id Table, :id (:source-table query))
+  {:database (id)
    :type     :query
    :query    query})
+(defn add-source-table-if-needed [table query]
+  (if (and query
+           (some query #{:source-table :source-query}))
+    query
+    (assoc query :source-table (id table))))
 (defmacro mbql-query
   "Build a query, expands symbols like `$field` into calls to `id` and wraps them in `:field-id`. See the dox for
   `$->id` for more information on how `$`-prefixed expansion behaves.
@@ -160,8 +180,7 @@
   {:style/indent 1}
   [table & [query]]
-     ~(merge `{:source-table (id ~(keyword table))}
-             ($->id table query))))
+     (add-source-table-if-needed ~(keyword table) ~($->id table query))))
 (defmacro run-mbql-query
   "Like `mbql-query`, but runs the query as well."