diff --git a/bin/build-mb/deps.edn b/bin/build-mb/deps.edn
index 1ad799e2c16a29e7cbde503d9cc47e8e210193a9..a43859f42428e0696424701bb424ccd253c21b4b 100644
--- a/bin/build-mb/deps.edn
+++ b/bin/build-mb/deps.edn
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 {:paths ["src" "resources"]
- {common/common               {:local/root "../common"}
-  build-drivers/build-drivers {:local/root "../build-drivers"}
-  i18n/i18n                   {:local/root "../i18n"}
-  org.flatland/ordered        {:mvn/version "1.15.10"}}
+ {common/common                   {:local/root "../common"}
+  build-drivers/build-drivers     {:local/root "../build-drivers"}
+  i18n/i18n                       {:local/root "../i18n"}
+  org.flatland/ordered            {:mvn/version "1.15.10"}
+  io.github.clojure/tools.build   {:git/tag "v0.7.5" :git/sha "2526f58"}
+  ;; value currently used in tools.build but top level since we directly depend on it
+  org.apache.maven/maven-model    {:mvn/version "3.8.4"}}
  {:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
diff --git a/bin/build-mb/src/build.clj b/bin/build-mb/src/build.clj
index 9ffbfe5e1882a0196db0d68d265158bc4c3a70e6..45f979e4e38a69c97d3fab9f646d5b78d6f69642 100644
--- a/bin/build-mb/src/build.clj
+++ b/bin/build-mb/src/build.clj
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
             [clojure.edn :as edn]
             [clojure.java.io :as io]
             [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.tools.build.api :as b]
             [environ.core :as env]
             [flatland.ordered.map :as ordered-map]
             [i18n.create-artifacts :as i18n]
@@ -48,15 +49,13 @@
   {:pre [(#{:oss :ee} edition)]}
   (u/step "Generate backend license information from jar files"
-    (let [[classpath]               (u/sh {:dir    u/project-root-directory
-                                           :quiet? true}
-                                          "clojure" (str "-A" edition) "-Spath")
+    (let [basis                     (b/create-basis {:project (u/filename u/project-root-directory "deps.edn")})
           output-filename           (u/filename u/project-root-directory
-          {:keys [without-license]} (license/generate {:classpath       classpath
+          {:keys [without-license]} (license/generate {:basis           basis
                                                        :backfill        (edn/read-string
-                                                                          (slurp (io/resource "overrides.edn")))
+                                                                         (slurp (io/resource "overrides.edn")))
                                                        :output-filename output-filename
                                                        :report?         false})]
       (when (seq without-license)
diff --git a/bin/build-mb/src/build/licenses.clj b/bin/build-mb/src/build/licenses.clj
index 7acc5699a1e83595369b444ac8c95a76934cb9b3..4fe7f3f7c45a3b74951c2f736d42acc8b2b5e0f3 100644
--- a/bin/build-mb/src/build/licenses.clj
+++ b/bin/build-mb/src/build/licenses.clj
@@ -27,57 +27,24 @@
   (:require [clojure.data.xml :as xml]
             [clojure.edn :as edn]
             [clojure.java.io :as io]
-            [clojure.string :as str])
-  (:import (java.nio.file Files FileSystem FileSystems FileVisitOption LinkOption OpenOption Path Paths)))
+            [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.tools.build.api :as b])
+  (:import (java.nio.file Files FileSystem FileSystems FileVisitOption LinkOption OpenOption Path Paths)
+           (org.apache.maven.model License Model)
+           (org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3 MavenXpp3Reader)
+           (java.io FileReader)))
 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
-(def classpath-separator (System/getProperty "path.separator"))
-(defn jar-file? [filename]
-  (str/ends-with? filename "jar"))
-(def tag-name (comp keyword (fnil name "") :tag))
-(def ^:private tag-content (juxt tag-name (comp first :content)))
-(defn pom->coordinates [pom-xml]
-  (let [coords (->> pom-xml
-                    :content
-                    (filter #(#{:groupId :artifactId :version} (tag-name %)))
-                    (map tag-content)
-                    (into {}))
-        parent (->> pom-xml
-                    :content
-                    (filter #(#{:parent} (tag-name %)))
-                    first
-                    :content
-                    (keep tag-content)
-                    (into {}))]
-    {:group (or (:groupId coords) (:groupId parent))
-     :artifact (:artifactId coords)
-     :version (or (:version coords) (:version parent))}))
-(defn pom->licenses [pom-xml]
-  (let [licenses (some->> pom-xml
-                          :content
-                          (filter #(#{:licenses} (tag-name %)))
-                          first
-                          :content
-                          first
-                          :content
-                          (map tag-content)
-                          (into {}))]
-    licenses))
-(defn ->BiPredicate [f]
+(defn- ->BiPredicate [f]
   (reify java.util.function.BiPredicate
     (test [_ x y]
       (f x y))))
-(def path-options (into-array String []))
-(def filevisit-options (into-array FileVisitOption []))
-(def link-options (into-array LinkOption []))
-(def open-options (into-array OpenOption []))
+(def ^:private path-options (into-array String []))
+(def ^:private filevisit-options (into-array FileVisitOption []))
+(def ^:private link-options (into-array LinkOption []))
+(def ^:private open-options (into-array OpenOption []))
 (defn determine-pom
   "Produce a pom path from a jar. Looks first for a pom adjacent to the jar, and then finds all files that end with
@@ -97,8 +64,7 @@
                                   (str/ends-with? (str path) "pom.xml")))]
         (.. (Files/find jar-root Integer/MAX_VALUE pred filevisit-options)
-            (orElse nil)))
-      (throw (ex-info "Cannot locate pom" {:jar jar-filename}))))
+            (orElse nil)))))
 (defn do-with-path-is
   "Open an inputstream on `path` and call `f` with the inputstream as an argument. Function `f` should not be lazy."
@@ -106,6 +72,27 @@
   (with-open [is (Files/newInputStream path open-options)]
     (f is)))
+(defn license-from-pom
+  "Read license information from a pom. This reads only the local pom and does not trace parent poms. Clojure.core.async includes a parent pom:
+  <parent>
+    <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
+    <artifactId>pom.contrib</artifactId>
+    <version>1.1.0</version>
+  </parent>
+  which would specify a license. To trace this would require setting up way more machinery and so just let the
+  overrides catch this scenario."
+  [^Path pom-path]
+  (try
+    (let [reader (MavenXpp3Reader.)
+          model  (.read reader (FileReader. (.toFile pom-path)))
+          license ^License (first (.getLicenses model))]
+      (when license
+        {:name (.getName license)
+         :url  (.getUrl license)}))
+    (catch Exception _e nil)))
 (def ^:private license-file-names
    "META-INF/LICENSE.txt" "license/LICENSE"])
@@ -120,55 +107,55 @@
 (defn license-from-backfill
   "Look in the backfill information for license information."
-  [{:keys [group artifact]} backfill]
-  (if-let [license (some #(get-in backfill %)
-                         [[group artifact]
-                          [:override/group group]])]
-    (if (string? license)
-      license
-      (if-let [resource (io/resource (:resource license))]
-        (slurp resource)
-        (throw (ex-info (str "Missing license for " artifact)
-                        {:group    group
-                         :artifact artifact
-                         :backfill license}))))))
+  [lib-name backfill]
+  (let [[group artifact] ((juxt namespace name) lib-name)]
+    (when-let [license (some #(get-in backfill %)
+                             [[group artifact]
+                              [:override/group group]])]
+      (if (string? license)
+        license
+        (if-let [resource (io/resource (:resource license))]
+          (slurp resource)
+          (throw (ex-info (str "Missing license for " artifact)
+                          {:group    group
+                           :artifact artifact
+                           :backfill license})))))))
 (defn discern-license-and-coords
   "Returns a tuple of [jar-filename {:coords :license [:error]}. Error is optional. License will be a string of license
   text, coords a map with group and artifact."
-  [^String jar-filename backfill]
-  (let [jar-path ^Path (Paths/get jar-filename path-options)
-        classloader ^ClassLoader (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader)]
+  [[lib-name info] backfill]
+  (let [jar-filename (-> info :paths first)
+        jar-path (Paths/get ^String jar-filename path-options)
+        classloader (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader)]
     (if-not (Files/exists jar-path link-options)
-      [jar-filename {:error "Jar does not exist"}]
+      [lib-name {:error "Jar does not exist"}]
         (with-open [jar-fs (FileSystems/newFileSystem jar-path classloader)]
-          (let [pom-path             (determine-pom jar-filename jar-fs)
-                license-path         (license-from-jar jar-fs)
-                [coords pom-license] (do-with-path-is pom-path
-                                                      (comp (juxt pom->coordinates pom->licenses)
-                                                            #(xml/parse % :skip-whitespace true)))
-                license              (or (when license-path
-                                           (with-open [is (Files/newInputStream license-path open-options)]
-                                             (slurp is)))
-                                         (license-from-backfill coords backfill)
-                                         (let [{:keys [name url]} pom-license]
-                                           (when name (str name ": " url))))]
-            [jar-filename (cond-> {:coords coords :license license}
-                            (not (and license coords))
-                            (assoc :error "Error determining license or coords"))]))
+          (let [license  (or (when-let [license-path (license-from-jar jar-fs)]
+                               (with-open [is (Files/newInputStream license-path open-options)]
+                                 (slurp is)))
+                             (when-let [pom-path (determine-pom jar-filename jar-fs)]
+                               (let [{:keys [name url]} (license-from-pom pom-path)]
+                                 (when name (str name ": " url))))
+                             (license-from-backfill lib-name backfill))]
+            [lib-name (cond-> {:coords {:group (namespace lib-name)
+                                        :artifact (name lib-name)
+                                        :version (:mvn/version info)}
+                               :license license}
+                        (not license)
+                        (assoc :error "Error determining license"))]))
         (catch Exception e
-          [jar-filename {:error e}])))))
-(defn write-license [success-os [_jar {:keys [coords license]}]]
-  (let [{:keys [group artifact]} coords]
-    (binding [*out* success-os]
-      (println "The following software may be included in this product: "
-               group ":" artifact
-               ". This software contains the following license and notice below:")
-      (println "\n")
-      (println license)
-      (println "\n\n----------\n"))))
+          [lib-name {:error e}])))))
+(defn write-license [success-os [lib {:keys [coords license]}]]
+  (binding [*out* success-os]
+    (println "The following software may be included in this product:"
+             (str lib ": " (:version coords) ".")
+             "This software contains the following license and notice below:")
+    (println "\n")
+    (println license)
+    (println "\n\n----------\n")))
 (defn report-missing [error-os [jar {:keys [coords]}]]
   (let [{:keys [group artifact]} coords
@@ -178,24 +165,26 @@
     (binding [*out* error-os]
       (println dep-name " : No license information found."))))
-(defn process* [{:keys [classpath-entries backfill]}]
-  (let [info     (map #(discern-license-and-coords % backfill) classpath-entries)
+(defn process*
+  "Returns a map of `:with-license` and `:without-license`."
+  [{:keys [libs backfill]}]
+  (let [info     (map #(discern-license-and-coords % backfill) libs)
         categorized (group-by (comp (complement #(contains? % :error)) second) info)]
     {:with-license    (categorized true)
      :without-license (categorized false)}))
 (defn jar-entries
-  "Returns a seq of jar entries on the classpath"
-  [classpath]
-  (->> (str/split classpath (re-pattern classpath-separator))
-       (filter jar-file?)))
+  "Filters the `:libs` map of a basis to just `:mvn` based (jar based) libs. Keys are symbols of the lib and the value
+  is a map of `:mvn/version` and `:paths` amont others."
+  [basis]
+  (into {} (filter (comp #{:mvn} :deps/manifest val) (:libs basis))))
 (defn generate
-  "Process a classpath, creating a file of all license information, writing to `:output-filename`. `classpath-entries`
-  should be a seq of classpath roots. Split a classpath on the classpath separator. Backfill is a clojure data
-  structure or a filename of an edn file of a clojure datastructure providing for backfilling license information if
-  it is not discernable from the jar. Should be of the form (note keys are strings not symbols)
+  "Process a basis from clojure.tools.build.api/create-basis, creating a file of all license information, writing to
+  `:output-filename`. Backfill is a clojure data structure or a filename of an edn file of a clojure datastructure
+  providing for backfilling license information if it is not discernable from the jar. Should be of the form (note
+  keys are strings not symbols)
   {\"group\" {\"artifact\" \"license text\"}
    \"group\" {\"artifact\" {:resource \"filename-of-license\"}}
@@ -206,23 +195,24 @@
   Algorithm is:
     - check jar for license file at a few different standard paths. If present keep this text.
+    - Look in pom file next to jar or in jar for license information. If found this information is used,
+      it is not expanded into a full license text.
     - look in provided backfill information for license text or a resource containing the license text
-    - Look in pom file next to jar or in jar for license information. If found this information is used, it is not
-      expanded into a full license text.
-  Reports if `:report?` is true (the default). Writes missing license information to *err* and summary of identified licenses to *out*.
+  Reports if `:report?` is true (the default). Writes missing license information to *err* and summary of identified
+  licenses to *out*.
   Returns a map
-  {:with-license [ [jar-filename {:coords {:group :artifact :version} :license <text>}] ...]
-   :without-license [ [jar-filename {:coords {:group :artifact :version} :error <text>}] ... ]}"
-  [{:keys [classpath backfill output-filename report?] :or {report? true}}]
+  {:with-license [ [lib-name {:coords {:group :artifact :version} :license <text>}] ...]
+   :without-license [ [lib-name {:coords {:group :artifact :version} :error <text>}] ... ]}"
+  [{:keys [basis backfill output-filename report?] :or {report? true}}]
   (let [backfill (if (string? backfill)
                    (edn/read-string (slurp (io/resource backfill)))
                    (or backfill {}))
-        entries  (jar-entries classpath)
+        entries  (jar-entries basis)
         {:keys [with-license without-license] :as license-info}
-        (process* {:classpath-entries     entries
-                   :backfill              backfill})]
+        (process* {:libs     entries
+                   :backfill backfill})]
     (when (seq with-license)
       (with-open [os (io/writer output-filename)]
         (run! #(write-license os %) with-license)))
@@ -236,3 +226,21 @@
         ;; best defaults. Want to make sure we never kill our build script
         #_(System/exit (if (seq without-license) 1 0))))
+  (def basis (b/create-basis {:project "path-to-metabase/deps.edn"}))
+  (def libs (process* {:libs     (jar-entries basis)
+                       :backfill (edn/read-string
+                                  (slurp (io/resource "overrides.edn")))}))
+  (process* {:libs (-> basis :libs (select-keys '[org.clojure/clojure
+                                                  org.clojure/core.async]))})
+  (get-in basis [:libs 'org.clojure/clojure])
+  (->> libs
+       :without-license
+       (map first))
+  (def libs-no-overrides (process* {:libs (jar-entries basis)}))
+  (->> libs-no-overrides :without-license (map first))
+  )
diff --git a/bin/build-mb/test/build/licenses_test.clj b/bin/build-mb/test/build/licenses_test.clj
index a027918cc05659c9a5e16cd0cd63a8d3d58ef937..eb5f5ff5f5becd745eaa9e80278468076836edfc 100644
--- a/bin/build-mb/test/build/licenses_test.clj
+++ b/bin/build-mb/test/build/licenses_test.clj
@@ -5,24 +5,12 @@
             [clojure.java.io :as io]
             [clojure.string :as str]
             [clojure.test :refer [deftest is run-tests testing]]
+            [clojure.tools.build.api :as b]
             [metabuild-common.core :as u])
   (:import (java.io StringReader StringWriter)
            (java.nio.file Files FileSystems LinkOption Path Paths)))
-(def classpath-urls (str/split (System/getProperty "java.class.path")
-                               (re-pattern lic/classpath-separator)))
-(defn jar-filename-from-cp
-  [jar-filename classpath-urls]
-  (let [[x & rst :as found] (filter #(when (str/includes? % jar-filename) %) classpath-urls)]
-    (cond (seq rst) (throw (ex-info (str "Multiple jars found for " jar-filename)
-                                    {:filename jar-filename
-                                     :found    found}))
-          (not x)   (throw (ex-info (str "No results found for " jar-filename)
-                                    {:filename jar-filename}))
-          x         x)))
-(defn parse [rdr] (xml/parse rdr :skip-whitespace true))
+(defn- parse [rdr] (xml/parse rdr :skip-whitespace true))
 (def clojure-xml "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
 <project xmlns=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd\">
@@ -43,7 +31,8 @@
-(def clojure-jdbc-xml "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
+(def ^:private clojure-jdbc-xml
+  "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
 <project xmlns=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd\">
@@ -58,59 +47,40 @@
-(deftest pom->coordinates-test
-  (testing "Parses version information from pom"
-    (testing "When group information is top level"
-      (let [xml (parse (StringReader. clojure-xml))]
-        (is (= {:group    "org.clojure"
-                :artifact "clojure"
-                :version  "1.10.3"}
-               (lic/pom->coordinates xml)))))
-    (testing "When group informatoin is under the parent tag"
-     (let [xml (parse (StringReader. clojure-jdbc-xml))]
-       (is (= {:group    "org.clojure"
-               :artifact "java.jdbc"
-               :version  "0.7.11"}
-              (lic/pom->coordinates xml)))))))
-(defn jar->path [filename]
+(defn jar->path
+  "Return a Path for a jar."
+   ^Path [filename]
   (let [path (Paths/get filename (into-array String []))]
     (if (Files/exists path (into-array LinkOption []))
-      (throw (ex-data (str "Jar " filename " not found") {:filename filename})))))
-(defn jar [filename]
-  (jar->path (jar-filename-from-cp filename classpath-urls)))
-(deftest pom->license-test
-  (testing "Can find license information from the pom"
-    (testing "If present"
-      (let [xml (parse (StringReader. clojure-xml))]
-        (is (= {:name         "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
-                :url          "http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php"
-                :distribution "repo"}
-               (lic/pom->licenses xml))))
-      (let [jar-filename             (jar-filename-from-cp "org/clojure/clojure" classpath-urls)
-            jar-path                 (Paths/get jar-filename (into-array String []))
-            ^ClassLoader classloader nil]
-        (with-open [jar-fs (FileSystems/newFileSystem jar-path classloader)]
-          (let [pom-path (lic/determine-pom jar-filename jar-fs)]
-            (is (= {:name         "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
-                    :url          "http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php"
-                    :distribution "repo"}
-                   (lic/do-with-path-is pom-path (comp lic/pom->licenses parse))))))))
-    (testing "Returning nil if not present"
-      (let [xml (parse (StringReader. clojure-jdbc-xml))]
-        (is (nil? (lic/pom->licenses xml)))))))
+      (throw (ex-info (str "Jar " filename " not found") {:filename filename})))))
+(def ^:private basis
+  "A basis for this project suitable for testing."
+  (b/create-basis {:project (u/filename u/project-root-directory "deps.edn")}))
+(defn- jar ^Path [lib-name]
+  (jar->path (-> basis :libs (get lib-name) :paths first)))
+(deftest license-from-pom-test
+  (let [clojure-jar (-> basis :libs (get 'org.clojure/clojure) :paths first)
+        jar-path    (Paths/get ^String clojure-jar (into-array String []))]
+    (with-open [jar-fs (FileSystems/newFileSystem jar-path
+                                                  (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader))]
+      (let [clojure-pom (lic/determine-pom clojure-jar jar-fs)]
+        (is (some? clojure-pom) "Clojure pom not found")
+        (is (= {:name "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
+                :url "http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php"}
+               (lic/license-from-pom clojure-pom))))))
+  (let [libs (-> basis :libs (select-keys '[org.clojure/clojure]) first)]
+    (is (= "Eclipse Public License 1.0: http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php"
+           (-> (lic/discern-license-and-coords libs {}) second :license)))))
 (deftest license-from-jar-test
   (letfn [(license-path [j f]
-            (let [cl ^ClassLoader (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader)]
-              ;; java 16 has a single arity that just takes a path, but older versions need a classloader. It can be
-              ;; nil but felt weird typehinting the nil in a binding
-              (with-open [jar-fs (FileSystems/newFileSystem ^Path (jar j) cl)]
-                (some-> (lic/license-from-jar jar-fs)
-                        f))))
+            (with-open [jar-fs (FileSystems/newFileSystem (jar j) (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader))]
+              (some-> (lic/license-from-jar jar-fs)
+                      f)))
           (first-line [path]
             (lic/do-with-path-is path (fn [is]
                                         (->> (slurp is)
@@ -120,11 +90,11 @@
     (testing "Can find license information bundled in the jar"
       (is (= "META-INF/LICENSE.txt"
-             (license-path "commons/commons-math3" str)))
+             (license-path 'org.apache.commons/commons-math3 str)))
       (is (= "Apache License"
-             (license-path "commons/commons-math3" first-line))))
+             (license-path 'org.apache.commons/commons-math3 first-line))))
     (testing "Nil if not present"
-      (is (nil? (license-path "cronparser/cron-parser-core" identity))))))
+      (is (nil? (license-path 'net.redhogs.cronparser/cron-parser-core identity))))))
 (deftest license-from-backfill-test
   (let [backfill {"a" {"a" "License Information"}
@@ -133,20 +103,20 @@
                   {"group-y" "License Information"
                    "group-z" {:resource "EPL.txt"}}}]
     (doseq [[coords expected-license]
-            [[{:group "a" :artifact "a"} "License Information"]
-             [{:group "b" :artifact "b"} "Permission is hereby granted"]
-             [{:group "group-y" :artifact "literally-any-package"} "License Information"]
-             [{:group "group-z" :artifact "literally-any-package"} "\nEclipse Public License"]]]
+            [['a/a "License Information"]
+             ['b/b "Permission is hereby granted"]
+             ['group-y/literally-anything "License Information"]
+             ['group-z/literally-anything "\nEclipse Public License"]]]
       (let [license (lic/license-from-backfill coords backfill)]
         (is (not (str/blank? license)))
         (is (str/starts-with? license expected-license))))))
 (deftest process*-test
   (testing "categorizes jar entries"
-    (let [jars            (map #(jar-filename-from-cp % classpath-urls)
-                               ["org/clojure/clojure"
-                                "commons/commons-math3"
-                                "cronparser/cron-parser-core"])
+    (let [jar-libs        (select-keys (:libs basis)
+                                       '[org.clojure/clojure
+                                         org.apache.commons/commons-math3
+                                         net.redhogs.cronparser/cron-parser-core])
           normalize-entry (fn [[jar {:keys [coords license error]}]]
                             [((juxt :group :artifact) coords)
                              (cond-> {:license (not (str/blank? license))}
@@ -162,9 +132,9 @@
                  ["org.apache.commons" "commons-math3"] {:license true}}
                 {["net.redhogs.cronparser" "cron-parser-core"]
-                 {:license false :error "Error determining license or coords"}}}
-               (normalize (lic/process* {:classpath-entries jars
-                                         :backfill          {}})))))
+                 {:license false :error "Error determining license"}}}
+               (normalize (lic/process* {:libs     jar-libs
+                                         :backfill {}})))))
       (testing "with backfill by group and artifact"
         (is (= {:with-license
                 {["org.clojure" "clojure"]                     {:license true}
@@ -172,7 +142,7 @@
                  ["net.redhogs.cronparser" "cron-parser-core"] {:license true}}
-               (normalize (lic/process* {:classpath-entries jars
+               (normalize (lic/process* {:libs jar-libs
                                           {"cron-parser-core" "license"}}})))))
@@ -183,24 +153,23 @@
                  ["net.redhogs.cronparser" "cron-parser-core"] {:license true}}
-               (normalize (lic/process* {:classpath-entries jars
+               (normalize (lic/process* {:libs jar-libs
                                           {"net.redhogs.cronparser" "license"}}}))))))))
 (deftest write-license-test
-  (is (= (str "The following software may be included in this product:  a : a . "
+  (is (= (str "The following software may be included in this product: a/a: 1.0. "
               "This software contains the following license and notice below:\n\n\n"
               "license text\n\n\n----------\n\n")
          (let [os (StringWriter.)]
-           (lic/write-license os ["jar" {:coords  {:group "a" :artifact "a"}
-                                         :license "license text"}])
+           (lic/write-license os ['a/a {:coords  {:group "a" :artifact "a" :version "1.0"}
+                                        :license "license text"}])
            (str os)))))
 (defn- loop-until-success [f max step-name]
   (loop [n 0]
-    (let [success? (try
-                    (do (f) true)
+    (let [success? (try (f) true
                     (catch Exception _ false))]
       (cond success? ::done
             (and (not success?) (< n max)) (recur (inc n))
@@ -209,21 +178,19 @@
 (deftest all-deps-have-licenses
   (testing "All deps on the classpath have licenses"
     (loop-until-success #(u/sh {:dir u/project-root-directory} "clojure" "-A:ee" "-P") 3 "download deps")
-    (let [classpath         (u/sh {:dir    u/project-root-directory
-                                   :quiet? true}
-                                  "clojure"
-                                  "-A:ee"
-                                  "-Spath")
-          classpath-entries (->> (str/split (last classpath) (re-pattern lic/classpath-separator))
-                                 (filter lic/jar-file?))]
-      (let [results (lic/process* {:classpath-entries classpath-entries
-                                   :backfill          (edn/read-string
-                                                       (slurp (io/resource "overrides.edn")))})]
-        (is (nil? (:without-license results))
-            (str "Deps without license information:\n"
-                 (str/join "\n" (map first (:without-license results)))))
-        (is (= (set classpath-entries)
-               (into #{} (->> results :with-license (map first))))))
+    (let [jar-libs (lic/jar-entries basis)
+          results  (lic/process* {:libs     jar-libs
+                                  :backfill (edn/read-string
+                                             (slurp (io/resource "overrides.edn")))})]
+      (is (nil? (:without-license results))
+          (str "Deps without license information:\n"
+               (str/join "\n" (map first (:without-license results)))))
+      (is (= (set (keys jar-libs))
+             (into #{} (->> results :with-license (map first)))))
       (is (some? (:without-license
-                  (lic/process* {:classpath-entries classpath-entries
-                                 :backfill          {}})))))))
+                  (lic/process* {:libs     jar-libs
+                                 :backfill {}})))))))
+  (run-tests)
+  )