diff --git a/docs/administration-guide/sso.md b/docs/administration-guide/sso.md
index 5b75284b270efaca08e30e75a9076d788f150a34..b6445565bc45f074dcf465a982ec43c3a18df054 100644
--- a/docs/administration-guide/sso.md
+++ b/docs/administration-guide/sso.md
@@ -20,19 +20,21 @@ With paid versions, you have more options to help manage lots of people and grou
   - [Group membership filter][ldap-group-membership-filter]
   - [Syncing user attributes][ldap-user-attributes]
 - [SAML][saml]
-  - [Setting up SAML with Auth0][saml-auth0]
-  - [Setting up SAML with Google][saml-google]
-  - [Setting up SAML with Keycloak][saml-keycloak]
-  - [Documentation for other common IdPs][saml-other-idps]
+  - [Auth0][saml-auth0]
+  - [Azure AD][azure-ad]
+  - [Google][saml-google]
+  - [Keycloak][saml-keycloak]
+  - [Okta][saml-okta] 
+[azure-ad]: ../enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-saml-azure-ad.html
 [google-sign-in]: ./10-single-sign-on.html#enabling-google-sign-in
 [jwt]: ../enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-jwt
 [ldap]: ./10-single-sign-on.html#enabling-ldap-authentication
 [ldap-group-membership-filter]: ./10-single-sign-on.html#ldap-group-membership-filter
 [ldap-user-attributes]: ./10-single-sign-on.html#syncing-user-attributes-with-ldap
+[saml-okta]: ../enterprise-guide/saml-okta.html
 [saml]: ../enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-saml.html
 [saml-auth0]: ../enterprise-guide/saml-auth0.html
 [saml-google]: ../enterprise-guide/saml-google.html
 [saml-keycloak]: ../enterprise-guide/saml-keycloak.html
-[saml-other-idps]: ../enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-saml.html#documentation-for-other-common-idps
-[sso-def]: /glossary/sso.html
\ No newline at end of file
+[sso-def]: /glossary/sso.html
diff --git a/docs/data-modeling/field-types.md b/docs/data-modeling/field-types.md
index 964f4edbe93c0df9b30a5b96eae5125ef1d9d6c7..8b43d043cfe652a9f7c4933b9670484c000ed267 100644
--- a/docs/data-modeling/field-types.md
+++ b/docs/data-modeling/field-types.md
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ When you [X-ray](../users-guide/14-x-rays.md) a table, Metabase considers both t
 ### Field Filters
-Knowing what field types are and how they work is helpful when using [field filters](/learn/sql-questions/field-filters.html), as you can only create field filters for [certain field types](./13-sql-parameters.md#field-filter-compatible-types).
+Knowing what field types are and how they work is helpful when using [field filters](/learn/sql-questions/field-filters.html), as you can only create field filters for [certain field types](../users-guide/13-sql-parameters.md#field-filter-compatible-types).
 ### Editing types in the Data Model page
-If you're an administrator, you can edit field types using the [Data Model page](../administration-guide/03-metadata-editing.md) in the Admin Panel.
+If you're an administrator, you can edit field types using the [Data Model page](./metadata-editing.md) in the Admin Panel.
-While data types themselves can't be edited in Metabase, admins can manually [cast data types](../administration-guide/03-metadata-editing.md/#casting-to-a-specific-data-type) to be read differently, like interpreting a numerical data type as a date format.
+While data types themselves can't be edited in Metabase, admins can manually [cast data types](./metadata-editing.md#casting-to-a-specific-data-type) to be read differently, like interpreting a numerical data type as a date format.
 ## Further Reading
diff --git a/docs/data-modeling/metadata-editing.md b/docs/data-modeling/metadata-editing.md
index 1ba7243ba8079e9beecde86ed54eafbe6566e2e6..e53d1d4889be76fc0f9399546ff40ea7bf9f4912 100644
--- a/docs/data-modeling/metadata-editing.md
+++ b/docs/data-modeling/metadata-editing.md
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ For the **SQL editor**, **Do Not Include** settings only affect visibility in th
 ### Field type
-You can use the Data Model page to edit field types for fields in your database. Use the **Type** dropdown menu to select from this [list of options](../users-guide/field-types.md).
+You can use the Data Model page to edit field types for fields in your database. Use the **Type** dropdown menu to select from this [list of options](./field-types.md).
 In this same menu, you can also designate a column as the table's **primary key** or **foreign key**.
-See the [users guide](../users-guide/field-types.md#list-of-metabase-field-types) for more on types and how they function in Metabase.
+See [Field types](./field-types.md) for more on types and how they function in Metabase.
 ### Casting to a specific data type
diff --git a/docs/databases/connections/google-analytics.md b/docs/databases/connections/google-analytics.md
index 2ad73f7055de243d26773dd6f085b878e1357f59..b465fb4b43074b402af7b488eb82040179a7b847 100644
--- a/docs/databases/connections/google-analytics.md
+++ b/docs/databases/connections/google-analytics.md
@@ -109,5 +109,5 @@ If you're having trouble, see the guides under [Troubleshooting data sources][tr
 [google-managing-service-accounts]: https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-accounts
 [google-oauth-scopes]: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/scopes
 [google-service-accounts]: https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts
-[sync-docs]: ../../administration-guide/01-managing-databases.html#choose-when-metabase-syncs-and-scans
+[sync-docs]: ../connecting.md#choose-when-metabase-syncs-and-scans
 [troubleshooting-data-sources]: ../../troubleshooting-guide/index.html#databases
diff --git a/docs/developers-guide-drivers.md b/docs/developers-guide-drivers.md
index 9da96d9388ab5164f2533aac2a6a42b636bacd45..78c08c45eb354c71f5e4a891b3f7f9f5e9e4e323 100644
--- a/docs/developers-guide-drivers.md
+++ b/docs/developers-guide-drivers.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ title: Partner and community drivers
 # Partner and community drivers
-In addition to our [Officially supported drivers](./administration-guide/01-managing-databases.md#officially-supported-databases), many people build and maintain drivers for database integrations.
+In addition to our [Officially supported drivers](../databases/connecting.md#officially-supported-databases), many people build and maintain drivers for database integrations.
 We have two types of third-party drivers:
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ If you don't see a driver for your database, then try looking in the comments of
 If you are having problems installing or using a community driver, your best bet is to contact the author of the driver.
-[Metabase Cloud](https://www.metabase.com/start/) doesn't support community drivers, meaning that (for now) you can only use Metabase Cloud with the [officially supported drivers](./administration-guide/01-managing-databases.md#officially-supported-databases), and the partner drivers listed above.
+[Metabase Cloud](https://www.metabase.com/start/) doesn't support community drivers, meaning that (for now) you can only use Metabase Cloud with the [officially supported drivers](../databases/connecting.md#officially-supported-databases), and the partner drivers listed above.
 ## Write your own driver
diff --git a/docs/enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-saml.md b/docs/enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-saml.md
index 3ccbeb4a8c003fe78e265472e3ec037d5e5b930f..b87e1ff75d9416f325eb3f4c87347afac0f917e1 100644
--- a/docs/enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-saml.md
+++ b/docs/enterprise-guide/authenticating-with-saml.md
@@ -188,9 +188,3 @@ You can find example code that uses SAML authentication in the [SSO examples rep
 ## Troubleshooting SAML issues
 For common issues, go to [Troubleshooting SAML](../troubleshooting-guide/saml.html).
-## Next: JWT-based SSO
-If SAML isn’t your bag, find out how to enable [JWT-based SSO](authenticating-with-jwt.html).
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting-guide/bigquery-drive.md b/docs/troubleshooting-guide/bigquery-drive.md
index 35900f627c8f565942c60d749a2a9180ee81b48a..d7f43a9bf9f25da8df2bff52e66ceee6395f278f 100644
--- a/docs/troubleshooting-guide/bigquery-drive.md
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting-guide/bigquery-drive.md
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ If you encounter an error that looks like this:
 403 Forbidden POST https://www.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/PROJECT-NAME/queries { "code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Access Denied: BigQuery BigQuery: Permission denied while getting Drive credentials.", "reason" : "accessDenied" } ], "message" : "Access Denied: BigQuery BigQuery: Permission denied while getting Drive credentials.", "status" : "PERMISSION_DENIED" }
-You may have forgotten to [share your Google Drive source](../administration-guide/databases/bigquery#share-your-google-drive-source-with-the-service-account) with the service account email. Once that's been fixed, that error should disappear and you'll be able to view and query your data source.
+You may have forgotten to [share your Google Drive source](../databases/connections/bigquery.md#share-your-google-drive-source-with-the-service-account) with the service account email. Once that's been fixed, that error should disappear and you'll be able to view and query your data source.
 ## Further reading
-You may also want to check out [this troubleshooting guide](datawarehouse) on database connections.
\ No newline at end of file
+- [Troubleshooting database connections](./datawarehouse.md)
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting-guide/data-permissions.md b/docs/troubleshooting-guide/data-permissions.md
index d4769f2ca85fc61ed683d42b81ef7cd39d500630..3109ac81caabc6e06a6319328474060189b6bfd7 100644
--- a/docs/troubleshooting-guide/data-permissions.md
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting-guide/data-permissions.md
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ If you can’t solve your problem using the troubleshooting guides:
 [group-permissions]: ../administration-guide/05-setting-permissions.html#key-points-regarding-permissions
 [known-issues]: ./known-issues.html
 [learn-permissions]: /learn/permissions/index.html
-[native-query-editing]: ../administration-guide/data-permissions.html#native-querying
+[native-query-editing]: ../administration-guide/data-permissions.html#native-query-editing
 [no-self-service]: ../administration-guide/data-permissions.html#no-self-service-access
 [pricing]: https://www.metabase.com/pricing
 [proxies]: ./proxies.html
@@ -131,4 +131,4 @@ If you can’t solve your problem using the troubleshooting guides:
 [troubleshooting-data-sandboxing]: ./sandboxing.html
 [troubleshooting-permissions]: ./permissions.html
 [unrestricted]: ../administration-guide/data-permissions.html#unrestricted-access
-[view-edit]: ./cant-view-or-edit.html
\ No newline at end of file
+[view-edit]: ./cant-view-or-edit.html
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting-guide/sync-fingerprint-scan.md b/docs/troubleshooting-guide/sync-fingerprint-scan.md
index 792fb1327b922485ef193d5a36573c74174523d1..0c615895f0da40d2fe133bbc69e856f81b9aac8e 100644
--- a/docs/troubleshooting-guide/sync-fingerprint-scan.md
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting-guide/sync-fingerprint-scan.md
@@ -87,6 +87,6 @@ You can "fix" this by disabling scan entirely by going to the database in the Ad
 [community-db-drivers]: ../developers-guide-drivers.html
 [etl]: /glossary/etl
 [metabase-api]: ../api-documentation.html
-[metabase-mongo-missing]: ../administration-guide/databases/mongodb.html#i-added-fields-to-my-database-but-dont-see-them-in-metabase
-[sync-frequency]: ../administration-guide/01-managing-databases.html#choose-when-metabase-syncs-and-scans
+[metabase-mongo-missing]: ../databases/connections/mongodb.md#i-added-fields-to-my-database-but-dont-see-them-in-metabase
+[sync-frequency]: ../databases/connecting.md#choose-when-metabase-syncs-and-scans
 [troubleshooting-db-connection]: ./datawarehouse.html
diff --git a/docs/users-guide/05-visualizing-results.md b/docs/users-guide/05-visualizing-results.md
index af2dec3dad02d231b3a876cdee70e3cc6550b70d..159dbdd7156e07be8259d1e3251982536519d561 100644
--- a/docs/users-guide/05-visualizing-results.md
+++ b/docs/users-guide/05-visualizing-results.md
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ Pivot tables are not currently available for the following databases in Metabase
 - Google Analytics
 - MongoDB
-Pivot tables work for simple and custom questions with summarized data for all other [officially supported databases](../administration-guide/01-managing-databases.md#officially-supported-databases). They don't work for questions that lack aggregate data, and they don't work for questions written in SQL, as Metabase would need to modify your SQL code in order to calculate subtotals. If you really need to use SQL, the workaround here is to create your question in two steps: first do all the complex things you need to do in SQL, save the results as a question, then use that saved SQL question as the starting point for a new GUI question which summarizes that data.
+Pivot tables work for simple and custom questions with summarized data for all other [officially supported databases](../databases/connecting.md#officially-supported-databases). They don't work for questions that lack aggregate data, and they don't work for questions written in SQL, as Metabase would need to modify your SQL code in order to calculate subtotals. If you really need to use SQL, the workaround here is to create your question in two steps: first do all the complex things you need to do in SQL, save the results as a question, then use that saved SQL question as the starting point for a new GUI question which summarizes that data.
 In the settings for the Pivot Table visualization, you can assign fields to one of three "buckets":
@@ -328,4 +328,4 @@ Learn more about [visualizing data with maps](https://www.metabase.com/learn/bas
 ## Next: Sharing your questions
-Now let's learn about [saving, editing, and sharing your questions](06-sharing-answers.md).
\ No newline at end of file
+Now let's learn about [saving, editing, and sharing your questions](06-sharing-answers.md).
diff --git a/docs/users-guide/13-sql-parameters.md b/docs/users-guide/13-sql-parameters.md
index efb2597c53e1f27391e7b87af8dc0563f0807da7..bec19e45f159ab180c125b3774bcea7f0f787c68 100644
--- a/docs/users-guide/13-sql-parameters.md
+++ b/docs/users-guide/13-sql-parameters.md
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ When you set the **Variable type** to "Field Filter", Metabase will present an o
 If you're not seeing the option to display a filter widget, make sure the mapped field is set to one of the above types, and then try manually syncing your database from the "Databases" section of the Admin Panel to force Metabase to scan and cache the field's values.
-If you want to map a Field Filter to a field that isn't one of the compatible types listed above, you'll need an Admin to change the [field type for that column][column-types].
+If you want to map a Field Filter to a field that isn't one of the compatible types listed above, you'll need an Admin to change the field type for that column. See [metadata editing](../data-modeling/metadata-editing.md).
 ## Field Filter syntax
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ The kind of filter widget that Metabase displays when you create a Field Filter
 Date fields will either have a simple date filter (for Date variables) or a dynamic date picker (for Field Filters mapped to a date field).
-If you want to change the filter widget for a particular field, you'll need to ask an Admin to [update that field][filtering-on-this-field] in the data model and set the desired "Filtering on this field" option.
+If you want to change the filter widget for a particular field, you'll need to ask an Admin to update that field in [the data model](../data-modeling/metadata-editing.md) and set the desired "Filtering on this field" option.
 ### Filter widget with plain input box
@@ -278,10 +278,8 @@ More on [Dashboard filters][dashboard-filters].
 Learn how to [refer to a saved question in a SQL query](referencing-saved-questions-in-queries.md).
 [sql-editor]: ./writing-sql.html
-[column-types]: ../administration-guide/03-metadata-editing.html#field-type
 [dashboard-filters]: ../dashboards/filters.html
 [field-filter]: /learn/sql-questions/field-filters.html
-[filtering-on-this-field]: ../administration-guide/03-metadata-editing.html#picking-the-filter-user-interface-for-a-column
 [sql-variables]: /learn/sql-questions/sql-variables.html
 [troubleshooting-filters]: ../troubleshooting-guide/filters.html
 [troubleshooting-sql]: ../troubleshooting-guide/sql.html