diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/embedding/reproductions/20845-25031-locked-numeric-param.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/embedding/reproductions/20845-25031-locked-numeric-param.cy.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..530682bf81b922e9de14b0346fc093adb0028c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/embedding/reproductions/20845-25031-locked-numeric-param.cy.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import {
+  restore,
+  visitEmbeddedPage,
+  visitDashboard,
+  visitQuestion,
+} from "__support__/e2e/helpers";
+const dashboardFilter = {
+  name: "Equal to",
+  slug: "equal_to",
+  id: "c269ebe1",
+  type: "number/=",
+  sectionId: "number",
+const dashboardDetails = {
+  name: "25031",
+  parameters: [dashboardFilter],
+const defaultFilterValues = [undefined, "10"];
+defaultFilterValues.forEach(value => {
+  const conditionalPartOfTestTitle = value
+    ? "and the required filter with the default value"
+    : "";
+  describe("issues 20845, 25031", () => {
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      cy.intercept("PUT", "/api/card/*").as("publishChanges");
+      restore();
+      cy.signInAsAdmin();
+      const questionDetails = getQuestionDetails(value);
+      cy.createNativeQuestionAndDashboard({
+        questionDetails,
+        dashboardDetails,
+      }).then(({ body: { id, dashboard_id, card_id } }) => {
+        cy.wrap(card_id).as("questionId");
+        cy.wrap(dashboard_id).as("dashboardId");
+        visitQuestion(card_id);
+        // Connect dashbaord filter to the card
+        cy.request("PUT", `/api/dashboard/${dashboard_id}/cards`, {
+          cards: [
+            {
+              card_id,
+              id,
+              row: 0,
+              col: 0,
+              sizeX: 12,
+              sizeY: 10,
+              parameter_mappings: [
+                {
+                  parameter_id: dashboardFilter.id,
+                  card_id,
+                  target: ["variable", ["template-tag", "qty_locked"]],
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          ],
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    it(`QUESTION: locked parameter should work with numeric values ${conditionalPartOfTestTitle} (metabase#20845)`, () => {
+      cy.get("@questionId").then(questionId => {
+        cy.request("PUT", `/api/card/${questionId}`, {
+          enable_embedding: true,
+          embedding_params: {
+            qty_locked: "locked",
+          },
+        });
+        // This issue is not possible to reproduce using UI from this point on.
+        // We have to manually send the payload in order to make sure it works for both strings and integers.
+        ["string", "integer"].forEach(type => {
+          cy.log(
+            `Make sure it works with ${type.toUpperCase()} in the payload`,
+          );
+          visitEmbeddedPage({
+            resource: { question: questionId },
+            params: {
+              qty_locked: type === "string" ? "15" : 15, // IMPORTANT: integer
+            },
+          });
+        });
+        cy.findByTestId("column-header").should("contain", "COUNT(*)");
+        cy.findByTestId("cell-data").should("contain", "5");
+      });
+    });
+    it.skip(`DASHBOARD: locked parameter should work with numeric values ${conditionalPartOfTestTitle} (metabase#25031)`, () => {
+      cy.get("@dashboardId").then(dashboardId => {
+        visitDashboard(dashboardId);
+        cy.request("PUT", `/api/dashboard/${dashboardId}`, {
+          enable_embedding: true,
+          embedding_params: {
+            [dashboardFilter.slug]: "locked",
+          },
+        });
+        // This issue is not possible to reproduce using UI from this point on.
+        // We have to manually send the payload in order to make sure it works for both strings and integers.
+        ["string", "integer"].forEach(type => {
+          cy.log(
+            `Make sure it works with ${type.toUpperCase()} in the payload`,
+          );
+          const payload = {
+            resource: { dashboard: dashboardId },
+            params: {
+              [dashboardFilter.slug]: type === "string" ? "15" : 15, // IMPORTANT: integer
+            },
+          };
+          visitEmbeddedPage(payload);
+          // wait for the results to load
+          cy.contains(dashboardDetails.name);
+          cy.get(".CardVisualization")
+            .should("contain", "COUNT(*)")
+            .and("contain", "5");
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  });
+ * @param {string} defaultValue - The default value for the defined filter
+ * @returns object
+ */
+function getQuestionDetails(defaultValue = undefined) {
+  return {
+    name: "20845",
+    native: {
+      "template-tags": {
+        qty_locked: {
+          id: "6bd8d7be-bd5b-382c-cfa2-683461891663",
+          name: "qty_locked",
+          "display-name": "Qty locked",
+          type: "number",
+          required: defaultValue ? true : false,
+          default: defaultValue,
+        },
+      },
+      query:
+        "select count(*) from orders where true [[AND quantity={{qty_locked}}]]",
+    },
+  };
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/embedding/reproductions/20845-locked-numeric-param.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/embedding/reproductions/20845-locked-numeric-param.cy.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fa6aaf7246407880935b687a921e1af1349b1bfc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/embedding/reproductions/20845-locked-numeric-param.cy.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-import { restore, visitEmbeddedPage } from "__support__/e2e/helpers";
-const defaultFilterValues = [undefined, "10"];
-defaultFilterValues.forEach(value => {
-  const conditionalPartOfTestTitle = value
-    ? "and the required filter with the default value"
-    : "";
-  describe("issue 20845", () => {
-    beforeEach(() => {
-      cy.intercept("PUT", "/api/card/*").as("publishChanges");
-      restore();
-      cy.signInAsAdmin();
-      const questionDetails = getQuestionDetails(value);
-      cy.createNativeQuestion(questionDetails, {
-        visitQuestion: true,
-        wrapId: true,
-      });
-      cy.icon("share").click();
-      cy.findByText("Embed this question in an application").click();
-      cy.findByText("Disabled").click();
-      cy.findByText("Locked").click();
-      cy.findByText("Preview Locked Parameters")
-        .parent()
-        .within(() => {
-          cy.findByPlaceholderText("Qty locked").type("15{enter}");
-        });
-      cy.button("Publish").click();
-      cy.wait(["@publishChanges", "@publishChanges"]);
-      cy.signOut();
-    });
-    it(`locked parameter should work with numeric values ${conditionalPartOfTestTitle} (metabase#20845)`, () => {
-      // This issue is not possible to reproduce using UI from this point on.
-      // We have to manually send the payload in order to make sure it works for both strings and integers.
-      ["string", "integer"].forEach(type => {
-        cy.log(`Make sure it works with ${type.toUpperCase()} in the payload`);
-        cy.get("@questionId").then(questionId => {
-          visitEmbeddedPage({
-            resource: { question: questionId },
-            params: {
-              qty_locked: type === "string" ? "15" : 15, // IMPORTANT: integer
-            },
-          });
-        });
-        cy.findByTestId("column-header").should("contain", "COUNT(*)");
-        cy.findByTestId("cell-data").should("contain", "5");
-      });
-    });
-  });
- * @param {string} defaultValue - The default value for the defined filter
- * @returns object
- */
-function getQuestionDetails(defaultValue = undefined) {
-  return {
-    name: "20845",
-    native: {
-      "template-tags": {
-        qty_locked: {
-          id: "6bd8d7be-bd5b-382c-cfa2-683461891663",
-          name: "qty_locked",
-          "display-name": "Qty locked",
-          type: "number",
-          required: defaultValue ? true : false,
-          default: defaultValue,
-        },
-      },
-      query: "select count(*) from orders where quantity={{qty_locked}}",
-    },
-  };