diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/setup/setup.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/setup/setup.cy.spec.js
index 61b4489fb632aa99e8fa8d6a6548145a243eea66..fa938a3c359c07a46aa98019b20ee330d1ab89e0 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/setup/setup.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/setup/setup.cy.spec.js
@@ -1,143 +1,156 @@
 import path from "path";
 import { restore } from "__support__/cypress";
+// we're testing for one known (en) and one unknown (xx) locale
+const locales = ["en", "xx"];
 describe("scenarios > setup", () => {
-  before(() => restore("blank"));
-  it("should allow you to sign up", () => {
-    // intial redirection and welcome page
-    cy.visit("/");
-    cy.url().should("be", "/setup");
-    cy.findByText("Welcome to Metabase");
-    cy.findByText("Let's get started").click();
-    // ========
-    // Language
-    // ========
-    cy.findByText("What's your preferred language?");
-    cy.findByText("English").click();
-    cy.findByText("Next").click();
-    // ====
-    // User
-    // ====
-    // "Next" should be disabled on the blank form
-    // NOTE: unclear why cy.findByText("Next", { selector: "button" }) doesn't work
-    // alternative: cy.contains("Next").should("be.disabled");
-    cy.findByText("Next")
-      .closest("button")
-      .should("be.disabled");
-    cy.findByLabelText("First name").type("Testy");
-    cy.findByLabelText("Last name").type("McTestface");
-    cy.findByLabelText("Email").type("testy@metabase.com");
-    cy.findByLabelText("Your company or team name").type("Epic Team");
-    // test first with a weak password
-    cy.findByLabelText("Create a password").type("password");
-    cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password").type("password");
-    // the form shouldn't be valid yet and we should display an error
-    cy.findByText("must include one number", { exact: false });
-    cy.findByText("Next")
-      .closest("button")
-      .should("be.disabled");
-    // now try a strong password that doesn't match
-    const strongPassword = "QJbHYJN3tPW[";
-    cy.findByLabelText("Create a password")
-      .clear()
-      .type(strongPassword);
-    cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password")
-      .clear()
-      .type(strongPassword + "foobar")
-      .blur();
-    // tell the user about the mismatch after clicking "Next"
-    cy.findByText("Next")
-      .closest("button")
-      .should("be.disabled");
-    cy.findByText("passwords do not match", { exact: false });
-    // fix that mismatch
-    cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password")
-      .clear()
-      .type(strongPassword);
-    // Submit the first section
-    cy.findByText("Next").click();
-    // ========
-    // Database
-    // ========
-    // The database step should be open
-    cy.findByText("You’ll need some info about your database", {
-      exact: false,
+  locales.forEach(locale => {
+    beforeEach(() => restore("blank"));
+    it(`should allow you to sign up using "${locale}" browser locale`, () => {
+      // intial redirection and welcome page
+      cy.visit("/", {
+        // set the browser language as per:
+        // https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/cypress-tips-and-tricks/index.html#control-navigatorlanguage
+        onBeforeLoad(win) {
+          Object.defineProperty(win.navigator, "language", {
+            value: locale,
+          });
+        },
+      });
+      cy.url().should("be", "/setup");
+      cy.findByText("Welcome to Metabase");
+      cy.findByText("Let's get started").click();
+      // ========
+      // Language
+      // ========
+      cy.findByText("What's your preferred language?");
+      cy.findByText("English").click();
+      cy.findByText("Next").click();
+      // ====
+      // User
+      // ====
+      // "Next" should be disabled on the blank form
+      // NOTE: unclear why cy.findByText("Next", { selector: "button" }) doesn't work
+      // alternative: cy.contains("Next").should("be.disabled");
+      cy.findByText("Next")
+        .closest("button")
+        .should("be.disabled");
+      cy.findByLabelText("First name").type("Testy");
+      cy.findByLabelText("Last name").type("McTestface");
+      cy.findByLabelText("Email").type("testy@metabase.com");
+      cy.findByLabelText("Your company or team name").type("Epic Team");
+      // test first with a weak password
+      cy.findByLabelText("Create a password").type("password");
+      cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password").type("password");
+      // the form shouldn't be valid yet and we should display an error
+      cy.findByText("must include one number", { exact: false });
+      cy.findByText("Next")
+        .closest("button")
+        .should("be.disabled");
+      // now try a strong password that doesn't match
+      const strongPassword = "QJbHYJN3tPW[";
+      cy.findByLabelText("Create a password")
+        .clear()
+        .type(strongPassword);
+      cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password")
+        .clear()
+        .type(strongPassword + "foobar")
+        .blur();
+      // tell the user about the mismatch after clicking "Next"
+      cy.findByText("Next")
+        .closest("button")
+        .should("be.disabled");
+      cy.findByText("passwords do not match", { exact: false });
+      // fix that mismatch
+      cy.findByLabelText("Confirm your password")
+        .clear()
+        .type(strongPassword);
+      // Submit the first section
+      cy.findByText("Next").click();
+      // ========
+      // Database
+      // ========
+      // The database step should be open
+      cy.findByText("You’ll need some info about your database", {
+        exact: false,
+      });
+      // test that you can return to user settings if you want
+      cy.findByText("Hi, Testy. Nice to meet you!").click();
+      cy.findByLabelText("Email").should("have.value", "testy@metabase.com");
+      // now back to database setting
+      cy.findByText("Next").click();
+      // add h2 database
+      cy.findByText("Select a database").click();
+      cy.findByText("H2").click();
+      cy.findByLabelText("Name").type("Metabase H2");
+      cy.findByText("Next")
+        .closest("button")
+        .should("be.disabled");
+      const dbPath = path.resolve(
+        Cypress.config("fileServerFolder"),
+        "frontend/test/__runner__/empty.db",
+      );
+      cy.findByLabelText("Connection String").type(`file:${dbPath}`);
+      cy.findByText("Next")
+        .closest("button")
+        .should("not.be.disabled")
+        .click();
+      // return to db settings and turn on manual scheduling
+      cy.findByText("Connecting to Metabase H2").click();
+      cy.findByLabelText(
+        "This is a large database, so let me choose when Metabase syncs and scans",
+      ).click();
+      cy.findByText("Next").click();
+      // now, we should see the sync scheduling form
+      cy.findByText("Scanning for Filter Values");
+      cy.findByText("Never, I'll do this manually if I need to").click();
+      cy.findByText("Next").click();
+      // ================
+      // Data Preferences
+      // ================
+      // collection defaults to on and describes data collection
+      cy.findByText("All collection is completely anonymous.");
+      // turn collection off, which hides data collection description
+      cy.findByLabelText(
+        "Allow Metabase to anonymously collect usage events",
+      ).click();
+      cy.findByText("All collection is completely anonymous.").should(
+        "not.exist",
+      );
+      cy.findByText("Next").click();
+      // ==================
+      // Finish & Subscribe
+      // ==================
+      cy.findByText("You're all set up!");
+      cy.findByText(
+        "Get infrequent emails about new releases and feature updates.",
+      );
+      cy.findByText("Take me to Metabase").click();
+      cy.url().should("be", "/");
-    // test that you can return to user settings if you want
-    cy.findByText("Hi, Testy. Nice to meet you!").click();
-    cy.findByLabelText("Email").should("have.value", "testy@metabase.com");
-    // now back to database setting
-    cy.findByText("Next").click();
-    // add h2 database
-    cy.findByText("Select a database").click();
-    cy.findByText("H2").click();
-    cy.findByLabelText("Name").type("Metabase H2");
-    cy.findByText("Next")
-      .closest("button")
-      .should("be.disabled");
-    const dbPath = path.resolve(
-      Cypress.config("fileServerFolder"),
-      "frontend/test/__runner__/empty.db",
-    );
-    cy.findByLabelText("Connection String").type(`file:${dbPath}`);
-    cy.findByText("Next")
-      .closest("button")
-      .should("not.be.disabled")
-      .click();
-    // return to db settings and turn on manual scheduling
-    cy.findByText("Connecting to Metabase H2").click();
-    cy.findByLabelText(
-      "This is a large database, so let me choose when Metabase syncs and scans",
-    ).click();
-    cy.findByText("Next").click();
-    // now, we should see the sync scheduling form
-    cy.findByText("Scanning for Filter Values");
-    cy.findByText("Never, I'll do this manually if I need to").click();
-    cy.findByText("Next").click();
-    // ================
-    // Data Preferences
-    // ================
-    // collection defaults to on and describes data collection
-    cy.findByText("All collection is completely anonymous.");
-    // turn collection off, which hides data collection description
-    cy.findByLabelText(
-      "Allow Metabase to anonymously collect usage events",
-    ).click();
-    cy.findByText("All collection is completely anonymous.").should(
-      "not.exist",
-    );
-    cy.findByText("Next").click();
-    // ==================
-    // Finish & Subscribe
-    // ==================
-    cy.findByText("You're all set up!");
-    cy.findByText(
-      "Get infrequent emails about new releases and feature updates.",
-    );
-    cy.findByText("Take me to Metabase").click();
-    cy.url().should("be", "/");