diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/Question.e2e.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/Question.e2e.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 949f5ab238908a9b63031984cd8a31930396ee44..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/Question.e2e.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  metadata,
-} from "__support__/sample_dataset_fixture";
-import Question from "metabase-lib/lib/Question";
-import { useSharedAdminLogin } from "__support__/e2e";
-import { NATIVE_QUERY_TEMPLATE } from "metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery";
-// TODO Atte Keinänen 6/22/17: This could include tests that run each "question drill action" (summarize etc)
-// and check that the result is correct
-describe("Question", () => {
-  beforeAll(async () => {
-    useSharedAdminLogin();
-  });
-  describe("with SQL questions", () => {
-    it("should return correct result with a static template tag parameter", async () => {
-      const templateTagName = "orderid";
-      const templateTagId = "f1cb12ed3-8727-41b6-bbb4-b7ba31884c30";
-      const question = Question.create({
-        databaseId: SAMPLE_DATASET.id,
-        tableId: ORDERS.id,
-        metadata,
-      }).setDatasetQuery({
-        database: SAMPLE_DATASET.id,
-        native: {
-          query: `SELECT SUBTOTAL FROM ORDERS WHERE id = {{${templateTagName}}}`,
-          "template-tags": {
-            [templateTagName]: {
-              id: templateTagId,
-              name: templateTagName,
-              display_name: "Order ID",
-              type: "number",
-            },
-          },
-        },
-      });
-      // Without a template tag the query should fail
-      const results1 = await question.apiGetResults({ ignoreCache: true });
-      expect(results1[0].status).toBe("failed");
-      question._parameterValues = { [templateTagId]: "5" };
-      const results2 = await question.apiGetResults({ ignoreCache: true });
-      expect(results2[0]).toBeDefined();
-      expect(results2[0].data.rows[0][0]).toEqual(127.88197029833711);
-    });
-    it("should return correct result with an optional template tag clause", async () => {
-      const templateTagName = "orderid";
-      const templateTagId = "f1cb12ed3-8727-41b6-bbb4-b7ba31884c30";
-      const question = Question.create({
-        databaseId: SAMPLE_DATASET.id,
-        tableId: ORDERS.id,
-        metadata,
-      }).setDatasetQuery({
-        database: SAMPLE_DATASET.id,
-        native: {
-          query: `SELECT SUBTOTAL FROM ORDERS [[WHERE id = {{${templateTagName}}}]]`,
-          "template-tags": {
-            [templateTagName]: {
-              id: templateTagId,
-              name: templateTagName,
-              display_name: "Order ID",
-              type: "number",
-            },
-          },
-        },
-      });
-      const results1 = await question.apiGetResults({ ignoreCache: true });
-      expect(results1[0]).toBeDefined();
-      expect(results1[0].data.rows.length).toEqual(2000);
-      question._parameterValues = { [templateTagId]: "5" };
-      const results2 = await question.apiGetResults({ ignoreCache: true });
-      expect(results2[0]).toBeDefined();
-      expect(results2[0].data.rows[0][0]).toEqual(127.88197029833711);
-    });
-  });