diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/internal/pages/StaticVizPage.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/internal/pages/StaticVizPage.jsx
index 8c986c56c0047040d0abb05d9661a06578765830..1dc03e51fa1fafed3e87f169c3f5a2a40dd640db 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/internal/pages/StaticVizPage.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/internal/pages/StaticVizPage.jsx
@@ -17,181 +17,7 @@ export default function StaticVizPage() {
           /static-viz/ and see the effects. You might need to hard refresh to
           see updates.
-        <Box py={3}>
-          <Subhead>Line chart with timeseries data</Subhead>
-          <StaticChart
-            type="timeseries/line"
-            options={{
-              data: [
-                ["2020-01-10", 10],
-                ["2020-06-10", 60],
-                ["2020-12-10", 80],
-              ],
-              accessors: {
-                x: row => new Date(row[0]).valueOf(),
-                y: row => row[1],
-              },
-              labels: {
-                left: "Count",
-                bottom: "Created At",
-              },
-            }}
-          />
-        </Box>
-        <Box py={3}>
-          <Subhead>Area chart with timeseries data</Subhead>
-          <StaticChart
-            type="timeseries/area"
-            options={{
-              data: [
-                ["2020-01-10", 10],
-                ["2020-06-10", 60],
-                ["2020-12-10", 80],
-              ],
-              accessors: {
-                x: row => new Date(row[0]).valueOf(),
-                y: row => row[1],
-              },
-              settings: {
-                x: {
-                  date_style: "MMM",
-                },
-              },
-              labels: {
-                left: "Count",
-                bottom: "Created At",
-              },
-              colors: {
-                brand: "#88BF4D",
-              },
-            }}
-          />
-        </Box>
-        <Box py={3}>
-          <Subhead>Bar chart with timeseries data</Subhead>
-          <StaticChart
-            type="timeseries/bar"
-            options={{
-              data: [
-                ["2020-10-21", 20],
-                ["2020-10-22", 30],
-                ["2020-10-23", 25],
-                ["2020-10-24", 10],
-                ["2020-10-25", 15],
-              ],
-              accessors: {
-                x: row => new Date(row[0]).valueOf(),
-                y: row => row[1],
-              },
-              settings: {
-                x: {
-                  date_style: "MM/DD/YYYY",
-                },
-                y: {
-                  number_style: "currency",
-                  currency: "USD",
-                  currency_style: "symbol",
-                  decimals: 0,
-                },
-              },
-              labels: {
-                left: "Price",
-                bottom: "Created At",
-              },
-            }}
-          />
-        </Box>
-        <Box py={3}>
-          <Subhead>Line chart with categorical data</Subhead>
-          <StaticChart
-            type="categorical/line"
-            options={{
-              data: [
-                ["Alden Sparks", 70],
-                ["Areli Guerra", 30],
-                ["Arturo Hopkins", 80],
-                ["Beatrice Lane", 120],
-                ["Brylee Davenport", 100],
-                ["Cali Nixon", 60],
-                ["Dane Terrell", 150],
-                ["Deshawn Rollins", 40],
-                ["Isabell Bright", 70],
-                ["Kaya Rowe", 20],
-                ["Roderick Herman", 50],
-                ["Ruth Dougherty", 75],
-              ],
-              accessors: {
-                x: row => row[0],
-                y: row => row[1],
-              },
-              labels: {
-                left: "Tasks",
-                bottom: "People",
-              },
-            }}
-          />
-        </Box>
-        <Box py={3}>
-          <Subhead>Area chart with categorical data</Subhead>
-          <StaticChart
-            type="categorical/area"
-            options={{
-              data: [
-                ["Alden Sparks", 70],
-                ["Areli Guerra", 30],
-                ["Arturo Hopkins", 80],
-                ["Beatrice Lane", 120],
-                ["Brylee Davenport", 100],
-                ["Cali Nixon", 60],
-                ["Dane Terrell", 150],
-                ["Deshawn Rollins", 40],
-                ["Isabell Bright", 70],
-                ["Kaya Rowe", 20],
-                ["Roderick Herman", 50],
-                ["Ruth Dougherty", 75],
-              ],
-              accessors: {
-                x: row => row[0],
-                y: row => row[1],
-              },
-              labels: {
-                left: "Tasks",
-                bottom: "People",
-              },
-            }}
-          />
-        </Box>
-        <Box py={3}>
-          <Subhead>Bar chart with categorical data</Subhead>
-          <StaticChart
-            type="categorical/bar"
-            options={{
-              data: [
-                ["Alden Sparks", 70],
-                ["Areli Guerra", 30],
-                ["Arturo Hopkins", 80],
-                ["Beatrice Lane", 120],
-                ["Brylee Davenport", 100],
-                ["Cali Nixon", 60],
-                ["Dane Terrell", 150],
-                ["Deshawn Rollins", 40],
-                ["Isabell Bright", 70],
-                ["Kaya Rowe", 20],
-                ["Roderick Herman", 50],
-                ["Ruth Dougherty", 75],
-              ],
-              accessors: {
-                x: row => row[0],
-                y: row => row[1],
-              },
-              labels: {
-                left: "Tasks",
-                bottom: "People",
-              },
-            }}
-          />
-        </Box>
         <Box py={3}>
           <Subhead>Donut chart with categorical data</Subhead>
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalAreaChart/CategoricalAreaChart.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalAreaChart/CategoricalAreaChart.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index d5df42bd7b48a765b6c895ba861d1c20a7616729..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalAreaChart/CategoricalAreaChart.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import PropTypes from "prop-types";
-import { AxisBottom, AxisLeft } from "@visx/axis";
-import { GridRows } from "@visx/grid";
-import { scaleBand, scaleLinear } from "@visx/scale";
-import { AreaClosed, LinePath } from "@visx/shape";
-import { Text } from "@visx/text";
-import {
-  getXTickWidth,
-  getXTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickWidth,
-  getRotatedXTickHeight,
-  getLabelProps,
-} from "../../lib/axes";
-import { formatNumber } from "../../lib/numbers";
-import { truncateText } from "../../lib/text";
-const propTypes = {
-  data: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
-  accessors: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    y: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-  }).isRequired,
-  settings: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.object,
-    y: PropTypes.object,
-    colors: PropTypes.object,
-  }),
-  labels: PropTypes.shape({
-    left: PropTypes.string,
-    bottom: PropTypes.string,
-  }),
-const layout = {
-  width: 540,
-  height: 300,
-  margin: {
-    top: 0,
-    left: 55,
-    right: 40,
-    bottom: 40,
-  },
-  font: {
-    size: 11,
-    family: "Lato, sans-serif",
-  },
-  colors: {
-    brand: "#509ee3",
-    textLight: "#b8bbc3",
-    textMedium: "#949aab",
-  },
-  barPadding: 0.2,
-  labelFontWeight: 700,
-  labelPadding: 12,
-  maxTickWidth: 100,
-  areaOpacity: 0.2,
-  strokeDasharray: "4",
-const CategoricalAreaChart = ({ data, accessors, settings, labels }) => {
-  const colors = settings?.colors;
-  const isVertical = data.length > 10;
-  const xTickWidth = getXTickWidth(
-    data,
-    accessors,
-    layout.maxTickWidth,
-    layout.font.size,
-  );
-  const xTickHeight = getRotatedXTickHeight(xTickWidth);
-  const yTickWidth = getYTickWidth(data, accessors, settings, layout.font.size);
-  const xLabelOffset = xTickHeight + layout.labelPadding + layout.font.size;
-  const yLabelOffset = yTickWidth + layout.labelPadding;
-  const xMin = yLabelOffset + layout.font.size * 1.5;
-  const xMax = layout.width - layout.margin.right;
-  const yMin = isVertical ? xLabelOffset : layout.margin.bottom;
-  const yMax = layout.height - yMin;
-  const innerWidth = xMax - xMin;
-  const textBaseline = Math.floor(layout.font.size / 2);
-  const leftLabel = labels?.left;
-  const bottomLabel = !isVertical ? labels?.bottom : undefined;
-  const palette = { ...layout.colors, ...colors };
-  const xScale = scaleBand({
-    domain: data.map(accessors.x),
-    range: [xMin, xMax],
-    round: true,
-    padding: layout.barPadding,
-  });
-  const yScale = scaleLinear({
-    domain: [0, Math.max(...data.map(accessors.y))],
-    range: [yMax, 0],
-    nice: true,
-  });
-  const getXTickProps = ({ x, y, formattedValue, ...props }) => {
-    const textWidth = isVertical ? xTickWidth : xScale.bandwidth();
-    const truncatedText = truncateText(
-      formattedValue,
-      textWidth,
-      layout.font.size,
-    );
-    const transform = isVertical
-      ? `rotate(45, ${x} ${y}) translate(-${textBaseline} 0)`
-      : undefined;
-    return { ...props, x, y, transform, children: truncatedText };
-  };
-  return (
-    <svg width={layout.width} height={layout.height}>
-      <GridRows
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        width={innerWidth}
-        strokeDasharray={layout.strokeDasharray}
-      />
-      <AreaClosed
-        data={data}
-        yScale={yScale}
-        fill={palette.brand}
-        opacity={layout.areaOpacity}
-        x={d => xScale(accessors.x(d)) + xScale.bandwidth() / 2}
-        y={d => yScale(accessors.y(d))}
-      />
-      <AxisLeft
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        label={leftLabel}
-        labelOffset={yLabelOffset}
-        hideTicks
-        hideAxisLine
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatNumber(value, settings?.y)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getYTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-      <LinePath
-        data={data}
-        stroke={palette.brand}
-        strokeWidth={layout.strokeWidth}
-        x={d => xScale(accessors.x(d)) + xScale.bandwidth() / 2}
-        y={d => yScale(accessors.y(d))}
-      />
-      <AxisBottom
-        scale={xScale}
-        top={yMax}
-        label={bottomLabel}
-        numTicks={data.length}
-        stroke={palette.textLight}
-        tickStroke={palette.textLight}
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickComponent={props => <Text {...getXTickProps(props)} />}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getXTickLabelProps(layout, isVertical)}
-      />
-    </svg>
-  );
-CategoricalAreaChart.propTypes = propTypes;
-export default CategoricalAreaChart;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalAreaChart/index.js b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalAreaChart/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f57673cb6a5794ded8347e5090413b7be93e9905..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalAreaChart/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from "./CategoricalAreaChart";
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalBarChart/CategoricalBarChart.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalBarChart/CategoricalBarChart.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index bcd586c60dff2c911d153283aa494d427fd2306a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalBarChart/CategoricalBarChart.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import PropTypes from "prop-types";
-import { AxisBottom, AxisLeft } from "@visx/axis";
-import { GridRows } from "@visx/grid";
-import { scaleBand, scaleLinear } from "@visx/scale";
-import { Bar } from "@visx/shape";
-import { Text } from "@visx/text";
-import {
-  getXTickWidth,
-  getXTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickWidth,
-  getRotatedXTickHeight,
-  getLabelProps,
-} from "../../lib/axes";
-import { formatNumber } from "../../lib/numbers";
-import { truncateText } from "../../lib/text";
-const propTypes = {
-  data: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
-  accessors: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    y: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-  }).isRequired,
-  settings: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.object,
-    y: PropTypes.object,
-    colors: PropTypes.object,
-  }),
-  labels: PropTypes.shape({
-    left: PropTypes.string,
-    bottom: PropTypes.string,
-  }),
-const layout = {
-  width: 540,
-  height: 300,
-  margin: {
-    top: 0,
-    left: 55,
-    right: 40,
-    bottom: 40,
-  },
-  font: {
-    size: 11,
-    family: "Lato, sans-serif",
-  },
-  colors: {
-    brand: "#509ee3",
-    textLight: "#b8bbc3",
-    textMedium: "#949aab",
-  },
-  barPadding: 0.2,
-  labelFontWeight: 700,
-  labelPadding: 12,
-  maxTickWidth: 100,
-  strokeDasharray: "4",
-const CategoricalBarChart = ({ data, accessors, settings, labels }) => {
-  const colors = settings?.colors;
-  const isVertical = data.length > 10;
-  const xTickWidth = getXTickWidth(
-    data,
-    accessors,
-    layout.maxTickWidth,
-    layout.font.size,
-  );
-  const xTickHeight = getRotatedXTickHeight(xTickWidth);
-  const yTickWidth = getYTickWidth(data, accessors, settings, layout.font.size);
-  const xLabelOffset = xTickHeight + layout.labelPadding + layout.font.size;
-  const yLabelOffset = yTickWidth + layout.labelPadding;
-  const xMin = yLabelOffset + layout.font.size * 1.5;
-  const xMax = layout.width - layout.margin.right;
-  const yMin = isVertical ? xLabelOffset : layout.margin.bottom;
-  const yMax = layout.height - yMin;
-  const innerWidth = xMax - xMin;
-  const innerHeight = yMax - layout.margin.top;
-  const textBaseline = Math.floor(layout.font.size / 2);
-  const leftLabel = labels?.left;
-  const bottomLabel = !isVertical ? labels?.bottom : undefined;
-  const palette = { ...layout.colors, ...colors };
-  const xScale = scaleBand({
-    domain: data.map(accessors.x),
-    range: [xMin, xMax],
-    round: true,
-    padding: layout.barPadding,
-  });
-  const yScale = scaleLinear({
-    domain: [0, Math.max(...data.map(accessors.y))],
-    range: [yMax, 0],
-    nice: true,
-  });
-  const getBarProps = d => {
-    const width = xScale.bandwidth();
-    const height = innerHeight - yScale(accessors.y(d));
-    const x = xScale(accessors.x(d));
-    const y = yMax - height;
-    return { x, y, width, height, fill: palette.brand };
-  };
-  const getXTickProps = ({ x, y, formattedValue, ...props }) => {
-    const textWidth = isVertical ? xTickWidth : xScale.bandwidth();
-    const truncatedText = truncateText(
-      formattedValue,
-      textWidth,
-      layout.font.size,
-    );
-    const transform = isVertical
-      ? `rotate(45, ${x} ${y}) translate(-${textBaseline} 0)`
-      : undefined;
-    return { ...props, x, y, transform, children: truncatedText };
-  };
-  return (
-    <svg width={layout.width} height={layout.height}>
-      <GridRows
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        width={innerWidth}
-        strokeDasharray={layout.strokeDasharray}
-      />
-      {data.map((d, index) => (
-        <Bar key={index} {...getBarProps(d)} />
-      ))}
-      <AxisLeft
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        label={leftLabel}
-        labelOffset={yLabelOffset}
-        hideTicks
-        hideAxisLine
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatNumber(value, settings?.y)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getYTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-      <AxisBottom
-        scale={xScale}
-        top={yMax}
-        label={bottomLabel}
-        numTicks={data.length}
-        stroke={palette.textLight}
-        tickStroke={palette.textLight}
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickComponent={props => <Text {...getXTickProps(props)} />}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getXTickLabelProps(layout, isVertical)}
-      />
-    </svg>
-  );
-CategoricalBarChart.propTypes = propTypes;
-export default CategoricalBarChart;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalBarChart/index.js b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalBarChart/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a0f3cb5bcf04aa23becf9afa26ea01741fbf4b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalBarChart/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from "./CategoricalBarChart";
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalLineChart/CategoricalLineChart.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalLineChart/CategoricalLineChart.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index feff35025dd3bd79d1b193f9c31d3f6f4ed5a534..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalLineChart/CategoricalLineChart.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import PropTypes from "prop-types";
-import { AxisBottom, AxisLeft } from "@visx/axis";
-import { GridRows } from "@visx/grid";
-import { scaleBand, scaleLinear } from "@visx/scale";
-import { LinePath } from "@visx/shape";
-import { Text } from "@visx/text";
-import {
-  getXTickWidth,
-  getXTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickWidth,
-  getRotatedXTickHeight,
-  getLabelProps,
-} from "../../lib/axes";
-import { formatNumber } from "../../lib/numbers";
-import { truncateText } from "../../lib/text";
-const propTypes = {
-  data: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
-  accessors: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    y: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-  }).isRequired,
-  settings: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.object,
-    y: PropTypes.object,
-    colors: PropTypes.object,
-  }),
-  labels: PropTypes.shape({
-    left: PropTypes.string,
-    bottom: PropTypes.string,
-  }),
-const layout = {
-  width: 540,
-  height: 300,
-  margin: {
-    top: 0,
-    left: 55,
-    right: 40,
-    bottom: 40,
-  },
-  font: {
-    size: 11,
-    family: "Lato, sans-serif",
-  },
-  colors: {
-    brand: "#509ee3",
-    textLight: "#b8bbc3",
-    textMedium: "#949aab",
-  },
-  barPadding: 0.2,
-  labelFontWeight: 700,
-  labelPadding: 12,
-  maxTickWidth: 100,
-  strokeDasharray: "4",
-const CategoricalLineChart = ({ data, accessors, settings, labels }) => {
-  const colors = settings?.colors;
-  const isVertical = data.length > 10;
-  const xTickWidth = getXTickWidth(
-    data,
-    accessors,
-    layout.maxTickWidth,
-    layout.font.size,
-  );
-  const xTickHeight = getRotatedXTickHeight(xTickWidth);
-  const yTickWidth = getYTickWidth(data, accessors, settings, layout.font.size);
-  const xLabelOffset = xTickHeight + layout.labelPadding + layout.font.size;
-  const yLabelOffset = yTickWidth + layout.labelPadding;
-  const xMin = yLabelOffset + layout.font.size * 1.5;
-  const xMax = layout.width - layout.margin.right;
-  const yMin = isVertical ? xLabelOffset : layout.margin.bottom;
-  const yMax = layout.height - yMin;
-  const innerWidth = xMax - xMin;
-  const textBaseline = Math.floor(layout.font.size / 2);
-  const leftLabel = labels?.left;
-  const bottomLabel = !isVertical ? labels?.bottom : undefined;
-  const palette = { ...layout.colors, ...colors };
-  const xScale = scaleBand({
-    domain: data.map(accessors.x),
-    range: [xMin, xMax],
-    round: true,
-    padding: layout.barPadding,
-  });
-  const yScale = scaleLinear({
-    domain: [0, Math.max(...data.map(accessors.y))],
-    range: [yMax, 0],
-    nice: true,
-  });
-  const getXTickProps = ({ x, y, formattedValue, ...props }) => {
-    const textWidth = isVertical ? xTickWidth : xScale.bandwidth();
-    const truncatedText = truncateText(
-      formattedValue,
-      textWidth,
-      layout.font.size,
-    );
-    const transform = isVertical
-      ? `rotate(45, ${x} ${y}) translate(-${textBaseline} 0)`
-      : undefined;
-    return { ...props, x, y, transform, children: truncatedText };
-  };
-  return (
-    <svg width={layout.width} height={layout.height}>
-      <GridRows
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        width={innerWidth}
-        strokeDasharray={layout.strokeDasharray}
-      />
-      <LinePath
-        data={data}
-        stroke={palette.brand}
-        strokeWidth={layout.strokeWidth}
-        x={d => xScale(accessors.x(d)) + xScale.bandwidth() / 2}
-        y={d => yScale(accessors.y(d))}
-      />
-      <AxisLeft
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        label={leftLabel}
-        labelOffset={yLabelOffset}
-        hideTicks
-        hideAxisLine
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatNumber(value, settings?.y)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getYTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-      <AxisBottom
-        scale={xScale}
-        top={yMax}
-        label={bottomLabel}
-        numTicks={data.length}
-        stroke={palette.textLight}
-        tickStroke={palette.textLight}
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickComponent={props => <Text {...getXTickProps(props)} />}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getXTickLabelProps(layout, isVertical)}
-      />
-    </svg>
-  );
-CategoricalLineChart.propTypes = propTypes;
-export default CategoricalLineChart;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalLineChart/index.js b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalLineChart/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ab45b493ba70c1456a68f583d756115b8d988b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/CategoricalLineChart/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from "./CategoricalLineChart";
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesAreaChart/TimeSeriesAreaChart.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesAreaChart/TimeSeriesAreaChart.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index dab4072cf1cb0a61f085dcbd74255eb38c0c4184..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesAreaChart/TimeSeriesAreaChart.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import PropTypes from "prop-types";
-import { scaleLinear, scaleTime } from "@visx/scale";
-import { GridRows } from "@visx/grid";
-import { AxisBottom, AxisLeft } from "@visx/axis";
-import { AreaClosed, LinePath } from "@visx/shape";
-import {
-  getLabelProps,
-  getXTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickWidth,
-} from "../../lib/axes";
-import { formatDate } from "../../lib/dates";
-import { formatNumber } from "../../lib/numbers";
-import { sortTimeSeries } from "../../lib/sort";
-const propTypes = {
-  data: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
-  accessors: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.func,
-    y: PropTypes.func,
-  }).isRequired,
-  settings: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.object,
-    y: PropTypes.object,
-    colors: PropTypes.object,
-  }),
-  labels: PropTypes.shape({
-    left: PropTypes.string,
-    bottom: PropTypes.string,
-  }),
-const layout = {
-  width: 540,
-  height: 300,
-  margin: {
-    top: 0,
-    left: 55,
-    right: 40,
-    bottom: 40,
-  },
-  font: {
-    size: 11,
-    family: "Lato, sans-serif",
-  },
-  colors: {
-    brand: "#509ee3",
-    brandLight: "#DDECFA",
-    textLight: "#b8bbc3",
-    textMedium: "#949aab",
-  },
-  numTicks: 5,
-  strokeWidth: 2,
-  labelFontWeight: 700,
-  labelPadding: 12,
-  areaOpacity: 0.2,
-  strokeDasharray: "4",
-const TimeSeriesAreaChart = ({ data, accessors, settings, labels }) => {
-  data = sortTimeSeries(data);
-  const colors = settings?.colors;
-  const yTickWidth = getYTickWidth(data, accessors, settings, layout.font.size);
-  const yLabelOffset = yTickWidth + layout.labelPadding;
-  const xMin = yLabelOffset + layout.font.size * 1.5;
-  const xMax = layout.width - layout.margin.right;
-  const yMax = layout.height - layout.margin.bottom;
-  const innerWidth = xMax - xMin;
-  const leftLabel = labels?.left;
-  const bottomLabel = labels?.bottom;
-  const palette = { ...layout.colors, ...colors };
-  const xScale = scaleTime({
-    domain: [
-      Math.min(...data.map(accessors.x)),
-      Math.max(...data.map(accessors.x)),
-    ],
-    range: [xMin, xMax],
-  });
-  const yScale = scaleLinear({
-    domain: [0, Math.max(...data.map(accessors.y))],
-    range: [yMax, 0],
-    nice: true,
-  });
-  return (
-    <svg width={layout.width} height={layout.height}>
-      <GridRows
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        width={innerWidth}
-        strokeDasharray={layout.strokeDasharray}
-      />
-      <AreaClosed
-        data={data}
-        yScale={yScale}
-        fill={palette.brand}
-        opacity={layout.areaOpacity}
-        x={d => xScale(accessors.x(d))}
-        y={d => yScale(accessors.y(d))}
-      />
-      <LinePath
-        data={data}
-        stroke={palette.brand}
-        strokeWidth={layout.strokeWidth}
-        x={d => xScale(accessors.x(d))}
-        y={d => yScale(accessors.y(d))}
-      />
-      <AxisLeft
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        label={leftLabel}
-        labelOffset={yLabelOffset}
-        hideTicks
-        hideAxisLine
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatNumber(value, settings?.y)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getYTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-      <AxisBottom
-        scale={xScale}
-        top={yMax}
-        label={bottomLabel}
-        numTicks={layout.numTicks}
-        stroke={palette.textLight}
-        tickStroke={palette.textLight}
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatDate(value, settings?.x)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getXTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-    </svg>
-  );
-TimeSeriesAreaChart.propTypes = propTypes;
-export default TimeSeriesAreaChart;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesAreaChart/index.js b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesAreaChart/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b1d21fca2e79a02f01faa17c661e4c35057c23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesAreaChart/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from "./TimeSeriesAreaChart";
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesBarChart/TimeSeriesBarChart.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesBarChart/TimeSeriesBarChart.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef188346ab458db0908dc227e84de5c33b43caf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesBarChart/TimeSeriesBarChart.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import PropTypes from "prop-types";
-import { AxisBottom, AxisLeft } from "@visx/axis";
-import { GridRows } from "@visx/grid";
-import { scaleBand, scaleLinear } from "@visx/scale";
-import { Bar } from "@visx/shape";
-import {
-  getLabelProps,
-  getXTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickWidth,
-} from "../../lib/axes";
-import { formatDate } from "../../lib/dates";
-import { formatNumber } from "../../lib/numbers";
-import { sortTimeSeries } from "../../lib/sort";
-const propTypes = {
-  data: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
-  accessors: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    y: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-  }).isRequired,
-  settings: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.object,
-    y: PropTypes.object,
-    colors: PropTypes.object,
-  }),
-  labels: PropTypes.shape({
-    left: PropTypes.string,
-    bottom: PropTypes.string,
-  }),
-const layout = {
-  width: 540,
-  height: 300,
-  margin: {
-    top: 0,
-    left: 55,
-    right: 40,
-    bottom: 40,
-  },
-  font: {
-    size: 11,
-    family: "Lato, sans-serif",
-  },
-  colors: {
-    brand: "#509ee3",
-    textLight: "#b8bbc3",
-    textMedium: "#949aab",
-  },
-  numTicks: 5,
-  barPadding: 0.2,
-  labelFontWeight: 700,
-  labelPadding: 12,
-  strokeDasharray: "4",
-const TimeSeriesBarChart = ({ data, accessors, settings, labels }) => {
-  data = sortTimeSeries(data);
-  const colors = settings?.colors;
-  const yTickWidth = getYTickWidth(data, accessors, settings, layout.font.size);
-  const yLabelOffset = yTickWidth + layout.labelPadding;
-  const xMin = yLabelOffset + layout.font.size * 1.5;
-  const xMax = layout.width - layout.margin.right;
-  const yMax = layout.height - layout.margin.bottom;
-  const innerWidth = xMax - xMin;
-  const innerHeight = yMax - layout.margin.top;
-  const leftLabel = labels?.left;
-  const bottomLabel = labels?.bottom;
-  const palette = { ...layout.colors, ...colors };
-  const xScale = scaleBand({
-    domain: data.map(accessors.x),
-    range: [xMin, xMax],
-    round: true,
-    padding: layout.barPadding,
-  });
-  const yScale = scaleLinear({
-    domain: [0, Math.max(...data.map(accessors.y))],
-    range: [yMax, 0],
-    nice: true,
-  });
-  const getBarProps = d => {
-    const width = xScale.bandwidth();
-    const height = innerHeight - yScale(accessors.y(d));
-    const x = xScale(accessors.x(d));
-    const y = yMax - height;
-    return { x, y, width, height, fill: palette.brand };
-  };
-  return (
-    <svg width={layout.width} height={layout.height}>
-      <GridRows
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        width={innerWidth}
-        strokeDasharray={layout.strokeDasharray}
-      />
-      {data.map((d, index) => (
-        <Bar key={index} {...getBarProps(d)} />
-      ))}
-      <AxisLeft
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        label={leftLabel}
-        labelOffset={yLabelOffset}
-        hideTicks
-        hideAxisLine
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatNumber(value, settings?.y)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getYTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-      <AxisBottom
-        scale={xScale}
-        top={yMax}
-        label={bottomLabel}
-        numTicks={layout.numTicks}
-        stroke={palette.textLight}
-        tickStroke={palette.textLight}
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatDate(value, settings?.x)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getXTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-    </svg>
-  );
-TimeSeriesBarChart.propTypes = propTypes;
-export default TimeSeriesBarChart;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesBarChart/index.js b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesBarChart/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b105a05e679569c5abadb5b391442481800caca6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesBarChart/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from "./TimeSeriesBarChart";
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesLineChart/TimeSeriesLineChart.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesLineChart/TimeSeriesLineChart.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3dfdc50afe246ec8bb872a2dec766d001a2316..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesLineChart/TimeSeriesLineChart.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import PropTypes from "prop-types";
-import { scaleLinear, scaleTime } from "@visx/scale";
-import { GridRows } from "@visx/grid";
-import { AxisBottom, AxisLeft } from "@visx/axis";
-import { LinePath } from "@visx/shape";
-import {
-  getXTickLabelProps,
-  getYTickWidth,
-  getYTickLabelProps,
-  getLabelProps,
-} from "../../lib/axes";
-import { formatDate } from "../../lib/dates";
-import { formatNumber } from "../../lib/numbers";
-import { sortTimeSeries } from "../../lib/sort";
-const propTypes = {
-  data: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
-  accessors: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.func,
-    y: PropTypes.func,
-  }).isRequired,
-  settings: PropTypes.shape({
-    x: PropTypes.object,
-    y: PropTypes.object,
-    colors: PropTypes.object,
-  }),
-  labels: PropTypes.shape({
-    left: PropTypes.string,
-    bottom: PropTypes.string,
-  }),
-const layout = {
-  width: 540,
-  height: 300,
-  margin: {
-    top: 0,
-    left: 55,
-    right: 40,
-    bottom: 40,
-  },
-  font: {
-    size: 11,
-    family: "Lato, sans-serif",
-  },
-  colors: {
-    brand: "#509ee3",
-    textLight: "#b8bbc3",
-    textMedium: "#949aab",
-  },
-  numTicks: 5,
-  labelFontWeight: 700,
-  labelPadding: 12,
-  strokeWidth: 2,
-  strokeDasharray: "4",
-const TimeSeriesLineChart = ({ data, accessors, settings, labels }) => {
-  data = sortTimeSeries(data);
-  const colors = settings?.colors;
-  const yTickWidth = getYTickWidth(data, accessors, settings, layout.font.size);
-  const yLabelOffset = yTickWidth + layout.labelPadding;
-  const xMin = yLabelOffset + layout.font.size * 1.5;
-  const xMax = layout.width - layout.margin.right;
-  const yMax = layout.height - layout.margin.bottom;
-  const innerWidth = xMax - xMin;
-  const leftLabel = labels?.left;
-  const bottomLabel = labels?.bottom;
-  const palette = { ...layout.colors, ...colors };
-  const xScale = scaleTime({
-    domain: [
-      Math.min(...data.map(accessors.x)),
-      Math.max(...data.map(accessors.x)),
-    ],
-    range: [xMin, xMax],
-  });
-  const yScale = scaleLinear({
-    domain: [0, Math.max(...data.map(accessors.y))],
-    range: [yMax, 0],
-    nice: true,
-  });
-  return (
-    <svg width={layout.width} height={layout.height}>
-      <GridRows
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        width={innerWidth}
-        strokeDasharray={layout.strokeDasharray}
-      />
-      <LinePath
-        data={data}
-        stroke={palette.brand}
-        strokeWidth={layout.strokeWidth}
-        x={d => xScale(accessors.x(d))}
-        y={d => yScale(accessors.y(d))}
-      />
-      <AxisLeft
-        scale={yScale}
-        left={xMin}
-        label={leftLabel}
-        labelOffset={yLabelOffset}
-        hideTicks
-        hideAxisLine
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatNumber(value, settings?.y)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getYTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-      <AxisBottom
-        scale={xScale}
-        top={yMax}
-        label={bottomLabel}
-        numTicks={layout.numTicks}
-        stroke={palette.textLight}
-        tickStroke={palette.textLight}
-        labelProps={getLabelProps(layout)}
-        tickFormat={value => formatDate(value, settings?.x)}
-        tickLabelProps={() => getXTickLabelProps(layout)}
-      />
-    </svg>
-  );
-TimeSeriesLineChart.propTypes = propTypes;
-export default TimeSeriesLineChart;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesLineChart/index.js b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesLineChart/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d23115fed8d48444c9258a97b9bb5f2011290cfa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/TimeSeriesLineChart/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from "./TimeSeriesLineChart";
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.jsx
index 742d84aae226d14dff52d928c392415df53d4447..8722e4840f1e1f57dac7d5246e90c8a1aa9c8b6e 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.jsx
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
 import React from "react";
 import PropTypes from "prop-types";
-import CategoricalAreaChart from "../../components/CategoricalAreaChart";
-import CategoricalBarChart from "../../components/CategoricalBarChart";
 import CategoricalDonutChart from "../../components/CategoricalDonutChart";
-import CategoricalLineChart from "../../components/CategoricalLineChart";
 import CategoricalWaterfallChart from "../../components/CategoricalWaterfallChart";
-import TimeSeriesAreaChart from "../../components/TimeSeriesAreaChart";
-import TimeSeriesBarChart from "../../components/TimeSeriesBarChart";
-import TimeSeriesLineChart from "../../components/TimeSeriesLineChart";
 import ProgressBar from "../../components/ProgressBar";
 import Funnel from "../../components/FunnelChart";
 import TimeSeriesWaterfallChart from "../../components/TimeSeriesWaterfallChart";
@@ -15,14 +9,8 @@ import LineAreaBarChart from "../../components/LineAreaBarChart";
 const propTypes = {
   type: PropTypes.oneOf([
-    "categorical/area",
-    "categorical/bar",
-    "categorical/line",
-    "timeseries/area",
-    "timeseries/bar",
-    "timeseries/line",
@@ -33,22 +21,10 @@ const propTypes = {
 const StaticChart = ({ type, options }) => {
   switch (type) {
-    case "categorical/area":
-      return <CategoricalAreaChart {...options} />;
-    case "categorical/bar":
-      return <CategoricalBarChart {...options} />;
     case "categorical/donut":
       return <CategoricalDonutChart {...options} />;
-    case "categorical/line":
-      return <CategoricalLineChart {...options} />;
     case "categorical/waterfall":
       return <CategoricalWaterfallChart {...options} />;
-    case "timeseries/area":
-      return <TimeSeriesAreaChart {...options} />;
-    case "timeseries/bar":
-      return <TimeSeriesBarChart {...options} />;
-    case "timeseries/line":
-      return <TimeSeriesLineChart {...options} />;
     case "timeseries/waterfall":
       return <TimeSeriesWaterfallChart {...options} />;
     case "progress":
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.unit.spec.js b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.unit.spec.js
index 93d5dd8c25abcc59cce899fd97613fd8f0e0b7b5..d5aa8326d544e68f52f5e73fc17b2a9d6cd7bcfb 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.unit.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/containers/StaticChart/StaticChart.unit.spec.js
@@ -3,108 +3,6 @@ import { render, screen } from "@testing-library/react";
 import StaticChart from "./StaticChart";
 describe("StaticChart", () => {
-  it("should render categorical/line", () => {
-    render(
-      <StaticChart
-        type="categorical/line"
-        options={{
-          data: [
-            ["Gadget", 20],
-            ["Widget", 31],
-          ],
-          accessors: {
-            x: row => row[0],
-            y: row => row[1],
-          },
-          settings: {
-            y: {
-              number_style: "currency",
-              currency: "USD",
-              currency_style: "symbol",
-            },
-          },
-          labels: {
-            left: "Count",
-            bottom: "Category",
-          },
-        }}
-      />,
-    );
-    screen.getByText("Gadget");
-    screen.getByText("Widget");
-    screen.getAllByText("Count");
-    screen.getAllByText("Category");
-  });
-  it("should render categorical/area", () => {
-    render(
-      <StaticChart
-        type="categorical/area"
-        options={{
-          data: [
-            ["Gadget", 20],
-            ["Widget", 31],
-          ],
-          accessors: {
-            x: row => row[0],
-            y: row => row[1],
-          },
-          settings: {
-            y: {
-              number_style: "currency",
-              currency: "USD",
-              currency_style: "symbol",
-            },
-          },
-          labels: {
-            left: "Count",
-            bottom: "Category",
-          },
-        }}
-      />,
-    );
-    screen.getByText("Gadget");
-    screen.getByText("Widget");
-    screen.getAllByText("Count");
-    screen.getAllByText("Category");
-  });
-  it("should render categorical/bar", () => {
-    render(
-      <StaticChart
-        type="categorical/bar"
-        options={{
-          data: [
-            ["Gadget", 20],
-            ["Widget", 31],
-          ],
-          accessors: {
-            x: row => row[0],
-            y: row => row[1],
-          },
-          settings: {
-            y: {
-              number_style: "currency",
-              currency: "USD",
-              currency_style: "symbol",
-            },
-          },
-          labels: {
-            left: "Count",
-            bottom: "Category",
-          },
-        }}
-      />,
-    );
-    screen.getByText("Gadget");
-    screen.getByText("Widget");
-    screen.getAllByText("Count");
-    screen.getAllByText("Category");
-  });
   it("should render categorical/donut", () => {
@@ -136,94 +34,4 @@ describe("StaticChart", () => {
-  it("should render timeseries/line", () => {
-    render(
-      <StaticChart
-        type="timeseries/line"
-        options={{
-          data: [
-            ["2010-11-07", 20],
-            ["2020-11-08", 30],
-          ],
-          accessors: {
-            x: row => new Date(row[0]).valueOf(),
-            y: row => row[1],
-          },
-          settings: {
-            x: {
-              date_style: "dddd",
-            },
-          },
-          labels: {
-            left: "Count",
-            bottom: "Time",
-          },
-        }}
-      />,
-    );
-    screen.getAllByText("Count");
-    screen.getAllByText("Time");
-  });
-  it("should render timeseries/area", () => {
-    render(
-      <StaticChart
-        type="timeseries/area"
-        options={{
-          data: [
-            ["2010-11-07", 20],
-            ["2020-11-08", 30],
-          ],
-          accessors: {
-            x: row => new Date(row[0]).valueOf(),
-            y: row => row[1],
-          },
-          settings: {
-            x: {
-              date_style: "MMM",
-            },
-          },
-          labels: {
-            left: "Count",
-            bottom: "Time",
-          },
-        }}
-      />,
-    );
-    screen.getAllByText("Count");
-    screen.getAllByText("Time");
-  });
-  it("should render timeseries/bar", () => {
-    render(
-      <StaticChart
-        type="timeseries/bar"
-        options={{
-          data: [
-            ["2010-11-07", 20],
-            ["2020-11-08", 30],
-          ],
-          accessors: {
-            x: row => new Date(row[0]).valueOf(),
-            y: row => row[1],
-          },
-          settings: {
-            x: {
-              date_style: "dddd",
-            },
-          },
-          labels: {
-            left: "Count",
-            bottom: "Time",
-          },
-        }}
-      />,
-    );
-    screen.getAllByText("Count");
-    screen.getAllByText("Time");
-  });
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase-visual/internal/static-viz.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase-visual/internal/static-viz.cy.spec.js
index b5f372308b5d8ac5167388bc4b77ab57a7287bbc..fa63560ce7b3ec5fab84796c23426fbdfe44089a 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase-visual/internal/static-viz.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase-visual/internal/static-viz.cy.spec.js
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ describe("visual tests > internal > static-viz", () => {
   it("basic charts", () => {
-    cy.findByText("Bar chart with timeseries data");
-    cy.findByText("Line chart with timeseries data");
+    cy.findByText("Waterfall chart with categorical data and total");
     cy.findByText("Donut chart with categorical data");