diff --git a/src/metabase/models/params/chain_filter.clj b/src/metabase/models/params/chain_filter.clj
index 42bcd9e991015742fbab6082cf6f176ac7f8cd18..13c09d0c3efa3b4eabdf7784766a27f973fa3231 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/params/chain_filter.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/params/chain_filter.clj
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
    [metabase.models.params.field-values :as params.field-values]
    [metabase.models.table :as table]
    [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
+   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.permissions :as qp.perms]
    [metabase.types :as types]
    [metabase.util :as u]
    [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
@@ -517,6 +518,13 @@
     (field-values/field-should-have-field-values? field-id)))
+(defn- check-field-value-query-permissions
+  "Check query permissions against the chain-filter-mbql-query (private #196)"
+  [field-id constraints options]
+  (->> (chain-filter-mbql-query field-id constraints options)
+       qp/preprocess
+       qp.perms/check-query-permissions*))
 (defn- cached-field-values [field-id constraints {:keys [limit]}]
   ;; TODO: why don't we remap the human readable values here?
   (let [{:keys [values has_more_values]}
@@ -561,7 +569,9 @@
          (update :values add-human-readable-values v->human-readable))
      (and (use-cached-field-values? field-id) (nil? @the-remapped-field-id))
-     (cached-field-values field-id constraints options)
+     (do
+       (check-field-value-query-permissions field-id constraints options)
+       (cached-field-values field-id constraints options))
      ;; This is Field->Field remapping e.g. `venue.category_id `-> `category.name `;
      ;; search by `category.name` but return tuples of `[venue.category_id category.name]`.
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/permissions.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/permissions.clj
index fa5c49da2f2cf247cc9d6a44ce140acb26ec46da..20d712e5270b35febc71a89b57d1be1554601859 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/permissions.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/permissions.clj
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
   (throw (ex-info (tru "Querying this database requires the audit-app feature flag")
-(mu/defn ^:private check-query-permissions*
+(mu/defn check-query-permissions*
   "Check that User with `user-id` has permissions to run `query`, or throw an exception."
   [{database-id :database, :as outer-query} :- [:map [:database ::lib.schema.id/database]]]
   (when *current-user-id*
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj
index 3093d86a33977296f776252061dd0dd149ff8a43..61eef165e3819fba3f28208bdec93b5f8dafb455 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj
@@ -2814,7 +2814,7 @@
           ;; HACK: we currently 403 on chain-filter calls that require running a MBQL
           ;; but 200 on calls that we could just use the cache.
           ;; It's not ideal and we definitely need to have a consistent behavior
-          (with-redefs [field-values/field-should-have-field-values? (fn [_] false)]
+          (with-redefs [chain-filter/use-cached-field-values? (fn [_] false)]
             (is (= {:values          [["African"] ["American"] ["Artisan"]]
                     :has_more_values false}
                    (->> (chain-filter-values-url (:id dashboard) (:category-name param-keys))
@@ -2831,6 +2831,19 @@
                       (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200)
                       (chain-filter-test/take-n-values 3)))))))))
+(deftest block-data-should-not-expose-field-values
+  (testing "block data perms should not allow access to field values (private#196)"
+    (when config/ee-available?
+      (mt/with-premium-features #{:advanced-permissions}
+        (mt/with-temp-copy-of-db
+          (with-chain-filter-fixtures [{:keys [dashboard param-keys]}]
+            (perms/revoke-data-perms! (perms-group/all-users) (mt/id))
+            (perms/update-data-perms-graph! [(:id (perms-group/all-users)) (mt/id) :data]
+                                            {:schemas :block})
+            (is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
+                   (->> (chain-filter-values-url (:id dashboard) (:category-name param-keys))
+                        (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403))))))))))
 (deftest dashboard-with-static-list-parameters-test
   (testing "A dashboard that has parameters that has static values"
     (with-chain-filter-fixtures [{:keys [dashboard param-keys]}]
@@ -4048,3 +4061,31 @@
             (testing "We have values and they all match the expression concatenation"
               (is (pos? (count values)))
               (is (every? (partial re-matches #"[^🦜]+🦜🦜🦜[^🦜]+") (map first values))))))))))
+(deftest param-values-permissions-test
+  (testing "Users without permissions should not see all options in a dashboard filter (private#196)"
+    (when config/ee-available?
+      (mt/with-premium-features #{:advanced-permissions}
+        (mt/with-temp-copy-of-db
+          (with-chain-filter-fixtures [{:keys [dashboard param-keys]}]
+            (testing "Return values with access"
+              (is (=? {:values (comp #(contains? % ["African"]) set)}
+                      (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200
+                                            (str "dashboard/" (:id dashboard) "/params/" (:category-name param-keys) "/values")))))
+            (testing "Return values with no self-service (#26874)"
+              (perms/revoke-data-perms! (perms-group/all-users) (mt/id))
+              (is (=? {:values (comp #(contains? % ["African"]) set)}
+                      (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200
+                                            (str "dashboard/" (:id dashboard) "/params/" (:category-name param-keys) "/values")))))
+            (testing "Return values for admin"
+              (perms/update-data-perms-graph! [(:id (perms-group/all-users)) (mt/id) :data]
+                                              {:schemas :block})
+              (is (=? {:values (comp #(contains? % ["African"]) set)}
+                      (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200
+                                            (str "dashboard/" (:id dashboard) "/params/" (:category-name param-keys) "/values")))))
+            (testing "Don't return with block perms."
+              (perms/update-data-perms-graph! [(:id (perms-group/all-users)) (mt/id) :data]
+                                              {:schemas :block})
+              (is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
+                     (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403
+                                           (str "dashboard/" (:id dashboard) "/params/" (:category-name param-keys) "/values")))))))))))