From 70f921b0b1de85d62c3ad8742454c16fba6589b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aleksandr Lesnenko <>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 15:53:41 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] remove flow leftovers (#28334)

 frontend/interfaces/global.js               |   3 -
 frontend/interfaces/icepick.js              |  43 ------
 frontend/interfaces/redux-actions_v2.x.x.js | 102 --------------
 frontend/interfaces/underscore.js           | 141 --------------------
 4 files changed, 289 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 frontend/interfaces/global.js
 delete mode 100755 frontend/interfaces/icepick.js
 delete mode 100755 frontend/interfaces/redux-actions_v2.x.x.js
 delete mode 100755 frontend/interfaces/underscore.js

diff --git a/frontend/interfaces/global.js b/frontend/interfaces/global.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c3fc67ec27..00000000000
--- a/frontend/interfaces/global.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-declare module CSSModule {
-  declare var exports: { [key: string]: string };
diff --git a/frontend/interfaces/icepick.js b/frontend/interfaces/icepick.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 941805b6a67..00000000000
--- a/frontend/interfaces/icepick.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-type Key = string | number;
-type Value = any;
-declare module icepick {
-  declare function assoc<O: Object | Array<any>, K: Key, V: Value>(
-    object: O,
-    key: K,
-    value: V,
-  ): O;
-  declare function dissoc<O: Object | Array<any>, K: Key, V: Value>(
-    object: O,
-    key: K,
-  ): O;
-  declare function getIn<O: Object | Array<any>, K: Key, V: Value>(
-    object: ?O,
-    path: Array<K>,
-  ): ?V;
-  declare function setIn<O: Object | Array<any>, K: Key, V: Value>(
-    object: O,
-    path: Array<K>,
-    value: V,
-  ): O;
-  declare function assocIn<O: Object | Array<any>, K: Key, V: Value>(
-    object: O,
-    path: Array<K>,
-    value: V,
-  ): O;
-  declare function dissocIn<O: Object | Array<any>, K: Key>(
-    object: O,
-    path: Array<K>,
-  ): O;
-  declare function updateIn<O: Object | Array<any>, K: Key, V: Value>(
-    object: O,
-    path: Array<K>,
-    callback: (value: V) => V,
-  ): O;
-  declare function merge<O: Object | Array<any>>(object: O, other: O): O;
-  // TODO: improve this
-  declare function chain<O: Object | Array<any>>(object: O): any;
diff --git a/frontend/interfaces/redux-actions_v2.x.x.js b/frontend/interfaces/redux-actions_v2.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 22056747b8d..00000000000
--- a/frontend/interfaces/redux-actions_v2.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Origin:
-declare module "redux-actions" {
-  /*
-   * Use `ActionType` to get the type of the action created by a given action
-   * creator. For example:
-   *
-   *     import { creatAction, type ActionType } from 'redux-actions'
-   *
-   *     const increment = createAction(INCREMENT, (count: number) => count)
-   *
-   *     function myReducer(state: State = initState, action: ActionType<typeof increment>): State {
-   *       // Flow will infer that the type of `action.payload` is `number`
-   *     }
-   */
-  declare type ActionType<ActionCreator> = _ActionType<*, ActionCreator>;
-  declare type _ActionType<R, Fn: (payload: *, any[]) => R> = R;
-  /*
-   * To get the most from Flow type checking use a `payloadCreator` argument
-   * with `createAction`. Make sure that Flow can infer the argument type of the
-   * `payloadCreator`. That will allow Flow to infer the payload type of actions
-   * created by that action creator in other parts of the program. For example:
-   *
-   *     const increment = createAction(INCREMENT, (count: number) => count)
-   *
-   */
-  declare function createAction<T, P>(
-    type: T,
-    $?: empty, // hack to force Flow to not use this signature when more than one argument is given
-  ): (payload: P, any[]) => { type: T, payload: P, error?: boolean };
-  declare function createAction<T, P, P2>(
-    type: T,
-    payloadCreator: (_: P) => P2,
-    $?: empty,
-  ): (payload: P, any[]) => { type: T, payload: P2, error?: boolean };
-  declare function createAction<T, P, P2, M>(
-    type: T,
-    payloadCreator: (_: P) => P2,
-    metaCreator: (_: P) => M,
-  ): (
-    payload: P,
- any[]
-  ) => { type: T, payload: P2, error?: boolean, meta: M };
-  declare function createAction<T, P, M>(
-    type: T,
-    payloadCreator: null | void,
-    metaCreator: (_: P) => M,
-  ): (
-    payload: P,
- any[]
-  ) => { type: T, payload: P, error?: boolean, meta: M };
-  // `createActions` is quite difficult to write a type for. Maybe try not to
-  // use this one?
-  declare function createActions(
-    actionMap: Object,
-    ...identityActions: string[]
-  ): Object;
-  declare function createActions(...identityActions: string[]): Object;
-  declare type Reducer<S, A> = (state: S, action: A) => S;
-  declare type ReducerMap<S, A> =
-    | { next: Reducer<S, A> }
-    | { throw: Reducer<S, A> }
-    | { next: Reducer<S, A>, throw: Reducer<S, A> };
-  /*
-   * To get full advantage from Flow, use a type annotation on the action
-   * argument to your reducer when creating a reducer with `handleAction` or
-   * `handleActions`. For example:
-   *
-   *     import { type Reducer } from 'redux'
-   *     import { createAction, handleAction, type Action } from 'redux-actions'
-   *
-   *     const increment = createAction(INCREMENT, (count: number) => count)
-   *
-   *     const reducer = handleAction(INCREMENT, (state, { payload }: ActionType<typeof increment>) => {
-   *       // Flow infers that the type of `payload` is number
-   *     }, defaultState)
-   */
-  declare function handleAction<Type, State, Action: { type: Type }>(
-    type: Type,
-    reducer: Reducer<State, Action> | ReducerMap<State, Action>,
-    defaultState: State,
-  ): Reducer<State, Action>;
-  declare function handleActions<State, Action>(
-    reducers: {
-      [key: string]: Reducer<State, Action> | ReducerMap<State, Action>,
-    },
-    defaultState?: State,
-  ): Reducer<State, Action>;
-  declare function combineActions(
-    ...types: (string | Symbol | Function)[]
-  ): string;
diff --git a/frontend/interfaces/underscore.js b/frontend/interfaces/underscore.js
deleted file mode 100755
index c0fd622b27a..00000000000
--- a/frontend/interfaces/underscore.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// type definitions for (some of) underscore
-declare module "underscore" {
-  declare function find<T>(list: ?(T[]), predicate: (val: T) => boolean): ?T;
-  declare function findWhere<T>(
-    list: ?(T[]),
-    properties: { [key: string]: any },
-  ): ?T;
-  declare function findIndex<T>(
-    list: ?(T[]),
-    predicate: (val: T) => boolean,
-  ): number;
-  declare function findLastIndex<T>(
-    list: ?(T[]),
-    predicate: (val: T) => boolean,
-  ): number;
-  declare function clone<T>(obj: T): T;
-  declare function isEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean;
-  declare function range(a: number, b?: number): Array<number>;
-  declare function extend<S, T>(o1: S, o2: T): S & T;
-  declare function zip<S, T>(a1: S[], a2: T[]): Array<[S, T]>;
-  declare function flatten<S>(a: Array<Array<S>>): S[];
-  declare function each<T>(
-    o: { [key: string]: T },
-    iteratee: (val: T, key: string) => void,
-  ): void;
-  declare function each<T>(
-    a: T[],
-    iteratee: (val: T, key: string) => void,
-  ): void;
-  declare function map<T, U>(a: T[], iteratee: (val: T, n?: number) => U): U[];
-  declare function map<K, T, U>(
-    a: { [key: K]: T },
-    iteratee: (val: T, k?: K) => U,
-  ): U[];
-  declare function mapObject(
-    object: Object,
-    iteratee: (val: any, key: string) => Object,
-    context?: mixed,
-  ): Object;
-  declare function object<T>(a: Array<[string, T]>): { [key: string]: T };
-  declare function every<T>(
-    a: Array<T> | { [key: string]: T },
-    pred: (val: T) => boolean,
-  ): boolean;
-  declare function some<T>(a: Array<T>, pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
-  declare function all<T>(a: Array<T>, pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
-  declare function any<T>(a: Array<T>, pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
-  declare function contains<T>(a: Array<T>, val: T): boolean;
-  declare function head<T>(a: Array<T>, n?: number): Array<T>;
-  declare function tail<T>(a: Array<T>, n?: number): Array<T>;
-  declare function initial<T>(a: Array<T>, n?: number): Array<T>;
-  declare function rest<T>(a: Array<T>, index?: number): Array<T>;
-  declare function sortBy<T>(a: T[], iteratee: string | ((val: T) => any)): T[];
-  declare function filter<T>(
-    o: { [key: string]: T },
-    pred: (val: T, k: string) => boolean,
-  ): T[];
-  declare function isEmpty(o: any): boolean;
-  declare function isString(o: any): boolean;
-  declare function isObject(o: any): boolean;
-  declare function groupBy<T>(
-    a: Array<T>,
-    iteratee: string | ((val: T, index: number) => any),
-  ): { [key: string]: T[] };
-  declare function indexBy<T>(
-    a: Array<T>,
-    iteratee: string | ((val: T, index: number) => any),
-  ): { [key: string]: T };
-  declare function min<T>(a: Array<T> | { [key: any]: T }): T;
-  declare function max<T>(a: Array<T> | { [key: any]: T }): T;
-  declare function uniq<T>(a: T[], iteratee?: (val: T) => boolean): T[];
-  declare function uniq<T>(
-    a: T[],
-    isSorted: boolean,
-    iteratee?: (val: T) => boolean,
-  ): T[];
-  declare function values<T>(o: { [key: any]: T }): T[];
-  declare function omit(
-    o: { [key: any]: any },
- string[]
-  ): { [key: any]: any };
-  declare function omit(
-    o: { [key: any]: any },
-    predicate: (val: any, key: any, object: { [key: any]: any }) => boolean,
-  ): { [key: any]: any };
-  declare function pick(
-    o: { [key: any]: any },
- string[]
-  ): { [key: any]: any };
-  declare function pick(
-    o: { [key: any]: any },
-    predicate: (val: any, key: any, object: { [key: any]: any }) => boolean,
-  ): { [key: any]: any };
-  declare function pluck(
-    o: Array<{ [key: any]: any }>,
-    propertyNames: string,
-  ): Array<any>;
-  declare function has(
-    o: { [key: any]: any },
- string[]
-  ): boolean;
-  declare function difference<T>(array: T[], ...others: T[][]): T[];
-  declare function flatten(a: Array<any>): Array<any>;
-  declare function debounce<T: Function>(func: T): T;
-  declare function partition<T>(
-    array: T[],
-    pred: (val: T) => boolean,
-  ): [T[], T[]];
-  // TODO: improve this
-  declare function chain<S>(obj: S): any;
-  declare function constant<S>(obj: S): () => S;
-  declare function isMatch(object: Object, properties: Object): boolean;
-  declare function identity<T>(o: T): T;
-  declare function uniqueId(prefix?: string): string;