diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/visualizations/reproductions/27427-static-viz-divide-by-zero.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/visualizations/reproductions/27427-static-viz-divide-by-zero.cy.spec.js
index 848587ef32cf8a3041c2db70b09d351054ebebce..75b74764d5579935c6e0a50992dd3edd40fde05e 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/visualizations/reproductions/27427-static-viz-divide-by-zero.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/visualizations/reproductions/27427-static-viz-divide-by-zero.cy.spec.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const questionDetails = {
-describe.skip("issue 27427", () => {
+describe("issue 27427", () => {
   beforeEach(() => {
diff --git a/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj b/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
index 13799d31f2474c54b2aa87925222fb2d78ba7745..7a391f3e4b59b84ac70a9d344f7cb48cf02a758c 100644
--- a/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
@@ -548,7 +548,10 @@
   [col-a col-b]
   (let [[min-a min-b]    (map #(get-in % [:fingerprint :type :type/Number :min]) [col-a col-b])
         [max-a max-b]    (map #(get-in % [:fingerprint :type :type/Number :max]) [col-a col-b])
-        valid-ranges?    (and min-a min-b max-a max-b)
+        valid-ranges?    (and min-a min-b max-a max-b
+                              ;; ranges with same min and max won't be considered ranges.
+                              (not= min-a max-a)
+                              (not= min-b max-b))
         overlapping-and-valid? (and valid-ranges?
                                     (or (<= min-a min-b max-a)
                                         (<= min-a max-b max-a)))]
@@ -739,7 +742,6 @@
         series-seqs     [(if (= (count x-cols) 1)
                            (single-x-axis-combo-series enforced-type joined-rows x-cols y-cols data card-name)
                            (double-x-axis-combo-series enforced-type joined-rows x-cols y-cols data card-name))]
         labels          (combo-label-info x-cols y-cols viz-settings)
         settings        (->ts-viz (first x-cols) (first y-cols) labels viz-settings)]
diff --git a/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj b/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
index f914bdeb764802faa780dc26778c180745809dad..e7f993de2f6ad3574779060448466997ae532d2e 100644
--- a/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
@@ -646,7 +646,23 @@
     (testing "Multiple series with close values does not split y-axis."
       (is (not (axes-split? rows))))
     (testing "Multiple series with far values does split y-axis."
-      (is (axes-split? (conj rows ["D" 3 70]))))))
+      (is (axes-split? (conj rows ["D" 3 70]))))
+    (testing "Multiple axes split does not fail when a series has the same value for all of its rows #27427"
+      (let [rows        [["Category" "Series A" "Series B"]
+                         ["A"        1          1.3]
+                         ["B"        1          1.9]
+                         ["C"        1          4]]
+            axes-split? (fn [rows]
+                          (let [text (-> rows first last)]
+                            ;; there is always 1 node with the series name in the legend
+                            ;; so we see if the series name shows up a second time, which will
+                            ;; be the axis label, indicating that there is indeed a split
+                            (< 1 (-> rows
+                                     (render.tu/make-viz-data :bar {})
+                                     :viz-tree
+                                     (render.tu/nodes-with-text text)
+                                     count))))]
+        (is (axes-split? rows))))))
 (deftest ^:parallel x-and-y-axis-label-info-test
   (let [x-col {:display_name "X col"}