diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/visualizations/components/LineAreaBarRenderer-bar.unit.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/visualizations/components/LineAreaBarRenderer-bar.unit.spec.js
index b9d8c483b9d263ca5d5decd6e9b4a88d8e3b8372..dae9c2e8aff172bd2b817eb9f8ce352ae4b46139 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/visualizations/components/LineAreaBarRenderer-bar.unit.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/visualizations/components/LineAreaBarRenderer-bar.unit.spec.js
@@ -13,10 +13,50 @@ const DEFAULT_SETTINGS = {
   "graph.x_axis.axis_enabled": true,
   "graph.y_axis.axis_enabled": true,
   "graph.colors": ["#00FF00", "#FF0000"],
-  series: () => ({ display: "bar" }),
-  column: () => ({ date_style: "MMMM D, YYYY" }),
+  display: "bar",
+  date_style: "MMMM D, YYYY",
+function MainSeries(chartType, settings = {}) {
+  return {
+    card: {
+      display: chartType,
+      visualization_settings: {
+        ...settings,
+      },
+    },
+    data: {
+      cols: [
+        StringColumn({ display_name: "Category", source: "breakout" }),
+        NumberColumn({ display_name: "Sum", source: "aggregation" }),
+      ],
+      rows: [["A", 1]],
+    },
+  };
+function ExtraSeries() {
+  return {
+    card: {},
+    data: {
+      cols: [
+        StringColumn({ display_name: "Category", source: "breakout" }),
+        NumberColumn({ display_name: "Count", source: "aggregation" }),
+      ],
+      rows: [["A", 2]],
+    },
+  };
 describe("LineAreaBarRenderer-bar", () => {
   let element;
   const qsa = selector => [...element.querySelectorAll(selector)];
@@ -33,86 +73,115 @@ describe("LineAreaBarRenderer-bar", () => {
-  ["area", "bar"].forEach(chartType =>
-    ["stacked", "normalized"].forEach(stack_type =>
-      // FIXME: failing on CI
-      it(`should render a ${stack_type ||
-        ""} ${chartType} chart with 2 series`, () => {
-        const onHoverChange = jest.fn();
-        renderLineAreaBar(
-          element,
-          [
-            {
-              card: {
-                display: chartType,
-                visualization_settings: {
-                  ...DEFAULT_SETTINGS,
-                  "stackable.stack_type": stack_type,
-                },
-              },
-              data: {
-                cols: [
-                  StringColumn({
-                    display_name: "Category",
-                    source: "breakout",
-                  }),
-                  NumberColumn({
-                    display_name: "Sum",
-                    source: "aggregation",
-                  }),
-                ],
-                rows: [["A", 1]],
-              },
-            },
-            {
-              card: {},
-              data: {
-                cols: [
-                  StringColumn({
-                    display_name: "Category",
-                    source: "breakout",
-                  }),
-                  NumberColumn({
-                    display_name: "Count",
-                    source: "aggregation",
-                  }),
-                ],
-                rows: [["A", 2]],
-              },
-            },
-          ],
-          {
-            onHoverChange,
-          },
-        );
-        // hover over each bar
-        dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[0], "mousemove");
-        dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[1], "mousemove");
-        const { calls } = onHoverChange.mock;
-        if (stack_type === "normalized") {
-          expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[0][0])).toEqual([
-            { key: "Category", value: "A" },
-            { key: "% Sum", value: "33%" },
-          ]);
-          expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[1][0])).toEqual([
-            { key: "Category", value: "A" },
-            { key: "% Count", value: "67%" },
-          ]);
-        } else {
-          expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[0][0])).toEqual([
-            { key: "Category", value: "A" },
-            { key: "Sum", value: 1 },
-          ]);
-          expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[1][0])).toEqual([
-            { key: "Category", value: "A" },
-            { key: "Count", value: 2 },
-          ]);
-        }
-      }),
-    ),
-  );
+  it(`should render an bar chart with 1 series`, () => {
+    const onHoverChange = jest.fn();
+    renderLineAreaBar(element, [MainSeries("bar")], {
+      onHoverChange,
+    });
+    // hover over each bar
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[0], "mousemove");
+    const { calls } = onHoverChange.mock;
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[0][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "Sum", value: 1 },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it(`should render an bar chart with 2 series`, () => {
+    const onHoverChange = jest.fn();
+    renderLineAreaBar(element, [MainSeries("bar"), ExtraSeries()], {
+      onHoverChange,
+    });
+    // hover over each bar
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[0], "mousemove");
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[1], "mousemove");
+    const { calls } = onHoverChange.mock;
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[0][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "Sum", value: 1 },
+    ]);
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[1][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "Count", value: 2 },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it(`should render an bar stacked chart with 2 series`, () => {
+    const onHoverChange = jest.fn();
+    renderLineAreaBar(
+      element,
+      [MainSeries("bar", { "stackable.stack_type": "stacked" }), ExtraSeries()],
+      {
+        onHoverChange,
+      },
+    );
+    // hover over each bar
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[0], "mousemove");
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[1], "mousemove");
+    const { calls } = onHoverChange.mock;
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[0][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "Sum", value: 1 },
+    ]);
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[1][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "Count", value: 2 },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it(`should render an bar normalized chart with 2 series`, () => {
+    const onHoverChange = jest.fn();
+    renderLineAreaBar(
+      element,
+      [
+        MainSeries("bar", { "stackable.stack_type": "normalized" }),
+        ExtraSeries(),
+      ],
+      { onHoverChange },
+    );
+    // hover over each bar
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[0], "mousemove");
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[1], "mousemove");
+    const { calls } = onHoverChange.mock;
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[0][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "% Sum", value: "33%" },
+    ]);
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[1][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "% Count", value: "67%" },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it("should replace the aggregation name with the series name", () => {
+    const onHoverChange = jest.fn();
+    renderLineAreaBar(
+      element,
+      [
+        MainSeries("bar", {
+          series: () => ({ ...DEFAULT_SERIES_SETTINGS, title: "Foo" }),
+        }),
+      ],
+      { onHoverChange },
+    );
+    // hover over each bar
+    dispatchUIEvent(qsa(".bar, .dot")[0], "mousemove");
+    const { calls } = onHoverChange.mock;
+    expect(getDataKeyValues(calls[0][0])).toEqual([
+      { key: "Category", value: "A" },
+      { key: "Foo", value: 1 },
+    ]);
+  });
 function getDataKeyValues(hover) {