From 79c8e9bd82067d3b85cff5967fa458610a71c8c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Krut-Landau <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:14:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] fix(admin): Add e2e tests of the database caching policy
 form's basic functionality (in Admin / Performance) (#44416)

Closes #44478
 .../admin/performance/  | 368 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 365 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/e2e/test/scenarios/admin/performance/ b/e2e/test/scenarios/admin/performance/
index 552c3fd10bd..db63499714f 100644
--- a/e2e/test/scenarios/admin/performance/
+++ b/e2e/test/scenarios/admin/performance/
@@ -1,9 +1,55 @@
-import { restore } from "e2e/support/helpers";
+import { describeEE, restore, setTokenFeatures } from "e2e/support/helpers";
-describe("scenarios > admin > performance", () => {
+const save = ({ expectedRoute = "@putCacheConfig" } = {}) => {
+  cy.log("Save the caching strategy form");
+  cy.button(/Save/).click();
+  cy.wait(expectedRoute);
+const launchFormForItem = (itemName: string, currentStrategy: string) => {
+  cy.visit("/admin");
+  cy.findByRole("link", { name: "Performance" }).click();
+  cy.findByRole("tab", { name: "Database caching settings" }).click();
+  cy.log(`Open strategy form for ${itemName}`);
+  formLauncher(itemName, "currently", currentStrategy).click();
+const main = () => cy.findByRole("main", { name: "Database caching settings" });
+const form = () => cy.findByLabelText("Select the cache invalidation policy");
+const radio = (name: RegExp) => form().findByRole("radio", { name });
+const durationRadioButton = () => radio(/Duration/);
+const adaptiveRadioButton = () => radio(/Adaptive/);
+const scheduleRadioButton = () => radio(/Schedule/);
+const dontCacheResultsRadioButton = () => radio(/Don.t cache results/);
+const useDefaultRadioButton = () => radio(/Use default/);
+const formLauncher = (
+  itemName: string,
+  preface: string,
+  strategyLabel: string,
+) => {
+  main().should("exist");
+  cy.log(
+    `Finding strategy for launcher for regex: Edit.*${itemName}.*${preface}.*${strategyLabel}`,
+  );
+  const launcher = main().findByLabelText(
+    new RegExp(`Edit.*${itemName}.*${preface}.*${strategyLabel}`),
+  );
+  launcher.should("exist");
+  return launcher;
+// NOTE: These tests just check that the form can be saved. They do not test
+// whether the cache is actually invalidated at the specified times.
+describe("scenarios > admin > performance", { tags: "@OSS" }, () => {
   beforeEach(() => {
-    cy.intercept("POST", "/api/cache").as("cache");
+    cy.intercept("PUT", "/api/cache").as("putCacheConfig");
+    cy.intercept("DELETE", "/api/cache").as("deleteCacheConfig");
     cy.intercept("POST", "/api/persist/enable").as("enablePersistence");
     cy.intercept("POST", "/api/persist/disable").as("disablePersistence");
@@ -38,4 +84,320 @@ describe("scenarios > admin > performance", () => {
     cy.findByRole("listbox").findByText("2 hours").click();
+  it("there are two policy options for the default policy, Adaptive and Don't cache results", () => {
+    form().findAllByRole("radio").should("have.length", 2);
+    adaptiveRadioButton().should("exist");
+    dontCacheResultsRadioButton().should("exist");
+  });
+  it("can set default policy to Don't cache results", () => {
+    cy.log("Set default policy to Adaptive first");
+    adaptiveRadioButton().click();
+    save();
+    adaptiveRadioButton().should("be.checked");
+    cy.log("Then set default policy to Don't cache results");
+    dontCacheResultsRadioButton().click();
+    save({
+      expectedRoute: "@deleteCacheConfig",
+    });
+    dontCacheResultsRadioButton().should("be.checked");
+  });
+  describe("adaptive strategy", () => {
+    it("can set default policy to adaptive", () => {
+      adaptiveRadioButton().click();
+      save();
+      adaptiveRadioButton().should("be.checked");
+    });
+    it("can configure a minimum query duration for the default adaptive policy", () => {
+      adaptiveRadioButton().click();
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).type("1000");
+      save();
+      adaptiveRadioButton().should("be.checked");
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).should("have.value", "1000");
+    });
+    it("can configure a multiplier for the default adaptive policy", () => {
+      adaptiveRadioButton().click();
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).type("3");
+      save();
+      adaptiveRadioButton().should("be.checked");
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).should("have.value", "3");
+    });
+    it("can configure both a minimum query duration and a multiplier for the default adaptive policy", () => {
+      adaptiveRadioButton().click();
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).type("1234");
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).type("4");
+      save();
+      adaptiveRadioButton().should("be.checked");
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).should("have.value", "1234");
+      cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).should("have.value", "4");
+    });
+  });
+describeEE("EE", () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    restore();
+    cy.intercept("PUT", "/api/cache").as("putCacheConfig");
+    cy.intercept("DELETE", "/api/cache").as("deleteCacheConfig");
+    cy.intercept(
+      "POST",
+      "/api/cache/invalidate?include=overrides&database=1",
+    ).as("invalidateCacheForSampleDatabase");
+    cy.intercept("POST", "/api/persist/enable").as("enablePersistence");
+    cy.intercept("POST", "/api/persist/disable").as("disablePersistence");
+    cy.signInAsAdmin();
+    setTokenFeatures("all");
+  });
+  const checkInheritanceIfNeeded = (itemName: string, strategyName: string) => {
+    if (itemName === "default policy") {
+      cy.log(
+        `Sample Database is now inheriting a default policy of ${strategyName}`,
+      );
+      formLauncher(
+        "Sample Database",
+        "currently inheriting the default policy",
+        strategyName,
+      );
+    }
+  };
+  it("can call cache invalidation endpoint for Sample Database", () => {
+    launchFormForItem("default policy", "No caching");
+    cy.log('A "Clear cache" button is not present for the default policy');
+    cy.button(/Clear cache/).should("not.exist");
+    launchFormForItem("Sample Database", "No caching");
+    cy.log(
+      'A "Clear cache" button is not yet present because the database does not use a cache',
+    );
+    cy.button(/Clear cache/).should("not.exist");
+    cy.log("Set Sample Database's caching policy to Duration");
+    durationRadioButton().click();
+    cy.log("Save the caching strategy form");
+    save();
+    cy.log("Now there's a 'Clear cache' button. Click it");
+    cy.button(/Clear cache/).click();
+    cy.log('Confirm via the "Clear cache" dialog');
+    cy.findByRole("dialog")
+      .button(/Clear cache/)
+      .click();
+    cy.wait("@invalidateCacheForSampleDatabase");
+    cy.log("The cache has been cleared");
+    cy.button(/Cache cleared/);
+  });
+  [/Duration/, /Schedule/, /Adaptive/].forEach(strategy => {
+    const strategyAsString = strategy.toString().replace(/\//g, "");
+    it(`can configure Sample Database to use a default policy of ${strategyAsString}`, () => {
+      cy.log(`Set default policy to ${strategy}`);
+      launchFormForItem("default policy", "No caching");
+      radio(strategy).click();
+      save();
+      cy.log("Open strategy form for Sample Database");
+      launchFormForItem("Sample Database", strategyAsString);
+      cy.log("Set Sample Database to Duration first");
+      durationRadioButton().click();
+      save();
+      formLauncher("Sample Database", "currently", "Duration");
+      cy.log("Then configure Sample Database to use the default policy");
+      useDefaultRadioButton().click();
+      save({ expectedRoute: "@deleteCacheConfig" });
+      formLauncher("Sample Database", "currently inheriting", strategyAsString);
+    });
+  });
+  ["default policy", "Sample Database"].forEach(itemName => {
+    const expectedNumberOfOptions = itemName === "default policy" ? 4 : 5;
+    it(`there are ${expectedNumberOfOptions} policy options for ${itemName}`, () => {
+      launchFormForItem(itemName, "No caching");
+      form()
+        .findAllByRole("radio")
+        .should("have.length", expectedNumberOfOptions);
+    });
+    it(`can set ${itemName} to Don't cache results`, () => {
+      launchFormForItem(itemName, "No caching");
+      cy.log(`Set ${itemName} to Duration first`);
+      durationRadioButton().click();
+      save();
+      formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Duration");
+      cy.log(`Then set ${itemName} to Don't cache results`);
+      dontCacheResultsRadioButton().click();
+      // When the default policy is set to "Don't cache results", we delete the
+      // policy, but when a database's policy is set to "Don't cache results",
+      // we set its policy to "nocache". When a database's policy is set to
+      // "Use default", then we delete its policy.
+      save({
+        expectedRoute:
+          itemName === "default policy"
+            ? "@deleteCacheConfig"
+            : "@putCacheConfig",
+      });
+      formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "No caching");
+      checkInheritanceIfNeeded(itemName, "No caching");
+    });
+    it(`can set ${itemName} to a duration-based cache invalidation policy`, () => {
+      launchFormForItem(itemName, "No caching");
+      cy.log(`Set ${itemName} to Duration`);
+      durationRadioButton().click();
+      save();
+      cy.log(`${itemName} is now set to Duration`);
+      formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Duration");
+      checkInheritanceIfNeeded(itemName, "Duration");
+    });
+    describe("adaptive strategy", () => {
+      beforeEach(() => {
+        launchFormForItem(itemName, "No caching");
+        adaptiveRadioButton().click();
+      });
+      it(`can set ${itemName} to adaptive`, () => {
+        save();
+        formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Adaptive");
+        checkInheritanceIfNeeded(itemName, "Adaptive");
+      });
+      it(`can configure a minimum query duration for ${itemName}'s adaptive policy`, () => {
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).type("1000");
+        save();
+        formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Adaptive");
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).should(
+          "have.value",
+          "1000",
+        );
+      });
+      it(`can configure a multiplier for ${itemName}'s adaptive policy`, () => {
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).type("3");
+        save();
+        formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Adaptive");
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).should("have.value", "3");
+      });
+      it(`can configure both a minimum query duration and a multiplier for ${itemName}'s adaptive policy`, () => {
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).type("1234");
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).type("4");
+        save();
+        formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Adaptive");
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Minimum query duration/).should(
+          "have.value",
+          "1234",
+        );
+        cy.findByLabelText(/Multiplier/).should("have.value", "4");
+      });
+    });
+    describe(`can set ${itemName} to a schedule-based cache invalidation policy`, () => {
+      beforeEach(() => {
+        cy.visit("/admin");
+        cy.findByRole("link", { name: "Performance" }).click();
+        cy.log(`Open caching strategy form for ${itemName}`);
+        formLauncher(
+          itemName,
+          itemName === "default policy"
+            ? "currently"
+            : "currently inheriting the default policy",
+          "No caching",
+        ).click();
+        cy.log("View schedule options");
+        scheduleRadioButton().click();
+      });
+      const selectScheduleType = (type: string) => {
+        cy.log(`Set schedule to "${type}"`);
+        cy.findByRole("searchbox").click();
+        cy.findByRole("listbox").findByText(type).click();
+      };
+      it(`can save a new hourly schedule policy for ${itemName}`, () => {
+        selectScheduleType("hourly");
+        save();
+        formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Scheduled: hourly");
+      });
+      it(`can save a new daily schedule policy - for ${itemName}`, () => {
+        [12, 1, 11].forEach(time => {
+          ["AM", "PM"].forEach(amPm => {
+            cy.log(`Test daily at ${time} ${amPm}`);
+            selectScheduleType("daily");
+            cy.findAllByRole("searchbox").eq(1).click();
+            cy.findByRole("listbox").findByText(`${time}:00`).click();
+            cy.findByLabelText(amPm).next().click();
+            save();
+            formLauncher("Sample Database", "currently", "Scheduled: daily");
+            // reset for next iteration of loop
+            dontCacheResultsRadioButton().click();
+            save({
+              expectedRoute:
+                itemName === "default policy"
+                  ? "@deleteCacheConfig"
+                  : "@putCacheConfig",
+            });
+            scheduleRadioButton().click();
+          });
+        });
+      });
+      it(`can save a new weekly schedule policy - for ${itemName}`, () => {
+        [
+          ["Sunday", "12:00 AM"],
+          ["Monday", "1:00 AM"],
+          ["Tuesday", "11:00 AM"],
+          ["Wednesday", "12:00 PM"],
+          ["Thursday", "1:00 PM"],
+          ["Friday", "7:00 PM"],
+          ["Saturday", "11:00 PM"],
+        ].forEach(([day, time]) => {
+          cy.log(`testing on ${day} at ${time}`);
+          selectScheduleType("weekly");
+          cy.findAllByRole("searchbox").eq(1).click();
+          cy.findByRole("listbox").findByText(day).click();
+          cy.findAllByRole("searchbox").eq(2).click();
+          const [hour, amPm] = time.split(" ");
+          cy.findByRole("listbox").findByText(hour).click();
+          cy.findByLabelText(amPm).next().click();
+          save();
+          formLauncher(itemName, "currently", "Scheduled: weekly");
+          cy.findAllByRole("searchbox").then(searchBoxes => {
+            const values =
+              searchBoxes,
+              box => (box as HTMLInputElement).value,
+            );
+            expect(values).to.deep.equal(["weekly", day, hour]);
+          });
+          cy.findByRole("radio", { name: amPm }).should("be.checked");
+          // reset for next iteration of loop
+          dontCacheResultsRadioButton().click();
+          save({
+            expectedRoute:
+              itemName === "default policy"
+                ? "@deleteCacheConfig"
+                : "@putCacheConfig",
+          });
+          scheduleRadioButton().click();
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  });