diff --git a/deps.edn b/deps.edn
index f9832452b2a223664627db6490a86d10b1821fac..2994a82786ba1e796a394c9459e659db322b4a39 100644
--- a/deps.edn
+++ b/deps.edn
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
   org.apache.sshd/sshd-core                 {:mvn/version "2.12.1"              ; ssh tunneling and test server
                                              :exclusions  [org.slf4j/slf4j-api
+  org.apache.tika/tika-core                 {:mvn/version "2.9.2"}
   org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-all          {:mvn/version "1.17"}               ; SVG -> image
   org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on           {:mvn/version "1.78"}               ; Bouncy Castle crypto library -- explicit version of BC specified to resolve illegal reflective access errors
   org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk18on           {:mvn/version "1.78"}
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/table.clj b/src/metabase/api/table.clj
index 743edac5cbebb7ca37e1006d91d9fd942d0a38d4..b1c4907b65f6301645a74ad5537a5724ffa6ba2f 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/table.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/table.clj
@@ -588,6 +588,7 @@
   "This helper function exists to make testing the POST /api/table/:id/{action}-csv endpoints easier."
   [options :- [:map
                [:table-id ms/PositiveInt]
+               [:filename :string]
                [:file (ms/InstanceOfClass java.io.File)]
                [:action upload/update-action-schema]]]
@@ -607,6 +608,7 @@
   [id :as {raw-params :params}]
   {id ms/PositiveInt}
   (update-csv! {:table-id id
+                :filename (get-in raw-params ["file" :filename])
                 :file     (get-in raw-params ["file" :tempfile])
                 :action   ::upload/append}))
@@ -615,6 +617,7 @@
   [id :as {raw-params :params}]
   {id ms/PositiveInt}
   (update-csv! {:table-id id
+                :filename (get-in raw-params ["file" :filename])
                 :file     (get-in raw-params ["file" :tempfile])
                 :action   ::upload/replace}))
diff --git a/src/metabase/upload.clj b/src/metabase/upload.clj
index c92d46e450805c69409e4def384ea2a3d98bbb37..fc027e2641ea03419bd162dafef3e4c9cc0b6af3 100644
--- a/src/metabase/upload.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/upload.clj
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
    [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
    [toucan2.core :as t2])
-   (java.io File)))
+   (java.io File)
+   (org.apache.tika Tika)))
 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
@@ -240,6 +241,19 @@
    (reduce max 0 data-row-column-counts)
+(def ^:private allowed-extensions #{nil "csv" "tsv" "txt"})
+(def ^:private allowed-mime-types #{"text/csv" "text/tab-separated-values" "text/plain"})
+(def ^:private ^Tika tika (Tika.))
+(defn- file-extension [filename]
+  (when filename
+    (-> filename (str/split #"\.") rest last)))
+(defn- file-mime-type [^File file]
+  (.detect tika file))
 (defn- infer-separator
   "Guess at what symbol is being used as a separator in the given CSV-like file.
   Our heuristic is to use the separator that gives us the most number of columns.
@@ -259,8 +273,10 @@
 (defn- infer-parser
   "Currently this only infers the separator, but in future it may also handle different quoting options."
-  [file]
-  (let [s (infer-separator file)]
+  [filename ^File file]
+  (let [s (if (= "tsv" (file-extension filename))
+            \tab
+            (infer-separator file))]
     (fn [stream]
       (csv/read-csv stream :separator s))))
@@ -288,8 +304,8 @@
 (defn- create-from-csv!
   "Creates a table from a CSV file. If the table already exists, it will throw an error.
    Returns the file size, number of rows, and number of columns."
-  [driver db table-name ^File csv-file]
-  (let [parse (infer-parser csv-file)]
+  [driver db table-name filename ^File csv-file]
+  (let [parse (infer-parser filename csv-file)]
     (with-open [reader (bom/bom-reader csv-file)]
       (let [auto-pk?          (auto-pk-column? driver db)
             [header & rows]   (cond-> (parse reader)
@@ -407,8 +423,8 @@
 (defn- fail-stats
   "If a given upload / append / replace fails, this function is used to create the failure event payload for snowplow.
   It may involve redundantly reading the file, or even failing again if the file is unreadable."
-  [^File file]
-  (let [parse (infer-parser file)]
+  [filename ^File file]
+  (let [parse (infer-parser filename file)]
     (with-open [reader (bom/bom-reader file)]
       (let [rows (parse reader)]
         {:size-mb           (file-size-mb file)
@@ -418,12 +434,12 @@
 (defn- create-from-csv-and-sync!
   "This is separated from `create-csv-upload!` for testing"
-  [{:keys [db file schema table-name display-name]}]
+  [{:keys [db filename file schema table-name display-name]}]
   (let [driver            (driver.u/database->driver db)
         schema            (some->> schema (ddl.i/format-name driver))
         table-name        (some->> table-name (ddl.i/format-name driver))
         schema+table-name (table-identifier {:schema schema :name table-name})
-        stats             (create-from-csv! driver db schema+table-name file)
+        stats             (create-from-csv! driver db schema+table-name filename file)
         ;; Sync immediately to create the Table and its Fields; the scan is settings-dependent and can be async
         table             (sync-tables/create-table! db {:name         table-name
                                                          :schema       (not-empty schema)
@@ -438,6 +454,20 @@
     {:table table
      :stats stats}))
+(defn- check-filetype [filename file]
+  (let [extension (file-extension filename)]
+    (when-not (contains? allowed-extensions extension)
+      (throw (ex-info (tru "Unsupported File Type")
+                      {:status-code    415 ; Unsupported Media Type
+                       :file-extension extension})))
+    ;; This might be expensive to compute, hence having this as a second case.
+    (let [mime-type (file-mime-type file)]
+      (when-not (contains? allowed-mime-types mime-type)
+        (throw (ex-info (tru "Unsupported File Type")
+                        {:status-code    415 ; Unsupported Media Type
+                         :file-extension extension
+                         :mime-type      mime-type}))))))
 (mu/defn create-csv-upload!
   "Main entry point for CSV uploading.
@@ -472,6 +502,7 @@
                      (throw (ex-info (tru "The uploads database does not exist.")
                                      {:status-code 422})))]
     (check-can-create-upload database schema-name)
+    (check-filetype filename file)
     (collection/check-write-perms-for-collection collection-id)
       (let [timer             (u/start-timer)
@@ -486,6 +517,7 @@
             {:keys [stats
                     table]}   (create-from-csv-and-sync! {:db           database
+                                                          :filename     filename
                                                           :file         file
                                                           :schema       schema-name
                                                           :table-name   table-name
@@ -518,7 +550,7 @@
                                (assoc stats :model-id (:id card)))
       (catch Throwable e
-        (snowplow/track-event! ::snowplow/csv-upload-failed api/*current-user-id* (fail-stats file))
+        (snowplow/track-event! ::snowplow/csv-upload-failed api/*current-user-id* (fail-stats filename file))
         (throw e)))))
 ;;; +-----------------------------
@@ -624,9 +656,9 @@
     ;; Ideally we would do all the filtering in the query, but this would not allow us to leverage mlv2.
     (persisted-info/invalidate! {:card_id [:in model-ids]})))
-(defn- update-with-csv! [database table file & {:keys [replace-rows?]}]
+(defn- update-with-csv! [database table filename file & {:keys [replace-rows?]}]
-    (let [parse (infer-parser file)]
+    (let [parse (infer-parser filename file)]
       (with-open [reader (bom/bom-reader file)]
         (let [timer              (u/start-timer)
               driver             (driver.u/database->driver database)
@@ -699,7 +731,7 @@
           {:row-count row-count})))
     (catch Throwable e
-      (snowplow/track-event! ::snowplow/csv-append-failed api/*current-user-id* (fail-stats file))
+      (snowplow/track-event! ::snowplow/csv-append-failed api/*current-user-id* (fail-stats filename file))
       (throw e))))
 (defn- can-update-error
@@ -759,7 +791,7 @@
     ;; Attempt to delete the underlying data from the customer database.
     ;; We perform this before marking the table as inactive in the app db so that even if it false, the table is still
-    ;; visible to administrators and the operation is easy to retry again later.
+    ;; visible to administrators, and the operation is easy to retry again later.
     (driver/drop-table! driver (:id database) table-name)
     ;; We mark the table as inactive synchronously, so that it will no longer shows up in the admin list.
@@ -793,16 +825,18 @@
   "Main entry point for updating an uploaded table with a CSV file.
   This will create an auto-incrementing primary key (auto-pk) column in the table for drivers that supported uploads
   before auto-pk columns were introduced by metabase#36249, if it does not already exist."
-  [{:keys [^File file table-id action]}
+  [{:keys [filename ^File file table-id action]}
    :- [:map
        [:table-id ms/PositiveInt]
+       [:filename :string]
        [:file (ms/InstanceOfClass File)]
        [:action update-action-schema]]]
   (let [table    (api/check-404 (t2/select-one :model/Table :id table-id))
         database (table/database table)
         replace? (= ::replace action)]
     (check-can-update database table)
-    (update-with-csv! database table file :replace-rows? replace?)))
+    (check-filetype filename file)
+    (update-with-csv! database table filename file :replace-rows? replace?)))
 ;;; +--------------------------------
 ;;; |  hydrate based_on_upload for FE
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj
index 74bacaa912920fa372a2dbd5709ed13845576b66..8153e3e6cf46abbdaacd2b9e979f675c4ac5744a 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj
@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@
 (defn- update-csv! [options]
-  (@#'api.table/update-csv! options))
+  (@#'api.table/update-csv! (merge {:filename "test.csv"} options)))
 (defn- update-csv-via-api!
   "Upload a small CSV file to the given collection ID. Default args can be overridden"
diff --git a/test/metabase/upload_test.clj b/test/metabase/upload_test.clj
index 52658f86a06b275979e1a2e2f0664108683c00a5..2c0b796c5382c145778b31765757f53f50d06ef4 100644
--- a/test/metabase/upload_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/upload_test.clj
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
    [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
    [toucan2.core :as t2])
-   (java.io ByteArrayInputStream File)))
+   (java.io ByteArrayInputStream File FileOutputStream)))
 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@
       (#'upload/scan-and-sync-table! database table))
     (t2/select-one :model/Table (:id table))))
+(defn- tmp-file [prefix extension]
+   (doto (File/createTempFile prefix extension)
+     (.deleteOnExit)))
 (defn csv-file-with
   "Create a temp csv file with the given content and return the file"
   (^File [rows]
@@ -126,8 +130,7 @@
    (csv-file-with rows file-prefix io/writer))
   (^File [rows file-prefix writer-fn]
    (let [contents (str/join "\n" rows)
-         csv-file (doto (File/createTempFile file-prefix ".csv")
-                    (.deleteOnExit))]
+         csv-file (tmp-file file-prefix ".csv")]
      (with-open [^java.io.Writer w (writer-fn csv-file)]
        (.write w contents))
@@ -1034,7 +1037,7 @@
 (defn- update-csv!
   "Shorthand for synchronously updating a CSV"
   [action options]
-  (update-csv-synchronously! (assoc options :action action)))
+  (update-csv-synchronously! (merge {:filename "test.csv" :action action} options)))
 (deftest create-csv-upload!-schema-test
   (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :uploads :schemas)
@@ -1159,6 +1162,23 @@
                                              :upload-seconds    pos?}}}
                    (last-audit-event :upload-create)))))))))
+(defn- write-empty-gzip
+  "Writes the data for an empty gzip file"
+  [^File file]
+  (with-open [out (FileOutputStream. file)]
+      (.write out (byte-array
+                   [0x1F 0x8B ; GZIP magic number
+                    0x08      ; Compression method (deflate)
+                    0         ; Flags
+                    0 0 0 0   ; Modification time (none)
+                    0         ; Extra flags
+                    0xFF      ; Operating system (unknown)
+                    0x03 0    ; Compressed data (empty block)
+                    0 0 0 0   ; CRC32
+                    0 0 0 0   ; Input size
+                    ]))
+      file))
 (deftest ^:mb/once create-csv-upload!-failure-test
   (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :uploads)
@@ -1191,7 +1211,20 @@
                #"^You do not have curate permissions for this Collection\.$"
                 {:user-id (mt/user->id :lucky) :schema-name "public", :table-prefix "uploaded_magic_"}
-                identity))))))))
+                identity)))))
+      (testing "File type must be allowed"
+        (is (thrown-with-msg?
+             clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
+             #"Unsupported File Type"
+             (do-with-uploaded-example-csv!
+              {:file (tmp-file "illegal" ".jpg")}
+              identity)))
+        (is (thrown-with-msg?
+             clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
+             #"Unsupported File Type"
+             (do-with-uploaded-example-csv!
+              {:file (write-empty-gzip (tmp-file "sneaky" ".csv"))}
+              identity)))))))
 (defn- find-schema-filters-prop [driver]
   (first (filter (fn [conn-prop]
@@ -1262,12 +1295,6 @@
     (driver/insert-into! driver db-id schema+table-name insert-col-names rows)
     (sync-upload-test-table! :database (mt/db) :table-name table-name :schema-name schema-name)))
-(defmacro maybe-apply-macro
-  [flag macro-fn & body]
-  `(if ~flag
-     (~macro-fn ~@body)
-     ~@body))
 (defn catch-ex-info* [f]