diff --git a/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load.clj b/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load.clj
index 834ec9571d1bfafae1c4a6b213b0f3c2e6b8a90d..0a8ef093752191d27b46346a9bcc9b0a7836c752 100644
--- a/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load.clj
+++ b/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load.clj
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
 (declare load-one!)
+(defn- without-references
+  "Remove references to other entities from a given one. Used to break circular dependencies when loading."
+  [entity]
+  (if (:dashcards entity)
+    (dissoc entity :dashcards)
+    (throw (ex-info "No known references found when breaking circular dependency!" {:entity entity}))))
 (defn- load-deps!
   "Given a list of `deps` (hierarchies), [[load-one]] them all.
   If [[load-one]] throws because it can't find that entity in the filesystem, check if it's already loaded in
@@ -22,29 +29,41 @@
                 (load-one! ctx dep)
                 (catch Exception e
-                  (if (and (= (:error (ex-data e)) ::not-found)
-                           (serdes/load-find-local dep))
+                  (cond
                     ;; It was missing but we found it locally, so just return the context.
+                    (and (= (:error (ex-data e)) ::not-found)
+                         (serdes/load-find-local dep))
-                    ;; Different error, or couldn't find it locally, so rethrow.
+                    ;; It's a circular dep, strip off probable cause and retry. This will store an incomplete version
+                    ;; of an entity, but this is not a problem - a full version is waiting to be stored up the stack.
+                    (= (:error (ex-data e)) ::circular)
+                    (do
+                      (log/debug "Detected circular dependency" (serdes/log-path-str dep))
+                      (load-one! (update ctx :expanding disj dep) dep without-references))
+                    :else
                     (throw e)))))]
       (reduce loader ctx deps))))
 (defn- load-one!
-  "Loads a single entity, specified by its `:serdes/meta` abstract path, into the appdb, doing some bookkeeping to avoid
-  cycles.
+  "Loads a single entity, specified by its `:serdes/meta` abstract path, into the appdb, doing some bookkeeping to
+  avoid cycles.
-  If the incoming entity has any dependencies, they are recursively processed first (postorder) so that any foreign key
-  references in this entity can be resolved properly.
+  If the incoming entity has any dependencies, they are recursively processed first (postorder) so that any foreign
+  key references in this entity can be resolved properly.
   This is mostly bookkeeping for the overall deserialization process - the actual load of any given entity is done by
   [[metabase.models.serialization/load-one!]] and its various overridable parts, which see.
-  Circular dependencies are not allowed, and are detected and thrown as an error."
-  [{:keys [expanding ingestion seen] :as ctx} path]
+  Error is thrown on a circular dependency, should be handled and retried at the caller. `modfn` is an optional
+  parameter to modify entity data after reading and before other processing (before loading dependencies, finding
+  local version, and storing in the db)."
+  [{:keys [expanding ingestion seen] :as ctx} path & [modfn]]
   (log/infof "Loading %s" (serdes/log-path-str path))
-    (expanding path) (throw (ex-info (format "Circular dependency on %s" (pr-str path)) {:path path}))
+    (expanding path) (throw (ex-info (format "Circular dependency on %s" (pr-str path)) {:path path
+                                                                                         :error ::circular}))
     (seen path) ctx ; Already been done, just skip it.
     :else (let [ingested (try
                            (serdes.ingest/ingest-one ingestion path)
@@ -54,7 +73,10 @@
                                               :deps-chain expanding
                                               :error      ::not-found}
+                ingested (cond-> ingested
+                           modfn modfn)
                 deps     (serdes/dependencies ingested)
+                _        (log/debug "Loading dependencies" deps)
                 ctx      (-> ctx
                              (update :expanding conj path)
                              (load-deps! deps)
diff --git a/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load_test.clj b/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load_test.clj
index 88dfc7aa7847c0418e3705021c327e36b5d76834..bf49cbe26d8c3f8ab4fae66ac3187f9ec37a1598 100644
--- a/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load_test.clj
+++ b/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/v2/load_test.clj
@@ -1223,3 +1223,36 @@
                          (serdes.load/load-metabase! (ingestion-in-memory @serialized))))
             (is (= (str "qwe_" (:name coll))
                    (t2/select-one-fn :name Collection :id (:id card))))))))))
+(deftest circular-links-test
+  (mt/with-empty-h2-app-db
+    (let [coll  (ts/create! Collection :name "coll")
+          card  (ts/create! Card :name "card" :collection_id (:id coll))
+          dash1 (ts/create! Dashboard :name "dash1" :collection_id (:id coll))
+          dash2 (ts/create! Dashboard :name "dash2" :collection_id (:id coll))
+          dash3 (ts/create! Dashboard :name "dash3" :collection_id (:id coll))
+          dc1   (ts/create! DashboardCard :dashboard_id (:id dash1) :card_id (:id card)
+                            :visualization_settings {:click_behavior {:type     "link"
+                                                                      :linkType "dashboard"
+                                                                      :targetId (:id dash2)}})
+          dc2   (ts/create! DashboardCard :dashboard_id (:id dash2) :card_id (:id card)
+                            :visualization_settings {:click_behavior {:type     "link"
+                                                                      :linkType "dashboard"
+                                                                      :targetId (:id dash3)}})
+          dc3   (ts/create! DashboardCard :dashboard_id (:id dash2) :card_id (:id card)
+                            :visualization_settings {:click_behavior {:type     "link"
+                                                                      :linkType "dashboard"
+                                                                      :targetId (:id dash1)}})
+          ser   (atom nil)]
+      (reset! ser (into [] (serdes.extract/extract {:no-settings   true
+                                                    :no-data-model true})))
+      (t2/delete! DashboardCard :id [:in (map :id [dc1 dc2 dc3])])
+      (testing "Circular dependencies are loaded correctly"
+        (is (serdes.load/load-metabase! (ingestion-in-memory @ser)))
+        (let [select-target #(-> % :visualization_settings :click_behavior :targetId)]
+          (is (= (:id dash2)
+                 (t2/select-one-fn select-target DashboardCard :entity_id (:entity_id dc1))))
+          (is (= (:id dash3)
+                 (t2/select-one-fn select-target DashboardCard :entity_id (:entity_id dc2))))
+          (is (= (:id dash1)
+                 (t2/select-one-fn select-target DashboardCard :entity_id (:entity_id dc3)))))))))