From 81c3639c05540b6005808dc7fbc3e70066f1179d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cal Herries <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 19:14:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove unused CardTagEditor code (#26008)

* Remove CardTagEditor

* Remove unused cardTagRegexFromId
 .../metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.ts   |  19 ---
 .../template_tags/CardTagEditor.jsx           | 146 ------------------
 .../template_tags/TagEditorSidebar.jsx        |  32 ++--
 .../lib/queries/NativeQuery.unit.spec.js      |  38 -----
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/CardTagEditor.jsx

diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.ts b/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.ts
index 9d6366f4c29..4a7e029d627 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.ts
@@ -67,15 +67,9 @@ export function recognizeTemplateTags(queryText: string): string[] {
   return _.uniq(tagNames);
-// needs to match logically with `cardTagRegexFromId`
 // matches '#123-foo-bar' and '#123' but not '#123foo'
 const CARD_TAG_NAME_REGEX: RegExp = /^#([0-9]*)(-[a-z0-9-]*)?$/;
-// needs to match logically with `CARD_TAG_NAME_REGEX`
-function cardTagRegexFromId(cardId: number): RegExp {
-  return new RegExp(`{{\\s*#${cardId}(-[a-z0-9-]*)?\\s*}}`, "g");
 function tagRegex(tagName: string): RegExp {
   return new RegExp(`{{\\s*${tagName}\\s*}}`, "g");
@@ -91,19 +85,6 @@ function replaceTagName(
   return query.setQueryText(queryText);
-// replaces template tag with given cardId with a new tag name
-// the new tag name could reference a completely different card
-export function replaceCardTagNameById(
-  query: NativeQuery,
-  cardId: number,
-  newTagName: string,
-): NativeQuery {
-  const queryText = query
-    .queryText()
-    .replace(cardTagRegexFromId(cardId), `{{${newTagName}}}`);
-  return query.setQueryText(queryText);
 export function cardIdFromTagName(name: string): number | null {
   const match = name.match(CARD_TAG_NAME_REGEX);
   return parseInt(match?.[1]) || null;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/CardTagEditor.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/CardTagEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 82ac9805cc9..00000000000
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/CardTagEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
-import React, { Component } from "react";
-import { Link } from "react-router";
-import { t } from "ttag";
-import cx from "classnames";
-import Icon from "metabase/components/Icon";
-import QuestionPicker from "metabase/containers/QuestionPicker";
-import PopoverWithTrigger from "metabase/components/PopoverWithTrigger";
-import SelectButton from "metabase/core/components/SelectButton";
-import LoadingSpinner from "metabase/components/LoadingSpinner";
-import Questions from "metabase/entities/questions";
-import * as Urls from "metabase/lib/urls";
-import { formatDateTimeWithUnit } from "metabase/lib/formatting";
-import MetabaseSettings from "metabase/lib/settings";
-import { replaceCardTagNameById } from "metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery";
-class CardTagEditor extends Component {
-  handleQuestionSelection = id => {
-    const { question, query, setDatasetQuery } = this.props;
-    const selectedQuestion = query.metadata().question(id);
-    setDatasetQuery(
-      replaceCardTagNameById(
-        query,
-        question ? : "",
-        `#${selectedQuestion.slug()}`,
-      ).datasetQuery(),
-    );
-    this._popover && this._popover.close();
-  };
-  getQuestionUrl() {
-    const { tag, question } = this.props;
-    return Urls.question(question || { id: tag["card-id"] });
-  }
-  errorMessage() {
-    const { error, question, query } = this.props;
-    if (
-      question &&
-      // If this question was loaded by a search endpoint before fetching, it
-      // might not have a database_id set yet.
-      question.database_id != null &&
-      question.database_id !== query.databaseId()
-    ) {
-      return t`This question can't be used because it's based on a different database.`;
-    }
-    if (error) {
-      return error.status === 404
-        ? t`Couldn't find a saved question with that ID number.`
-        :;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  triggerElement() {
-    const { tag, question } = this.props;
-    return (
-      <SelectButton>
-        {tag["card-id"] == null ? (
-          <span className="text-medium">{t`Pick a question or a model`}</span>
-        ) : this.errorMessage() ? (
-          <span className="text-medium">{t`Pick a different question or a model`}</span>
-        ) : question ? (
-        ) : (
-          // we only hit this on the initial render before we fetch
-          t`Loading…`
-        )}
-      </SelectButton>
-    );
-  }
-  render() {
-    const {
-      tag: { "card-id": cardId },
-      loading,
-      question,
-    } = this.props;
-    return (
-      <div className="px3 py4 border-top">
-        <h3 className="text-heavy text-brand mb1">
-          {cardId == null ? (
-            t`Question #…`
-          ) : (
-            <Link to={this.getQuestionUrl()}>
-              {question?.dataset ? t`Model #${cardId}` : t`Question #${cardId}`}
-            </Link>
-          )}
-        </h3>
-        {loading ? (
-          <LoadingSpinner />
-        ) : (
-          <PopoverWithTrigger
-            ref={ref => (this._popover = ref)}
-            triggerElement={this.triggerElement()}
-            verticalAttachments={["top", "bottom"]}
-            horizontalAttachments={["right", "left"]}
-            pinInitialAttachment
-          >
-            <QuestionPicker
-              className="p2"
-              value={question &&}
-              onChange={this.handleQuestionSelection}
-            />
-          </PopoverWithTrigger>
-        )}
-        {this.errorMessage() && (
-          <p className="text-error bg-light p2 mt2 mb0">
-            {this.errorMessage()}
-          </p>
-        )}
-        {question && !this.errorMessage() && (
-          <div className="bg-light text-medium text-small py1 px2 mt1">
-            {question.collection && (
-              <div className="flex align-center">
-                <Icon name="all" size={12} mr={1} /> {}
-              </div>
-            )}
-            <div
-              className={cx("flex align-center", { mt1: question.collection })}
-            >
-              <Icon name="calendar" size={12} mr={1} />{" "}
-              {t`Last edited ${formatDate(question.updated_at)}`}
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        )}
-      </div>
-    );
-  }
-export default Questions.load({
-  id: (state, { tag }) => tag["card-id"],
-  loadingAndErrorWrapper: false,
-  dispatchApiErrorEvent: false,
-// This formats a timestamp as a date using any custom formatting options.
-function formatDate(value) {
-  const options = MetabaseSettings.get("custom-formatting")["type/Temporal"];
-  return formatDateTimeWithUnit(value, "day", options);
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/TagEditorSidebar.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/TagEditorSidebar.jsx
index de4b39a8868..c740f5b0881 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/TagEditorSidebar.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/template_tags/TagEditorSidebar.jsx
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import SidebarContent from "metabase/query_builder/components/SidebarContent";
 import * as MetabaseAnalytics from "metabase/lib/analytics";
 import NativeQuery from "metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery";
 import TagEditorParam from "./TagEditorParam";
-import CardTagEditor from "./CardTagEditor";
 import TagEditorHelp from "./TagEditorHelp";
 export default class TagEditorSidebar extends React.Component {
@@ -85,8 +84,6 @@ export default class TagEditorSidebar extends React.Component {
-              query={query}
-              setDatasetQuery={setDatasetQuery}
@@ -110,31 +107,22 @@ const SettingsPane = ({
-  query,
-  setDatasetQuery,
 }) => (
     { => (
       <div key={}>
-        {tag.type === "card" ? (
-          <CardTagEditor
-            query={query}
-            setDatasetQuery={setDatasetQuery}
-            tag={tag}
-          />
-        ) : (
-          <TagEditorParam
-            tag={tag}
-            parameter={parametersById[]}
-            databaseFields={databaseFields}
-            database={database}
-            databases={databases}
-            setTemplateTag={setTemplateTag}
-            setParameterValue={setParameterValue}
-          />
-        )}
+        <TagEditorParam
+          tag={tag}
+          key={}
+          parameter={parametersById[]}
+          databaseFields={databaseFields}
+          database={database}
+          databases={databases}
+          setTemplateTag={setTemplateTag}
+          setParameterValue={setParameterValue}
+        />
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.unit.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.unit.spec.js
index f9c386aec74..2b74ba1323a 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.unit.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/NativeQuery.unit.spec.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import {
 } from "__support__/sample_database_fixture";
 import NativeQuery, {
-  replaceCardTagNameById,
@@ -268,43 +267,6 @@ describe("NativeQuery", () => {
         expect(q.templateTags().map(v => v["card-id"])).toEqual([1, 2, 1]);
-    describe("replaceCardTagNameById", () => {
-      it("should update the query text", () => {
-        const query = makeQuery().setQueryText("SELECT * from {{ #123 }}");
-        const newQuery = replaceCardTagNameById(
-          query,
-          "123",
-          "#456-a-card-name",
-        );
-        expect(newQuery.queryText()).toBe("SELECT * from {{#456-a-card-name}}");
-        const tags = newQuery.templateTags();
-        expect(tags.length).toBe(1);
-        const [{ "card-id": cardId, type, name }] = tags;
-        expect(cardId).toEqual(456);
-        expect(type).toEqual("card");
-        expect(name).toEqual("#456-a-card-name");
-      });
-      it("should perform multiple updates", () => {
-        const query = makeQuery().setQueryText(
-          "{{#123}} {{foo}} {{#1234}} {{ #123-original-card-name }}",
-        );
-        const newQuery = replaceCardTagNameById(
-          query,
-          "123",
-          "#456-a-card-name",
-        );
-        expect(newQuery.queryText()).toBe(
-          "{{#456-a-card-name}} {{foo}} {{#1234}} {{#456-a-card-name}}",
-        );
-      });
-      it("should replace a blank id", () => {
-        const query = makeQuery().setQueryText("{{#}} {{#123}}");
-        const newQuery = replaceCardTagNameById(query, "", "#456-a-card-name");
-        expect(newQuery.queryText()).toBe("{{#456-a-card-name}} {{#123}}");
-      });
-    });
   describe("variables", () => {
     it("should return empty array if there are no tags", () => {