diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/Dimension.js b/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/Dimension.js
index 89d272cc074ba528a5ca17b01d41161b9ea9de4b..4cc2a0f1ba2f49984a31a4496d78fadf17aca720 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/Dimension.js
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/Dimension.js
@@ -639,7 +639,9 @@ export class AggregationDimension extends Dimension {
     const aggregation =
       this._query && this._query.aggregations()[this.aggregationIndex()];
     if (aggregation) {
-      return aggregation[0] === "named" ? aggregation[1] : aggregation;
+      return aggregation[0] === "aggregation-options"
+        ? aggregation[1]
+        : aggregation;
     return null;
@@ -649,13 +651,15 @@ export class AggregationDimension extends Dimension {
       this._query && this._query.aggregations()[this.aggregationIndex()];
     if (aggregation) {
       // FIXME: query lib
-      if (aggregation[0] === "named") {
-        return aggregation[2];
-      } else {
-        const short = aggregation[0];
-        // NOTE: special case for "distinct"
-        return short === "distinct" ? "count" : short;
+      if (aggregation[0] === "aggregation-options") {
+        const { "display-name": displayName } = aggregation[2];
+        if (displayName) {
+          return displayName;
+        }
+      const short = aggregation[0];
+      // NOTE: special case for "distinct"
+      return short === "distinct" ? "count" : short;
     return null;
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/lib/query.js b/frontend/src/metabase/lib/query.js
index 3db02d1b56d92d020caaae7b39a1c5667eb921ea..7b8b6663518f51587af823021e7fcc38a64b0053 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/lib/query.js
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/lib/query.js
@@ -824,22 +824,30 @@ for (const prop in Q) {
 import { isMath } from "metabase/lib/expressions";
 export const NamedClause = {
+  hasOptions(clause) {
+    return Array.isArray(clause) && clause[0] === "aggregation-options";
+  },
+  getOptions(clause) {
+    return NamedClause.hasOptions(clause) ? clause[2] : {};
+  },
   isNamed(clause) {
-    return Array.isArray(clause) && clause[0] === "named";
+    return NamedClause.getOptions(clause)["display-name"];
   getName(clause) {
-    return NamedClause.isNamed(clause) ? clause[2] : null;
+    return NamedClause.getOptions(clause)["display-name"];
   getContent(clause) {
-    return NamedClause.isNamed(clause) ? clause[1] : clause;
+    return NamedClause.hasOptions(clause) ? clause[1] : clause;
   setName(clause, name) {
-    return ["named", NamedClause.getContent(clause), name];
+    return [
+      "aggregation-options",
+      NamedClause.getContent(clause),
+      { "display-name": name, ...NamedClause.getOptions(clause) },
+    ];
   setContent(clause, content) {
-    return NamedClause.isNamed(clause)
-      ? ["named", content, NamedClause.getName(clause)]
-      : content;
+    return ["aggregation-options", content, NamedClause.getOptions(clause)];
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/StructuredQuery.unit.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/StructuredQuery.unit.spec.js
index 3551660a0bf5be57af3387d221f74f9bfe5d5407..d645c11f2e32988135034cd1378e5bc09e13547e 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/StructuredQuery.unit.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase-lib/lib/queries/StructuredQuery.unit.spec.js
@@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ describe("StructuredQuery unit tests", () => {
       it("returns a named expression name", () => {
-            "named",
+            "aggregation-options",
             ["sum", ["field-id", ORDERS_TOTAL_FIELD_ID]],
-            "Named",
+            { "display-name": "Named" },
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/lib/query.unit.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/lib/query.unit.spec.js
index e2f1551aa69f7320cad4f3070e4cd2879f56f837..174434e9fc741b230bea40189c702b8cb8fb2e8d 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/lib/query.unit.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/lib/query.unit.spec.js
@@ -344,7 +344,13 @@ describe("generateQueryDescription", () => {
       Query.generateQueryDescription(mockTableMetadata, {
         "source-table": 1,
-        aggregation: [["named", ["sum", ["field-id", 1]], "Revenue"]],
+        aggregation: [
+          [
+            "aggregation-options",
+            ["sum", ["field-id", 1]],
+            { "display-name": "Revenue" },
+          ],
+        ],
     ).toEqual("Orders, Revenue");
diff --git a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
index 272e5dbbf058a29ea62c282c77d8fe9b29b67543..3320e24aaffedf36a00da8041a6c1ba79f76227a 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
@@ -77,22 +77,10 @@
        :type     :native
        :database (data/id)})))
-;; make sure that the bigquery driver can handle named columns with characters that aren't allowed in BQ itself
-(datasets/expect-with-driver :bigquery
-  {:rows    [[113]]
-   :columns ["User_ID_Plus_Venue_ID"]}
-  (qp.test/rows+column-names
-    (qp/process-query {:database (data/id)
-                       :type     "query"
-                       :query    {:source-table (data/id :checkins)
-                                  :aggregation  [["named" ["max" ["+" ["field-id" (data/id :checkins :user_id)]
-                                                                      ["field-id" (data/id :checkins :venue_id)]]]
-                                                  "User ID Plus Venue ID"]]}})))
-;; ok, make sure we actually wrap all of our ag clauses in `:named` clauses with unique names
+;; ok, make sure we actually wrap all of our ag clauses in `:aggregation-options` clauses with unique names
 (defn- aggregation-names [query]
   (mbql.u/match (-> query :query :aggregation)
-    [:named _ ag-name] ag-name))
+    [:aggregation-options _ {:name ag-name}] ag-name))
 ;; make sure queries with two or more of the same aggregation type still work. Aggregations used to be deduplicated
 ;; here in the BigQuery driver; now they are deduplicated as part of the main QP middleware, but no reason not to keep
diff --git a/modules/drivers/druid/src/metabase/driver/druid/query_processor.clj b/modules/drivers/druid/src/metabase/driver/druid/query_processor.clj
index b05fecd24d25b4b63aab74ac2f32d62188503264..d48440140bafccdc1b246f4cbf94f084291d2581 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/druid/src/metabase/driver/druid/query_processor.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/druid/src/metabase/driver/druid/query_processor.clj
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
             [flatland.ordered.map :as ordered-map]
             [metabase.driver.druid.js :as js]
-            [metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
+            [metabase.mbql
+             [schema :as mbql.s]
+             [util :as mbql.u]]
              [interface :as i]
              [store :as qp.store]]
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@
     (= ag-type :distinct)
-    (= ag-type :named)
+    (= ag-type :aggregation-options)
     (recur (second ag))
@@ -139,18 +141,23 @@
   (dimension-or-metric? field))
-(def ^:private ^:const query-type->default-query
-  (let [defaults {:intervals   ["1900-01-01/2100-01-01"]
-                  :granularity :all
-                  :context     {:timeout 60000
-                                :queryId (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}}]
-    {::select             (merge defaults {:queryType  :select
-                                           :pagingSpec {:threshold i/absolute-max-results}})
-     ::total              (merge defaults {:queryType :timeseries})
-     ::grouped-timeseries (merge defaults {:queryType :timeseries})
-     ::topN               (merge defaults {:queryType :topN
-                                           :threshold topN-max-results})
-     ::groupBy            (merge defaults {:queryType :groupBy})}))
+(defn- random-query-id []
+  (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
+(defn- query-type->default-query [query-type]
+  (merge
+   {:intervals   ["1900-01-01/2100-01-01"]
+    :granularity :all
+    :context     {:timeout 60000
+                  :queryId (random-query-id)}}
+   (case query-type
+     ::select             {:queryType  :select
+                           :pagingSpec {:threshold i/absolute-max-results}}
+     ::total              {:queryType :timeseries}
+     ::grouped-timeseries {:queryType :timeseries}
+     ::topN               {:queryType :topN
+                           :threshold topN-max-results}
+     ::groupBy            {:queryType :groupBy})))
@@ -582,12 +589,12 @@
       [:max      _]    [[(or output-name-kwd :max)]
                         {:aggregations [(ag:doubleMax ag-field (or output-name :max))]}])))
-(defn- handle-aggregation
-  [query-type ag-clause updated-query]
+(s/defn ^:private handle-aggregation
+  [query-type, ag-clause :- mbql.s/Aggregation, updated-query]
   (let [output-name               (annotate/aggregation-name ag-clause)
         [ag-type ag-field & args] (mbql.u/match-one ag-clause
-                                    [:named ag & _] (recur ag)
-                                    [_ _ & _]       &match)]
+                                    [:aggregation-options ag & _] (recur ag)
+                                    _                             &match)]
     (if-not (isa? query-type ::ag-query)
       (let [[projections ag-clauses] (create-aggregation-clause output-name ag-type ag-field args)]
@@ -595,49 +602,61 @@
             (update :projections #(vec (concat % projections)))
             (update :query #(merge-with concat % ag-clauses)))))))
-(defn- add-expression-aggregation-output-names
-  [[operator & args :as expression]]
-  (if (mbql.u/is-clause? :named expression)
-    (update (vec expression) 1 add-expression-aggregation-output-names)
-    (into [operator]
-          (for [arg args]
-            (cond
-              (number? arg)
-              arg
+(defn- deduplicate-aggregation-options [expression]
+  (mbql.u/replace expression
+    [:aggregation-options [:aggregation-options ag options-1] options-2]
+    [:aggregation-options ag (merge options-1 options-2)]))
-              (mbql.u/is-clause? :named arg)
-              arg
+(def ^:private ^:dynamic *query-unique-identifier-counter*
+  "Counter used for generating unique identifiers for use in the query. Bound to `(atom 0)` and incremented on each use
+  as the MBQL query is compiled."
+  nil)
-              (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:count :avg :distinct :stddev :sum :min :max} arg)
-              [:named arg (name (gensym (str "___" (name (first arg)) "_")))]
+(defn- aggregation-unique-identifier [clause]
+  (format "__%s_%d" (name clause) (first (swap-vals! *query-unique-identifier-counter* inc))))
+(defn- add-expression-aggregation-output-names
+  [expression]
+  (mbql.u/replace expression
+    [:aggregation-options ag options]
+    (deduplicate-aggregation-options [:aggregation-options (add-expression-aggregation-output-names ag) options])
-              (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:+ :- :/ :*} arg)
-              (add-expression-aggregation-output-names arg))))))
+    [(clause :guard #{:count :avg :distinct :stddev :sum :min :max}) & _]
+    [:aggregation-options &match {:name (aggregation-unique-identifier clause)}]))
 (defn- expression-post-aggregation
   [[operator & args, :as expression]]
-  (if (mbql.u/is-clause? :named expression)
+  (mbql.u/match-one expression
     ;; If it's a named expression, we want to preserve the included name, so recurse, but merge in the name
+    [:aggregation-options ag _]
     (merge (expression-post-aggregation (second expression))
-           {:name (annotate/aggregation-name expression {:top-level? true})})
+           {:name (annotate/aggregation-name expression)})
+    _
     {:type   :arithmetic
-     :name   (annotate/aggregation-name expression {:top-level? true})
+     :name   (annotate/aggregation-name expression)
      :fn     operator
-     :fields (for [arg args]
-               (cond
-                 (number? arg)
-                 {:type :constant, :name (str arg), :value arg}
+     :fields (vec (for [arg args]
+                    (mbql.u/match-one arg
+                      number?
+                      {:type :constant, :name (str &match), :value &match}
+                      [:aggregation-options _ (options :guard :name)]
+                      {:type :fieldAccess, :fieldName (:name options)}
+                      #{:+ :- :/ :*}
+                      (expression-post-aggregation &match)
-                 (mbql.u/is-clause? :named arg)
-                 {:type :fieldAccess, :fieldName (last arg)}
+                      ;; we should never get here unless our code is B U S T E D
+                      _
+                      (throw (ex-info (str (tru "Expected :aggregation-options, constant, or expression."))
+                               {:type :bug, :input arg})))))}))
-                 (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:+ :- :/ :*} arg)
-                 (expression-post-aggregation arg)))}))
 (declare handle-aggregations)
 (defn- expression->actual-ags
-  "Return a flattened list of actual aggregations that are needed for EXPRESSION."
+  "Return a flattened list of actual aggregations that are needed for `expression`."
   [[_ & args]]
   (apply concat (for [arg   args
                       :when (not (number? arg))]
@@ -647,7 +666,7 @@
 (defn- unwrap-name
-  (if (mbql.u/is-clause? :named x)
+  (if (mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation-options x)
     (second x)
@@ -662,24 +681,23 @@
         post-agg      (expression-post-aggregation expression)]
     (-> updated-query
         (update :projections conj (keyword (:name post-agg)))
-        (update :query #(merge-with concat % {:postAggregations [post-agg]})))))
+        (update-in [:query :postAggregations] concat [post-agg]))))
 (defn- handle-aggregations
   [query-type {aggregations :aggregation} updated-query]
-  (loop [[ag & more] aggregations, query updated-query]
-    (cond
-      (and (mbql.u/is-clause? :named ag)
-           (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:+ :- :/ :*} (second ag)))
-      (handle-expression-aggregation query-type ag query)
-      (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:+ :- :/ :*} ag)
-      (handle-expression-aggregation query-type ag query)
+  (reduce
+   (fn [updated-query aggregation]
+     (mbql.u/match-one aggregation
+       [:aggregation-options [(_ :guard #{:+ :- :/ :*}) & _] _]
+       (handle-expression-aggregation query-type &match updated-query)
-      (not ag)
-      query
+       #{:+ :- :/ :*}
+       (handle-expression-aggregation query-type &match updated-query)
-      :else
-      (recur more (handle-aggregation query-type ag query)))))
+       _
+       (handle-aggregation query-type &match updated-query)))
+   updated-query
+   aggregations))
 ;;; ------------------------------------------------ handle-breakout -------------------------------------------------
@@ -871,7 +889,7 @@
-                            [:named wrapped-ag & _]
+                            [:aggregation-options wrapped-ag _]
                             (recur wrapped-ag)
                             [(ag-type :guard keyword?) & _]
@@ -1139,7 +1157,8 @@
   ;; Merge `:settings` into the inner query dict so the QP has access to it
   (let [query (assoc (:query query)
                 :settings (:settings query))]
-    (binding [*query* query]
+    (binding [*query*                   query
+              *query-unique-identifier-counter* (atom 0)]
       (build-druid-query query))))
@@ -1188,7 +1207,7 @@
                          (json/parse-string query keyword)
         query-type     (or query-type
-                           (keyword "metabase.driver.druid.query-processor" (name (:queryType query))))
+                           (keyword (namespace ::query) (name (:queryType query))))
         post-proc-map  (->> query
                             (do-query details)
                             (post-process query-type projections
diff --git a/modules/drivers/druid/test/metabase/driver/druid/query_processor_test.clj b/modules/drivers/druid/test/metabase/driver/druid/query_processor_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7eb078516f614cec7edce40cb2c92bbad68d1831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/drivers/druid/test/metabase/driver/druid/query_processor_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(ns metabase.driver.druid.query-processor-test
+  "Some tests to make sure the Druid Query Processor is generating sane Druid queries when compiling MBQL."
+  (:require [metabase
+             [driver :as driver]
+             [query-processor :as qp]]
+            [metabase.driver.druid.query-processor :as druid.qp]
+            [metabase.test.data :as data]
+            [metabase.test.data.datasets :as datasets]
+            [metabase.timeseries-query-processor-test.util :as tqpt]))
+(defn- do-query->native [query]
+  (driver/with-driver :druid
+    (tqpt/with-flattened-dbdef
+      (with-redefs [druid.qp/random-query-id (constantly "<Query ID>")]
+        (qp/query->native
+          query)))))
+(defmacro ^:private query->native [query]
+  `(do-query->native
+    (data/mbql-query ~'checkins
+      ~query)))
+(datasets/expect-with-driver :druid
+  {:projections [:venue_price :__count_0 :expression]
+   :query       {:queryType        :topN
+                 :threshold        1000
+                 :granularity      :all
+                 :dataSource       "checkins"
+                 :dimension        "venue_price"
+                 :context          {:timeout 60000, :queryId "<Query ID>"}
+                 :postAggregations [{:type   :arithmetic
+                                     :name   "expression"
+                                     :fn     :*
+                                     :fields [{:type :fieldAccess, :fieldName "__count_0"}
+                                              {:type :constant, :name "10", :value 10}]}]
+                 :intervals        ["1900-01-01/2100-01-01"]
+                 :metric           {:type :alphaNumeric}
+                 :aggregations
+                 [{:type       :filtered
+                   :filter
+                   {:type  :not
+                    :field {:type :selector, :dimension "id", :value nil}}
+                   :aggregator {:type :count, :name "__count_0"}}]}
+   :query-type  ::druid.qp/topN
+   :mbql?       true}
+  (query->native
+   {:aggregation [[:* [:count $id] 10]]
+    :breakout    [$venue_price]}))
diff --git a/modules/drivers/druid/test/metabase/driver/druid_test.clj b/modules/drivers/druid/test/metabase/driver/druid_test.clj
index 2f37d59eded1e1268f85849332d0f9793b6e6481..609023cfb3970ff2ec01d517c02cbad21085501c 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/druid/test/metabase/driver/druid_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/druid/test/metabase/driver/druid_test.clj
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
    ["4"  245.0]]
-      {:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:+ $venue_price 1]] "New Price"]]
+      {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:+ $venue_price 1]] {:name "New Price"}]]
        :breakout    [$venue_price]})))
 ;; check that we can name an expression aggregation w/ expression at top-level
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
    :columns ["venue_price" "Sum-41"]}
-      {:aggregation [[:named [:- [:sum $venue_price] 41] "Sum-41"]]
+      {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:- [:sum $venue_price] 41] {:name "Sum-41"}]]
        :breakout    [$venue_price]})))
 ;; check that we can handle METRICS (ick) inside expression aggregation clauses
diff --git a/modules/drivers/mongo/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj b/modules/drivers/mongo/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
index 82e4271ebab71bc8cce26bc322826ad50fd5e174..b1b809dc0a7805b3dfe14b4274d9de108e418995 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/mongo/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/mongo/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
@@ -390,29 +390,49 @@
 ;;; -------------------------------------------------- aggregation ---------------------------------------------------
-(defn- aggregation->rvalue [[aggregation-type arg & args]]
-  {:pre [(keyword? aggregation-type)]}
-  (if-not arg
-    (case aggregation-type
-      :count {$sum 1})
-    (case aggregation-type
-      :named       (recur arg)
-      :avg         {$avg (->rvalue arg)}
-      :count       {$sum {$cond {:if   (->rvalue arg)
-                                 :then 1
-                                 :else 0}}}
-      :distinct    {$addToSet (->rvalue arg)}
-      :sum         {$sum (->rvalue arg)}
-      :min         {$min (->rvalue arg)}
-      :max         {$max (->rvalue arg)}
-      :sum-where   (let [[pred] args]
-                     {$sum {$cond {:if   (parse-cond pred)
-                                   :then (->rvalue arg)
-                                   :else 0}}})
-      :count-where (recur [:sum-where [:value 1] arg]))))
+(defn- aggregation->rvalue [ag]
+  (mbql.u/match-one ag
+    [:aggregation-options ag _]
+    (recur ag)
+    [:count]
+    {$sum 1}
+    [:count arg]
+    {$sum {$cond {:if   (->rvalue arg)
+                  :then 1
+                  :else 0}}}
+    [:avg arg]
+    {$avg (->rvalue arg)}
+    [:distinct arg]
+    {$addToSet (->rvalue arg)}
+    [:sum arg]
+    {$sum (->rvalue arg)}
+    [:min arg]
+    {$min (->rvalue arg)}
+    [:max arg]
+    {$max (->rvalue arg)}
+    [:sum-where arg pred]
+    {$sum {$cond {:if   (parse-cond pred)
+                  :then (->rvalue arg)
+                  :else 0}}}
+    [:count-where pred]
+    (recur [:sum-where [:value 1] pred])
+    :else
+    (throw
+     (ex-info (str (tru "Don't know how to handle aggregation {0}" ag))
+       {:type :invalid-query, :clause ag}))))
 (defn- unwrap-named-ag [[ag-type arg :as ag]]
-  (if (= ag-type :named)
+  (if (= ag-type :aggregation-options)
     (recur arg)
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 51fac8c50c9a0502b0ccfa00ce9bead9078aa74c..22a3847376969c2e597e1e1dc68eb009ef107b94 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
    [medley "1.2.0"]                                                   ; lightweight lib of useful functions
    [metabase/connection-pool "1.0.2"]                                 ; simple wrapper around C3P0. JDBC connection pools
-   [metabase/mbql "1.2.0"]                                            ; MBQL language schema & util fns
+   [metabase/mbql "1.3.1"]                                            ; MBQL language schema & util fns
    [metabase/throttle "1.0.1"]                                        ; Tools for throttling access to API endpoints and other code pathways
    [javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api "2.4.0-b180830.0359"]                     ; add the `javax.xml.bind` classes which we're still using but were removed in Java 11
    [net.sf.cssbox/cssbox "4.12" :exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-api]]    ; HTML / CSS rendering
diff --git a/src/metabase/automagic_dashboards/core.clj b/src/metabase/automagic_dashboards/core.clj
index 58c2995c8ac4658ad86ebce585e2d74e29c526bb..2249a19195ea83ca395cb9ffdaef9109f68a8d84 100644
--- a/src/metabase/automagic_dashboards/core.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/automagic_dashboards/core.clj
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
               (complement mbql.u/ga-metric-or-segment?)))
 (def ^:private ^{:arglists '([metric])} custom-expression?
-  (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :named))
+  (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation-options))
 (def ^:private ^{:arglists '([metric])} adhoc-metric?
   (complement (some-fn saved-metric? custom-expression?)))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver.clj b/src/metabase/driver.clj
index a53dd8679f93ce5ce9cc047d331bf01e32942b68..0037187d8c4f1bac9b9d0ffdef03450c824d19aa 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver.clj
@@ -52,6 +52,15 @@
   below. The QP binds the driver this way in the `bind-driver` middleware."
+(defn do-with-driver
+  "Impl for `with-driver`."
+  [driver f]
+  ;; it's substantially faster not to call `binding` in the first place if it's already bound
+  (if (= *driver* driver)
+    (f)
+    (binding [*driver* driver]
+      (f))))
 (defmacro with-driver
   "Bind current driver to `driver` and execute `body`.
@@ -59,8 +68,7 @@
   {:style/indent 1}
   [driver & body]
-  `(binding [*driver* ~driver]
-     ~@body))
+  `(do-with-driver ~driver (fn [] ~@body)))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -537,12 +545,24 @@
 (defmethod supports? [::driver :case-sensitivity-string-filter-options] [_ _] true)
-(defmulti format-custom-field-name
-  "Return the custom name passed via an MBQL `:named` clause so it matches the way it is returned in the results. This
-  is used by the post-processing annotation stage to find the correct metadata to include with fields in the results.
-  The default implementation is `identity`, meaning the resulting field will have exactly the same name as passed to
-  the `:named` clause. Certain drivers like Redshift always lowercase these names, so this method is provided for
-  those situations."
+(defmulti ^:deprecated format-custom-field-name
+  "Prior to Metabase 0.33.0, you could specifiy custom names for aggregations in MBQL by wrapping the clause in a
+  `:named` clause:
+    [:named [:count] \"My Count\"]
+  This name was used for both the `:display_name` in the query results, and for the `:name` used as an alias in the
+  query (e.g. the right-hand side of a SQL `AS` expression). Because some custom display names weren't allowed by some
+  drivers, or would be transformed in some way (for example, Redshift always lowercases custom aliases), this method
+  was needed so we could match the name we had given the column with the one in the query results.
+  In 0.33.0, we started using `:named` internally to alias aggregations in middleware in *all* queries to prevent
+  issues with referring to multiple aggregations of the same type when that query was used as a source query.
+  See [#9767](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/9767) for more details. After this change, it became
+  desirable to differentiate between such internally-generated aliases and display names, which need not be used in
+  the query at all; thus in MBQL 1.3.0 [`:named` was replaced by the more general
+  `:aggregation-options`](https://github.com/metabase/mbql/pull/7). Because user-generated names are no longer used as
+  aliases in native queries themselves, this method is no longer needed and will be removed in a future release."
   {:arglists '([driver custom-field-name])}
   :hierarchy #'hierarchy)
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj
index 12afab53945d873ef093ee20bb6c9eb880a77ba7..9f9df2324b396d75eb9b88a7a1343e85d87ec26f 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor.clj
@@ -273,15 +273,18 @@
   (hsql/call :/ (->honeysql driver [:count-where pred]) :%count.*))
 ;; actual handling of the name is done in the top-level clause handler for aggregations
-(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :named] [driver [_ ag ag-name]]
+(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :aggregation-options] [driver [_ ag]]
   (->honeysql driver ag))
 ;;  aggregation REFERENCE e.g. the ["aggregation" 0] fields we allow in order-by
 (defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :aggregation]
   [driver [_ index]]
   (mbql.u/match-one (mbql.u/aggregation-at-index *query* index *nested-query-level*)
-    [:named _ ag-name & _]
-    (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :field-alias ag-name))
+    [:aggregation-options ag (options :guard :name)]
+    (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :field-alias (:name options)))
+    [:aggregation-options ag _]
+    (recur ag)
     ;; For some arcane reason we name the results of a distinct aggregation "count", everything else is named the
     ;; same as the aggregation
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj
index 36f621f6710e2491e9420007c546cf5bbb3ae26f..2194441b46dcf54e168e17916ad7ced95db7b2d2 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate.clj
@@ -175,13 +175,7 @@
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------- Aggregate Field Info ----------------------------------------------
-(def ^:private arithmetic-op->text
-  {:+ "add"
-   :- "sub"
-   :/ "div"
-   :* "mul"})
-(defn- expression-ag-arg->name
+(defn- expression-arg-display-name
   "Generate an appropriate name for an `arg` in an expression aggregation."
   [recursive-name-fn arg]
   (mbql.u/match-one arg
@@ -199,29 +193,24 @@
     _ &match))
 (s/defn aggregation-name :- su/NonBlankString
-  "Return an appropriate field *and* display name for an `:aggregation` subclause (an aggregation or
-  expression). Takes an options map as schema won't support passing keypairs directly as a varargs. `{:top-level?
-  true}` will cause a name to be generated that will appear in the results, other names with a leading `__` will be
-  trimmed on some backends.
+  "Return an appropriate aggregation name/alias *used inside a query* for an `:aggregation` subclause (an aggregation
+  or expression). Takes an options map as schema won't support passing keypairs directly as a varargs.
   These names are also used directly in queries, e.g. in the equivalent of a SQL `AS` clause."
-  [ag-clause :- mbql.s/Aggregation & [{:keys [top-level? recursive-name-fn], :or {recursive-name-fn aggregation-name}}]]
+  [ag-clause :- mbql.s/Aggregation & [{:keys [recursive-name-fn], :or {recursive-name-fn aggregation-name}}]]
   (when-not driver/*driver*
     (throw (Exception. (str (tru "*driver* is unbound.")))))
   (mbql.u/match-one ag-clause
-    ;; if a custom name was provided use it. Some drivers have limits on column names, so call
-    ;; `format-custom-field-name` so they can modify it as needed.
-    [:named _ ag-name & _]
-    (driver/format-custom-field-name driver/*driver* ag-name)
+    [:aggregation-options _ (options :guard :name)]
+    (:name options)
+    [:aggregation-options ag _]
+    (recur ag)
     ;; For unnamed expressions, just compute a name like "sum + count"
     ;; Top level expressions need a name without a leading __ as those are automatically removed from the results
     [(operator :guard #{:+ :- :/ :*}) & args]
-    (str (when top-level?
-           (str (arithmetic-op->text operator)
-                "__"))
-         (str/join (str " " (name operator) " ")
-                   (map (partial expression-ag-arg->name recursive-name-fn) args)))
+    "expression"
     ;; for historic reasons a distinct count clause is still named "count". Don't change this or you might break FE
     ;; stuff that keys off of aggregation names.
@@ -253,18 +242,15 @@
   "Return an appropriate user-facing display name for an aggregation clause."
   (mbql.u/match-one ag-clause
-    ;; if the `named` clause has options, and *explicity* specifies {:use-as-display-name? false}, generate a name based
-    ;; on the wrapped clause instead
-    [:named wrapped-clause _ (_ :guard #(false? (:use-as-display-name? %)))]
-    (aggregation-display-name wrapped-clause)
+    [:aggregation-options _ (options :guard :display-name)]
+    (:display-name options)
-    ;; otherwise for a `named` aggregation use the supplied name as the display name
-    [:named _ ag-name & _]
-    ag-name
+    [:aggregation-options ag _]
+    (recur ag)
     [(operator :guard #{:+ :- :/ :*}) & args]
     (str/join (format " %s " (name operator))
-              (map (partial expression-ag-arg->name aggregation-arg-display-name) args))
+              (map (partial expression-arg-display-name aggregation-arg-display-name) args))
     (str (tru "count"))
@@ -301,8 +287,8 @@
   ; `match` pattern for field clauses below
   [inner-query :- su/Map, clause]
   (mbql.u/match-one clause
-    ;; ok, if this is a named aggregation recurse so we can get information about the ag we are naming
-    [:named ag & _]
+    ;; ok, if this is a aggregation w/ options recurse so we can get information about the ag it wraps
+    [:aggregation-options ag _]
      (col-info-for-aggregation-clause inner-query ag)
      (ag->name-info &match))
@@ -338,14 +324,14 @@
     ;; hardcoding these types is fine; In the future when we extend Expressions to handle more functionality
     ;; we'll want to introduce logic that associates a return type with a given expression. But this will work
     ;; for the purposes of a patch release.
-    [(_ :guard #{:expression :+ :- :/ :*}) & _]
+    #{:expression :+ :- :/ :*}
      (infer-expression-type &match)
      (when (mbql.preds/Aggregation? &match)
        (ag->name-info &match)))
     ;; get name/display-name of this ag
-    [(_ :guard keyword?) arg & args]
+    [(_ :guard keyword?) arg & _]
      (col-info-for-aggregation-clause inner-query arg)
      (ag->name-info &match))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros.clj
index 486e19a2fe7a7a8ebbaf5a27e753daa75969463b..df2cfb9cb44fc71e88d5b6cfa071a5302ba66ad4 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros.clj
@@ -78,24 +78,42 @@
 (s/defn ^:private metric-info->ag-clause :- mbql.s/Aggregation
   "Return an appropriate aggregation clause from `metric-info`."
   [{{[aggregation] :aggregation} :definition, metric-name :name} :- MetricInfo
-   {:keys [wrap-in-named?]}                                      :- {:wrap-in-named? s/Bool}]
-  ;; try to give the resulting aggregation the name of the Metric it came from, unless it's already `:named` in
-  ;; which case keep that name
-  (if (or (not wrap-in-named?) (mbql.u/is-clause? :named aggregation))
+   {:keys [use-metric-name-as-display-name?]}                    :- {:use-metric-name-as-display-name? s/Bool}]
+  (if-not use-metric-name-as-display-name?
-    [:named aggregation metric-name]))
+    ;; try to give the resulting aggregation the name of the Metric it came from, unless it already has a display
+    ;; name in which case keep that name
+    (mbql.u/match-one aggregation
+      [:aggregation-options _ (_ :guard :display-name)]
+      &match
+      [:aggregation-options ag options]
+      [:aggregation-options ag (assoc options :display-name metric-name)]
+      _
+      [:aggregation-options &match {:display-name metric-name}])))
 (defn- replace-metrics-aggregations [query metric-id->info]
   (let [metric (fn [metric-id]
                  (or (get metric-id->info metric-id)
-                     (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
-                             (str (tru "Metric {0} does not exist, or is invalid." metric-id))))))]
+                     (throw (ex-info (str (tru "Metric {0} does not exist, or is invalid." metric-id))
+                              {:type :invalid-query, :metric metric-id}))))]
     (mbql.u/replace-in query [:query]
-      [:named [:metric (metric-id :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))] metric-name]
-      [:named (metric-info->ag-clause (metric metric-id) {:wrap-in-named? false}) metric-name]
+      ;; if metric is wrapped in aggregation options that give it a display name, expand the metric but do not name it
+      [:aggregation-options [:metric (metric-id :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))] (options :guard :display-name)]
+      [:aggregation-options
+       (metric-info->ag-clause (metric metric-id) {:use-metric-name-as-display-name? false})
+       options]
+      ;; if metric is wrapped in aggregation options that *do not* give it a display name, expand the metric and then
+      ;; merge the options
+      [:aggregation-options [:metric (metric-id :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))] options]
+      (let [[_ ag ag-options] (metric-info->ag-clause (metric metric-id) {:use-metric-name-as-display-name? true})]
+        [:aggregation-options ag (merge ag-options options)])
+      ;; otherwise for unwrapped metrics expand them in-place
       [:metric (metric-id :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))]
-      (metric-info->ag-clause (metric metric-id) {:wrap-in-named? true}))))
+      (metric-info->ag-clause (metric metric-id) {:use-metric-name-as-display-name? true}))))
 (defn- add-metrics-clauses
   "Add appropriate `filter` and `aggregation` clauses for a sequence of Metrics.
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj
index 61e2a77440503b7e4ad260685f15a91a4dd56d9f..2cc90efbed657dec92124fe9104c7b9fae05d966 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/sql/query_processor_test.clj
@@ -143,18 +143,18 @@
                           :fields       :none}]})))))
-;; This query tests that named aggregations are handled correctly
+;; Check that named aggregations are handled correctly
   {:select   [[(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "PRICE")                        (id :field-alias "PRICE")]
-              [(hsql/call :avg (id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "CATEGORY_ID")) (id :field-alias "my_average")]]
+              [(hsql/call :avg (id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "CATEGORY_ID")) (id :field-alias "avg_2")]]
    :from     [(id :table "PUBLIC" "VENUES")]
-   :group-by [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "PRICE")],
-   :order-by [[(id :field-alias "my_average") :asc]]}
+   :group-by [(id :field "PUBLIC" "VENUES" "PRICE")]
+   :order-by [[(id :field-alias "avg_2") :asc]]}
     (metabase.driver/with-driver :h2
        (data/mbql-query venues
-         {:aggregation [[:named [:avg $category_id] "my_average"]]
-          :breakout    [$price]
-          :order-by    [[:asc [:aggregation 0]]]})))))
+                        {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:avg $category_id] {:name "avg_2"}]]
+                         :breakout    [$price]
+                         :order-by    [[:asc [:aggregation 0]]]})))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/add_source_metadata_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/add_source_metadata_test.clj
index 3f44f68956bc3739b7cab27e1efd03d7bbb1b88a..00775833423677ff1557d42332d1e5b487402e47 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/add_source_metadata_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/add_source_metadata_test.clj
@@ -93,25 +93,58 @@
                      :aggregation  [[:avg $id]]
                      :breakout     [$price]}})))
-;; Can we add source metadata for a source query that has a named aggregation?
+;; Can we add source metadata for a source query that has a named aggregation? (w/ `:name` and `:display-name`)
   (data/mbql-query venues
     {:source-query    {:source-table $$venues
-                       :aggregation  [[:named [:avg $id] "my_cool_aggregation"]]
+                       :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options
+                                       [:avg $id]
+                                       {:name "some_generated_name", :display-name "My Cool Ag"}]]
                        :breakout     [$price]}
      :source-metadata (concat
                        (venues-source-metadata :price)
-                       [{:name         "my_cool_aggregation"
-                         :display_name "my_cool_aggregation"
+                       [{:name         "some_generated_name"
+                         :display_name "My Cool Ag"
                          :base_type    :type/BigInteger
                          :special_type :type/PK
                          :settings     nil}])})
    (data/mbql-query venues
      {:source-query {:source-table $$venues
-                     :aggregation  [[:named [:avg $id] "my_cool_aggregation"]]
+                     :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options
+                                     [:avg $id]
+                                     {:name "some_generated_name", :display-name "My Cool Ag"}]]
                      :breakout     [$price]}})))
+(defn- source-metadata [query]
+  (get-in query [:query :source-metadata] query))
+;; Can we add source metadata for a source query that has a named aggregation? (w/ `:name` only)
+  [{:name         "some_generated_name"
+    :display_name "average of ID"
+    :base_type    :type/BigInteger
+    :special_type :type/PK
+    :settings     nil}]
+  (source-metadata
+   (add-source-metadata
+    (data/mbql-query venues
+      {:source-query {:source-table $$venues
+                      :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:avg $id] {:name "some_generated_name"}]]}}))))
+;; Can we add source metadata for a source query that has a named aggregation? (w/ `:display-name` only)
+  [{:name         "avg"
+    :display_name "My Cool Ag"
+    :base_type    :type/BigInteger
+    :special_type :type/PK
+    :settings     nil}]
+  (source-metadata
+   (add-source-metadata
+    (data/mbql-query venues
+      {:source-query {:source-table $$venues
+                      :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:avg $id] {:display-name "My Cool Ag"}]]}}))))
 ;; Can we automatically add source metadata to the parent level of a query? If the source query has a source query
 ;; with source metadata
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj
index 6cc37387195bb888d3c7a26940a431a4c73526ee..0020e444162da55e5961563b14ea8e65fd5879d1 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/annotate_test.clj
@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@
   (aggregation-names [:sum [:field-id (data/id :venues :id)]]))
-  {:name "count + 1", :display_name "count + 1"}
+  {:name "expression", :display_name "count + 1"}
   (aggregation-names [:+ [:count] 1]))
-  {:name         "min + (2 * avg)"
+  {:name         "expression"
    :display_name "minimum value of ID + (2 * average of Price)"}
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     [:* 2 [:avg [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]]]))
-  {:name         "min + (2 * avg * 3 * (max - 4))"
+  {:name         "expression"
    :display_name "minimum value of ID + (2 * average of Price * 3 * (maximum value of Category ID - 4))"}
@@ -289,16 +289,29 @@
       [:max [:field-id (data/id :venues :category_id)]]
+;; `aggregation-options` (`:name` and `:display-name`)
-  {:name "x", :display_name "x"}
+  {:name "generated_name", :display_name "User-specified Name"}
-   [:named
+   [:aggregation-options
     [:+ [:min [:field-id (data/id :venues :id)]] [:* 2 [:avg [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]]]
-    "x"]))
+    {:name "generated_name", :display-name "User-specified Name"}]))
+;; `aggregation-options` (`:name` only)
-  {:name "My Cool Aggregation", :display_name "My Cool Aggregation"}
-  (aggregation-names [:named [:avg [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]] "My Cool Aggregation"]))
+  {:name "generated_name", :display_name "minimum value of ID + (2 * average of Price)"}
+  (aggregation-names
+   [:aggregation-options
+    [:+ [:min [:field-id (data/id :venues :id)]] [:* 2 [:avg [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]]]
+    {:name "generated_name"}]))
+;; `aggregation-options` (`:display-name` only)
+  {:name "expression", :display_name "User-specified Name"}
+  (aggregation-names
+   [:aggregation-options
+    [:+ [:min [:field-id (data/id :venues :id)]] [:* 2 [:avg [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]]]
+    {:display-name "User-specified Name"}]))
 ;; make sure custom aggregation names get included in the col info
 (defn- col-info-for-aggregation-clause [clause]
@@ -308,7 +321,7 @@
   {:base_type    :type/Float
    :special_type :type/Number
-   :name         "count / 2"
+   :name         "expression"
    :display_name "count / 2"}
   (col-info-for-aggregation-clause [:/ [:count] 2]))
@@ -321,31 +334,41 @@
     (data/$ids venues
       (col-info-for-aggregation-clause [:sum [:+ $price 1]]))))
-;; if a `:named` aggregation supplies optional `:use-as-display-name?` `options` we should respect that
-;; `use-as-disply-name?` is `true` by default, e.g. in cases where the user supplies the names themselves
+;; col info for `:aggregation-options` (`:name` and `:display-name`)
   {:base_type    :type/Integer
    :special_type :type/Category
    :settings     nil
-   :name         "sum"
-   :display_name "sum"}
+   :name         "sum_2"
+   :display_name "My custom name"}
     (data/$ids venues
-      (col-info-for-aggregation-clause [:named [:sum $price] "sum" {:use-as-display-name? true}]))))
+      (col-info-for-aggregation-clause
+       [:aggregation-options [:sum $price] {:name "sum_2", :display-name "My custom name"}]))))
-;; `use-as-display-name?` will normally be `false` when the `:named` clause is generated automatically, e.g. by the
-;; `pre-alias-aggregations` middleware. In this case we want to use the name internally in the query to prevent
-;; duplicate column names, but do not want to use them as display names. See
-;; https://github.com/metabase/mbql/releases/tag/1.2.0 for detailed explanation.
+;; col info for `:aggregation-options` (`:name` only)
   {:base_type    :type/Integer
    :special_type :type/Category
    :settings     nil
-   :name         "sum"
+   :name         "sum_2"
    :display_name "sum of Price"}
     (data/$ids venues
-      (col-info-for-aggregation-clause [:named [:sum $price] "sum" {:use-as-display-name? false}]))))
+      (col-info-for-aggregation-clause
+       [:aggregation-options [:sum $price] {:name "sum_2"}]))))
+;; col info for `:aggregation-options` (`:display-name` only)
+  {:base_type    :type/Integer
+   :special_type :type/Category
+   :settings     nil
+   :name         "sum"
+   :display_name "My Custom Name"}
+  (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+    (data/$ids venues
+      (col-info-for-aggregation-clause
+       [:aggregation-options [:sum $price] {:display-name "My Custom Name"}]))))
 ;; if a driver is kind enough to supply us with some information about the `:cols` that come back, we should include
 ;; that information in the results. Their information should be preferred over ours
@@ -394,22 +417,24 @@
      :display_name "count_2"
      :source       :aggregation
      :field_ref    [:aggregation 3]}]}
-  (binding [driver/*driver* :h2]
-    ((annotate/add-column-info (constantly {:cols    [{:name         "count"
-                                                       :display_name "count"
-                                                       :base_type    :type/Number}
-                                                      {:name         "sum"
-                                                       :display_name "sum"
-                                                       :base_type    :type/Number}
-                                                      {:name         "count"
-                                                       :display_name "count"
-                                                       :base_type    :type/Number}
-                                                      {:name         "count_2"
-                                                       :display_name "count_2"
-                                                       :base_type    :type/Number}]
-                                            :columns ["count" "sum" "count" "count_2"]}))
+  (driver/with-driver :h2
+    ((annotate/add-column-info (constantly {:cols [{:name         "count"
+                                                    :display_name "count"
+                                                    :base_type    :type/Number}
+                                                   {:name         "sum"
+                                                    :display_name "sum"
+                                                    :base_type    :type/Number}
+                                                   {:name         "count"
+                                                    :display_name "count"
+                                                    :base_type    :type/Number}
+                                                   {:name         "count_2"
+                                                    :display_name "count_2"
+                                                    :base_type    :type/Number}]}))
      (data/mbql-query venues
-       {:aggregation  [[:count] [:sum] [:count] [:named [:count] "count_2"]]}))))
+       {:aggregation  [[:count]
+                       [:sum]
+                       [:count]
+                       [:aggregation-options [:count] {:display-name "count_2"}]]}))))
 ;; make sure expressions come back with the right set of keys, including `:expression_name` (#8854)
@@ -423,12 +448,36 @@
   (-> (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
         ((annotate/add-column-info (constantly {}))
          (data/mbql-query venues
-           {:expressions {:discount_price [:* 0.9 [:field-id $price]]}
+           {:expressions {"discount_price" [:* 0.9 $price]}
             :fields      [$name [:expression "discount_price"]]
             :limit       10})))
+;; make sure multiple expressions come back with deduplicated names
+  [{:base_type    :type/Float
+    :special_type :type/Number
+    :name         "expression"
+    :display_name "0.9 * average of Price"
+    :source       :aggregation
+    :field_ref    [:aggregation 0]}
+   {:base_type    :type/Float
+    :special_type :type/Number
+    :name         "expression_2"
+    :display_name "0.8 * average of Price"
+    :source       :aggregation
+    :field_ref    [:aggregation 1]}]
+  (-> (driver/with-driver :h2
+        (qp.test-util/with-everything-store
+          ((annotate/add-column-info (constantly {}))
+           (data/mbql-query venues
+             {:aggregation [[:* 0.9 [:avg $price]]
+                            [:* 0.8 [:avg $price]]]
+              :limit       10}))))
+      :cols))
   {:name            "prev_month"
    :display_name    "prev_month"
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros_test.clj
index 86937437b33d72e0bdb5baa408980ba2df3c541d..4c98f2ebf4f5ae656b43abe768f8be56459179ba 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/expand_macros_test.clj
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.expand-macros-test
   (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
-             [query-processor :as qp]
              [query-processor-test :as qp.test]
              [util :as u]]
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@
 ;; just a metric (w/out nested segments)
-   {:aggregation [[:named [:count] "Toucans in the rainforest"]]
+   {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:display-name "Toucans in the rainforest"}]]
     :filter      [:and
                   [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
                   [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]]
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@
    {:source-table 1000
-    :aggregation  [[:named [:count] "ABC Fields"]]
+    :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:display-name "ABC Fields"}]]
     :filter       [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
     :breakout     [[:field-id 17]]
     :order-by     [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]})
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@
 ;; metric w/ no filter definition
-   {:aggregation [[:named [:count] "My Metric"]]
+   {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:display-name "My Metric"}]]
     :filter      [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
     :breakout    [[:field-id 17]]
     :order-by    [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]})
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@
    {:source-table 1000
-    :aggregation  [[:named [:sum [:field-id 18]] "My Metric"]]
+    :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:field-id 18]] {:display-name "My Metric"}]]
     :filter       [:and
                    [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
                    [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
@@ -158,12 +157,9 @@
                                              :filter      [:> [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)] 1]}}]
     (qp.test/format-rows-by [int int]
-        (qp/process-query
-          {:database (data/id)
-           :type     :query
-           :query    {:source-table (data/id :venues)
-                      :aggregation  [[:metric (u/get-id metric)]]
-                      :breakout     [[:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]}})))))
+        (data/run-mbql-query venues
+          {:aggregation  [[:metric (u/get-id metric)]]
+           :breakout     [$price]})))))
 ;; make sure that we don't try to expand GA "metrics" (#6104)
@@ -193,19 +189,48 @@
 ;; make sure we can name a :metric (ick)
-   {:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 20]] "Named Metric"]]
+   {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:field-id 20]] {:display-name "Named Metric"}]]
     :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]})
   (tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:definition {:aggregation [[:sum [:field-id 20]]]}}]
-     (mbql-query {:aggregation [[:named [:metric (u/get-id metric)] "Named Metric"]]
+     (mbql-query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:metric (u/get-id metric)] {:display-name "Named Metric"}]]
                   :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]}))))
-;; a Metric whose :aggregation is already named should not get wrapped in a `:named` clause
+;; if the `:metric` is wrapped in aggregation options that do *not* give it a display name, `:display-name` should be
+;; added to the options
-   {:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 20]] "My Cool Aggregation"]]
+   {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
+                   [:sum [:field-id 20]]
+                   {:name "auto_generated_name", :display-name "Toucans in the rainforest"}]]
     :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]})
-  (tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:definition {:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 20]] "My Cool Aggregation"]]}}]
+  (tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:definition {:aggregation [[:sum [:field-id 20]]]}}]
+    (#'expand-macros/expand-metrics-and-segments
+     (mbql-query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:metric (u/get-id metric)] {:name "auto_generated_name"}]]
+                  :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]}))))
+;; a Metric whose :aggregation is already named should not get wrapped in an `:aggregation-options` clause
+  (mbql-query
+   {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:field-id 20]] {:display-name "My Cool Aggregation"}]]
+    :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]})
+  (tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:definition {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
+                                                            [:sum [:field-id 20]]
+                                                            {:display-name "My Cool Aggregation"}]]}}]
+    (#'expand-macros/expand-metrics-and-segments
+     (mbql-query {:aggregation [[:metric (u/get-id metric)]]
+                  :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]}))))
+;; ...but if it's wrapped in `:aggregation-options`, but w/o given a display name, we should merge the options
+  (mbql-query
+   {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
+                   [:sum [:field-id 20]]
+                   {:name "auto_generated_name", :display-name "Toucans in the rainforest"}]]
+    :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]})
+  (tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:definition {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
+                                                            [:sum [:field-id 20]]
+                                                            {:name "auto_generated_name"}]]}}]
      (mbql-query {:aggregation [[:metric (u/get-id metric)]]
                   :breakout    [[:field-id 10]]}))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/pre_alias_aggregations_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/pre_alias_aggregations_test.clj
index 8bc40efaa1cae782a659811d660973cacecb3e40..970bab79e30ab9ed3f59adc0d5b5dc44067b99fd 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/pre_alias_aggregations_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/pre_alias_aggregations_test.clj
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
   "Tests for the `pre-alias-aggregations` middleware. For the most part we don't need to test the actual pre-alias
   logic, as that comes from the MBQL library and is tested thoroughly there -- we just need to test that it gets
   applied in the correct places."
-  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
-            [expectations :refer [expect]]
+  (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
             [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.query-processor.middleware.pre-alias-aggregations :as pre-alias-aggregations]
             [metabase.test.data :as data]))
@@ -16,8 +15,8 @@
   (data/mbql-query checkins
     {:source-table $$checkins
-     :aggregation [[:named [:sum $user_id]  "sum"   {:use-as-display-name? false}]
-                   [:named [:sum $venue_id] "sum_2" {:use-as-display-name? false}]]})
+     :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id]  {:name "sum"} ]
+                   [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"} ]]})
    (data/mbql-query checkins
      {:source-table $$checkins
@@ -27,21 +26,21 @@
   (data/mbql-query checkins
     {:source-table $$checkins
-     :aggregation [[:named [:sum $user_id]  "sum"   {:use-as-display-name? false}]
-                   [:named [:sum $venue_id] "sum_2"]]})
+     :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id]  {:name "sum"}]
+                   [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]]})
    (data/mbql-query checkins
      {:source-table $$checkins
       :aggregation  [[:sum $user_id]
-                     [:named [:sum $venue_id] "sum"]]})))
+                     [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum"}]]})))
 ;; do aggregations inside source queries get pre-aliased?
   (data/mbql-query checkins
     {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins
-                    :aggregation  [[:named [:sum $user_id]  "sum"   {:use-as-display-name? false}]
-                                   [:named [:sum $venue_id] "sum_2" {:use-as-display-name? false}]]}
-     :aggregation  [[:named [:count] "count" {:use-as-display-name? false}]]})
+                    :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id]  {:name "sum"}]
+                                   [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]]}
+     :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]]})
    (data/mbql-query checkins
      {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins
@@ -52,10 +51,10 @@
   (data/mbql-query checkins
     {:source-table $$venues
-     :aggregation  [[:named [:count] "count" {:use-as-display-name? false}]]
+     :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]]
      :joins        [{:source-query {:source-table $$checkins
-                                    :aggregation  [[:named [:sum $user_id]  "sum"   {:use-as-display-name? false}]
-                                                   [:named [:sum $venue_id] "sum_2" {:use-as-display-name? false}]]
+                                    :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id]  {:name "sum"}]
+                                                   [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]]
                                     :breakout     [$venue_id]}
                      :alias        "checkins"
                      :condition    [:= &checkins.venue_id $venues.id]}]})
@@ -74,28 +73,48 @@
   {:database 1
    :type     :query
    :query    {:source-table 1
-              :aggregation  [[:named [:+ 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]] "20 + sum" {:use-as-display-name? false}]]}}
+              :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]] {:name "expression"}]]}}
    {:database 1
     :type     :query
     :query    {:source-table 1
                :aggregation  [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]]]}}))
+  {:database 1
+   :type     :query
+   :query    {:source-table 1
+              :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options
+                              [:+ 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]]
+                              {:name "expression"}]
+                             [:aggregation-options
+                              [:- 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]]
+                              {:name "expression_2"}]]}}
+  (pre-alias
+   {:database 1
+    :type     :query
+    :query    {:source-table 1
+               :aggregation  [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]]
+                              [:- 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]]]}}))
 ;; we should use `driver/format-custom-field-name` on the generated aggregation names in case the drivers need to
-;; tweak the default names we generate
+;; tweak the default names we generate.
+;; TODO - `format-custom-field-name` is officially deprecated because it is no longer needed now that custom
+;; aggregation names are not used in queries themselves. It can be removed soon, and we can remove this test
 (driver/register! ::test-driver, :abstract? true, :parent :sql)
-;; this implementation prepends an underscore to any name that starts with a number. Some DBs, such as BigQuery, do
-;; not allow aliases that start with an underscore
+;; this implementation prepends an underscore to any all names. Some DBs, such as BigQuery, do ;; not allow aliases
+;; that start with an number for example
 (defmethod driver/format-custom-field-name ::test-driver [_ custom-field-name]
-  (str/replace custom-field-name #"(^\d)" "_$1"))
+  (str \_ custom-field-name))
   {:database 1
    :type     :query
    :query    {:source-table 1
-              :aggregation  [[:named [:+ 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]] "_20 + sum" {:use-as-display-name? false}]
-                             [:named [:count] "count" {:use-as-display-name? false}]]}}
+              :aggregation  [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field-id 2]]] {:name "_expression"}]
+                             [:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "_count"}]]}}
   (driver/with-driver ::test-driver
      {:database 1
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expression_aggregations_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expression_aggregations_test.clj
index 482ad89d1f91d38ac540e9744dc3511e8188ce87..76ccc21af31d7d1fcf50d3924596df2a7afb3541 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expression_aggregations_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expression_aggregations_test.clj
@@ -184,12 +184,11 @@
              [3  52]
              [4  30]]
    :columns [(data/format-name "price")
-             ;; Redshift annoyingly always lowercases column aliases
-             (driver/format-custom-field-name driver/*driver* "New Price")]}
+             "sum_of_price"]}
   (qp.test/format-rows-by [int int]
       (data/run-mbql-query venues
-        {:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:+ $price 1]] "New Price"]]
+                           {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:+ $price 1]] {:name "sum_of_price"}]]
          :breakout    [$price]}))))
 ;; check that we can name an expression aggregation w/ expression at top-level
@@ -199,14 +198,14 @@
              [3  -2]
              [4 -17]]
    :columns [(data/format-name "price")
-             (driver/format-custom-field-name driver/*driver* "Sum-41")]}
+             "sum_41"]}
   (qp.test/format-rows-by [int int]
       (data/run-mbql-query venues
-        {:aggregation [[:named [:- [:sum $price] 41] "Sum-41"]]
+        {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:- [:sum $price] 41] {:name "sum_41"}]]
          :breakout    [$price]}))))
-;; check that we can handle METRICS (ick) inside expression aggregation clauses
+;; check that we can handle Metrics inside expression aggregation clauses
 (datasets/expect-with-drivers (qp.test/non-timeseries-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
   [[2 119]
    [3  40]
@@ -220,29 +219,30 @@
           {:aggregation [:+ [:metric (u/get-id metric)] 1]
            :breakout    [[:field-id $price]]})))))
-;; check that we can handle METRICS (ick) inside a NAMED clause
+;; check that we can handle Metrics inside an `:aggregation-options` clause
+;; TODO - Pretty sure this test doesn't belong here (?)
 (datasets/expect-with-drivers (qp.test/non-timeseries-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
   {:rows    [[2 118]
              [3  39]
              [4  24]]
    :columns [(data/format-name "price")
-             (driver/format-custom-field-name driver/*driver* "My Cool Metric")]}
+             "auto_generated_name"]}
   (tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:table_id   (data/id :venues)
                                 :definition {:aggregation [:sum [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]
                                              :filter      [:> [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)] 1]}}]
     (qp.test/format-rows-by [int int]
         (data/run-mbql-query venues
-          {:aggregation [[:named [:metric (u/get-id metric)] "My Cool Metric"]]
+          {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:metric (u/get-id metric)] {:name "auto_generated_name"}]]
            :breakout    [[:field-id $price]]})))))
-;; check that METRICS (ick) with a nested aggregation still work inside a NAMED clause
+;; check that Metrics with a nested aggregation still work inside an `:aggregation-options` clause
 (datasets/expect-with-drivers (qp.test/non-timeseries-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
   {:rows    [[2 118]
              [3  39]
              [4  24]]
    :columns [(data/format-name "price")
-             (driver/format-custom-field-name driver/*driver* "My Cool Metric")]}
+             "auto_generated_name"]}
   (tt/with-temp Metric [metric (data/$ids venues
                                  {:table_id   $$venues
                                   :definition {:aggregation [[:sum $price]]
@@ -250,16 +250,16 @@
     (qp.test/format-rows-by [int int]
         (data/run-mbql-query venues
-          {:aggregation [[:named [:metric (u/get-id metric)] "My Cool Metric"]]
+          {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:metric (u/get-id metric)] {:name "auto_generated_name"}]]
            :breakout    [[:field-id $price]]})))))
 ;; check that named aggregations come back with the correct column metadata (#4002)
 (datasets/expect-with-drivers (qp.test/non-timeseries-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
   (assoc (qp.test/aggregate-col :count)
-    :name         (driver/format-custom-field-name driver/*driver* "Count of Things")
+    :name         "auto_generated_name"
     :display_name "Count of Things")
   (-> (data/run-mbql-query venues
-        {:aggregation [[:named ["COUNT"] "Count of Things"]]})
+        {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options ["COUNT"] {:name "auto_generated_name", :display-name "Count of Things"}]]})
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj
index 47238370288d3bed6de83f0003a3158036669122..bc6fd61ca22e9e752d8f6a53c97bd0003038b4f0 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/expressions_test.clj
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@
                       :snowflake :type/Number
   (set (map #(select-keys % [:name :base_type])
-            (-> (data/run-mbql-query venues
-                  {:aggregation [:named [:sum [:* $price -1]] "x"]
-                   :breakout    [$category_id]})
-                (get-in [:data :cols])))))
+            (qp.test/cols
+              (data/run-mbql-query venues
+                {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:* $price -1]] {:name "x"}]]
+                 :breakout    [$category_id]})))))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                           HANDLING NULLS AND ZEROES                                            |
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/datasets.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/datasets.clj
index 8742bc08bdb825e416dccaa04a297a24f1f8be10..cfa852dc563aee7e44da59161364c07e43597ec6 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/datasets.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/datasets.clj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   "Interface + implementations for loading test datasets for different drivers, and getting information about the
   dataset's tables, fields, etc.
-  TODO - rename this to `metabase.driver.test-extensions.expect` or something like that"
+  TODO - rename this to `metabase.driver.test-extensions.expect` or `metabase.driver.test` or something like that"
   (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
             [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.test.data.env :as tx.env]))