diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index d4d1bc452ebb9f669e3c2d7b7d03cfb4336c5a92..3c1013fe9752e240624b1f56d62ff51ae85ad64a 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ executors:
       - image: circleci/clojure:lein-2.8.1
       - image: metabase/presto-mb-ci
-          JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-Xmx2g"
+          JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-Xmx1g"
     working_directory: /home/circleci/metabase/metabase/
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ jobs:
             - run:
                 name: Test << parameters.driver >> driver << parameters.description >>
-                  DRIVERS: h2,<< parameters.driver >>
+                  DRIVERS: << parameters.driver >>
                 command: lein with-profile +ci,+junit,+ee test
                 no_output_timeout: << parameters.timeout >>
             - store_test_results:
diff --git a/modules/drivers/mongo/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj b/modules/drivers/mongo/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
index 218011d19e9c9cba042a695f39468cfa9f666157..53aec8737bf0352605c418c32e74097f7457aec0 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/mongo/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/mongo/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
             [metabase.models.table :as table :refer [Table]]
             [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
             [metabase.query-processor-test :as qp.t :refer [rows]]
+            [metabase.sync :as sync]
             [metabase.test :as mt]
             [metabase.test.data.interface :as tx]
             [taoensso.nippy :as nippy]
@@ -148,6 +149,8 @@
 (deftest all-num-columns-test
   (mt/test-driver :mongo
     (mt/dataset all-null-columns
+      ;; do a full sync on the DB to get the correct special type info
+      (sync/sync-database! (mt/db))
       (is (= [{:name "_id",            :database_type "java.lang.Long",   :base_type :type/Integer, :special_type :type/PK}
               {:name "favorite_snack", :database_type "NULL",             :base_type :type/*,       :special_type nil}
               {:name "name",           :database_type "java.lang.String", :base_type :type/Text,    :special_type :type/Name}]
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 21eb25daa10c54497a75b8b54d783c488c3634e5..5463b6c84194335aad92e4232e37684ca55d9c0a 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
      :format-result metabase.junit/format-result}}
-   {:jvm-opts ["-Xmx2500m"]}
+   {:jvm-opts ["-Xmx2000m"]}
diff --git a/src/metabase/sync.clj b/src/metabase/sync.clj
index eafb841b36b81611973f268f8fc15e3172839ee1..bdd78bf37f012a5c47703ba29ec20a3baec7fcc1 100644
--- a/src/metabase/sync.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/sync.clj
@@ -26,20 +26,30 @@
 (s/defn sync-database! :- SyncDatabaseResults
   "Perform all the different sync operations synchronously for `database`.
-  This is considered a 'full sync' in that all the different sync operations are performed at consecutively. Please
-  note that this function is *not* what is called by the scheduled tasks; those call different steps independently.
-  This function is called when a Database is first added."
+  By default, does a `:full` sync that performs all the different sync operations consecutively. You may instead
+  specify only a `:schema` sync that will sync just the schema but skip analysis.
+  Please note that this function is *not* what is called by the scheduled tasks; those call different steps
+  independently. This function is called when a Database is first added."
   {:style/indent 1}
-  [database :- i/DatabaseInstance]
-  (sync-util/sync-operation :sync database (format "Sync %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging database))
-    (mapv (fn [[f step-name]] (assoc (f database) :name step-name))
-          [
-           ;; First make sure Tables, Fields, and FK information is up-to-date
-           [sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! "metadata"]
-           ;; Next, run the 'analysis' step where we do things like scan values of fields and update special types accordingly
-           [analyze/analyze-db! "analyze"]
-           ;; Finally, update cached FieldValues
-           [field-values/update-field-values! "field-values"]])))
+  ([database]
+   (sync-database! database nil))
+  ([database                         :- i/DatabaseInstance
+    {:keys [scan], :or {scan :full}} :- (s/maybe {(s/optional-key :scan) (s/maybe (s/enum :schema :full))})]
+   (sync-util/sync-operation :sync database (format "Sync %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging database))
+     (mapv (fn [[f step-name]] (assoc (f database) :name step-name))
+           (filter
+            some?
+            [;; First make sure Tables, Fields, and FK information is up-to-date
+             [sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! "metadata"]
+             ;; Next, run the 'analysis' step where we do things like scan values of fields and update special types
+             ;; accordingly
+             (when (= scan :full)
+               [analyze/analyze-db! "analyze"])
+             ;; Finally, update cached FieldValues
+             (when (= scan :full)
+               [field-values/update-field-values! "field-values"])])))))
 (s/defn sync-table!
   "Perform all the different sync operations synchronously for a given `table`."
diff --git a/src/metabase/sync/util.clj b/src/metabase/sync/util.clj
index b41e370efcc9f01faf033325de7976dd23295582..f1766bf59d7dd080abeedf03c985c5b752374f0c 100644
--- a/src/metabase/sync/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/sync/util.clj
@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@
   {:style/indent 2}
   [operation database-or-id f]
   (fn []
-    (when-not (contains? (@operation->db-ids operation) (u/get-id database-or-id))
+    (when-not (contains? (@operation->db-ids operation) (u/the-id database-or-id))
         ;; mark this database as currently syncing so we can prevent duplicate sync attempts (#2337)
-        (swap! operation->db-ids update operation #(conj (or % #{}) (u/get-id database-or-id)))
+        (swap! operation->db-ids update operation #(conj (or % #{}) (u/the-id database-or-id)))
         (log/debug "Sync operations in flight:" (m/filter-vals seq @operation->db-ids))
         ;; do our work
         ;; always take the ID out of the set when we are through
-          (swap! operation->db-ids update operation #(disj % (u/get-id database-or-id))))))))
+          (swap! operation->db-ids update operation #(disj % (u/the-id database-or-id))))))))
 (defn- with-sync-events
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
    (fn []
      (let [start-time    (System/nanoTime)
            tracking-hash (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))]
-       (events/publish-event! begin-event-name {:database_id (u/get-id database-or-id), :custom_id tracking-hash})
+       (events/publish-event! begin-event-name {:database_id (u/the-id database-or-id), :custom_id tracking-hash})
        (let [return        (f)
              total-time-ms (int (/ (- (System/nanoTime) start-time)
-         (events/publish-event! end-event-name {:database_id  (u/get-id database-or-id)
+         (events/publish-event! end-event-name {:database_id  (u/the-id database-or-id)
                                                 :custom_id    tracking-hash
                                                 :running_time total-time-ms})
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 (defn db->sync-tables
-  "Return all the Tables that should go through the sync processes for DATABASE-OR-ID."
+  "Return all the Tables that should go through the sync processes for `database-or-id`."
-  (db/select Table, :db_id (u/get-id database-or-id), :active true, :visibility_type nil))
+  (db/select Table, :db_id (u/the-id database-or-id), :active true, :visibility_type nil))
 ;; The `name-for-logging` function is used all over the sync code to make sure we have easy access to consistently
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@
 (defprotocol ^:private NameForLogging
   (name-for-logging [this]
-    "Return an appropriate string for logging an object in sync logging messages.
-     Should be something like \"postgres Database 'test-data'\""))
+    "Return an appropriate string for logging an object in sync logging messages. Should be something like \"postgres
+  Database 'test-data'\""))
 (extend-protocol NameForLogging
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
    database  :- i/DatabaseInstance
    {:keys [start-time end-time]} :- SyncOperationOrStepRunMetadata]
   {:task       task-name
-   :db_id      (u/get-id database)
+   :db_id      (u/the-id database)
    :started_at start-time
    :ended_at   end-time
    :duration   (.toMillis (t/duration start-time end-time))})
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/mysql_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/mysql_test.clj
index 48dc3051313eaba06dfc2775945432ebf2efc1d6..e1d85adeb1c527e2ea20983e9394665c815e0146 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/mysql_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/mysql_test.clj
@@ -60,12 +60,14 @@
       ["Empty Vending Machine" 0]]]])
 (defn- db->fields [db]
-  (let [table-ids (db/select-ids 'Table :db_id (u/get-id db))]
+  (let [table-ids (db/select-ids 'Table :db_id (u/the-id db))]
     (set (map (partial into {}) (db/select [Field :name :base_type :special_type] :table_id [:in table-ids])))))
 (deftest tiny-int-1-test
   (mt/test-driver :mysql
     (mt/dataset tiny-int-ones
+      ;; trigger a full sync on this database so fields are categorized correctly
+      (sync/sync-database! (mt/db))
       (testing "By default TINYINT(1) should be a boolean"
         (is (= #{{:name "number-of-cans", :base_type :type/Boolean, :special_type :type/Category}
                  {:name "id", :base_type :type/Integer, :special_type :type/PK}
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data.clj b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
index 2babc816a08670df7cb230002bf78a700081953e..8871e1594cbbc1901d549ea781411bce6aaa14cc 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@
    (apply impl/the-field-id (id table-name) (map format-name (cons field-name nested-field-names)))))
 (defmacro dataset
-  "Load and sync a temporary Database defined by `dataset`, make it the current DB (for `metabase.test.data` functions
-  like `id` and `db`), and execute `body`.
+  "Create a database and load it with the data defined by `dataset`, then do a quick metadata-only sync; make it the
+  current DB (for `metabase.test.data` functions like `id` and `db`), and execute `body`.
   `dataset` can be one of the following:
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj
index 382bc16b40c2c317a9354adbfc5ff5c3b051e27a..e66f9ebc2f2059f3e6d3471ff6986e423bbc166d 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 (ns metabase.test.data.impl
   "Internal implementation of various helper functions in `metabase.test.data`."
   (:require [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+            [clojure.tools.reader.edn :as edn]
             [metabase.config :as config]
             [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
@@ -81,6 +82,9 @@
   "Max amount of time to wait for sync to complete."
   (u/minutes->ms 5)) ; five minutes
+(defonce ^:private reference-sync-durations
+  (delay (edn/read-string (slurp "test_resources/sync-durations.edn"))))
 (defn- create-database! [driver {:keys [database-name table-definitions], :as database-definition}]
   {:pre [(seq database-name)]}
@@ -98,16 +102,20 @@
         ;; sync newly added DB
         (u/with-timeout sync-timeout-ms
-          (u/profile (format "Sync %s Database %s" driver database-name)
-            (sync/sync-database! db)
-            (verify-data-loaded-correctly driver database-definition db)
-            ;; add extra metadata for fields
-            (try
-              (add-extra-metadata! database-definition db)
-              (catch Throwable e
-                (println "Error adding extra metadata:" e)))))
+          (let [reference-duration (or (some-> (get @reference-sync-durations database-name) u/format-nanoseconds)
+                                       "NONE")
+                quick-sync? (not= database-name "test-data")]
+            (u/profile (format "%s %s Database %s (reference H2 duration: %s)"
+                               (if quick-sync? "QUICK sync" "Sync") driver database-name reference-duration)
+              ;; only do "quick sync" for non `test-data` datasets, because it can take literally MINUTES on CI.
+              (sync/sync-database! db (when quick-sync? {:scan :schema}))
+              ;; add extra metadata for fields
+              (try
+                (add-extra-metadata! database-definition db)
+                (catch Throwable e
+                  (println "Error adding extra metadata:" e))))))
         ;; make sure we're returing an up-to-date copy of the DB
-        (Database (u/get-id db))
+        (Database (u/the-id db))
         (catch Throwable e
           (let [e (ex-info "Failed to create test database"
                            {:driver             driver
@@ -115,7 +123,7 @@
                             :connection-details connection-details}
             (println (u/pprint-to-str 'red (Throwable->map e)))
-            (db/delete! Database :id (u/get-id db))
+            (db/delete! Database :id (u/the-id db))
             (throw e)))))
     (catch Throwable e
       (let [message (format "Failed to create %s '%s' test database" driver database-name)]
@@ -289,7 +297,7 @@
                              (binding [db/*disable-db-logging* true]
                                (let [db (get-or-create-database! driver dbdef)]
                                  (assert db)
-                                 (assert (db/exists? Database :id (u/get-id db)))
+                                 (assert (db/exists? Database :id (u/the-id db)))
     (binding [*get-db* #(get-db-for-driver (tx/driver))]
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/sql_jdbc/load_data.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/sql_jdbc/load_data.clj
index 850a5854949db8b24a8ec1b8921dd2f5650ef1f6..20e6d85acc5fea39171327d3bf670cf856d72ede 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/sql_jdbc/load_data.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/sql_jdbc/load_data.clj
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
   (:require [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
             [clojure.string :as str]
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+            [clojure.tools.reader.edn :as edn]
             [medley.core :as m]
             [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
@@ -195,6 +196,9 @@
           (jdbc/print-sql-exception-chain e)
           (throw e))))))
+(defonce ^:private reference-load-durations
+  (delay (edn/read-string (slurp "test_resources/load-durations.edn"))))
 (defn create-db!
   "Default implementation of `create-db!` for SQL drivers."
   {:arglists '([driver dbdef & {:keys [skip-drop-db?]}])}
@@ -211,8 +215,12 @@
     ;; DB rather than on `:server` (no DB in particular)
     (execute/execute-sql! driver :db dbdef (str/join ";\n" statements)))
   ;; Now load the data for each Table
-  (doseq [tabledef table-definitions]
-    (u/profile (format "load-data for %s %s %s" (name driver) (:database-name dbdef) (:table-name tabledef))
+  (doseq [tabledef table-definitions
+          :let [reference-duration (or (some-> (get @reference-load-durations [(:database-name dbdef) (:table-name tabledef)])
+                                               u/format-nanoseconds)
+                                       "NONE")]]
+    (u/profile (format "load-data for %s %s %s (reference H2 duration: %s)"
+                       (name driver) (:database-name dbdef) (:table-name tabledef) reference-duration)
       (load-data! driver dbdef tabledef))))
 (defn destroy-db!
diff --git a/test_resources/load-durations.edn b/test_resources/load-durations.edn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d75950de9ae0816dd5143bbc37ad9cac8a0b8903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_resources/load-durations.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+;; this is a map of how long it takes to load the test data for the dataset (in nanoseconds) for an in-memory H2
+;; database on Cam's local computer (Ryzen 3950x/32 GB of RAM/Java 14)
+{["airports" "airport"]                                               131568400
+ ["airports" "continent"]                                             2131300
+ ["airports" "country"]                                               30031300
+ ["airports" "municipality"]                                          61022600
+ ["airports" "region"]                                                79085800
+ ["attempted-murders" "attempts"]                                     29658300
+ ["avian-singles" "messages"]                                         11632000
+ ["avian-singles" "users"]                                            1475300
+ ["basic-field-comments" "basic_field_comments"]                      876400
+ ["bird-flocks" "bird"]                                               2902800
+ ["bird-flocks" "flock"]                                              1267600
+ ["checkins_interval_15" "checkins"]                                  1353500
+ ["checkins_interval_86400" "checkins"]                               2494900
+ ["checkins_interval_900" "checkins"]                                 1477200
+ ["comment-after-sync" "comment_after_sync"]                          1265800
+ ["daily-bird-counts" "bird-count"]                                   4581800
+ ["db-with-some-cruft" "acquired_toucans"]                            1267800
+ ["db-with-some-cruft" "south_migrationhistory"]                      951300
+ ["office-checkins" "checkins"]                                       5350200
+ ["places-cam-likes" "places"]                                        1194400
+ ["sad-toucan-incidents" "incidents"]                                 7324200
+ ["sample-dataset" "orders"]                                          3439047900
+ ["sample-dataset" "people"]                                          1922302400
+ ["sample-dataset" "products"]                                        95636200
+ ["sample-dataset" "reviews"]                                         292738400
+ ["string-times" "times"]                                             2629800
+ ["table_with_comment_after_sync_db" "table_with_comment_after_sync"] 997500
+ ["table_with_comment_db" "table_with_comment"]                       871300
+ ["table_with_updated_desc_db" "table_with_updated_desc"]             818600
+ ["test-data" "categories"]                                           10092000
+ ["test-data" "checkins"]                                             130413900
+ ["test-data" "users"]                                                23762400
+ ["test-data" "venues"]                                               29380500
+ ["test-data-self-referencing-user" "users"]                          5118200
+ ["test-data-with-null-date-checkins" "categories"]                   8328000
+ ["test-data-with-null-date-checkins" "checkins"]                     132575300
+ ["test-data-with-null-date-checkins" "users"]                        6756300
+ ["test-data-with-null-date-checkins" "venues"]                       16336800
+ ["test-data-with-time" "users"]                                      15280900
+ ["test-data-with-timezones" "categories"]                            11324400
+ ["test-data-with-timezones" "checkins"]                              143596000
+ ["test-data-with-timezones" "users"]                                 7185000
+ ["test-data-with-timezones" "venues"]                                18375000
+ ["toucan-microsecond-incidents" "incidents"]                         1388100
+ ["tupac-sightings" "categories"]                                     2228800
+ ["tupac-sightings" "cities"]                                         17286900
+ ["tupac-sightings" "sightings"]                                      46284700
+ ["update-desc" "update_desc"]                                        794500}
diff --git a/test_resources/sync-durations.edn b/test_resources/sync-durations.edn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be985837065167ffa44d1101ee6949dc3901aedd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_resources/sync-durations.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+;; this is a map of how long it takes to sync the dataset (in nanoseconds) for an in-memory H2 database on Cam's local
+;; computer (Ryzen 3950x/32 GB of RAM/Java 14)
+{"airports"                          72271700
+ "attempted-murders"                 41250600
+ "avian-singles"                     44766800
+ "basic-field-comments"              36389700
+ "bird-flocks"                       41835800
+ "checkins_interval_15"              45435500
+ "checkins_interval_86400"           43530100
+ "checkins_interval_900"             41998300
+ "comment-after-sync"                37872400
+ "daily-bird-counts"                 37459400
+ "db-with-some-cruft"                49419200
+ "office-checkins"                   41066800
+ "places-cam-likes"                  40787900
+ "sad-toucan-incidents"              48648000
+ "sample-dataset"                    96251000
+ "string-times"                      39466300
+ "table_with_comment_after_sync_db"  34791000
+ "table_with_comment_db"             35052200
+ "table_with_updated_desc_db"        35456200
+ "test-data"                         1138090600
+ "test-data-self-referencing-user"   37713700
+ "test-data-with-null-date-checkins" 84524900
+ "test-data-with-time"               40431800
+ "test-data-with-timezones"          60335800
+ "toucan-microsecond-incidents"      51240600
+ "tupac-sightings"                   62742200
+ "update-desc"                       32664800}