diff --git a/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/schema/helpers.cljc b/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/schema/helpers.cljc
index 29275c60d95966dbbf4f859e4e265b9c73a6d467..cdbde80f5edcfa3d07204c34070478f02d2f768b 100644
--- a/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/schema/helpers.cljc
+++ b/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/schema/helpers.cljc
@@ -9,6 +9,35 @@
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------- defclause ----------------------------------------------------
+(defn mbql-clause?
+  "True if `x` is an MBQL clause (a sequence with a keyword as its first arg)."
+  [x]
+  (and (sequential? x)
+       (not (map-entry? x))
+       (keyword? (first x))))
+(defn is-clause?
+  "If `x` is an MBQL clause, and an instance of clauses defined by keyword(s) `k-or-ks`?
+    (is-clause? :count [:count 10])        ; -> true
+    (is-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} [:+ 10 20]) ; -> true"
+  [k-or-ks x]
+  (and
+   (mbql-clause? x)
+   (if (coll? k-or-ks)
+     ((set k-or-ks) (first x))
+     (= k-or-ks (first x)))))
+(defn check-clause
+  "Returns `x` if it's an instance of a clause defined by keyword(s) `k-or-ks`
+    (check-clause :count [:count 10]) ; => [:count 10]
+    (check-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} [:+ 10 20]) ; -> [:+ 10 20]
+    (check-clause :sum [:count 10]) ; => nil"
+  [k-or-ks x]
+  (when (is-clause? k-or-ks x)
+    x))
 (defn- wrap-clause-arg-schema [arg-schema]
   [:schema (if (qualified-keyword? arg-schema)
              [:ref arg-schema]
@@ -24,21 +53,6 @@
         :rest     [:* (wrap-clause-arg-schema arg-schema)]
         (wrap-clause-arg-schema vector-arg-schema)))))
-;; TODO - this is a copy of the one in the [[metabase.legacy-mbql.util]] namespace. We need to reorganize things a bit
-;; so we can use the same fn and avoid circular refs
-(defn is-clause?
-  "If `x` an MBQL clause, and an instance of clauses defined by keyword(s) `k-or-ks`?
-    (is-clause? :count [:count 10])        ; -> true
-    (is-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} [:+ 10 20]) ; -> true"
-  [k-or-ks x]
-  (and
-   (vector? x)
-   (keyword? (first x))
-   (if (coll? k-or-ks)
-     ((set k-or-ks) (first x))
-     (= k-or-ks (first x)))))
 (defn clause
   "Impl of [[metabase.legacy-mbql.schema.macros/defclause]] macro. Creates a Malli schema."
   [tag & arg-schemas]
diff --git a/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/util.cljc b/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/util.cljc
index f7486bb3f532bf7cdfbb2757b0eb6bd15ab1c636..932a19430b2086841532e9d992ac26200fcc73c7 100644
--- a/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/util.cljc
+++ b/src/metabase/legacy_mbql/util.cljc
@@ -13,11 +13,18 @@
    [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
    [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
    [metabase.shared.util.i18n :as i18n]
+   [metabase.shared.util.namespaces :as shared.ns]
    [metabase.shared.util.time :as shared.ut]
    [metabase.util :as u]
    [metabase.util.log :as log]
    [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
+ [schema.helpers
+  mbql-clause?
+  is-clause?
+  check-clause])
 (mu/defn normalize-token :- :keyword
   "Convert a string or keyword in various cases (`lisp-case`, `snake_case`, or `SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE`) to a lisp-cased
@@ -28,36 +35,6 @@
       (str/replace #"_" "-")
-(defn mbql-clause?
-  "True if `x` is an MBQL clause (a sequence with a keyword as its first arg). (Since this is used by the code in
-  `normalize` this handles pre-normalized clauses as well.)"
-  [x]
-  (and (sequential? x)
-       (not (map-entry? x))
-       (keyword? (first x))))
-(defn is-clause?
-  "If `x` is an MBQL clause, and an instance of clauses defined by keyword(s) `k-or-ks`?
-    (is-clause? :count [:count 10])        ; -> true
-    (is-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} [:+ 10 20]) ; -> true"
-  [k-or-ks x]
-  (and
-   (mbql-clause? x)
-   (if (coll? k-or-ks)
-     ((set k-or-ks) (first x))
-     (= k-or-ks (first x)))))
-(defn check-clause
-  "Returns `x` if it's an instance of a clause defined by keyword(s) `k-or-ks`
-    (check-clause :count [:count 10]) ; => [:count 10]
-    (check-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} [:+ 10 20]) ; -> [:+ 10 20]
-    (check-clause :sum [:count 10]) ; => nil"
-  [k-or-ks x]
-  (when (is-clause? k-or-ks x)
-    x))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                       Functions for manipulating queries                                       |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+