diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseCardPreview.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseCardPreview.jsx
index 1ccbf48d936a779ca700f917905fff83f251353e..3db924022146e883bd9e8233665e394ba8b571a2 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseCardPreview.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseCardPreview.jsx
@@ -67,7 +67,12 @@ export default class PulseCardPreview extends Component {
       cardPreview &&
       cardPreview.pulse_card_type == null;
     return (
-      <div className="flex relative flex-full">
+      <div
+        className="flex relative flex-full"
+        style={{
+          maxWidth: 379,
+        }}
+      >
           className="absolute p2 text-grey-2"
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseEditCards.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseEditCards.jsx
index b6f721492135ff52351885d1572f7b5f1a075ac1..df98dfd4a23f3e9cb6d2a2174712d9f3e76a8d8e 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseEditCards.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/pulse/components/PulseEditCards.jsx
@@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ import MetabaseAnalytics from "metabase/lib/analytics";
 const SOFT_LIMIT = 10;
 const HARD_LIMIT = 25;
+const TABLE_MAX_ROWS = 20;
+const TABLE_MAX_COLS = 10;
+function isAutoAttached(cardPreview) {
+  return (
+    cardPreview &&
+    cardPreview.pulse_card_type === "table" &&
+    (cardPreview.row_count > TABLE_MAX_ROWS ||
+      cardPreview.col_cound > TABLE_MAX_COLS)
+  );
 export default class PulseEditCards extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -69,9 +80,10 @@ export default class PulseEditCards extends Component {
     const showSoftLimitWarning = index === SOFT_LIMIT;
     let notices = [];
     const hasAttachment =
-      this.props.attachmentsEnabled &&
-      card &&
-      (card.include_csv || card.include_xls);
+      isAutoAttached(cardPreview) ||
+      (this.props.attachmentsEnabled &&
+        card &&
+        (card.include_csv || card.include_xls));
     if (hasAttachment) {
         head: t`Attachment`,
@@ -85,6 +97,13 @@ export default class PulseEditCards extends Component {
     if (cardPreview) {
+      if (isAutoAttached(cardPreview)) {
+        notices.push({
+          type: "warning",
+          head: t`Heads up`,
+          body: t`We'll show the first 10 columns and 20 rows of this table in your Pulse. If you email this, we'll add a file attachment with all columns and up to 2,000 rows.`,
+        });
+      }
       if (cardPreview.pulse_card_type == null && !hasAttachment) {
           type: "warning",
@@ -164,7 +183,10 @@ export default class PulseEditCards extends Component {
                         onChange={this.setCard.bind(this, index)}
                         onRemove={this.removeCard.bind(this, index)}
-                        attachmentsEnabled={this.props.attachmentsEnabled}
+                        attachmentsEnabled={
+                          this.props.attachmentsEnabled &&
+                          !isAutoAttached(cardPreviews[card.id])
+                        }
                     ) : (
diff --git a/frontend/test/pulse/pulse.integ.spec.js b/frontend/test/pulse/pulse.integ.spec.js
index b6255cf420b49c45a4d03792c54acae85e0d803a..756e0b2e4ee9cc7f97f6b705a08e12ed1f2b96f7 100644
--- a/frontend/test/pulse/pulse.integ.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/pulse/pulse.integ.spec.js
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ describe("Pulse", () => {
     // NOTE: check text content since enzyme doesn't doesn't seem to work well with dangerouslySetInnerHTML
-    expect(previews.at(1).text()).toBe(
-      "tableThis question will be added as a file attachment",
+    expect(previews.at(1).text()).toEqual(
+      expect.stringContaining("Showing 20 of 12,805 rows"),
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ describe("Pulse", () => {
     previews = app.find(PulseCardPreview);
-    expect(previews.at(1).text()).toBe(
-      "tableThis question won't be included in your Pulse",
+    expect(previews.at(1).text()).toEqual(
+      expect.stringContaining("Showing 20 of 12,805 rows"),
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/card.clj b/src/metabase/api/card.clj
index 181ab8214394d21ce490a12785c82fc48369cae6..45814d0c2c7138dbc3713146ab8f97fec17bf55a 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/card.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/card.clj
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@
   "Run the query for Card with PARAMETERS and CONSTRAINTS, and return results in the usual format."
   {:style/indent 1}
   [card-id & {:keys [parameters constraints context dashboard-id]
-              :or   {constraints dataset-api/default-query-constraints
+              :or   {constraints qp/default-query-constraints
                      context     :question}}]
   {:pre [(u/maybe? sequential? parameters)]}
   (let [card    (api/read-check (hydrate (Card card-id) :in_public_dashboard))
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/dashboard.clj b/src/metabase/api/dashboard.clj
index 0b7a49f856f99dec95a807c0c7183ff386b6c431..02e994e4769acc3b55cb6d181d69d56af5cce236 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/dashboard.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/dashboard.clj
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
             [compojure.core :refer [DELETE GET POST PUT]]
              [events :as events]
+             [query-processor :as qp]
              [util :as u]]
              [common :as api]
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@
   [{:keys [dataset_query]}]
     [(qp-util/query-hash dataset_query)
-     (qp-util/query-hash (assoc dataset_query :constraints dataset/default-query-constraints))]))
+     (qp-util/query-hash (assoc dataset_query :constraints qp/default-query-constraints))]))
 (defn- dashcard->query-hashes
   "Return a sequence of all the query hashes for this DASHCARD, including the top-level Card and any Series."
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj b/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj
index be2c68d17e734f5ed42d2cbe6935e1cd6ff20a5d..e7999d5b4a95e821a2dcae0de5ffca0a05eed1a8 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj
@@ -21,22 +21,6 @@
              [schema :as su]]
             [schema.core :as s]))
-;;; --------------------------------------------------- Constants ----------------------------------------------------
-(def ^:private ^:const max-results-bare-rows
-  "Maximum number of rows to return specifically on :rows type queries via the API."
-  2000)
-(def ^:private ^:const max-results
-  "General maximum number of rows to return from an API query."
-  10000)
-(def ^:const default-query-constraints
-  "Default map of constraints that we apply on dataset queries executed by the api."
-  {:max-results           max-results
-   :max-results-bare-rows max-results-bare-rows})
 ;;; -------------------------------------------- Running a Query Normally --------------------------------------------
 (defn- query->source-card-id
@@ -61,8 +45,8 @@
   (let [source-card-id (query->source-card-id query)]
      (fn []
-       (qp/process-query-and-save-execution! (assoc query :constraints default-query-constraints)
-         {:executed-by api/*current-user-id*, :context :ad-hoc, :card-id source-card-id, :nested? (boolean source-card-id)})))))
+       (qp/process-query-and-save-with-max! query {:executed-by api/*current-user-id*, :context :ad-hoc,
+                                                   :card-id     source-card-id,        :nested? (boolean source-card-id)})))))
 ;;; ----------------------------------- Downloading Query Results in Other Formats -----------------------------------
@@ -151,7 +135,7 @@
   ;; try calculating the average for the query as it was given to us, otherwise with the default constraints if
   ;; there's no data there. If we still can't find relevant info, just default to 0
   {:average (or (query/average-execution-time-ms (qputil/query-hash query))
-                (query/average-execution-time-ms (qputil/query-hash (assoc query :constraints default-query-constraints)))
+                (query/average-execution-time-ms (qputil/query-hash (assoc query :constraints qp/default-query-constraints)))
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/pulse.clj b/src/metabase/api/pulse.clj
index f6106dcdad95141c591c1388597025dc47d73a50..324216bd28d74f6426bbfdb8adb02a983781c9b8 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/pulse.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/pulse.clj
@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@
      :pulse_card_html card-html
      :pulse_card_name (:name card)
      :pulse_card_url  (urls/card-url (:id card))
-     :row_count       (:row_count result)}))
+     :row_count       (:row_count result)
+     :col_count       (count (:cols (:data result)))}))
 (api/defendpoint GET "/preview_card_png/:id"
   "Get PNG rendering of a `Card` with ID."
diff --git a/src/metabase/email/_footer_pulse.mustache b/src/metabase/email/_footer_pulse.mustache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..725cae61054372fdcf844edacc1ec9ee8eb705f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/email/_footer_pulse.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  </div>
+  {{#quotation}}
+    <div style="padding-top: 2em; padding-bottom: 1em; text-align: left; color: #CCCCCC; font-size: small;">"{{quotation}}"<br/>- {{quotationAuthor}}</div>
+  {{/quotation}}
+  {{#logoFooter}}
+    <div style="padding-bottom: 2em; padding-top: 1em; text-align: left;">
+      <img width="32" height="40" src="http://static.metabase.com/email_logo.png"/>
+    </div>
+  {{/logoFooter}}
diff --git a/src/metabase/email/_header.mustache b/src/metabase/email/_header.mustache
index 9541f783cac427b737057b370af6a5eae331689a..85c926ad42a85155f06ec1d9f7f7e93a55e1297f 100644
--- a/src/metabase/email/_header.mustache
+++ b/src/metabase/email/_header.mustache
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
       <img width="47" height="60" src="http://static.metabase.com/email_logo.png"/>
-  <div class="container" style="margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 2em 0; max-width: 500px; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px; color: #616D75;">
+  <div class="container" style="margin: 0; padding: 0 0 2em 0; max-width: 100%; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px; color: #616D75;">
diff --git a/src/metabase/email/messages.clj b/src/metabase/email/messages.clj
index 6464251693070ddbf104a522ee23078c706c1a86..ffd585129da6bc978780f286cb05f72c820bb0ce 100644
--- a/src/metabase/email/messages.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/email/messages.clj
@@ -204,19 +204,21 @@
      :content-type content-type
      :file-name    (format "%s.%s" card-name ext)
      :content      (-> attachment-file .toURI .toURL)
-     :description  (format "Full results for '%s'" card-name)}))
+     :description  (format "More results for '%s'" card-name)}))
 (defn- result-attachments [results]
   (remove nil?
           (apply concat
-                 (for [{{card-name :name, csv? :include_csv, xls? :include_xls} :card :as result} results
-                       :when (and (or csv? xls?)
-                                  (seq (get-in result [:result :data :rows])))]
-                   [(when-let [temp-file (and csv? (create-temp-file "csv"))]
+                 (for [{{card-name :name, :as card} :card :as result} results
+                       :let [{:keys [rows] :as result-data} (get-in result [:result :data])]
+                       :when (seq rows)]
+                   [(when-let [temp-file (and (render/include-csv-attachment? card result-data)
+                                              (create-temp-file "csv"))]
                       (export/export-to-csv-writer temp-file result)
                       (create-result-attachment-map "csv" card-name temp-file))
-                    (when-let [temp-file (and xls? (create-temp-file "xlsx"))]
+                    (when-let [temp-file (and (render/include-xls-attachment? card result-data)
+                                              (create-temp-file "xlsx"))]
                       (export/export-to-xlsx-file temp-file result)
                       (create-result-attachment-map "xlsx" card-name temp-file))]))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/email/pulse.mustache b/src/metabase/email/pulse.mustache
index d2f5e05cc7a2e1518f250bae9bdee722dfff6a20..e024ababd09f0a304f9949164db62eaea1515d6f 100644
--- a/src/metabase/email/pulse.mustache
+++ b/src/metabase/email/pulse.mustache
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 {{> metabase/email/_header}}
-    <h1 style="{{sectionStyle}} margin: 16px; color: {{colorGrey4}};">
+    <h1 style="{{sectionStyle}} margin: 16px; color: {{color-brand}};">
-{{> metabase/email/_footer}}
+{{> metabase/email/_footer_pulse}}
diff --git a/src/metabase/pulse.clj b/src/metabase/pulse.clj
index b2e718de90a7c3fc41da02e79f99e24f191ddb79..41ab09ac923d04a59d8ce76bf4bf7fc4c64e0088 100644
--- a/src/metabase/pulse.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/pulse.clj
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@
     (let [{:keys [creator_id dataset_query]} card]
         {:card   card
-         :result (qp/process-query-and-save-execution! dataset_query
-                   (merge {:executed-by creator_id, :context :pulse, :card-id card-id}
-                          options))}
+         :result (qp/process-query-and-save-with-max! dataset_query (merge {:executed-by creator_id,
+                                                                            :context     :pulse,
+                                                                            :card-id     card-id}
+                                                                           options))}
         (catch Throwable t
           (log/warn (format "Error running card query (%n)" card-id) t))))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/pulse/render.clj b/src/metabase/pulse/render.clj
index 2c02ae9fb86bb0fe07af09f1388765566a48dd22..d9bbd926f1aac471821230a87a6f5a9d64a4e673 100644
--- a/src/metabase/pulse/render.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/pulse/render.clj
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
              [string :as str]]
             [clojure.java.io :as io]
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
-            [hiccup.core :refer [h html]]
+            [hiccup
+             [core :refer [h html]]
+             [util :as hutil]]
             [metabase.util :as u]
              [ui-logic :as ui-logic]
@@ -35,21 +37,24 @@
 ;;; # ------------------------------------------------------------ STYLES ------------------------------------------------------------
 (def ^:private ^:const card-width 400)
-(def ^:private ^:const rows-limit 10)
-(def ^:private ^:const cols-limit 3)
+(def ^:private ^:const rows-limit 20)
+(def ^:private ^:const cols-limit 10)
 (def ^:private ^:const sparkline-dot-radius 6)
 (def ^:private ^:const sparkline-thickness 3)
 (def ^:private ^:const sparkline-pad 8)
 ;;; ## STYLES
-(def ^:private ^:const color-brand  "rgb(45,134,212)")
-(def ^:private ^:const color-purple "rgb(135,93,175)")
-(def ^:private ^:const color-gold   "#F9D45C")
-(def ^:private ^:const color-error  "#EF8C8C")
-(def ^:private ^:const color-gray-1 "rgb(248,248,248)")
-(def ^:private ^:const color-gray-2 "rgb(189,193,191)")
-(def ^:private ^:const color-gray-3 "rgb(124,131,129)")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-brand      "rgb(45,134,212)")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-purple     "rgb(135,93,175)")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-gold       "#F9D45C")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-error      "#EF8C8C")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-gray-1     "rgb(248,248,248)")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-gray-2     "rgb(189,193,191)")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-gray-3     "rgb(124,131,129)")
 (def ^:const color-gray-4 "A ~25% Gray color." "rgb(57,67,64)")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-dark-gray  "#616D75")
+(def ^:private ^:const color-row-border "#EDF0F1")
 (def ^:private ^:const font-style    {:font-family "Lato, \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"})
 (def ^:const section-style
@@ -68,19 +73,47 @@
                      :color       color-brand}))
 (def ^:private ^:const bar-th-style
-  (merge font-style {:font-size      :10px
-                     :font-weight    400
-                     :color          color-gray-4
-                     :border-bottom  (str "4px solid " color-gray-1)
-                     :padding-top    :0px
-                     :padding-bottom :10px}))
+  (merge font-style {:font-size       :14.22px
+                     :font-weight     700
+                     :color           color-gray-4
+                     :border-bottom   (str "1px solid " color-row-border)
+                     :padding-top     :20px
+                     :padding-bottom  :5px}))
+;; TO-DO for @senior: apply this style to headings of numeric columns
+(def ^:private ^:const bar-th-numeric-style
+  (merge font-style {:text-align      :right
+                     :font-size       :14.22px
+                     :font-weight     700
+                     :color           color-gray-4
+                     :border-bottom   (str "1px solid " color-row-border)
+                     :padding-top     :20px
+                     :padding-bottom  :5px}))
 (def ^:private ^:const bar-td-style
-  (merge font-style {:font-size     :16px
-                     :font-weight   400
-                     :text-align    :left
-                     :padding-right :1em
-                     :padding-top   :8px}))
+  (merge font-style {:font-size      :14.22px
+                     :font-weight    400
+                     :color          color-dark-gray
+                     :text-align     :left
+                     :padding-right  :1em
+                     :padding-top    :2px
+                     :padding-bottom :1px
+                     :max-width      :500px
+                     :overflow       :hidden
+                     :text-overflow  :ellipsis
+                     :border-bottom  (str "1px solid " color-row-border)}))
+;; TO-DO for @senior: apply this style to numeric cells
+(def ^:private ^:const bar-td-style-numeric
+  (merge font-style {:font-size      :14.22px
+                     :font-weight    400
+                     :color          color-dark-gray
+                     :text-align     :right
+                     :padding-right  :1em
+                     :padding-top    :2px
+                     :padding-bottom :1px
+                     :font-family    "Courier, Monospace"
+                     :border-bottom  (str "1px solid " color-row-border)}))
 (def ^:private RenderedPulseCard
   "Schema used for functions that operate on pulse card contents and their attachments"
@@ -98,6 +131,11 @@
                       :let  [v (if (keyword? v) (name v) v)]]
                   (str (name k) ": " v ";"))))
+(defn- graphing-columns [card {:keys [cols] :as data}]
+  [(or (ui-logic/x-axis-rowfn card data)
+       first)
+   (or (ui-logic/y-axis-rowfn card data)
+       second)])
 (defn- datetime-field?
@@ -109,12 +147,53 @@
   (or (isa? (:base_type field)    :type/Number)
       (isa? (:special_type field) :type/Number)))
+(defn detect-pulse-card-type
+  "Determine the pulse (visualization) type of a CARD, e.g. `:scalar` or `:bar`."
+  [card data]
+  (let [col-count                 (-> data :cols count)
+        row-count                 (-> data :rows count)
+        [col-1-rowfn col-2-rowfn] (graphing-columns card data)
+        col-1                     (col-1-rowfn (:cols data))
+        col-2                     (col-2-rowfn (:cols data))
+        aggregation               (-> card :dataset_query :query :aggregation first)]
+    (cond
+      (or (zero? row-count)
+          ;; Many aggregations result in [[nil]] if there are no rows to aggregate after filters
+          (= [[nil]] (-> data :rows)))                             :empty
+      (contains? #{:pin_map :state :country} (:display card))      nil
+      (and (= col-count 1)
+           (= row-count 1))                                        :scalar
+      (and (= col-count 2)
+           (> row-count 1)
+           (datetime-field? col-1)
+           (number-field? col-2))                                  :sparkline
+      (and (= col-count 2)
+           (number-field? col-2))                                  :bar
+      :else                                                        :table)))
+(defn include-csv-attachment?
+  "Returns true if this card and resultset should include a CSV attachment"
+  [{:keys [include_csv] :as card} {:keys [cols rows] :as result-data}]
+  (or (:include_csv card)
+      (and (= :table (detect-pulse-card-type card result-data))
+           (or (< cols-limit (count cols))
+               (< rows-limit (count rows))))))
+(defn include-xls-attachment?
+  "Returns true if this card and resultset should include an XLS attachment"
+  [{:keys [include_csv] :as card} result-data]
+  (:include_xls card))
 ;;; # ------------------------------------------------------------ FORMATTING ------------------------------------------------------------
+(defrecord NumericWrapper [num-str]
+  hutil/ToString
+  (to-str [_] num-str))
 (defn- format-number
-  (cl-format nil (if (integer? n) "~:d" "~,2f") n))
+  (NumericWrapper. (cl-format nil (if (integer? n) "~:d" "~,2f") n)))
 (defn- reformat-timestamp [timezone old-format-timestamp new-format-string]
   (f/unparse (f/with-zone (f/formatter new-format-string)
@@ -251,22 +330,35 @@
     (render-to-png html os width)
     (.toByteArray os)))
+(defn- heading-style-for-type
+  [cell]
+  (if (instance? NumericWrapper cell)
+    bar-th-numeric-style
+    bar-th-style))
+(defn- row-style-for-type
+  [cell]
+  (if (instance? NumericWrapper cell)
+    bar-td-style-numeric
+    bar-td-style))
 (defn- render-table
-  [:table {:style (style {:padding-bottom :8px, :border-bottom (str "4px solid " color-gray-1)})}
+  [:table {:style (style {:max-width (str "100%"), :white-space :nowrap, :padding-bottom :8px, :border-collapse :collapse})}
    (let [{header-row :row bar-width :bar-width} (first header+rows)]
        (for [header-cell header-row]
-         [:th {:style (style bar-td-style bar-th-style {:min-width :60px})}
+         [:th {:style (style (row-style-for-type header-cell) (heading-style-for-type header-cell) {:min-width :60px})}
           (h header-cell)])
        (when bar-width
          [:th {:style (style bar-td-style bar-th-style {:width (str bar-width "%")})}])]])
     (map-indexed (fn [row-idx {:keys [row bar-width]}]
-                   [:tr {:style (style {:color (if (odd? row-idx) color-gray-2 color-gray-3)})}
+                   [:tr {:style (style {:color color-gray-3})}
                     (map-indexed (fn [col-idx cell]
-                                   [:td {:style (style bar-td-style (when (and bar-width (= col-idx 1)) {:font-weight 700}))}
+                                   [:td {:style (style (row-style-for-type cell) (when (and bar-width (= col-idx 1)) {:font-weight 700}))}
                                     (h cell)])
                     (when bar-width
@@ -289,18 +381,27 @@
               :when remapped_from]
           [remapped_from col-idx])))
+(defn- show-in-table? [{:keys [special_type visibility_type] :as column}]
+  (and (not (isa? special_type :type/Description))
+       (not (contains? #{:details-only :retired :sensitive} visibility_type))))
 (defn- query-results->header-row
   "Returns a row structure with header info from `COLS`. These values
   are strings that are ready to be rendered as HTML"
   [remapping-lookup cols include-bar?]
   {:row (for [maybe-remapped-col cols
-              :let [col (if (:remapped_to maybe-remapped-col)
-                          (nth cols (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col)))
-                          maybe-remapped-col)]
+              :when (show-in-table? maybe-remapped-col)
+              :let [{:keys [base_type special_type] :as col} (if (:remapped_to maybe-remapped-col)
+                                                               (nth cols (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col)))
+                                                               maybe-remapped-col)
+                    column-name (name (or (:display_name col) (:name col)))]
               ;; If this column is remapped from another, it's already
               ;; in the output and should be skipped
               :when (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col))]
-          (str/upper-case (name (or (:display_name col) (:name col)))))
+          (if (or (isa? base_type :type/Number)
+                  (isa? special_type :type/Number))
+            (NumericWrapper. column-name)
+            column-name))
    :bar-width (when include-bar? 99)})
 (defn- query-results->row-seq
@@ -311,7 +412,8 @@
                   ;; cast to double to avoid "Non-terminating decimal expansion" errors
                   (float (* 100 (/ (double (bar-column row)) max-value))))
      :row (for [[maybe-remapped-col maybe-remapped-row-cell] (map vector cols row)
-                :when (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col))
+                :when (and (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col))
+                           (show-in-table? maybe-remapped-col))
                 :let [[col row-cell] (if (:remapped_to maybe-remapped-col)
                                        [(nth cols (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col)))
                                         (nth row (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col)))]
@@ -328,38 +430,58 @@
      (query-results->header-row remapping-lookup limited-cols bar-column)
      (query-results->row-seq timezone remapping-lookup limited-cols (take rows-limit rows) bar-column max-value))))
+(defn- strong-limit-text [number]
+  [:strong {:style (style {:color color-gray-3})} (h (format-number number))])
 (defn- render-truncation-warning
   [col-limit col-count row-limit row-count]
-  (if (or (> row-count row-limit)
-          (> col-count col-limit))
-    [:div {:style (style {:padding-top :16px})}
-     (cond
-       (> row-count row-limit)
-       [:div {:style (style {:color color-gray-2
-                             :padding-bottom :10px})}
-        "Showing " [:strong {:style (style {:color color-gray-3})} (format-number row-limit)]
-        " of "     [:strong {:style (style {:color color-gray-3})} (format-number row-count)]
-        " rows."]
-       (> col-count col-limit)
-       [:div {:style (style {:color          color-gray-2
-                             :padding-bottom :10px})}
-        "Showing " [:strong {:style (style {:color color-gray-3})} (format-number col-limit)]
-        " of "     [:strong {:style (style {:color color-gray-3})} (format-number col-count)]
-        " columns."])]))
+  (let [over-row-limit (> row-count row-limit)
+        over-col-limit (> col-count col-limit)]
+    (when (or over-row-limit over-col-limit)
+      [:div {:style (style {:padding-top :16px})}
+       (cond
+         (and over-row-limit over-col-limit)
+         [:div {:style (style {:color color-gray-2
+                               :padding-bottom :10px})}
+          "Showing " (strong-limit-text row-limit)
+          " of "     (strong-limit-text row-count)
+          " rows and " (strong-limit-text col-limit)
+          " of "     (strong-limit-text col-count)
+          " columns."]
+         over-row-limit
+         [:div {:style (style {:color color-gray-2
+                               :padding-bottom :10px})}
+          "Showing " (strong-limit-text row-limit)
+          " of "     (strong-limit-text row-count)
+          " rows."]
+         over-col-limit
+         [:div {:style (style {:color          color-gray-2
+                               :padding-bottom :10px})}
+          "Showing " (strong-limit-text col-limit)
+          " of "     (strong-limit-text col-count)
+          " columns."])])))
+(defn- attached-results-text
+  "Returns hiccup structures to indicate truncated results are available as an attachment"
+  [render-type cols cols-limit rows rows-limit]
+  (when (and (not= :inline render-type)
+             (or (< cols-limit (count cols))
+                 (< rows-limit (count rows))))
+    [:div {:style (style {:color color-gray-2})}
+     "More results have been included as a file attachment"]))
 (s/defn ^:private render:table :- RenderedPulseCard
-  [timezone card {:keys [cols rows] :as data}]
-  {:attachments nil
-   :content     [:div
-                 (render-table (prep-for-html-rendering timezone cols rows nil nil cols-limit))
-                 (render-truncation-warning cols-limit (count cols) rows-limit (count rows))]})
-(defn- graphing-columns [card {:keys [cols] :as data}]
-  [(or (ui-logic/x-axis-rowfn card data)
-       first)
-   (or (ui-logic/y-axis-rowfn card data)
-       second)])
+  [render-type timezone card {:keys [cols rows] :as data}]
+  (let [table-body [:div
+                    (render-table (prep-for-html-rendering timezone cols rows nil nil cols-limit))
+                    (render-truncation-warning cols-limit (count cols) rows-limit (count rows))]]
+    {:attachments nil
+     :content     (if-let [results-attached (attached-results-text render-type cols cols-limit rows rows-limit)]
+                    (list results-attached table-body)
+                    (list table-body))}))
 (s/defn ^:private render:bar :- RenderedPulseCard
   [timezone card {:keys [cols rows] :as data}]
@@ -599,31 +721,6 @@
                                       :padding     :16px})}
                  "An error occurred while displaying this card."]})
-(defn detect-pulse-card-type
-  "Determine the pulse (visualization) type of a CARD, e.g. `:scalar` or `:bar`."
-  [card data]
-  (let [col-count                 (-> data :cols count)
-        row-count                 (-> data :rows count)
-        [col-1-rowfn col-2-rowfn] (graphing-columns card data)
-        col-1                     (col-1-rowfn (:cols data))
-        col-2                     (col-2-rowfn (:cols data))
-        aggregation               (-> card :dataset_query :query :aggregation first)]
-    (cond
-      (or (zero? row-count)
-          ;; Many aggregations result in [[nil]] if there are no rows to aggregate after filters
-          (= [[nil]] (-> data :rows)))                             :empty
-      (or (> col-count 3)
-          (contains? #{:pin_map :state :country} (:display card))) nil
-      (and (= col-count 1)
-           (= row-count 1))                                        :scalar
-      (and (= col-count 2)
-           (> row-count 1)
-           (datetime-field? col-1)
-           (number-field? col-2))                                  :sparkline
-      (and (= col-count 2)
-           (number-field? col-2))                                  :bar
-      :else                                                        :table)))
 (s/defn ^:private make-title-if-needed :- (s/maybe RenderedPulseCard)
   [render-type card]
   (when *include-title*
@@ -659,7 +756,7 @@
       :scalar    (render:scalar    timezone card data)
       :sparkline (render:sparkline render-type timezone card data)
       :bar       (render:bar       timezone card data)
-      :table     (render:table     timezone card data)
+      :table     (render:table     render-type timezone card data)
       (if (is-attached? card)
         (render:attached render-type card data)
         (render:unknown card data)))
@@ -691,16 +788,20 @@
 (s/defn render-pulse-section :- RenderedPulseCard
   "Render a specific section of a Pulse, i.e. a single Card, to Hiccup HTML."
-  [timezone {:keys [card result]}]
+  [timezone {card :card {:keys [data] :as result} :result}]
   (let [{:keys [attachments content]} (binding [*include-title* true]
                                         (render-pulse-card :attachment timezone card result))]
     {:attachments attachments
-     :content     [:div {:style (style {:margin-top       :10px
-                                        :margin-bottom    :20px
-                                        :border           "1px solid #dddddd"
-                                        :border-radius    :2px
-                                        :background-color :white
-                                        :box-shadow       "0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .08)"})}
+     :content     [:div {:style (style (merge {:margin-top       :10px
+                                               :margin-bottom    :20px}
+                                              ;; Don't include the border on cards rendered with a table as the table
+                                              ;; will be to larger and overrun the border
+                                              (when-not (= :table (detect-pulse-card-type card data))
+                                                {:border           "1px solid #dddddd"
+                                                 :border-radius    :2px
+                                                 :background-color :white
+                                                 :width            "500px !important"
+                                                 :box-shadow       "0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .08)"})))}
 (defn render-pulse-card-to-png
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor.clj
index b87f5e8d1dedb2cea8dd30cc7d6e4ee4a00cf12e..bf203e52134c805cc1b50c1c44965bd27a2c6d4a 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor.clj
@@ -281,3 +281,22 @@
   (run-and-save-query! (assoc query :info (assoc options
                                             :query-hash (qputil/query-hash query)
                                             :query-type (if (qputil/mbql-query? query) "MBQL" "native")))))
+(def ^:private ^:const max-results-bare-rows
+  "Maximum number of rows to return specifically on :rows type queries via the API."
+  2000)
+(def ^:private ^:const max-results
+  "General maximum number of rows to return from an API query."
+  10000)
+(def default-query-constraints
+  "Default map of constraints that we apply on dataset queries executed by the api."
+  {:max-results           max-results
+   :max-results-bare-rows max-results-bare-rows})
+(s/defn process-query-and-save-with-max!
+  "Same as `process-query-and-save-execution!` but will include the default max rows returned as a constraint"
+  {:style/indent 1}
+  [query, options :- DatasetQueryOptions]
+  (process-query-and-save-execution! (assoc query :constraints default-query-constraints) options))
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj
index e4915aaf7245d672bac6676e8b6da67f05307cde..2ce781577505b97402bc2b1c7876c638279e4f54 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
             [dk.ative.docjure.spreadsheet :as spreadsheet]
             [expectations :refer :all]
             [medley.core :as m]
-            [metabase.api.dataset :refer [default-query-constraints]]
              [database :refer [Database]]
              [query-execution :refer [QueryExecution]]]
+            [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
             [metabase.query-processor.middleware.expand :as ql]
             [metabase.sync :as sync]
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
                                     (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
                                 (assoc :type "query")
                                 (assoc-in [:query :aggregation] [{:aggregation-type "count", :custom-name nil}])
-                                (assoc :constraints default-query-constraints))
+                                (assoc :constraints qp/default-query-constraints))
     :started_at             true
     :running_time           true
     :average_execution_time nil}
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     :json_query   {:database    (id)
                    :type        "native"
                    :native      {:query "foobar"}
-                   :constraints default-query-constraints}
+                   :constraints qp/default-query-constraints}
     :started_at   true
     :running_time true}
    ;; QueryExecution entry in the DB
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/session_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/session_test.clj
index 3412c041c24f61d11048b0072ab23c5b90f4bbc9..4a8c49e7fb8fd7f52e675037959a852f8bb8a5de 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/session_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/session_test.clj
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
   "Tests for /api/session"
   (:require [expectations :refer :all]
+             [email-test :as et]
              [http-client :refer :all]
              [public-settings :as public-settings]
              [util :as u]]
@@ -68,16 +69,17 @@
 ;; ## POST /api/session/forgot_password
 ;; Test that we can initiate password reset
-  (let [reset-fields-set? (fn []
-                            (let [{:keys [reset_token reset_triggered]} (db/select-one [User :reset_token :reset_triggered], :id (user->id :rasta))]
-                              (boolean (and reset_token reset_triggered))))]
-    ;; make sure user is starting with no values
-    (db/update! User (user->id :rasta), :reset_token nil, :reset_triggered nil)
-    (assert (not (reset-fields-set?)))
-    ;; issue reset request (token & timestamp should be saved)
-    ((user->client :rasta) :post 200 "session/forgot_password" {:email (:username (user->credentials :rasta))})
-    ;; TODO - how can we test email sent here?
-    (reset-fields-set?)))
+  (et/with-fake-inbox
+    (let [reset-fields-set? (fn []
+                              (let [{:keys [reset_token reset_triggered]} (db/select-one [User :reset_token :reset_triggered], :id (user->id :rasta))]
+                                (boolean (and reset_token reset_triggered))))]
+      ;; make sure user is starting with no values
+      (db/update! User (user->id :rasta), :reset_token nil, :reset_triggered nil)
+      (assert (not (reset-fields-set?)))
+      ;; issue reset request (token & timestamp should be saved)
+      ((user->client :rasta) :post 200 "session/forgot_password" {:email (:username (user->credentials :rasta))})
+      ;; TODO - how can we test email sent here?
+      (reset-fields-set?))))
 ;; Test that email is required
 (expect {:errors {:email "value must be a valid email address."}}
@@ -94,39 +96,41 @@
   {:reset_token     nil
    :reset_triggered nil}
-  (let [password {:old "password"
-                  :new "whateverUP12!!"}]
-    (tt/with-temp User [{:keys [email id]} {:password (:old password), :reset_triggered (System/currentTimeMillis)}]
-      (let [token (u/prog1 (str id "_" (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
-                    (db/update! User id, :reset_token <>))
-            creds {:old {:password (:old password)
-                         :username email}
-                   :new {:password (:new password)
-                         :username email}}]
-        ;; Check that creds work
-        (client :post 200 "session" (:old creds))
-        ;; Call reset password endpoint to change the PW
-        (client :post 200 "session/reset_password" {:token    token
-                                                    :password (:new password)})
-        ;; Old creds should no longer work
-        (assert (= (client :post 400 "session" (:old creds))
-                   {:errors {:password "did not match stored password"}}))
-        ;; New creds *should* work
-        (client :post 200 "session" (:new creds))
-        ;; Double check that reset token was cleared
-        (db/select-one [User :reset_token :reset_triggered], :id id)))))
+  (et/with-fake-inbox
+    (let [password {:old "password"
+                    :new "whateverUP12!!"}]
+      (tt/with-temp User [{:keys [email id]} {:password (:old password), :reset_triggered (System/currentTimeMillis)}]
+        (let [token (u/prog1 (str id "_" (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
+                      (db/update! User id, :reset_token <>))
+              creds {:old {:password (:old password)
+                           :username email}
+                     :new {:password (:new password)
+                           :username email}}]
+          ;; Check that creds work
+          (client :post 200 "session" (:old creds))
+          ;; Call reset password endpoint to change the PW
+          (client :post 200 "session/reset_password" {:token    token
+                                                      :password (:new password)})
+          ;; Old creds should no longer work
+          (assert (= (client :post 400 "session" (:old creds))
+                     {:errors {:password "did not match stored password"}}))
+          ;; New creds *should* work
+          (client :post 200 "session" (:new creds))
+          ;; Double check that reset token was cleared
+          (db/select-one [User :reset_token :reset_triggered], :id id))))))
 ;; Check that password reset returns a valid session token
   {:success    true
    :session_id true}
-  (tt/with-temp User [{:keys [id]} {:reset_triggered (System/currentTimeMillis)}]
-    (let [token (u/prog1 (str id "_" (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
-                  (db/update! User id, :reset_token <>))]
-      (-> (client :post 200 "session/reset_password" {:token    token
-                                                      :password "whateverUP12!!"})
-          (update :session_id tu/is-uuid-string?)))))
+  (et/with-fake-inbox
+    (tt/with-temp User [{:keys [id]} {:reset_triggered (System/currentTimeMillis)}]
+      (let [token (u/prog1 (str id "_" (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
+                    (db/update! User id, :reset_token <>))]
+        (-> (client :post 200 "session/reset_password" {:token    token
+                                                        :password "whateverUP12!!"})
+            (update :session_id tu/is-uuid-string?))))))
 ;; Test that token and password are required
 (expect {:errors {:token "value must be a non-blank string."}}
@@ -217,11 +221,12 @@
 ;; should totally work if the email domains match up
   {:first_name "Rasta", :last_name "Toucan", :email "rasta@sf-toucannery.com"}
-  (tu/with-temporary-setting-values [google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain "sf-toucannery.com"
-                                     admin-email                             "rasta@toucans.com"]
-    (select-keys (u/prog1 (#'session-api/google-auth-create-new-user! "Rasta" "Toucan" "rasta@sf-toucannery.com")
-                   (db/delete! User :id (:id <>))) ; make sure we clean up after ourselves !
-                 [:first_name :last_name :email])))
+  (et/with-fake-inbox
+    (tu/with-temporary-setting-values [google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain "sf-toucannery.com"
+                                       admin-email                             "rasta@toucans.com"]
+      (select-keys (u/prog1 (#'session-api/google-auth-create-new-user! "Rasta" "Toucan" "rasta@sf-toucannery.com")
+                     (db/delete! User :id (:id <>))) ; make sure we clean up after ourselves !
+                   [:first_name :last_name :email]))))
 ;;; tests for google-auth-fetch-or-create-user!
@@ -248,10 +253,11 @@
 ;; test that a user that doesn't exist with the *same* domain as the auto-create accounts domain means a new user gets
 ;; created
-  (tu/with-temporary-setting-values [google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain "sf-toucannery.com"
-                                     admin-email                             "rasta@toucans.com"]
-    (u/prog1 (is-session? (#'session-api/google-auth-fetch-or-create-user! "Rasta" "Toucan" "rasta@sf-toucannery.com"))
-      (db/delete! User :email "rasta@sf-toucannery.com")))) ; clean up after ourselves
+  (et/with-fake-inbox
+    (tu/with-temporary-setting-values [google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain "sf-toucannery.com"
+                                       admin-email                             "rasta@toucans.com"]
+      (u/prog1 (is-session? (#'session-api/google-auth-fetch-or-create-user! "Rasta" "Toucan" "rasta@sf-toucannery.com"))
+        (db/delete! User :email "rasta@sf-toucannery.com"))))) ; clean up after ourselves
 ;;; ------------------------------------------- TESTS FOR LDAP AUTH STUFF --------------------------------------------
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj
index 8e82e371e6890feb60e58ffeb2798ab0fe10a31c..04f58fa3e8c73443d339ee49a2da72fe0b961eb9 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
   "Tests for /api/user endpoints."
   (:require [expectations :refer :all]
+             [email-test :as et]
              [http-client :as http]
              [middleware :as middleware]
              [util :as u]]
@@ -73,13 +74,14 @@
      :common_name  (str user-name " " user-name)
      :is_superuser false
      :is_qbnewb    true}
-    (do ((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 "user" {:first_name user-name
-                                                     :last_name  user-name
-                                                     :email      email})
-        (u/prog1 (db/select-one [User :email :first_name :last_name :is_superuser :is_qbnewb]
-                   :email email)
-          ;; clean up after ourselves
-          (db/delete! User :email email)))))
+    (et/with-fake-inbox
+      ((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 "user" {:first_name user-name
+                                                   :last_name  user-name
+                                                   :email      email})
+      (u/prog1 (db/select-one [User :email :first_name :last_name :is_superuser :is_qbnewb]
+                              :email email)
+               ;; clean up after ourselves
+               (db/delete! User :email email)))))
 ;; Test that reactivating a disabled account works
diff --git a/test/metabase/pulse/render_test.clj b/test/metabase/pulse/render_test.clj
index 43e01a9cf5ac0c26855ec811bf6f0b051c8ed3dc..2f5e95915630407467e54ee74ef4a7f0e2df6e82 100644
--- a/test/metabase/pulse/render_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/pulse/render_test.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabase.pulse.render-test
-  (:require [expectations :refer :all]
+  (:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
+            [expectations :refer :all]
             [hiccup.core :refer [html]]
             [metabase.pulse.render :as render :refer :all])
   (:import java.util.TimeZone))
@@ -7,58 +8,120 @@
 (def ^:private pacific-tz (TimeZone/getTimeZone "America/Los_Angeles"))
 (def ^:private test-columns
-  [{:name         "ID",
-    :display_name "ID",
-    :base_type    :type/BigInteger
-    :special_type nil}
-   {:name         "latitude"
-    :display_name "Latitude"
-    :base-type    :type/Float
-    :special-type :type/Latitude}
-   {:name         "last_login"
-    :display_name "Last Login"
-    :base_type    :type/DateTime
-    :special_type nil}
-   {:name         "name"
-    :display_name "Name"
-    :base-type    :type/Text
-    :special_type nil}])
+  [{:name            "ID",
+    :display_name    "ID",
+    :base_type       :type/BigInteger
+    :special_type    nil
+    :visibility_type :normal}
+   {:name            "latitude"
+    :display_name    "Latitude"
+    :base_type       :type/Float
+    :special_type    :type/Latitude
+    :visibility_type :normal}
+   {:name            "last_login"
+    :display_name    "Last Login"
+    :base_type       :type/DateTime
+    :special_type    nil
+    :visibility_type :normal}
+   {:name            "name"
+    :display_name    "Name"
+    :base_type       :type/Text
+    :special_type    nil
+    :visibility_type :normal}])
 (def ^:private test-data
   [[1 34.0996 "2014-04-01T08:30:00.0000" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]
    [2 34.0406 "2014-12-05T15:15:00.0000" "The Apple Pan"]
    [3 34.0474 "2014-08-01T12:45:00.0000" "The Gorbals"]])
+(defn- col-counts [results]
+  (set (map (comp count :row) results)))
+(defn- number [x]
+  (#'render/map->NumericWrapper {:num-str x}))
+(def ^:private default-header-result
+  [{:row       [(number "ID") (number "Latitude") "Last Login" "Name"]
+    :bar-width nil}
+   #{4}])
+(defn- prep-for-html-rendering'
+  [cols rows bar-column max-value]
+  (let [results (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz cols rows bar-column max-value (count cols))]
+    [(first results)
+     (col-counts results)]))
 ;; Testing the format of headers
-  {:row ["ID" "LATITUDE" "LAST LOGIN" "NAME"]
-   :bar-width nil}
-  (first (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns test-data nil nil (count test-columns))))
+  default-header-result
+  (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns test-data nil nil))
+  default-header-result
+  (let [cols-with-desc (conj test-columns {:name         "desc_col"
+                                                   :display_name "Description Column"
+                                                   :base_type    :type/Text
+                                                   :special_type :type/Description
+                                                   :visibility_type :normal})
+        data-with-desc (mapv #(conj % "Desc") test-data)]
+    (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-desc data-with-desc nil nil)))
+  default-header-result
+  (let [cols-with-details (conj test-columns {:name            "detail_col"
+                                              :display_name    "Details Column"
+                                              :base_type       :type/Text
+                                              :special_type    nil
+                                              :visibility_type :details-only})
+        data-with-details (mapv #(conj % "Details") test-data)]
+    (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-details data-with-details nil nil)))
+  default-header-result
+  (let [cols-with-sensitive (conj test-columns {:name            "sensitive_col"
+                                                :display_name    "Sensitive Column"
+                                                :base_type       :type/Text
+                                                :special_type    nil
+                                                :visibility_type :sensitive})
+        data-with-sensitive (mapv #(conj % "Sensitive") test-data)]
+    (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-sensitive data-with-sensitive nil nil)))
+  default-header-result
+  (let [columns-with-retired (conj test-columns {:name            "retired_col"
+                                                 :display_name    "Retired Column"
+                                                 :base_type       :type/Text
+                                                 :special_type    nil
+                                                 :visibility_type :retired})
+        data-with-retired    (mapv #(conj % "Retired") test-data)]
+    (prep-for-html-rendering' columns-with-retired data-with-retired nil nil)))
 ;; When including a bar column, bar-width is 99%
-  {:row ["ID" "LATITUDE" "LAST LOGIN" "NAME"]
-   :bar-width 99}
-  (first (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns test-data second 40.0 (count test-columns))))
+  (assoc-in default-header-result [0 :bar-width] 99)
+  (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns test-data second 40.0))
 ;; When there are too many columns, #'render/prep-for-html-rendering show narrow it
-  {:row ["ID" "LATITUDE"]
-   :bar-width 99}
-  (first (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns test-data second 40.0 2)))
+  [{:row [(number "ID") (number "Latitude")]
+    :bar-width 99}
+   #{2}]
+  (prep-for-html-rendering' (subvec test-columns 0 2) test-data second 40.0 ))
 ;; Basic test that result rows are formatted correctly (dates, floating point numbers etc)
-  [{:bar-width nil, :row ["1" "34.10" "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
-   {:bar-width nil, :row ["2" "34.04" "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
-   {:bar-width nil, :row ["3" "34.05" "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
+  [{:bar-width nil, :row [(number "1") (number "34.10") "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
+   {:bar-width nil, :row [(number "2") (number "34.04") "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
+   {:bar-width nil, :row [(number "3") (number "34.05") "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
   (rest (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns test-data nil nil (count test-columns))))
 ;; Testing the bar-column, which is the % of this row relative to the max of that column
-  [{:bar-width (float 85.249),  :row ["1" "34.10" "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
-   {:bar-width (float 85.1015), :row ["2" "34.04" "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
-   {:bar-width (float 85.1185), :row ["3" "34.05" "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
+  [{:bar-width (float 85.249),  :row [(number "1") (number "34.10") "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
+   {:bar-width (float 85.1015), :row [(number "2") (number "34.04") "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
+   {:bar-width (float 85.1185), :row [(number "3") (number "34.05") "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
   (rest (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns test-data second 40 (count test-columns))))
 (defn- add-rating
@@ -91,15 +154,16 @@
 ;; With a remapped column, the header should contain the name of the remapped column (not the original)
-   :bar-width nil}
-  (first (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns-with-remapping test-data-with-remapping nil nil (count test-columns-with-remapping))))
+  [{:row [(number "ID") (number "Latitude") "Rating Desc" "Last Login" "Name"]
+    :bar-width nil}
+   #{5}]
+  (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns-with-remapping test-data-with-remapping nil nil))
 ;; Result rows should include only the remapped column value, not the original
-  [["1" "34.10" "Bad" "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]
-   ["2" "34.04" "Ok" "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]
-   ["3" "34.05" "Good" "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]]
+  [[(number "1") (number "34.10") "Bad" "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]
+   [(number "2") (number "34.04") "Ok" "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]
+   [(number "3") (number "34.05") "Good" "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]]
   (map :row (rest (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns-with-remapping test-data-with-remapping nil nil (count test-columns-with-remapping)))))
 ;; There should be no truncation warning if the number of rows/cols is fewer than the row/column limit
@@ -126,9 +190,9 @@
                                 :special_type :type/DateTime}))
-  [{:bar-width nil, :row ["1" "34.10" "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
-   {:bar-width nil, :row ["2" "34.04" "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
-   {:bar-width nil, :row ["3" "34.05" "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
+  [{:bar-width nil, :row [(number "1") (number "34.10") "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
+   {:bar-width nil, :row [(number "2") (number "34.04") "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
+   {:bar-width nil, :row [(number "3") (number "34.05") "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
   (rest (#'render/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz test-columns-with-date-special-type test-data nil nil (count test-columns))))
 (defn- render-scalar-value [results]
@@ -166,3 +230,47 @@
                                 :base_type    :type/DateTime
                                 :special_type nil}]
                         :rows [["2014-04-01T08:30:00.0000"]]}))
+(defn- replace-style-maps [hiccup-map]
+  (walk/postwalk (fn [maybe-map]
+                   (if (and (map? maybe-map)
+                            (contains? maybe-map :style))
+                     :style-map
+                     maybe-map)) hiccup-map))
+(def ^:private render-truncation-warning'
+  (comp replace-style-maps #'render/render-truncation-warning))
+  nil
+  (render-truncation-warning' 10 5 20 10))
+  [:div :style-map
+   [:div :style-map
+    "Showing " [:strong :style-map "10"] " of "
+    [:strong :style-map "11"] " columns."]]
+  (render-truncation-warning' 10 11 20 10))
+  [:div
+   :style-map
+   [:div :style-map "Showing "
+    [:strong :style-map "20"] " of " [:strong :style-map "21"] " rows."]]
+  (render-truncation-warning' 10 5 20 21))
+  [:div
+   :style-map
+   [:div
+    :style-map
+    "Showing "
+    [:strong :style-map "20"]
+    " of "
+    [:strong :style-map "21"]
+    " rows and "
+    [:strong :style-map "10"]
+    " of "
+    [:strong :style-map "11"]
+    " columns."]]
+  (render-truncation-warning' 10 11 20 21))
diff --git a/test/metabase/pulse_test.clj b/test/metabase/pulse_test.clj
index 7c4b06ecfaeddabe54957b1af6a5cd3758befd7e..2bce6e85ef8a39936523b961fbfe7061d3dbf9a3 100644
--- a/test/metabase/pulse_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/pulse_test.clj
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 (ns metabase.pulse-test
-  (:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
+  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.walk :as walk]
             [expectations :refer :all]
             [medley.core :as m]
             [metabase.integrations.slack :as slack]
              [email-test :as et]
-             [pulse :refer :all]]
+             [pulse :refer :all]
+             [query-processor :as qp]]
              [card :refer [Card]]
              [pulse :refer [Pulse retrieve-pulse retrieve-pulse-or-alert]]
              [pulse-card :refer [PulseCard]]
              [pulse-channel :refer [PulseChannel]]
              [pulse-channel-recipient :refer [PulseChannelRecipient]]]
+            [metabase.pulse.render :as render]
              [data :as data]
              [util :as tu]]
@@ -73,6 +76,15 @@
+(def ^:private csv-attachment
+  {:type :attachment, :content-type "text/csv", :file-name "Test card.csv",
+   :content java.net.URL, :description "More results for 'Test card'", :content-id false})
+(def ^:private xls-attachment
+  {:type :attachment, :file-name "Test card.xlsx",
+   :content-type "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
+   :content java.net.URL, :description "More results for 'Test card'", :content-id false})
 ;; Basic test, 1 card, 1 recipient
@@ -89,6 +101,72 @@
      (send-pulse! (retrieve-pulse pulse-id))
      (et/summarize-multipart-email #"Pulse Name"))))
+;; Basic test, 1 card, 1 recipient, 21 results results in a CSV being attached and a table being sent
+  (rasta-pulse-email {:body [{"Pulse Name"                      true
+                              "More results have been included" true
+                              "ID</th>"                         true},
+                             csv-attachment]})
+  (tt/with-temp* [Card                 [{card-id :id}  (checkins-query {:aggregation nil
+                                                                        :limit       21})]
+                  Pulse                [{pulse-id :id} {:name          "Pulse Name"
+                                                        :skip_if_empty false}]
+                  PulseCard             [_             {:pulse_id pulse-id
+                                                        :card_id  card-id
+                                                        :position 0}]
+                  PulseChannel          [{pc-id :id}   {:pulse_id pulse-id}]
+                  PulseChannelRecipient [_             {:user_id          (rasta-id)
+                                                        :pulse_channel_id pc-id}]]
+    (email-test-setup
+     (send-pulse! (retrieve-pulse pulse-id))
+     (et/summarize-multipart-email #"Pulse Name"  #"More results have been included" #"ID</th>"))))
+;; Validate pulse queries are limited by qp/default-query-constraints
+  31 ;; Should return 30 results (the redef'd limit) plus the header row
+  (tt/with-temp* [Card                 [{card-id :id}  (checkins-query {:aggregation nil})]
+                  Pulse                [{pulse-id :id} {:name          "Pulse Name"
+                                                        :skip_if_empty false}]
+                  PulseCard             [_             {:pulse_id pulse-id
+                                                        :card_id  card-id
+                                                        :position 0}]
+                  PulseChannel          [{pc-id :id}   {:pulse_id pulse-id}]
+                  PulseChannelRecipient [_             {:user_id          (rasta-id)
+                                                        :pulse_channel_id pc-id}]]
+    (email-test-setup
+     (with-redefs [qp/default-query-constraints {:max-results           10000
+                                                 :max-results-bare-rows 30}]
+       (send-pulse! (retrieve-pulse pulse-id))
+       ;; Slurp in the generated CSV and count the lines found in the file
+       (-> @et/inbox
+           vals
+           ffirst
+           :body
+           last
+           :content
+           slurp
+           str/split-lines
+           count)))))
+;; Basic test, 1 card, 1 recipient, 19 results, so no attachment
+  (rasta-pulse-email {:body [{"Pulse Name"                      true
+                              "More results have been included" false
+                              "ID</th>"                         true}]})
+  (tt/with-temp* [Card                 [{card-id :id}  (checkins-query {:aggregation nil
+                                                                        :limit       19})]
+                  Pulse                [{pulse-id :id} {:name          "Pulse Name"
+                                                        :skip_if_empty false}]
+                  PulseCard             [_             {:pulse_id pulse-id
+                                                        :card_id  card-id
+                                                        :position 0}]
+                  PulseChannel          [{pc-id :id}   {:pulse_id pulse-id}]
+                  PulseChannelRecipient [_             {:user_id          (rasta-id)
+                                                        :pulse_channel_id pc-id}]]
+    (email-test-setup
+     (send-pulse! (retrieve-pulse pulse-id))
+     (et/summarize-multipart-email #"Pulse Name"  #"More results have been included" #"ID</th>"))))
 ;; Pulse should be sent to two recipients
   (into {} (map (fn [user-kwd]
@@ -193,7 +271,8 @@
 ;; Rows alert with data
   (rasta-alert-email "Metabase alert: Test card has results"
-                     [{"Test card.*has results for you to see" true}, png-attachment])
+                     [{"Test card.*has results for you to see" true
+                       "More results have been included"       false}, png-attachment])
   (tt/with-temp* [Card                  [{card-id :id}  (checkins-query {:breakout [["datetime-field" (data/id :checkins :date) "hour"]]})]
                   Pulse                 [{pulse-id :id} {:alert_condition  "rows"
                                                          :alert_first_only false}]
@@ -205,7 +284,28 @@
                                                         :pulse_channel_id pc-id}]]
      (send-pulse! (retrieve-pulse-or-alert pulse-id))
-     (et/summarize-multipart-email #"Test card.*has results for you to see"))))
+     (et/summarize-multipart-email #"Test card.*has results for you to see" #"More results have been included"))))
+;; Rows alert with too much data will attach as CSV and include a table
+  (rasta-alert-email "Metabase alert: Test card has results"
+                     [{"Test card.*has results for you to see" true
+                       "More results have been included"       true
+                       "ID</th>"                               true},
+                      csv-attachment])
+  (tt/with-temp* [Card                  [{card-id :id}  (checkins-query {:limit 21
+                                                                         :aggregation nil})]
+                  Pulse                 [{pulse-id :id} {:alert_condition  "rows"
+                                                         :alert_first_only false}]
+                  PulseCard             [_             {:pulse_id pulse-id
+                                                        :card_id  card-id
+                                                        :position 0}]
+                  PulseChannel          [{pc-id :id}   {:pulse_id pulse-id}]
+                  PulseChannelRecipient [_             {:user_id (rasta-id)
+                                                        :pulse_channel_id pc-id}]]
+    (email-test-setup
+     (send-pulse! (retrieve-pulse-or-alert pulse-id))
+     (et/summarize-multipart-email #"Test card.*has results for you to see" #"More results have been included" #"ID</th>"))))
 ;; Above goal alert with data
@@ -322,6 +422,42 @@
   (assoc result :attachments (for [attachment-info attachments]
                                (update attachment-info :attachment-bytes-thunk fn?))))
+(defprotocol WrappedFunction
+  (input [_])
+  (output [_]))
+(defn- invoke-with-wrapping
+  "Apply `args` to `func`, capturing the arguments of the invocation and the result of the invocation. Store the arguments in
+  `input-atom` and the result in `output-atom`."
+  [input-atom output-atom func args]
+  (swap! input-atom conj args)
+  (let [result (apply func args)]
+    (swap! output-atom conj result)
+    result))
+(defn- wrap-function
+  "Return a function that wraps `func`, not interfering with it but recording it's input and output, which is
+  available via the `input` function and `output`function that can be used directly on this object"
+  [func]
+  (let [input (atom nil)
+        output (atom nil)]
+    (reify WrappedFunction
+      (input [_] @input)
+      (output [_] @output)
+      clojure.lang.IFn
+      (invoke [_ x1]
+        (invoke-with-wrapping input output func [x1]))
+      (invoke [_ x1 x2]
+        (invoke-with-wrapping input output func [x1 x2]))
+      (invoke [_ x1 x2 x3]
+        (invoke-with-wrapping input output func [x1 x2 x3]))
+      (invoke [_ x1 x2 x3 x4]
+        (invoke-with-wrapping input output func [x1 x2 x3 x4]))
+      (invoke [_ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5]
+        (invoke-with-wrapping input output func [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5]))
+      (invoke [_ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6]
+        (invoke-with-wrapping input output func [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6])))))
 ;; Basic slack test, 1 card, 1 recipient channel
 (tt/expect-with-temp [Card         [{card-id :id}  (checkins-query {:breakout [["datetime-field" (data/id :checkins :date) "hour"]]})]
                       Pulse        [{pulse-id :id} {:name "Pulse Name"
@@ -346,6 +482,47 @@
+(defn- force-bytes-thunk
+  "Grabs the thunk that produces the image byte array and invokes it"
+  [results]
+  ((-> results
+       :attachments
+       first
+       :attachment-bytes-thunk)))
+;; Basic slack test, 1 card, 1 recipient channel, verifies that "more results in attachment" text is not present for
+;; slack pulses
+(tt/expect-with-temp [Card         [{card-id :id}  (checkins-query {:aggregation nil
+                                                                    :limit       25})]
+                      Pulse        [{pulse-id :id} {:name          "Pulse Name"
+                                                    :skip_if_empty false}]
+                      PulseCard    [_              {:pulse_id pulse-id
+                                                    :card_id  card-id
+                                                    :position 0}]
+                      PulseChannel [{pc-id :id}    {:pulse_id     pulse-id
+                                                    :channel_type "slack"
+                                                    :details      {:channel "#general"}}]]
+  [{:channel-id "#general",
+     :message    "Pulse: Pulse Name",
+     :attachments
+     [{:title                  "Test card",
+       :attachment-bytes-thunk true
+       :title_link             (str "https://metabase.com/testmb/question/" card-id),
+       :attachment-name        "image.png",
+       :channel-id             "FOO",
+       :fallback               "Test card"}]}
+   1     ;; -> attached-results-text should be invoked exactly once
+   [nil] ;; -> attached-results-text should return nil since it's a slack message
+   ]
+  (slack-test-setup
+   (with-redefs [render/attached-results-text (wrap-function (var-get #'render/attached-results-text))]
+     (let [[pulse-results] (send-pulse! (retrieve-pulse pulse-id))]
+       ;; If we don't force the thunk, the rendering code will never execute and attached-results-text won't be called
+       (force-bytes-thunk pulse-results)
+       [(thunk->boolean pulse-results)
+        (count (input (var-get #'render/attached-results-text)))
+        (output (var-get #'render/attached-results-text))]))))
 (defn- produces-bytes? [{:keys [attachment-bytes-thunk]}]
   (< 0 (alength (attachment-bytes-thunk))))
@@ -542,15 +719,6 @@
       (db/exists? Pulse :id pulse-id)])))
-(def ^:private csv-attachment
-  {:type :attachment, :content-type "text/csv", :file-name "Test card.csv",
-   :content java.net.URL, :description "Full results for 'Test card'", :content-id false})
-(def ^:private xls-attachment
-  {:type :attachment, :file-name "Test card.xlsx",
-   :content-type "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
-   :content java.net.URL, :description "Full results for 'Test card'", :content-id false})
 (defn- add-rasta-attachment
   "Append `ATTACHMENT` to the first email found for Rasta"
   [email attachment]