diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
index 2af2d5f478df7ff13e0e72dd3005f8589ceb03bf..473a75ee799ce4cac4de7fdb0a410851616ffc2e 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
 If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
 **Information about your Metabase Installation:**
+You can get this information by going to Admin -> Troubleshooting.
 - Your browser and the version: (e.x. Chrome 52.1, Firefox 48.0, Safari 11.1, …)
 - Your operating system: (e.x. OS X 10.10, Windows 10.1809, Ubuntu 16.04, …)
 - Your databases: (e.x. MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, …)
diff --git a/dev/src/dev.clj b/dev/src/dev.clj
index 646b379f7ef4a3d9550db101b65980372d72e45d..26e5802b6014886a27fb6e1834a696ece29f4bd2 100644
--- a/dev/src/dev.clj
+++ b/dev/src/dev.clj
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
             [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
             [toucan.db :as tdb]))
 (defn init!
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/admin/routes.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/admin/routes.jsx
index fe3ed2444ed9da48653403c0ba92bc71d302f283..de12af17430425c0b32dd9b623fa0b1cfb4ce3db 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/admin/routes.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/admin/routes.jsx
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import TaskModal from "metabase/admin/tasks/containers/TaskModal";
 import JobInfoApp from "metabase/admin/tasks/containers/JobInfoApp";
 import JobTriggersModal from "metabase/admin/tasks/containers/JobTriggersModal";
 import Logs from "metabase/admin/tasks/containers/Logs";
+import Help from "metabase/admin/tasks/containers/Help";
 // People
 import PeopleListingApp from "metabase/admin/people/containers/PeopleListingApp";
@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ const getRoutes = (store, IsAdmin) => (
-      <IndexRedirect to="tasks" />
+      <IndexRedirect to="help" />
+      <Route path="help" component={Help} />
       <Route path="tasks" component={TasksApp}>
         <ModalRoute path=":taskId" modal={TaskModal} />
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/admin/tasks/containers/Help.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/admin/tasks/containers/Help.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f79a00d68c7ba235cee70d1a6d062783daba9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/admin/tasks/containers/Help.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import { t } from "ttag";
+import _ from "underscore";
+import { Box } from "grid-styled";
+import AdminHeader from "metabase/components/AdminHeader";
+import Code from "metabase/components/Code";
+import CopyButton from "metabase/components/CopyButton";
+import ExternalLink from "metabase/components/ExternalLink";
+import { UtilApi } from "metabase/services";
+import MetabaseSettings from "metabase/lib/settings";
+function navigatorInfo() {
+  return _.pick(navigator, "language", "platform", "userAgent", "vendor");
+const template = `**Describe the bug**
+A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+Please include javascript console and server logs around the time this bug occurred. For information about how to get these, consult our [bug troubleshooting guide](https://metabase.com/docs/latest/troubleshooting-guide/bugs.html)
+**To Reproduce**
+Steps to reproduce the behavior:
+1. Go to '...'
+2. Click on '....'
+3. Scroll down to '....'
+4. See error
+**Expected behavior**
+A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
+If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
+How severe an issue is this bug to you? Is this annoying, blocking some users, blocking an upgrade or blocking your usage of Metabase entirely?
+Note: the more honest and specific you are here the more we will take you seriously.
+**Additional context**
+Add any other context about the problem here.
+**Metabase Diagnostic Info**
+function githubIssueLink(bugReportDetails) {
+  return (
+    "https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/new?title=&labels=Type:Bug&body=" +
+    encodeURIComponent(template + "\n```json\n" + bugReportDetails + "\n```")
+  );
+function discourseLink(bugReportDetails) {
+  return (
+    "http://discourse.metabase.com/new-topic?category_id=7&body=" +
+    encodeURIComponent("```json\n" + bugReportDetails + "\n```")
+  );
+const HelpLink = ({ title, description, link }) => (
+  <li className="mb2">
+    <ExternalLink
+      className="bordered border-brand-hover rounded transition-border flex p2 no-decoration"
+      href={link}
+    >
+      <div>
+        <h3 className="text-brand">{title}</h3>
+        <p className="m0 mt1">{description}</p>
+      </div>
+    </ExternalLink>
+  </li>
+const InfoBlock = ({ children }) => (
+  <Box p={2} className="bordered rounded bg-light relative">
+    <Box m={2} className="absolute top right text-brand-hover cursor-pointer">
+      <CopyButton value={children} />
+    </Box>
+    <Code>{children}</Code>
+  </Box>
+export default class Help extends Component {
+  state = {
+    details: { "browser-info": navigatorInfo() },
+  };
+  async fetchDetails() {
+    const details = await UtilApi.bug_report_details();
+    this.setState({ details: { ...this.state.details, ...details } });
+  }
+  componentWillMount() {
+    this.fetchDetails();
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { details } = this.state;
+    const detailString = JSON.stringify(details, null, 2);
+    return (
+      <Box p={3}>
+        <AdminHeader title={t`Help`} className="mb2" />
+        <Box my={2} style={{ maxWidth: "468px" }}>
+          <ol>
+            <HelpLink
+              title="Metabase Documentation"
+              description="Includes a troubleshooting guide"
+              link={MetabaseSettings.docsUrl()}
+            />
+            <HelpLink
+              title="Post on the Metabase support forum"
+              description="A community forum for all things Metabase"
+              link={discourseLink(detailString)}
+            />
+            <HelpLink
+              title="File a bug report"
+              description="Create a GitHub issue (includes the diagnostic info below)"
+              link={githubIssueLink(detailString)}
+            />
+          </ol>
+        </Box>
+        <Box my={2}>
+          <AdminHeader title={t`Diagnostic Info`} className="mb2" />
+          <p>Please include these details in support requests. Thank you!</p>
+          <InfoBlock>{detailString}</InfoBlock>
+        </Box>
+      </Box>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/admin/tasks/containers/TroubleshootingApp.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/admin/tasks/containers/TroubleshootingApp.jsx
index 67a16d84e4f3615b757844991085ec43427f4b3d..5c6365b8d160f4b0fb5291f025914a55d9a86837 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/admin/tasks/containers/TroubleshootingApp.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/admin/tasks/containers/TroubleshootingApp.jsx
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ export default class TroubleshootingApp extends Component {
+            <LeftNavPaneItem
+              name={t`Help`}
+              path="/admin/troubleshooting/help"
+            />
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/services.js b/frontend/src/metabase/services.js
index f4413625e19c0ee972c761b0b2d439bb38f2b816..f91efd2d289e2c0513c486aa68185800458ea522 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/services.js
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/services.js
@@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ export const UtilApi = {
   password_check: POST("/api/util/password_check"),
   random_token: GET("/api/util/random_token"),
   logs: GET("/api/util/logs"),
+  bug_report_details: GET("/api/util/bug_report_details"),
 export const GeoJSONApi = {
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/util.clj b/src/metabase/api/util.clj
index 6f8c6c14df3615ae48202b91e4b811fe83067039..2270e7428f3899fd60a892567c6aa97d7a1e2ca0 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/util.clj
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
   page tasks."
   (:require [compojure.core :refer [GET POST]]
             [crypto.random :as crypto-random]
+            [metabase
+             [logger :as logger]
+             [troubleshooting :as troubleshooting]]
             [metabase.api.common :as api]
-            [metabase.logger :as logger]
              [schema :as su]
              [stats :as stats]]))
@@ -34,5 +36,10 @@
   {:token (crypto-random/hex 32)})
+(api/defendpoint GET "/bug_report_details"
+  []
+  (api/check-superuser)
+  {:system-info (troubleshooting/system-info)
+   :metabase-info (troubleshooting/metabase-info)})
diff --git a/src/metabase/core.clj b/src/metabase/core.clj
index 69558580d562efab1fd1924bfa52cd91978a4f74..e4b29a21cdb38a2a4dfa3adad2d9294a75945bbe 100644
--- a/src/metabase/core.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/core.clj
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
              [server :as server]
              [setup :as setup]
              [task :as task]
+             [troubleshooting :as troubleshooting]
              [util :as u]]
             [metabase.core.initialization-status :as init-status]
             [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
   "General application initialization function which should be run once at application startup."
   (log/info (trs "Starting Metabase version {0} ..." config/mb-version-string))
-  (log/info (trs "System timezone is ''{0}'' ..." (System/getProperty "user.timezone")))
+  (log/info (trs "System info:\n {0}" (u/pprint-to-str (troubleshooting/system-info))))
   (init-status/set-progress! 0.1)
   ;; First of all, lets register a shutdown hook that will tidy things up for us on app exit
diff --git a/src/metabase/troubleshooting.clj b/src/metabase/troubleshooting.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6a30838e46c2940399031a48f25509946d082b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/troubleshooting.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(ns metabase.troubleshooting
+  (:require [metabase
+             [config :as mc]
+             [db :as mdb]]
+            [metabase.models.setting :as setting]
+            [metabase.util.stats :as mus]
+            [toucan.db :as tdb]))
+(defn system-info
+  "System info we ask for for bug reports"
+  []
+  (into (sorted-map)
+        (select-keys (System/getProperties) ["java.runtime.name"
+                                             "java.runtime.version"
+                                             "java.vendor"
+                                             "java.vendor.url"
+                                             "java.version"
+                                             "java.vm.name"
+                                             "java.vm.version"
+                                             "os.name"
+                                             "os.version"
+                                             "user.language"
+                                             "user.timezone"])))
+(defn metabase-info
+  "Make it easy for the user to tell us what they're using"
+  []
+  {:databases            (->> (tdb/select 'Database) (map :engine) distinct)
+   :hosting-env          (mus/environment-type)
+   :application-database (mdb/db-type)
+   :run-mode             (mc/config-kw :mb-run-mode)
+   :version              mc/mb-version-info
+   :settings             {:report-timezone (setting/get :report-timezone)}})
diff --git a/src/metabase/util/stats.clj b/src/metabase/util/stats.clj
index 2072d90d3807af719f23eebfb9a3046fce9962ba..a6162225d2dde9c88ca4c8105a5b6aba87459933 100644
--- a/src/metabase/util/stats.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/util/stats.clj
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
   (:min (db/select-one [User [:%min.date_joined :min]])))
-(defn- environment-type
+(defn environment-type
   "Figure out what we're running under"