diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators.clj b/src/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators.clj
index 7ba42202953cfe924047c7e98bfba69ca454de79..9cba0e1172cd8689dd962057dab3b552b0556147 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators.clj
@@ -19,6 +19,14 @@
   (get-in lib.schema.parameter/types [param-type :operator]))
+(defn- operator-options-fn
+  [param-type]
+  (get-in lib.schema.parameter/types [param-type :options-fn]
+          ;; Default is to conj on the end if options are provided.
+          (fn [clause options]
+            (cond-> clause
+              options (conj options)))))
 (defn operator?
   "Returns whether param-type is an \"operator\" type."
@@ -60,19 +68,12 @@
   `:type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter` if arity is incorrect."
   [{param-type :type [a b :as param-value] :value [_ field :as _target] :target options :options :as _param}]
   (verify-type-and-arity field param-type param-value)
-  (let [field' (mbql.u/wrap-field-id-if-needed field)]
+  (let [field'  (mbql.u/wrap-field-id-if-needed field)
+        opts-fn (operator-options-fn param-type)]
     (case (operator-arity param-type)
-      :binary
-      (cond-> [(keyword (name param-type)) field' a b]
-        (boolean options) (conj options))
-      :unary
-      (cond-> [(keyword (name param-type)) field' a]
-        (boolean options) (conj options))
-      :variadic
-      (cond-> (into [(keyword (name param-type)) field'] param-value)
-        (boolean options) (conj options))
+      :binary   (opts-fn [(keyword (name param-type)) field' a b] options)
+      :unary    (opts-fn [(keyword (name param-type)) field' a] options)
+      :variadic (opts-fn (into [(keyword (name param-type)) field'] param-value) options)
       (throw (ex-info (format "Unrecognized operator: %s" param-type)
                       {:param-type param-type
diff --git a/src/metabase/lib/schema/parameter.cljc b/src/metabase/lib/schema/parameter.cljc
index fdfc1534dc1c9baf224693020c325cecf65fcfec..4897f310aca7a1be64338c9387ab81459559e064 100644
--- a/src/metabase/lib/schema/parameter.cljc
+++ b/src/metabase/lib/schema/parameter.cljc
@@ -25,6 +25,15 @@
    [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
    [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
+(defn- variadic-opts-first
+  "Some clauses, like `:contains`, have optional `options` last in their binary form, and required options first in
+  variadic form."
+  [[tag & args :as clause] options]
+  (if (<= (count args) 2)
+    (cond-> clause
+      options (conj options))
+    (into [tag (or options {})] args)))
 (def types
   "Map of parameter-type -> info. Info is a map with the following keys:
@@ -49,7 +58,12 @@
   with a widget type `:date`. Why? It's a potential security risk if someone creates a Card with an \"exact-match\"
   Field filter like `:date` or `:text` and you pass in a parameter like `string/!=` `NOTHING_WILL_MATCH_THIS`.
   Non-exact-match parameters can be abused to enumerate *all* the rows in a table when the parameter was supposed to
-  lock the results down to a single row or set of rows."
+  lock the results down to a single row or set of rows.
+  ### `:options-fn`
+  Optional, specifies a function `(f clause-without-options options-map-or-nil) => clause-with-options` to be used for
+  attaching the options. The default is to `conj` non-nil options on the end."
   {;; the basic raw-value types. These can be used with [[TemplateTag:RawValue]] template tags as well as
    ;; [[TemplateTag:FieldFilter]] template tags.
    :number  {:type :numeric, :allowed-for #{:number :number/= :id :category :location/zip_code}}
@@ -120,10 +134,10 @@
    :string/=                {:type :string, :operator :variadic, :allowed-for #{:string/= :text :id :category
                                                                                 :location/city :location/state
                                                                                 :location/zip_code :location/country}}
-   :string/contains         {:type :string, :operator :unary, :allowed-for #{:string/contains}}
-   :string/does-not-contain {:type :string, :operator :unary, :allowed-for #{:string/does-not-contain}}
-   :string/ends-with        {:type :string, :operator :unary, :allowed-for #{:string/ends-with}}
-   :string/starts-with      {:type :string, :operator :unary, :allowed-for #{:string/starts-with}}})
+   :string/contains         {:type :string, :operator :variadic, :options-fn variadic-opts-first, :allowed-for #{:string/contains}}
+   :string/does-not-contain {:type :string, :operator :variadic, :options-fn variadic-opts-first, :allowed-for #{:string/does-not-contain}}
+   :string/ends-with        {:type :string, :operator :variadic, :options-fn variadic-opts-first, :allowed-for #{:string/ends-with}}
+   :string/starts-with      {:type :string, :operator :variadic, :options-fn variadic-opts-first, :allowed-for #{:string/starts-with}}})
 (mr/def ::type
   (into [:enum {:error/message    "valid parameter type"
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators_test.clj
index 8c79ebb8fa16668ce67cf2996f3556d5c1ae22fe..890366bce7425063cd6213ca936520a186edfb21 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/common/parameters/operators_test.clj
@@ -43,7 +43,34 @@
                                             {:source-field 5}]]
                                   :value  ["foo"]})
-           [:starts-with [:field 26 {:source-field 5}] "foo"]))))
+           [:starts-with [:field 26 {:source-field 5}] "foo"]))
+    (testing "with options"
+      (is (= (params.ops/to-clause {:type   :string/starts-with
+                                    :target [:dimension
+                                             [:field
+                                              26
+                                              {:source-field 5}]]
+                                    :value  ["foo"]
+                                    :options {:case-insensitive false}})
+             [:starts-with [:field 26 {:source-field 5}] "foo" {:case-insensitive false}])))
+    (testing "with multiple arguments"
+      (is (= (params.ops/to-clause {:type   :string/starts-with
+                                    :target [:dimension
+                                             [:field
+                                              26
+                                              {:source-field 5}]]
+                                    :value  ["foo" "bar"]})
+             [:starts-with {} [:field 26 {:source-field 5}] "foo" "bar"]))
+      (testing "with options"
+        (is (= (params.ops/to-clause {:type   :string/starts-with
+                                      :target [:dimension
+                                               [:field
+                                                26
+                                                {:source-field 5}]]
+                                      :value  ["foo" "bar"]
+                                      :options {:case-insensitive false}})
+               [:starts-with {:case-insensitive false} [:field 26 {:source-field 5}] "foo" "bar"]))))))
 (deftest ^:parallel to-clause-test-5
   (testing "string operations"
@@ -68,7 +95,7 @@
                   (is (not result) "Did not throw"))
                 (catch Exception e
                   (ex-data e))))]
-      (doseq [[op values] [[:string/starts-with ["a" "b"]]
+      (doseq [[op values] [[:number/>= [2 4]]
                            [:number/between [1]]
                            [:number/between [1 2 3]]]]
         (is (=? {:param-type  op