diff --git a/backend/mbql/test/metabase/mbql/normalize_test.clj b/backend/mbql/test/metabase/mbql/normalize_test.clj
index 6d67dd3dc2fcdc32cf70ea0b1299d9e48e4eb72a..f1a154a53237b3829cb229b94064dae4a5c0fb95 100644
--- a/backend/mbql/test/metabase/mbql/normalize_test.clj
+++ b/backend/mbql/test/metabase/mbql/normalize_test.clj
@@ -2,366 +2,354 @@
   (:require [clojure
              [set :as set]
              [test :refer :all]]
-            [expectations :refer [expect]]
             [metabase.mbql.normalize :as normalize]))
+(defn- tests {:style/indent 2} [f-symb f group->input->expected]
+  (doseq [[group input->expected] group->input->expected]
+    (testing group
+      (doseq [[input expected] input->expected]
+        (testing (str "\n" (pr-str (list f-symb input)))
+          (is (= expected
+                 (f input))))))))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                                NORMALIZE TOKENS                                                |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+(defn- normalize-tests {:style/indent 0} [& {:as group->input->expected}]
+  (tests 'normalize-tokens #'normalize/normalize-tokens group->input->expected))
 (deftest normalize-tokens-test
-  (doseq [[group query->expected]
-          {"Query type should get normalized"
-           {{:type "NATIVE"}
-            {:type :native}}
+  (normalize-tests
+    "Query type should get normalized"
+    {{:type "NATIVE"}
+     {:type :native}}
-           "native queries should NOT get normalized"
-           {{:type "NATIVE", :native {"QUERY" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CANS;"}}
-            {:type :native, :native {:query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CANS;"}}
+    "native queries should NOT get normalized"
+    {{:type "NATIVE", :native {"QUERY" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CANS;"}}
+     {:type :native, :native {:query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CANS;"}}
-            {:native {:query {:NAME        "FAKE_QUERY"
-                              :description "Theoretical fake query in a JSON-based query lang"}}}
-            {:native {:query {:NAME        "FAKE_QUERY"
-                              :description "Theoretical fake query in a JSON-based query lang"}}}}
+     {:native {:query {:NAME        "FAKE_QUERY"
+                       :description "Theoretical fake query in a JSON-based query lang"}}}
+     {:native {:query {:NAME        "FAKE_QUERY"
+                       :description "Theoretical fake query in a JSON-based query lang"}}}}
-           "METRICS shouldn't get normalized in some kind of wacky way"
-           {{:aggregation ["+" ["METRIC" 10] 1]}
-            {:aggregation [:+ [:metric 10] 1]}}
+    "METRICS shouldn't get normalized in some kind of wacky way"
+    {{:aggregation ["+" ["METRIC" 10] 1]}
+     {:aggregation [:+ [:metric 10] 1]}}
-           "Nor should SEGMENTS"
-           {{:filter ["=" ["+" ["SEGMENT" 10] 1] 10]}
-            {:filter [:= [:+ [:segment 10] 1] 10]}}
+    "Nor should SEGMENTS"
+    {{:filter ["=" ["+" ["SEGMENT" 10] 1] 10]}
+     {:filter [:= [:+ [:segment 10] 1] 10]}}
-           "are expression names exempt from lisp-casing/lower-casing?"
-           {{"query" {"expressions" {:sales_tax ["-" ["field-id" 10] ["field-id" 20]]}}}
-            {:query {:expressions {:sales_tax [:- [:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}}}
+    "are expression names exempt from lisp-casing/lower-casing?"
+    {{"query" {"expressions" {:sales_tax ["-" ["field-id" 10] ["field-id" 20]]}}}
+     {:query {:expressions {:sales_tax [:- [:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}}}
-           "expression references should be exempt too"
-           {{:order-by [[:desc [:expression "SALES_TAX"]]]}
-            {:order-by [[:desc [:expression "SALES_TAX"]]]}}
+    "expression references should be exempt too"
+    {{:order-by [[:desc [:expression "SALES_TAX"]]]}
+     {:order-by [[:desc [:expression "SALES_TAX"]]]}}
-           "... but they should be converted to strings if passed in as a KW for some reason. Make sure we preserve namespace!"
-           {{:order-by [[:desc ["expression" :SALES/TAX]]]}
-            {:order-by [[:desc [:expression "SALES/TAX"]]]}}
+    "... but they should be converted to strings if passed in as a KW for some reason. Make sure we preserve namespace!"
+    {{:order-by [[:desc ["expression" :SALES/TAX]]]}
+     {:order-by [[:desc [:expression "SALES/TAX"]]]}}
-           "field literals should be exempt too"
-           {{:order-by [[:desc [:field-literal "SALES_TAX" :type/Number]]]}
-            {:order-by [[:desc [:field-literal "SALES_TAX" :type/Number]]]}}
+    "field literals should be exempt too"
+    {{:order-by [[:desc [:field-literal "SALES_TAX" :type/Number]]]}
+     {:order-by [[:desc [:field-literal "SALES_TAX" :type/Number]]]}}
-           "... but they should be converted to strings if passed in as a KW for some reason"
-           {{:order-by [[:desc ["field_literal" :SALES/TAX "type/Number"]]]}
-            {:order-by [[:desc [:field-literal "SALES/TAX" :type/Number]]]}}}]
-    (testing group
-      (doseq [[query expected] query->expected]
-        (is (= expected
-               (#'normalize/normalize-tokens query)))))))
+    "... but they should be converted to strings if passed in as a KW for some reason"
+    {{:order-by [[:desc ["field_literal" :SALES/TAX "type/Number"]]]}
+     {:order-by [[:desc [:field-literal "SALES/TAX" :type/Number]]]}}))
 ;;; -------------------------------------------------- aggregation ---------------------------------------------------
- {:query {:aggregation :rows}}
- (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"AGGREGATION" "ROWS"}}))
-  {:query {:aggregation [:rows]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"AGGREGATION" ["ROWS"]}}))
- {:query {:aggregation [:count 10]}}
- (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"AGGREGATION" ["COUNT" 10]}}))
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count 10]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"AGGREGATION" [["COUNT" 10]]}}))
-;; make sure we normalize ag tokens properly when there's wacky MBQL 95 ag syntax
-  {:query {:aggregation [:rows :count]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["rows" "count"]}}))
-  {:query {:aggregation [:count :count]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["count" "count"]}}))
-;; don't normalize names of expression refs!
-  {:query {:aggregation [:count [:count [:expression "ABCDEF"]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["count" ["count" ["expression" "ABCDEF"]]]}}))
-;; make sure binning-strategy clauses get normalized the way we'd expect
-  {:query {:breakout [[:binning-strategy 10 :bin-width 2000]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:breakout [["BINNING_STRATEGY" 10 "BIN-WIDTH" 2000]]}}))
-;; or field literals!
-  {:query {:aggregation [:count [:count [:field-literal "ABCDEF" :type/Text]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["count" ["count" ["field_literal" "ABCDEF" "type/Text"]]]}}))
-;; event if you try your best to break things it should handle it
-  {:query {:aggregation [:count [:sum 10] [:count 20] :count]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["count" ["sum" 10] ["count" 20] "count"]}}))
-;; try an ag that is named using legacy `:named` clause
-  {:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "My COOL AG"]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["named" ["SuM" 10] "My COOL AG"]}}))
-  {:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "My COOL AG" {:use-as-display-name? false}]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:query {:aggregation ["named" ["SuM" 10] "My COOL AG" {:use-as-display-name? false}]}}))
-;; try w/ `:aggregation-options`, the replacement for `:named`
- {:query {:aggregation [:aggregation-options [:sum 10] {:display-name "My COOL AG"}]}}
- (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-  {:query {:aggregation ["aggregation_options" ["SuM" 10] {"display_name" "My COOL AG"}]}}))
-;; try an expression ag
- {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] [:* [:sum 20] 3]]}}
- (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["+" ["sum" 10] ["*" ["SUM" 20] 3]]}}))
-;; expression ags should handle varargs
-  {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] [:sum 20] [:sum 30]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["+" ["sum" 10] ["SUM" 20] ["sum" 30]]}}))
-;; expression ags should handle datetime arithemtics
-  {:query {:expressions {:prev_month [:+ [:field-id 13] [:interval -1 :month]]}}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:expressions {:prev_month ["+" ["field-id" 13]
-                                                                    ["interval" -1 "month"]]}}}))
-  {:query {:expressions {:prev_month [:- [:field-id 13] [:interval 1 :month] [:interval 1 :day]]}}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:expressions {:prev_month ["-" ["field-id" 13]
-                                                                    ["interval" 1 "month"]
-                                                                    ["interval" 1 "day"]]}}}))
-;; case
-  {:query {:aggregation [:sum [:case [[[:> [:field-id 12] 10] 10]
-                                     [[:> [:field-id 12] 100] [:field-id 1]]
-                                     [[:= [:field-id 2] 1] "foo"]]
-                               {:default [:field-id 2]}]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["sum" ["case" [[[">" ["field-id" 12] 10] 10]
-                                                                      [[">" ["field-id" 12] 100] ["field-id" 1]]
-                                                                     [["=" ["field-id" 2] 1] "foo"]]
-                                                              {:default ["field-id" 2]}]]}}))
- {:query {:aggregation [:median [:field-id 13]]}}
- (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["median" ["field-id" 13]]}}))
- {:query {:aggregation [:var [:field-id 13]]}}
- (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["var" ["field-id" 13]]}}))
- {:query {:aggregation [:percentile [:field-id 13] 0.9]}}
- (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {:aggregation ["percentile" ["field-id" 13] 0.9]}}))
+(deftest normalize-aggregations-test
+  (normalize-tests
+    "Legacy 'rows' aggregations"
+    {{:query {"AGGREGATION" "ROWS"}}
+     {:query {:aggregation :rows}}
+     {:query {"AGGREGATION" ["ROWS"]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:rows]}}}
+    "Other uppercase tokens"
+    {{:query {"AGGREGATION" ["COUNT" 10]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:count 10]}}
+     {:query {"AGGREGATION" [["COUNT" 10]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count 10]]}}}
+    "make sure we normalize ag tokens properly when there's wacky MBQL 95 ag syntax"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["rows" "count"]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:rows :count]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation ["count" "count"]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:count :count]}}}
+    "don't normalize names of expression refs!"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["count" ["count" ["expression" "ABCDEF"]]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:count [:count [:expression "ABCDEF"]]]}}}
+    "make sure binning-strategy clauses get normalized the way we'd expect"
+    {{:query {:breakout [["BINNING_STRATEGY" 10 "BIN-WIDTH" 2000]]}}
+     {:query {:breakout [[:binning-strategy 10 :bin-width 2000]]}}}
+    "or field literals!"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["count" ["count" ["field_literal" "ABCDEF" "type/Text"]]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:count [:count [:field-literal "ABCDEF" :type/Text]]]}}}
+    "event if you try your best to break things it should handle it"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["count" ["sum" 10] ["count" 20] "count"]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:count [:sum 10] [:count 20] :count]}}}
+    "try an ag that is named using legacy `:named` clause"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["named" ["SuM" 10] "My COOL AG"]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "My COOL AG"]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation ["named" ["SuM" 10] "My COOL AG" {:use-as-display-name? false}]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "My COOL AG" {:use-as-display-name? false}]}}}
+    "try w/ `:aggregation-options`, the replacement for `:named`"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["aggregation_options" ["SuM" 10] {"display_name" "My COOL AG"}]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:aggregation-options [:sum 10] {:display-name "My COOL AG"}]}}}
+    "try an expression ag"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["+" ["sum" 10] ["*" ["SUM" 20] 3]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] [:* [:sum 20] 3]]}}}
+    "expression ags should handle varargs"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["+" ["sum" 10] ["SUM" 20] ["sum" 30]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] [:sum 20] [:sum 30]]}}}
+    "expression ags should handle datetime arithemtics"
+    {{:query {:expressions {:prev_month ["+" ["field-id" 13] ["interval" -1 "month"]]}}}
+     {:query {:expressions {:prev_month [:+ [:field-id 13] [:interval -1 :month]]}}},
+     {:query {:expressions {:prev_month ["-" ["field-id" 13] ["interval" 1 "month"] ["interval" 1 "day"]]}}}
+     {:query {:expressions {:prev_month [:- [:field-id 13] [:interval 1 :month] [:interval 1 :day]]}}}}
+    "case"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["sum" ["case"
+                                   [[[">" ["field-id" 12] 10] 10]
+                                    [[">" ["field-id" 12] 100] ["field-id" 1]]
+                                    [["=" ["field-id" 2] 1] "foo"]]
+                                   {:default ["field-id" 2]}]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:sum [:case
+                                  [[[:> [:field-id 12] 10] 10]
+                                   [[:> [:field-id 12] 100] [:field-id 1]]
+                                   [[:= [:field-id 2] 1] "foo"]]
+                                  {:default [:field-id 2]}]]}}}
+    "various other new ag types"
+    {{:query {:aggregation ["median" ["field-id" 13]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:median [:field-id 13]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation ["var" ["field-id" 13]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:var [:field-id 13]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation ["percentile" ["field-id" 13] 0.9]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:percentile [:field-id 13] 0.9]}}}))
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- order-by ----------------------------------------------------
-;; does order-by get properly normalized?
-  {:query {:order-by [[10 :asc]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"ORDER_BY" [[10 "ASC"]]}}))
+(deftest normalize-order-by-test
+  (normalize-tests
+    "does order-by get properly normalized?"
+    {{:query {"ORDER_BY" [[10 "ASC"]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[10 :asc]]}}
-  {:query {:order-by [[:asc 10]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"ORDER_BY" [["ASC" 10]]}}))
+     {:query {"ORDER_BY" [["ASC" 10]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc 10]]}}
-  {:query {:order-by [[[:field-id 10] :asc]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"ORDER_BY" [[["field_id" 10] "ASC"]]}}))
+     {:query {"ORDER_BY" [[["field_id" 10] "ASC"]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[[:field-id 10] :asc]]}}
-  {:query {:order-by [[:desc [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"ORDER_BY" [["DESC" ["field_id" 10]]]}}))
+     {:query {"ORDER_BY" [["DESC" ["field_id" 10]]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:desc [:field-id 10]]]}}}))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- filter -----------------------------------------------------
-;; the unit & amount in time interval clauses should get normalized
-  {:query {:filter [:time-interval 10 :current :day]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"FILTER" ["time-interval" 10 "current" "day"]}}))
+(deftest normalize-filter-test
+  (normalize-tests
+    "the unit & amount in time interval clauses should get normalized"
+    {{:query {"FILTER" ["time-interval" 10 "current" "day"]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:time-interval 10 :current :day]}}}
-;; but amount should not get normalized if it's an integer
-  {:query {:filter [:time-interval 10 -10 :day]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"FILTER" ["time-interval" 10 -10 "day"]}}))
+    "but amount should not get normalized if it's an integer"
+    {{:query {"FILTER" ["time-interval" 10 -10 "day"]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:time-interval 10 -10 :day]}}}
-;; make sure we support time-interval options
-  [:time-interval 10 -30 :day {:include-current true}]
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens ["TIME_INTERVAL" 10 -30 "DAY" {"include_current" true}]))
+    "make sure we support time-interval options"
+    {["TIME_INTERVAL" 10 -30 "DAY" {"include_current" true}]
+     [:time-interval 10 -30 :day {:include-current true}]}
-;; the unit in relative datetime clauses should get normalized
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 10] [:relative-datetime -31 :day]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:field-id 10] ["RELATIVE_DATETIME" -31 "DAY"]]}}))
+    "the unit in relative datetime clauses should get normalized"
+    {{:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:field-id 10] ["RELATIVE_DATETIME" -31 "DAY"]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 10] [:relative-datetime -31 :day]]}}}
-;; should work if we do [:relative-datetime :current] as well
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 10] [:relative-datetime :current]]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:field-id 10] ["RELATIVE_DATETIME" "CURRENT"]]}}))
+    "should work if we do [:relative-datetime :current] as well"
+    {{:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:field-id 10] ["RELATIVE_DATETIME" "CURRENT"]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 10] [:relative-datetime :current]]}}}
-;; and in datetime-field clauses (MBQL 98+)
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field [:field-id 10] :day] "2018-09-05"]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:datetime-field ["field_id" 10] "day"] "2018-09-05"]}}))
+    "and in datetime-field clauses (MBQL 98+)"
+    {{:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:datetime-field ["field_id" 10] "day"] "2018-09-05"]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field [:field-id 10] :day] "2018-09-05"]}}}
-;; (or in long-since-deprecated MBQL 95 format)
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field 10 :as :day] "2018-09-05"]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:datetime-field 10 "as" "day"] "2018-09-05"]}}))
+    "(or in long-since-deprecated MBQL 95 format)"
+    {{:query {"FILTER" ["=" [:datetime-field 10 "as" "day"] "2018-09-05"]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field 10 :as :day] "2018-09-05"]}}}
-;; if string filters have an options map that should get normalized
-  {:query {:filter [:starts-with 10 "ABC" {:case-sensitive true}]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:query {"FILTER" ["starts_with" 10 "ABC" {"case_sensitive" true}]}}))
+    "if string filters have an options map that should get normalized"
+    {{:query {"FILTER" ["starts_with" 10 "ABC" {"case_sensitive" true}]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:starts-with 10 "ABC" {:case-sensitive true}]}}}))
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------- parameters ---------------------------------------------------
-;; make sure we're not running around trying to normalize the type in native query params
-  {:type       :native
-   :parameters [{:type   :date/range
-                 :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
-                 :value  "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}]}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:type       :native
-                                 :parameters [{:type   "date/range"
-                                               :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
-                                               :value  "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}]}))
-;; oh yeah, also we don't want to go around trying to normalize template-tag names
-  {:type   :native
-   :native {:query         "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\" WHERE {{checkin_date}}"
-            :template-tags {"checkin_date" {:name         "checkin_date"
-                                            :display-name "Checkin Date"
-                                            :type         :dimension
-                                            :dimension    [:field-id 14]}}}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:type   "native"
-    :native {:query         "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\" WHERE {{checkin_date}}"
-             :template_tags {:checkin_date {:name         "checkin_date"
-                                            :display_name "Checkin Date"
-                                            :type         :dimension
-                                            :dimension    ["field-id" 14]}}}}))
-;; native template tags `:type` should get normalized
-  {:native {:query         "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
-            :template-tags {"names_list" {:name         "names_list"
-                                          :display-name "Names List"
-                                          :type         :dimension
-                                          :dimension    [:field-id 49]}}}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:native {:query          "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
-             "template_tags" {:names_list {:name         "names_list"
-                                           :display_name "Names List"
-                                           :type         "dimension"
-                                           :dimension    ["field-id" 49]}}}}))
-;; `:parameters` `:type` should get normalized, but `:value` should not.
-  {:type       :native
-   :parameters [{:type   :text
-                 :target [:dimension [:template-tag "names_list"]]
-                 :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:type       "native"
-    :parameters [{:type   "text"
-                  :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "names_list"]]
-                  :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]}))
-;; make sure normalization doesn't try to parse value as an MBQL clause
-  {:type       :native
-   :parameters [{:type   :text
-                 :target [:dimension [:template-tag "names_list"]]
-                 :value  ["=" 10 20]}]}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:type       "native"
-    :parameters [{:type   "text"
-                  :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "names_list"]]
-                  :value  ["=" 10 20]}]}))
+(deftest normalize-parmaeters-test
+  (normalize-tests
+    "make sure we're not running around trying to normalize the type in native query params"
+    {{:type       :native
+      :parameters [{:type   "date/range"
+                    :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
+                    :value  "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}]}
+     {:type       :native
+      :parameters [{:type   :date/range
+                    :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
+                    :value  "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}]}}
+    "oh yeah, also we don't want to go around trying to normalize template-tag names"
+    {{:type   "native"
+      :native {:query         "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\" WHERE {{checkin_date}}"
+               :template_tags {:checkin_date {:name         "checkin_date"
+                                              :display_name "Checkin Date"
+                                              :type         :dimension
+                                              :dimension    ["field-id" 14]}}}}
+     {:type   :native
+      :native {:query         "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\" WHERE {{checkin_date}}"
+               :template-tags {"checkin_date" {:name         "checkin_date"
+                                               :display-name "Checkin Date"
+                                               :type         :dimension
+                                               :dimension    [:field-id 14]}}}}}
+    "native template tags `:type` should get normalized"
+    {{:native {:query          "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
+               "template_tags" {:names_list {:name         "names_list"
+                                             :display_name "Names List"
+                                             :type         "dimension"
+                                             :dimension    ["field-id" 49]}}}}
+     {:native {:query         "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
+               :template-tags {"names_list" {:name         "names_list"
+                                             :display-name "Names List"
+                                             :type         :dimension
+                                             :dimension    [:field-id 49]}}}}}
+    "`:parameters` `:type` should get normalized, but `:value` should not."
+    {{:type       "native"
+      :parameters [{:type   "text"
+                    :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "names_list"]]
+                    :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]}
+     {:type       :native
+      :parameters [{:type   :text
+                    :target [:dimension [:template-tag "names_list"]]
+                    :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]}}
+    "make sure normalization doesn't try to parse value as an MBQL clause"
+    {{:type       "native"
+      :parameters [{:type   "text"
+                    :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "names_list"]]
+                    :value  ["=" 10 20]}]}
+     {:type       :native
+      :parameters [{:type   :text
+                    :target [:dimension [:template-tag "names_list"]]
+                    :value  ["=" 10 20]}]}}))
 ;;; ------------------------------------------------- source queries -------------------------------------------------
-;; Make sure token normalization works correctly on source queries
-  {:database 4
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
-                             :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
-                                                         :display-name "Category"
-                                                         :type         :text
-                                                         :required     true
-                                                         :default      "Widget"}}}}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {"source_query" {:native         "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
-                               "template_tags" {:category {:name         "category"
-                                                           :display-name "Category"
-                                                           :type         "text"
-                                                           :required     true
-                                                           :default      "Widget"}}}}}))
-  {:database 4,
-   :type     :query,
-   :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1, :aggregation :rows}}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {"source_query" {"source_table" 1, "aggregation" "rows"}}}))
+(deftest normalize-source-queries-test
+  (normalize-tests
+    "Make sure token normalization works correctly on source queries"
+    {{:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {"source_query" {:native         "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
+                                 "template_tags" {:category {:name         "category"
+                                                             :display-name "Category"
+                                                             :type         "text"
+                                                             :required     true
+                                                             :default      "Widget"}}}}}
+     {:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
+                                :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
+                                                            :display-name "Category"
+                                                            :type         :text
+                                                            :required     true
+                                                            :default      "Widget"}}}}}
+     {:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {"source_query" {"source_table" 1, "aggregation" "rows"}}}
+     {:database 4,
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1, :aggregation :rows}}}}))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- joins ------------------------------------------------------
-;; do entries in the `:joins` clause get normalized?
-  {:database 4
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-table 1
-              :joins        [{:source-table 2
-                              :alias        "my/table"
-                              :strategy     :left-join
-                              :fields       :all}]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {"source_table" 1
-               "Joins"        [{"source_table" 2
-                                "alias"        :my/table
-                                "strategy"     "left-join"
-                                "fields"       "all"}]}}))
-;; what about with a sequence of :fields?
-  {:database 4
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-table 1
-              :joins        [{:fields [[:field-id 1]
-                                       [:field-literal "MY_FIELD" :type/Integer]]}]}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {"source_table" 1
-               "joins"        [{"fields" [["field_id" 1] ["field_literal" :MY_FIELD "type/Integer"]]}]}}))
+(deftest normalize-joins-test
+  (normalize-tests
+    "do entries in the `:joins` clause get normalized?"
+    {{:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {"source_table" 1
+                 "Joins"        [{"source_table" 2
+                                  "alias"        :my/table
+                                  "strategy"     "left-join"
+                                  "fields"       "all"}]}}
+     {:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-table 1
+                 :joins        [{:source-table 2
+                                 :alias        "my/table"
+                                 :strategy     :left-join
+                                 :fields       :all}]}}}
+    "what about with a sequence of :fields?"
+    {{:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {"source_table" 1
+                 "joins"        [{"fields" [["field_id" 1] ["field_literal" :MY_FIELD "type/Integer"]]}]}}
+     {:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-table 1
+                 :joins        [{:fields [[:field-id 1]
+                                          [:field-literal "MY_FIELD" :type/Integer]]}]}}}
+    "do `:joins` inside a nested query get normalized?"
+    {{:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {"source_query"
+                 {"source_table" 1
+                  "joins"
+                  [{"strategy" "right-join"
+                    "fields"   [["field_id" 1] ["field_literal" :MY_FIELD "type/Integer"]]}]}}}
+     {:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1
+                                :joins        [{:strategy :right-join
+                                                :fields   [[:field-id 1]
+                                                           [:field-literal "MY_FIELD" :type/Integer]]}]}}}}))
 (deftest normalize-source-query-in-joins-test
   (testing "does a `:source-query` in `:joins` get normalized?"
@@ -388,698 +376,617 @@
                   (query-with-joins [{"source_query" {"NATIVE" {"this_is_a_native_query" "TRUE"}}}])))))))))
-;; do `:joins` inside a nested query get normalized?
-  {:database 4
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1
-                             :joins        [{:strategy :right-join
-                                             :fields   [[:field-id 1]
-                                                        [:field-literal "MY_FIELD" :type/Integer]]}]}}}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {"source_query"
-               {"source_table" 1
-                "joins"
-                [{"strategy" "right-join"
-                  "fields"   [["field_id" 1] ["field_literal" :MY_FIELD "type/Integer"]]}]}}}))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- other ------------------------------------------------------
-;; Does the QueryExecution context get normalized?
-  {:context :json-download}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:context "json-download"}))
+(deftest normalize-execution-context-test
+  (normalize-tests
+    "Does the QueryExecution context get normalized?"
+    {{:context "json-download"}
+     {:context :json-download}}
-;; if `:context` is `nil` it's not our problem
-  {:context nil}
-  (#'normalize/normalize-tokens {:context nil}))
+    "if `:context` is `nil` it's not our problem"
+    {{:context nil}
+     {:context nil}}))
 (deftest params-normalization-test
-  (is (= {:native {:query  "SELECT * FROM venues WHERE name = ?"
-                   :params ["Red Medicine"]}}
-         (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-          {:native {:query  "SELECT * FROM venues WHERE name = ?"
-                    :params ["Red Medicine"]}}))
-      ":native :params shouldn't get normalized."))
+  (normalize-tests
+    ":native :params shouldn't get normalized."
+    {{:native {:query  "SELECT * FROM venues WHERE name = ?"
+               :params ["Red Medicine"]}}
+     {:native {:query  "SELECT * FROM venues WHERE name = ?"
+               :params ["Red Medicine"]}}}))
 (deftest normalize-projections-test
-  (testing "Native :projections shouldn't get normalized."
-    (is (= {:type   :native
-            :native {:projections ["_id" "name" "category_id" "latitude" "longitude" "price"]}}
-           (#'normalize/normalize-tokens
-            {:type   :native
-             :native {:projections ["_id" "name" "category_id" "latitude" "longitude" "price"]}})))))
+  (normalize-tests
+    "Native :projections shouldn't get normalized."
+    {{:type   :native
+      :native {:projections ["_id" "name" "category_id" "latitude" "longitude" "price"]}}
+     {:type   :native
+      :native {:projections ["_id" "name" "category_id" "latitude" "longitude" "price"]}}}))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                                  CANONICALIZE                                                  |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; Does our `wrap-implict-field-id` fn work?
- [:field-id 10]
- (#'normalize/wrap-implicit-field-id 10))
+(defn- canonicalize-tests {:style/indent 0} [& {:as group->input->expected}]
+  (tests 'canonicalize #'normalize/canonicalize group->input->expected))
+(deftest wrap-implicit-field-id-test
+  (testing "Does our `wrap-implict-field-id` fn work?"
+    (doseq [input [10 [:field-id 10]]]
+      (testing (pr-str (list 'wrap-implicit-field-id input))
+        (is (= [:field-id 10]
+               (#'normalize/wrap-implicit-field-id input)))))))
-  [:field-id 10]
-  (#'normalize/wrap-implicit-field-id [:field-id 10]))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------ binning strategy ------------------------------------------------
-;; make sure `binning-strategy` wraps implicit Field IDs
-  {:query {:breakout [[:binning-strategy [:field-id 10] :bin-width 2000]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:breakout [[:binning-strategy 10 :bin-width 2000]]}}))
+(deftest canonicalize-binning-strategy-test
+  (canonicalize-tests
+   "make sure `binning-strategy` wraps implicit Field IDs"
+   {{:query {:breakout [[:binning-strategy 10 :bin-width 2000]]}}
+    {:query {:breakout [[:binning-strategy [:field-id 10] :bin-width 2000]]}}}))
 ;;; -------------------------------------------------- aggregation ---------------------------------------------------
-;; Do aggregations get canonicalized properly?
-;; field ID should get wrapped in field-id and ags should be converted to multiple ag syntax
- {:query {:aggregation [[:count [:field-id 10]]]}}
- (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:count 10]}}))
-;; ag with no Field ID
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:count]}}))
-;; if already wrapped in field-id it's ok
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count [:field-id 1000]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:count [:field-id 1000]]}}))
-;; ags in the canonicalized format should pass thru ok
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:metric "ga:sessions"] [:metric "ga:1dayUsers"]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize
-   {:query {:aggregation [[:metric "ga:sessions"] [:metric "ga:1dayUsers"]]}}))
-;; :rows aggregation type, being deprecated since FOREVER, should just get removed
-  {:query {:aggregation []}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:rows]}}))
-  {:query {:aggregation []}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation :rows}}))
-;; if just a single aggregation is supplied it should always be converted to new-style multiple-aggregation syntax
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation :count}}))
-;; make sure we handle single :count with :field-id correctly
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:count [:field-id 10]]}}))
-;; make sure for multiple aggregations we can handle `:count` that doesn't appear wrapped in brackets
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count] [:sum [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:count [:sum 10]]}}))
-;; this doesn't make sense, but make sure if someone specifies a `:rows` ag and another one we don't end up with a
-;; `nil` in the ags list
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:rows :count]}}))
-;; another stupid aggregation that we need to be able to handle
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count] [:count]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:count :count]}}))
-;; a mix of unwrapped & wrapped should still work
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:count] [:sum [:field-id 10]] [:count [:field-id 20]] [:count]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:count [:sum 10] [:count 20] :count]}}))
-;; legacy `:named` aggregation clauses should get converted to `:aggregation-options`
- {:query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:field-id 10]] {:display-name "Sum *TEN*"}]]}}
- (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "Sum *TEN*"]}}))
- {:query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:field-id 10]] {:name "Sum *TEN*"}]]}}
- (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "Sum *TEN*" {:use-as-display-name? false}]}}))
-;; subclauses of `:aggregation-options` should get canonicalized correctly
- {:query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options] [:sum [:field-id 10]]]}}
- (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:aggregation-options [:sum 10] {}]}}))
-;; make sure expression aggregations work correctly
- {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum [:field-id 10]] 2]]}}
- (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] 2]}}))
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum [:field-id 10]] [:* [:sum [:field-id 20]] [:sum [:field-id 30]]]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] [:* [:sum 20] [:sum 30]]]}}))
-;; expression ags should handle varargs
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum [:field-id 10]] [:sum [:field-id 20]] [:sum [:field-id 30]]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum 10] [:sum 20] [:sum 30]]]}}))
-;; METRICS shouldn't get canonicalized in some kind of wacky way
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:metric 1] 2]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:metric 1] 2]}}))
-;; can cumulative-count be handled with or without a Field?
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:cum-count]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:cum-count]}}))
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:cum-count [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation [:cum-count 10]}}))
-;; should handle seqs without a problem
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:min [:field-id 1]] [:min [:field-id 2]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:aggregation '([:min 1] [:min 2])}}))
-;; make sure canonicalization can handle aggregations with expressions where the Field normally goes
-  {:query {:aggregation [[:sum [:* [:field-id 4] [:field-id 1]]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize
-   {:query {:aggregation [[:sum [:* [:field-id 4] [:field-id 1]]]]}}))
+(deftest canonicalize-aggregations-test
+  (canonicalize-tests
+    "field ID should get wrapped in field-id and ags should be converted to multiple ag syntax"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:count 10]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count [:field-id 10]]]}}}
+    "ag with no Field ID"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:count]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count]]}}}
+    "if already wrapped in field-id it's ok"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:count [:field-id 1000]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count [:field-id 1000]]]}}}
+    "ags in the canonicalized format should pass thru ok"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [[:metric "ga:sessions"] [:metric "ga:1dayUsers"]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:metric "ga:sessions"] [:metric "ga:1dayUsers"]]}}}
+    ":rows aggregation type, being deprecated since FOREVER, should just get removed"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:rows]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation []}}
+     {:query {:aggregation :rows}}
+     {:query {:aggregation []}}}
+    "if just a single aggregation is supplied it should always be converted to new-style multiple-aggregation syntax"
+    {{:query {:aggregation :count}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count]]}}}
+    "make sure we handle single :count with :field-id correctly"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:count [:field-id 10]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count [:field-id 10]]]}}}
+    "make sure for multiple aggregations we can handle `:count` that doesn't appear wrapped in brackets"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:count [:sum 10]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count] [:sum [:field-id 10]]]}}}
+    (str "this doesn't make sense, but make sure if someone specifies a `:rows` ag and another one we don't end up "
+         "with a `nil` in the ags list")
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:rows :count]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count]]}}}
+    "another stupid aggregation that we need to be able to handle"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:count :count]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count] [:count]]}}}
+    "a mix of unwrapped & wrapped should still work"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:count [:sum 10] [:count 20] :count]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:count] [:sum [:field-id 10]] [:count [:field-id 20]] [:count]]}}}
+    "legacy `:named` aggregation clauses should get converted to `:aggregation-options`"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "Sum *TEN*"]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:field-id 10]] {:display-name "Sum *TEN*"}]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:named [:sum 10] "Sum *TEN*" {:use-as-display-name? false}]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum [:field-id 10]] {:name "Sum *TEN*"}]]}}}
+    "subclauses of `:aggregation-options` should get canonicalized correctly"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:aggregation-options [:sum 10] {}]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options] [:sum [:field-id 10]]]}}}
+    "make sure expression aggregations work correctly"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] 2]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum [:field-id 10]] 2]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:+ [:sum 10] [:* [:sum 20] [:sum 30]]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum [:field-id 10]] [:* [:sum [:field-id 20]] [:sum [:field-id 30]]]]]}}}
+    "expression ags should handle varargs"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum 10] [:sum 20] [:sum 30]]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:sum [:field-id 10]] [:sum [:field-id 20]] [:sum [:field-id 30]]]]}}}
+    "METRICS shouldn't get canonicalized in some kind of wacky way"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:+ [:metric 1] 2]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:+ [:metric 1] 2]]}}}
+    "can cumulative-count be handled with or without a Field?"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [:cum-count]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:cum-count]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [:cum-count 10]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:cum-count [:field-id 10]]]}}}
+    "should handle seqs without a problem"
+    {{:query {:aggregation '([:min 1] [:min 2])}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:min [:field-id 1]] [:min [:field-id 2]]]}}}
+    "make sure canonicalization can handle aggregations with expressions where the Field normally goes"
+    {{:query {:aggregation [[:sum [:* [:field-id 4] [:field-id 1]]]]}}
+     {:query {:aggregation [[:sum [:* [:field-id 4] [:field-id 1]]]]}}}))
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- breakout ----------------------------------------------------
-;; implicit Field IDs should get wrapped in [:field-id] in :breakout
-  {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 10]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:breakout [10]}}))
+(deftest canonicalize-breakout-test
+  (canonicalize-tests
+    "implicit Field IDs should get wrapped in [:field-id] in :breakout"
+    {{:query {:breakout [10]}}
+     {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 10]]}}
-  {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:breakout [10 20]}}))
+     {:query {:breakout [10 20]}}
+     {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}}
-;; should handle seqs
-  {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:breakout '(10 20)}}))
+    "should handle seqs"
+    {{:query {:breakout '(10 20)}}
+     {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}
-  {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 1000]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 1000]]}}))
+     {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 1000]]}}
+     {:query {:breakout [[:field-id 1000]]}}}))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- fields -----------------------------------------------------
-  {:query {:fields [[:field-id 10]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:fields [10]}}))
+(deftest canonicalize-fields-test
+  (canonicalize-tests
+    "implicit Field IDs should get wrapped in [:field-id] in :fields"
+    {{:query {:fields [10]}}
+     {:query {:fields [[:field-id 10]]}}
-;; implicit Field IDs should get wrapped in [:field-id] in :fields
-  {:query {:fields [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:fields [10 20]}}))
+     {:query {:fields [10 20]}}
+     {:query {:fields [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}
-  {:query {:fields [[:field-id 1000]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:fields [[:field-id 1000]]}}))
+     {:query {:fields [[:field-id 1000]]}}
+     {:query {:fields [[:field-id 1000]]}}}
-;; should handle seqs
-  {:query {:fields [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:fields '(10 20)}}))
+    "should handle seqs"
+    {{:query {:fields '(10 20)}}
+     {:query {:fields [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]}}}))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- filter -----------------------------------------------------
-;; implicit Field IDs should get wrapped in [:field-id] in filters
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 10] 20]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:= 10 20]}}))
-  {:query {:filter [:and [:= [:field-id 10] 20] [:= [:field-id 20] 30]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:and [:= 10 20] [:= 20 30]]}}))
-  {:query {:filter [:between [:field-id 10] 20 30]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:between 10 20 30]}}))
-;; `:inside` filters should get implict Field IDs for the first two args
-  {:query {:filter [:inside [:field-id 1] [:field-id 2] 90 -90 90 -90]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:inside 1 2 90 -90 90 -90]}}))
-;; compound filters with only one arg should get automatically de-compounded
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 100] 2]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:and [:= 100 2]]}}))
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 100] 2]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:or [:= 100 2]]}}))
-;; compound filters should "pull-up" any args that are the same compound filter
-  {:query {:filter [:and
-                    [:= [:field-id 100] 1]
-                    [:= [:field-id 200] 2]
-                    [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
-                    [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:and
-                                              [:and
-                                               [:= [:field-id 100] 1]
-                                               [:= [:field-id 200] 2]]
-                                              [:and
-                                               [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
-                                               [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]]}}))
-  {:query {:filter [:and
-                    [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
-                    [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
-                    [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
-                    [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:and
-                                              [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
-                                              [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
-                                              [:and
-                                               [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
-                                               [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]]}}))
-  {:query {:filter [:or
-                    [:= [:field-id 100] 1]
-                    [:= [:field-id 200] 2]
-                    [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
-                    [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:or
-                                              [:or
-                                               [:= 100 1]
-                                               [:= 200 2]]
-                                              [:or
-                                               [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
-                                               [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]]}}))
-  {:query {:filter [:or
-                    [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
-                    [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
-                    [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
-                    [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:or
-                                              [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
-                                              [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
-                                              [:or
-                                               [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
-                                               [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]]}}))
-;; not inside of a not should get elimated entirely
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 100] 1]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:not [:not [:= [:field-id 100] 1]]]}}))
-;; make sure we don't overwrite options if specified
-  {:query {:filter [:contains [:field-id 10] "ABC" {:case-sensitive false}]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:contains 10 "ABC" {:case-sensitive false}]}}))
-;; or for time-interval options
-  [:time-interval 10 -30 :day {:include-current true}]
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize [:time-interval 10 -30 :day {:include-current true}]))
-;; make sure empty filter clauses don't explode in canonicalize
-  {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:filter []}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize
-   {:database 1
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {:filter []}}))
-;; make sure we can handle GA segments
-  {:database 1,
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:filter
-              [:and
-               [:segment "gaid:-11"]
-               [:time-interval [:field-id 6851] -365 :day {}]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize
-   {:database 1
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {:filter [:and
-                        [:segment "gaid:-11"]
-                        [:time-interval [:field-id 6851] -365 :day {}]]}}))
-;; should handle seqs
-  {:query {:filter [:and [:= [:field-id 100] 1] [:= [:field-id 200] 2]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter '(:and
-                                               [:= 100 1]
-                                               [:= 200 2])}}))
-;; if you put a `:datetime-field` inside a `:time-interval` we should fix it for you
-  {:query {:filter [:time-interval [:field-id 8] -30 :day]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:time-interval [:datetime-field [:field-id 8] :month] -30 :day]}}))
-;; fk-> clauses should get the field-id treatment
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:fk-> [:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]] "ABC"]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:= [:fk-> 10 20] "ABC"]}}))
-;; as should datetime-field clauses...
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field [:field-id 10] :day] "2018-09-05"]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field 10 :day] "2018-09-05"]}}))
-;; MBQL 95 datetime-field clauses ([:datetime-field <field> :as <unit>]) should get converted to MBQL 2000
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field [:field-id 10] :day] "2018-09-05"]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field 10 :as :day] "2018-09-05"]}}))
-;; if someone is dumb and passes something like a field-literal inside a field-id, fix it for them.
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-literal "my_field" "type/Number"] 10]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id [:field-literal "my_field" "type/Number"]] 10]}}))
-;; we should fix :field-ids inside :field-ids too
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 1] 10]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id [:field-id 1]] 10]}}))
-;; we should handle seqs no prob
-  {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 1] 10]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:filter '(:= 1 10)}}))
+(deftest canonicalize-filter-test
+  (canonicalize-tests
+    "implicit Field IDs should get wrapped in [:field-id] in filters"
+    {{:query {:filter [:= 10 20]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 10] 20]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:and [:= 10 20] [:= 20 30]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:and [:= [:field-id 10] 20] [:= [:field-id 20] 30]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:between 10 20 30]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:between [:field-id 10] 20 30]}}}
+    "`:inside` filters should get implict Field IDs for the first two args"
+    {{:query {:filter [:inside 1 2 90 -90 90 -90]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:inside [:field-id 1] [:field-id 2] 90 -90 90 -90]}}}
+    "compound filters with only one arg should get automatically de-compounded"
+    {{:query {:filter [:and [:= 100 2]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 100] 2]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:or [:= 100 2]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 100] 2]}}}
+    "compound filters should \"pull-up\" any args that are the same compound filter"
+    {{:query {:filter [:and
+                       [:and
+                        [:= [:field-id 100] 1]
+                        [:= [:field-id 200] 2]]
+                       [:and
+                        [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
+                        [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:and
+                       [:= [:field-id 100] 1]
+                       [:= [:field-id 200] 2]
+                       [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
+                       [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:and
+                       [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
+                       [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
+                       [:and
+                        [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
+                        [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:and
+                       [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
+                       [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
+                       [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
+                       [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:or
+                       [:or
+                        [:= 100 1]
+                        [:= 200 2]]
+                       [:or
+                        [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
+                        [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:or
+                       [:= [:field-id 100] 1]
+                       [:= [:field-id 200] 2]
+                       [:= [:field-id 300] 3]
+                       [:= [:field-id 400] 4]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:or
+                       [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
+                       [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
+                       [:or
+                        [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
+                        [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:or
+                       [:> [:field-id 4] 1]
+                       [:is-null [:field-id 7]]
+                       [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
+                       [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]}}}
+    "not inside of a not should get elimated entirely"
+    {{:query {:filter [:not [:not [:= [:field-id 100] 1]]]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 100] 1]}}}
+    "make sure we don't overwrite options if specified"
+    {{:query {:filter [:contains 10 "ABC" {:case-sensitive false}]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:contains [:field-id 10] "ABC" {:case-sensitive false}]}}}
+    "or for time-interval options"
+    {[:time-interval 10 -30 :day {:include-current true}]
+     [:time-interval 10 -30 :day {:include-current true}]}
+    "make sure empty filter clauses don't explode in canonicalize"
+    {{:database 1, :type :query, :query {:filter []}}
+     {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:filter []}}}
+    "make sure we can handle GA segments"
+    {{:database 1
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:filter [:and
+                          [:segment "gaid:-11"]
+                          [:time-interval [:field-id 6851] -365 :day {}]]}}
+     {:database 1,
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:filter
+                 [:and
+                  [:segment "gaid:-11"]
+                  [:time-interval [:field-id 6851] -365 :day {}]]}}}
+    "should handle seqs"
+    {{:query {:filter '(:and
+                        [:= 100 1]
+                        [:= 200 2])}}
+     {:query {:filter [:and [:= [:field-id 100] 1] [:= [:field-id 200] 2]]}}}
+    "if you put a `:datetime-field` inside a `:time-interval` we should fix it for you"
+    {{:query {:filter [:time-interval [:datetime-field [:field-id 8] :month] -30 :day]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:time-interval [:field-id 8] -30 :day]}}}
+    "fk-> clauses should get the field-id treatment"
+    {{:query {:filter [:= [:fk-> 10 20] "ABC"]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:fk-> [:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]] "ABC"]}}}
+    "as should datetime-field clauses..."
+    {{:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field 10 :day] "2018-09-05"]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field [:field-id 10] :day] "2018-09-05"]}}}
+    "MBQL 95 datetime-field clauses ([:datetime-field <field> :as <unit>]) should get converted to MBQL 2000"
+    {{:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field 10 :as :day] "2018-09-05"]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:datetime-field [:field-id 10] :day] "2018-09-05"]}}}
+    "if someone is dumb and passes something like a field-literal inside a field-id, fix it for them."
+    {{:query {:filter [:= [:field-id [:field-literal "my_field" "type/Number"]] 10]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-literal "my_field" "type/Number"] 10]}}}
+    "we should fix :field-ids inside :field-ids too"
+    {{:query {:filter [:= [:field-id [:field-id 1]] 10]}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 1] 10]}}}
+    "we should handle seqs no prob"
+    {{:query {:filter '(:= 1 10)}}
+     {:query {:filter [:= [:field-id 1] 10]}}}))
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- order-by ----------------------------------------------------
-;; ORDER BY: MBQL 95 [field direction] should get translated to MBQL 98+ [direction field]
-  {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:order-by [[[:field-id 10] :asc]]}}))
+(deftest canonicalize-order-by-test
+  (canonicalize-tests
+    "ORDER BY: MBQL 95 [field direction] should get translated to MBQL 98+ [direction field]"
+    {{:query {:order-by [[[:field-id 10] :asc]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}}
+    "MBQL 95 old order-by names should be handled"
+    {{:query {:order-by [[10 :ascending]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}}
-;; MBQL 95 old order-by names should be handled
-  {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:order-by [[10 :ascending]]}}))
+    "field-id should be added if needed"
+    {{:query {:order-by [[10 :asc]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}
-;; field-id should be added if needed
-  {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:order-by [[10 :asc]]}}))
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc 10]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}}
-  {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:order-by [[:asc 10]]}}))
-;; we should handle seqs no prob
-  {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:order-by '((1 :ascending))}}))
+    "we should handle seqs no prob"
+    {{:query {:order-by '((1 :ascending))}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]}}}
-;; duplicate order-by clauses should get removed
-  {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]
-                      [:desc [:field-id 2]]]}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]
-                                                [:desc [:field-id 2]]
-                                                [:asc 1]]}}))
+    "duplicate order-by clauses should get removed"
+    {{:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]
+                         [:desc [:field-id 2]]
+                         [:asc 1]]}}
+     {:query {:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]
+                         [:desc [:field-id 2]]]}}}))
 ;;; ------------------------------------------------- source queries -------------------------------------------------
-;; Make sure canonicalization works correctly on source queries
-  {:database 4
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
-                             :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
-                                                         :display-name "Category"
-                                                         :type         :text
-                                                         :required     true
-                                                         :default      "Widget"}}}}}
-  ;; nothing to really do here
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10"
-                              :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
-                                                          :display-name "Category"
-                                                          :type         :text
-                                                          :required     true
-                                                          :default      "Widget"}}}}}))
-;; make sure we recursively canonicalize source queries
-  {:database 4
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1, :aggregation []}}}
-  (#'normalize/canonicalize
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1, :aggregation :rows}}}))
+(deftest canonicalize-source-queries-test
+  (canonicalize-tests
+    "Make sure canonicalization works correctly on source queries"
+    {{:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10"
+                                :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
+                                                            :display-name "Category"
+                                                            :type         :text
+                                                            :required     true
+                                                            :default      "Widget"}}}}}
+     {:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
+                                :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
+                                                            :display-name "Category"
+                                                            :type         :text
+                                                            :required     true
+                                                            :default      "Widget"}}}}}}
+    "make sure we recursively canonicalize source queries"
+    {{:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1, :aggregation :rows}}}
+     {:database 4
+      :type     :query
+      :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1, :aggregation []}}}}))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                          WHOLE-QUERY TRANSFORMATIONS                                           |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; If you specify a field in a breakout and in the Fields clause, we should go ahead and remove it from the Fields
-;; clause, because it is (obviously) implied that you should get that Field back.
-  {:type  :query
-   :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1] [:field-id 2]]
-           :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}
-  (#'normalize/perform-whole-query-transformations
-   {:type  :query
-    :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1] [:field-id 2]]
-            :fields   [[:field-id 2] [:field-id 3]]}}))
-;; should work with FKs
-  {:type  :query
-   :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
-                      [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]]
-           :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}
-  (#'normalize/perform-whole-query-transformations
-   {:type  :query
-    :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
-                       [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]]
-            :fields   [[:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]
-                       [:field-id 3]]}}))
-;; should work if the Field is bucketed in the breakout & in fields
-  {:type  :query
-   :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
-                      [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
-           :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}
-  (#'normalize/perform-whole-query-transformations
-   {:type  :query
-    :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
-                       [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
-            :fields   [[:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]
-                       [:field-id 3]]}}))
-;; should work if the Field is bucketed in the breakout but not in fields
-  {:type  :query
-   :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
-                      [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
-           :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}
-  (#'normalize/perform-whole-query-transformations
-   {:type  :query
-    :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
-                       [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
-            :fields   [[:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]
-                       [:field-id 3]]}}))
+(deftest whole-query-transformations-test
+  (tests 'perform-whole-query-transformations #'normalize/perform-whole-query-transformations
+    {(str "If you specify a field in a breakout and in the Fields clause, we should go ahead and remove it from the "
+          "Fields clause, because it is (obviously) implied that you should get that Field back.")
+     {{:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1] [:field-id 2]]
+               :fields   [[:field-id 2] [:field-id 3]]}}
+      {:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1] [:field-id 2]]
+               :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}}
+     "should work with FKs"
+     {{:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
+                          [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]]
+               :fields   [[:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]
+                          [:field-id 3]]}}
+      {:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
+                          [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]]
+               :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}}
+     "should work if the Field is bucketed in the breakout & in fields"
+     {{:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
+                          [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
+               :fields   [[:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]
+                          [:field-id 3]]}}
+      {:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
+                          [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
+               :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}}
+     "should work if the Field is bucketed in the breakout but not in fields"
+     {{:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
+                          [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
+               :fields   [[:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]]
+                          [:field-id 3]]}}
+      {:type  :query
+       :query {:breakout [[:field-id 1]
+                          [:datetime-field [:fk-> [:field-id 2] [:field-id 4]] :month]]
+               :fields   [[:field-id 3]]}}}}))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                              REMOVE EMPTY CLAUSES                                              |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; empty sequences should get removed
-  {:y [100]}
-  (#'normalize/remove-empty-clauses {:x [], :y [100]}))
+(deftest remove-empty-clauses-test
+  (tests 'remove-empty-clauses #'normalize/remove-empty-clauses
+    {"empty sequences should get removed"
+     {{:x [], :y [100]}
+      {:y [100]}}
-;; nil values should get removed
-  {:y 100}
-  (#'normalize/remove-empty-clauses {:x nil, :y 100}))
+     "nil values should get removed"
+     {{:x nil, :y 100}
+      {:y 100}}
-;; sequences containing only nil should get removed
-  {:a [nil 100]}
-  (#'normalize/remove-empty-clauses {:a [nil 100], :b [nil nil]}))
+     "sequences containing only nil should get removed"
+     {{:a [nil 100], :b [nil nil]}
+      {:a [nil 100]}}
-;; empty maps should get removed
-  {:a {:b 100}}
-  (#'normalize/remove-empty-clauses {:a {:b 100}, :c {}}))
+     "empty maps should get removed"
+     {{:a {:b 100}, :c {}}
+      {:a {:b 100}}
-  {:a {:b 100}}
-  (#'normalize/remove-empty-clauses {:a {:b 100}, :c {:d nil}}))
+      {:a {:b 100}, :c {:d nil}}
+      {:a {:b 100}}}}))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                            PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER                                             |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; With an ugly MBQL 95 query, does everything get normalized nicely?
-  {:type :query
-   :query  {:source-table 10
-            :breakout     [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]
-            :filter       [:= [:field-id 10] [:datetime-field [:field-id 20] :day]]
-            :order-by     [[:desc [:field-id 10]]]}}
-  (normalize/normalize {:type  "query"
-                        :query {"source_table" 10
-                                "AGGREGATION"  "ROWS"
-                                "breakout"     [10 20]
-                                "filter"       ["and" ["=" 10 ["datetime-field" 20 "as" "day"]]]
-                                "order-by"     [[10 "desc"]]}}))
-;; let's try doing the full normalization on a native query w/ params
-  {:native     {:query         "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
-                :template-tags {"names_list" {:name         "names_list"
-                                              :display-name "Names List"
-                                              :type         :dimension
-                                              :dimension    [:field-id 49]}}}
-   :parameters [{:type   :text
-                 :target [:dimension [:template-tag "names_list"]]
-                 :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]}
-  (normalize/normalize
-   {:native     {:query          "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
-                 "template_tags" {:names_list {:name         "names_list"
-                                               :display_name "Names List"
-                                               :type         "dimension"
-                                               :dimension    ["field-id" 49]}}}
-    :parameters [{:type   "text"
-                  :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "names_list"]]
-                  :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]}))
-;; let's try normalizing a big query with SEGMENTS
-  {:database 1
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-table 2
-              :filter       [:and
-                             [:= [:field-id 3] "Toucan-friendly"]
-                             [:segment 4]
-                             [:segment 5]]}}
-  (normalize/normalize
-   {:database 1
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {:source-table 2
-               :filter       ["AND"
-                              ["=" 3 "Toucan-friendly"]
-                              ["SEGMENT" 4]
-                              ["SEGMENT" 5]]}}))
-;; make sure source queries get normalized properly!
-  {:database 4
-   :type     :query
-   :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
-                             :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
-                                                         :display-name "Category"
-                                                         :type         :text
-                                                         :required     true
-                                                         :default      "Widget"}}}}}
-  (normalize/normalize
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {"source_query" {:native         "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
-                               "template_tags" {:category {:name         "category"
-                                                           :display-name "Category"
-                                                           :type         "text"
-                                                           :required     true
-                                                           :default      "Widget"}}}}}))
-;; make sure `rows` queries get removed
-  {:database 4,
-   :type     :query,
-   :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1}}}
-  (normalize/normalize
-   {:database 4
-    :type     :query
-    :query    {"source_query" {"source_table" 1, "aggregation" "rows"}}}))
-;; make sure that parameters get normalized/canonicalized correctly. value should not get normalized, but type should;
-;; target should do canonicalization for MBQL clauses
-  {:type       :query,
-   :query      {:source-table 1}
-   :parameters [{:type :id, :target [:dimension [:fk-> [:field-id 3265] [:field-id 4575]]], :value ["field-id"]}
-                {:type :date/all-options, :target [:dimension [:field-id 3270]], :value "thismonth"}]}
-  (normalize/normalize
-   {:type       :query
-    :query      {:source-table 1}
-    :parameters [{:type "id", :target ["dimension" ["fk->" 3265 4575]], :value ["field-id"]}
-                 {:type "date/all-options", :target ["dimension" ["field-id" 3270]], :value "thismonth"}]}))
-;; make sure `:source-metadata` gets normalized the way we'd expect:
-;; 1. Type names should get converted to keywords
-  {:query {:source-metadata
-           [{:name         "name"
-             :display_name "Name"
-             :base_type    :type/Text
-             :special_type :type/Name
-             :fingerprint  {:global {:distinct-count 100}
-                            :type   {:type/Text {:percent-json   0.0
-                                                 :percent-url    0.0
-                                                 :percent-email  0.0
-                                                 :average-length 15.63}}}}]}}
-  (normalize/normalize
-   {:query {:source-metadata [{:name         "name"
-                               :display_name "Name"
-                               :description  nil
-                               :base_type    "type/Text"
-                               :special_type "type/Name"
-                               :fingerprint  {"global" {"distinct-count" 100}
-                                              "type"   {"type/Text" {"percent-json"   0.0
-                                                                     "percent-url"    0.0
-                                                                     "percent-email"  0.0
-                                                                     "average-length" 15.63}}}}]}}))
-;; 2. if `:source-metadata` is at the top-level, it should get moved to the correct location inside the 'inner' MBQL
-;; query
-  {:query {:source-metadata
-           [{:name         "name"
-             :display_name "Name"
-             :base_type    :type/Text
-             :special_type :type/Name
-             :fingerprint  {:global {:distinct-count 100}
-                            :type   {:type/Text {:percent-json   0.0
-                                                 :percent-url    0.0
-                                                 :percent-email  0.0
-                                                 :average-length 15.63}}}}]}}
-  (normalize/normalize
-   {:source-metadata [{:name         "name"
-                       :display_name "Name"
-                       :description  nil
-                       :base_type    "type/Text"
-                       :special_type "type/Name"
-                       :fingerprint  {"global" {"distinct-count" 100}
-                                      "type"   {"type/Text" {"percent-json"   0.0
-                                                             "percent-url"    0.0
-                                                             "percent-email"  0.0
-                                                             "average-length" 15.63}}}}]}))
+(deftest e2e-mbql-95-query-test
+  (testing "With an ugly MBQL 95 query, does everything get normalized nicely?"
+    (is (= {:type  :query
+            :query {:source-table 10
+                    :breakout     [[:field-id 10] [:field-id 20]]
+                    :filter       [:= [:field-id 10] [:datetime-field [:field-id 20] :day]]
+                    :order-by     [[:desc [:field-id 10]]]}}
+           (normalize/normalize {:type  "query"
+                                 :query {"source_table" 10
+                                         "AGGREGATION"  "ROWS"
+                                         "breakout"     [10 20]
+                                         "filter"       ["and" ["=" 10 ["datetime-field" 20 "as" "day"]]]
+                                         "order-by"     [[10 "desc"]]}})))))
+(deftest e2e-native-query-with-params-test
+  (testing "let's try doing the full normalization on a native query w/ params"
+    (is (= {:native     {:query         "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
+                         :template-tags {"names_list" {:name         "names_list"
+                                                       :display-name "Names List"
+                                                       :type         :dimension
+                                                       :dimension    [:field-id 49]}}}
+            :parameters [{:type   :text
+                          :target [:dimension [:template-tag "names_list"]]
+                          :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]}
+           (normalize/normalize
+            {:native     {:query          "SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE {{names_list}}"
+                          "template_tags" {:names_list {:name         "names_list"
+                                                        :display_name "Names List"
+                                                        :type         "dimension"
+                                                        :dimension    ["field-id" 49]}}}
+             :parameters [{:type   "text"
+                           :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "names_list"]]
+                           :value  ["BBQ" "Bakery" "Bar"]}]})))))
+(deftest e2e-big-query-with-segments-test
+  (testing "let's try normalizing a big query with SEGMENTS"
+    (is (= {:database 1
+            :type     :query
+            :query    {:source-table 2
+                       :filter       [:and
+                                      [:= [:field-id 3] "Toucan-friendly"]
+                                      [:segment 4]
+                                      [:segment 5]]}}
+           (normalize/normalize
+            {:database 1
+             :type     :query
+             :query    {:source-table 2
+                        :filter       ["AND"
+                                       ["=" 3 "Toucan-friendly"]
+                                       ["SEGMENT" 4]
+                                       ["SEGMENT" 5]]}})))))
+(deftest e2e-source-queries-test
+  (testing "make sure source queries get normalized properly!"
+    (is (= {:database 4
+            :type     :query
+            :query    {:source-query {:native        "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
+                                      :template-tags {"category" {:name         "category"
+                                                                  :display-name "Category"
+                                                                  :type         :text
+                                                                  :required     true
+                                                                  :default      "Widget"}}}}}
+           (normalize/normalize
+            {:database 4
+             :type     :query
+             :query    {"source_query" {:native         "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE CATEGORY = {{category}} LIMIT 10",
+                                        "template_tags" {:category {:name         "category"
+                                                                    :display-name "Category"
+                                                                    :type         "text"
+                                                                    :required     true
+                                                                    :default      "Widget"}}}}})))))
+(deftest e2e-rows-aggregation-test
+  (testing "make sure `rows` aggregations get removed"
+    (is (= {:database 4,
+            :type     :query,
+            :query    {:source-query {:source-table 1}}}
+           (normalize/normalize
+            {:database 4
+             :type     :query
+             :query    {"source_query" {"source_table" 1, "aggregation" "rows"}}})))))
+(deftest e2e-parameters-test
+  (testing (str "make sure that parameters get normalized/canonicalized correctly. value should not get normalized, "
+                "but type should; target should do canonicalization for MBQL clauses")
+    (is (= {:type       :query,
+            :query      {:source-table 1}
+            :parameters [{:type :id, :target [:dimension [:fk-> [:field-id 3265] [:field-id 4575]]], :value ["field-id"]}
+                         {:type :date/all-options, :target [:dimension [:field-id 3270]], :value "thismonth"}]}
+           (normalize/normalize
+            {:type       :query
+             :query      {:source-table 1}
+             :parameters [{:type "id", :target ["dimension" ["fk->" 3265 4575]], :value ["field-id"]}
+                          {:type "date/all-options", :target ["dimension" ["field-id" 3270]], :value "thismonth"}]})))))
+(deftest e2e-source-metadata-test
+  (testing "make sure `:source-metadata` gets normalized the way we'd expect:"
+    (testing "1. Type names should get converted to keywords"
+      (is (= {:query {:source-metadata
+                      [{:name         "name"
+                        :display_name "Name"
+                        :base_type    :type/Text
+                        :special_type :type/Name
+                        :fingerprint  {:global {:distinct-count 100}
+                                       :type   {:type/Text {:percent-json   0.0
+                                                            :percent-url    0.0
+                                                            :percent-email  0.0
+                                                            :average-length 15.63}}}}]}}
+             (normalize/normalize
+              {:query {:source-metadata [{:name         "name"
+                                          :display_name "Name"
+                                          :description  nil
+                                          :base_type    "type/Text"
+                                          :special_type "type/Name"
+                                          :fingerprint  {"global" {"distinct-count" 100}
+                                                         "type"   {"type/Text" {"percent-json"   0.0
+                                                                                "percent-url"    0.0
+                                                                                "percent-email"  0.0
+                                                                                "average-length" 15.63}}}}]}}))))
+    (testing (str "2. if `:source-metadata` is at the top-level, it should get moved to the correct location inside "
+                  "the 'inner' MBQL query")
+      (is (= {:query {:source-metadata
+                      [{:name         "name"
+                        :display_name "Name"
+                        :base_type    :type/Text
+                        :special_type :type/Name
+                        :fingerprint  {:global {:distinct-count 100}
+                                       :type   {:type/Text {:percent-json   0.0
+                                                            :percent-url    0.0
+                                                            :percent-email  0.0
+                                                            :average-length 15.63}}}}]}}
+             (normalize/normalize
+              {:source-metadata [{:name         "name"
+                                  :display_name "Name"
+                                  :description  nil
+                                  :base_type    "type/Text"
+                                  :special_type "type/Name"
+                                  :fingerprint  {"global" {"distinct-count" 100}
+                                                 "type"   {"type/Text" {"percent-json"   0.0
+                                                                        "percent-url"    0.0
+                                                                        "percent-email"  0.0
+                                                                        "average-length" 15.63}}}}]}))))))
 (deftest normalize-nil-values-in-native-maps-test
   (testing "nil values in native query maps (e.g. MongoDB queries) should not get removed during normalization.\n"