diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AddMetricModal.jsx b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AddMetricModal.jsx
index 46d22b48037b0dae444f17203b4bcb6c5e9975e4..4ec1138a020f996431b6a20c9c61282f6a4f1b51 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AddMetricModal.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/AddMetricModal.jsx
@@ -4,6 +4,20 @@ import type {TableMetadata} from "metabase/meta/types/Metadata";
 import ModalContent from "metabase/components/ModalContent";
 import EmptyState from "metabase/components/EmptyState";
+const AddMetricButton = ({ image, title, description }) =>
+    <div className="bg-white p2 flex align-center rounded" style={{height: "500px", border: "1px solid #DCE1E4", boxShadow: "0 1px 3px 0 #DCE1E4"}}>
+        <EmptyState
+            message={
+                <div className="mt4">
+                    <h2 className="text-grey-5">{title}</h2>
+                    <p className="text-grey-4">{description}</p>
+                </div>
+            }
+            image={image}
+            smallDescription
+        />
+    </div>;
 export default class AddMetricModal extends Component {
     props: {
         tableMetadata: TableMetadata,
@@ -19,35 +33,22 @@ export default class AddMetricModal extends Component {
-                <div className="flex-full full ml-auto mr-auto pl1 pr1 mt2 mb2 flex align-center" style={{maxWidth: "1000px"}}>
+                <div className="flex-full full ml-auto mr-auto pl1 pr1 mt2 mb2 flex align-center"
+                     style={{maxWidth: "1000px"}}>
                     <ol className="flex-full Grid Grid--guttersXXl Grid--full small-Grid--1of2">
                         <li className="Grid-cell">
-                            <div className="bg-white p2 flex align-center rounded" style={{height: "500px", border: "1px solid #DCE1E4", boxShadow: "0 1px 3px 0 #DCE1E4"}}>
-                                <EmptyState
-                                    message={
-                                        <div className="mt4">
-                                            <h2 className="text-grey-5">Add a metric</h2>
-                                            <p className="text-grey-4">We’ll show you saved metrics that are compatible with the metric you’re currently looking at.</p>
-                                        </div>
-                                    }
-                                    image="/app/img/empty_dashboard"
-                                    smallDescription
-                                />
-                            </div>
+                            <AddMetricButton
+                                image="/app/img/empty_dashboard"
+                                title="Add a metric"
+                                description="We’ll show you saved metrics that are compatible with the metric you’re currently looking at."
+                            />
                         <li className="Grid-cell">
-                            <div className="bg-white p2 flex align-center rounded" style={{height: "500px", border: "1px solid #DCE1E4", boxShadow: "0 1px 3px 0 #DCE1E4"}}>
-                                <EmptyState
-                                    message={
-                                        <div className="mt4">
-                                            <h2 className="text-grey-5">Create a new metric</h2>
-                                            <p className="text-grey-4">Couldn’t find the thing you were looking for? If you want something done right, do it yourself, that’s your motto.</p>
-                                        </div>
-                                    }
-                                    image="/app/img/empty_dashboard"
-                                    smallDescription
-                                />
-                            </div>
+                            <AddMetricButton
+                                image="/app/img/empty_dashboard"
+                                title="Create a new metric"
+                                description="Couldn’t find the thing you were looking for? If you want something done right, do it yourself, that’s your motto."
+                            />