diff --git a/test/metabase/http_client.clj b/test/metabase/http_client.clj
index 82a9f2f150817130021861d1668dd2812a9536a2..f321b5faee77718e87f665132df13a44cf57dcf5 100644
--- a/test/metabase/http_client.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/http_client.clj
@@ -120,14 +120,28 @@
         url         (build-url url url-param-kwargs)
         method-name (s/upper-case (name method))
         ;; Now perform the HTTP request
-        {:keys [status body]} (try (request-fn url request-map)
-                                   (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
-                                     (log/debug method-name url)
-                                     (:object (ex-data e))))]
+        {:keys [status body] :as resp} (try (request-fn url request-map)
+                                            (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
+                                              (log/debug method-name url)
+                                              (:object (ex-data e))))]
     (log/debug method-name url status)
     (check-status-code method-name url body expected-status status)
-    (parse-response body)))
+    (update resp :body parse-response)))
+(defn- parse-http-client-args
+  "Parse the list of required and optional `args` into the various separated params that `-client` requires"
+  [args]
+  (let [[credentials [method & args]]     (u/optional #(or (map? %) (string? %)) args)
+        [expected-status [url & args]]    (u/optional integer? args)
+        [{:keys [request-options]} args]  (u/optional (every-pred map? :request-options) args {:request-options {}})
+        [body [& {:as url-param-kwargs}]] (u/optional map? args)]
+    [credentials method expected-status url body url-param-kwargs request-options]))
+(defn client-full-response
+  "Identical to `client` except returns the full HTTP response map, not just the body of the response"
+  {:arglists '([credentials? method expected-status-code? url request-options? http-body-map? & url-kwargs])}
+  [& args]
+  (apply -client (parse-http-client-args args)))
 (defn client
   "Perform an API call and return the response (for test purposes).
@@ -142,7 +156,8 @@
-   *  CREDENTIALS           Optional map of `:username` and `:password` or `X-METABASE-SESSION` token of a User who we should perform the request as
+   *  CREDENTIALS           Optional map of `:username` and `:password` or `X-METABASE-SESSION` token of a User who we
+                            should perform the request as
    *  METHOD                `:get`, `:post`, `:delete`, or `:put`
    *  EXPECTED-STATUS-CODE  When passed, throw an exception if the response has a different status code.
    *  URL                   Base URL of the request, which will be appended to `*url-prefix*`. e.g. `card/1/favorite`
@@ -150,8 +165,4 @@
    *  URL-KWARGS            key-value pairs that will be encoded and added to the URL as GET params"
   {:arglists '([credentials? method expected-status-code? url request-options? http-body-map? & url-kwargs])}
   [& args]
-  (let [[credentials [method & args]]     (u/optional #(or (map? %) (string? %)) args)
-        [expected-status [url & args]]    (u/optional integer? args)
-        [{:keys [request-options]} args]  (u/optional (every-pred map? :request-options) args {:request-options {}})
-        [body [& {:as url-param-kwargs}]] (u/optional map? args)]
-    (-client credentials method expected-status url body url-param-kwargs request-options)))
+  (:body (apply client-full-response args)))