diff --git a/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/change_set/common.clj b/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/change_set/common.clj
index bf4d0797a3e42f65d7a7ca084d8b756d89bfe832..9ce9c8812e1b5412eb073b8c0fb25a256bdf7d36 100644
--- a/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/change_set/common.clj
+++ b/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/change_set/common.clj
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 (s/def ::new-style-id
   (s/and string?
-         #(re-matches #"^v\d{2}\.\d{2}-\d{3}$" %)))
+         #(re-matches #"^v\d{2,}\.\d{2}-\d{3}$" %)))
 (s/def ::id
diff --git a/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/lint_migrations_file.clj b/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/lint_migrations_file.clj
index 48d82f7cf0eac3b0a84b6dad69648a72acec2443..b5f208a8671c6f6871abad77fbe5b3145480a817 100644
--- a/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/lint_migrations_file.clj
+++ b/bin/lint-migrations-file/src/lint_migrations_file.clj
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
             [clojure.java.io :as io]
             [clojure.pprint :as pprint]
             [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
+            [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.walk :as walk]
             [yaml.core :as yaml]))
 (comment change-set.strict/keep-me
@@ -51,10 +53,64 @@
   (let [ids (change-set-ids change-log)]
     (= ids (sort-by identity compare-ids ids))))
+(defn- assert-no-types-in-change-set
+  "Walks over x (a changeset map) to ensure it doesn't add any columns of `target-types` (a set of strings).
+  `found-cols` is an atom of vector, in which any problematic changes to the `target-types` will be stored.
+  A partial application of this function will be passed to postwalk below.
+  TODO: add and conform to a spec instead?"
+  [target-types found-cols x]
+  {:pre [(set? target-types) (instance? clojure.lang.Atom found-cols)]}
+  (if
+    (map? x)
+    (cond
+      ;; a createTable or addColumn change; see if it adds a target-type col
+      (or (:createTable x) (:addColumn x))
+      (let [op     (cond (:createTable x) :createTable (:addColumn x) :addColumn)
+            cols   (filter (fn [col-def]
+                             (contains? target-types
+                                        (str/lower-case (or (get-in col-def [:column :type]) ""))))
+                     (get-in x [op :columns]))]
+        (doseq [col cols]
+          (swap! found-cols conj col))
+        x)
+      ;; a modifyDataType change; see if it changes a column to target-type
+      (:modifyDataType x)
+      (if (= target-types (str/lower-case (or (get-in x [:modifyDataType :newDataType]) "")))
+        (do (swap! found-cols conj x)
+            x)
+        x)
+      true ; some other kind of change; continue walking
+      x)
+    x))
+(defn no-bare-blob-or-text-types?
+  "Ensures that no \"text\" or \"blob\" type columns are added in changesets with id later than 320 (i.e. version
+  0.42.0).  From that point on, \"${text.type}\" should be used instead, so that MySQL can handle it correctly (by using
+  `LONGTEXT`).  And similarly, from an earlier point, \"${blob.type\" should be used instead of \"blob\"."
+  [change-log]
+  (let [problem-cols (atom [])
+        walk-fn      (partial assert-no-types-in-change-set #{"blob" "text"} problem-cols)]
+    (doseq [{{id :id} :changeSet, :as change-set} change-log
+            :when                                 (and id
+                                                       (string? id))]
+      [id change-set])
+    (doseq [{{id :id} :changeSet :as change-set} change-log
+            :when                                (and id
+                                                      ;; only enforced in 42+ with new-style migration IDs.
+                                                      (string? id)
+                                                      (str/starts-with? id "v"))]
+      (walk/postwalk walk-fn change-set))
+    (empty? @problem-cols)))
 ;; TODO -- change sets must be distinct by ID.
 (s/def ::databaseChangeLog
   (s/and distinct-change-set-ids?
+         no-bare-blob-or-text-types?
          (s/+ (s/alt :property  (s/keys :req-un [::property])
                      :changeSet (s/keys :req-un [::changeSet])))))
diff --git a/bin/lint-migrations-file/test/lint_migrations_file_test.clj b/bin/lint-migrations-file/test/lint_migrations_file_test.clj
index e4769db5ba14f1fe9017a4f3eeabbf3568fafcc2..e966fd26557b9d44e288086d1852f35e65d039f8 100644
--- a/bin/lint-migrations-file/test/lint_migrations_file_test.clj
+++ b/bin/lint-migrations-file/test/lint_migrations_file_test.clj
@@ -182,3 +182,20 @@
            (validate-id "42.01-001"))))))
+(deftest prevent-text-types-test
+  (testing "should allow \"${text.type}\" columns from being added"
+    (is (= :ok
+          (validate
+           (mock-change-set
+             :id "v42.00-001"
+             :changes [(mock-add-column-changes :columns [(mock-column :type "${text.type")])]))))
+    (doseq [problem-type ["blob" "text"]]
+      (testing (format "should prevent \"%s\" columns from being added after ID 320" problem-type)
+        (is (thrown-with-msg?
+              clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
+              #"(?s)^.*no-bare-blob-or-text-types\\?.*$"
+              (validate
+                (mock-change-set
+                  :id "v42.00-001"
+                  :changes [(mock-add-column-changes :columns [(mock-column :type problem-type)])]))))))))
diff --git a/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/cmd_test.clj b/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/cmd_test.clj
index 521ea5043020038fef0bcd403d94c3ddc99ccefc..22b74a60ce82c23872c2bbc7e8b4b8be931733b6 100644
--- a/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/cmd_test.clj
+++ b/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/serialization/cmd_test.clj
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   what we need."
   [& body]
   `(schema-migrations-test.impl/with-temp-empty-app-db [conn# :h2]
-     (schema-migrations-test.impl/run-migrations-in-range! conn# [0 999999]) ; this should catch all migrations)
+     (schema-migrations-test.impl/run-migrations-in-range! conn# [0 "v99.00-000"]) ; this should catch all migrations)
      ;; since the actual group defs are not dynamic, we need with-redefs to change them here
      (with-redefs [group/all-users (#'group/get-or-create-magic-group! group/all-users-group-name)
                    group/admin     (#'group/get-or-create-magic-group! group/admin-group-name)
diff --git a/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml b/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml
index 6437aba5a750de059c67c5132c31920df49f111a..6770d65d1e2d7df6c70b76e96003936cad97bb6a 100644
--- a/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml
+++ b/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml
@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ databaseChangeLog:
       name: timestamp_type
       value: timestamp(6)
       dbms: mysql,mariadb
+  # In MySQL, use LONGTEXT instead of TEXT (#7006)
+  - property:
+      name: text.type
+      value: text
+      dbms: postgresql,h2
+  - property:
+      name: text.type
+      value: longtext
+      dbms: mysql,mariadb
   - changeSet:
       id: '1'
@@ -8679,6 +8688,7 @@ databaseChangeLog:
             tableName: metabase_table
             columnName: entity_name
   - changeSet:
       id: v42.00-001
       author: camsaul
@@ -8789,19 +8799,985 @@ databaseChangeLog:
                     nullable: false
                   defaultValue: false
+  - changeSet:    # this one is run unconditionally so unify the type to ${text.type} across ALL dbs
+      id: v42.00-004 # this differentiation was first done under changeSet 13 above
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of activity.details from text to ${text.type}
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: activity
+            columnName: details
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-005
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of collection.description from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: collection
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
-# 1) Run ./bin/lint-migrations-file.sh to run core.spec checks against any changes you make here. Liquibase is pretty
-#    forgiving and won't complain if you accidentally mix up things like deleteCascade and onDelete: CASCADE. CI runs
-#    this check but it's nicer to know now instead of waiting for CI.
-# 2) Please post a message in the Metabase Slack #migrations channel to let others know you are creating a new
-#    migration so someone else doesn't steal your ID number
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-006
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of collection.name from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: collection
+            columnName: name
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-007
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of computation_job.context from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: computation_job
+            columnName: context
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-008
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of computation_job_result.payload from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: computation_job_result
+            columnName: payload
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-009
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of core_session.anti_csrf_token from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: core_session
+            columnName: anti_csrf_token
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-010
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of core_user.login_attributes from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: core_user
+            columnName: login_attributes
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-011
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of group_table_access_policy.attribute_remappings
+        from text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: group_table_access_policy
+            columnName: attribute_remappings
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-012
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of login_history.device_description from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: login_history
+            columnName: device_description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-013
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of login_history.ip_address from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: login_history
+            columnName: ip_address
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-014
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_database.caveats from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_database
+            columnName: caveats
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-015
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_database.description from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_database
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-016
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_database.details from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_database
+            columnName: details
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-017
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_database.options from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_database
+            columnName: options
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-018
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_database.points_of_interest from
+        text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_database
+            columnName: points_of_interest
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-019
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_field.caveats from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: caveats
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-020
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_field.database_type from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: database_type
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-021
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_field.description from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-022
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_field.fingerprint from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: fingerprint
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-023
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_field.has_field_values from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: has_field_values
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-024
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_field.points_of_interest from
+        text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: points_of_interest
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-025
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_field.settings from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: settings
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-026
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_fieldvalues.human_readable_values
+        from text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_fieldvalues
+            columnName: human_readable_values
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-027
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_fieldvalues.values from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_fieldvalues
+            columnName: values
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-028
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_table.caveats from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_table
+            columnName: caveats
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-029
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_table.description from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_table
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-030
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metabase_table.points_of_interest from
+        text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metabase_table
+            columnName: points_of_interest
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-031
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metric.caveats from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metric
+            columnName: caveats
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-032
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metric.definition from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metric
+            columnName: definition
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-033
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metric.description from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metric
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-034
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metric.how_is_this_calculated from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metric
+            columnName: how_is_this_calculated
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-035
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of metric.points_of_interest from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: metric
+            columnName: points_of_interest
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-036
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of moderation_review.text from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: moderation_review
+            columnName: text
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-037
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of native_query_snippet.content from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: native_query_snippet
+            columnName: content
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-038
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of native_query_snippet.description from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: native_query_snippet
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-039
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of pulse.parameters from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: pulse
+            columnName: parameters
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-040
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of pulse_channel.details from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: pulse_channel
+            columnName: details
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-041
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of query.query from text to ${text.type} on
+        mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: query
+            columnName: query
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-042
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of query_execution.error from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: query_execution
+            columnName: error
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-043
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_card.dataset_query from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_card
+            columnName: dataset_query
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-044
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_card.description from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_card
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-045
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_card.embedding_params from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_card
+            columnName: embedding_params
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-046
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_card.result_metadata from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_card
+            columnName: result_metadata
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-047
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_card.visualization_settings from
+        text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_card
+            columnName: visualization_settings
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-048
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_dashboard.caveats from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_dashboard
+            columnName: caveats
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-049
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_dashboard.description from text
+        to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_dashboard
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-050
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_dashboard.embedding_params from
+        text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_dashboard
+            columnName: embedding_params
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-051
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_dashboard.parameters from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_dashboard
+            columnName: parameters
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-052
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_dashboard.points_of_interest from
+        text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_dashboard
+            columnName: points_of_interest
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-053
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_dashboardcard.parameter_mappings
+        from text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_dashboardcard
+            columnName: parameter_mappings
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-054
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of report_dashboardcard.visualization_settings
+        from text to ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: report_dashboardcard
+            columnName: visualization_settings
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-055
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of revision.message from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: revision
+            columnName: message
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:    # this one is run unconditionally so unify the type to ${text.type} across ALL dbs
+      id: v42.00-056 # this differentiation was first done under changeSet 10 above
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of revision.object from text to ${text.type}
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: revision
+            columnName: object
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-057
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of segment.caveats from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: segment
+            columnName: caveats
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-058
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of segment.definition from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: segment
+            columnName: definition
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-059
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of segment.description from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: segment
+            columnName: description
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-060
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of segment.points_of_interest from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: segment
+            columnName: points_of_interest
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-061
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of setting.value from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: setting
+            columnName: value
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-062
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of task_history.task_details from text to
+        ${text.type} on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: task_history
+            columnName: task_details
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+  - changeSet:
+      id: v42.00-063
+      author: jeff303
+      comment: >-
+        Added 0.42.0 - modify type of view_log.metadata from text to ${text.type}
+        on mysql,mariadb
+      changes:
+        - modifyDataType:
+            tableName: view_log
+            columnName: metadata
+            newDataType: ${text.type}
+      preConditions:
+        - onFail: MARK_RAN
+        - dbms:
+            type: mysql,mariadb
+# 1) Run ./bin/lint-migrations-file.sh to run core.spec checks against any changes you make here. Liquibase is pretty
+#    forgiving and won't complain if you accidentally mix up things like deleteCascade and onDelete: CASCADE. CI runs
+#    this check but it's nicer to know now instead of waiting for CI.
+# 2) Please post a message in the Metabase Slack #migrations channel to let others know you are creating a new
+#    migration so someone else doesn't steal your ID number
+# 3) Migrations IDs should follow the format
+#    vMM.mm-NNN
+#    where
+#    M = major version
+#    m = minor version
+#    N = migration number relative to that major+minor version
+#   e.g. the first migration added to 0.42.0 should be numbered v42.00-000 and the second migration should be numbered
+#   v42.00-001. The first migration for 0.42.1 should be numbered v42.01-000, and so forth.
+#   This numbering scheme was adopted beginning with version 0.42.0 so that we could go back and add migrations to patch
+#   releases without the ID sequence getting wildly out of order. See PR #18821 for more information.
 # 3) Migrations IDs should follow the format
diff --git a/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test.clj b/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test.clj
index 58d61eab105ad793112a0d522403d63fd0cc2b8e..f61daa1f1ebe7dd071f51ea70265f04691f5ef34 100644
--- a/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test.clj
@@ -8,14 +8,18 @@
   5. verify that data looks like what we'd expect after running migration(s)
   See `metabase.db.schema-migrations-test.impl` for the implementation of this functionality."
-  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
+  (:require [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
+            [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.test :refer :all]
             [metabase.db.schema-migrations-test.impl :as impl]
+            [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.models :refer [Database Field Table]]
             [metabase.models.user :refer [User]]
             [metabase.test.util :as tu]
             [metabase.util :as u]
             [toucan.db :as db])
-  (:import java.util.UUID))
+  (:import java.sql.Connection
+           java.util.UUID))
 (deftest database-position-test
   (testing "Migration 165: add `database_position` to Field"
@@ -158,3 +162,99 @@
                       (map #(select-keys % [:base_type :effective_type :coercion_strategy
                                             :semantic_type :name]))
                       (db/select Field :table_id table-id)))))))))
+(defn app-db-column-types
+  "Returns a map of all column names to their respective type names, for the given `table-name`, from the currently
+  bound app DB connection."
+  [^Connection conn table-name]
+  (with-open [rset (.getColumns (.getMetaData conn) nil nil table-name nil)]
+    (into {} (take-while some?)
+             (repeatedly
+               (fn []
+                 (when (.next rset)
+                   [(.getString rset "COLUMN_NAME") (.getString rset "TYPE_NAME")]))))))
+(deftest convert-text-to-longtext-migration-test
+  (testing "all columns that were TEXT type in MySQL were changed to"
+    (impl/test-migrations ["v42.00-004" "v42.00-063"] [migrate!]
+      (migrate!) ; just run migrations immediately, then check the new types
+      (let [all-text-cols [["activity" "details"]
+                           ["collection" "description"]
+                           ["collection" "name"]
+                           ["computation_job" "context"]
+                           ["computation_job_result" "payload"]
+                           ["core_session" "anti_csrf_token"]
+                           ["core_user" "login_attributes"]
+                           ["group_table_access_policy" "attribute_remappings"]
+                           ["login_history" "device_description"]
+                           ["login_history" "ip_address"]
+                           ["metabase_database" "caveats"]
+                           ["metabase_database" "description"]
+                           ["metabase_database" "details"]
+                           ["metabase_database" "options"]
+                           ["metabase_database" "points_of_interest"]
+                           ["metabase_field" "caveats"]
+                           ["metabase_field" "database_type"]
+                           ["metabase_field" "description"]
+                           ["metabase_field" "fingerprint"]
+                           ["metabase_field" "has_field_values"]
+                           ["metabase_field" "points_of_interest"]
+                           ["metabase_field" "settings"]
+                           ["metabase_fieldvalues" "human_readable_values"]
+                           ["metabase_fieldvalues" "values"]
+                           ["metabase_table" "caveats"]
+                           ["metabase_table" "description"]
+                           ["metabase_table" "points_of_interest"]
+                           ["metric" "caveats"]
+                           ["metric" "definition"]
+                           ["metric" "description"]
+                           ["metric" "how_is_this_calculated"]
+                           ["metric" "points_of_interest"]
+                           ["moderation_review" "text"]
+                           ["native_query_snippet" "content"]
+                           ["native_query_snippet" "description"]
+                           ["pulse" "parameters"]
+                           ["pulse_channel" "details"]
+                           ["query" "query"]
+                           ["query_execution" "error"]
+                           ["report_card" "dataset_query"]
+                           ["report_card" "description"]
+                           ["report_card" "embedding_params"]
+                           ["report_card" "result_metadata"]
+                           ["report_card" "visualization_settings"]
+                           ["report_dashboard" "caveats"]
+                           ["report_dashboard" "description"]
+                           ["report_dashboard" "embedding_params"]
+                           ["report_dashboard" "parameters"]
+                           ["report_dashboard" "points_of_interest"]
+                           ["report_dashboardcard" "parameter_mappings"]
+                           ["report_dashboardcard" "visualization_settings"]
+                           ["revision" "message"]
+                           ["revision" "object"]
+                           ["segment" "caveats"]
+                           ["segment" "definition"]
+                           ["segment" "description"]
+                           ["segment" "points_of_interest"]
+                           ["setting" "value"]
+                           ["task_history" "task_details"]
+                           ["view_log" "metadata"]]]
+        (with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection (db/connection))]
+          (doseq [[tbl-nm col-nms] (group-by first all-text-cols)]
+            (let [^String exp-type (case driver/*driver*
+                                     :mysql "longtext"
+                                     :h2    "CLOB"
+                                     "text")
+                  name-fn          (case driver/*driver*
+                                     :h2 str/upper-case
+                                     identity)
+                  tbl-cols         (app-db-column-types conn (name-fn tbl-nm))]
+              (doseq [col-nm (map last col-nms)]
+                (testing (format " %s in %s" exp-type driver/*driver*)
+                  ;; just get the first/only scalar value from the results (which is a vec of maps)
+                  (is (.equalsIgnoreCase exp-type (get tbl-cols (name-fn col-nm)))
+                      (format "Using %s, type for %s.%s was supposed to be %s, but was %s"
+                              driver/*driver*
+                              tbl-nm
+                              col-nm
+                              exp-type
+                              (get tbl-cols col-nm))))))))))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test/impl.clj b/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test/impl.clj
index 3afa93a45815cf195a0bc7fd521a7348130b2522..a6b53a4138ac0ce55831277bca867694b7cd5ead 100644
--- a/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test/impl.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/db/schema_migrations_test/impl.clj
@@ -97,18 +97,23 @@
 (defn- migration-id-in-range?
   "Whether `id` should be considered to be between `start-id` and `end-id`, inclusive. Handles both legacy plain-integer
   and new-style `vMM.mm-NNN` style IDs."
-  [start-id id end-id]
+  [start-id id end-id & [{:keys [inclusive-end?]
+                          :or   {inclusive-end? true}}]]
   (let [start-id (migration-id->str start-id)
         end-id   (migration-id->str end-id)
         id       (migration-id->str id)]
-    (= (sort [start-id id end-id])
-       [start-id id end-id])))
+    (and (= (sort [start-id id end-id])
+            [start-id id end-id])
+         (or inclusive-end?
+             (not= id end-id)))))
 (deftest migration-id-in-range?-test
   (testing "legacy IDs"
     (is (migration-id-in-range? 1 2 3))
+    (is (migration-id-in-range? 1 2 3 {:inclusive-end? false}))
     (is (migration-id-in-range? 1 1 3))
     (is (migration-id-in-range? 1 3 3))
+    (is (not (migration-id-in-range? 1 3 3 {:inclusive-end? false})))
     (is (not (migration-id-in-range? 2 1 3)))
     (is (not (migration-id-in-range? 2 4 3)))
     (testing "strings"
@@ -116,20 +121,24 @@
       (is (not (migration-id-in-range? 1 "13" 3)))))
   (testing "new-style IDs"
     (is (migration-id-in-range? "v42.00-001" "v42.00-002" "v42.00-003"))
+    (is (migration-id-in-range? "v42.00-001" "v42.00-002" "v42.00-002"))
+    (is (not (migration-id-in-range? "v42.00-001" "v42.00-002" "v42.00-002" {:inclusive-end? false})))
     (is (not (migration-id-in-range? "v42.00-001" "v42.00-004" "v42.00-003")))
     (is (not (migration-id-in-range? "v42.00-002" "v42.00-001" "v42.00-003"))))
   (testing "mixed"
     (is (migration-id-in-range? 1 3 "v42.00-001"))
     (is (migration-id-in-range? 1 "v42.00-001" "v42.00-002"))
     (is (not (migration-id-in-range? "v42.00-002" 1000 "v42.00-003")))
+    (is (not (migration-id-in-range? "v42.00-002" 1000 "v42.00-003" {:inclusive-end? false})))
     (is (not (migration-id-in-range? 1 "v42.00-001" 1000)))
     (is (not (migration-id-in-range? 1 "v42.00-001" 1000)))))
 (defn run-migrations-in-range!
   "Run Liquibase migrations from our migrations YAML file in the range of `start-id` -> `end-id` (inclusive) against a
   DB with `jdbc-spec`."
-  {:added "0.41.0"}
-  [^java.sql.Connection conn [start-id end-id]]
+  {:added "0.41.0", :arglists '([conn [start-id end-id]]
+                                [conn [start-id end-id] {:keys [inclusive-end?], :or {inclusive-end? true}}])}
+  [^java.sql.Connection conn [start-id end-id] & [range-options]]
   (liquibase/with-liquibase [liquibase conn]
     (let [change-log        (.getDatabaseChangeLog liquibase)
           ;; create a new change log that only has the subset of migrations we want to run.
@@ -139,7 +148,7 @@
       ;; add the relevant migrations (change sets) to our subset change log
       (doseq [^ChangeSet change-set (.getChangeSets change-log)
               :let                  [id (.getId change-set)]
-              :when                 (migration-id-in-range? start-id id end-id)]
+              :when                 (migration-id-in-range? start-id id end-id range-options)]
         (.addChangeSet subset-change-log change-set))
       ;; now create a new instance of Liquibase that will run just the subset change log
       (let [subset-liquibase (Liquibase. subset-change-log (.getResourceAccessor liquibase) (.getDatabase liquibase))]
@@ -159,7 +168,7 @@
           (assert (zero? (count tables))
                   (str "'Empty' application DB is not actually empty. Found tables:\n"
                        (u/pprint-to-str tables))))))
-    (run-migrations-in-range! conn [1 (dec start-id)])
+    (run-migrations-in-range! conn [1 start-id] {:inclusive-end? false})
     (f #(run-migrations-in-range! conn [start-id end-id])))
   (log/debug (u/format-color 'green "Done testing migrations for driver %s." driver)))
@@ -171,7 +180,7 @@
   (let [[start-id end-id] (if (sequential? migration-range)
                             [migration-range migration-range])]
-    (testing (format "Migrations %d-%d" start-id end-id)
+    (testing (format "Migrations %s thru %s" start-id end-id)
       (mt/test-drivers #{:h2 :mysql :postgres}
         (test-migrations-for-driver driver/*driver* [start-id end-id] f)))))