diff --git a/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj b/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj
index 70909c1c7f3ed286f5fe9a367294f9c2ec54203e..d2eb18119cea6fbf6da52b8e17a451bee7db9d0a 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/oracle/src/metabase/driver/oracle.clj
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 (defmethod driver/can-connect? :oracle
   [driver details]
-  (let [connection (sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec driver (ssh/include-ssh-tunnel details))]
+  (let [connection (sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec driver (ssh/include-ssh-tunnel! details))]
     (= 1M (first (vals (first (jdbc/query connection ["SELECT 1 FROM dual"])))))))
 (defmethod driver/db-start-of-week :oracle
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver.clj b/src/metabase/driver.clj
index 8bd9ea33449acc0af051ade2584425322e534e61..ec9e6ae9caee0e05bb15ba78e4c15217ee3d2966 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver.clj
@@ -594,3 +594,11 @@
   {:added "0.37.0" :arglists '([driver])}
   :hierarchy #'hierarchy)
+(defmulti incorporate-ssh-tunnel-details
+  "A multimethod for driver-specific behavior required to incorporate details for an opened SSH tunnel into the DB
+  details. In most cases, this will simply involve updating the :host and :port (to point to the tunnel entry point,
+  instead of the backing database server), but some drivers may have more specific behavior."
+  {:added "0.39.0" :arglists '([driver db-details])}
+  dispatch-on-uninitialized-driver
+  :hierarchy #'hierarchy)
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/h2.clj b/src/metabase/driver/h2.clj
index 5db8d6cdb8a1573617a1fa0ddd15ded5c6d1b15c..bb4cdb15ad2989ddfc348257e9bb37192157ec20 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/h2.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/h2.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabase.driver.h2
   (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
             [honeysql.core :as hsql]
             [java-time :as t]
             [metabase.db.jdbc-protocols :as jdbc-protocols]
@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@
             [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
             [metabase.util :as u]
             [metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
-            [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru tru]])
+            [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru tru]]
+            [metabase.util.ssh :as ssh])
   (:import [java.sql Clob ResultSet ResultSetMetaData]
@@ -322,3 +324,14 @@
   [driver prepared-statement i t]
   (let [local-time (t/local-time (t/with-offset-same-instant t (t/zone-offset 0)))]
     (sql-jdbc.execute/set-parameter driver prepared-statement i local-time)))
+(defmethod driver/incorporate-ssh-tunnel-details :h2
+  [_ db-details]
+  (if (and (:tunnel-enabled db-details) (ssh/ssh-tunnel-open? db-details))
+    (if (and (:db db-details) (str/starts-with? (:db db-details) "tcp://"))
+      (let [details (ssh/include-ssh-tunnel! db-details)
+            db      (:db details)]
+        (assoc details :db (str/replace-first db (str (:orig-port details)) (str (:tunnel-entrance-port details)))))
+      (do (log/error (tru "SSH tunnel can only be established for H2 connections using the TCP protocol"))
+          db-details))
+    db-details))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/impl.clj b/src/metabase/driver/impl.clj
index aa473d0e5946547b11b9ef7789aaee8cce7c96fe..70877184ef212edec88fe19bc040b17c859c3d89 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/impl.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/impl.clj
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------- Hierarchy ----------------------------------------------------
-(defonce ^{:doc "Driver hierarchy. Used by driver multimethods for dispatch. Add new drivers with `regsiter!`."}
+(defonce ^{:doc "Driver hierarchy. Used by driver multimethods for dispatch. Add new drivers with `register!`."}
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/sql_jdbc/connection.clj b/src/metabase/driver/sql_jdbc/connection.clj
index 5daa4619ce1c8e3632b5507e579006cd66600423..c418d78b50837c835660083e450f59a66f8ba639 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/sql_jdbc/connection.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/sql_jdbc/connection.clj
@@ -83,10 +83,13 @@
   [{:keys [id details], driver :engine, :as database}]
   {:pre [(map? database)]}
   (log/debug (u/format-color 'cyan (trs "Creating new connection pool for {0} database {1} ..." driver id)))
-  (let [details-with-tunnel (ssh/include-ssh-tunnel details) ;; If the tunnel is disabled this returned unchanged
+  (let [details-with-tunnel (driver/incorporate-ssh-tunnel-details driver details) ;; If the tunnel is disabled this returned unchanged
         spec                (connection-details->spec driver details-with-tunnel)
         properties          (data-warehouse-connection-pool-properties driver)]
-    (connection-pool/connection-pool-spec spec properties)))
+    (merge
+      (connection-pool/connection-pool-spec spec properties)
+      ;; also capture entries related to ssh tunneling for later use
+      (select-keys spec [:tunnel-enabled :tunnel-session :tunnel-tracker :tunnel-entrance-port :tunnel-entrance-host]))))
 (defn- destroy-pool! [database-id pool-spec]
   (log/debug (u/format-color 'red (trs "Closing old connection pool for database {0} ..." database-id)))
@@ -112,12 +115,21 @@
         (destroy-pool! database-id old-pool-spec))))
+(defn invalidate-pool-for-db!
+  "Invalidates the connection pool for the given database by closing it and removing it from the cache."
+  [database]
+  (set-pool! (u/the-id database) nil))
 (defn notify-database-updated
   "Default implementation of `driver/notify-database-updated` for JDBC SQL drivers. We are being informed that a
   `database` has been updated, so lets shut down the connection pool (if it exists) under the assumption that the
   connection details have changed."
-  (set-pool! (u/get-id database) nil))
+  (invalidate-pool-for-db! database))
+(defn- log-ssh-tunnel-reconnect-msg! [db-id]
+    (log/warn (u/format-color 'red (trs "ssh tunnel for database {0} looks closed; marking pool invalid to reopen it"
+                                        db-id))))
 (defn db->pooled-connection-spec
   "Return a JDBC connection spec that includes a cp30 `ComboPooledDataSource`. These connection pools are cached so we
@@ -126,10 +138,23 @@
     ;; db-or-id-or-spec is a Database instance or an integer ID
     (u/id db-or-id-or-spec)
-    (let [database-id (u/get-id db-or-id-or-spec)]
+    (let [database-id (u/the-id db-or-id-or-spec)
+          get-fn      (fn [db-id log-tunnel-check]
+                        (when-let [details (get @database-id->connection-pool db-id)]
+                          (cond (nil? (:tunnel-session details))
+                                ;; no tunnel in use; valid
+                                details
+                                (ssh/ssh-tunnel-open? details)
+                                ;; tunnel in use, and open; valid
+                                details
+                                :default
+                                ;; tunnel in use, and not open; invalid
+                                (do (when log-tunnel-check
+                                      (log-ssh-tunnel-reconnect-msg! db-id))
+                                    nil))))]
        ;; we have an existing pool for this database, so use it
-       (get @database-id->connection-pool database-id)
+       (get-fn database-id true)
        ;; Even tho `set-pool!` will properly shut down old pools if two threads call this method at the same time, we
        ;; don't want to end up with a bunch of simultaneous threads creating pools only to have them destroyed the
        ;; very next instant. This will cause their queries to fail. Thus we should do the usual locking here and make
@@ -137,7 +162,7 @@
        (locking database-id->connection-pool
           ;; check if another thread created the pool while we were waiting to acquire the lock
-          (get @database-id->connection-pool database-id)
+          (get-fn database-id false)
           ;; create a new pool and add it to our cache, then return it
           (let [db (or (db/select-one [Database :id :engine :details] :id database-id)
                        (throw (ex-info (tru "Database {0} does not exist." database-id)
@@ -157,7 +182,6 @@
                     ;; don't log the actual spec lest we accidentally expose credentials
                     {:input (class db-or-id-or-spec)}))))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                             metabase.driver impls                                              |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -166,7 +190,7 @@
   "Return an appropriate JDBC connection spec to test whether a set of connection details is valid (i.e., implementing
   [driver details]
-  (let [details-with-tunnel (ssh/include-ssh-tunnel details)]
+  (let [details-with-tunnel (driver/incorporate-ssh-tunnel-details driver details)]
     (connection-details->spec driver details-with-tunnel)))
 (defn can-connect-with-spec?
diff --git a/src/metabase/util/ssh.clj b/src/metabase/util/ssh.clj
index aceb1f4367b836e78fd3225043d577e474ae397c..1a75749761c046f178464751b9a941fb95c24197 100644
--- a/src/metabase/util/ssh.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/util/ssh.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabase.util.ssh
   (:require [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+            [metabase.driver :as driver]
             [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
             [metabase.util :as u])
   (:import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
@@ -120,7 +121,13 @@
   (:tunnel-enabled details))
-(defn include-ssh-tunnel
+(defn ssh-tunnel-open?
+  "Is the SSH tunnel currently open for these connection details?"
+  [details]
+  (when-let [session (:tunnel-session details)]
+    (.isOpen ^ClientSession session)))
+(defn include-ssh-tunnel!
   "Updates connection details for a data warehouse to use the ssh tunnel host and port
   For drivers that enter hosts including the protocol (https://host), copy the protocol over as well"
@@ -129,27 +136,42 @@
           [session ^PortForwardingTracker tracker] (start-ssh-tunnel! (assoc details :host host))
           tunnel-entrance-port                     (.. tracker getBoundAddress getPort)
           tunnel-entrance-host                     (.. tracker getBoundAddress getHostName)
+          orig-port                                (:port details)
           details-with-tunnel                      (assoc details
                                                           :port tunnel-entrance-port ;; This parameter is set dynamically when the connection is established
                                                           :host (str proto "localhost") ;; SSH tunnel will always be through localhost
+                                                          :orig-port orig-port
                                                           :tunnel-entrance-host tunnel-entrance-host
                                                           :tunnel-entrance-port tunnel-entrance-port ;; the input port is not known until the connection is opened
+                                                          :tunnel-enabled true
                                                           :tunnel-session session
                                                           :tunnel-tracker tracker)]
+(defmethod driver/incorporate-ssh-tunnel-details :sql-jdbc
+  [_ db-details]
+  (cond (not (use-ssh-tunnel? db-details))
+        ;; no ssh tunnel in use
+        db-details
+        (ssh-tunnel-open? db-details)
+        ;; tunnel in use, and is open
+        db-details
+        :default
+        ;; tunnel in use, and is not open
+        (include-ssh-tunnel! db-details)))
 (defn close-tunnel!
   "Close a running tunnel session"
-  (when (use-ssh-tunnel? details)
+  (when (and (use-ssh-tunnel? details) (ssh-tunnel-open? details))
     (.close ^ClientSession (:tunnel-session details))))
 (defn do-with-ssh-tunnel
   "Starts an SSH tunnel, runs the supplied function with the tunnel open, then closes it"
   [details f]
   (if (use-ssh-tunnel? details)
-    (let [details-with-tunnel (include-ssh-tunnel details)]
+    (let [details-with-tunnel (include-ssh-tunnel! details)]
         (log/trace (u/format-color 'cyan "<< OPENED SSH TUNNEL >>"))
         (f details-with-tunnel)
diff --git a/test/metabase/util/ssh_test.clj b/test/metabase/util/ssh_test.clj
index ded3303e451d65b1109245a4cc1cdcd9a5b0c232..ee521dfd509087d3615d544a65f33e5bb3a2ad5c 100644
--- a/test/metabase/util/ssh_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/util/ssh_test.clj
@@ -2,12 +2,22 @@
   (:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
             [clojure.test :refer :all]
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+            [metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
+            [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
+            [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
+            [metabase.query-processor-test :as qp.test]
+            [metabase.sync :as sync]
+            [metabase.test :as mt]
             [metabase.util :as u]
-            [metabase.util.ssh :as sshu])
+            [metabase.util.ssh :as ssh]
+            [metabase.sync :as sync]
+            [metabase.test :as mt]
+            [metabase.test.data.interface :as tx])
   (:import [java.io BufferedReader InputStreamReader PrintWriter]
            [java.net InetSocketAddress ServerSocket Socket]
-           org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer))
+           org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer
+           org.h2.tools.Server))
 (def ^:private ssh-username "jsmith")
 (def ^:private ssh-password "supersecret")
@@ -39,6 +49,7 @@
                              (.setPort ssh-mock-server-with-password-port)
                              (.setKeyPairProvider keypair-provider)
                              (.setPasswordAuthenticator password-auth)
+                             (.setForwardingFilter AcceptAllForwardingFilter/INSTANCE)
       (log/debug "ssh mock server (with password) started")
@@ -109,7 +120,7 @@
 ;; correct password
 (deftest connects-with-correct-password
-  (sshu/start-ssh-tunnel!
+  (ssh/start-ssh-tunnel!
    {:tunnel-user ssh-username
     :tunnel-host ""
     :tunnel-port ssh-mock-server-with-password-port
@@ -121,7 +132,7 @@
 (deftest throws-exception-on-incorrect-password
   (is (thrown?
-       (sshu/start-ssh-tunnel!
+       (ssh/start-ssh-tunnel!
         {:tunnel-user ssh-username
          :tunnel-host ""
          :tunnel-port ssh-mock-server-with-password-port
@@ -132,7 +143,7 @@
 ;; correct ssh key
 (deftest connects-with-correct-ssh-key
   (is (some?
-       (sshu/start-ssh-tunnel!
+       (ssh/start-ssh-tunnel!
         {:tunnel-user        ssh-username
          :tunnel-host        ""
          :tunnel-port        ssh-mock-server-with-publickey-port
@@ -144,7 +155,7 @@
 (deftest throws-exception-on-incorrect-ssh-key
   (is (thrown?
-       (sshu/start-ssh-tunnel!
+       (ssh/start-ssh-tunnel!
         {:tunnel-user        ssh-username
          :tunnel-host        ""
          :tunnel-port        ssh-mock-server-with-publickey-port
@@ -155,7 +166,7 @@
 ;; correct ssh key
 (deftest connects-with-correct-ssh-key-and-passphrase
   (is (some?
-       (sshu/start-ssh-tunnel!
+       (ssh/start-ssh-tunnel!
         {:tunnel-user                   ssh-username
          :tunnel-host                   ""
          :tunnel-port                   ssh-mock-server-with-publickey-passphrase-port
@@ -167,7 +178,7 @@
 (deftest throws-exception-on-incorrect-ssh-key-and-passphrase
   (is (thrown?
-       (sshu/start-ssh-tunnel!
+       (ssh/start-ssh-tunnel!
         {:tunnel-user                   ssh-username
          :tunnel-host                   ""
          :tunnel-port                   ssh-mock-server-with-publickey-passphrase-port
@@ -186,16 +197,93 @@
                                               out-server    (PrintWriter. (.getOutputStream client-socket) true)]
                                     (.println out-server "hello from the ssh tunnel")))]
         ;; this will try to open a TCP connection via the tunnel.
-        (sshu/with-ssh-tunnel [details-with-tunnel {:tunnel-enabled                true
-                                                    :tunnel-user                   ssh-username
-                                                    :tunnel-host                   ""
-                                                    :tunnel-port                   ssh-mock-server-with-publickey-passphrase-port
-                                                    :tunnel-private-key            (slurp ssh-key-with-passphrase)
-                                                    :tunnel-private-key-passphrase ssh-key-passphrase
-                                                    :host                          ""
-                                                    :port                          port}]
+        (ssh/with-ssh-tunnel [details-with-tunnel {:tunnel-enabled                true
+                                                   :tunnel-user                   ssh-username
+                                                   :tunnel-host                   ""
+                                                   :tunnel-port                   ssh-mock-server-with-publickey-passphrase-port
+                                                   :tunnel-private-key            (slurp ssh-key-with-passphrase)
+                                                   :tunnel-private-key-passphrase ssh-key-passphrase
+                                                   :host                          ""
+                                                   :port                          port}]
           (.connect socket (InetSocketAddress. "" ^Integer (:tunnel-entrance-port details-with-tunnel)) 3000)
           ;; cause our future to run to completion
           (u/deref-with-timeout server-thread 12000)
           (with-open [in-client (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream socket)))]
             (is (= "hello from the ssh tunnel" (.readLine in-client)))))))))
+(defn- init-h2-tcp-server [port]
+  (let [args   ["-tcp" "-tcpPort", (str port), "-tcpAllowOthers" "-tcpDaemon"]
+        server (Server/createTcpServer (into-array args))]
+    (doto server (.start))))
+(deftest test-ssh-tunnel-reconnection
+  ;; for now, run against Postgres, although in theory it could run against many different kinds
+  (mt/test-drivers #{:postgres :mysql}
+    (testing "ssh tunnel is reestablished if it becomes closed, so subsequent queries still succeed"
+      (let [tunnel-db-details (assoc (:details (mt/db))
+                                     :tunnel-enabled true
+                                     :tunnel-host "localhost"
+                                     :tunnel-auth-option "password"
+                                     :tunnel-port ssh-mock-server-with-password-port
+                                     :tunnel-user ssh-username
+                                     :tunnel-pass ssh-password)]
+        (mt/with-temp Database [tunneled-db {:engine (tx/driver), :details tunnel-db-details}]
+          (mt/with-db tunneled-db
+            (sync/sync-database! (mt/db))
+            (letfn [(check-row []
+                      (is (= [["Polo Lounge"]]
+                             (mt/rows (mt/run-mbql-query venues {:filter [:= $id 60] :fields [$name]})))))]
+              ;; check that some data can be queried
+              (check-row)
+              ;; kill the ssh tunnel; fortunately, we have an existing function that can do that
+              (ssh/close-tunnel! (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec (mt/db)))
+              ;; check the query again; the tunnel should have been reestablished
+              (check-row))))))))
+(deftest test-ssh-tunnel-reconnection-h2
+  "We need a customized version of this test for H2. It will bring up a new H2 TCP server, pointing to an existing DB
+   file (stored in source control, called 'tiny-db', with a single table called 'my_tbl' and a GUEST user with
+   password 'guest'); it will then use an SSH tunnel over localhost to connect to this H2 server's TCP port to execute
+   native queries against that table."
+  (mt/with-driver :h2
+    (testing "ssh tunnel is reestablished if it becomes closed, so subsequent queries still succeed (H2 version)"
+      (let [h2-port (+ 49152 (rand-int (- 65535 49152))) ; https://stackoverflow.com/a/2675399
+            server  (init-h2-tcp-server h2-port)
+            uri     (format "tcp://localhost:%d/./test_resources/ssh/tiny-db;USER=GUEST;PASSWORD=guest" h2-port)
+            h2-db   {:port               h2-port
+                     :host               "localhost"
+                     :db                 uri
+                     :tunnel-enabled     true
+                     :tunnel-host        "localhost"
+                     :tunnel-auth-option "password"
+                     :tunnel-port        ssh-mock-server-with-password-port
+                     :tunnel-user        ssh-username
+                     :tunnel-pass        ssh-password}]
+        (try
+          (mt/with-temp Database [db {:engine :h2, :details h2-db}]
+            (mt/with-db db
+              (sync/sync-database! db)
+              (letfn [(check-data [] (is (= {:cols [{:base_type    :type/Text
+                                                     :display_name "COL1"
+                                                     :field_ref    [:field-literal "COL1" :type/Text]
+                                                     :name         "COL1"
+                                                     :source       :native}
+                                                    {:base_type    :type/Decimal
+                                                     :display_name "COL2"
+                                                     :field_ref    [:field-literal "COL2" :type/Decimal]
+                                                     :name         "COL2"
+                                                     :source       :native}]
+                                             :rows [["First Row"  19.10M]
+                                                    ["Second Row" 100.40M]
+                                                    ["Third Row"  91884.10M]]}
+                                            (-> {:query "SELECT col1, col2 FROM my_tbl;"}
+                                                (mt/native-query)
+                                                (qp/process-query)
+                                                (qp.test/rows-and-cols)))))]
+                ;; check that some data can be queried
+                (check-data)
+                ;; kill the ssh tunnel; fortunately, we have an existing function that can do that
+                (ssh/close-tunnel! (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec db))
+                ;; check the query again; the tunnel should have been reestablished
+                (check-data))))
+          (finally (.stop ^Server server)))))))
diff --git a/test_resources/ssh/tiny-db.mv.db b/test_resources/ssh/tiny-db.mv.db
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3f0113994797b045ef1d369bf1e20152675d4c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/test_resources/ssh/tiny-db.mv.db differ