diff --git a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery/query_processor_test.clj b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery/query_processor_test.clj
index 530cd7dbab7e9a34c2644c7746ddcde6226872d8..d53b0042cdcc066b7c579e9dbcf96d4d6261bd4a 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery/query_processor_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery/query_processor_test.clj
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
-                {:query (str "SELECT `v2_test_data.venues`.`id` "
-                             "FROM `v2_test_data.venues` "
-                             "ORDER BY `v2_test_data.venues`.`id` DESC "
+                {:query (str "SELECT `v3_test_data.venues`.`id` "
+                             "FROM `v3_test_data.venues` "
+                             "ORDER BY `v3_test_data.venues`.`id` DESC "
                              "LIMIT 2;")})))))
     (testing (str "make sure that BigQuery native queries maintain the column ordering specified in the SQL -- "
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
                :field_ref    [:field-literal "checkins_id" :type/Integer]}]
-                {:native   {:query (str "SELECT `v2_test_data.checkins`.`venue_id` AS `venue_id`, "
-                                        "       `v2_test_data.checkins`.`user_id` AS `user_id`, "
-                                        "       `v2_test_data.checkins`.`id` AS `checkins_id` "
-                                        "FROM `v2_test_data.checkins` "
+                {:native   {:query (str "SELECT `v3_test_data.checkins`.`venue_id` AS `venue_id`, "
+                                        "       `v3_test_data.checkins`.`user_id` AS `user_id`, "
+                                        "       `v3_test_data.checkins`.`id` AS `checkins_id` "
+                                        "FROM `v3_test_data.checkins` "
                                         "LIMIT 2")}
                  :type     :native
                  :database (mt/id)})))))
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@
     (testing "let's make sure we're generating correct HoneySQL + SQL for aggregations"
-      (is (= {:select   [[(hx/identifier :field "v2_test_data.venues" "price")
+      (is (= {:select   [[(hx/identifier :field "v3_test_data.venues" "price")
                           (hx/identifier :field-alias "price")]
-                         [(hsql/call :avg (hx/identifier :field "v2_test_data.venues" "category_id"))
+                         [(hsql/call :avg (hx/identifier :field "v3_test_data.venues" "category_id"))
                           (hx/identifier :field-alias "avg")]]
-              :from     [(hx/identifier :table "v2_test_data.venues")]
+              :from     [(hx/identifier :table "v3_test_data.venues")]
               :group-by [(hx/identifier :field-alias "price")]
               :order-by [[(hx/identifier :field-alias "avg") :asc]]}
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
                    :breakout    [$price]
                    :order-by    [[:asc [:aggregation 0]]]})))))
-      (is (= {:query      (str "SELECT `v2_test_data.venues`.`price` AS `price`,"
-                               " avg(`v2_test_data.venues`.`category_id`) AS `avg` "
-                               "FROM `v2_test_data.venues` "
+      (is (= {:query      (str "SELECT `v3_test_data.venues`.`price` AS `price`,"
+                               " avg(`v3_test_data.venues`.`category_id`) AS `avg` "
+                               "FROM `v3_test_data.venues` "
                                "GROUP BY `price` "
                                "ORDER BY `avg` ASC, `price` ASC")
               :params     nil
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@
   (mt/test-driver :bigquery
     (is (= (str "SELECT `categories__via__category_id`.`name` AS `name`,"
                 " count(*) AS `count` "
-                "FROM `v2_test_data.venues` "
-                "LEFT JOIN `v2_test_data.categories` `categories__via__category_id`"
-                " ON `v2_test_data.venues`.`category_id` = `categories__via__category_id`.`id` "
+                "FROM `v3_test_data.venues` "
+                "LEFT JOIN `v3_test_data.categories` `categories__via__category_id`"
+                " ON `v3_test_data.venues`.`category_id` = `categories__via__category_id`.`id` "
                 "GROUP BY `name` "
                 "ORDER BY `name` ASC")
            ;; normally for test purposes BigQuery doesn't support foreign keys so override the function that checks
@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@
     (is (= (str
             "-- Metabase:: userID: 1000 queryType: MBQL queryHash: 01020304\n"
-            " `v2_test_data.venues`.`id` AS `id`,"
-            " `v2_test_data.venues`.`name` AS `name`,"
-            " `v2_test_data.venues`.`category_id` AS `category_id`,"
-            " `v2_test_data.venues`.`latitude` AS `latitude`,"
-            " `v2_test_data.venues`.`longitude` AS `longitude`,"
-            " `v2_test_data.venues`.`price` AS `price` "
-            "FROM `v2_test_data.venues` "
+            " `v3_test_data.venues`.`id` AS `id`,"
+            " `v3_test_data.venues`.`name` AS `name`,"
+            " `v3_test_data.venues`.`category_id` AS `category_id`,"
+            " `v3_test_data.venues`.`latitude` AS `latitude`,"
+            " `v3_test_data.venues`.`longitude` AS `longitude`,"
+            " `v3_test_data.venues`.`price` AS `price` "
+            "FROM `v3_test_data.venues` "
             "LIMIT 1")
             {:database (mt/id)
@@ -232,9 +232,9 @@
-                {:query  (str "SELECT `v2_test_data.venues`.`name` AS `name` "
-                              "FROM `v2_test_data.venues` "
-                              "WHERE `v2_test_data.venues`.`name` = ?")
+                {:query  (str "SELECT `v3_test_data.venues`.`name` AS `name` "
+                              "FROM `v3_test_data.venues` "
+                              "WHERE `v3_test_data.venues`.`name` = ?")
                  :params ["Red Medicine"]}))))
         (str "Do we properly unprepare, and can we execute, queries that still have parameters for one reason or "
              "another? (EE #277)"))))
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
                               (t/local-date "2019-11-12")]))))
       (mt/test-driver :bigquery
-          (let [expected ["WHERE `v2_test_data.checkins`.`date` BETWEEN ? AND ?"
+          (let [expected ["WHERE `v3_test_data.checkins`.`date` BETWEEN ? AND ?"
                           (t/local-date "2019-11-11")
                           (t/local-date "2019-11-12")]]
             (testing "Should be able to get temporal type from a FieldInstance"
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
                                     (t/local-date "2019-11-11")
                                     (t/local-date "2019-11-12")]))))
             (testing "Should be able to get temporal type from a wrapped field-id"
-              (is (= (cons "WHERE date_trunc(`v2_test_data.checkins`.`date`, day) BETWEEN ? AND ?"
+              (is (= (cons "WHERE date_trunc(`v3_test_data.checkins`.`date`, day) BETWEEN ? AND ?"
                            (rest expected))
                      (between->sql [:between
                                     [:datetime-field [:field-id (mt/id :checkins :date)] :day]
@@ -450,14 +450,14 @@
-           (format "CREATE TABLE `v2_test_data.%s` ( ts TIMESTAMP, dt DATETIME )" table-name))
+           (format "CREATE TABLE `v3_test_data.%s` ( ts TIMESTAMP, dt DATETIME )" table-name))
-           (format "INSERT INTO `v2_test_data.%s` (ts, dt) VALUES (TIMESTAMP \"2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC\", DATETIME \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\")"
+           (format "INSERT INTO `v3_test_data.%s` (ts, dt) VALUES (TIMESTAMP \"2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC\", DATETIME \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\")"
           (sync/sync-database! (mt/db))
           (f table-name)
-            (bigquery.tx/execute! "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `v2_test_data.%s`" table-name)))))))
+            (bigquery.tx/execute! "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `v3_test_data.%s`" table-name)))))))
 (deftest filter-by-datetime-timestamp-test
   (mt/test-driver :bigquery
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
                          {:database   (mt/id)
                           :type       :native
-                          :native     {:query         "SELECT count(*) FROM `v2_attempted_murders.attempts` WHERE {{d}}"
+                          :native     {:query         "SELECT count(*) FROM `v3_attempted_murders.attempts` WHERE {{d}}"
                                        :template-tags {"d" {:name         "d"
                                                             :display-name "Date"
                                                             :type         :dimension
@@ -651,5 +651,5 @@
                (mt/formatted-rows [int]
-                    {:query  "SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `v2_test_data.venues` WHERE `v2_test_data.venues`.`name` = ?"
+                    {:query  "SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `v3_test_data.venues` WHERE `v3_test_data.venues`.`name` = ?"
                      :params ["x\\\\' OR 1 = 1 -- "]})))))))))
diff --git a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
index e3986cb4eda8db5de17db567a5020450c78bbe66..d26937779252d938f003375ca2085b2bdd66d9bb 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/driver/bigquery_test.clj
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@
-           (str "CREATE VIEW `v2_test_data.%s` "
+           (str "CREATE VIEW `v3_test_data.%s` "
                 "AS "
                 "SELECT v.id AS id, v.name AS venue_name, c.name AS category_name "
-                "FROM `%s.v2_test_data.venues` v "
-                "LEFT JOIN `%s.v2_test_data.categories` c "
+                "FROM `%s.v3_test_data.venues` v "
+                "LEFT JOIN `%s.v3_test_data.categories` c "
                 "ON v.category_id = c.id "
                 "ORDER BY v.id ASC "
                 "LIMIT 3")
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
           (f view-name)
-            (bigquery.tx/execute! "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `v2_test_data.%s`" view-name)))))))
+            (bigquery.tx/execute! "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `v3_test_data.%s`" view-name)))))))
 (defmacro ^:private with-view [[view-name-binding] & body]
   `(do-with-view (fn [~(or view-name-binding '_)] ~@body)))
diff --git a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/test/data/bigquery.clj b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/test/data/bigquery.clj
index 401af34311dc9893edddae46fdefe7ab7999aba4..bd5871873c9eb7b7f3a73cec18092a5c35dbdbcf 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/test/data/bigquery.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/bigquery/test/metabase/test/data/bigquery.clj
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (defn- normalize-name ^String [db-or-table identifier]
   (let [s (str/replace (name identifier) "-" "_")]
     (case db-or-table
-      :db    (str "v2_" s)
+      :db    (str "v3_" s)
       :table s)))
 (def ^:private details
diff --git a/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/driver/snowflake_test.clj b/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/driver/snowflake_test.clj
index b198ce8f20dc8cc029d9fc6c5e63f129823a9f92..2bf34cc3f3d0a41b6aa5c71099e35c3d2b93e16e 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/driver/snowflake_test.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/driver/snowflake_test.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 (ns metabase.driver.snowflake-test
-  (:require [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
-            [clojure
+  (:require [clojure
              [set :as set]
              [string :as str]
              [test :refer :all]]
+            [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
              [driver :as driver]
              [models :refer [Table]]
@@ -11,47 +11,43 @@
              [sync :as sync]
              [test :as mt]
              [util :as u]]
-            [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc
-             [connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
-             [execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]]
-            [metabase.models
-             [database :refer [Database]]]
+            [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
+            [metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
              [dataset-definitions :as dataset-defs]
              [sql :as sql.tx]]
             [metabase.test.data.sql.ddl :as ddl]
             [toucan.db :as db]))
 (deftest ddl-statements-test
   (testing "make sure we didn't break the code that is used to generate DDL statements when we add new test datasets"
     (testing "Create DB DDL statements"
-      (is (= "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS \"v2_test-data\"; CREATE DATABASE \"v2_test-data\";"
+      (is (= "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS \"v3_test-data\"; CREATE DATABASE \"v3_test-data\";"
              (sql.tx/create-db-sql :snowflake (mt/get-dataset-definition dataset-defs/test-data)))))
     (testing "Create Table DDL statements"
       (is (= (map
               #(str/replace % #"\s+" " ")
-              ["DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\";"
-               "CREATE TABLE \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"name\" TEXT,
+              ["DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\";"
+               "CREATE TABLE \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"name\" TEXT,
                 \"last_login\" TIMESTAMP_LTZ, \"password\" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")) ;"
-               "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"categories\";"
-               "CREATE TABLE \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"categories\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"name\" TEXT,
+               "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"categories\";"
+               "CREATE TABLE \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"categories\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"name\" TEXT,
                 PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")) ;"
-               "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\";"
-               "CREATE TABLE \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"name\" TEXT,
+               "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\";"
+               "CREATE TABLE \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"name\" TEXT,
                 \"category_id\" INTEGER, \"latitude\" FLOAT, \"longitude\" FLOAT, \"price\" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")) ;"
-               "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\";"
-               "CREATE TABLE \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"date\" DATE,
+               "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\";"
+               "CREATE TABLE \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\" (\"id\" INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, \"date\" DATE,
                 \"user_id\" INTEGER, \"venue_id\" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")) ;"
-               "ALTER TABLE \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"gory_id_categories_-1524018980\"
-                FOREIGN KEY (\"category_id\") REFERENCES \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"categories\" (\"id\");"
-               "ALTER TABLE \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"ckins_user_id_users_-230440067\"
-                FOREIGN KEY (\"user_id\") REFERENCES \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\" (\"id\");"
-               "ALTER TABLE \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"kins_venue_id_venues_621212269\"
-                FOREIGN KEY (\"venue_id\") REFERENCES \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\" (\"id\");"])
+               "ALTER TABLE \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"egory_id_categories_-740504465\"
+                FOREIGN KEY (\"category_id\") REFERENCES \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"categories\" (\"id\");"
+               "ALTER TABLE \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"ckins_user_id_users_1638713823\"
+                FOREIGN KEY (\"user_id\") REFERENCES \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\" (\"id\");"
+               "ALTER TABLE \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"ins_venue_id_venues_-833167948\"
+                FOREIGN KEY (\"venue_id\") REFERENCES \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"venues\" (\"id\");"])
              (ddl/create-db-tables-ddl-statements :snowflake (-> (mt/get-dataset-definition dataset-defs/test-data)
-                                                                 (update :database-name #(str "v2_" %)))))))))
+                                                                 (update :database-name #(str "v3_" %)))))))))
 ;; TODO -- disabled because these are randomly failing, will figure out when I'm back from vacation. I think it's a
 ;; bug in the JDBC driver -- Cam
@@ -167,7 +163,7 @@
                      {:database   (mt/id)
                       :type       :native
                       :native     {:query         (str "SELECT {{filter_date}}, \"last_login\" "
-                                                       "FROM \"v2_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\" "
+                                                       "FROM \"v3_test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"users\" "
                                                        "WHERE date_trunc('day', CAST(\"last_login\" AS timestamp))"
                                                        "    = date_trunc('day', CAST({{filter_date}} AS timestamp))")
                                    :template-tags {:filter_date {:name         "filter_date"
diff --git a/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/test/data/snowflake.clj b/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/test/data/snowflake.clj
index 8b621ee740a70cbb8b881bf001f4e142deb616bb..d11625aa9a7249ba8f908f67008d72d36c3566bd 100644
--- a/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/test/data/snowflake.clj
+++ b/modules/drivers/snowflake/test/metabase/test/data/snowflake.clj
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
   "Prepend `database-name` with a version number so we can create new versions without breaking existing tests."
   ;; try not to qualify the database name twice!
-  (if (str/starts-with? database-name "v2_")
+  (if (str/starts-with? database-name "v3_")
-    (str "v2_" database-name)))
+    (str "v3_" database-name)))
 (defmethod tx/dbdef->connection-details :snowflake
   [_ context {:keys [database-name]}]
diff --git a/src/metabase/public_settings.clj b/src/metabase/public_settings.clj
index 7b7c1352da1cd656832c2f0e4e017fe9201f7705..400439fcb92a2888225e3eac9310dea0ff3a0807 100644
--- a/src/metabase/public_settings.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/public_settings.clj
@@ -226,6 +226,11 @@
   (or (:brand (setting/get-json :application-colors)) "#509EE3"))
+(defn secondary-chart-color
+  "The first 'Additional chart color'"
+  []
+  (or (:accent3 (setting/get-json :application-colors)) "#EF8C8C"))
 (defsetting application-logo-url
   (deferred-tru "For best results, use an SVG file with a transparent background.")
   :visibility :public
diff --git a/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj b/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
index 330cbeda22ae2fa119be652b197269c6f2eeee98..3e099547cef10ed78e5da0f490d9c2fc67f702e7 100644
--- a/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
@@ -93,13 +93,21 @@
    :bar-width (when include-bar? 99)})
+(defn- normalize-bar-value
+  "Normalizes bar-value into a value between 0 and 100, where 0 corresponds to `min-value` and 100 to `max-value`"
+  [bar-value min-value max-value]
+  (float
+   (/
+    (* (- (double bar-value) min-value)
+       100)
+    (- max-value min-value))))
 (s/defn ^:private query-results->row-seq
   "Returns a seq of stringified formatted rows that can be rendered into HTML"
-  [timezone-id :- (s/maybe s/Str) remapping-lookup cols rows bar-column max-value]
+  [timezone-id :- (s/maybe s/Str) remapping-lookup cols rows {:keys [bar-column min-value max-value]}]
   (for [row rows]
-    {:bar-width (when-let [bar-value (and bar-column (bar-column row))]
-                  ;; cast to double to avoid "Non-terminating decimal expansion" errors
-                  (float (* 100 (/ (double bar-value) max-value))))
+    {:bar-width (some-> (and bar-column (bar-column row))
+                        (normalize-bar-value min-value max-value))
      :row (for [[maybe-remapped-col maybe-remapped-row-cell] (map vector cols row)
                 :when (and (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col))
                            (show-in-table? maybe-remapped-col))
@@ -112,12 +120,15 @@
 (s/defn ^:private prep-for-html-rendering
   "Convert the query results (`cols` and `rows`) into a formatted seq of rows (list of strings) that can be rendered as
-  [timezone-id :- (s/maybe s/Str) card {:keys [cols rows]} bar-column max-value column-limit]
-  (let [remapping-lookup (create-remapping-lookup cols)
-        limited-cols (take column-limit cols)]
-    (cons
-     (query-results->header-row remapping-lookup card limited-cols bar-column)
-     (query-results->row-seq timezone-id remapping-lookup limited-cols (take rows-limit rows) bar-column max-value))))
+  ([timezone-id :- (s/maybe s/Str) card data column-limit]
+   (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data column-limit {}))
+  ([timezone-id :- (s/maybe s/Str) card {:keys [cols rows]} column-limit
+    {:keys [bar-column min-value max-value] :as data-attributes}]
+   (let [remapping-lookup (create-remapping-lookup cols)
+         limited-cols (take column-limit cols)]
+     (cons
+      (query-results->header-row remapping-lookup card limited-cols bar-column)
+      (query-results->row-seq timezone-id remapping-lookup limited-cols (take rows-limit rows) data-attributes)))))
 (defn- strong-limit-text [number]
   [:strong {:style (style/style {:color style/color-gray-3})} (h (common/format-number number))])
@@ -179,7 +190,7 @@
                      (color/make-color-selector data (:visualization_settings card))
                      (mapv :name (:cols data))
-                     (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data nil nil cols-limit))
+                     (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data cols-limit))
                     (render-truncation-warning cols-limit (count-displayed-columns cols) rows-limit (count rows))]]
@@ -193,15 +204,20 @@
   [_ _ timezone-id :- (s/maybe s/Str) card {:keys [cols] :as data}]
   (let [[x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn] (common/graphing-column-row-fns card data)
         rows                        (common/non-nil-rows x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn (:rows data))
-        max-value                   (apply max (map y-axis-rowfn rows))]
+        row-values                  (map y-axis-rowfn rows)
+        min-value                   (min 0 (apply min row-values))
+        max-value                   (apply max row-values)]
       (table/render-table (color/make-color-selector data (:visualization_settings card))
+                          (normalize-bar-value 0 min-value max-value)
                           (mapv :name cols)
-                          (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data y-axis-rowfn max-value 2))
+                          (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data 2 {:bar-column y-axis-rowfn
+                                                                            :min-value  min-value
+                                                                            :max-value  max-value}))
       (render-truncation-warning 2 (count-displayed-columns cols) rows-limit (count rows))]}))
 (s/defmethod render :scalar :- common/RenderedPulseCard
diff --git a/src/metabase/pulse/render/style.clj b/src/metabase/pulse/render/style.clj
index 40b291f0914e95b976be0f77c3e53f1b4aced8d5..357056164fe824be475783d74b98ddbb30b5ae12 100644
--- a/src/metabase/pulse/render/style.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/pulse/render/style.clj
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@
+(defn secondary-color
+  "Secondary color to use in Pulse charts; normally red, but customizable when whitelabeling is enabled."
+  []
+  (public-settings/secondary-chart-color))
 (defn font-style
   "Font family to use in rendered Pulses."
diff --git a/src/metabase/pulse/render/table.clj b/src/metabase/pulse/render/table.clj
index 3a8e315ad1a4f4a59e98b348f8626216f245471f..0865dd54bce0f547ee703d5117eeee9a86de47d1 100644
--- a/src/metabase/pulse/render/table.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/pulse/render/table.clj
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
     :padding-top     :20px
     :padding-bottom  :5px}))
+(def ^:private max-bar-width 106)
 (defn- bar-td-style []
@@ -31,7 +33,6 @@
     :color          style/color-text-dark
     :border-bottom  (str "1px solid " style/color-body-row-border)
     :height         :36px
-    :width          :106px
     :padding-right  :0.5em
     :padding-left   :0.5em}))
@@ -41,6 +42,25 @@
 (defn- bar-td-style-numeric []
   (merge (style/font-style) (bar-td-style) {:text-align :right}))
+(defn- render-bar-component
+  ([color positive? width-in-pixels]
+   (render-bar-component color positive? width-in-pixels 0))
+  ([color positive? width-in-pixels offset]
+   [:div
+    {:style (style/style
+             (merge
+              {:width            (format "%spx" width-in-pixels)
+               :background-color color
+               :max-height       :10px
+               :height           :10px
+               :margin-top       :3px}
+              (if positive?
+                {:border-radius "0px 2px 2px 0px"}
+                {:border-radius "2px 0px 0px 2px"
+                 ;; `float: right` would be nice instead of the `margin-left` hack, but CSSBox puts in an erroneous 2px gap with it
+                 :margin-left (format "%spx" (- max-bar-width width-in-pixels))})))}
+    " "]))
 (defn- heading-style-for-type
   (if (instance? NumericWrapper cell)
@@ -53,6 +73,10 @@
+(defn- normalized-score->pixels
+  [score]
+  (int (* (/ score 100.0) max-bar-width)))
 (defn- render-table-head [{:keys [bar-width row]}]
@@ -62,13 +86,31 @@
     (when bar-width
       [:th {:style (style/style (bar-td-style) (bar-th-style) {:width (str bar-width "%")})}])]])
+(defn- render-bar
+  [bar-width normalized-zero]
+  (if (< bar-width normalized-zero)
+    (list
+     [:td {:style (style/style (bar-td-style) {:width :99%, :border-right "1px solid black", :padding-right 0})}
+      (render-bar-component (style/secondary-color)
+                            false
+                            (normalized-score->pixels (- normalized-zero bar-width))
+                            (normalized-score->pixels bar-width))]
+     [:td {:style (style/style (bar-td-style) {:width :99%})}])
+    (list
+     (when-not (zero? normalized-zero)
+       [:td {:style (style/style (bar-td-style) {:width :99%, :border-right "1px solid black"})}])
+     [:td {:style (style/style (bar-td-style) {:width :99%, :padding-left 0})}
+      (render-bar-component (style/primary-color)
+                            true
+                            (normalized-score->pixels (- bar-width normalized-zero)))])))
 (defn- render-table-body
   "Render Hiccup `<tbody>` of a `<table>`.
   `get-background-color` is a function that returned the background color for the current cell; it is invoked like
     (get-background-color cell-value column-name row-index)"
-  [get-background-color column-names rows]
+  [get-background-color normalized-zero column-names rows]
    (for [[row-idx {:keys [row bar-width]}] (m/indexed rows)]
      [:tr {:style (style/style {:color style/color-gray-3})}
@@ -79,23 +121,22 @@
                       (when (and bar-width (= col-idx 1))
                         {:font-weight 700}))}
          (h cell)])
-      (when bar-width
-        [:td {:style (style/style (bar-td-style) {:width :99%})}
-         [:div {:style (style/style {:background-color (style/primary-color)
-                                     :max-height       :10px
-                                     :height           :10px
-                                     :border-radius    :2px
-                                     :width            (str (max bar-width 0) "%")})}
-          "&#160;"]])])])
+      (some-> bar-width (render-bar normalized-zero))])])
 (defn render-table
   "This function returns the HTML data structure for the pulse table. `color-selector` is a function that returns the
   background color for a given cell. `column-names` is different from the header in `header+rows` as the header is the
   display_name (i.e. human friendly. `header+rows` includes the text contents of the table we're about ready to
-  create."
-  [^JSObject color-selector, column-names [header & rows]]
-  [:table {:style (style/style {:max-width (str "100%"), :white-space :nowrap, :padding-bottom :8px, :border-collapse :collapse})
-           :cellpadding "0"
-           :cellspacing "0"}
-   (render-table-head header)
-   (render-table-body (partial color/get-background-color color-selector) column-names rows)])
+  create. If `normalized-zero` is set (defaults to 0), render values less than it as negative"
+  ([^JSObject color-selector, column-names, [header & rows :as contents]]
+   (render-table color-selector 0 column-names contents))
+  ([^JSObject color-selector, normalized-zero, column-names, [header & rows]]
+   [:table {:style (style/style {:max-width "100%"
+                                 :white-space :nowrap
+                                 :padding-bottom :8px
+                                 :border-collapse :collapse
+                                 :width "1%"})
+            :cellpadding "0"
+            :cellspacing "0"}
+    (render-table-head header)
+    (render-table-body (partial color/get-background-color color-selector) normalized-zero column-names rows)]))
diff --git a/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj b/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
index 091d40cd84e64cda645a6ef0a52ff75b4bee4a44..d7566faf0f3888e1ebebd3cc453c62e353c6f24e 100644
--- a/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@
 (defn- prep-for-html-rendering'
-  [cols rows bar-column max-value]
-  (let [results (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz {} {:cols cols :rows rows} bar-column max-value (count cols))]
+  [cols rows bar-column min-value max-value]
+  (let [results (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz {} {:cols cols :rows rows} (count cols)
+                                                {:bar-column bar-column :min-value min-value :max-value max-value})]
     [(first results)
      (col-counts results)]))
@@ -80,31 +81,31 @@
 ;; Testing the format of headers
 (deftest header-result
   (is (= default-header-result
-         (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns test-data nil nil))))
+         (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns test-data nil nil nil))))
 (deftest header-result-2
   (let [cols-with-desc (conj test-columns description-col)
         data-with-desc (mapv #(conj % "Desc") test-data)]
     (is (= default-header-result
-           (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-desc data-with-desc nil nil)))))
+           (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-desc data-with-desc nil nil nil)))))
 (deftest header-result-3
   (let [cols-with-details (conj test-columns detail-col)
         data-with-details (mapv #(conj % "Details") test-data)]
     (is (= default-header-result
-           (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-details data-with-details nil nil)))))
+           (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-details data-with-details nil nil nil)))))
 (deftest header-result-4
   (let [cols-with-sensitive (conj test-columns sensitive-col)
         data-with-sensitive (mapv #(conj % "Sensitive") test-data)]
     (is (= default-header-result
-           (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-sensitive data-with-sensitive nil nil)))))
+           (prep-for-html-rendering' cols-with-sensitive data-with-sensitive nil nil nil)))))
 (deftest header-result-5
   (let [columns-with-retired (conj test-columns retired-col)
         data-with-retired    (mapv #(conj % "Retired") test-data)]
     (is (= default-header-result
-           (prep-for-html-rendering' columns-with-retired data-with-retired nil nil)))))
+           (prep-for-html-rendering' columns-with-retired data-with-retired nil nil nil)))))
 (deftest prefers-col-visualization-settings-for-header
   (testing "Users can give columns custom names. Use those if they exist."
@@ -129,8 +130,6 @@
              (first (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz
                                                     {:cols cols :rows []}
-                                                    nil
-                                                    nil
                                                     (count test-columns)))))
       ;; card does not contain custom column names
@@ -139,35 +138,34 @@
              (first (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz
                                                     {:cols cols :rows []}
-                                                    nil
-                                                    nil
                                                     (count test-columns))))))))
 ;; When including a bar column, bar-width is 99%
 (deftest bar-width
   (is (= (assoc-in default-header-result [0 :bar-width] 99)
-         (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns test-data second 40.0))))
+         (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns test-data second 0 40.0))))
 ;; When there are too many columns, #'body/prep-for-html-rendering show narrow it
 (deftest narrow-the-columns
   (is (= [{:row [(number "ID") (number "Latitude")]
            :bar-width 99}
-         (prep-for-html-rendering' (subvec test-columns 0 2) test-data second 40.0 ))))
+         (prep-for-html-rendering' (subvec test-columns 0 2) test-data second 0 40.0))))
 ;; Basic test that result rows are formatted correctly (dates, floating point numbers etc)
 (deftest format-result-rows
   (is (= [{:bar-width nil, :row [(number "1") (number "34.10") "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
           {:bar-width nil, :row [(number "2") (number "34.04") "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
           {:bar-width nil, :row [(number "3") (number "34.05") "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
-         (rest (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz {} {:cols test-columns :rows test-data} nil nil (count test-columns))))))
+         (rest (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz {} {:cols test-columns :rows test-data} (count test-columns))))))
 ;; Testing the bar-column, which is the % of this row relative to the max of that column
 (deftest bar-column
   (is (= [{:bar-width (float 85.249),  :row [(number "1") (number "34.10") "Apr 1, 2014" "Stout Burgers & Beers"]}
           {:bar-width (float 85.1015), :row [(number "2") (number "34.04") "Dec 5, 2014" "The Apple Pan"]}
           {:bar-width (float 85.1185), :row [(number "3") (number "34.05") "Aug 1, 2014" "The Gorbals"]}]
-         (rest (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz {} {:cols test-columns :rows test-data} second 40 (count test-columns))))))
+         (rest (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz {} {:cols test-columns :rows test-data} (count test-columns)
+                                               {:bar-column second, :min-value 0, :max-value 40})))))
 (defn- add-rating
@@ -202,7 +200,7 @@
   (is (= [{:row [(number "ID") (number "Latitude") "Rating Desc" "Last Login" "Name"]
            :bar-width nil}
-         (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns-with-remapping test-data-with-remapping nil nil))))
+         (prep-for-html-rendering' test-columns-with-remapping test-data-with-remapping nil nil nil))))
 ;; Result rows should include only the remapped column value, not the original
 (deftest include-only-remapped-column-name
@@ -212,8 +210,6 @@
          (map :row (rest (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz
                                                          {:cols test-columns-with-remapping :rows test-data-with-remapping}
-                                                         nil
-                                                         nil
                                                          (count test-columns-with-remapping)))))))
 ;; There should be no truncation warning if the number of rows/cols is fewer than the row/column limit
@@ -246,8 +242,6 @@
          (rest (#'body/prep-for-html-rendering pacific-tz
                                                {:cols test-columns-with-date-special-type :rows test-data}
-                                               nil
-                                               nil
                                                (count test-columns))))))
 (defn- render-scalar-value [results]
diff --git a/test/metabase/pulse/render/table_test.clj b/test/metabase/pulse/render/table_test.clj
index a8275e6681ce2316555004ed08bfddefb0111575..f51233ce3e1c0bc6d220f3a6fcd4b2aec3c48149 100644
--- a/test/metabase/pulse/render/table_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/pulse/render/table_test.clj
@@ -64,6 +64,6 @@
                               [4 5 6]
                               [7 8 9]]}]
     (-> (color/make-color-selector query-results (:visualization_settings render.tu/test-card))
-        (#'table/render-table ["a" "b" "c"] (query-results->header+rows query-results))
+        (#'table/render-table 0 ["a" "b" "c"] (query-results->header+rows query-results))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/implicit_joins_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/implicit_joins_test.clj
index 9117f70b092aa1191dc978fe0b10a955715bba84..047cb530b4d3f0f519d1b69d68c8210f35bcea8a 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/implicit_joins_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/implicit_joins_test.clj
@@ -149,4 +149,4 @@
         (mt/run-mbql-query messages
           {:aggregation [[:count]]
            :breakout    [$sender_id->users.name]
-           :filter      [:= $reciever_id->users.name "Rasta Toucan"]})))))
+           :filter      [:= $receiver_id->users.name "Rasta Toucan"]})))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/avian-singles.edn b/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/avian-singles.edn
index f18e5eec2905cbde7c82739986f24d1a2f77c877..06c9a122077a10362226df5122d2f2ae8b2390ab 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/avian-singles.edn
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/avian-singles.edn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  ["messages" [{:field-name "sender_id"
                :base-type  :type/Integer
                :fk         :users}
-              {:field-name "reciever_id"
+              {:field-name "receiver_id"
                :base-type  :type/Integer
                :fk         :users}
               {:field-name "text"