diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase-lib/join.ts b/frontend/src/metabase-lib/join.ts
index 0b2f179502bd69e85bfef067b052b1db54653997..8f1feb8efe3cf325148edc11c5dc687d789552c5 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase-lib/join.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase-lib/join.ts
@@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ export function joinConditionOperators(
   return ML.join_condition_operators(query, stageIndex, lhsColumn, rhsColumn);
-export function suggestedJoinCondition(
+export function suggestedJoinConditions(
   query: Query,
   stageIndex: number,
   joinable: Joinable,
-): JoinCondition | null {
-  return ML.suggested_join_condition(query, stageIndex, joinable);
+): JoinCondition[] {
+  return ML.suggested_join_conditions(query, stageIndex, joinable);
 export type JoinFields = ColumnMetadata[] | "all" | "none";
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/JoinStep/use-join.ts b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/JoinStep/use-join.ts
index e579f8e345545dc3ffc0edd68abd5748259e66e1..35e80c6d2399d481abb3d03a19702f2049460dde 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/JoinStep/use-join.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/JoinStep/use-join.ts
@@ -94,17 +94,16 @@ export function useJoin(query: Lib.Query, stageIndex: number, join?: Lib.Join) {
   const setTable = useCallback(
     (nextTable: Lib.Joinable) => {
-      const suggestedCondition = Lib.suggestedJoinCondition(
+      const suggestedConditions = Lib.suggestedJoinConditions(
-      if (suggestedCondition) {
-        const nextConditions = [suggestedCondition];
-        _setConditions(nextConditions);
+      if (suggestedConditions.length > 0) {
+        _setConditions(suggestedConditions);
-        let nextJoin = Lib.joinClause(nextTable, nextConditions);
+        let nextJoin = Lib.joinClause(nextTable, suggestedConditions);
         nextJoin = Lib.withJoinFields(nextJoin, "all");
         nextJoin = Lib.withJoinStrategy(nextJoin, strategy);
diff --git a/src/metabase/lib/core.cljc b/src/metabase/lib/core.cljc
index 0d552e5d21b268ec7dfdc7615627be7af6c3d19f..c7b14fd4af1b143093618269a1ec9cf223e080d7 100644
--- a/src/metabase/lib/core.cljc
+++ b/src/metabase/lib/core.cljc
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
-  suggested-join-condition
+  suggested-join-conditions
diff --git a/src/metabase/lib/join.cljc b/src/metabase/lib/join.cljc
index a78193b86304d09a81211716cdbfb243d68b103e..ec3f4fa2857c2195e2b7ccdbf5627f82ed9bda9a 100644
--- a/src/metabase/lib/join.cljc
+++ b/src/metabase/lib/join.cljc
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
    [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
    [metabase.lib.schema.filter :as lib.schema.filter]
    [metabase.lib.schema.join :as lib.schema.join]
+   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
    [metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]
    [metabase.lib.temporal-bucket :as lib.temporal-bucket]
    [metabase.lib.types.isa :as lib.types.isa]
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
   display name."
   [query           :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number    :- :int
-   column-metadata :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata
+   column-metadata :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
    join-alias      :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
   (let [column-metadata (assoc column-metadata :source-alias join-alias)
         col             (-> (assoc column-metadata
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
 (declare join-conditions
-         suggested-join-condition)
+         suggested-join-conditions)
 (mu/defn join :- ::lib.schema/query
   "Add a join clause to a `query`."
@@ -510,10 +511,10 @@
     stage-number :- :int
     a-join       :- [:or lib.join.util/PartialJoin Joinable]]
    (let [a-join              (join-clause a-join)
-         suggested-condition (when (empty? (join-conditions a-join))
-                               (suggested-join-condition query stage-number (joined-thing query a-join)))
+         suggested-conditions (when (empty? (join-conditions a-join))
+                                (suggested-join-conditions query stage-number (joined-thing query a-join)))
          a-join              (cond-> a-join
-                               suggested-condition (with-join-conditions [suggested-condition]))
+                               (seq suggested-conditions) (with-join-conditions suggested-conditions))
          a-join              (add-default-alias query stage-number a-join)]
      (lib.util/update-query-stage query stage-number update :joins (fn [existing-joins]
                                                                      (conj (vec existing-joins) a-join))))))
@@ -619,11 +620,11 @@
 ;;; options for each respective part. At the time of this writing, selecting one does not filter out incompatible
 ;;; options for the other parts, but hopefully we can implement this in the future -- see #31174
-(mu/defn ^:private sort-join-condition-columns :- [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
+(mu/defn ^:private sort-join-condition-columns :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
   "Sort potential join condition columns as returned by [[join-condition-lhs-columns]]
   or [[join-condition-rhs-columns]]. PK columns are returned first, followed by FK columns, followed by other columns.
   Otherwise original order is maintained."
-  [columns :- [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
+  [columns :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
   (let [{:keys [pk fk other]} (group-by (fn [column]
                                             (lib.types.isa/primary-key? column) :pk
@@ -643,7 +644,7 @@
           (lib.equality/mark-selected-columns query stage-number columns [existing-column-or-nil]))))
-(mu/defn join-condition-lhs-columns :- [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
+(mu/defn join-condition-lhs-columns :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
   "Get a sequence of columns that can be used as the left-hand-side (source column) in a join condition. This column
   is the one that comes from the source Table/Card/previous stage of the query or a previous join.
@@ -698,7 +699,7 @@
           (mark-selected-column query stage-number lhs-column-or-nil)
-(mu/defn join-condition-rhs-columns :- [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
+(mu/defn join-condition-rhs-columns :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
   "Get a sequence of columns that can be used as the right-hand-side (target column) in a join condition. This column
   is the one that belongs to the thing being joined, `join-or-joinable`, which can be something like a
   Table ([[metabase.lib.metadata/TableMetadata]]), Saved Question/Model ([[metabase.lib.metadata/CardMetadata]]),
@@ -751,67 +752,80 @@
   ([_query             :- ::lib.schema/query
     _stage-number      :- :int
     ;; not yet used, hopefully we will use in the future when present for filtering incompatible options out.
-    _lhs-column-or-nil :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
-    _rhs-column-or-nil :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
+    _lhs-column-or-nil :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
+    _rhs-column-or-nil :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
    ;; currently hardcoded to these six operators regardless of LHS and RHS.
-(mu/defn ^:private pk-column :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
-  "Given something `x` (e.g. a Table metadata) find the PK column."
+(mu/defn ^:private fk-columns-to :- [:maybe [:sequential
+                                             {:min 1}
+                                             [:and
+                                              ::lib.schema.metadata/column
+                                              [:map
+                                               [::target ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]]]]
+  "Find FK columns in `source` pointing at a column in `target`. Includes the target column under the `::target` key."
   [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int
-   x
-   options]
-  (m/find-first lib.types.isa/primary-key?
-                (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query stage-number x options)))
-(mu/defn ^:private fk-column-for-pk-in :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
-  [pk-col          :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
-   visible-columns :- [:maybe [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]]
-  (when-let [pk-id (:id pk-col)]
-    (let [candidates (filter (fn [{:keys [fk-target-field-id], :as col}]
-                               (and (lib.types.isa/foreign-key? col)
-                                    (= fk-target-field-id pk-id)))
-                             visible-columns)
-          primary (first candidates)]
-      (if (some #(= (:id %) (:id primary)) (rest candidates))
-        (when (not-any? #(= (:lib/desired-column-alias %) (:lib/desired-column-alias primary)) (rest candidates))
-          ;; there are multiple candidates but :lib/desired-column-alias disambiguates them,
-          ;; so reference by name
-          (dissoc primary :id))
-        primary))))
-(mu/defn ^:private fk-column-for :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
-  "Given a query stage find an FK column that points to the PK `pk-col`."
-  [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
-   stage-number :- :int
-   pk-col       :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
-  (when pk-col
-    (let [visible-columns (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query stage-number (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number))]
-      (fk-column-for-pk-in pk-col visible-columns))))
-(mu/defn suggested-join-condition :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.expression/boolean] ; i.e., a filter clause
-  "Return a suggested default join condition when constructing a join against `joinable`, e.g. a Table, Saved
-  Question, or another query. A suggested condition will be returned if the query stage has a foreign key to the
+   source
+   target]
+  (let [target-columns (delay
+                         (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns
+                          query stage-number target
+                          {:include-implicitly-joinable?                 false
+                           :include-implicitly-joinable-for-source-card? false}))]
+    (not-empty
+     (into []
+           (keep (fn [{:keys [fk-target-field-id], :as col}]
+                   (when (and (lib.types.isa/foreign-key? col)
+                              fk-target-field-id)
+                     (when-let [target-column (m/find-first (fn [target-column]
+                                                              (= fk-target-field-id
+                                                                 (:id target-column)))
+                                                            @target-columns)]
+                       (assoc col ::target target-column)))))
+           (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query stage-number source)))))
+(mu/defn suggested-join-conditions :- [:maybe [:sequential {:min 1} ::lib.schema.expression/boolean]] ; i.e., a filter clause
+  "Return suggested default join conditions when constructing a join against `joinable`, e.g. a Table, Saved
+  Question, or another query. Suggested conditions will be returned if the source Table has a foreign key to the
   primary key of the thing we're joining (see #31175 for more info); otherwise this will return `nil` if no default
-  condition is suggested."
+  conditions are suggested."
   ([query joinable]
-   (suggested-join-condition query -1 joinable))
+   (suggested-join-conditions query -1 joinable))
   ([query         :- ::lib.schema/query
     stage-number  :- :int
-   (let [joinable-col-options {:include-implicitly-joinable? false
-                               :include-implicitly-joinable-for-source-card? false}]
-     (letfn [(filter-clause [x y]
-               (lib.filter/filter-clause (lib.filter.operator/operator-def :=) x y))]
-       (or (when-let [pk-col (pk-column query stage-number joinable joinable-col-options)]
-             (when-let [fk-col (fk-column-for query stage-number pk-col)]
-               (filter-clause fk-col pk-col)))
-           (when-let [pk-col (pk-column query stage-number (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number) nil)]
-             (when-let [fk-col (fk-column-for-pk-in pk-col (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns
-                                                            query stage-number joinable joinable-col-options))]
-               (filter-clause pk-col fk-col))))))))
+   (let [stage (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
+     (letfn [ ;; only keep one FK to each target column e.g. for
+             ;;
+             ;;    messages (sender_id REFERENCES user(id),  recipient_id REFERENCES user(id))
+             ;;
+             ;; we only want join on one or the other, not both, because that makes no sense. However with a composite
+             ;; FK -> composite PK suggest multiple conditions. See #34184
+             (fks [source target]
+               (->> (fk-columns-to query stage-number source target)
+                    (m/distinct-by #(-> % ::target :id))
+                    not-empty))
+             (filter-clause [x y]
+               ;; DO NOT force broken refs for fields that come from Cards (broken refs in this case means use Field
+               ;; ID refs instead of nominal field literal refs), that will break things if a Card returns the same
+               ;; Field more than once (there would be no way to disambiguate). See #34227 for more info
+               (let [x (dissoc x ::lib.card/force-broken-id-refs)
+                     y (dissoc y ::lib.card/force-broken-id-refs)]
+                 (lib.filter/filter-clause (lib.filter.operator/operator-def :=) x y)))]
+       (or
+        ;; find cases where we have FK(s) pointing to joinable. Our column goes on the LHS.
+        (when-let [fks (fks stage joinable)]
+          (mapv (fn [fk]
+                  (filter-clause fk (::target fk)))
+                fks))
+        ;; find cases where the `joinable` has FK(s) pointing to us. Note our column is the target this time around --
+        ;; keep in on the LHS.
+        (when-let [fks (fks joinable stage)]
+          (mapv (fn [fk]
+                  (filter-clause (::target fk) fk))
+                fks)))))))
 (defn- add-join-alias-to-joinable-columns [cols a-join]
   (let [join-alias     (lib.join.util/current-join-alias a-join)
@@ -833,7 +847,7 @@
       (lib.equality/mark-selected-columns cols j-fields))))
-(mu/defn joinable-columns :- [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
+(mu/defn joinable-columns :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
   "Return information about the fields that you can pass to [[with-join-fields]] when constructing a join against
   something [[Joinable]] (i.e., a Table or Card) or manipulating an existing join. When passing in a join, currently
   selected columns (those in the join's `:fields`) will include `:selected true` information."
@@ -931,7 +945,7 @@
   ([query                       :- ::lib.schema/query
     stage-number                :- :int
     join-or-joinable            :- [:maybe JoinOrJoinable]
-    condition-lhs-column-or-nil :- [:maybe [:or lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata :mbql.clause/field]]]
+    condition-lhs-column-or-nil :- [:maybe [:or ::lib.schema.metadata/column :mbql.clause/field]]]
     (join-lhs-display-name-from-condition-lhs query stage-number join-or-joinable condition-lhs-column-or-nil)
     (join-lhs-display-name-for-first-join-in-first-stage query stage-number join-or-joinable)
diff --git a/src/metabase/lib/js.cljs b/src/metabase/lib/js.cljs
index bdae5be61b7652f1afffdec227efe7e4f40b7653..d70db5d2597b9f995099372ad991f7994d976403 100644
--- a/src/metabase/lib/js.cljs
+++ b/src/metabase/lib/js.cljs
@@ -698,13 +698,13 @@
   ([a-query stage-number expression-position]
    (to-array (lib.core/expressionable-columns a-query stage-number expression-position))))
-(defn ^:export suggested-join-condition
-  "Return a suggested default join condition when constructing a join against `joinable`, e.g. a Table, Saved
-  Question, or another query. A suggested condition will be returned if the source Table has a foreign key to the
+(defn ^:export suggested-join-conditions
+  "Return suggested default join conditions when constructing a join against `joinable`, e.g. a Table, Saved
+  Question, or another query. Suggested conditions will be returned if the source Table has a foreign key to the
   primary key of the thing we're joining (see #31175 for more info); otherwise this will return `nil` if no default
-  condition is suggested."
+  conditions are suggested."
   [a-query stage-number joinable]
-  (lib.core/suggested-join-condition a-query stage-number joinable))
+  (to-array (lib.core/suggested-join-conditions a-query stage-number joinable)))
 (defn ^:export join-fields
   "Get the `:fields` associated with a join."
diff --git a/test/metabase/lib/field_test.cljc b/test/metabase/lib/field_test.cljc
index 2e4385eda212f4a7b162022e500fbce5c51ac099..53383223a399ffa79e5ce5ed2b303d1d74a11e86 100644
--- a/test/metabase/lib/field_test.cljc
+++ b/test/metabase/lib/field_test.cljc
@@ -746,8 +746,7 @@
     (let [query  (as-> (meta/table-metadata :orders) <>
                    (lib/query meta/metadata-provider <>)
                    (lib/join <> -1 (->> (meta/table-metadata :people)
-                                        (lib/suggested-join-condition <> -1)
-                                        vector
+                                        (lib/suggested-join-conditions <> -1)
                                         (lib/join-clause (meta/table-metadata :people)))))
           fields [[:field {} (meta/id :orders :id)]
                   [:field {} (meta/id :orders :subtotal)]
@@ -835,8 +834,7 @@
     (let [query  (as-> (meta/table-metadata :orders) <>
                    (lib/query meta/metadata-provider <>)
                    (lib/join <> -1 (->> (meta/table-metadata :people)
-                                        (lib/suggested-join-condition <> -1)
-                                        vector
+                                        (lib/suggested-join-conditions <> -1)
                                         (lib/join-clause (meta/table-metadata :people)))))
           all-columns   (lib/returned-columns query)
           table-columns (lib/fieldable-columns query -1)
@@ -992,8 +990,7 @@
     (let [query  (as-> (meta/table-metadata :orders) <>
                    (lib/query meta/metadata-provider <>)
                    (lib/join <> -1 (->> (meta/table-metadata :people)
-                                        (lib/suggested-join-condition <> -1)
-                                        vector
+                                        (lib/suggested-join-conditions <> -1)
                                         (lib/join-clause (meta/table-metadata :people)))))
           all-columns   (lib/returned-columns query)
           table-columns (lib/fieldable-columns query -1)
diff --git a/test/metabase/lib/join_test.cljc b/test/metabase/lib/join_test.cljc
index f804b190a31eea6b165ca2cf8064e5ca893aac4c..462e8578a9bce3a2f6a1e0fa3e3a41cfe87d254c 100644
--- a/test/metabase/lib/join_test.cljc
+++ b/test/metabase/lib/join_test.cljc
@@ -837,13 +837,13 @@
                                                  (meta/field-metadata :checkins :user-id))])))
                 :stages first :joins)))))
-(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-condition-test
+(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-conditions-test
   (testing "DO suggest a join condition for an FK -> PK relationship"
-    (are [query] (=? [:=
-                      {}
-                      [:field {} (meta/id :venues :category-id)]
-                      [:field {} (meta/id :categories :id)]]
-                     (lib/suggested-join-condition
+    (are [query] (=? [[:=
+                       {}
+                       [:field {} (meta/id :venues :category-id)]
+                       [:field {} (meta/id :categories :id)]]]
+                     (lib/suggested-join-conditions
                       (meta/table-metadata :categories)))
       ;; plain query
@@ -853,26 +853,26 @@
       (-> lib.tu/venues-query
           (lib/aggregate (lib/count))))))
-(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-condition-pk->fk-test
+(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-conditions-pk->fk-test
   ;; this is to preserve the existing behavior from MLv1, it doesn't necessarily make sense, but we don't want to have
   ;; to update a million tests, right? Once v1-compatible joins lands then maybe we can go in and make this work,
   ;; since it seems like it SHOULD work.
   (testing "DO suggest join conditions for a PK -> FK relationship"
-    (is (=? [:=
-             {}
-             [:field {} (meta/id :categories :id)]
-             [:field {} (meta/id :venues :category-id)]]
-            (lib/suggested-join-condition
+    (is (=? [[:=
+              {}
+              [:field {} (meta/id :categories :id)]
+              [:field {} (meta/id :venues :category-id)]]]
+            (lib/suggested-join-conditions
              (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :categories))
              (meta/table-metadata :venues))))))
-(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-condition-fk-from-join-test
+(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-conditions-fk-from-join-test
   (testing "DO suggest join conditions for a FK -> PK relationship if the FK comes from a join"
-    (is (=? [:=
-             {}
-             [:field {:join-alias "Venues"} (meta/id :venues :category-id)]
-             [:field {} (meta/id :categories :id)]]
-            (lib/suggested-join-condition
+    (is (=? [[:=
+              {}
+              [:field {:join-alias "Venues"} (meta/id :venues :category-id)]
+              [:field {} (meta/id :categories :id)]]]
+            (lib/suggested-join-conditions
              (-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :checkins))
                  (lib/join (-> (lib/join-clause
                                 (meta/table-metadata :venues)
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@
                                (lib/with-join-alias "Venues"))))
              (meta/table-metadata :categories))))))
-(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-condition-fk-from-implicitly-joinable-test
+(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-conditions-fk-from-implicitly-joinable-test
   (testing "DON'T suggest join conditions for a FK -> implicitly joinable PK relationship (#34526)"
     (let [orders (meta/table-metadata :orders)
           card-query (as-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider orders) q
@@ -898,7 +898,153 @@
                                        :fields        (lib/returned-columns card-query)}]})
           card (lib.metadata/card metadata-provider 1)
           query (lib/query metadata-provider orders)]
-      (is (nil? (lib/suggested-join-condition query card))))))
+      (is (nil? (lib/suggested-join-conditions query card))))))
+(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-condition-for-fks-pointing-to-non-pk-columns
+  (testing (str "We should be able to suggest a join condition if any column in the current table is an FK pointing "
+                "to the target, regardless of whether that column is marked as a PK or not")
+    (let [id-user           1
+          id-order          2
+          id-user-id        10
+          id-order-user-id  20
+          metadata-provider (lib.tu/mock-metadata-provider
+                             {:database meta/database
+                              :tables   [{:id   id-user
+                                          :name "user"}
+                                         {:id   id-order
+                                          :name "order"}]
+                              :fields   [{:id        id-user-id
+                                          :table-id  id-user
+                                          :name      "id"
+                                          :base-type :type/Integer}
+                                         {:id                 id-order-user-id
+                                          :table-id           id-order
+                                          :name               "user_id"
+                                          :base-type          :type/Integer
+                                          :semantic-type      :type/FK
+                                          :fk-target-field-id id-user-id}]})
+          order             (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider id-order)
+          user              (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider id-user)]
+      (testing "ORDER joining USER (we have an FK to the joined thing)"
+        (let [query (lib/query metadata-provider order)]
+          (is (=? [[:= {}
+                    [:field {} id-order-user-id]
+                    [:field {} id-user-id]]]
+                  (lib/suggested-join-conditions query user)))))
+      (testing "USER joining ORDER (joined thing has an FK to us)"
+        (let [query (lib/query metadata-provider user)]
+          (is (=? [[:= {}
+                    [:field {} id-user-id]
+                    [:field {} id-order-user-id]]]
+                  (lib/suggested-join-conditions query order))))))))
+(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-conditions-multiple-fks-to-same-column-test
+  (testing "when there are multiple FKs to a table, but they point to the same column, only suggest one or the other"
+    (let [id-user                 1
+          id-message              2
+          id-user-id              10
+          id-message-sender-id    20
+          id-message-recipient-id 21
+          metadata-provider       (lib.tu/mock-metadata-provider
+                                   {:database meta/database
+                                    :tables   [{:id   id-user
+                                                :name "user"}
+                                               {:id   id-message
+                                                :name "message"}]
+                                    :fields   [{:id            id-user-id
+                                                :table-id      id-user
+                                                :name          "id"
+                                                :base-type     :type/Integer
+                                                :semantic-type :type/PK}
+                                               {:id                 id-message-sender-id
+                                                :table-id           id-message
+                                                :name               "sender_id"
+                                                :base-type          :type/Integer
+                                                :semantic-type      :type/FK
+                                                :fk-target-field-id id-user-id}
+                                               {:id                 id-message-recipient-id
+                                                :table-id           id-message
+                                                :name               "recipient_id"
+                                                :base-type          :type/Integer
+                                                :semantic-type      :type/FK
+                                                :fk-target-field-id id-user-id}]})
+          message                 (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider id-message)
+          user                    (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider id-user)]
+      (testing "MESSAGE joining USER (we have 2 FKs to the joined thing)"
+        (let [query (lib/query metadata-provider message)]
+          (is (=? [[:= {}
+                    ;; doesn't particularly matter which one gets picked, and order is not necessarily determinate
+                    [:field {} #(contains? #{id-message-sender-id id-message-recipient-id} %)]
+                    [:field {} id-user-id]]]
+                  (lib/suggested-join-conditions query user)))))
+      (testing "USER joining MESSAGE (joined thing has 2 FKs to us)"
+        (let [query (lib/query metadata-provider user)]
+          (is (=? [[:= {}
+                    [:field {} id-user-id]
+                    [:field {} #(contains? #{id-message-sender-id id-message-recipient-id} %)]]]
+                  (lib/suggested-join-conditions query message))))))))
+(deftest ^:parallel suggested-join-conditions-multiple-fks-to-different-columns-test
+  (testing "when there are multiple FKs to a table, and they point to different columns, suggest multiple join conditions (#34184)"
+    ;; let's pretend we live in crazy land and the PK for USER is ID + EMAIL (a composite PK) and ORDER has USER_ID
+    ;; and USER_EMAIL
+    (let [id-user             1
+          id-order            2
+          id-user-id          10
+          id-user-email       11
+          id-order-user-id    20
+          id-order-user-email 21
+          metadata-provider   (lib.tu/mock-metadata-provider
+                               {:database meta/database
+                                :tables   [{:id   id-user
+                                            :name "user"}
+                                           {:id   id-order
+                                            :name "order"}]
+                                :fields   [{:id        id-user-id
+                                            :table-id  id-user
+                                            :name      "id"
+                                            :base-type :type/Integer}
+                                           {:id        id-user-email
+                                            :table-id  id-user
+                                            :name      "email"
+                                            :base-type :type/Text}
+                                           {:id                 id-order-user-id
+                                            :table-id           id-order
+                                            :name               "user_id"
+                                            :base-type          :type/Integer
+                                            :semantic-type      :type/FK
+                                            :fk-target-field-id id-user-id}
+                                           {:id                 id-order-user-email
+                                            :table-id           id-order
+                                            :name               "user_email"
+                                            :base-type          :type/Text
+                                            :semantic-type      :type/FK
+                                            :fk-target-field-id id-user-email}]})
+          order               (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider id-order)
+          user                (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider id-user)
+          ;; the order the conditions get returned in is indeterminate, so for convenience let's just sort them by
+          ;; Field IDs so we get consistent results in the test assertions.
+          sort-conditions     #(sort-by (fn [[_= _opts [_field _opts lhs-id, :as _lhs] [_field _opts rhs-id, :as _rhs]]]
+                                          [lhs-id rhs-id])
+                                        %)]
+      (testing "ORDER joining USER (we have a composite FK to the joined thing)"
+        (let [query (lib/query metadata-provider order)]
+          (is (=? [[:= {}
+                    [:field {} id-order-user-id]
+                    [:field {} id-user-id]]
+                   [:= {}
+                    [:field {} id-order-user-email]
+                    [:field {} id-user-email]]]
+                  (sort-conditions (lib/suggested-join-conditions query user))))))
+      (testing "USER joining ORDER (joined thing has a composite FK to us)"
+        (let [query (lib/query metadata-provider user)]
+          (is (=? [[:= {}
+                    [:field {} id-user-id]
+                    [:field {} id-order-user-id]]
+                   [:= {}
+                    [:field {} id-user-email]
+                    [:field {} id-order-user-email]]]
+                  (sort-conditions (lib/suggested-join-conditions query order)))))))))
 (deftest ^:parallel join-conditions-test
   (let [joins (lib/joins lib.tu/query-with-join)]
diff --git a/test/metabase/lib/test_util/mocks_31769.cljc b/test/metabase/lib/test_util/mocks_31769.cljc
index 770e8259cba97a6f91caaee713d7a7f473736bc7..faf1c3d202c76b8269cc96b0d016ee7e14a59ff0 100644
--- a/test/metabase/lib/test_util/mocks_31769.cljc
+++ b/test/metabase/lib/test_util/mocks_31769.cljc
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
     (as-> (lib/query metadata-provider orders) q
       (lib/join q (let [products (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider (id-fn :products))]
                     (-> (lib/join-clause products)
-                        (lib/with-join-conditions [(lib/suggested-join-condition q products)]))))
+                        (lib/with-join-conditions (lib/suggested-join-conditions q products)))))
       (lib/join q (let [people (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider (id-fn :people))]
                     (-> (lib/join-clause people)
-                        (lib/with-join-conditions [(lib/suggested-join-condition q people)]))))
+                        (lib/with-join-conditions (lib/suggested-join-conditions q people)))))
       (lib/breakout q (let [breakout (m/find-first #(and (= (:id %) (id-fn :products :category))
                                                          (not= (:lib/source %) :source/implicitly-joinable))
                                                    (lib/breakoutable-columns q))]
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj
index 7421ecbb528ef89cbfd3818e31f3608773e2de44..3e59b40630dd4a6aaf10ff8f7b0ef56dcc2054bf 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj
@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@
                 (testing "suggested join condition references the FK by name"
                   (let [query (lib/query metadata-provider (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider (mt/id :people)))
                         card-meta (lib.metadata/card metadata-provider 3)]
-                    (is (=? [:= {} [:field {} (mt/id :people :id)] [:field {} cuser-id]]
-                            (lib/suggested-join-condition query card-meta))))))
+                    (is (=? [[:= {} [:field {} (mt/id :people :id)] [:field {} cuser-id]]]
+                            (lib/suggested-join-conditions query card-meta))))))
               (testing "the query runs and returns correct data"
                 (is (= {:columns [cid cid2 cuser-id ccount cuser-id2 ccount2]