diff --git a/test/metabase/api/embed_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/embed_test.clj
index b86c3890034e522c937961319c390c3b5ea43fe2..3a7540a4e52591de1de8da138d6c6384c34592d6 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/embed_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/embed_test.clj
@@ -516,20 +516,21 @@
 ;; should be able to fetch values for a Field referenced by a public Card
- {:values [["20th Century Cafe"]
-           ["25°"]
-           ["33 Taps"]
-           ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
-           ["BCD Tofu House"]]}
- (with-embedding-enabled-and-temp-card-referencing :venues :name [card]
-   (-> (http/client :get 200 (field-values-url card (data/id :venues :name)))
-       (update :values (partial take 5)))))
+  {:values   [["20th Century Cafe"]
+              ["25°"]
+              ["33 Taps"]
+              ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
+              ["BCD Tofu House"]]
+   :field_id (data/id :venues :name)}
+  (with-embedding-enabled-and-temp-card-referencing :venues :name [card]
+    (-> (http/client :get 200 (field-values-url card (data/id :venues :name)))
+        (update :values (partial take 5)))))
 ;; but for Fields that are not referenced we should get an Exception
- "Not found."
- (with-embedding-enabled-and-temp-card-referencing :venues :name [card]
-   (http/client :get 400 (field-values-url card (data/id :venues :price)))))
+  "Not found."
+  (with-embedding-enabled-and-temp-card-referencing :venues :name [card]
+    (http/client :get 400 (field-values-url card (data/id :venues :price)))))
 ;; Endpoint should fail if embedding is disabled
@@ -569,11 +570,12 @@
 ;; should be able to use it when everything is g2g
-  {:values [["20th Century Cafe"]
-            ["25°"]
-            ["33 Taps"]
-            ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
-            ["BCD Tofu House"]]}
+  {:values   [["20th Century Cafe"]
+              ["25°"]
+              ["33 Taps"]
+              ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
+              ["BCD Tofu House"]]
+   :field_id (data/id :venues :name)}
   (with-embedding-enabled-and-temp-dashcard-referencing :venues :name [dashboard]
     (-> (http/client :get 200 (field-values-url dashboard (data/id :venues :name)))
         (update :values (partial take 5)))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
index 6e2d5f1662ac3f65be70a6300788681e9831abfe..f25b40c3d814aab33eb516b3518b4a1f6f9d7534 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
              [field-values :refer [FieldValues]]
              [table :refer [Table]]]
-             [data :refer :all]
+             [data :as data]
              [util :as tu]]
             [metabase.test.data.users :refer :all]
             [ring.util.codec :as codec]
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ;; Helper Fns
 (defn- db-details []
-  (tu/match-$ (db)
+  (tu/match-$ (data/db)
     {:created_at                  $
      :engine                      "h2"
      :caveats                     nil
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@
 ;; ## GET /api/field/:id
-  (tu/match-$ (Field (id :users :name))
+  (tu/match-$ (Field (data/id :users :name))
     {:description         nil
-     :table_id            (id :users)
+     :table_id            (data/id :users)
      :raw_column_id       $
      :fingerprint         $
      :fingerprint_version $
-     :table               (tu/match-$ (Table (id :users))
+     :table               (tu/match-$ (Table (data/id :users))
                             {:description             nil
                              :entity_type             nil
                              :visibility_type         nil
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
                              :updated_at              $
                              :entity_name             nil
                              :active                  true
-                             :id                      (id :users)
-                             :db_id                   (id)
+                             :id                      (data/id :users)
+                             :db_id                   (data/id)
                              :caveats                 nil
                              :points_of_interest      nil
                              :show_in_getting_started false
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
      :updated_at          $
      :last_analyzed       $
      :active              true
-     :id                  (id :users :name)
+     :id                  (data/id :users :name)
      :visibility_type     "normal"
      :position            0
      :preview_display     true
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@
      :parent_id           nil
      :dimensions          []
      :name_field          nil})
-  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d" (id :users :name))))
+  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d" (data/id :users :name))))
 ;; ## GET /api/field/:id/summary
 (expect [["count" 75]      ; why doesn't this come back as a dictionary ?
          ["distincts" 75]]
-  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/summary" (id :categories :name))))
+  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/summary" (data/id :categories :name))))
 ;; ## PUT /api/field/:id
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 (defn- field->field-values
   "Fetch the `FieldValues` object that corresponds to a given `Field`."
   [table-kw field-kw]
-  (FieldValues :field_id (id table-kw field-kw)))
+  (FieldValues :field_id (data/id table-kw field-kw)))
 (defn- field-values-id [table-key field-key]
   (:id (field->field-values table-key field-key)))
@@ -165,23 +165,23 @@
 ;; ## GET /api/field/:id/values
 ;; Should return something useful for a field that has special_type :type/Category
-  {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]]}
+  {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id (data/id :venues :price)}
     ;; clear out existing human_readable_values in case they're set
     (db/update! FieldValues (field-values-id :venues :price)
       :human_readable_values nil)
     ;; now update the values via the API
-    (tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" (id :venues :price))))))
+    ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" (data/id :venues :price)))))
 ;; Should return nothing for a field whose special_type is *not* :type/Category
-  {:values []}
-  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" (id :venues :id))))
+  {:values [], :field_id (data/id :venues :id)}
+  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" (data/id :venues :id))))
 ;; Sensisitive fields do not have field values and should return empty
-  {:values []}
-  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" (id :users :password))))
+  {:values [], :field_id (data/id :users :password)}
+  ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" (data/id :users :password))))
 (def ^:private category-field {:name "Field Test" :base_type :type/Integer :special_type :type/Category})
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@
 ;; Human readable values are optional
-  [{:values [[5] [6] [7] [8] [9]]}
+  [{:values [[5] [6] [7] [8] [9]], :field_id true}
    {:status "success"}
-   {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]]}]
+   {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}]
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} category-field]
                   FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 5 10), :field_id field-id}]]
     (mapv tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@
 ;; Existing field values can be updated (with their human readable values)
-  [{:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]]}
+  [{:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}
    {:status "success"}
-   {:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]]}]
+   {:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]], :field_id true}]
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} category-field]
                   FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 1 5), :field_id field-id}]]
     (mapv tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps
@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@
 ;; Field values are created when not present
-  [{:values []}
+  [{:values [], :field_id true}
    {:status "success"}
-   {:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]]}]
+   {:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]], :field_id true}]
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} category-field]]
     (mapv tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps
           [((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))
@@ -227,22 +227,22 @@
 ;; Can unset values
-  [{:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]]}
+  [{:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}
    {:status "success"}
-   {:values []}]
+   {:values [], :field_id true}]
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} category-field]
                   FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 1 5), :field_id field-id}]]
     (mapv tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps
           [((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))
            ((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)
-            {:values []})
+            {:values [], :field_id true})
            ((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))])))
 ;; Can unset just human readable values
-  [{:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]]}
+  [{:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]], :field_id true}
    {:status "success"}
-   {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]]}]
+   {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}]
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} category-field]
                   FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 1 5), :field_id field-id
                                                      :human_readable_values ["$" "$$" "$$$" "$$$$"]}]]
@@ -258,8 +258,8 @@
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test" :base_type :type/Integer :special_type :type/Category}]]
     ((user->client :crowberto) :post 400 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)
      {:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3] [4]]})))
-;; ## PUT /api/field/:id/dimension
+, :field_id true
+;; ## PUT /api/field/:id/dimensio, :field_id truen
 (defn- dimension-for-field [field-id]
   (-> (Field :id field-id)
@@ -306,13 +306,13 @@
 ;; test that we can do basic field update work, including unsetting some fields such as special-type
-   {:id true
-    :created_at true
-    :updated_at true
-    :type :external
-    :name "some dimension name"
+   {:id                      true
+    :created_at              true
+    :updated_at              true
+    :type                    :external
+    :name                    "some dimension name"
     :human_readable_field_id true
-    :field_id true}]
+    :field_id                true}]
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
                   Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
     (let [before-creation (dimension-for-field field-id-1)
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]]
     (create-dimension-via-API! field-id-1 {:name "some dimension name", :type "external"})))
-;; Non-admin users can't update dimensions
+, :field_id true
+;; Non-admin users can't update dimension, :field_id trues
   "You don't have permissions to do that."
   (tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]]
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/public_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/public_test.clj
index 11b40a2db18c6a2f21840ece065f59b76129ae4f..9db314ba78d3ae304c049e64e07e883a854fb830 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/public_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/public_test.clj
@@ -504,22 +504,24 @@
 ;; We should be able to get values for a Field referenced by a Card
-  {:values [["20th Century Cafe"]
-            ["25°"]
-            ["33 Taps"]
-            ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
-            ["BCD Tofu House"]]}
+  {:values   [["20th Century Cafe"]
+              ["25°"]
+              ["33 Taps"]
+              ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
+              ["BCD Tofu House"]]
+   :field_id (data/id :venues :name)}
   (tt/with-temp Card [card (mbql-card-referencing :venues :name)]
     (-> (public-api/card-and-field-id->values (u/get-id card) (data/id :venues :name))
         (update :values (partial take 5)))))
 ;; SQL param field references should work just as well as MBQL field referenced
-  {:values [["20th Century Cafe"]
-            ["25°"]
-            ["33 Taps"]
-            ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
-            ["BCD Tofu House"]]}
+  {:values   [["20th Century Cafe"]
+              ["25°"]
+              ["33 Taps"]
+              ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
+              ["BCD Tofu House"]]
+   :field_id (data/id :venues :name)}
   (tt/with-temp Card [card (sql-card-referencing-venue-name)]
     (-> (public-api/card-and-field-id->values (u/get-id card) (data/id :venues :name))
         (update :values (partial take 5)))))
@@ -557,14 +559,15 @@
 ;; should be able to fetch values for a Field referenced by a public Card
- {:values [["20th Century Cafe"]
-           ["25°"]
-           ["33 Taps"]
-           ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
-           ["BCD Tofu House"]]}
- (with-sharing-enabled-and-temp-card-referencing :venues :name [card]
-   (-> (http/client :get 200 (field-values-url card (data/id :venues :name)))
-       (update :values (partial take 5)))))
+  {:values   [["20th Century Cafe"]
+              ["25°"]
+              ["33 Taps"]
+              ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
+              ["BCD Tofu House"]]
+   :field_id (data/id :venues :name)}
+  (with-sharing-enabled-and-temp-card-referencing :venues :name [card]
+    (-> (http/client :get 200 (field-values-url card (data/id :venues :name)))
+        (update :values (partial take 5)))))
 ;; but for Fields that are not referenced we should get an Exception
@@ -603,11 +606,12 @@
 ;; should be able to use it when everything is g2g
-  {:values [["20th Century Cafe"]
-            ["25°"]
-            ["33 Taps"]
-            ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
-            ["BCD Tofu House"]]}
+  {:values   [["20th Century Cafe"]
+              ["25°"]
+              ["33 Taps"]
+              ["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria"]
+              ["BCD Tofu House"]]
+   :field_id (data/id :venues :name)}
   (with-sharing-enabled-and-temp-dashcard-referencing :venues :name [dashboard]
     (-> (http/client :get 200 (field-values-url dashboard (data/id :venues :name)))
         (update :values (partial take 5)))))