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--- a/docs/getting-started.md
+++ b/docs/getting-started.md
@@ -4,28 +4,41 @@ Metabase lets you ask questions about your data, drill into specific records, an
 ##Step 1: Installing Metabase
 Metabase uses Java to operate, so you'll need at least version 1.6 or later.  Not sure what version of Java you're using?  No problem.  Here's how to check: 
-###Mac Users: 
-In Terminal, insert the command prompt: "java -version".  You will receive a message similar to: 
+**Mac Users:**
+In Terminal, insert the command prompt: "java -version".  You will receive a message similar to:
     java version "1.60_65"
     Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-466.1-11M4716)
     Java HotSpot (TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-466.1, mixed mode)
-As long as the version is at least 1.6, you're all set to go!  
+As long as the version is at least 1.6, you're all set to go! 
+**Windows Users:**
-###Windows Users:
 Under Programs, click on the "Java" icon.  Click on "About" and then find the version number listed.  If you're using version 1.6 or greater, then you're good to go! 
-If you don't have the latest version of Java, download the most recent Java Development Kit (JDK) from [Oracle's Java Downloads page](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html)
+If you don't have the latest version of Java, download it at: [https://java.com/en/download/](https://java.com/en/download/)
+Once you take care of checking the version of java on your computer, **Download the Metabase file from [www.metabase.com/download](www.metabase.com/download).**  
-Once you take care of checking the version of java on your computer, **Download the Metabase file from [www.metabase.com/download](www.metabase.com/download).**  Place the Metabase JAR in the directory.  Run the command `java -jar metabase.jar` to create a file called "metabase.db.h2.db".  **This file contains important application data, so don't delete it!**
+Place the Metabase JAR in the directory.  
+Run the command `java -jar metabase.jar` to create a file called "metabase.db.h2.db".  **This file contains important application data, so don't delete it!**
 Now that you have Metabase installed, you can sync it to your database.  Go to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to connect your database.  
 ##Step 2: Configuring your Instance
-Create a Metabase account by entering your name, email, and super-secretive password—we don't recommend using password123!
+Create a Metabase account by entering your name and email.  Create a super-secretive password!
-Now Metabase needs to find your data.  Where does your data live?  Depending on where you keep your database, the steps to connect with Metabase vary.  Not to worry, though, we outlined the configuration steps for each of the major platforms.  
+Once you have an account, you can now connect Metabase with your data.  Where does your data live?  Depending on where you keep your database, the steps to connect with Metabase vary.  Not to worry, though, we outlined the configuration steps for each platform Metabase supports.  
 ###If you use Heroku: 
@@ -84,6 +97,8 @@ Metabase needs this information to finish connecting to your database.
 **Now that you have your database information,** use the information to fill out the remainder of the form.  
 After you enter your database's information, Metabase will try to connect to your database and validate the credentials.  If you get a validation error, no need to panic.  Validation errors occur when the wrong credentials are entered.  Simply double check the spelling and punctuation of the information you entered and try to connect to the database once more. 
 Once Metabase successfully connects to your database, it'll run a few queries against your database to build a model of your data.  Click the prompt "continue" to see what data Metabase found in your database!
@@ -92,52 +107,44 @@ Once Metabase successfully connects to your database, it'll run a few queries ag
 If you look at your homepage, you'll see the different tables that Metabase was able to find in your data source set and pulled for you.  Click a table you want to learn more about.  Note the number of rows.
-*Figure 1*
-![Figure 1: Metabase Home with Tables](images/MetabaseTable1.png)
-For example, in the sample data set above, the database (data source) is "Bird Impact" (it's a database of the number of collisions between birds and aircrafts).  The table is "strikes" and the number of rows is 151,069. 
+For example, in the sample data set above, the database (data source) is "Sample Dataset".  There are four tables—"Orders," "People," "Products," and "Reviews." They have 17,323; 2500; 200; and 1025 rows each respectively.  
 ##Step 4: Asking your Question 
 By clicking on an individual table, you enter the interface (pictured below) that allows you to ask Metabase questions based on your data.  
-*Figure 2*
-![Figure 2: Metabase Initial Table View](images/MetabaseTable2.png)
+Your screen will reflect the data source you connected to Metabase and the table you selected.  In our example, the data source is "Sample Dataset" and the table is "Orders". 
-Your screen will reflect the data source you connected to Metabase and the table you selected.  In our example, the data source is "Bird Impact" and the table is "strikes" (exactly what we selected on the previous screen). 
+For now, let's start with a basic question using our data set.  How many orders placed had a subtotal (before tax) of greater than or equal to $40.00?  More precisely, this question translates to "How many records are in the table 'Orders' that meet the stated conditions.
-For now, let's start with a basic question using our data set.  How many collisions were there between aircrafts and birds?  More precisely, this question translates to "How many records are in the table 'strikes'?"  To find the number, we want to _filter_ the data by **the field we are interested in** (which is "Birds Struck" for our example).  Our operator is **"is"** because we want to know the value (not whether it is greater or less than a number, etc.).  The value is left blank because we don't know the value.  We want to view the **Count** because we want to know the number (not a listing of every incident). 
+To find the number, we want to _filter_ the data by **the field we are interested in** (which is "Subtotal" for our example).  Our operator is **"Greater than or equal to"** because we want to know the value (not whether it is greater or less than a number, etc.).  The value is 40 because we are interested in orders with a subtotal greater than or equal to 40.  We want to view the **Count** because we want to know the number (not a listing of every incident). 
-*Figure 3*
-![Metabase Question Format](images/MetabaseQuestion1.png)
 After you select the different components of your question, click **Run query**.
-*Figure 4*
-![Answer to Query](images/MetabaseQuestion1Answer.png)
-There were 151,069 collisions between aircraft and birds.  Stated in database parlance, there are 151,069 records in the table.  Does this number look familiar?  When selecting a table on your homepage in Step 3 (See *Figure 1*) 151069 was labeled as "total" and listed next to the table "strikes".  
+There were 11,741 orders with a subtotal greater than or equal to $40.00.  Stated in database parlance, there are 11,741 records in the table that meet theh paramters we set.  
 **The total number listed next to each table is the number of records.  Each record is an iteration of the event your database records.**
 Metabase can present the answers to your questions in a variety of formats.  To change the format, select one of the options from the dropdown menu in the top left hand corner of the screen next to **Visualization**.  
-*Figure 5*
 ![Visualization Dropdown Menu](images/VisualizationMenu.png)
 Not every format is the best way to show an answer to a question.  If Metabase think that's the case with a specific question and display format, the format choice will appear faded.  For example, it wouldn't make sense to show the number of collisions between aircraft and birds as a singular bar graph.
-You can "group" your data into categories.  Click **Add a grouping** to select the category to filter your answer by.  Metabase will analyze your database to discover valid categories for adding filters to your questions.  For example, we can ask Metabase to tell us the number of collisions between aircraft and birds grouped by the weather conditions.  The table "strikes" already had a field to record weather conditions labeled "PRECIP" (short for "precipitation"). 
+You can "group" your data into categories.  Click **Add a grouping** to select the category to filter your answer by.  Metabase will analyze your database to discover valid categories for adding filters to your questions.  
-*Figure 6*
-![Group by Feature](images/GroupingFeature.png)
+Above, Metabase filtered the Product table to show the number of products priced more than $20 grouped by rating.  
 **When you make any changes to the question (called the "query"), the blue "Run query" button reappears.** Click it to refresh the answer and to find the answer to your new query. 
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# User Guide
+#User Guide
 ## Overview
@@ -85,8 +85,7 @@ If we wanted to analyze our hypothetical app's database with Metabase, we could
 Metabase's two core concepts are questions and their corresponding answers.  Everything else is based around this functionality.  To ask Metabase a question, use the query interface bar.  
-*Figure 1: Sample Query Interface Bar*
-![Query Interface Bar](images/QueryInterfaceBarExample.png)
 Questions are made up of a number of parts:
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ Source data comes from a table in your database.  Typically, users use a single
 ###Filtering your Data 
-You can filter your data by any field in the table you're working with or any connected tables through foreign keys. Filters narrow down the source data to an interesting subset, like "active users" or bookings after June 15th, 2015."  
+You can filter your data by any field in the table you're working with or any connected tables through foreign keys. Filters narrow down the source data to an interesting subset, like "active users" or "bookings after June 15th, 2015."  
 Different fields can have different filters based on them.
 There are four universal operators that can be applied to any field.  These operators are:
@@ -175,10 +174,12 @@ Even if you don't understand SQL or how to use it, it's worthwhile to understand
 ###Using SQL
 You can switch a card from GUI mode to SQL mode by clicking on the "**>_**" button in the upper right hand corner.  
-![Swith to SQL icon](images/SQLButton.png)
 You can write SQL directly into the text box that appears.
-![SQL User Interface](images/SQLInterface.png)
 To try it out, type the command `select count(*), date from purchases group by date`. Don't worry if you don't understand this just yet. Click 'run query' and note the table that comes back is the same as if you had graphed "count" broken out by "date". 
@@ -203,9 +204,7 @@ Answers to questions can be visualized in a number of ways:
 To change how the answer to your query is displayed, click on the visualization button beneath the query interface bar to access the dropdown menu.  
-*Figure 2: Visualization Button and Dropdown Menu*
-![Visualization Button and Dropdown Menu](images/VisualizationMenu.png)
 If a particular output format is not sensible for your query, the format option will appear faded on the dropdown menu.  
@@ -217,15 +216,16 @@ Once a question is answered, you can save, favorite, or download the answer.
 ###How to Save a Question
 After entering a question, click the blue **Save** Button above the query interface bar to save a question.  
-*Figure 3: Save a Question*
-![Save a Question Button](images/SaveQuestionButton.png)
+A pop-up box will appear asking you to input information about the question. 
-After you save a question, the query interface bar will change.  Instead of the **Save** button, you will have three new options.  Clicking the **Star** favorites the question.  Click the middle **Double Square** button to delete the saved question.  Click the **Dashboard +** icon to add your saved question to a Dashboard.  
-*Figure 4: Options for Saved Questions*
-![Options for Saved Questions](images/SavedQuestionQueryBarChange.png)
+After you save a question, the query interface bar will change.  Instead of the **Save** button, you will have three new options.  Clicking the **Star** favorites the question.  Click the middle **Double Square** button to delete the saved question.  Click the **Dashboard +** icon to add your saved question to a Dashboard.  
@@ -240,31 +240,33 @@ You can make as many dashboards as you want.  **Public dashboards** (public only
 ##How to add a Question to a Dashboard
 After saving a question, click the **"Dashboard +"** icon to add a question to a dashboard. 
-*Figure 5: Add Question to Dashboard*
-![Add Question to Dashboard](images/AddQuerytoDashboard.png)
 ##How to Create a Dashboard
 Once you have a question saved, you can create a dashboard.  Click "Create a new dashboard" (*See Figure 5*).  Enter a name and description for your dashboard, as well as configure its privacy settings.  
-*Figure 6: Create a Dashboard*
-![Create a Dashboard](images/NameDashboard.png)
 Once you successfully create your dashboard, the following pop-up will appear.  
-*Figure 7: Dashboard Created Successfully*
-![Dashboard Created Successfully](images/DashboardCreatedSuccessfully.png)
+You can view your Dashboard by clicking the link or by selecting dashboard from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen.  
+After creating your first dashboard and adding your first question, your dashboard will look similar to this: 
 ##How to Arrange Dashboards
 To make changes to a dashboard, clicking the **Dashboard Grid** button will allow you to resize, reorder, or remove individual question cards. 
-*Figure 8: Dashboard Grid Button*
-![Dashboard Grid Button](images/EditDashboard.png)
 The lines around the card will change from solid to dotted, signifying that you are in edit mode.  
-*Figure 9: Dotted Lines Signify Edit Mode*
-![Dotted Lines Signify Edit Mode](images/EditDashboardCard.png)
 * To resize a card, click on its borders.  You can also use the handle in the lower right corner, which will let you drag your cursor to resize the card.  
 * To reorder your cards, click and drag the card to where you want it to be.  Other cards will rearrange as you move the card to its new place to make room for it.  
@@ -273,10 +275,13 @@ The lines around the card will change from solid to dotted, signifying that you
 ##How to Delete a Dashboard
 Deleting a dashboard does not delete the individual question cards on a dashboard.  Deleting a dashboard deletes the grouping of the questions (but not the questions themselves).  
-To delete a dashboard, click the **Edit** button next to the title of your dashboard at the top of the screen.  A popup screen will appear that will allow you to choose to delete the dashboard, or change its settings.  
+To delete a dashboard, click the **Edit** button next to the title of your dashboard at the top of the screen.  
-*Figure 10: Deleting a Dashboard Interface*
-![Deleting a Dashboard Interface](images/DeleteDashboard.png)
+A popup screen will appear that will allow you to choose to delete the dashboard, or change its settings.  
 Be careful when deleting public dashboards - make sure other users in your organization do not need the dashboard.
@@ -292,28 +297,21 @@ If you have more than 10 cards on a dashboard, consider breaking the dashboard i
 You can get to the data model reference at any time by clicking on the **Book** icon in the top righthand corner of the screen.
-*Figure 11: Book Icon*
-![Book Icon](images/Bookicon.png)
-After clicking the icon, the **Data Reference** tab will open.  It lists all the databases you have access to and the tables inside them.  
-*Figure 12: Data Reference Tab*
-![Data Reference Tab](images/DataModelHelp1.png)
+After clicking the icon, the **Data Reference** tab will open.  It lists all the databases you have access to and the tables inside them. 
 Click on the table you would like to explore further to see a description of it and a list of all the fields it contains. 
-*Figure 13: Select Table to Explore*
-![Select Table to Explore](images/DataModelHelp2.png)
 If you click on a field of interest, you will see a description of the field's contents, as well as suggestions for queries based on that field.   
-*Figure 14: Field & Suggested Queries*
-![Field & Suggested Queries](images/DataModelHelp3.png)
-In addition to looking at a table's fields, you can also look at its connections if your table includes any.  Click on **Connections** to view them (located next to **Field** button, See Figure 13)
+In addition to looking at a table's fields, you can also look at its connections if your table includes any.  Click on **Connections** to view them (located next to **Field** button).