diff --git a/src/metabase/api/user.clj b/src/metabase/api/user.clj
index 62bdebac745030d887337415d1a645d567e1abc7..cee471889faf679b4d329c730ee2f6f1b1b30e80 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/user.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/user.clj
@@ -86,6 +86,19 @@
   (check-self-or-superuser id)
   (api/check-404 (fetch-user :id id, :is_active true)))
+(defn- valid-email-update?
+  "This predicate tests whether or not the user is allowed to update the email address associated with this account."
+  [{:keys [google_auth ldap_auth email] :as foo } maybe-new-email]
+  (or
+   ;; Admin users can update
+   api/*is-superuser?*
+   ;; If the email address didn't change, let it through
+   (= email maybe-new-email)
+   ;; We should not allow a regular user to change their email address if they are a google/ldap user
+   (and
+    (not google_auth)
+    (not ldap_auth))))
 (api/defendpoint PUT "/:id"
   "Update an existing, active `User`."
   [id :as {{:keys [email first_name last_name is_superuser login_attributes] :as body} :body}]
@@ -95,18 +108,20 @@
    login_attributes (s/maybe user/LoginAttributes)}
   (check-self-or-superuser id)
   ;; only allow updates if the specified account is active
-  (api/check-404 (db/exists? User, :id id, :is_active true))
-  ;; can't change email if it's already taken BY ANOTHER ACCOUNT
-  (api/checkp (not (db/exists? User, :email email, :id [:not= id]))
-    "email" (tru "Email address already associated to another user."))
-  (api/check-500
-   (db/update! User id
-     (u/select-keys-when body
-       :present (when api/*is-superuser?*
-                  #{:login_attributes})
-       :non-nil (set (concat [:first_name :last_name :email]
-                             (when api/*is-superuser?*
-                               [:is_superuser]))))))
+  (api/let-404 [user-before-update (fetch-user :id id, :is_active true)]
+    ;; Google/LDAP non-admin users can't change their email to prevent account hijacking
+    (api/check-403 (valid-email-update? user-before-update email))
+    ;; can't change email if it's already taken BY ANOTHER ACCOUNT
+    (api/checkp (not (db/exists? User, :email email, :id [:not= id]))
+      "email" (tru "Email address already associated to another user."))
+    (api/check-500
+     (db/update! User id
+       (u/select-keys-when body
+         :present (when api/*is-superuser?*
+                    #{:login_attributes})
+         :non-nil (set (concat [:first_name :last_name :email]
+                               (when api/*is-superuser?*
+                                 [:is_superuser])))))))
   (fetch-user :id id))
 (api/defendpoint PUT "/:id/reactivate"
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj
index 91db0f9ad2dfdb01b10cc6167ea18a261ab62ddb..d2e059683bf5f43ee1a4de3f6674288459eccefc 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/user_test.clj
@@ -322,6 +322,28 @@
   ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 404 (str "user/" (test-users/user->id :trashbird))
    {:email "toucan@metabase.com"}))
+;; Google auth users shouldn't be able to change their own password as we get that from Google
+  "You don't have permissions to do that."
+  (tt/with-temp User [user {:email       "anemail@metabase.com"
+                            :password    "def123"
+                            :google_auth true}]
+    (let [creds {:username "anemail@metabase.com"
+                 :password "def123"}]
+      (http/client creds :put 403 (format "user/%d" (u/get-id user))
+                   {:email "adifferentemail@metabase.com"}))))
+;; Similar to Google auth accounts, we should not allow LDAP users to change their own email address as we get that
+;; from the LDAP server
+  "You don't have permissions to do that."
+  (tt/with-temp User [user {:email       "anemail@metabase.com"
+                            :password    "def123"
+                            :ldap_auth true}]
+    (let [creds {:username "anemail@metabase.com"
+                 :password "def123"}]
+      (http/client creds :put 403 (format "user/%d" (u/get-id user))
+                   {:email "adifferentemail@metabase.com"}))))
 ;; ## PUT /api/user/:id/password
 ;; Test that a User can change their password (superuser and non-superuser)