From cf9b1bf50f2e025ef7a93f88d6a8e18cedfbba7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: metamben <>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022 01:05:49 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Implement EE/Pro app permissions (#25764)

* Implement per group and per db app permissions
 .../models/permissions/app_permissions.clj    | 102 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../permissions/app_permissions_test.clj      |  71 ++++++++++++
 src/metabase/api/app.clj                      |  51 ++++++++-
 src/metabase/models/app/graph.clj             |   9 +-
 src/metabase/models/collection/graph.clj      |  22 ++--
 5 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions.clj
 create mode 100644 enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions_test.clj

diff --git a/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions.clj b/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f590bb204e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+  "Implements granular app permissions by reading and writing the permissions
+  on the app collections."
+  (:require [ :as data]
+            [clojure.set :as set]
+            [ :as log]
+            [ :as app.graph]
+            [metabase.models.collection-permission-graph-revision :as c-perm-revision
+             :refer [CollectionPermissionGraphRevision]]
+            [metabase.models.collection.graph :as graph]
+            [metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
+            [metabase.public-settings.premium-features :as premium-features]
+            [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
+            [metabase.util.schema :as su]
+            [schema.core :as s]
+            [toucan.db :as db]))
+(def ^:private GroupPermissionsGraph
+  "collection-id -> status"
+  {su/IntGreaterThanZero app.graph/AppPermissions}) ; be present, which is why it's *optional*
+(def ^:private PermissionsGraph
+  {:revision s/Int
+   :groups   {su/IntGreaterThanZero GroupPermissionsGraph}})
+(defn- check-advanced-permissions []
+  (log/fatal "checking advanced permsissions")
+  (when-not (premium-features/has-feature? :advanced-permissions)
+    (throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "The granular app permission functionality is only enabled if you have a premium token with the advanced-permissions feature.")
+                    {:status-code 402}))))
+(defn- replace-collection-ids
+  "Convert the collection group permission graph `g` into an app group
+  permission graph or vice versa by removing the root collection and replacing
+  the collection IDs by app IDs according to `mapping`.
+  Note that the app permission graph never contains the root collection. So it's
+  removed when converting a collection graph to an app graph and plays no role
+  when converting an app graph to a collection graph."
+  [g mapping]
+  (update-vals g (fn [group-permissions]
+                   (-> group-permissions
+                       (dissoc :root)
+                       (update-keys mapping)))))
+(defn- merge-graphs
+  [base override]
+  (merge-with merge base override))
+(s/defn graph :- PermissionsGraph
+  "Returns the app permission graph. Throws an exception if the
+  advanced-permissions feature is not enabled."
+  []
+  (check-advanced-permissions)
+  (db/transaction
+   (let [collection-id->app-id (set/map-invert (db/select-id->field :collection_id 'App))]
+     (-> collection-id->app-id
+         keys
+         graph/collection-permission-graph
+         (update :groups replace-collection-ids collection-id->app-id)))))
+(defn update-collection-graph!
+  "Update the Collections permissions graph for Collections of `collection-namespace` (default `nil`, the 'default'
+  namespace). This works just like [[metabase.models.permission/update-data-perms-graph!]], but for Collections;
+  refer to that function's extensive documentation to get a sense for how this works."
+  [old-graph new-graph]
+  (let [old-perms          (:groups old-graph)
+        new-perms          (:groups new-graph)
+        ;; filter out any groups not in the old graph
+        new-perms          (select-keys new-perms (keys old-perms))
+        ;; filter out any collections not in the old graph
+        new-perms          (into {} (for [[group-id collection-id->perms] new-perms]
+                                      [group-id (select-keys collection-id->perms (keys (get old-perms group-id)))]))
+        [diff-old changes] (data/diff old-perms new-perms)]
+    (perms/log-permissions-changes diff-old changes)
+    (perms/check-revision-numbers old-graph new-graph)
+    (when (seq changes)
+      (db/transaction
+        (doseq [[group-id new-group-perms] changes
+                [collection-id new-perms] new-group-perms]
+          (graph/update-collection-permissions! nil group-id collection-id new-perms))
+       (perms/save-perms-revision! CollectionPermissionGraphRevision (:revision old-graph)
+                                   (assoc old-graph :namespace nil) changes)))))
+(s/defn update-graph! :- PermissionsGraph
+  "Updates the app permissions according to `new-graph` and returns the
+  resulting graph as read from the database. Throws an exception if the
+  advanced-permissions feature is not enabled."
+  [new-graph :- PermissionsGraph]
+  (check-advanced-permissions)
+  (db/transaction
+    (let [{:keys [revision groups]} new-graph
+          app-id->collection-id (db/select-id->field :collection_id 'App)
+          collection-ids (vals app-id->collection-id)
+          old-graph (graph/graph)
+          new-graph (-> old-graph
+                        (assoc :revision revision)
+                        (update :groups update-vals (fn [group-permissions]
+                                                      (apply dissoc group-permissions collection-ids)))
+                        (update :groups merge-graphs (replace-collection-ids groups app-id->collection-id)))]
+      (update-collection-graph! old-graph new-graph))
+    (graph)))
diff --git a/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions_test.clj b/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10413ff5fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enterprise/backend/test/metabase_enterprise/advanced_permissions/models/permissions/app_permissions_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+  "Tests for /api/collection endpoints."
+  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
+            [metabase.models :refer [App Collection PermissionsGroup]]
+            [metabase.models.permissions-group :as perms-group]
+            [metabase.public-settings.premium-features-test :as premium-features-test]
+            [metabase.test :as mt]))
+(deftest graph-test
+  (testing "GET /api/app/graph works only with advanced permissions"
+    (premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{}
+      (is (= "The granular app permission functionality is only enabled if you have a premium token with the advanced-permissions feature."
+             (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 402 "app/graph")))))
+  (premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{:advanced-permissions}
+    (mt/with-temp* [Collection [{app-coll-id :id} {:location "/"}]
+                    App [{app-id :id} {:collection_id app-coll-id}]
+                    PermissionsGroup [{group-id :id}]]
+      (testing "GET /api/app/graph\n"
+        (testing "Should be able to fetch the permissions graph for apps"
+          (is (partial= {(:id (perms-group/admin)) {app-id "write"}
+                         (:id (perms-group/all-users)) {app-id "write"}
+                         group-id {app-id "none"}}
+                        (:groups (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "app/graph")))))
+        (testing "have to be a superuser"
+          (is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
+                 (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 "app/graph"))))))
+    (mt/with-non-admin-groups-no-root-collection-perms
+      (mt/with-temp* [Collection [_ {:location "/"}]
+                      Collection [{app-coll-id :id} {:location "/"}]
+                      App [{app-id :id} {:collection_id app-coll-id}]
+                      PermissionsGroup [{group-id :id}]]
+        (testing "All users' right to root collection is respected"
+          (let [group-perms (:groups (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "app/graph"))]
+            (is (partial= {(:id (perms-group/admin)) {app-id "write"}
+                           (:id (perms-group/all-users)) {app-id "none"}
+                           group-id {app-id "none"}}
+                          group-perms))
+            (is (= #{app-id} (into #{} (mapcat keys) (vals group-perms)))
+                "Shouldn't confuse collection IDs and app IDs")))))))
+(deftest graph-update-test
+  (testing "PUT /api/app/graph works only with advanced permissions"
+    (premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{}
+      (is (= "The granular app permission functionality is only enabled if you have a premium token with the advanced-permissions feature."
+             (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :put 402 "app/graph" {:revision 0
+                                                                    :groups {1 {1 "write"}}})))))
+  (premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{:advanced-permissions}
+    (mt/with-temp* [Collection [{app-coll-id :id} {:location "/"}]
+                    App [{app-id :id} {:collection_id app-coll-id}]
+                    PermissionsGroup [{group-id :id}]]
+      (testing "PUT /api/app/graph\n"
+        (testing "Should be able to update the permissions graph for apps"
+          (let [initial-graph (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "app/graph")
+                updated-graph (assoc-in initial-graph [:groups group-id app-id] "read")]
+            (is (partial= {(:id (perms-group/admin)) {app-id "write"}
+                           (:id (perms-group/all-users)) {app-id "write"}
+                           group-id {app-id "none"}}
+                          (:groups initial-graph))
+                "Unexpected initial state")
+            (testing "have to be a superuser"
+              (is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
+                     (mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 "app/graph" updated-graph))))
+            (testing "superuser can update"
+              (is (= (:groups updated-graph)
+                     (:groups (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :put 200 "app/graph" updated-graph)))))))))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/app.clj b/src/metabase/api/app.clj
index 26a3f86702c..2a8557235fe 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/app.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/app.clj
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
     [ :as app.graph]
     [metabase.models.collection :as collection]
     [metabase.models.dashboard :as dashboard]
+    [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
+    [metabase.util :as u]
     [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
     [metabase.util.schema :as su]
     [schema.core :as s]
@@ -279,20 +281,52 @@
+(defn- resolve-advanced-app-permission-function
+  "Resolve `fn-name` in the advanced app permission namespace. `fn-name` can be
+  a string or an instance of clojure.lang.Named.
+  Throws an exception if `fn-name` cannot be resolved."
+  [fn-name]
+  (or (u/ignore-exceptions
+       (classloader/require '
+       (resolve (symbol ""
+                        (name fn-name))))
+      (ex-info
+       (i18n/tru "The granular app permission functionality is only enabled if you have a premium token with the advanced-permissions feature.")
+       {:status-code 402})))
+(api/defendpoint GET "/graph"
+  "Fetch the graph of all App Permissions."
+  []
+  (api/check-superuser)
+  (let [graph (resolve-advanced-app-permission-function 'graph)]
+    (graph)))
 (defn- ->int [id] (Integer/parseInt (name id)))
-(defn- dejsonify-id->permission-map [m]
+(defn- dejsonify-with [f m]
   (into {}
         (map (fn [[k v]]
-               [(->int k) (keyword v)]))
+               [(->int k) (f v)]))
+(defn- dejsonify-id->permission-map [m]
+  (dejsonify-with keyword m))
+(defn- dejsonify-groups-map [m]
+  (dejsonify-with dejsonify-id->permission-map m))
 (defn- dejsonify-global-graph
   "Fix the types in the graph when it comes in from the API, e.g. converting things like `\"none\"` to `:none` and
   parsing object keys as integers."
   (update graph :groups dejsonify-id->permission-map))
+(defn- dejsonify-graph
+  "Fix the types in the graph when it comes in from the API, e.g. converting things like `\"none\"` to `:none` and
+  parsing object keys as integers."
+  [graph]
+  (update graph :groups dejsonify-groups-map))
 (api/defendpoint PUT "/global-graph"
   "Do a batch update of the global App Permissions by passing in a modified graph."
   [:as {body :body}]
@@ -300,7 +334,16 @@
   (-> body
-      app.graph/update-global-graph!)
-  (app.graph/global-graph))
+      app.graph/update-global-graph!))
+(api/defendpoint PUT "/graph"
+  "Do a batch update of the advanced App Permissions by passing in a modified graph."
+  [:as {body :body}]
+  {body su/Map}
+  (api/check-superuser)
+  (let [update-graph! (resolve-advanced-app-permission-function 'update-graph!)]
+    (-> body
+        dejsonify-graph
+        update-graph!)))
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/app/graph.clj b/src/metabase/models/app/graph.clj
index 3f4d3728470..0cabeeccc96 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/app/graph.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/app/graph.clj
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
             [schema.core :as s]
             [toucan.db :as db]))
-(def ^:private AppPermissions
+(def AppPermissions
+  "The valid app permissions. Currently corresponds 1:1 to `CollectionPermissions`
+  since app permissions are implemented in terms of collection permissions."
 (def ^:private GlobalPermissionsGraph
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@
 (s/defn update-global-graph!
   "Update the global app permission graph to the state specified by
-  `new-graph`."
+  `new-graph`. Returns the new graph as read from the updated database."
   [new-graph :- GlobalPermissionsGraph]
   (let [old-graph (global-graph)
         [diff-old changes] (data/diff (:groups old-graph) (:groups new-graph))]
@@ -69,4 +71,5 @@
           (doseq [collection-id (db/select-field :collection_id 'App)]
             (graph/update-collection-permissions! group-id collection-id permission))
-           CollectionPermissionGraphRevision (:revision old-graph) old-graph changes))))))
+           CollectionPermissionGraphRevision (:revision old-graph) old-graph changes))
+        (global-graph)))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/collection/graph.clj b/src/metabase/models/collection/graph.clj
index 32097886363..777fa69e590 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/collection/graph.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/collection/graph.clj
@@ -69,6 +69,17 @@
                                                  [:not [:like :location (hx/literal (format "/%d/%%" collection-id))]]))}]
     (set (map :id (db/query honeysql-form)))))
+(defn collection-permission-graph
+  "Return the permission graph for the collections with id in `collection-ids` and the root collection."
+  ([collection-ids] (collection-permission-graph collection-ids nil))
+  ([collection-ids collection-namespace]
+   (let [group-id->perms (group-id->permissions-set)]
+     {:revision (c-perm-revision/latest-id)
+      :groups   (into {} (for [group-id (db/select-ids PermissionsGroup)]
+                           {group-id (group-permissions-graph collection-namespace
+                                                              (group-id->perms group-id)
+                                                              collection-ids)}))})))
 (s/defn graph :- PermissionsGraph
   "Fetch a graph representing the current permissions status for every group and all permissioned collections. This
   works just like the function of the same name in `metabase.models.permissions`; see also the documentation for that
@@ -86,11 +97,10 @@
    (graph nil))
   ([collection-namespace :- (s/maybe su/KeywordOrString)]
-   (let [group-id->perms (group-id->permissions-set)
-         collection-ids  (non-personal-collection-ids collection-namespace)]
-     {:revision (c-perm-revision/latest-id)
-      :groups   (into {} (for [group-id (db/select-ids PermissionsGroup)]
-                           {group-id (group-permissions-graph collection-namespace (group-id->perms group-id) collection-ids)}))})))
+   (db/transaction
+     (-> collection-namespace
+         non-personal-collection-ids
+         (collection-permission-graph collection-namespace)))))
 ;;; -------------------------------------------------- Update Graph --------------------------------------------------
@@ -152,8 +162,8 @@
          [diff-old changes] (data/diff old-perms new-perms)]
      (perms/log-permissions-changes diff-old changes)
      (perms/check-revision-numbers old-graph new-graph)
-     (check-no-app-collections changes)
      (when (seq changes)
+       (check-no-app-collections changes)
          (doseq [[group-id changes] changes]
            (update-group-permissions! collection-namespace group-id changes))