diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/FunnelChart/FunnelChart.tsx b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/FunnelChart/FunnelChart.tsx
index 0baaf35d51b906b0243c3a66599c6a1194c8084c..a1f65e359d92b6d60bac9cb2bccdcf86263b16d9 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/FunnelChart/FunnelChart.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/static-viz/components/FunnelChart/FunnelChart.tsx
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ const Funnel = ({ data, settings }: FunnelProps) => {
-                      fontWeight={700}
+                      style={{ fontWeight: 700 }}
diff --git a/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj b/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
index 38ddc011bbb14cdd5ad7097bb92efeab3931ac73..5c02fb07550935af39131589b5c0f347b1fb8557 100644
--- a/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/pulse/render/body.clj
@@ -686,7 +686,10 @@
       (if (and last-value previous-value unit last-change)
         (let [value           (format-cell timezone-id last-value metric-col viz-settings)
               previous        (format-cell timezone-id previous-value metric-col viz-settings)
-              adj             (if (pos? last-change) (tru "Up") (tru "Down"))]
+              adj             (if (pos? last-change) (tru "Up") (tru "Down"))
+              delta-statement (if (= last-value previous-value)
+                                "No change."
+                                (str adj " " (percentage last-change) "."))]
           {:attachments nil
            :content     [:div
                          [:div {:style (style/style (style/scalar-style))}
@@ -695,10 +698,10 @@
                                                    :font-size     :16px
                                                    :font-weight   700
                                                    :padding-right :16px})}
-                          adj " " (percentage last-change) "."
+                          delta-statement
                           " Was " previous " last " (format-unit unit)]]
            :render/text (str value "\n"
-                             adj " " (percentage last-change) "."
+                             delta-statement
                              " Was " previous " last " (format-unit unit))})
         ;; In other words, defaults to plain scalar if we don't have actual changes
         {:attachments nil
@@ -796,16 +799,17 @@
 (s/defmethod render :funnel :- common/RenderedPulseCard
   [_ render-type timezone-id card _ {:keys [rows cols viz-settings] :as data}]
-  ;; x-axis-rowfn is always first, y-axis-rowfn is always second
-  (let [rows          (common/row-preprocess first second rows)
-        [x-col y-col] cols
-        settings      (->js-viz x-col y-col viz-settings)
-        settings      (assoc settings
-                             :step    {:name   (:display_name x-col)
-                                       :format (:x settings)}
-                             :measure {:format (:y settings)})
-        svg           (js-svg/funnel rows settings)
-        image-bundle  (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type svg)]
+  (let [[x-axis-rowfn
+         y-axis-rowfn] (common/graphing-column-row-fns card data)
+        rows           (map (juxt x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn)
+                            (common/row-preprocess x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn rows))
+        [x-col y-col]  cols
+        settings       (as-> (->js-viz x-col y-col viz-settings) jsviz-settings
+                         (assoc jsviz-settings :step    {:name   (:display_name x-col)
+                                                         :format (:x jsviz-settings)}
+                                :measure {:format (:y jsviz-settings)}))
+        svg            (js-svg/funnel rows settings)
+        image-bundle   (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type svg)]
    (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)
diff --git a/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj b/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
index 133af07f79f251fe172daad52759ee2018c59197..0f61bb8cc898c3f0dd02c7c7885d11ac635558e1 100644
--- a/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/pulse/render/body_test.clj
@@ -308,13 +308,14 @@
                       :render/text (s/eq "foo")}
                      (body/render :scalar nil pacific-tz nil nil results)))))
     (testing "for smartscalars"
-      (let [results {:cols [{:name         "value",
-                             :display_name "VALUE",
-                             :base_type    :type/Decimal}
-                            {:name           "time",
-                             :display_name   "TIME",
-                             :base_type      :type/DateTime
-                             :effective_type :type/DateTime}]
+      (let [cols    [{:name         "value",
+                      :display_name "VALUE",
+                      :base_type    :type/Decimal}
+                     {:name           "time",
+                      :display_name   "TIME",
+                      :base_type      :type/DateTime
+                      :effective_type :type/DateTime}]
+            results {:cols cols
                      :rows [[40.0 :this-month]
                             [30.0 :last-month]
                             [20.0 :month-before]]
@@ -323,14 +324,17 @@
                                  :last-change 1.333333
                                  :col "value"
                                  :last-value 40.0}]}
+            sameres {:cols cols
+                     :rows [[40.0 :this-month]
+                            [40.0 :last-month]
+                            [40.0 :month-before]]
+                     :insights [{:previous-value 40.0
+                                 :unit :month
+                                 :last-change 1.0
+                                 :col "value"
+                                 :last-value 40.0}]}
             ;; by "dumb" it is meant "without nonnil insights"
-            dumbres {:cols [{:name         "value",
-                             :display_name "VALUE",
-                             :base_type    :type/Decimal}
-                            {:name           "time",
-                             :display_name   "TIME",
-                             :base_type      :type/DateTime
-                             :effective_type :type/DateTime}]
+            dumbres {:cols cols
                      :rows [[20.0 :month-before]]
                      :insights [{:previous-value nil
                                  :unit nil
@@ -339,6 +343,8 @@
                                  :last-value 20.0}]}]
         (is (= "40.00\nUp 133.33%. Was 30.00 last month"
                (:render/text (body/render :smartscalar nil pacific-tz nil nil results))))
+        (is (= "40.00\nNo change. Was 40.00 last month"
+               (:render/text (body/render :smartscalar nil pacific-tz nil nil sameres))))
         (is (= "20.0\nNothing to compare to."
                (:render/text (body/render :smartscalar nil pacific-tz nil nil dumbres))))
         (is (schema= {:attachments (s/eq nil)
@@ -418,7 +424,7 @@
     :base_type    :type/BigInteger
     :semantic_type nil}])
-(def ^:private default-combo-columns
+(def ^:private default-multi-columns
   [{:name         "Price",
     :display_name "Price",
     :base_type    :type/BigInteger
@@ -465,7 +471,7 @@
   (testing "Check multiseries in one card but without explicit combo"
     (is (has-inline-image?
-            {:cols default-combo-columns
+            {:cols default-multi-columns
              :rows [[10.0 1 1231 1] [5.0 10 nil 111] [2.50 20 11 1] [1.25 nil 1231 11]]})))))
 (defn- render-area-graph [results]
@@ -494,7 +500,7 @@
   (testing "Check multiseries in one card but without explicit combo"
     (is (has-inline-image?
-            {:cols default-combo-columns
+            {:cols default-multi-columns
              :rows [[10.0 1 1231 1] [5.0 10 nil 111] [2.50 20 11 1] [1.25 nil 1231 11]]})))))
 (defn- render-waterfall [results]
@@ -531,15 +537,15 @@
 (deftest render-combo-test
   (testing "Render a combo graph with non-nil values for the x and y axis"
     (is (has-inline-image?
-          (render-combo {:cols default-combo-columns
+          (render-combo {:cols default-multi-columns
                          :rows [[10.0 1 123 111] [5.0 10 12 111] [2.50 20 1337 12312] [1.25 30 -22 123124]]}))))
   (testing "Render a combo graph with multiple x axes"
     (is (has-inline-image?
-          (render-combo-multi-x {:cols default-combo-columns
+          (render-combo-multi-x {:cols default-multi-columns
                                  :rows [[10.0 "Bob" 123 123124] [5.0 "Dobbs" 12 23423] [2.50 "Robbs" 1337 234234] [1.25 "Mobbs" -22 1234123]]}))))
   (testing "Check to make sure we allow nil values for any axis"
     (is (has-inline-image?
-          (render-combo {:cols default-combo-columns
+          (render-combo {:cols default-multi-columns
                          :rows [[nil 1 1 23453] [10.0 1 nil nil] [5.0 10 22 1337] [2.50 nil 22 1231] [1.25 nil nil 1231232]]})))))
 ;; Test rendering a sparkline
@@ -587,6 +593,11 @@
           {:cols default-columns
            :rows [[10.0 1] [5.0 10] [2.50 20] [1.25 30]]}))))
+  (testing "Test that we can render a funnel with extraneous columns and also weird strings stuck in places"
+    (is (has-inline-image?
+          (render-funnel
+            {:cols default-multi-columns
+             :rows [[10.0 1 2 2] [5.0 10 "11.1" 1] ["2.50" 20 1337 0] [1.25 30 -2 "-2"]]}))))
   (testing "Test that we can have some nil values stuck everywhere"
     (is (has-inline-image?