diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.js b/frontend/src/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.js
index e859f552b689f1cf43a4bf872a73b8c2c5cf6bd0..e4df647a6a8738ce348a1c003ab67cbf345d67cb 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.js
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.js
@@ -1,79 +1,37 @@
 import _ from "underscore";
 import {
-  getExpressionName,
-  // dimensions:
-  // metrics
-  // segments
 } from "../expressions";
-import {
-  parserWithRecovery,
-  ExpressionCstVisitor,
-  ExpressionParser,
-} from "./parser";
-import {
-  AggregationFunctionName,
-  Case,
-  FunctionName,
-  Identifier,
-  IdentifierString,
-  LParen,
-  Minus,
-  NumberLiteral,
-  StringLiteral,
-  isTokenType,
-  lexerWithRecovery,
-} from "./lexer";
 import { partialMatch, enclosingFunction } from "./completer";
 import getHelpText from "./helper_text_strings";
-import { ExpressionDimension } from "metabase-lib/lib/Dimension";
 import {
-  isExpressionType,
-  getFunctionArgType,
 } from "./config";
-const FUNCTIONS_BY_TYPE = {};
-const OPERATORS_BY_TYPE = {};
-for (const type of EXPRESSION_TYPES) {
-  FUNCTIONS_BY_TYPE[type] = Array.from(FUNCTIONS)
-    .filter(name => isExpressionType(MBQL_CLAUSES[name].type, type))
-    .map(name => MBQL_CLAUSES[name]);
-  OPERATORS_BY_TYPE[type] = Array.from(OPERATORS)
-    .filter(name => isExpressionType(MBQL_CLAUSES[name].type, type))
-    .map(name => MBQL_CLAUSES[name]);
 export function suggest({
-  cst,
   targetOffset = source.length,
-  expressionName,
 } = {}) {
-  const partialSource = source.slice(0, targetOffset);
+  let suggestions = [];
+  const partialSource = source.slice(0, targetOffset);
   const matchPrefix = partialMatch(partialSource);
-  const partialSuggestionMode =
-    matchPrefix && matchPrefix.length > 0 && _.last(matchPrefix) !== "]";
-  if (!partialSuggestionMode) {
+  if (!matchPrefix || _.last(matchPrefix) === "]") {
+    // no keystroke to match? show help text for the enclosing function
     const functionDisplayName = enclosingFunction(partialSource);
     if (functionDisplayName) {
       const helpText = getHelpText(getMBQLName(functionDisplayName));
@@ -81,409 +39,106 @@ export function suggest({
         return { helpText };
+    return { suggestions };
-  const lexResult = lexerWithRecovery.tokenize(partialSource);
-  if (lexResult.errors.length > 0) {
-    throw lexResult.errors;
-  }
-  let tokenVector = lexResult.tokens;
-  if (partialSuggestionMode) {
-    tokenVector = tokenVector.slice(0, -1);
+  if (_.first(matchPrefix) !== "[") {
+    suggestions.push({
+      type: "functions",
+      name: "case",
+      text: "case(",
+      index: targetOffset,
+    });
+    suggestions.push(
+      ...Array.from(EXPRESSION_FUNCTIONS)
+        .map(name => MBQL_CLAUSES[name])
+        .map(func => ({
+          type: "functions",
+          name: func.displayName,
+          text: func.displayName + "(",
+          index: targetOffset,
+        })),
+    );
+    if (startRule === "aggregation") {
+      suggestions.push(
+        ...Array.from(AGGREGATION_FUNCTIONS)
+          .map(name => MBQL_CLAUSES[name])
+          .map(func => ({
+            type: "aggregations",
+            name: func.displayName,
+            text: func.displayName + "(",
+            index: targetOffset,
+          })),
+      );
+    }
-  const context = getContext({
-    cst,
-    tokenVector,
-    targetOffset,
-    startRule,
-  }) || { expectedType: startRule };
-  const { expectedType } = context;
-  let finalSuggestions = [];
-  const syntacticSuggestions = parserWithRecovery.computeContentAssist(
-    startRule,
-    tokenVector,
-  );
-  for (const suggestion of syntacticSuggestions) {
-    const { nextTokenType, ruleStack } = suggestion;
-    // first to avoid skipping if lastInputTokenIsUnclosedIdentifierString
-    if (nextTokenType === Identifier || nextTokenType === IdentifierString) {
-      // fields, metrics, segments
-      const parentRule = ruleStack.slice(-2, -1)[0];
-      const isDimension =
-        parentRule === "identifierExpression" &&
-        (isExpressionType(expectedType, "expression") ||
-          isExpressionType(expectedType, "boolean"));
-      const isSegment =
-        parentRule === "identifierExpression" &&
-        isExpressionType(expectedType, "boolean");
-      const isMetric =
-        parentRule === "identifierExpression" &&
-        isExpressionType(expectedType, "aggregation");
-      if (isDimension) {
-        let dimensions = [];
-        if (
-          context.token &&
-          context.clause &&
-          isTokenType(context.token.tokenType, AggregationFunctionName)
-        ) {
-          dimensions = query.aggregationFieldOptions(context.clause.name).all();
-        } else {
-          const dimensionFilter = dimension => {
-            // not itself
-            if (
-              dimension instanceof ExpressionDimension &&
-              dimension.name() === expressionName
-            ) {
-              return false;
-            }
-            if (expectedType === "expression" || expectedType === "boolean") {
-              return true;
-            }
-            const field = dimension.field();
-            return (
-              (isExpressionType("number", expectedType) && field.isNumeric()) ||
-              (isExpressionType("string", expectedType) && field.isString())
-            );
-          };
-          dimensions = query.dimensionOptions(dimensionFilter).all();
-        }
-        finalSuggestions.push(
-          ...dimensions.map(dimension => ({
-            type: "fields",
-            name: getDimensionName(dimension),
-            text: formatDimensionName(dimension) + " ",
-            alternates: EDITOR_FK_SYMBOLS.symbols.map(symbol =>
-              getDimensionName(dimension, symbol),
-            ),
-          })),
-        );
-      }
-      if (isSegment) {
-        finalSuggestions.push(
-          ...query.table().segments.map(segment => ({
-            type: "segments",
-            name: segment.name,
-            text: formatSegmentName(segment),
-          })),
-        );
-      }
-      if (isMetric) {
-        finalSuggestions.push(
-          ...query.table().metrics.map(metric => ({
-            type: "metrics",
-            name: metric.name,
-            text: formatMetricName(metric),
-          })),
-        );
-      }
-    } else if (
-      isTokenType(nextTokenType, FunctionName) ||
-      nextTokenType === Case
-    ) {
-      const database = query.database();
-      let functions = [];
-      if (isExpressionType(expectedType, "aggregation")) {
-        // special case for aggregation
-        finalSuggestions.push(
-          // ...query
-          //   .aggregationOperatorsWithoutRows()
-          //   .filter(a => getExpressionName(a.short))
-          //   .map(aggregationOperator =>
-          //     functionSuggestion(
-          //       "aggregations",
-          //       aggregationOperator.short,
-          //       aggregationOperator.fields.length > 0,
-          //     ),
-          //   ),
-          ...FUNCTIONS_BY_TYPE["aggregation"]
-            .filter(clause => database.hasFeature(clause.requiresFeature))
-            .map(clause =>
-              functionSuggestion(
-                "aggregations",
-                clause.name,
-                clause.args.length > 0,
-              ),
-            ),
-        );
-        finalSuggestions.push(
-          ...["sum-where", "count-where", "share"].map(short =>
-            functionSuggestion("aggregations", short, true),
+  if (_.last(matchPrefix) !== "]") {
+    suggestions.push(
+      ...query
+        .dimensionOptions(() => true)
+        .all()
+        .map(dimension => ({
+          type: "fields",
+          name: getDimensionName(dimension),
+          text: formatDimensionName(dimension) + " ",
+          alternates: EDITOR_FK_SYMBOLS.symbols.map(symbol =>
+            getDimensionName(dimension, symbol),
-        );
-        functions = FUNCTIONS_BY_TYPE["number"];
-      } else {
-        functions = FUNCTIONS_BY_TYPE[expectedType];
-      }
-      finalSuggestions.push(
-        ...functions
-          .filter(clause => database.hasFeature(clause.requiresFeature))
-          .map(clause => functionSuggestion("functions", clause.name)),
+          index: targetOffset,
+        })),
+    );
+    suggestions.push(
+      ...query.table().segments.map(segment => ({
+        type: "segments",
+        name: segment.name,
+        text: formatSegmentName(segment),
+        index: targetOffset,
+      })),
+    );
+    if (startRule === "aggregation") {
+      suggestions.push(
+        ...query.table().metrics.map(metric => ({
+          type: "metrics",
+          name: metric.name,
+          text: formatMetricName(metric),
+          index: targetOffset,
+        })),
-      if (nextTokenType === Case) {
-        const caseSuggestion = {
-          type: "functions",
-          name: "case",
-          text: "case(",
-        };
-        finalSuggestions.push(caseSuggestion);
-      }
-    } else if (
-      nextTokenType === StringLiteral ||
-      nextTokenType === NumberLiteral ||
-      nextTokenType === Minus
-    ) {
-      // skip number/string literal
-    } else {
-      console.warn("non exhaustive match", nextTokenType.name);
   // throw away any suggestion that is not a suffix of the last partialToken.
-  if (partialSuggestionMode) {
-    const partial = matchPrefix.toLowerCase();
-    for (const suggestion of finalSuggestions) {
-      suggestion: for (const text of [
-        suggestion.name,
-        suggestion.text,
-        ...(suggestion.alternates || []),
-      ]) {
-        const lower = (text || "").toLowerCase();
-        if (lower.startsWith(partial)) {
-          suggestion.range = [0, partial.length];
+  const partial = matchPrefix.toLowerCase();
+  for (const suggestion of suggestions) {
+    suggestion: for (const text of [
+      suggestion.name,
+      suggestion.text,
+      ...(suggestion.alternates || []),
+    ]) {
+      const lower = (text || "").toLowerCase();
+      if (lower.startsWith(partial)) {
+        suggestion.range = [0, partial.length];
+        break suggestion;
+      }
+      let index = 0;
+      for (const part of lower.split(/\b/g)) {
+        if (part.startsWith(partial)) {
+          suggestion.range = [index, index + partial.length];
           break suggestion;
-        let index = 0;
-        for (const part of lower.split(/\b/g)) {
-          if (part.startsWith(partial)) {
-            suggestion.range = [index, index + partial.length];
-            break suggestion;
-          }
-          index += part.length;
-        }
+        index += part.length;
-    finalSuggestions = finalSuggestions.filter(suggestion => suggestion.range);
-  }
-  for (const suggestion of finalSuggestions) {
-    suggestion.index = targetOffset;
-    if (!suggestion.name) {
-      suggestion.name = suggestion.text;
-    }
+  suggestions = suggestions.filter(suggestion => suggestion.range);
   // deduplicate suggestions and sort by type then name
   return {
-    suggestions: _.chain(finalSuggestions)
+    suggestions: _.chain(suggestions)
       .uniq(suggestion => suggestion.text)
-      .sortBy("name")
+      .sortBy("text")
-function functionSuggestion(type, clause, parens = true) {
-  const name = getExpressionName(clause);
-  return {
-    type: type,
-    name: name,
-    text: name + (parens ? "(" : " "),
-  };
-const contextParser = new ExpressionParser({
-  recoveryEnabled: true,
-  tokenRecoveryEnabled: false,
-export function getContext({
-  source,
-  cst,
-  tokenVector = lexerWithRecovery.tokenize(source).tokens,
-  targetOffset = source.length,
-  startRule,
-  ...options
-}) {
-  if (!cst) {
-    contextParser.input = tokenVector;
-    cst = contextParser[startRule]();
-  }
-  const visitor = new ExpressionContextVisitor({
-    targetOffset: targetOffset,
-    tokenVector: tokenVector,
-    ...options,
-  });
-  return visitor.visit(cst);
-function findNextTextualToken(tokenVector, prevTokenEndOffset) {
-  // The TokenVector is sorted, so we could use a BinarySearch to optimize performance
-  const prevTokenIdx = tokenVector.findIndex(
-    tok => tok.endOffset === prevTokenEndOffset,
-  );
-  for (let i = prevTokenIdx + 1; i >= 0 && i < tokenVector.length; i++) {
-    if (!/^\s+$/.test(tokenVector[i].image)) {
-      return tokenVector[i];
-    }
-  }
-  return null;
-export class ExpressionContextVisitor extends ExpressionCstVisitor {
-  constructor({ targetOffset, tokenVector }) {
-    super();
-    this.targetOffset = targetOffset;
-    this.tokenVector = tokenVector;
-    this.stack = [];
-    this.validateVisitor();
-  }
-  _context(clauseToken, index, currentContext) {
-    const clause = CLAUSE_TOKENS.get(clauseToken.tokenType);
-    let expectedType = getFunctionArgType(clause, index);
-    if (
-      (expectedType === "expression" || expectedType === "number") &&
-      currentContext &&
-      currentContext.expectedType === "aggregation" &&
-      clause.type !== "aggregation"
-    ) {
-      expectedType = "aggregation";
-    }
-    return { clause, index, expectedType, clauseToken };
-  }
-  _isTarget(token) {
-    const { targetOffset, tokenVector } = this;
-    const next = findNextTextualToken(tokenVector, token.endOffset);
-    if (
-      targetOffset > token.endOffset &&
-      (next === null || targetOffset <= next.startOffset)
-    ) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  _function(ctx, currentContext) {
-    const { tokenVector } = this;
-    const clauseToken = ctx.functionName[0];
-    // special case: function clauses without parens sometimes causes the paren to be missing
-    const parenToken = ctx.LParen
-      ? ctx.LParen[0]
-      : findNextTextualToken(tokenVector, clauseToken.endOffset);
-    if (!parenToken || parenToken.tokenType !== LParen) {
-      return;
-    }
-    const tokens = [parenToken, ...(ctx.Comma || [])];
-    for (let index = 0; index < tokens.length; index++) {
-      const token = tokens[index];
-      if (this._isTarget(token)) {
-        return this._context(clauseToken, index, currentContext);
-      } else if (ctx.arguments && index < ctx.arguments.length) {
-        const match = this.visit(
-          ctx.arguments[index],
-          this._context(clauseToken, index, currentContext),
-        );
-        if (match) {
-          return match;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  _operator(ctx, currentContext) {
-    // note: this should probably account for operator precedence / associativity but for now all of our operator clauses contain operators of the same precedence/associativity
-    for (let index = 0; index < ctx.operators.length; index++) {
-      const clauseToken = ctx.operators[index];
-      if (this._isTarget(clauseToken)) {
-        // NOTE: operators always (?) have the same type for every operand
-        return this._context(clauseToken, 0, currentContext);
-      } else {
-        const match = this.visit(
-          ctx.operands[index],
-          this._context(clauseToken, 0, currentContext),
-        );
-        if (match) {
-          return match;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-const ALL_RULES = [
-  "any",
-  "expression",
-  "aggregation",
-  "boolean",
-  "string",
-  "number",
-  "additionExpression",
-  "multiplicationExpression",
-  "functionExpression",
-  "caseExpression",
-  "identifierExpression",
-  "identifier",
-  "identifierString",
-  "stringLiteral",
-  "numberLiteral",
-  "atomicExpression",
-  "parenthesisExpression",
-  "booleanExpression",
-  "booleanUnaryExpression",
-  "relationalExpression",
-  "logicalAndExpression",
-  "logicalOrExpression",
-  "logicalNotExpression",
-const TYPE_RULES = new Set([
-  "expression",
-  "aggregation",
-  "boolean",
-  "string",
-  "number",
-for (const rule of ALL_RULES) {
-  ExpressionContextVisitor.prototype[rule] = function(ctx, currentContext) {
-    if (!currentContext && TYPE_RULES.has(rule)) {
-      currentContext = { expectedType: rule };
-    }
-    // if we have operators or a functionName then handle that specially
-    if (ctx.operators) {
-      const match = this._operator(ctx, currentContext);
-      if (match) {
-        return match;
-      }
-    }
-    if (ctx.functionName) {
-      const match = this._function(ctx, currentContext);
-      if (match) {
-        return match;
-      }
-    }
-    // this just visits every child
-    for (const type in ctx) {
-      for (const child of ctx[type]) {
-        if (!child.tokenType && child.name) {
-          const match = this.visit(child, currentContext);
-          if (match) {
-            return match;
-          }
-        } else if (this._isTarget(child)) {
-          return currentContext;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  };
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.unit.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.unit.spec.js
index 7467e5fd11c2df2abd445258764d3c5f9edb89df..dd2ec0097d0191833524712f811181b3ab36c6df 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.unit.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/lib/expressions/suggest.unit.spec.js
@@ -1,95 +1,11 @@
-import {
-  suggest as suggest_,
-  getContext as getContext_,
-} from "metabase/lib/expressions/suggest";
+import { suggest as suggest_ } from "metabase/lib/expressions/suggest";
 import _ from "underscore";
-import {
-  aggregationOpts,
-  expressionOpts,
-  filterOpts,
-} from "./__support__/expressions";
+import { aggregationOpts, expressionOpts } from "./__support__/expressions";
 import { ORDERS, REVIEWS } from "__support__/sample_dataset_fixture";
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Average(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Count " },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "CountIf(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "CumulativeCount " },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "CumulativeSum(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Distinct(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Max(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Median(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Min(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Percentile(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Share(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "StandardDeviation(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Sum(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "SumIf(" },
-  { type: "aggregations", text: "Variance(" },
-  { text: "concat(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "lower(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "ltrim(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "regexextract(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "rtrim(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "replace(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "substring(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "trim(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "upper(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "abs(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "ceil(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "exp(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "floor(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "length(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "log(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "power(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "round(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "sqrt(", type: "functions" },
-  ({ text }) => text !== "regexextract(",
-//   { text: "case(", type: "functions" },
-//   { text: "coalesce(", type: "functions" },
-// ];
-  { text: "between(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "contains(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "endsWith(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "interval(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "isempty(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "isnull(", type: "functions" },
-  { text: "startsWith(", type: "functions" },
-// custom metadata defined in __support__/expressions
-const METRICS_CUSTOM = [{ type: "metrics", text: "[metric]" }];
-const FIELDS_CUSTOM = [
-  { type: "fields", text: "[A] " },
-  { type: "fields", text: "[B] " },
-  { type: "fields", text: "[C] " },
-  // quoted because conflicts with aggregation
-  { type: "fields", text: "[Sum] " },
-  // quoted because has a space
-  { type: "fields", text: "[Toucan Sam] " },
-  // quoted because conflicts with aggregation
-  { type: "fields", text: "[count] " },
-  { type: "fields", text: "[date] " },
-  { type: "fields", text: "[text] " },
 // custom metadata defined in __support__/sample_dataset_fixture
-const METRICS_ORDERS = [{ type: "metrics", text: "[Total Order Value]" }];
 const SEGMENTS_ORDERS = [{ text: "[Expensive Things]", type: "segments" }];
 const FIELDS_ORDERS = [
   { text: "[Created At] ", type: "fields" },
@@ -122,6 +38,25 @@ const FIELDS_ORDERS = [
   { text: "[User → Zip] ", type: "fields" },
+// custom metadata defined in __support__/expressions
+const METRICS_CUSTOM = [{ type: "metrics", text: "[metric]" }];
+const FIELDS_CUSTOM = [
+  { type: "fields", text: "[A] " },
+  { type: "fields", text: "[B] " },
+  { type: "fields", text: "[C] " },
+  // quoted because conflicts with aggregation
+  { type: "fields", text: "[Sum] " },
+  // quoted because has a space
+  { type: "fields", text: "[Toucan Sam] " },
+  // quoted because conflicts with aggregation
+  { type: "fields", text: "[count] " },
+  { type: "fields", text: "[date] " },
+  { type: "fields", text: "[text] " },
 describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
   describe("suggest()", () => {
     function suggest(...args) {
@@ -133,41 +68,26 @@ describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
     describe("expression", () => {
-      it("should suggest expression functions, and fields in an expression", () => {
-        expect(suggest({ source: "", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual([
-          ...FIELDS_CUSTOM,
-          ...[
-            { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
-            { type: "functions", text: "coalesce(" },
-            ...NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS,
-          ].sort(suggestionSort),
-        ]);
-      });
-      it("should suggest numeric fields after an aritmetic", () => {
-        expect(suggest({ source: "1 + ", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual([
-          ...FIELDS_CUSTOM,
-          ...[{ type: "functions", text: "case(" }, ...NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS].sort(
-            suggestionSort,
-          ),
-        ]);
-      });
       it("should suggest partial matches in expression", () => {
         expect(suggest({ source: "1 + C", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual([
           { type: "fields", text: "[C] " },
           { type: "fields", text: "[count] " },
           { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
           { type: "functions", text: "ceil(" },
+          // FIXME: the last three should not appear
+          { type: "functions", text: "coalesce(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "concat(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "contains(" },
       it("should suggest partial matches in unterminated quoted string", () => {
         expect(suggest({ source: "1 + [C", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual([
           { type: "fields", text: "[C] " },
           { type: "fields", text: "[count] " },
       it("should suggest foreign fields", () => {
@@ -192,6 +112,7 @@ describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
           { text: "[User → Zip] ", type: "fields" },
       it("should suggest joined fields", () => {
@@ -211,10 +132,11 @@ describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
           { text: "[Foo → Reviewer] ", type: "fields" },
       it("should suggest nested query fields", () => {
-            source: "",
+            source: "T",
             query: ORDERS.query()
@@ -223,12 +145,8 @@ describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
-            { text: "[Count] ", type: "fields" },
             { text: "[Total] ", type: "fields" },
-            { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
-            { text: "coalesce(", type: "functions" },
-            ...STRING_FUNCTIONS,
-            ...NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS,
+            { text: "trim(", type: "functions" },
@@ -262,67 +180,80 @@ describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
-      xit("should suggest boolean options after case(", () => {
-        expect(
-          suggest({
-            source: "case(",
-            query: ORDERS.query(),
-            startRule: "expression",
-          }),
-        ).toEqual([...SEGMENTS_ORDERS]);
-      });
     describe("aggregation", () => {
+      it("should suggest aggregations and metrics", () => {
+        expect(suggest({ source: "case([", ...aggregationOpts })).toEqual(
+          [
+            ...FIELDS_CUSTOM,
+            ...METRICS_CUSTOM,
+            { type: "segments", text: "[segment]" },
+          ].sort(suggestionSort),
+        );
+      });
       it("should suggest partial matches after an aggregation", () => {
         expect(suggest({ source: "average(c", ...aggregationOpts })).toEqual([
+          // FIXME: the next four should not appear
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "Count(" },
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "CountIf(" },
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "CumulativeCount(" },
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "CumulativeSum(" },
           { type: "fields", text: "[C] " },
           { type: "fields", text: "[count] " },
-          { text: "case(", type: "functions" },
-          // { text: "coalesce(", type: "functions" },
-          { text: "ceil(", type: "functions" },
-        ]);
-      });
-      it("should suggest aggregations and metrics after an operator", () => {
-        expect(suggest({ source: "1 + ", ...aggregationOpts })).toEqual([
-          ...[
-            { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
-            ...NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS,
-          ].sort(suggestionSort),
-          ...METRICS_CUSTOM,
+          { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "ceil(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "coalesce(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "concat(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "contains(" },
       it("should suggest partial matches in aggregation", () => {
         expect(suggest({ source: "1 + C", ...aggregationOpts })).toEqual([
-          { type: "aggregations", text: "Count " },
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "Count(" },
           { type: "aggregations", text: "CountIf(" },
-          { type: "aggregations", text: "CumulativeCount " },
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "CumulativeCount(" },
           { type: "aggregations", text: "CumulativeSum(" },
+          { type: "fields", text: "[C] " },
+          { type: "fields", text: "[count] " },
           { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
           { type: "functions", text: "ceil(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "coalesce(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "concat(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "contains(" },
-      it("should suggest aggregations and metrics in an aggregation", () => {
+      it("should show suggestions with matched 2-char prefix", () => {
-            source: "",
+            source: "to",
             query: ORDERS.query(),
             startRule: "aggregation",
-          ...[
-            { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
-            ...NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS,
-          ].sort(suggestionSort),
-          ...METRICS_ORDERS,
+          { type: "metrics", text: "[Total Order Value]" },
+          { type: "fields", text: "[Total] " },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("should show suggestions with matched 3-char prefix", () => {
+        expect(
+          suggest({
+            source: "cou",
+            query: ORDERS.query(),
+            startRule: "aggregation",
+          }),
+        ).toEqual([
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "Count(" },
+          { type: "aggregations", text: "CountIf(" },
-      it("should show help text in an aggregation functiom", () => {
+      it("should show help text in an aggregation function", () => {
         const { name, example } = helpText({
           source: "Sum(",
           query: ORDERS.query(),
@@ -334,18 +265,42 @@ describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
     describe("filter", () => {
-      it("should suggest filter functions, fields, and segments in a filter", () => {
+      it("should show suggestions with matched 1-char prefix", () => {
+        expect(
+          suggest({ source: "c", query: ORDERS.query(), startRule: "boolean" }),
+        ).toEqual([
+          { type: "fields", text: "[Created At] " },
+          { type: "fields", text: "[Product → Category] " },
+          { type: "fields", text: "[Product → Created At] " },
+          { type: "fields", text: "[User → City] " },
+          { type: "fields", text: "[User → Created At] " },
+          { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "ceil(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "coalesce(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "concat(" },
+          { type: "functions", text: "contains(" },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("should show suggestions with matched 2-char prefix", () => {
-          suggest({ source: "", query: ORDERS.query(), startRule: "boolean" }),
+          suggest({
+            source: "ca",
+            query: ORDERS.query(),
+            startRule: "boolean",
+          }),
-          ...FIELDS_ORDERS,
-          ...[{ type: "functions", text: "case(" }, ...FILTER_FUNCTIONS].sort(
-            suggestionSort,
-          ),
-          ...SEGMENTS_ORDERS,
+          { type: "fields", text: "[Product → Category] " },
+          { type: "functions", text: "case(" },
+      it("should show all fields when '[' appears", () => {
+        expect(
+          suggest({ source: "[", query: ORDERS.query(), startRule: "boolean" }),
+        ).toEqual([...FIELDS_ORDERS, ...SEGMENTS_ORDERS].sort(suggestionSort));
+      });
       it("should show help text in a filter function", () => {
         const { name, example } = helpText({
           source: "Contains(Total ",
@@ -357,134 +312,14 @@ describe("metabase/lib/expression/suggest", () => {
-  describe("getContext", () => {
-    function getContext(...args) {
-      return cleanContext(getContext_(...args));
-    }
-    describe("aggregation", () => {
-      it("should get operator context", () => {
-        expect(getContext({ source: "1 +", ...aggregationOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "+",
-          expectedType: "aggregation",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get operator context with trailing whitespace", () => {
-        expect(getContext({ source: "1 + ", ...aggregationOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "+",
-          expectedType: "aggregation",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get aggregation context", () => {
-        expect(getContext({ source: "Average(", ...aggregationOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "avg",
-          expectedType: "number",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get aggregation context with closing paren", () => {
-        expect(
-          getContext({
-            source: "Average()",
-            ...aggregationOpts,
-            targetOffset: 8,
-          }),
-        ).toEqual({
-          clause: "avg",
-          expectedType: "number",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get sum-where first argument", () => {
-        expect(
-          getContext({ source: "1 + SumIf(", ...aggregationOpts }),
-        ).toEqual({
-          clause: "sum-where",
-          expectedType: "number",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get sum-where second argument", () => {
-        expect(
-          getContext({ source: "1 + SumIf(Total = 10,", ...aggregationOpts }),
-        ).toEqual({
-          clause: "sum-where",
-          expectedType: "boolean",
-          index: 1,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get operator context inside aggregation", () => {
-        expect(
-          getContext({ source: "1 + Sum(2 /", ...aggregationOpts }),
-        ).toEqual({
-          clause: "/",
-          expectedType: "number",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-    });
-    describe("expression", () => {
-      it("should get operator context", () => {
-        expect(getContext({ source: "1 +", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "+",
-          expectedType: "number",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get function context", () => {
-        expect(getContext({ source: "trim(", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "trim",
-          expectedType: "string",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      xit("should get boolean for first argument of case", () => {
-        // it's difficult to type "case" correctly using the current system because the form is:
-        //    case([PREDICATE, EXPRESSION]+ [, ELSE-EXPRESSION]?)
-        expect(getContext({ source: "case(", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "case",
-          expectedType: "boolean",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-      it("should get expression for second argument of case", () => {
-        expect(getContext({ source: "case(Foo,", ...expressionOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "case",
-          expectedType: "expression",
-          index: 1,
-        });
-      });
-    });
-    describe("filter", () => {
-      it("should get function context", () => {
-        expect(getContext({ source: "between(", ...filterOpts })).toEqual({
-          clause: "between",
-          expectedType: "expression",
-          index: 0,
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  });
-function cleanContext(context) {
-  delete context.clauseToken;
-  if (context.clause) {
-    context.clause = context.clause.name;
-  }
-  return context;
 function cleanSuggestions(suggestions) {
   return _.chain(suggestions)
     .map(s => _.pick(s, "type", "text"))
-    .sortBy("type")
 const suggestionSort = (a, b) =>
-  a.type.localeCompare(b.type) || a.text.localeCompare(b.text);
+  a.text < b.text ? -1 : a.text > b.text ? 1 : 0;
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/filter.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/filter.cy.spec.js
index b6061919bb995abd59f08b91471f4af245c78a27..958486c4d385e84156fde2659c95a18f286ed7a9 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/filter.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/filter.cy.spec.js
@@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ describe("scenarios > question > filter", () => {
     cy.findByText("Custom Expression").click();
+    typeInExpressionEditor("c");
     // This issue has two problematic parts. We're testing for both:
     cy.log("Popover should display all custom expression options");
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ describe("scenarios > question > filter", () => {
     cy.log("Should not display error prematurely");
-      .type("contains(");
+      .type("ontains(");
     cy.findByText(/Checks to see if string1 contains string2 within it./i);
@@ -473,9 +474,10 @@ describe("scenarios > question > filter", () => {
   it("should offer case expression in the auto-complete suggestions", () => {
+    typeInExpressionEditor("c");
-    typeInExpressionEditor("c");
+    typeInExpressionEditor("a");
     // "case" is still there after typing a bit
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/new.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/new.cy.spec.js
index 40622ea1a966fa2ebcb47970e5dd1f0f116926f9..c594c00093ae29a30e07be47f290c50bd608ccf0 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/new.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/new.cy.spec.js
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ describe("scenarios > question > new", () => {
-    it.skip("distinct inside custom expression should suggest non-numeric types (metabase#13469)", () => {
+    it("distinct inside custom expression should suggest non-numeric types (metabase#13469)", () => {
       openReviewsTable({ mode: "notebook" });
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/notebook.cy.spec.js b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/notebook.cy.spec.js
index 0bcb90cfadba30a573799f7f197ef7317b3d654d..7dc0240d23c3f54b9c30efd63699f44b7d88e6dd 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/notebook.cy.spec.js
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/question/notebook.cy.spec.js
@@ -894,8 +894,11 @@ function joinTwoSavedQuestions() {
 function addSimpleCustomColumn(name) {
+  cy.get("[contenteditable='true']")
+    .click()
+    .type("C");
-    .findByText("Category")
+    .findByText("ategory")
   cy.findByPlaceholderText("Something nice and descriptive")