diff --git a/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/build_driver.clj b/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/build_driver.clj
index 5bbb617668c19e1043e494628705a7ceb05cd4a4..f05b81b5706437ef31058d3325e7f276ae0ec27c 100644
--- a/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/build_driver.clj
+++ b/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/build_driver.clj
@@ -12,13 +12,24 @@
     (u/delete-file-if-exists! (c/driver-jar-destination-path driver))))
 (defn build-driver!
-  [driver edition]
-  (let [edition (or edition :oss)
-        start-time-ms (System/currentTimeMillis)]
-    (u/step (format "Build driver %s (edition = %s)" driver edition)
-      (clean! driver)
-      (copy-source-files/copy-source-files! driver edition)
-      (compile-source-files/compile-clojure-source-files! driver edition)
-      (create-uberjar/create-uberjar! driver edition)
-      (u/announce "Built %s driver in %d ms." driver (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start-time-ms))
-      (verify/verify-driver driver))))
+  ;; 1-arity that takes just a map is mean for use directly with clojure -X
+  ([{:keys [driver edition], :as options}]
+   (build-driver! driver edition (dissoc options :driver :edition)))
+  ([driver edition]
+   (build-driver! driver edition nil))
+  ([driver edition {:keys [project-dir target-dir], :as options}]
+   (let [edition       (or edition :oss)
+         start-time-ms (System/currentTimeMillis)]
+     (binding [c/*driver-project-dir* (or project-dir
+                                          c/*driver-project-dir*)
+               c/*target-directory*   (or target-dir
+                                          c/*target-directory*)]
+       (u/step (format "Build driver %s (edition = %s, options = %s)" driver edition (pr-str options))
+         (clean! driver)
+         (copy-source-files/copy-source-files! driver edition)
+         (compile-source-files/compile-clojure-source-files! driver edition)
+         (create-uberjar/create-uberjar! driver edition)
+         (u/announce "Built %s driver in %d ms." driver (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start-time-ms))
+         (verify/verify-driver driver))))))
diff --git a/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/common.clj b/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/common.clj
index 86f099024b98b1ad486de2de5f8dce0e10a9023b..07cc5932aa37ece85c5e58e8f02f6b52d7fe3171 100644
--- a/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/common.clj
+++ b/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/common.clj
@@ -2,23 +2,29 @@
   (:require [clojure.tools.deps.alpha :as deps]
             [metabuild-common.core :as u]))
+(def ^:dynamic *driver-project-dir* nil)
+(def ^:dynamic *target-directory* nil)
 (defn driver-project-dir
   "e.g. \"/home/cam/metabase/modules/drivers/redshift\""
   ^String [driver]
-  (u/filename u/project-root-directory "modules" "drivers" (name driver)))
+  (or *driver-project-dir*
+      (u/filename u/project-root-directory "modules" "drivers" (name driver))))
 (defn driver-jar-name
   "e.g. \"redshift.metabase-driver.jar\""
   ^String [driver]
   (format "%s.metabase-driver.jar" (name driver)))
-(def ^String driver-jar-destination-directory
-  (u/filename u/project-root-directory "resources" "modules"))
+(defn driver-jar-destination-directory ^String []
+  (or *target-directory*
+      (u/filename u/project-root-directory "resources" "modules")))
 (defn driver-jar-destination-path
   "e.g. \"/home/cam/metabase/resources/modules/redshift.metabase-driver.jar\""
   ^String [driver]
-  (u/filename driver-jar-destination-directory (driver-jar-name driver)))
+  (u/filename (driver-jar-destination-directory) (driver-jar-name driver)))
 (defn compiled-source-target-dir [driver]
   (u/filename (driver-project-dir driver) "target" "jar"))
diff --git a/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/create_uberjar.clj b/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/create_uberjar.clj
index c4f08ca203a8e0449783be15e15577e793255145..6fa58070bf8b4bcae28ee653ff1a00486e4851fb 100644
--- a/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/create_uberjar.clj
+++ b/bin/build-drivers/src/build_drivers/create_uberjar.clj
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (ns build-drivers.create-uberjar
   (:require [build-drivers.common :as c]
             [clojure.java.io :as io]
-            [clojure.tools.build.api :as build]
             [clojure.tools.deps.alpha :as deps]
             [clojure.tools.deps.alpha.util.dir :as deps.dir]
             [colorize.core :as colorize]
diff --git a/bin/common/src/metabuild_common/files.clj b/bin/common/src/metabuild_common/files.clj
index 4a1d9e345658f1ac8e4a107a078e0e9fb572b83b..d44bb449b90487d3965b77a44ce6cf407b06116c 100644
--- a/bin/common/src/metabuild_common/files.clj
+++ b/bin/common/src/metabuild_common/files.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabuild-common.files
-  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
-            [environ.core :as env]
+  (:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
+            [clojure.string :as str]
             [metabuild-common.misc :as misc]
             [metabuild-common.output :as out]
             [metabuild-common.shell :as sh]
@@ -97,20 +97,16 @@
   (str/join File/separatorChar path-components))
 (def ^String project-root-directory
-  "Root directory of the Metabase repo, e.g. `/users/cam/metabase`. Determined by finding the directory that has
-  `.git` in it."
-  (loop [^File dir (File. ^String (env/env :user-dir))]
-    (cond
-      (file-exists? (filename (.getAbsolutePath dir) "package.json"))
-      (.getAbsolutePath dir)
-      (.getParentFile dir)
-      (recur (.getParentFile dir))
-      :else
-      (throw (ex-info (format "Can't find project root directory: no parent directory of %s has a .git directory"
-                              (env/env :user-dir))
-                      {:dir (env/env :user-dir)})))))
+  "Root directory of the Metabase repo, e.g. `/users/cam/metabase`. Determined based on its location relative to this
+  source file."
+  (.. (Paths/get (.toURI (io/resource "metabuild_common/files.clj")))
+      toFile
+      getParentFile   ; /home/cam/metabase/bin/common/src/metabuild_common
+      getParentFile   ; /home/cam/metabase/bin/common/src/
+      getParentFile   ; /home/cam/metabase/bin/common/
+      getParentFile   ; /home/cam/metabase/bin/
+      getParentFile   ; /home/cam/metabase/
+      getCanonicalPath))
 (defn download-file!
   "Download a file from `url` to `dest-path` using `wget`."
diff --git a/resources/log4j2.xml b/resources/log4j2.xml
index e5e4e04063dc2ee4f669c14db9229bb9db53d651..9a97c01d8f86fb3089c8885f853e3c80047f9608 100644
--- a/resources/log4j2.xml
+++ b/resources/log4j2.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    <Console name="STDOUT" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
+    <Console name="STDOUT" target="SYSTEM_OUT" follow="true">
       <PatternLayout pattern="%date %level %logger{2} :: %message%n%throwable">
         <replace regex=":basic-auth \\[.*\\]" replacement=":basic-auth [redacted]"/>
diff --git a/src/metabase/plugins.clj b/src/metabase/plugins.clj
index e6965e9092ee8357cecfd2a1145c97a0faa1aaaf..8263e915ec77d5bfa6f6730deb36c55f6dc62604 100644
--- a/src/metabase/plugins.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/plugins.clj
@@ -107,15 +107,26 @@
   (defn- load-local-plugin-manifest! [^Path path]
     (some-> (slurp (str path)) yaml.core/parse-string initialize/init-plugin-with-info!))
+  (defn- driver-manifest-paths []
+    (filter
+     files/exists?
+     (concat
+      (for [path (files/files-seq (files/get-path "modules/drivers/"))]
+        (files/get-path (str path) "/resources/metabase-plugin.yaml"))
+      ;; for hacking on 3rd-party drivers locally: set
+      ;; `-Dmb.dev.additional.driver.manifest.paths=/path/to/whatever/metabase-plugin.yaml` or
+      ;; `MB_DEV_ADDITIONAL_DRIVER_MANIFEST_PATHS=...` to have that plugin manifest get loaded during startup. Specify
+      ;; multiple plugin manifests by comma-separating them.
+      (when-let [additional-paths (env/env :mb-dev-additional-driver-manifest-paths)]
+        (map files/get-path (str/split additional-paths #","))))))
   (defn- load-local-plugin-manifests!
     "Load local plugin manifest files when running in dev or test mode, to simulate what would happen when loading those
   same plugins from the uberjar. This is needed because some plugin manifests define driver methods and the like that
   aren't defined elsewhere."
     ;; TODO - this should probably do an actual search in case we ever add any additional directories
-    (doseq [path  (files/files-seq (files/get-path "modules/drivers/"))
-            :let  [manifest-path (files/get-path (str path) "/resources/metabase-plugin.yaml")]
-            :when (files/exists? manifest-path)]
+    (doseq [manifest-path (driver-manifest-paths)]
       (log/info (trs "Loading local plugin manifest at {0}" (str manifest-path)))
       (load-local-plugin-manifest! manifest-path))))