diff --git a/src/metabase/api/collection.clj b/src/metabase/api/collection.clj
index 57d3e7b5b8e8354c7b88b4e5d7558874c34d4084..6fa57812f85b3c1d4a05b59f0eb9d29b3d96c002 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/collection.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/collection.clj
@@ -37,13 +37,42 @@
    [metabase.util.schema :as su]
    [schema.core :as s]
    [toucan.db :as db]
-   [toucan.hydrate :refer [hydrate]]))
+   [toucan.hydrate :refer [hydrate]]
+   [toucan.models :as models]))
 ;;; when alias defined for namespaced keywords is run through kondo macro, ns should be regarded as used
 (comment collection.root/keep-me)
 (declare root-collection)
+(defn- coll-query
+  "Generate a query to return collections viewable by the current user.
+  If provided, additional and clauses will be added to the final where clause.
+  Note that and clauses should be aliased as c (for collection). Note also that
+  MySQL 5.7 does not support CTEs so this was all inlined. A much more readable
+  solution existed with CTEs, but we needed to inline for backwards compatibility."
+  [owner-id & and-clauses]
+  {:select    [:c.*]
+   :from      [[:collection :c]]
+   :left-join [[{:select [[:cwo.id :id]
+                          [true :visible]]
+                 :from   [[{:select    [[:c.id :id]
+                                        [[:coalesce
+                                          :c.personal_owner_id
+                                          :pr.personal_owner_id] :owner]]
+                            :from      [[:collection :c]]
+                            :left-join [[{:select [:c.personal_owner_id
+                                                   [[:concat "/" :c.id "/%"] :pc_prefix]]
+                                          :from   [[:collection :c]]
+                                          :where  [:not= :c.personal_owner_id nil]} :pr]
+                                        [:like :c.location :pr.pc_prefix]]} :cwo]]
+                 :where  [:or
+                          [:= :cwo.owner owner-id]
+                          [:= :cwo.owner nil]]} :a]
+               [:= :a.id :c.id]]
+   :where     (into [:and [:= :a.visible true]] and-clauses)
+   :order-by  [[:%lower.name :asc]]})
 #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
 (api/defendpoint-schema GET "/"
   "Fetch a list of all Collections that the current user has read permissions for (`:can_write` is returned as an
@@ -54,29 +83,30 @@
   [archived namespace]
   {archived  (s/maybe su/BooleanString)
    namespace (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)}
-  (let [archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived)]
-    (as-> (db/select Collection
-            {:where    [:and
-                        [:= :archived archived?]
-                        [:= :namespace namespace]
-                        (collection/visible-collection-ids->honeysql-filter-clause
-                         :id
-                         (collection/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids @api/*current-user-permissions-set*))]
-             :order-by [[:%lower.name :asc]]}) collections
-      ;; include Root Collection at beginning or results if archived isn't `true`
-      (if archived?
-        collections
-        (let [root (root-collection namespace)]
-          (cond->> collections
-            (mi/can-read? root)
-            (cons root))))
-      (hydrate collections :can_write)
-      ;; remove the :metabase.models.collection.root/is-root? tag since FE doesn't need it
-      ;; and for personal collections we translate the name to user's locale
-      (for [collection collections]
-        (-> collection
-            (dissoc ::collection.root/is-root?)
-            collection/personal-collection-with-ui-details)))))
+  (let [archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived)
+        q         (coll-query
+                   api/*current-user-id*
+                   [:= :c.archived archived?]
+                   [:= :c.namespace namespace]
+                   (collection/visible-collection-ids->honeysql-filter-clause
+                    :c.id
+                    (collection/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids @api/*current-user-permissions-set*)))]
+    (as-> (->> (mdb.query/query q)
+               (map (partial models/do-post-select Collection))) collections
+          ;; include Root Collection at beginning or results if archived isn't `true`
+          (if archived?
+            collections
+            (let [root (root-collection namespace)]
+              (cond->> collections
+                       (mi/can-read? root)
+                       (cons root))))
+          (hydrate collections :can_write)
+          ;; remove the :metabase.models.collection.root/is-root? tag since FE doesn't need it
+          ;; and for personal collections we translate the name to user's locale
+          (for [collection collections]
+            (-> collection
+                (dissoc ::collection.root/is-root?)
+                collection/personal-collection-with-ui-details)))))
 #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
 (api/defendpoint-schema GET "/tree"
@@ -110,14 +140,16 @@
                               (mdb.query/reducible-query {:select-distinct [:collection_id :dataset]
                                                           :from            [:report_card]
                                                           :where           [:= :archived false]}))
-        colls         (db/select Collection
-                        {:where [:and
-                                 (when exclude-archived
-                                   [:= :archived false])
-                                 [:= :namespace namespace]
-                                 (collection/visible-collection-ids->honeysql-filter-clause
-                                  :id
-                                  (collection/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids @api/*current-user-permissions-set*))]})
+        q             (coll-query
+                       api/*current-user-id*
+                       (when exclude-archived
+                         [:= :c.archived false])
+                       [:= :c.namespace namespace]
+                       (collection/visible-collection-ids->honeysql-filter-clause
+                        :c.id
+                        (collection/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids @api/*current-user-permissions-set*)))
+        colls         (->> (mdb.query/query q)
+                           (map (partial models/do-post-select Collection)))
         colls         (map collection/personal-collection-with-ui-details colls)]
     (collection/collections->tree coll-type-ids colls)))
@@ -185,8 +217,8 @@
    (pinned-state->clause pinned-state :collection_position))
   ([pinned-state col]
    (case pinned-state
-     :all           always-true-hsql-expr
-     :is_pinned     [:<> col nil]
+     :all always-true-hsql-expr
+     :is_pinned [:<> col nil]
      :is_not_pinned [:= col nil]
@@ -217,10 +249,10 @@
        :from            [[:pulse :p]]
        :left-join       [[:pulse_card :pc] [:= :p.id :pc.pulse_id]]
        :where           [:and
-                         [:= :p.collection_id      (:id collection)]
-                         [:= :p.archived           (boolean archived?)]
+                         [:= :p.collection_id (:id collection)]
+                         [:= :p.archived (boolean archived?)]
                          ;; exclude alerts
-                         [:= :p.alert_condition    nil]
+                         [:= :p.alert_condition nil]
                          ;; exclude dashboard subscriptions
                          [:= :p.dashboard_id nil]]}
       (sql.helpers/where (pinned-state->clause pinned-state :p.collection_position))))
@@ -407,15 +439,15 @@
               [:= :archived archived?]
               [:= :namespace (u/qualified-name collection-namespace)])
-             ;; We get from the effective-children-query a normal set of columns selected:
-             ;; want to make it fit the others to make UNION ALL work
-             :select [:id
-                      :name
-                      :description
-                      :entity_id
-                      :personal_owner_id
-                      [(h2x/literal "collection") :model]
-                      :authority_level])
+        ;; We get from the effective-children-query a normal set of columns selected:
+        ;; want to make it fit the others to make UNION ALL work
+        :select [:id
+                 :name
+                 :description
+                 :entity_id
+                 :personal_owner_id
+                 [(h2x/literal "collection") :model]
+                 :authority_level])
       ;; the nil indicates that collections are never pinned.
       (sql.helpers/where (pinned-state->clause pinned-state nil))))
@@ -431,11 +463,11 @@
     ;; Previous examination with logging to DB says that there's no N+1 query for this.
     ;; However, this was only tested on H2 and Postgres
     (cond-> row
-      ;; when fetching root collection, we might have personal collection
-      (:personal_owner_id row) (assoc :name (collection/user->personal-collection-name (:personal_owner_id row) :user))
-      true                     (assoc :can_write (mi/can-write? Collection (:id row)))
-      true                     (dissoc :collection_position :display :moderated_status :icon :personal_owner_id
-                                       :collection_preview :dataset_query))))
+            ;; when fetching root collection, we might have personal collection
+            (:personal_owner_id row) (assoc :name (collection/user->personal-collection-name (:personal_owner_id row) :user))
+            true (assoc :can_write (mi/can-write? Collection (:id row)))
+            true (dissoc :collection_position :display :moderated_status :icon :personal_owner_id
+                         :collection_preview :dataset_query))))
 (s/defn ^:private coalesce-edit-info :- last-edit/MaybeAnnotated
   "Hoist all of the last edit information into a map under the key :last-edit-info. Considers this information present
@@ -451,8 +483,8 @@
                    :last_edit_email      :email
                    :last_edit_timestamp  :timestamp}]
       (cond-> (apply dissoc row :model_ranking (keys mapping))
-        ;; don't use contains as they all have the key, we care about a value present
-        (:last_edit_user row) (assoc :last-edit-info (select-as row mapping))))))
+              ;; don't use contains as they all have the key, we care about a value present
+              (:last_edit_user row) (assoc :last-edit-info (select-as row mapping))))))
 (defn- post-process-rows
   "Post process any data. Have a chance to process all of the same type at once using
@@ -470,12 +502,12 @@
 (defn- model-name->toucan-model [model-name]
   (case (keyword model-name)
     :collection Collection
-    :card       Card
-    :dataset    Card
-    :dashboard  Dashboard
-    :pulse      Pulse
-    :snippet    NativeQuerySnippet
-    :timeline   Timeline))
+    :card Card
+    :dataset Card
+    :dashboard Dashboard
+    :pulse Pulse
+    :snippet NativeQuerySnippet
+    :timeline Timeline))
 (defn- select-name
   "Takes a honeysql select column and returns a keyword of which column it is.
@@ -534,56 +566,56 @@
   treatment of nulls in the different app db types."
   [sort-info db-type]
   (case sort-info
-    nil                     [[:%lower.name :asc]]
-    [:name :asc]            [[:%lower.name :asc]]
-    [:name :desc]           [[:%lower.name :desc]]
-    [:last-edited-at :asc]  [(if (= db-type :mysql)
-                               [:%isnull.last_edit_timestamp]
-                               [:last_edit_timestamp :nulls-last])
-                             [:last_edit_timestamp :asc]
-                             [:%lower.name :asc]]
+    nil [[:%lower.name :asc]]
+    [:name :asc] [[:%lower.name :asc]]
+    [:name :desc] [[:%lower.name :desc]]
+    [:last-edited-at :asc] [(if (= db-type :mysql)
+                              [:%isnull.last_edit_timestamp]
+                              [:last_edit_timestamp :nulls-last])
+                            [:last_edit_timestamp :asc]
+                            [:%lower.name :asc]]
     [:last-edited-at :desc] (remove nil?
                                     [(case db-type
-                                       :mysql    [:%isnull.last_edit_timestamp]
+                                       :mysql [:%isnull.last_edit_timestamp]
                                        :postgres [:last_edit_timestamp :desc-nulls-last]
-                                       :h2       nil)
+                                       :h2 nil)
                                      [:last_edit_timestamp :desc]
                                      [:%lower.name :asc]])
-    [:last-edited-by :asc]  [(if (= db-type :mysql)
-                               [:%isnull.last_edit_last_name]
-                               [:last_edit_last_name :nulls-last])
-                             [:last_edit_last_name :asc]
-                             (if (= db-type :mysql)
-                               [:%isnull.last_edit_first_name]
-                               [:last_edit_first_name :nulls-last])
-                             [:last_edit_first_name :asc]
-                             [:%lower.name :asc]]
+    [:last-edited-by :asc] [(if (= db-type :mysql)
+                              [:%isnull.last_edit_last_name]
+                              [:last_edit_last_name :nulls-last])
+                            [:last_edit_last_name :asc]
+                            (if (= db-type :mysql)
+                              [:%isnull.last_edit_first_name]
+                              [:last_edit_first_name :nulls-last])
+                            [:last_edit_first_name :asc]
+                            [:%lower.name :asc]]
     [:last-edited-by :desc] (remove nil?
                                     [(case db-type
-                                       :mysql    [:%isnull.last_edit_last_name]
+                                       :mysql [:%isnull.last_edit_last_name]
                                        :postgres [:last_edit_last_name :desc-nulls-last]
-                                       :h2       nil)
+                                       :h2 nil)
                                      [:last_edit_last_name :desc]
                                      (case db-type
-                                       :mysql    [:%isnull.last_edit_first_name]
+                                       :mysql [:%isnull.last_edit_first_name]
                                        :postgres [:last_edit_last_name :desc-nulls-last]
-                                       :h2       nil)
+                                       :h2 nil)
                                      [:last_edit_first_name :desc]
                                      [:%lower.name :asc]])
-    [:model :asc]           [[:model_ranking :asc]  [:%lower.name :asc]]
-    [:model :desc]          [[:model_ranking :desc] [:%lower.name :asc]]))
+    [:model :asc] [[:model_ranking :asc] [:%lower.name :asc]]
+    [:model :desc] [[:model_ranking :desc] [:%lower.name :asc]]))
 (defn- collection-children*
   [collection models {:keys [sort-info] :as options}]
   (let [sql-order   (children-sort-clause sort-info (mdb/db-type))
         models      (sort (map keyword models))
         queries     (for [model models
-                          :let  [query              (collection-children-query model collection options)
-                                 select-clause-type (some
-                                                     (fn [k]
-                                                       (when (get query k)
-                                                         k))
-                                                     [:select :select-distinct])]]
+                          :let [query              (collection-children-query model collection options)
+                                select-clause-type (some
+                                                    (fn [k]
+                                                      (when (get query k)
+                                                        k))
+                                                    [:select :select-distinct])]]
                       (-> query
                           (update select-clause-type add-missing-columns all-select-columns)
                           (update select-clause-type add-model-ranking model)))
@@ -600,14 +632,14 @@
                          (= (:collection-namespace options) "snippets"))
                       (assoc rows-query
-                             :limit  mw.offset-paging/*limit*
-                             :offset mw.offset-paging/*offset*))
+                        :limit mw.offset-paging/*limit*
+                        :offset mw.offset-paging/*offset*))
         res         {:total  (->> (mdb.query/query total-query) first :count)
                      :data   (->> (mdb.query/query limit-query) post-process-rows)
                      :models models}
         limit-res   (assoc res
-                           :limit  mw.offset-paging/*limit*
-                           :offset mw.offset-paging/*offset*)]
+                      :limit mw.offset-paging/*limit*
+                      :offset mw.offset-paging/*offset*)]
     (if (= (:collection-namespace options) "snippets")
@@ -615,14 +647,14 @@
 (s/defn ^:private collection-children
   "Fetch a sequence of 'child' objects belonging to a Collection, filtered using `options`."
   [{collection-namespace :namespace, :as collection} :- collection/CollectionWithLocationAndIDOrRoot
-   {:keys [models], :as options}                     :- CollectionChildrenOptions]
+   {:keys [models], :as options} :- CollectionChildrenOptions]
   (let [valid-models (for [model-kw [:collection :dataset :card :dashboard :pulse :snippet :timeline]
                            ;; only fetch models that are specified by the `model` param; or everything if it's empty
-                           :when    (or (empty? models) (contains? models model-kw))
-                           :let     [toucan-model       (model-name->toucan-model model-kw)
-                                     allowed-namespaces (collection/allowed-namespaces toucan-model)]
-                           :when    (or (= model-kw :collection)
-                                        (contains? allowed-namespaces (keyword collection-namespace)))]
+                           :when (or (empty? models) (contains? models model-kw))
+                           :let [toucan-model       (model-name->toucan-model model-kw)
+                                 allowed-namespaces (collection/allowed-namespaces toucan-model)]
+                           :when (or (= model-kw :collection)
+                                     (contains? allowed-namespaces (keyword collection-namespace)))]
     (if (seq valid-models)
       (collection-children* collection valid-models (assoc options :collection-namespace collection-namespace))
@@ -744,12 +776,12 @@
         model-set       (set (map keyword (u/one-or-many models)))
         model-kwds      (visible-model-kwds root-collection model-set)]
-      root-collection
-      {:models       model-kwds
-       :archived?    (Boolean/parseBoolean archived)
-       :pinned-state (keyword pinned_state)
-       :sort-info    [(or (some-> sort_column normalize-sort-choice) :name)
-                      (or (some-> sort_direction normalize-sort-choice) :asc)]})))
+     root-collection
+     {:models       model-kwds
+      :archived?    (Boolean/parseBoolean archived)
+      :pinned-state (keyword pinned_state)
+      :sort-info    [(or (some-> sort_column normalize-sort-choice) :name)
+                     (or (some-> sort_direction normalize-sort-choice) :asc)]})))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------- Creating/Editing a Collection ------------------------------------------
@@ -761,7 +793,7 @@
   (api/write-check (if collection-id
                      (db/select-one Collection :id collection-id)
                      (cond-> collection/root-collection
-                       collection-namespace (assoc :namespace collection-namespace)))))
+                             collection-namespace (assoc :namespace collection-namespace)))))
 (defn create-collection!
   "Create a new collection."
@@ -773,11 +805,11 @@
                      (and api/*is-superuser?* authority_level)))
   (db/insert! Collection
-     {:name        name
-      :color       color
-      :description description
+     {:name            name
+      :color           color
+      :description     description
       :authority_level authority_level
-      :namespace   namespace}
+      :namespace       namespace}
      (when parent_id
        {:location (collection/children-location (db/select-one [Collection :location :id] :id parent_id))}))))
@@ -814,7 +846,7 @@
         ;; ok, make sure we have perms to do this operation
          (perms/set-has-full-permissions-for-set? @api/*current-user-permissions-set*
-           (collection/perms-for-moving collection-before-update new-parent)))
+                                                  (collection/perms-for-moving collection-before-update new-parent)))
         ;; ok, we're good to move!
         (collection/move-collection! collection-before-update new-location)))))
@@ -828,7 +860,7 @@
     ;; Check that we have approprate perms
      (perms/set-has-full-permissions-for-set? @api/*current-user-permissions-set*
-       (collection/perms-for-archiving collection-before-update)))))
+                                              (collection/perms-for-archiving collection-before-update)))))
 (defn- maybe-send-archived-notificaitons!
   "When a collection is archived, all of it's cards are also marked as archived, but this is down in the model layer
@@ -844,12 +876,12 @@
 (api/defendpoint-schema PUT "/:id"
   "Modify an existing Collection, including archiving or unarchiving it, or moving it."
   [id, :as {{:keys [name color description archived parent_id authority_level], :as collection-updates} :body}]
-  {name                                   (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
-   color                                  (s/maybe collection/hex-color-regex)
-   description                            (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
-   archived                               (s/maybe s/Bool)
-   parent_id                              (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero)
-   authority_level                        collection/AuthorityLevel}
+  {name            (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
+   color           (s/maybe collection/hex-color-regex)
+   description     (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
+   archived        (s/maybe s/Bool)
+   parent_id       (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero)
+   authority_level collection/AuthorityLevel}
   ;; do we have perms to edit this Collection?
   (let [collection-before-update (api/write-check Collection id)]
     ;; if we're trying to *archive* the Collection, make sure we're allowed to do that
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/collection_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/collection_test.clj
index ff98db022363debedf9eeef32e5c1c6af52d720d..9d689a05ed1b52937c89cfe55dc1a025173a3f9e 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/collection_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/collection_test.clj
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
    [metabase.models.permissions-group :as perms-group]
    [metabase.models.revision :as revision]
    [metabase.test :as mt]
+   [metabase.test.data.users :as test.users]
    [metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
    [metabase.util :as u]
    [metabase.util.schema :as su]
@@ -94,16 +95,33 @@
                   (filter :personal_owner_id)
                   (map :name))))
-      (testing "...unless we are *admins*"
-        (is (= ["Crowberto Corv's Personal Collection"
-                "Lucky Pigeon's Personal Collection"
-                "Rasta Toucan's Personal Collection"
-                "Trash Bird's Personal Collection"]
+      (testing "...even if we are *admins*"
+        (is (= ["Crowberto Corv's Personal Collection"]
                (->> (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "collection")
                     (filter #((set (map mt/user->id [:crowberto :lucky :rasta :trashbird])) (:personal_owner_id %)))
                     (map :name)
+    (testing "You should only see your collection and public collections"
+      (let [user-id (u/the-id (test.users/fetch-user :crowberto))
+            crowberto-root    (db/select-one Collection :personal_owner_id user-id)]
+        (mt/with-temp* [Collection [collection]
+                        Collection [{collection-id :id} {:name "Collection with Items"}]
+                        Collection [_ {:name            "subcollection"
+                                       :location        (format "/%d/" collection-id)
+                                       :authority_level "official"}]
+                        Collection [_ {:name     "Crowberto's Child Collection"
+                                       :location (collection/location-path crowberto-root)}]]
+          (let [public-collections #{"Our analytics" (:name collection) "Collection with Items" "subcollection"}
+                crowbertos         (set (map :name (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "collection")))
+                luckys             (set (map :name (mt/user-http-request :lucky :get 200 "collection")))]
+            (is (= (into public-collections #{"Crowberto Corv's Personal Collection" "Crowberto's Child Collection"})
+                   crowbertos))
+            (is (false? (contains? crowbertos "Lucky Pigeon's Personal Collection")))
+            (is (= (conj public-collections (:name collection) "Lucky Pigeon's Personal Collection")
+                   luckys))
+            (is (false? (contains? luckys "Crowberto Corv's Personal Collection")))))))
     (testing "Personal Collection's name and slug should be returned in user's locale"
       (with-french-user-and-personal-collection user _collection
         (is (= [{:name "Collection personnelle de Taco Bell"