diff --git a/dev/src/dev.clj b/dev/src/dev.clj
index ce5b6e8de1694f8969d9d7c4e26ee029dc38d1ee..fe7b2c8e185661d87fb0f6c95ac96a221bed7236 100644
--- a/dev/src/dev.clj
+++ b/dev/src/dev.clj
@@ -33,15 +33,35 @@
-(defn reload-run-tests
-  [& ns-names]
-  (doseq [ns-name ns-names]
-    (require ns-name :reload))
-  (expectations/run-tests ns-names))
-(defn run-tests
-  [& ns-names]
-  (expectations/run-tests ns-names))
+(defn ns-unmap-all
+  "Unmap all interned vars in a namespace. Reset the namespace to a blank slate! Perfect for when you rename everything
+  and want to make sure you didn't miss a reference or when you redefine a multimethod.
+    (ns-unmap-all *ns*)"
+  [a-namespace]
+  (doseq [[symb] (ns-interns a-namespace)]
+    (ns-unmap a-namespace symb)))
+(defn run-tests*
+  [& namespaces]
+  (let [namespaces (map the-ns namespaces)]
+    (doseq [a-namespace namespaces]
+      (ns-unmap-all a-namespace)
+      (require (ns-name a-namespace) :reload))
+    (expectations/run-tests namespaces)))
+(defmacro run-tests
+  "Run expectations test in `namespaces`. With no args, runs tests in the current namespace. Clears all interned vars in
+  the namespace, reloads it, and runs tests. `namespaces` may be either actual namespace objects or their symbol
+  names.
+  (run-tests)        ; current-namespace
+  (run-tests *ns*)   ; current-namespace
+  (run-tests 'my-ns) ; run tests in my-ns"
+  ([]
+   `(run-tests* '~(ns-name *ns*)))
+  ([& namespaces]
+   `(run-tests* ~@(map #(list 'quote (ns-name (the-ns (eval %)))) namespaces))))
 (defmacro require-model
   "Rather than requiring all models inn the ns declaration, make it easy to require the ones you need for your current session"
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters.clj
index 9b0ad10643c7bb9ac4aaa82c51c8b63a9eb66e0c..ed2d48bca10db02b07f906c431d160135c4ac47d 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters.clj
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters
   "Middleware for substituting parameters in queries."
-  (:require [clojure
-             [data :as data]
-             [set :as set]]
+  (:require [clojure.data :as data]
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
              [normalize :as normalize]
@@ -11,7 +9,7 @@
             [metabase.query-processor.interface :as i]
              [mbql :as params.mbql]
-             [sql :as params.sql]]
+             [native :as params.native]]
             [metabase.util :as u]
             [schema.core :as s]))
@@ -40,21 +38,11 @@
     (cond-> expanded
       (join? m) move-join-condition-to-source-query)))
-(defn- expand-native-params [outer-query {:keys [parameters], is-source-query? :native, :as m}]
-  ;; HACK totally rediculous, but top-level native queries use the key `:query` for SQL or equivalent, while native
-  ;; source queries use `:native`; rename `:native` to `:query` so the `params.sql/` code, which thinks it's always
-  ;; operation on top-level queries, works as expected.
-  ;;
-  ;; TODO - Like the MBQL stuff, `params.sql` should be fixed so it operates on any level instead of only top-level.
-  (let [wrapped            (assoc outer-query :native (set/rename-keys m {:native :query}))
-        {expanded :native} (params.sql/expand (dissoc wrapped :parameters) parameters)]
-    ;; remove `:parameters` and `:template-tags` now that we've spliced them in to the query
-    (cond-> expanded
-      ;; rename `:query` back to `:native` if this was a native source query
-      is-source-query? (set/rename-keys {:query :native}))))
+(defn- expand-native-params [_ m]
+  (params.native/expand-inner m))
 (defn- expand-one
-  "Expand `:parameters` in one [inner-query style] map that contains them."
+  "Expand `:parameters` in one inner-query-style map that contains them."
   [outer-query {:keys [source-table source-query parameters], :as m}]
   ;; HACK - normalization does not yet operate on `:parameters` that aren't at the top level, so double-check that
   ;; they're normalized properly before proceeding.
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ce365ea4ca860c06e5c944e4dfd13ad4410d1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
+  "Param substitution for *SQL* queries.
+  This is a new implementation, fondly referred to as 'SQL parameters 2.0', written for v0.23.0. The new
+  implementation uses prepared statement args instead of substituting them directly into the query, and is much
+  better-organized and better-documented.
+  The Basics:
+  *  Things like `{{x}}` (required params) get subsituted with the value of `:x`, which can be a literal used in a
+     clause (e.g. in a clause like `value = {{x}}`) or a \"field filter\" that handles adding the clause itself
+     (e.g. `{{timestamp}}` might become `timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?`).
+  *  Things like `[[AND {{x}]]` are optional params. If the param (`:x`) isn't specified, the *entire* clause inside
+     `[[...]]` is replaced with an empty string; If it is specified, the value inside the curly brackets `{{x}}` is
+     replaced as usual and the rest of the clause (`AND ...`) is included in the query as-is
+  Various `metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.*` namespaces implement different steps of this
+  process, which are as follows:
+  1. `values` parses `:parameters` passed in as arguments to the query and returns a map of param key -> value
+  2. `parse` takes a SQL query string and breaks it out into a series of string fragments interleaved with objects
+     representing optional and non-optional params
+  3.  `substitute` (and the related namespace `substitution`) replace optional and param objects with appropriate SQL
+      snippets and prepared statement args, and combine the sequence of fragments back into a single SQL string."
+  (:require [metabase.driver :as driver]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
+             [parse :as parse]
+             [substitute :as substitute]
+             [values :as values]]))
+(defn expand-inner
+  "Expand parameters inside an *inner* native `query`. Not recursive -- recursive transformations are handled in
+  the `middleware.parameters` functions that invoke this function."
+  [{:keys [parameters query native] :as inner-query}]
+  (if-not (driver/supports? driver/*driver* :native-parameters)
+    inner-query
+    ;; Totally ridiculous, but top-level native queries use the key `:query` for SQL or equivalent, while native
+    ;; source queries use `:native`. So we need to handle either case.
+    (let [query (or query native)]
+      ;; only SQL is officially supported rn! We can change this in the future. But we will probably want separate
+      ;; implementations of `parse` for other drivers, such as ones with JSON-based query languages. I think?
+      (if-not (string? query)
+        inner-query
+        (merge
+         (dissoc inner-query :parameters :template-tags)
+         (let [[query params] (-> query
+                                  parse/parse
+                                  (substitute/substitute (values/query->params-map inner-query)))]
+           (merge
+            (if (:query inner-query)
+              {:query query}
+              {:native query})
+            {:params params})))))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/interface.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/interface.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0179ad5b4644c3ecfd732486fa4441cc7467602c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/interface.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface
+  "Various record types below are used as a convenience for differentiating the different param types."
+  (:require [metabase.util.schema :as su]
+            [potemkin.types :as p.types]
+            [pretty.core :refer [PrettyPrintable]]
+            [schema.core :as s]))
+;; "FieldFilter" is something that expands to a clause like "some_field BETWEEN 1 AND 10"
+;; `field` is a Field Toucan instance
+;; `value`" is either:
+;; * `no-value`
+;; *  A map contianing the value and type info for the value, e.g.
+;;    {:type   :date/single
+;;     :value  #inst "2019-09-20T19:52:00.000-07:00"}
+;; *  A vector of maps like the one above (for multiple values)
+(p.types/defrecord+ FieldFilter [field value]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [this]
+    (list 'map->FieldFilter (into {} this))))
+(defn FieldFilter?
+  "Is `x` an instance of the `FieldFilter` record type?"
+  [x]
+  (instance? FieldFilter x))
+;; as in a literal date, defined by date-string S
+;; `s` is a String
+(p.types/defrecord+ Date [s]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [_]
+    (list 'Date. s)))
+(p.types/defrecord+ DateRange [start end]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [_]
+    (list 'DateRange. start end)))
+;; List of numbers to faciliate things like using params in a SQL `IN` clause. See the discussion in `value->number`
+;; for more details.
+;; `numbers` are a sequence of `[java.lang.Number]`
+(p.types/defrecord+ CommaSeparatedNumbers [numbers]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [_]
+    (list 'CommaSeperatedNumbers. numbers)))
+(def no-value
+  "Convenience for representing an *optional* parameter present in a query but whose value is unspecified in the param
+  values."
+  ::no-value)
+(def SingleValue
+  "Schema for a valid *single* value for a param. As of 0.28.0 params can either be single-value or multiple value."
+  (s/cond-pre (s/eq no-value)
+              CommaSeparatedNumbers
+              FieldFilter
+              Date
+              s/Num
+              s/Str
+              s/Bool))
+(def ParamValue
+  "Schema for a parameter *value* during parsing by the `values` namespace, and also (confusingly) for the `:value` part
+  of a `FieldFilter`, which gets passed along to `substitution`. TODO - this is horribly confusing"
+  {:type                     s/Keyword ; TODO - what types are allowed? :text, ...?
+   (s/optional-key :target)  s/Any
+   ;; not specified if the param has no value. TODO - make this stricter
+   (s/optional-key :value)   s/Any
+   ;; The following are not used by the code in this namespace but may or may not be specified depending on what the
+   ;; code that constructs the query params is doing. We can go ahead and ignore these when present.
+   (s/optional-key :slug)    su/NonBlankString
+   (s/optional-key :name)    su/NonBlankString
+   (s/optional-key :default) s/Any
+   (s/optional-key :id)      s/Any}) ; used internally by the frontend
+;; Sequence of multiple values for generating a SQL IN() clause. vales
+;; `values` are a sequence of `[SingleValue]`
+(p.types/defrecord+ MultipleValues [values]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [_]
+    (list 'MultipleValues. values)))
+(p.types/defrecord+ Param [k]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [_]
+          (list 'param k)))
+(p.types/defrecord+ Optional [args]
+  PrettyPrintable
+  (pretty [_]
+          (cons 'optional args)))
+;; `Param?` and `Optional?` exist mostly so you don't have to try to import the classes from this namespace which can
+;; cause problems if the ns isn't loaded first
+(defn Param?
+  "Is `x` an instance of the `Param` record type?"
+  [x]
+  (instance? Param x))
+(defn Optional?
+  "Is `x` an instance of the `Optional` record type?"
+  [x]
+  (instance? Optional x))
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/parse.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/parse.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc5b7287a662af67ef1c687bfcd879186cbec1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/parse.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.parse
+  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface :as i]
+            [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
+            [schema.core :as s])
+  (:import [metabase.query_processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface Optional Param]))
+(def ^:private StringOrToken  (s/cond-pre s/Str (s/enum :optional-begin :param-begin :end)))
+(defn- split-on-token [^String s token-str token]
+  (when-let [index (str/index-of s token-str)]
+    (let [before (.substring s 0 index)
+          after  (.substring s (+ index (count token-str)) (count s))]
+      [before token after])))
+(defn- tokenize-one [s token-str token]
+  (loop [acc [], s s]
+    (if (empty? s)
+      acc
+      (if-let [[before token after] (split-on-token s token-str token)]
+        (recur (into acc [before token]) after)
+        (conj acc s)))))
+(s/defn ^:private tokenize :- [StringOrToken]
+  [s :- s/Str]
+  (reduce
+   (fn [strs [token-str token]]
+     (filter
+      (some-fn keyword? seq)
+      (mapcat
+       (fn [s]
+         (if-not (string? s)
+           [s]
+           (tokenize-one s token-str token)))
+       strs)))
+   [s]
+   [["[[" :optional-begin]
+    ["]]" :end]
+    ["{{" :param-begin]
+    ["}}" :end]]))
+(defn- param [& [k & more]]
+  (when (or (seq more)
+            (not (string? k)))
+    (throw (Exception. (tru "Invalid '{{...}}' clause: expected a param name"))))
+  (let [k (str/trim k)]
+    (when (empty? k)
+      (throw (Exception. (tru "'{{...}}' clauses cannot be empty."))))
+    (i/->Param k)))
+(defn- optional [& parsed]
+  (when-not (some i/Param? parsed)
+    (throw (Exception. (tru "'[[...]]' clauses must contain at least one '{{...}}' clause."))))
+  (i/->Optional parsed))
+(def ^:private ParsedToken (s/cond-pre s/Str Param Optional))
+(declare parse-tokens)
+(s/defn ^:private parse-tokens :- [(s/one [ParsedToken] "parsed tokens") (s/one [StringOrToken] "remaining tokens")]
+  ([tokens :- [StringOrToken]]
+   (parse-tokens tokens 0))
+  ([tokens :- [StringOrToken], level]
+   (loop [acc [], [token & more] tokens]
+     (condp = token
+       nil
+       (if (pos? level)
+         (throw
+          (IllegalArgumentException. (tru "Invalid query: found '[[' or '{{' with no matching ']]' or '}}'")))
+         [acc nil])
+       :optional-begin
+       (let [[parsed more] (parse-tokens more (inc level))]
+         (recur (conj acc (apply optional parsed)) more))
+       :param-begin
+       (let [[parsed more] (parse-tokens more (inc level))]
+         (recur (conj acc (apply param parsed)) more))
+       :end
+       (if (zero? level)
+         (throw
+          (IllegalArgumentException. (tru "Invalid query: found ']]' or '}}' with no matching '[[' or '{{'")))
+         [acc more])
+       (recur (conj acc token) more)))))
+(s/defn parse :- [(s/cond-pre s/Str Param Optional)]
+  "Attempts to parse SQL string `s`. Parses any optional clauses or parameters found, and returns a sequence of SQL
+  query fragments Strings (possibly) interposed with `Param` or `Optional` instances."
+  [s :- s/Str]
+  (-> s tokenize parse-tokens first))
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitute.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitute.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..915ce843d4989aba6dfe82f4e7894df2aed56df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitute.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.substitute
+  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
+             [interface :as i]
+             [substitution :as substitution]]
+            [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]))
+(defn- substitute-field-filter [param->value [sql args missing] in-optional? k {:keys [field value], :as v}]
+  (if (and (= i/no-value value) in-optional?)
+    ;; no-value field filters inside optional clauses are ignored, and eventually emitted entirely
+    [sql args (conj missing k)]
+    ;; otherwise no values get replaced with `1 = 1` and other values get replaced normally
+    (let [{:keys [replacement-snippet prepared-statement-args]} (substitution/->replacement-snippet-info v)]
+      [(str sql replacement-snippet) (concat args prepared-statement-args) missing])))
+(defn- substitute-param [param->value [sql args missing] in-optional? {:keys [k]}]
+  (if-not (contains? param->value k)
+    [sql args (conj missing k)]
+    (let [v (get param->value k)]
+      (cond
+        (i/FieldFilter? v)
+        (substitute-field-filter param->value [sql args missing] in-optional? k v)
+        (= i/no-value v)
+        [sql args (conj missing k)]
+        :else
+        (let [{:keys [replacement-snippet prepared-statement-args]} (substitution/->replacement-snippet-info v)]
+          [(str sql replacement-snippet) (concat args prepared-statement-args) missing])))))
+(declare substitute*)
+(defn- substitute-optional [param->value [sql args missing] in-optional? {subclauses :args}]
+  (let [[opt-sql opt-args opt-missing] (substitute* param->value subclauses true)]
+    (if (seq opt-missing)
+      [sql args missing]
+      [(str sql opt-sql) (concat args opt-args) missing])))
+(defn- substitute* [param->value parsed in-optional?]
+  (reduce
+   (fn [[sql args missing] x]
+     (cond
+       (string? x)
+       [(str sql x) args missing]
+       (i/Param? x)
+       (substitute-param param->value [sql args missing] in-optional? x)
+       (i/Optional? x)
+       (substitute-optional param->value [sql args missing] in-optional? x)))
+   nil
+   parsed))
+(defn substitute
+  "Substitute `Optional` and `Param` objects in a `parsed-query`, a sequence of parsed string fragments and tokens, with
+  the values from the map `param->value` (using logic from `substitution` to decide what replacement SQL should be
+  generated).
+    (substitute [\"select * from foobars where bird_type = \" (param \"bird_type\")]
+                 {\"bird_type\" \"Steller's Jay\"})
+    ;; -> [\"select * from foobars where bird_type = ?\" [\"Steller's Jay\"]]"
+  [parsed-query param->value]
+  (let [[sql args missing] (substitute* param->value parsed-query false)]
+    (when (seq missing)
+      (throw (Exception. (tru "Cannot run query: missing required parameters: {0}" (set missing)))))
+    [(str/trim sql) args]))
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitution.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitution.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..874e82cdaa4a43f9914bca234942b7fe0cc5e527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitution.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.substitution
+  "These functions take the info for a param fetched by the functions above and add additional info about how that param
+  should be represented as SQL. (Specifically, they return information in this format:
+    {;; appropriate SQL that should be used to replace the param snippet, e.g. {{x}}
+     :replacement-snippet     \"= ?\"
+     ;; ; any prepared statement args (values for `?` placeholders) needed for the replacement snippet
+     :prepared-statement-args [#inst \"2017-01-01\"]}"
+  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [honeysql.core :as hsql]
+            [metabase.driver :as driver]
+            [metabase.driver.sql :as sql]
+            [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.dates :as date-params]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface :as i]
+            [metabase.util
+             [date :as du]
+             [schema :as su]]
+            [schema.core :as s])
+  (:import clojure.lang.Keyword
+           honeysql.types.SqlCall
+           java.util.UUID
+           [metabase.query_processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface CommaSeparatedNumbers Date DateRange
+            FieldFilter MultipleValues]))
+(def ^:private ParamSnippetInfo
+  {(s/optional-key :replacement-snippet)     s/Str     ; allowed to be blank if this is an optional param
+   (s/optional-key :prepared-statement-args) [s/Any]})
+(defmulti ->replacement-snippet-info
+  "Return information about how `value` should be converted to SQL, as a map with keys `:replacement-snippet` and
+  `:prepared-statement-args`.
+    (->replacement-snippet-info \"ABC\") -> {:replacement-snippet \"?\", :prepared-statement-args \"ABC\"}"
+  {:arglists '([value])}
+  class)
+(defn- create-replacement-snippet [nil-or-obj]
+  (let [{:keys [sql-string param-values]} (sql/->prepared-substitution driver/*driver* nil-or-obj)]
+    {:replacement-snippet     sql-string
+     :prepared-statement-args param-values}))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info nil
+  [this]
+  (create-replacement-snippet this))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info Object
+  [this]
+  (create-replacement-snippet (str this)))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info Number
+  [this]
+  (create-replacement-snippet this))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info Boolean
+  [this]
+  (create-replacement-snippet this))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info Keyword
+  [this]
+  (if (= this i/no-value)
+    {:replacement-snippet ""}
+    (create-replacement-snippet this)))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info SqlCall
+  [this]
+  (create-replacement-snippet this))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info UUID
+  [this]
+  {:replacement-snippet (format "CAST('%s' AS uuid)" (str this))})
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info CommaSeparatedNumbers
+  [{:keys [numbers]}]
+  {:replacement-snippet (str/join ", " numbers)})
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info MultipleValues
+  [{:keys [values]}]
+  (let [values (map ->replacement-snippet-info values)]
+    {:replacement-snippet     (str/join ", " (map :replacement-snippet values))
+     :prepared-statement-args (apply concat (map :prepared-statement-args values))}))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info Date
+  [{:keys [s]}]
+  (create-replacement-snippet (du/->Timestamp s)))
+(defn- prepared-ts-subs [operator date-str]
+  (let [{:keys [sql-string param-values]} (sql/->prepared-substitution driver/*driver* (du/->Timestamp date-str))]
+    {:replacement-snippet     (str operator " " sql-string)
+     :prepared-statement-args param-values}))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info DateRange
+  [{:keys [start end]}]
+  (cond
+    (= start end)
+    (prepared-ts-subs \= start)
+    (nil? start)
+    (prepared-ts-subs \< end)
+    (nil? end)
+    (prepared-ts-subs \> start)
+    :else
+    (let [params (map (comp #(sql/->prepared-substitution driver/*driver* %) du/->Timestamp) [start end])]
+      {:replacement-snippet     (apply format "BETWEEN %s AND %s" (map :sql-string params)),
+       :prepared-statement-args (vec (mapcat :param-values params))})))
+;;; ------------------------------------- Field Filter replacement snippet info --------------------------------------
+(s/defn ^:private combine-replacement-snippet-maps :- ParamSnippetInfo
+  "Combine multiple `replacement-snippet-maps` into a single map using a SQL `AND` clause."
+  [replacement-snippet-maps :- [ParamSnippetInfo]]
+  {:replacement-snippet     (str \( (str/join " AND " (map :replacement-snippet replacement-snippet-maps)) \))
+   :prepared-statement-args (reduce concat (map :prepared-statement-args replacement-snippet-maps))})
+(defn- relative-date-param-type? [param-type]
+  (contains? #{:date/range :date/month-year :date/quarter-year :date/relative :date/all-options} param-type))
+;; for relative dates convert the param to a `DateRange` record type and call `->replacement-snippet-info` on it
+(s/defn ^:private relative-date-field-filter->replacement-snippet-info :- ParamSnippetInfo
+  [value]
+  ;; TODO - get timezone from query dict
+  (-> (date-params/date-string->range value (.getID du/*report-timezone*))
+      i/map->DateRange
+      ->replacement-snippet-info))
+(s/defn ^:private field-filter->equals-clause-sql :- ParamSnippetInfo
+  [value]
+  (-> (->replacement-snippet-info value)
+      (update :replacement-snippet (partial str "= "))))
+(s/defn ^:private field-filter-multiple-values->in-clause-sql :- ParamSnippetInfo
+  [values]
+  (-> (i/map->MultipleValues {:values values})
+      ->replacement-snippet-info
+      (update :replacement-snippet (partial format "IN (%s)"))))
+(s/defn ^:private field-filter->replacement-snippet-info :- ParamSnippetInfo
+  "Return `[replacement-snippet & prepared-statement-args]` appropriate for a field filter parameter."
+  [{param-type :type, value :value} :- i/ParamValue]
+  (cond
+    ;; convert relative dates to approprate date range representations
+    (relative-date-param-type? param-type) (relative-date-field-filter->replacement-snippet-info value)
+    ;; convert all other dates to `= <date>`
+    (date-params/date-type? param-type)    (field-filter->equals-clause-sql (i/map->Date {:s value}))
+    ;; for sequences of multiple values we want to generate an `IN (...)` clause
+    (sequential? value)                    (field-filter-multiple-values->in-clause-sql value)
+    ;; convert everything else to `= <value>`
+    :else                                  (field-filter->equals-clause-sql value)))
+(s/defn ^:private honeysql->replacement-snippet-info :- ParamSnippetInfo
+  "Convert `x` to a replacement snippet info map by passing it to HoneySQL's `format` function."
+  [x]
+  (let [[snippet & args] (hsql/format x, :quoting (sql.qp/quote-style driver/*driver*), :allow-dashed-names? true)]
+    {:replacement-snippet     snippet
+     :prepared-statement-args args}))
+(s/defn ^:private field->identifier :- su/NonBlankString
+  "Return an approprate snippet to represent this `field` in SQL given its param type.
+   For non-date Fields, this is just a quoted identifier; for dates, the SQL includes appropriately bucketing based on
+   the `param-type`."
+  [field param-type]
+  (:replacement-snippet
+   (honeysql->replacement-snippet-info
+    (let [identifier (sql.qp/->honeysql driver/*driver* (sql.qp/field->identifier driver/*driver* field))]
+      (if (date-params/date-type? param-type)
+        (sql.qp/date driver/*driver* :day identifier)
+        identifier)))))
+(defmethod ->replacement-snippet-info FieldFilter
+  [{:keys [field value], :as field-filter}]
+  (cond
+    ;; otherwise if the value isn't present just put in something that will always be true, such as `1` (e.g. `WHERE 1
+    ;; = 1`). This is only used for field filters outside of optional clauses
+    (= value i/no-value) {:replacement-snippet "1 = 1"}
+    ;; if we have a vector of multiple values recursively convert them to SQL and combine into an `AND` clause
+    ;; (This is multiple values in the sense that the frontend provided multiple maps with value values for the same
+    ;; FieldFilter, not in the sense that we have a single map with multiple values for `:value`.)
+    (vector? value)
+    (combine-replacement-snippet-maps (for [v value]
+                                        (->replacement-snippet-info (assoc field-filter :value v))))
+    ;; otherwise convert single value to SQL.
+    ;; Convert the value to a replacement snippet info map and then tack on the field identifier to the front
+    :else
+    (update (field-filter->replacement-snippet-info value)
+            :replacement-snippet (partial str (field->identifier field (:type value)) " "))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/values.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/values.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c12f18b448a553c83d8b900ffb3d8e4cbf8b846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/values.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.values
+  "These functions build a map of information about the types and values of the params used in a query. (These functions
+  don't parse the query itself, but instead look at the values of `:template-tags` and `:parameters` passed along with
+  the query.)
+    (query->params-map some-query)
+    ;; -> {\"checkin_date\" {:field {:name \"date\", :parent_id nil, :table_id 1375}
+                             :param {:type   \"date/range\"
+                                     :target [\"dimension\" [\"template-tag\" \"checkin_date\"]]
+                                     :value  \"2015-01-01~2016-09-01\"}}}"
+  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
+            [metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface :as i]
+            [metabase.util
+             [i18n :as ui18n :refer [tru]]
+             [schema :as su]]
+            [schema.core :as s]
+            [toucan.db :as db])
+  (:import java.text.NumberFormat
+           java.util.UUID
+           [metabase.query_processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface CommaSeparatedNumbers FieldFilter
+            MultipleValues]))
+(def ^:private ParamType
+  (s/enum :number
+          :dimension                    ; Field Filter
+          :text
+          :date))
+;; various schemas are used to check that various functions return things in expected formats
+;; TAGS in this case are simple params like {{x}} that get replaced with a single value ("ABC" or 1) as opposed to a
+;; "FieldFilter" clause like FieldFilters
+;; Since 'FieldFilter' are considered their own `:type` (confusingly enough, called `:dimension`), to *actually* store
+;; the type of a FieldFilter look at the key `:widget-type`. This applies to things like the default value for a
+;; FieldFilter as well.
+(def ^:private TagParam
+  "Schema for a tag parameter declaration, passed in as part of the `:template-tags` list."
+  {(s/optional-key :id)          su/NonBlankString ; this is used internally by the frontend
+   :name                         su/NonBlankString
+   :display-name                 su/NonBlankString
+   :type                         ParamType
+   (s/optional-key :dimension)   [s/Any]
+   (s/optional-key :widget-type) s/Keyword ; type of the [default] value if `:type` itself is `dimension`
+   (s/optional-key :required)    s/Bool
+   (s/optional-key :default)     s/Any})
+(def ^:private ParsedParamValue
+  "Schema for valid param value(s). Params can have one or more values."
+  (s/named (s/maybe (s/cond-pre i/SingleValue MultipleValues))
+           "Valid param value(s)"))
+(s/defn ^:private param-with-target
+  "Return the param in `params` with a matching `target`. `target` is something like:
+     [:dimension [:template-tag <param-name>]] ; for FieldFilters (Field Filters)
+     [:variable  [:template-tag <param-name>]] ; for other types of params"
+  [params :- (s/maybe [i/ParamValue]), target]
+  (when-let [matching-params (seq (for [param params
+                                        :when (= (:target param) target)]
+                                    param))]
+    ;; if there's only one matching param no need to nest it inside a vector. Otherwise return vector of params
+    ((if (= (count matching-params) 1)
+       first
+       vec) matching-params)))
+;;; FieldFilter Params (Field Filters) (e.g. WHERE {{x}})
+(s/defn ^:private default-value-for-field-filter
+  "Return the default value for a FieldFilter (`:type` = `:dimension`) param defined by the map `tag`, if one is set."
+  [tag :- TagParam]
+  (when (and (:required tag) (not (:default tag)))
+    (throw (Exception. (tru "''{0}'' is a required param." (:display-name tag)))))
+  (when-let [default (:default tag)]
+    {:type   (:widget-type tag :dimension)             ; widget-type is the actual type of the default value if set
+     :target [:dimension [:template-tag (:name tag)]]
+     :value  default}))
+(s/defn ^:private field-filter->field-id :- su/IntGreaterThanZero
+  [field-filter]
+  (second field-filter))
+(s/defn ^:private field-filter-value-for-tag :- (s/maybe (s/cond-pre FieldFilter (s/eq i/no-value)))
+  "Return the `FieldFilter` value of a param, if applicable. Field filters are referred to internally as `:dimension`s
+  for historic reasons."
+  [tag :- TagParam, params :- (s/maybe [i/ParamValue])]
+  (when-let [field-filter (:dimension tag)]
+    (i/map->FieldFilter
+     ;; TODO - shouldn't this use the QP Store?
+     {:field (or (db/select-one [Field :name :parent_id :table_id :base_type]
+                   :id (field-filter->field-id field-filter))
+                 (throw (Exception. (tru "Can't find field with ID: {0}"
+                                         (field-filter->field-id field-filter)))))
+      :value (if-let [value-info-or-infos (or
+                                           ;; look in the sequence of params we were passed to see if there's anything
+                                           ;; that matches
+                                           (param-with-target params [:dimension [:template-tag (:name tag)]])
+                                           ;; if not, check and see if we have a default param
+                                           (default-value-for-field-filter tag))]
+               ;; `value-info` will look something like after we remove `:target` which is not needed after this point
+               ;;
+               ;;    {:type   :date/single
+               ;;     :value  #inst "2019-09-20T19:52:00.000-07:00"}
+               ;;
+               ;; (or it will be a vector of these maps for multiple values)
+               (cond
+                 (map? value-info-or-infos)        (dissoc value-info-or-infos :target)
+                 (sequential? value-info-or-infos) (mapv #(dissoc % :target) value-info-or-infos))
+               i/no-value)})))
+;;; Non-FieldFilter Params (e.g. WHERE x = {{x}})
+(s/defn ^:private param-value-for-tag [tag :- TagParam, params :- (s/maybe [i/ParamValue])]
+  (when (not= (:type tag) :dimension)
+    (:value (param-with-target params [:variable [:template-tag (:name tag)]]))))
+(s/defn ^:private default-value-for-tag
+  "Return the `:default` value for a param if no explicit values were passsed. This only applies to non-FieldFilter
+  params. Default values for FieldFilter (Field Filter) params are handled above in `default-value-for-field-filter`."
+  [{:keys [default display-name required]} :- TagParam]
+  (or default
+      (when required
+        (throw (Exception. (tru "''{0}'' is a required param." display-name))))))
+;;; Parsing Values
+(s/defn ^:private parse-number :- s/Num
+  "Parse a string like `1` or `2.0` into a valid number. Done mostly to keep people from passing in
+   things that aren't numbers, like SQL identifiers."
+  [s :- s/Str]
+  (.parse (NumberFormat/getInstance) ^String s))
+(s/defn ^:private value->number :- (s/cond-pre s/Num CommaSeparatedNumbers)
+  "Parse a 'numeric' param value. Normally this returns an integer or floating-point number, but as a somewhat
+  undocumented feature it also accepts comma-separated lists of numbers. This was a side-effect of the old parameter
+  code that unquestioningly substituted any parameter passed in as a number directly into the SQL. This has long been
+  changed for security purposes (avoiding SQL injection), but since users have come to expect comma-separated numeric
+  values to work we'll allow that (with validation) and return an instance of `CommaSeperatedNumbers`. (That is
+  converted to SQL as a simple comma-separated list.)"
+  [value]
+  (cond
+    ;; if not a string it's already been parsed
+    (number? value) value
+    ;; same goes for an instance of CommaSeperated values
+    (instance? CommaSeparatedNumbers value) value
+    ;; if the value is a string, then split it by commas in the string. Usually there should be none.
+    ;; Parse each part as a number.
+    (string? value)
+    (let [parts (for [part (str/split value #",")]
+                  (parse-number part))]
+      (if (> (count parts) 1)
+        ;; If there's more than one number return an instance of `CommaSeparatedNumbers`
+        (i/map->CommaSeparatedNumbers {:numbers parts})
+        ;; otherwise just return the single number
+        (first parts)))))
+(s/defn ^:private parse-value-for-field-base-type :- s/Any
+  "Do special parsing for value for a (presumably textual) FieldFilter (`:type` = `:dimension`) param (i.e., attempt
+  to parse it as appropriate based on the base-type of the Field associated with it). These are special cases for
+  handling types that do not have an associated parameter type (such as `date` or `number`), such as UUID fields."
+  [base-type :- su/FieldType, value]
+  (cond
+    (isa? base-type :type/UUID)   (UUID/fromString value)
+    (isa? base-type :type/Number) (value->number value)
+    :else                         value))
+(s/defn ^:private parse-value-for-type :- ParsedParamValue
+  "Parse a `value` based on the type chosen for the param, such as `text` or `number`. (Depending on the type of param
+  created, `value` here might be a raw value or a map including information about the Field it references as well as a
+  value.) For numbers, dates, and the like, this will parse the string appropriately; for `text` parameters, this will
+  additionally attempt handle special cases based on the base type of the Field, for example, parsing params for UUID
+  base type Fields as UUIDs."
+  [param-type :- ParamType, value]
+  (cond
+    (= value i/no-value)
+    value
+    (= param-type :number)
+    (value->number value)
+    (= param-type :date)
+    (i/map->Date {:s value})
+    ;; Field Filters
+    (and (= param-type :dimension)
+         (= (get-in value [:value :type]) :number))
+    (update-in value [:value :value] value->number)
+    (sequential? value)
+    (i/map->MultipleValues {:values (for [v value]
+                                      (parse-value-for-type param-type v))})
+    (and (= param-type :dimension)
+         (get-in value [:field :base_type])
+         (string? (get-in value [:value :value])))
+    (update-in value [:value :value] (partial parse-value-for-field-base-type (get-in value [:field :base_type])))
+    :else
+    value))
+(s/defn ^:private value-for-tag :- ParsedParamValue
+  "Given a map `tag` (a value in the `:template-tags` dictionary) return the corresponding value from the `params`
+   sequence. The `value` is something that can be compiled to SQL via `->replacement-snippet-info`."
+  [tag :- TagParam, params :- (s/maybe [i/ParamValue])]
+  (parse-value-for-type (:type tag) (or (param-value-for-tag tag params)
+                                        (field-filter-value-for-tag tag params)
+                                        (default-value-for-tag tag)
+                                        i/no-value)))
+(s/defn query->params-map :- {su/NonBlankString ParsedParamValue}
+  "Extract parameters info from `query`. Return a map of parameter name -> value.
+    (query->params-map some-query)
+    ->
+    {:checkin_date #inst \"2019-09-19T23:30:42.233-07:00\"}"
+  [{tags :template-tags, params :parameters}]
+  (into {} (for [[k tag] tags
+                 :let    [v (value-for-tag tag params)]
+                 :when   v]
+             ;; TODO - if V is `nil` *on purpose* this still won't give us a query like `WHERE field = NULL`. That
+             ;; kind of query shouldn't be possible from the frontend anyway
+             {k v})))
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/sql.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/sql.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 9241ec8da4f43393aa7872d367205a7329013949..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/sql.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.sql
-  "Param substitution for *SQL* queries.
-   This is a new implementation, fondly referred to as 'SQL parameters 2.0', written for v0.23.0.
-   The new implementation uses prepared statement args instead of substituting them directly into the query,
-   and is much better-organized and better-documented."
-  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
-            [honeysql.core :as hsql]
-            [medley.core :as m]
-            [metabase.driver :as driver]
-            [metabase.driver.sql :as sql]
-            [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
-            [metabase.models.field :as field :refer [Field]]
-            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.dates :as date-params]
-            [metabase.util
-             [date :as du]
-             [i18n :as ui18n :refer [tru]]
-             [schema :as su]]
-            [schema.core :as s]
-            [toucan.db :as db])
-  (:import clojure.lang.Keyword
-           honeysql.types.SqlCall
-           java.text.NumberFormat
-           java.util.regex.Pattern
-           java.util.UUID
-           metabase.models.field.FieldInstance))
-;; The Basics:
-;; *  Things like `{{x}}` (required params) get subsituted with the value of `:x`, which can be a literal used in a
-;;    clause (e.g. in a clause like `value = {{x}}`) or a "field filter" that handles adding the clause itself
-;;    (e.g. `{{timestamp}}` might become `timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?`).
-;; *  Things like `[[AND {{x}]]` are optional param. If the param (`:x`) isn't specified, the *entire* clause inside
-;;    `[[...]]` is replaced with an empty string; If it is specified, the value inside the curly brackets `{{x}}` is
-;;    replaced as usual and the rest of the clause (`AND ...`) is included in the query as-is
-;; See the various parts of this namespace below to see how it's done.
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                      ETC                                                       |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; Various record types below are used as a convenience for differentiating the different param types.
-;; "Dimension" here means a "FIELD FILTER", e.g. something that expands to a clause like "some_field BETWEEN 1 AND 10"
-(s/defrecord ^:private Dimension [field :- FieldInstance, param]) ; param is either single param or a vector of params
-;; as in a literal date, defined by date-string S
-(s/defrecord ^:private Date [s :- s/Str])
-(defrecord ^:private DateRange [start end])
-;; List of numbers to faciliate things like using params in a SQL `IN` clause. See the discussion in `value->number`
-;; for more details.
-(s/defrecord ^:private CommaSeparatedNumbers [numbers :- [s/Num]])
-;; convenience for representing an *optional* parameter present in a query but whose value is unspecified in the param
-;; values.
-(defrecord ^:private NoValue [])
-(defn- no-value? [x]
-  (instance? NoValue x))
-(def ^:private ParamType
-  (s/enum :number :dimension :text :date))
-;; various schemas are used to check that various functions return things in expected formats
-;; TAGS in this case are simple params like {{x}} that get replaced with a single value ("ABC" or 1) as opposed to a
-;; "FieldFilter" clause like Dimensions
-;; Since 'Dimension' (Field Filters) are considered their own `:type`, to *actually* store the type of a Dimension
-;; look at the key `:widget-type`. This applies to things like the default value for a Dimension as well.
-(def ^:private TagParam
-  "Schema for values passed in as part of the `:template-tags` list."
-  {(s/optional-key :id)          su/NonBlankString ; this is used internally by the frontend
-   :name                         su/NonBlankString
-   :display-name                 su/NonBlankString
-   :type                         ParamType
-   (s/optional-key :dimension)   [s/Any]
-   (s/optional-key :widget-type) s/Keyword ; type of the [default] value if `:type` itself is `dimension`
-   (s/optional-key :required)    s/Bool
-   (s/optional-key :default)     s/Any})
-(def ^:private DimensionValue
-  {:type                     s/Keyword ; TODO - what types are allowed? :text, ...?
-   :target                   s/Any
-   ;; not specified if the param has no value. TODO - make this stricter
-   (s/optional-key :value)   s/Any
-   ;; The following are not used by the code in this namespace but may or may not be specified depending on what the
-   ;; code that constructs the query params is doing. We can go ahead and ignore these when present.
-   (s/optional-key :slug)    su/NonBlankString
-   (s/optional-key :name)    su/NonBlankString
-   (s/optional-key :default) s/Any
-   (s/optional-key :id)      s/Any}) ; used internally by the frontend
-(def ^:private SingleValue
-  "Schema for a valid *single* value for a param. As of 0.28.0 params can either be single-value or multiple value."
-  (s/cond-pre NoValue
-              CommaSeparatedNumbers
-              Dimension
-              Date
-              s/Num
-              s/Str
-              s/Bool))
-;; Sequence of multiple values for generating a SQL IN() clause. vales
-(s/defrecord ^:private MultipleValues [values :- [SingleValue]])
-(def ^:private ParamValue
-  "Schema for valid param value(s). Params can have one or more values."
-  (s/named (s/maybe (s/cond-pre SingleValue MultipleValues))
-           "Valid param value(s)"))
-(def ^:private ParamValues
-  {su/NonBlankString ParamValue})
-(def ^:private ParamSnippetInfo
-  {(s/optional-key :replacement-snippet)     s/Str     ; allowed to be blank if this is an optional param
-   (s/optional-key :prepared-statement-args) [s/Any]})
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                             PARAM INFO RESOULTION                                              |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; These functions build a map of information about the types and values of the params used in a query.
-;; (These functions don't parse the query itself, but instead look at the values of `:template-tags` and `:parameters`
-;; passed along with the query.)
-;;     (query->params-map some-query)
-;;     ;; -> {"checkin_date" {:field {:name "\date"\, :parent_id nil, :table_id 1375}
-;;                            :param {:type   "\date/range"\
-;;                                    :target ["\dimension"\ ["\template-tag"\ "\checkin_date"\]]
-;;                                    :value  "\2015-01-01~2016-09-01"\}}}
-(s/defn ^:private param-with-target
-  "Return the param in `params` with a matching `target`. `target` is something like:
-     [:dimension [:template-tag <param-name>]] ; for Dimensions (Field Filters)
-     [:variable  [:template-tag <param-name>]] ; for other types of params"
-  [params :- (s/maybe [DimensionValue]), target]
-  (when-let [matching-params (seq (for [param params
-                                        :when (= (:target param) target)]
-                                    param))]
-    ;; if there's only one matching param no need to nest it inside a vector. Otherwise return vector of params
-    ((if (= (count matching-params) 1)
-       first
-       vec) matching-params)))
-;;; Dimension Params (Field Filters) (e.g. WHERE {{x}})
-(s/defn ^:private default-value-for-dimension :- (s/maybe DimensionValue)
-  "Return the default value for a Dimension (Field Filter) param defined by the map TAG, if one is set."
-  [tag :- TagParam]
-  (when (and (:required tag) (not (:default tag)))
-    (throw (Exception. (tru "''{0}'' is a required param." (:display-name tag)))))
-  (when-let [default (:default tag)]
-    {:type   (:widget-type tag :dimension)             ; widget-type is the actual type of the default value if set
-     :target [:dimension [:template-tag (:name tag)]]
-     :value  default}))
-(s/defn ^:private dimension->field-id :- su/IntGreaterThanZero
-  [dimension]
-  (second dimension))
-(s/defn ^:private dimension-value-for-tag :- (s/maybe Dimension)
-  "Return the \"Dimension\" value of a param, if applicable. \"Dimension\" here means what is called a \"Field
-  Filter\" in the Native Query Editor."
-  [tag :- TagParam, params :- (s/maybe [DimensionValue])]
-  (when-let [dimension (:dimension tag)]
-    (map->Dimension {:field (or (db/select-one [Field :name :parent_id :table_id :base_type],
-                                  :id (dimension->field-id dimension))
-                                (throw (Exception. (tru "Can't find field with ID: {0}"
-                                                        (dimension->field-id dimension)))))
-                     :param (or
-                             ;; look in the sequence of params we were passed to see if there's anything that matches
-                             (param-with-target params [:dimension [:template-tag (:name tag)]])
-                             ;; if not, check and see if we have a default param
-                             (default-value-for-dimension tag))})))
-;;; Non-Dimension Params (e.g. WHERE x = {{x}})
-(s/defn ^:private param-value-for-tag [tag :- TagParam, params :- (s/maybe [DimensionValue])]
-  (when (not= (:type tag) :dimension)
-    (:value (param-with-target params [:variable [:template-tag (:name tag)]]))))
-(s/defn ^:private default-value-for-tag
-  "Return the `:default` value for a param if no explicit values were passsed. This only applies to non-Dimension
-   (non-Field Filter) params. Default values for Dimension (Field Filter) params are handled above in
-   `default-value-for-dimension`."
-  [{:keys [default display-name required]} :- TagParam]
-  (or default
-      (when required
-        (throw (Exception. (tru "''{0}'' is a required param." display-name))))))
-;;; Parsing Values
-(s/defn ^:private parse-number :- s/Num
-  "Parse a string like `1` or `2.0` into a valid number. Done mostly to keep people from passing in
-   things that aren't numbers, like SQL identifiers."
-  [s :- s/Str]
-  (.parse (NumberFormat/getInstance) ^String s))
-(s/defn ^:private value->number :- (s/cond-pre s/Num CommaSeparatedNumbers)
-  "Parse a 'numeric' param value. Normally this returns an integer or floating-point number, but as a somewhat
-  undocumented feature it also accepts comma-separated lists of numbers. This was a side-effect of the old parameter
-  code that unquestioningly substituted any parameter passed in as a number directly into the SQL. This has long been
-  changed for security purposes (avoiding SQL injection), but since users have come to expect comma-separated numeric
-  values to work we'll allow that (with validation) and return an instance of `CommaSeperatedNumbers`. (That is
-  converted to SQL as a simple comma-separated list.)"
-  [value]
-  (cond
-    ;; if not a string it's already been parsed
-    (number? value) value
-    ;; same goes for an instance of CommaSeperated values
-    (instance? CommaSeparatedNumbers value) value
-    ;; if the value is a string, then split it by commas in the string. Usually there should be none.
-    ;; Parse each part as a number.
-    (string? value)
-    (let [parts (for [part (str/split value #",")]
-                  (parse-number part))]
-      (if (> (count parts) 1)
-        ;; If there's more than one number return an instance of `CommaSeparatedNumbers`
-        (strict-map->CommaSeparatedNumbers {:numbers parts})
-        ;; otherwise just return the single number
-        (first parts)))))
-(s/defn ^:private parse-value-for-field-base-type :- s/Any
-  "Do special parsing for value for a (presumably textual) FieldFilter 'dimension' param (i.e., attempt to parse it as
-  appropriate based on the base-type of the Field associated with it). These are special cases for handling types that
-  do not have an associated parameter type (such as `date` or `number`), such as UUID fields."
-  [base-type :- su/FieldType, value]
-  (cond
-    (isa? base-type :type/UUID) (UUID/fromString value)
-    (isa? base-type :type/Number) (value->number value)
-    :else                       value))
-(s/defn ^:private parse-value-for-type :- ParamValue
-  "Parse a `value` based on the type chosen for the param, such as `text` or `number`. (Depending on the type of param
-  created, `value` here might be a raw value or a map including information about the Field it references as well as a
-  value.) For numbers, dates, and the like, this will parse the string appropriately; for `text` parameters, this will
-  additionally attempt handle special cases based on the base type of the Field, for example, parsing params for UUID
-  base type Fields as UUIDs."
-  [param-type :- ParamType, value]
-  (cond
-    (no-value? value)
-    value
-    (= param-type :number)
-    (value->number value)
-    (= param-type :date)
-    (map->Date {:s value})
-    (and (= param-type :dimension)
-         (= (get-in value [:param :type]) :number))
-    (update-in value [:param :value] value->number)
-    (sequential? value)
-    (map->MultipleValues {:values (for [v value]
-                                    (parse-value-for-type param-type v))})
-    (and (= param-type :dimension)
-         (get-in value [:field :base_type])
-         (string? (get-in value [:param :value])))
-    (update-in value [:param :value] (partial parse-value-for-field-base-type (get-in value [:field :base_type])))
-    :else
-    value))
-(s/defn ^:private value-for-tag :- ParamValue
-  "Given a map TAG (a value in the `:template-tags` dictionary) return the corresponding value from the `params`
-   sequence. The VALUE is something that can be compiled to SQL via `->replacement-snippet-info`."
-  [tag :- TagParam, params :- (s/maybe [DimensionValue])]
-  (parse-value-for-type (:type tag) (or (param-value-for-tag tag params)
-                                        (dimension-value-for-tag tag params)
-                                        (default-value-for-tag tag)
-                                        ;; TODO - what if value is specified but is `nil`?
-                                        (NoValue.))))
-(s/defn ^:private query->params-map :- ParamValues
-  "Extract parameters info from `query`. Return a map of parameter name -> value.
-     (query->params-map some-query)
-      ->
-      {:checkin_date {:field {:name \"date\", :parent_id nil, :table_id 1375}
-                      :param {:type   :date/range
-                              :target [:dimension [:template-tag \"checkin_date\"]]
-                              :value  \"2015-01-01~2016-09-01\"}}}"
-  [{{tags :template-tags} :native, params :parameters}]
-  (into {} (for [[k tag] tags
-                 :let    [v (value-for-tag tag params)]
-                 :when   v]
-             ;; TODO - if V is `nil` *on purpose* this still won't give us a query like `WHERE field = NULL`. That
-             ;; kind of query shouldn't be possible from the frontend anyway
-             {k v})))
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                            PARAM->SQL SUBSTITUTION                                             |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; These functions take the info for a param fetched by the functions above and add additional info about how that
-;; param should be represented as SQL. (Specifically, they return information in this format:
-;;    {:replacement-snippet     "= ?"                  ; appropriate SQL that should be used to replace the param snippet, e.g. {{x}}
-;;     :prepared-statement-args [#inst "2017-01-01"]}  ; any prepared statement args (values for `?` placeholders) needed for the replacement snippet
-(defprotocol ^:private ISQLParamSubstituion
-  "Protocol for specifying what SQL should be generated for parameters of various types."
-  (^:private ->replacement-snippet-info [this]
-   "Return information about how THIS should be converted to SQL, as a map with keys `:replacement-snippet` and
-   `:prepared-statement-args`.
-      (->replacement-snippet-info \"ABC\") -> {:replacement-snippet \"?\", :prepared-statement-args \"ABC\"}"))
-(defn- relative-date-param-type? [param-type]
-  (contains? #{:date/range :date/month-year :date/quarter-year :date/relative :date/all-options} param-type))
-;; for relative dates convert the param to a `DateRange` record type and call `->replacement-snippet-info` on it
-(s/defn ^:private relative-date-dimension-value->replacement-snippet-info :- ParamSnippetInfo
-  [value]
-  ;; TODO - get timezone from query dict
-  (-> (date-params/date-string->range value (.getID du/*report-timezone*))
-      map->DateRange
-      ->replacement-snippet-info))
-(s/defn ^:private dimension-value->equals-clause-sql :- ParamSnippetInfo
-  [value]
-  (-> (->replacement-snippet-info value)
-      (update :replacement-snippet (partial str "= "))))
-(s/defn ^:private dimension-multiple-values->in-clause-sql :- ParamSnippetInfo
-  [values]
-  (-> (map->MultipleValues {:values values})
-      ->replacement-snippet-info
-      (update :replacement-snippet (partial format "IN (%s)"))))
-(s/defn ^:private dimension->replacement-snippet-info :- ParamSnippetInfo
-  "Return `[replacement-snippet & prepared-statement-args]` appropriate for a `dimension` parameter."
-  [{param-type :type, value :value} :- DimensionValue]
-  (cond
-    ;; convert relative dates to approprate date range representations
-    (relative-date-param-type? param-type) (relative-date-dimension-value->replacement-snippet-info value)
-    ;; convert all other dates to `= <date>`
-    (date-params/date-type? param-type)    (dimension-value->equals-clause-sql (map->Date {:s value}))
-    ;; for sequences of multiple values we want to generate an `IN (...)` clause
-    (sequential? value)                    (dimension-multiple-values->in-clause-sql value)
-    ;; convert everything else to `= <value>`
-    :else                                  (dimension-value->equals-clause-sql value)))
-(s/defn ^:private honeysql->replacement-snippet-info :- ParamSnippetInfo
-  "Convert `x` to a replacement snippet info map by passing it to HoneySQL's `format` function."
-  [x]
-  (let [[snippet & args] (hsql/format x, :quoting (sql.qp/quote-style driver/*driver*), :allow-dashed-names? true)]
-    {:replacement-snippet     snippet
-     :prepared-statement-args args}))
-(s/defn ^:private field->identifier :- su/NonBlankString
-  "Return an approprate snippet to represent this `field` in SQL given its param type.
-   For non-date Fields, this is just a quoted identifier; for dates, the SQL includes appropriately bucketing based on
-   the `param-type`."
-  [field param-type]
-  (:replacement-snippet
-   (honeysql->replacement-snippet-info
-    (let [identifier (sql.qp/->honeysql driver/*driver* (sql.qp/field->identifier driver/*driver* field))]
-      (if (date-params/date-type? param-type)
-        (sql.qp/date driver/*driver* :day identifier)
-        identifier)))))
-(s/defn ^:private combine-replacement-snippet-maps :- ParamSnippetInfo
-  "Combine multiple `replacement-snippet-maps` into a single map using a SQL `AND` clause."
-  [replacement-snippet-maps :- [ParamSnippetInfo]]
-  {:replacement-snippet     (str \( (str/join " AND " (map :replacement-snippet replacement-snippet-maps)) \))
-   :prepared-statement-args (reduce concat (map :prepared-statement-args replacement-snippet-maps))})
-(defn- create-replacement-snippet [nil-or-obj]
-  (let [{:keys [sql-string param-values]} (sql/->prepared-substitution driver/*driver* nil-or-obj)]
-    {:replacement-snippet     sql-string
-     :prepared-statement-args param-values}))
-(defn- prepared-ts-subs [operator date-str]
-  (let [{:keys [sql-string param-values]} (sql/->prepared-substitution driver/*driver* (du/->Timestamp date-str))]
-    {:replacement-snippet     (str operator " " sql-string)
-     :prepared-statement-args param-values}))
-(extend-protocol ISQLParamSubstituion
-  nil     (->replacement-snippet-info [this] (create-replacement-snippet this))
-  Object  (->replacement-snippet-info [this] (create-replacement-snippet (str this)))
-  Number  (->replacement-snippet-info [this] (create-replacement-snippet this))
-  Boolean (->replacement-snippet-info [this] (create-replacement-snippet this))
-  Keyword (->replacement-snippet-info [this] (create-replacement-snippet this))
-  SqlCall (->replacement-snippet-info [this] (create-replacement-snippet this))
-  UUID    (->replacement-snippet-info [this] {:replacement-snippet (format "CAST('%s' AS uuid)" (str this))})
-  NoValue (->replacement-snippet-info [_]    {:replacement-snippet ""})
-  CommaSeparatedNumbers
-  (->replacement-snippet-info [{:keys [numbers]}]
-    {:replacement-snippet (str/join ", " numbers)})
-  MultipleValues
-  (->replacement-snippet-info [{:keys [values]}]
-    (let [values (map ->replacement-snippet-info values)]
-      {:replacement-snippet     (str/join ", " (map :replacement-snippet values))
-       :prepared-statement-args (apply concat (map :prepared-statement-args values))}))
-  Date
-  (->replacement-snippet-info [{:keys [s]}]
-    (create-replacement-snippet (du/->Timestamp s)))
-  DateRange
-  (->replacement-snippet-info [{:keys [start end]}]
-    (cond
-      (= start end)
-      (prepared-ts-subs \= start)
-      (nil? start)
-      (prepared-ts-subs \< end)
-      (nil? end)
-      (prepared-ts-subs \> start)
-      :else
-      (let [params (map (comp #(sql/->prepared-substitution driver/*driver* %) du/->Timestamp) [start end])]
-        {:replacement-snippet     (apply format "BETWEEN %s AND %s" (map :sql-string params)),
-         :prepared-statement-args (vec (mapcat :param-values params))})))
-  ;; TODO - clean this up if possible!
-  Dimension
-  (->replacement-snippet-info [{:keys [field param], :as dimension}]
-    (cond
-      ;; if the param is `nil` just put in something that will always be true, such as `1` (e.g. `WHERE 1 = 1`)
-      (nil? param) {:replacement-snippet "1 = 1"}
-      ;; if we have a vector of multiple params recursively convert them to SQL and combine into an `AND` clause
-      ;; (This is multiple params in the sense that the frontend provided multiple maps with param values for the same
-      ;; Dimension, not in the sense that we have a single map with multiple values for `:value`.)
-      (vector? param)
-      (combine-replacement-snippet-maps (for [p param]
-                                          (->replacement-snippet-info (assoc dimension :param p))))
-      ;; otherwise convert single param to SQL.
-      ;; Convert the value to a replacement snippet info map and then tack on the field identifier to the front
-      :else
-      (update (dimension->replacement-snippet-info param)
-              :replacement-snippet (partial str (field->identifier field (:type param)) " ")))))
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                            PARSING THE SQL TEMPLATE                                            |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-(defrecord ^:private Param [param-key sql-value prepared-statement-args])
-(defn- param? [maybe-param]
-  (instance? Param maybe-param))
-(defn- merge-query-map [query-map node]
-  (cond
-    (string? node)
-    (update query-map :query str node)
-    (param? node)
-    (-> query-map
-        (update :query str (:sql-value node))
-        (update :params concat (:prepared-statement-args node)))
-    :else
-    (-> query-map
-        (update :query str (:query node))
-        (update :params concat (:params node)))))
-(def ^:private empty-query-map {:query "" :params []})
-(defn- no-value-param? [maybe-param]
-  (and (param? maybe-param)
-       (no-value? (:sql-value maybe-param))))
-(defn- quoted-re-pattern [s]
-  (-> s Pattern/quote re-pattern))
-(defn- split-delimited-string
-  "Interesting parts of the SQL string (vs. parts that are just passed through) are delimited, i.e. {{something}}. This
-  function takes a `delimited-begin` and `delimited-end` regex and uses that to separate the string. Returns a map
-  with the prefix (the string leading up to the first `delimited-begin`) and `:delimited-strings` as a seq of maps
-  where `:delimited-body` is what's in-between the delimited marks (i.e. foo in {{foo}} and then a suffix, which is
-  the characters after the trailing delimiter but before the next occurrence of the `delimited-end`."
-  [delimited-begin delimited-end s]
-  (let [begin-pattern                (quoted-re-pattern delimited-begin)
-        end-pattern                  (quoted-re-pattern delimited-end)
-        [prefix & segmented-strings] (str/split s begin-pattern)]
-    (when-let [^String msg (and (seq segmented-strings)
-                                (not-every? #(str/index-of % delimited-end) segmented-strings)
-                                (tru "Found ''{0}'' with no terminating ''{1}'' in query ''{2}''"
-                                     delimited-begin delimited-end s))]
-      (throw (IllegalArgumentException. msg)))
-    {:prefix            prefix
-     :delimited-strings (for [segmented-string segmented-strings
-                              :let             [[token-str & rest-of-segment] (str/split segmented-string end-pattern)]]
-                          {:delimited-body token-str
-                           :suffix         (apply str rest-of-segment)})}))
-(s/defn ^:private token->param :- Param
-  "Given a `token` and `param-key->value` return a `Param`. If no parameter value is found, return a `NoValue` param"
-  [token :- su/NonBlankString, param-key->value :- ParamValues]
-  (let [val                               (get param-key->value token (NoValue.))
-        {:keys [replacement-snippet
-                prepared-statement-args]} (->replacement-snippet-info val)]
-    (map->Param (merge {:param-key token}
-                       (if (no-value? val)
-                         {:sql-value val, :prepared-statement-args []}
-                         {:sql-value               replacement-snippet
-                          :prepared-statement-args prepared-statement-args})))))
-(s/defn ^:private parse-params
-  "Parse `s` for any parameters. Returns a seq of strings and `Param` instances"
-  [s :- s/Str, param-key->value :- ParamValues]
-  (let [{:keys [prefix delimited-strings]} (split-delimited-string "{{" "}}" s)]
-    (cons prefix
-          (mapcat (fn [{:keys [delimited-body suffix]}]
-                    [(-> delimited-body
-                         str/trim
-                         (token->param param-key->value))
-                     suffix])
-                  delimited-strings))))
-(s/defn ^:private parse-params-or-throw
-  "Same as `parse-params` but will throw an exception if there are any `NoValue` parameters"
-  [s :- s/Str, param-key->value :- ParamValues]
-  (let [results (parse-params s param-key->value)]
-    (if-let [{:keys [param-key]} (m/find-first no-value-param? results)]
-      (throw (ui18n/ex-info (tru "Unable to substitute ''{0}'': param not specified.\nFound: {1}"
-                                 (name param-key) (pr-str (map name (keys param-key->value))))
-               {:status-code 400}))
-      results)))
-(def ^:private ParseTemplateResponse
-  {:query  s/Str
-   :params [s/Any]})
-(defn- parse-one-optional-param
-  "Parse a single optional param."
-  [param-key->value {:keys [delimited-body suffix]}]
-  (let [optional-clause (parse-params delimited-body param-key->value)]
-    (if (some no-value-param? optional-clause)
-      (parse-params-or-throw suffix param-key->value)
-      (concat optional-clause (parse-params-or-throw suffix param-key->value)))))
-(s/defn ^:private parse-optional-params :- ParseTemplateResponse
-  "Attempts to parse SQL parameter string `s`. Parses any optional clauses or parameters found, returns a query map."
-  [s :- s/Str, param-key->value :- ParamValues]
-  (let [{:keys [prefix delimited-strings]} (split-delimited-string "[[" "]]" s)
-        parsed                             (apply
-                                            concat
-                                            (parse-params-or-throw prefix param-key->value)
-                                            (for [parsed-delimited-string delimited-strings]
-                                              (parse-one-optional-param param-key->value parsed-delimited-string)))]
-    (reduce merge-query-map empty-query-map parsed)))
-(s/defn ^:private parse-template :- ParseTemplateResponse
-  [sql :- s/Str, param-key->value :- ParamValues]
-  (-> sql
-      (parse-optional-params param-key->value)
-      (update :query str/trim)))
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                            PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER                                             |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-(s/defn ^:private expand-query-params
-  [{sql :query, :as native} :- {:query s/Str, s/Keyword s/Any}, param-key->value :- ParamValues]
-  (-> native
-      (merge (parse-template sql param-key->value))
-      (dissoc :template-tags)))
-(s/defn expand
-  "Expand parameters inside a *SQL* `query`."
-  ([query :- {:native su/Map, s/Keyword s/Any}]
-   (if (driver/supports? driver/*driver* :native-parameters)
-     (update query :native expand-query-params (query->params-map query))
-     query))
-  ;; HACK - all this code is written expecting `:parameters` to be a top-level key; to support parameters in source
-  ;; queries (especially for GTAPs) we need `:parameters` to be in the same level as the query they affect; so move
-  ;; passed parameters to the top-level until we get a chance to fix this.
-  ([query parameters]
-   (-> (assoc query :parameters parameters)
-       expand
-       (dissoc query :parameters))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/parse_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/parse_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1441331f97c35af8e93a05e41b5a325ea9c8b7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/parse_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.parse-test
+  (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
+             [interface :as i]
+             [parse :as parse]]))
+(def ^:private param (var-get #'parse/param))
+(def ^:private optional (var-get #'parse/optional))
+;; tests for tokenization
+  [:param-begin "num_toucans" :end]
+  (#'parse/tokenize "{{num_toucans}}"))
+  [:optional-begin "AND num_toucans > " :param-begin "num_toucans" :end :end]
+  (#'parse/tokenize "[[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"))
+  [:end :param-begin :end :optional-begin]
+  (#'parse/tokenize "}}{{]][["))
+  ["SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE " :optional-begin "AND num_toucans > " :param-begin "num_toucans" :end :end]
+  (#'parse/tokenize "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"))
+  ["SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE " :optional-begin "AND num_toucans > " :param-begin "num_toucans" :end :end
+   " " :optional-begin "AND total_birds > " :param-begin "total_birds" :end :end]
+  (#'parse/tokenize
+   "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"))
+  ["select * from foo where bar=1"]
+  (parse/parse "select * from foo where bar=1"))
+  ["select * from foo where bar=" (i/->Param "baz")]
+  (parse/parse "select * from foo where bar={{baz}}"))
+  ["select * from foo " (i/->Optional ["where bar = " (i/->Param "baz") " "])]
+  (parse/parse "select * from foo [[where bar = {{baz}} ]]"))
+;; Multiple optional clauses
+  ["select * from foo where bar1 = " (param "baz") " "
+   (optional "and bar2 = " (param "baz")) " "
+   (optional "and bar3 = " (param "baz")) " "
+   (optional "and bar4 = " (param "baz"))]
+  (parse/parse (str "select * from foo where bar1 = {{baz}} "
+                       "[[and bar2 = {{baz}}]] "
+                       "[[and bar3 = {{baz}}]] "
+                       "[[and bar4 = {{baz}}]]")))
+  ["select * from foobars "
+   (optional " where foobars.id in (string_to_array(" (param "foobar_id") ", ',')::integer[]) ")]
+  (parse/parse "select * from foobars [[ where foobars.id in (string_to_array({{foobar_id}}, ',')::integer[]) ]]"))
+;; single square brackets shouldn't get parsed
+(let [query (str "SELECT [test_data.checkins.venue_id] AS [venue_id], "
+                 "       [test_data.checkins.user_id] AS [user_id], "
+                 "       [test_data.checkins.id] AS [checkins_id] "
+                 "FROM [test_data.checkins] "
+                 "LIMIT 2")]
+  (expect
+    [query]
+    (parse/parse query)))
+  ["SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE "
+   (optional "AND num_toucans > " (param "num_toucans"))
+   " "
+   (optional "AND total_birds > " (param "total_birds"))]
+  (parse/parse
+   "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"))
+;; Valid syntax in PG -- shouldn't get parsed
+(let [query "SELECT array_dims(1 || '[0:1]={2,3}'::int[])"]
+  (expect
+    [query]
+    (parse/parse query)))
+;; Testing that invalid/unterminated template params/clauses throw an exception
+  IllegalArgumentException
+  (parse/parse "select * from foo [[where bar = {{baz}} "))
+  IllegalArgumentException
+  (parse/parse "select * from foo [[where bar = {{baz]]"))
+  IllegalArgumentException
+  (parse/parse "select * from foo {{bar}} {{baz"))
+  IllegalArgumentException
+  (parse/parse "select * from foo [[clause 1 {{bar}}]] [[clause 2"))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitute_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitute_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0f3bc381a557ccbb25bfeae4df65a79c872276a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitute_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.substitute-test
+  (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
+            [metabase.driver :as driver]
+            [metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
+             [interface :as i]
+             [substitute :as substitute]]
+            [metabase.test.data :as data]))
+(defn- optional [& args] (i/->Optional args))
+(defn- param [param-name] (i/->Param param-name))
+(defn- substitute [parsed param->value]
+  (driver/with-driver :h2
+    (substitute/substitute parsed param->value)))
+;; normal substitution
+  ["select * from foobars where bird_type = ?" ["Steller's Jay"]]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars where bird_type = " (param "bird_type")]
+   {"bird_type" "Steller's Jay"}))
+;; make sure falsey values are substituted correctly
+;; `nil` should get substituted as `NULL`
+  ["select * from foobars where bird_type = NULL" []]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars where bird_type = " (param "bird_type")]
+   {"bird_type" nil}))
+;; `false` should get substituted as `false`
+  ["select * from foobars where bird_type = FALSE" []]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars where bird_type = " (param "bird_type")]
+   {"bird_type" false}))
+;; optional substitution -- param present
+  ;; should preserve whitespace inside optional params
+  ["select * from foobars  where bird_type = ?" ["Steller's Jay"]]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars " (optional " where bird_type = " (param "bird_type"))]
+   {"bird_type" "Steller's Jay"}))
+;; optional substitution -- param not present
+  ["select * from foobars" nil]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars " (optional " where bird_type = " (param "bird_type"))]
+   {}))
+;; optional -- multiple params -- all present
+  ["select * from foobars  where bird_type = ? AND color = ?" ["Steller's Jay" "Blue"]]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars " (optional " where bird_type = " (param "bird_type") " AND color = " (param "bird_color"))]
+   {"bird_type" "Steller's Jay", "bird_color" "Blue"}))
+;; optional -- multiple params -- some present
+  ["select * from foobars" nil]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars " (optional " where bird_type = " (param "bird_type") " AND color = " (param "bird_color"))]
+   {"bird_type" "Steller's Jay"}))
+;; nested optionals -- all present
+  ["select * from foobars  where bird_type = ? AND color = ?" ["Steller's Jay" "Blue"]]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars " (optional " where bird_type = " (param "bird_type")
+                                       (optional " AND color = " (param "bird_color")))]
+   {"bird_type" "Steller's Jay", "bird_color" "Blue"}))
+;; nested optionals -- some present
+  ["select * from foobars  where bird_type = ?" ["Steller's Jay"]]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from foobars " (optional " where bird_type = " (param "bird_type")
+                                       (optional " AND color = " (param "bird_color")))]
+   {"bird_type" "Steller's Jay"}))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------- Field Filters --------------------------------------------------
+(defn- date-field-filter-value
+  "Field filter 'values' returned by the `values` namespace are actualy `FieldFilter` record types that contain information about"
+  []
+  (i/map->FieldFilter
+   {:field (Field (data/id :checkins :date))
+    :value {:type  :date/single
+            :value #inst "2019-09-20T19:52:00.000-07:00"}}))
+;; field filter -- non-optional + present
+  ["select * from checkins where CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) = ?"
+   [#inst "2019-09-20T19:52:00.000-07:00"]]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from checkins where " (param "date")]
+   {"date" (date-field-filter-value)}))
+;; field filter -- non-optional + missing -- should be replaced with 1 = 1
+  ["select * from checkins where 1 = 1" []]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from checkins where " (param "date")]
+   {"date" (assoc (date-field-filter-value) :value i/no-value)}))
+;; field filter -- optional + present
+  ["select * from checkins where CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) = ?"
+   [#inst "2019-09-20T19:52:00.000-07:00"]]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from checkins " (optional "where " (param "date"))]
+   {"date" (date-field-filter-value)}))
+;; field filter -- optional + missing -- should be omitted entirely
+  ["select * from checkins" nil]
+  (substitute
+   ["select * from checkins " (optional "where " (param "date"))]
+   {"date" (assoc (date-field-filter-value) :value i/no-value)}))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitution_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitution_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a91b453a927434f0598cd1fddfc40b6b4d17b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/substitution_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.substitution-test
+  (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
+            [metabase.driver :as driver]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.substitution :as substitution]))
+;; make sure we handle quotes inside names correctly!
+  {:replacement-snippet     "\"test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\".\"date\""
+   :prepared-statement-args nil}
+  (driver/with-driver :h2
+    (#'substitution/honeysql->replacement-snippet-info :test-data.PUBLIC.checkins.date)))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/values_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/values_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9db24b3306dae30a70612825a7b3b61850e15b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native/values_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.values-test
+  (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
+             [interface :as i]
+             [values :as values]]
+            [metabase.test.data :as data]))
+;; variable -- specified
+  "2"
+  (#'values/value-for-tag
+   {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :text, :required true, :default "100"}
+   [{:type :category, :target [:variable [:template-tag "id"]], :value "2"}]))
+;; variable -- unspecified
+  i/no-value
+  (#'values/value-for-tag
+   {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :text} nil))
+;; variable -- default
+  "100"
+  (#'values/value-for-tag
+   {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :text, :required true, :default "100"} nil))
+;; Field Filter -- specified
+  {:field {:name      "DATE"
+           :parent_id nil
+           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
+           :base_type :type/Date}
+   :value {:type  :date/range
+           :value "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}}
+  (into {} (#'values/value-for-tag
+            {:name         "checkin_date"
+             :display-name "Checkin Date"
+             :type         :dimension
+             :dimension    [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
+            [{:type :date/range, :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]], :value "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}])))
+;; Field Filter -- unspecified
+  {:field {:name      "DATE"
+           :parent_id nil
+           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
+           :base_type :type/Date}
+   :value i/no-value}
+  (into {} (#'values/value-for-tag
+            {:name         "checkin_date"
+             :display-name "Checkin Date"
+             :type         :dimension
+             :dimension    [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
+            nil)))
+;; Field Filter -- id requiring casting
+  {:field {:name      "ID"
+           :parent_id nil
+           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
+           :base_type :type/BigInteger}
+   :value {:type  :id
+           :value 5}}
+  (into {} (#'values/value-for-tag
+            {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id (data/id :checkins :id)]}
+            [{:type :id, :target [:dimension [:template-tag "id"]], :value "5"}])))
+;; Field Filter -- required but unspecified
+(expect Exception
+        (into {} (#'values/value-for-tag
+                  {:name "checkin_date", :display-name "Checkin Date", :type "dimension", :required true,
+                   :dimension ["field-id" (data/id :checkins :date)]}
+                  nil)))
+;; Field Filter -- required and default specified
+  {:field {:name      "DATE"
+           :parent_id nil
+           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
+           :base_type :type/Date}
+   :value {:type  :dimension
+           :value "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}}
+  (into {} (#'values/value-for-tag
+            {:name         "checkin_date"
+             :display-name "Checkin Date"
+             :type         :dimension
+             :required     true
+             :default      "2015-04-01~2015-05-01",
+             :dimension    [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
+            nil)))
+;; multiple values for the same tag should return a vector with multiple params instead of a single param
+  {:field {:name      "DATE"
+           :parent_id nil
+           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
+           :base_type :type/Date}
+   :value [{:type  :date/range
+            :value "2015-01-01~2016-09-01"}
+           {:type  :date/single
+            :value "2015-07-01"}]}
+  (into {} (#'values/value-for-tag
+            {:name "checkin_date", :display-name "Checkin Date", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
+            [{:type :date/range, :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]], :value "2015-01-01~2016-09-01"}
+             {:type :date/single, :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]], :value "2015-07-01"}])))
+;; Make sure defaults values get picked up for field filter clauses
+  {:field {:name "DATE", :parent_id nil, :table_id (data/id :checkins), :base_type :type/Date}
+   :value {:type  :date/all-options
+           :value "past5days"}}
+  (#'values/field-filter-value-for-tag
+   {:name         "checkin_date"
+    :display-name "Checkin Date"
+    :type         :dimension
+    :dimension    [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]
+    :default      "past5days"
+    :widget-type  :date/all-options}
+   nil))
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/sql_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native_test.clj
similarity index 65%
rename from test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/sql_test.clj
rename to test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native_test.clj
index 4911bc5a69350fd91809d7b52f4eb014102f7de1..1bdb3a8746845c2bbae0a79d15bf75c5cd99ee1b 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/sql_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/middleware/parameters/native_test.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.sql-test
-  "Tests for parameters in native SQL queries, which are of the `{{param}}` form."
+(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native-test
+  "E2E tests for SQL param substitution."
   (:require [clj-time.core :as t]
             [expectations :refer [expect]]
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
              [query-processor :as qp]
              [query-processor-test :as qp.test]]
             [metabase.mbql.normalize :as normalize]
-            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.sql :as sql]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native :as native]
+            [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
+             [parse :as parse]
+             [substitute :as substitute]]
              [data :as data]
              [util :as tu]]
@@ -17,119 +20,31 @@
              [schema :as su]]
             [schema.core :as s]))
-;;; ----------------------------------------------- basic parser tests -----------------------------------------------
-(defn- parse-template
-  ([sql]
-   (parse-template sql {}))
-  ([sql param-key->value]
-   (driver/with-driver :h2
-     (#'sql/parse-template sql param-key->value))))
-  {:query "select * from foo where bar=1"
-   :params []}
-  (parse-template "select * from foo where bar=1"))
-  {:query "select * from foo where bar=?"
-   :params ["foo"]}
-  (parse-template "select * from foo where bar={{baz}}" {"baz" "foo"}))
-  {:query "select * from foo where bar = ?"
-   :params ["foo"]}
-  (parse-template "select * from foo [[where bar = {{baz}} ]]" {"baz" "foo"}))
-;; Multiple optional clauses, all present
-  {:query "select * from foo where bar1 = ? and bar2 = ? and bar3 = ? and bar4 = ?"
-   :params (repeat 4 "foo")}
-  (parse-template (str "select * from foo where bar1 = {{baz}} "
-                       "[[and bar2 = {{baz}}]] "
-                       "[[and bar3 = {{baz}}]] "
-                       "[[and bar4 = {{baz}}]]")
-                  {"baz" "foo"}))
-;; Multiple optional clauses, none present
-  {:query "select * from foo where bar1 = ?"
-   :params ["foo"]}
-  (parse-template (str "select * from foo where bar1 = {{baz}} "
-                       "[[and bar2 = {{none}}]] "
-                       "[[and bar3 = {{none}}]] "
-                       "[[and bar4 = {{none}}]]")
-                  {"baz" "foo"}))
-  {:query "select * from foobars  where foobars.id in (string_to_array(?, ',')::integer[])"
-   :params ["foo"]}
-  (parse-template "select * from foobars [[ where foobars.id in (string_to_array({{foobar_id}}, ',')::integer[]) ]]"
-                  {"foobar_id" "foo"}))
-  {:query (str "SELECT [test_data.checkins.venue_id] AS [venue_id], "
-               "       [test_data.checkins.user_id] AS [user_id], "
-               "       [test_data.checkins.id] AS [checkins_id] "
-               "FROM [test_data.checkins] "
-               "LIMIT 2")
-   :params []}
-  (parse-template (str "SELECT [test_data.checkins.venue_id] AS [venue_id], "
-                       "       [test_data.checkins.user_id] AS [user_id], "
-                       "       [test_data.checkins.id] AS [checkins_id] "
-                       "FROM [test_data.checkins] "
-                       "LIMIT 2")))
-;; Valid syntax in PG
-  {:query "SELECT array_dims(1 || '[0:1]={2,3}'::int[])"
-   :params []}
-  (parse-template "SELECT array_dims(1 || '[0:1]={2,3}'::int[])"))
-;; Testing that invalid/unterminated template params/clauses throw an exception
-  IllegalArgumentException
-  (parse-template "select * from foo [[where bar = {{baz}} " {"baz" "foo"}))
-  IllegalArgumentException
-  (parse-template "select * from foo [[where bar = {{baz]]" {"baz" "foo"}))
-  IllegalArgumentException
-  (parse-template "select * from foo {{bar}} {{baz" {"bar" "foo", "baz" "foo"}))
-  IllegalArgumentException
-  (parse-template "select * from foo [[clause 1 {{bar}}]] [[clause 2" {"bar" "foo"}))
 ;;; ------------------------------------------ simple substitution -- {{x}} ------------------------------------------
-(defn- substitute {:style/indent 1} [sql params]
-  ;; apparently you can still bind private dynamic vars
-  (driver/with-driver :h2
-    (#'sql/expand-query-params {:query sql} (into {} params))))
+(defn- substitute-e2e {:style/indent 1} [sql params]
+  (let [[query params] (driver/with-driver :h2
+                         (#'substitute/substitute (parse/parse sql) (into {} params)))]
+    {:query query, :params (vec params)}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true}))
 (expect Exception
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE AND bird_type = ?"
    :params ["toucan"]}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = {{bird_type}}"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = {{bird_type}}"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true, "bird_type" "toucan"}))
 (expect Exception
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = {{bird_type}}"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = {{bird_type}}"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true}))
 ;;; ---------------------------------- optional substitution -- [[ ... {{x}} ... ]] ----------------------------------
@@ -137,232 +52,144 @@
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}]]"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{ toucans_are_cool }}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{ toucans_are_cool }}]]"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool }}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool }}]]"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{ toucans_are_cool}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{ toucans_are_cool}}]]"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool_2}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool_2}}]]"
     {"toucans_are_cool_2" true}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE AND bird_type = 'toucan'"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = 'toucan']]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = 'toucan']]"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true}))
 ;; Two parameters in an optional
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts WHERE toucans_are_cool = TRUE AND bird_type = ?"
    :params ["toucan"]}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = {{bird_type}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}} AND bird_type = {{bird_type}}]]"
     {"toucans_are_cool" true, "bird_type" "toucan"}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM bird_facts"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM bird_facts [[WHERE toucans_are_cool = {{toucans_are_cool}}]]"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > 5"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" 5}))
-;; make sure nil gets substituted in as `NULL`
+;; make sure nil gets substitute-e2ed in as `NULL`
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > NULL"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" nil}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" true}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > FALSE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" false}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > ?"
    :params ["abc"]}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" "abc"}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > ?"
    :params ["yo' mama"]}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" "yo' mama"}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]]"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > 2 AND total_birds > 5"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" 2, "total_birds" 5}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE  AND total_birds > 5"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
     {"total_birds" 5}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > 3"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" 3}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE bird_type = ? AND num_toucans > 2 AND total_birds > 5"
    :params ["toucan"]}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE bird_type = {{bird_type}} [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE bird_type = {{bird_type}} [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
     {"bird_type" "toucan", "num_toucans" 2, "total_birds" 5}))
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE bird_type = {{bird_type}} [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE bird_type = {{bird_type}} [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND total_birds > {{total_birds}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" 2, "total_birds" 5}))
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE AND num_toucans > 5 AND num_toucans < 5"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND num_toucans < {{num_toucans}}]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "SELECT * FROM toucanneries WHERE TRUE [[AND num_toucans > {{num_toucans}}]] [[AND num_toucans < {{num_toucans}}]]"
     {"num_toucans" 5}))
 ;; Make sure that substiutions still work if the subsitution contains brackets inside it (#3657)
   {:query  "select * from foobars  where foobars.id in (string_to_array(100, ',')::integer[])"
    :params []}
-  (substitute "select * from foobars [[ where foobars.id in (string_to_array({{foobar_id}}, ',')::integer[]) ]]"
+  (substitute-e2e "select * from foobars [[ where foobars.id in (string_to_array({{foobar_id}}, ',')::integer[]) ]]"
     {"foobar_id" 100}))
-;;; -------------------------------------------- tests for value-for-tag ---------------------------------------------
-;; variable -- specified
-  "2"
-  (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :text, :required true, :default "100"}
-                       [{:type :category, :target [:variable [:template-tag "id"]], :value "2"}]))
-;; variable -- unspecified
-  #metabase.query_processor.middleware.parameters.sql.NoValue{}
-  (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :text} nil))
-;; variable -- default
-  "100"
-  (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :text, :required true, :default "100"} nil))
-;; dimension -- specified
-  {:field {:name      "DATE"
-           :parent_id nil
-           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
-           :base_type :type/Date}
-   :param {:type   :date/range
-           :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
-           :value  "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}}
-  (into {} (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "checkin_date", :display-name "Checkin Date", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
-                                [{:type :date/range, :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]], :value "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}])))
-;; dimension -- unspecified
-  {:field {:name      "DATE"
-           :parent_id nil
-           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
-           :base_type :type/Date}
-   :param nil}
-  (into {} (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "checkin_date", :display-name "Checkin Date", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
-                                nil)))
-;; dimension -- id requiring casting
-  {:field {:name      "ID"
-           :parent_id nil
-           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
-           :base_type :type/BigInteger}
-   :param {:type   :id
-           :target [:dimension [:template-tag "id"]]
-           :value  5}}
-  (into {} (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id (data/id :checkins :id)]}
-                                [{:type :id, :target [:dimension [:template-tag "id"]], :value "5"}])))
-;; dimension -- required but unspecified
-(expect Exception
-        (into {} (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "checkin_date", :display-name "Checkin Date", :type "dimension", :required true,
-                                       :dimension ["field-id" (data/id :checkins :date)]}
-                                      nil)))
-;; dimension -- required and default specified
-  {:field {:name      "DATE"
-           :parent_id nil
-           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
-           :base_type :type/Date}
-   :param {:type   :dimension
-           :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
-           :value  "2015-04-01~2015-05-01"}}
-  (into {} (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "checkin_date", :display-name "Checkin Date", :type :dimension, :required true, :default "2015-04-01~2015-05-01",
-                                 :dimension [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
-                                nil)))
-;; multiple values for the same tag should return a vector with multiple params instead of a single param
-  {:field {:name      "DATE"
-           :parent_id nil
-           :table_id  (data/id :checkins)
-           :base_type :type/Date}
-   :param [{:type   :date/range
-            :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
-            :value  "2015-01-01~2016-09-01"}
-           {:type   :date/single
-            :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
-            :value  "2015-07-01"}]}
-  (into {} (#'sql/value-for-tag {:name "checkin_date", :display-name "Checkin Date", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}
-                                [{:type :date/range,  :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]], :value "2015-01-01~2016-09-01"}
-                                 {:type :date/single, :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]], :value "2015-07-01"}])))
 ;;; ------------------------------------------- expansion tests: variables -------------------------------------------
 (defmacro ^:private with-h2-db-timezone
@@ -375,12 +202,19 @@
                                 :id       1}
+(defn- expand**
+  "Expand parameters inside a top-level native `query`. Not recursive. "
+  [{:keys [parameters], inner :native, :as query}]
+  (let [inner' (native/expand-inner (update inner :parameters #(concat parameters %)))]
+    (assoc query :native inner')))
 (defn- expand* [query]
   (-> (with-h2-db-timezone
         (driver/with-driver :h2
-          (sql/expand (normalize/normalize query))))
+          (expand** (normalize/normalize query))))
-      (select-keys [:query :params :template-tags])))
+      (select-keys [:query :params :template-tags])
+      (update :params vec)))
 ;; unspecified optional param
@@ -393,9 +227,9 @@
 ;; unspecified *required* param
-  (sql/expand {:native     {:query "SELECT * FROM orders [[WHERE id = {{id}}]];"
-                            :template-tags {"id" {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :number, :required true}}}
-               :parameters []}))
+  (expand** {:native  {:query         "SELECT * FROM orders [[WHERE id = {{id}}]];"
+                       :template-tags {"id" {:name "id", :display-name "ID", :type :number, :required true}}}
+             :parameters []}))
 ;; default value
@@ -430,139 +264,152 @@
             :parameters [{:type "category", :target [:variable [:template-tag "category"]], :value "Gizmo"}]}))
-;;; ------------------------------------------ expansion tests: dimensions -------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------- expansion tests: field filters -----------------------------------------
-(defn- expand-with-dimension-param [dimension-param]
-  (with-redefs [t/now (constantly (t/date-time 2016 06 07 12 0 0))]
-    (-> {:native     {:query         "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE {{date}};"
-                      :template-tags {"date" {:name         "date"
-                                              :display-name "Checkin Date"
-                                              :type         :dimension
-                                              :dimension    [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}}}
-         :parameters (when dimension-param
-                       [(merge {:target [:dimension [:template-tag "date"]]}
-                               dimension-param)])}
-        expand*
-        (dissoc :template-tags))))
+(defn- expand-with-field-filter-param
+  ([field-filter-param]
+   (expand-with-field-filter-param "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE {{date}};" field-filter-param))
+  ([sql field-filter-param]
+   (with-redefs [t/now (constantly (t/date-time 2016 06 07 12 0 0))]
+     (-> {:native     {:query         sql
+                       :template-tags {"date" {:name         "date"
+                                               :display-name "Checkin Date"
+                                               :type         :dimension
+                                               :dimension    [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]}}}
+          :parameters (when field-filter-param
+                        [(merge {:target [:dimension [:template-tag "date"]]}
+                                field-filter-param)])}
+         expand*
+         (dissoc :template-tags)))))
 ;; dimension (date/single)
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) = ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-07-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/single, :value "2016-07-01"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/single, :value "2016-07-01"}))
 ;; dimension (date/range)
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-07-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-08-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "2016-07-01~2016-08-01"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "2016-07-01~2016-08-01"}))
 ;; dimension (date/month-year)
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-07-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-07-31T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/month-year, :value "2016-07"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/month-year, :value "2016-07"}))
 ;; dimension (date/quarter-year)
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-03-31T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/quarter-year, :value "Q1-2016"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/quarter-year, :value "Q1-2016"}))
 ;; dimension (date/all-options, before)
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) < ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-07-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/all-options, :value "~2016-07-01"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/all-options, :value "~2016-07-01"}))
 ;; dimension (date/all-options, after)
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) > ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-07-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/all-options, :value "2016-07-01~"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/all-options, :value "2016-07-01~"}))
 ;; relative date -- "yesterday"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) = ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-06-06T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "yesterday"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "yesterday"}))
 ;; relative date -- "past7days"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-05-31T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-06-06T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "past7days"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "past7days"}))
 ;; relative date -- "past30days"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-05-08T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-06-06T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "past30days"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "past30days"}))
 ;; relative date -- "thisweek"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-06-05T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-06-11T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "thisweek"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "thisweek"}))
 ;; relative date -- "thismonth"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-06-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-06-30T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "thismonth"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "thismonth"}))
 ;; relative date -- "thisyear"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-12-31T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "thisyear"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "thisyear"}))
 ;; relative date -- "lastweek"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-05-29T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-06-04T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "lastweek"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "lastweek"}))
 ;; relative date -- "lastmonth"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2016-05-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2016-05-31T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "lastmonth"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "lastmonth"}))
 ;; relative date -- "lastyear"
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE CAST(\"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" AS date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;"
    :params [#inst "2015-01-01T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
             #inst "2015-12-31T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :date/range, :value "lastyear"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :date/range, :value "lastyear"}))
 ;; dimension with no value -- just replace with an always true clause (e.g. "WHERE 1 = 1")
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE 1 = 1;"
    :params []}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param nil))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param nil))
-;; dimension -- number
+;; dimension -- number -- should get parsed to Number
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE \"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" = 100;"
    :params []}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :number, :value "100"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :number, :value "100"}))
 ;; dimension -- text
   {:query  "SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE \"PUBLIC\".\"CHECKINS\".\"DATE\" = ?;"
    :params ["100"]}
-  (expand-with-dimension-param {:type :text, :value "100"}))
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param {:type :text, :value "100"}))
+;; *OPTIONAL* Field Filter params should not get replaced with 1 = 1 if the param is not present (#5541, #9489).
+;; *Optional params should be emitted entirely.
+  {:query  "SELECT * FROM ORDERS WHERE TOTAL > 100  AND CREATED_AT < now()"
+   :params []}
+  (expand-with-field-filter-param
+   "SELECT * FROM ORDERS WHERE TOTAL > 100 [[AND {{created}} #]] AND CREATED_AT < now()"
+   nil))
 ;;; -------------------------------------------- "REAL" END-TO-END-TESTS ---------------------------------------------
@@ -671,16 +518,6 @@
                      :template-tags {"date" {:name "date" :display-name "Date" :type :date}}}
         :parameters [{:type :date/single :target [:variable [:template-tag "date"]] :value "2018-04-18"}]))))
-;;; -------------------------------------------- SQL PARAMETERS 2.0 TESTS --------------------------------------------
-;; make sure we handle quotes inside names correctly!
-  {:replacement-snippet     "\"test-data\".\"PUBLIC\".\"checkins\".\"date\"",
-   :prepared-statement-args nil}
-  (driver/with-driver :postgres
-    (#'sql/honeysql->replacement-snippet-info :test-data.PUBLIC.checkins.date)))
 ;; Some random end-to-end param expansion tests added as part of the SQL Parameters 2.0 rewrite
@@ -763,21 +600,6 @@
                             :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
                             :value  "past5days"}]})))
-;; Make sure defaults values get picked up for field filter clauses
-  {:field {:name "DATE", :parent_id nil, :table_id (data/id :checkins), :base_type :type/Date}
-   :param {:type   :date/all-options
-           :target [:dimension [:template-tag "checkin_date"]]
-           :value  "past5days"}}
-  (#'sql/dimension-value-for-tag
-   {:name         "checkin_date"
-    :display-name "Checkin Date"
-    :type         :dimension
-    :dimension    [:field-id (data/id :checkins :date)]
-    :default      "past5days"
-    :widget-type  :date/all-options}
-   nil))
 ;; Make sure we can specify the type of a default value for a "Dimension" (Field Filter) by setting the
 ;; `:widget-type` key. Check that it works correctly with relative dates...