From e122df47d3c626cd76618885eefef725c87c4cee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nemanja Glumac <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 00:18:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] MS1: Open notebook data source in new tab (#46228)

* WIP Open notebook data source in new tab


* Implement the new functionality with `pickerInfo`

* Use destructured value

* Add the simplest possible E2E test as PoC

* Smoke test

* Add basic coverage for questions

* Add basic coverage for models

* Source question has been archived scenario

* Add basic permissions test

* Expand to the user without wite query permissions

* Fix title

* Add another permission scenario

* Add E2E coverage for a source being native

* Add coverage for the native model

* Address review comment re: `pickerInfo`

* Extract `getUrl` to utils

* Add support for the middle/scroll click

* Add unit tests

* Add a negative test case

* Fix title
 .../   | 457 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../NotebookDataPicker/NotebookDataPicker.tsx |  32 +-
 .../notebook/NotebookDataPicker/utils.ts      |  46 ++
 .../steps/DataStep/DataStep.unit.spec.tsx     |  55 ++-
 4 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 e2e/test/scenarios/question/
 create mode 100644 frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/utils.ts

diff --git a/e2e/test/scenarios/question/ b/e2e/test/scenarios/question/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6838364bec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/e2e/test/scenarios/question/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+import {
+} from "e2e/support/cypress_sample_instance_data";
+import {
+  createNativeQuestion,
+  createQuestion,
+  getNotebookStep,
+  openNotebook,
+  openReviewsTable,
+  popover,
+  restore,
+  tableInteractive,
+  visitModel,
+  visitQuestion,
+  visualize,
+  type NativeQuestionDetails,
+} from "e2e/support/helpers";
+const macOSX = Cypress.platform === "darwin";
+const clickConfig = {
+  metaKey: macOSX,
+  ctrlKey: !macOSX,
+describe("scenarios > notebook > link to data source", () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    restore();
+    cy.signInAsAdmin();
+    cy.on("window:before:load", win => {
+      // prevent Cypress opening in a new window/tab and spy on this method
+      cy.stub(win, "open").callsFake(url => {
+        expect(;
+        // replace the current page with the linked data source upon ctrl/meta click
+        win.location.replace(url);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  it("smoke test", () => {
+    openReviewsTable({ mode: "notebook" });
+    cy.log("Normal click on the data source still opens the entity picker");
+    getNotebookStep("data").findByText("Reviews").click();
+    cy.findByTestId("entity-picker-modal").within(() => {
+      cy.findByText("Pick your starting data").should("be.visible");
+      cy.findByLabelText("Close").click();
+    });
+    cy.log("Meta/Ctrl click on the fields picker behaves as a regular click");
+    getNotebookStep("data").findByTestId("fields-picker").click(clickConfig);
+    popover().within(() => {
+      cy.findByText("Select none").click();
+    });
+    // Regular click on the fields picker again to close the popover
+    getNotebookStep("data").findByTestId("fields-picker").click();
+    // Mid-test sanity-check assertion
+    visualize();
+    cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell")
+      .should("have.length", 1)
+      .and("have.text", "ID");
+    cy.log(
+      "Deselecting columns should have no effect on the linked data source in new tab/window",
+    );
+    openNotebook();
+    getNotebookStep("data").findByText("Reviews").click(clickConfig);
+    cy.wait("@dataset"); // already intercepted in `visualize()`
+    cy.log("Make sure Reviews table is rendered in a simple mode");
+    cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell").should("contain", "Reviewer");
+    tableInteractive().should("contain", "xavier");
+    cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+      "have.text",
+      "Showing 1,112 rows",
+    );
+    cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("be.enabled");
+  });
+  context("questions", () => {
+    it("should open the source table from a simple question", () => {
+      visitQuestion(ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID);
+      openNotebook();
+      getNotebookStep("data").findByText("Orders").click(clickConfig);
+      cy.log("Make sure Orders table is rendered in a simple mode");
+      cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell").should("contain", "Subtotal");
+      tableInteractive().should("contain", "37.65");
+      cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+        "have.text",
+        "Showing first 2,000 rows",
+      );
+      cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("be.enabled");
+    });
+    it("should open the source question from a nested question", () => {
+      createQuestion(
+        {
+          name: "Nested question based on a question",
+          query: { "source-table": `card__${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}` },
+        },
+        { visitQuestion: true },
+      );
+      openNotebook();
+      getNotebookStep("data").findByText("Orders, Count").click(clickConfig);
+      cy.log("Make sure the source question rendered in a simple mode");
+      cy.location("pathname").should(
+        "eq",
+        `/question/${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}-orders-count`,
+      );
+      cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell")
+        .should("have.length", "1")
+        .and("have.text", "Count");
+      tableInteractive().should("contain", "18,760");
+      cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+        "have.text",
+        "Showing 1 row",
+      );
+      // Question is not dirty
+      cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+    });
+    it("should open the source question from a nested question where the source is native question", () => {
+      const source = {
+        name: "Native source",
+        native: {
+          query: "select 1 as foo",
+          "template-tags": {},
+        },
+      };
+      createNativeQuestion(source).then(({ body: sourceQuestion }) => {
+        createQuestion(
+          {
+            name: "Nested question based on a native question",
+            query: { "source-table": `card__${}` },
+          },
+          { visitQuestion: true },
+        );
+        openNotebook();
+        getNotebookStep("data").findByText(;
+        cy.log("Make sure the source question rendered in a simple mode");
+        cy.location("pathname").should(
+          "eq",
+          `/question/${}-native-source`,
+        );
+        cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell")
+          .should("have.length", "1")
+          .and("have.text", "FOO");
+        cy.get("#main-data-grid")
+          .findByTestId("cell-data")
+          .should("have.text", "1");
+        cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+          "have.text",
+          "Showing 1 row",
+        );
+        // Question is not dirty
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+      });
+    });
+    it("should open the source model from a nested question", () => {
+      createQuestion(
+        {
+          name: "Nested question based on a model",
+          query: { "source-table": `card__${ORDERS_MODEL_ID}` },
+        },
+        { visitQuestion: true },
+      );
+      openNotebook();
+      getNotebookStep("data").findByText("Orders Model").click(clickConfig);
+      cy.log("Make sure the source model is rendered in a simple mode");
+      cy.location("pathname").should(
+        "eq",
+        `/model/${ORDERS_MODEL_ID}-orders-model`,
+      );
+      cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell").should("contain", "Subtotal");
+      tableInteractive().should("contain", "37.65");
+      cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+        "have.text",
+        "Showing first 2,000 rows",
+      );
+      // Model is not dirty
+      cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+    });
+    it("should open the source model from a nested question where the source is native model", () => {
+      const source: NativeQuestionDetails = {
+        name: "Native source",
+        native: {
+          query: "select 1 as foo",
+          "template-tags": {},
+        },
+        type: "model",
+      };
+      createNativeQuestion(source).then(({ body: sourceQuestion }) => {
+        createQuestion(
+          {
+            name: "Nested question based on a native question",
+            query: { "source-table": `card__${}` },
+          },
+          { visitQuestion: true },
+        );
+        openNotebook();
+        getNotebookStep("data")
+          .findByText(
+          .click(clickConfig);
+        cy.log("Make sure the source model rendered in a simple mode");
+        cy.location("pathname").should(
+          "eq",
+          `/model/${}-native-source`,
+        );
+        cy.findByTestId("scalar-value").should("have.text", "1");
+        cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+          "have.text",
+          "Showing 1 row",
+        );
+        // Model is not dirty
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+      });
+    });
+    it('should open the "trash" if the source question has been archived', () => {
+      createQuestion({
+        name: "Nested question based on a question",
+        query: { "source-table": `card__${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}` },
+      }).then(({ body: nestedQuestion }) => {
+        cy.log("Move the source question to the trash");
+        cy.request("PUT", `/api/card/${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}`, {
+          archived: true,
+        });
+        visitQuestion(;
+      });
+      openNotebook();
+      getNotebookStep("data").findByText("Orders, Count").click(clickConfig);
+      cy.log('Make sure the source question opens in the "trash"');
+      cy.location("pathname").should(
+        "eq",
+        `/question/${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}-orders-count`,
+      );
+      cy.findByTestId("archive-banner").should(
+        "contain",
+        "This question is in the trash",
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  context("models", () => {
+    it("should open the underlying model", () => {
+      visitModel(ORDERS_MODEL_ID);
+      openNotebook();
+      getNotebookStep("data").findByText("Orders Model").click(clickConfig);
+      cy.log("Make sure the source model is rendered in a simple mode");
+      cy.location("pathname").should(
+        "eq",
+        `/model/${ORDERS_MODEL_ID}-orders-model`,
+      );
+      cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell").should("contain", "Subtotal");
+      tableInteractive().should("contain", "37.65");
+      cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+        "have.text",
+        "Showing first 2,000 rows",
+      );
+      // Model is not dirty
+      cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+    });
+    it("should open the underlying native model", () => {
+      const model: NativeQuestionDetails = {
+        name: "Native model",
+        native: {
+          query: "select 1 as foo",
+          "template-tags": {},
+        },
+        type: "model",
+      };
+      createNativeQuestion(model).then(({ body: { id, name } }) => {
+        visitModel(id);
+        openNotebook();
+        getNotebookStep("data").findByText(name).click(clickConfig);
+        cy.log("Make sure the source model rendered in a simple mode");
+        cy.location("pathname").should("eq", `/model/${id}-native-model`);
+        cy.findByTestId("scalar-value").should("have.text", "1");
+        cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+          "have.text",
+          "Showing 1 row",
+        );
+        // Model is not dirty
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+      });
+    });
+    it("should open the nested model (based on a question) as the data source", () => {
+      createQuestion(
+        {
+          name: "Nested model based on a question",
+          query: { "source-table": `card__${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}` },
+          type: "model",
+        },
+        { visitQuestion: true, wrapId: true, idAlias: "nestedModelId" },
+      );
+      openNotebook();
+      getNotebookStep("data")
+        .findByText("Nested model based on a question")
+        .click(clickConfig);
+      cy.log("Make sure the source model is rendered in a simple mode");
+      cy.get("@nestedModelId").then(id => {
+        cy.location("pathname").should(
+          "eq",
+          `/model/${id}-nested-model-based-on-a-question`,
+        );
+        cy.findByTestId("scalar-value").should("have.text", "18,760");
+        cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+          "have.text",
+          "Showing 1 row",
+        );
+        // Model is not dirty
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+      });
+    });
+    it("should open the nested model (based on a model) as the data source", () => {
+      createQuestion(
+        {
+          name: "Nested model based on a model",
+          query: { "source-table": `card__${ORDERS_MODEL_ID}` },
+          type: "model",
+        },
+        { visitQuestion: true, wrapId: true, idAlias: "nestedModelId" },
+      );
+      openNotebook();
+      getNotebookStep("data")
+        .findByText("Nested model based on a model")
+        .click(clickConfig);
+      cy.log("Make sure the source model is rendered in a simple mode");
+      cy.get("@nestedModelId").then(id => {
+        cy.location("pathname").should(
+          "eq",
+          `/model/${id}-nested-model-based-on-a-model`,
+        );
+        cy.findAllByTestId("header-cell").should("contain", "Subtotal");
+        tableInteractive().should("contain", "37.65");
+        cy.findByTestId("question-row-count").should(
+          "have.text",
+          "Showing first 2,000 rows",
+        );
+        // Model is not dirty
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-save-button").should("not.exist");
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  context("permissions", () => {
+    it("shouldn't show the source question if it lives in a collection that user can't see", () => {
+      createQuestion({
+        name: "Nested question based on a question",
+        query: { "source-table": `card__${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}` },
+      }).then(({ body: nestedQuestion }) => {
+        cy.log("Move the source question to admin's personal collection");
+        cy.request("PUT", `/api/card/${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}`, {
+          collection_id: ADMIN_PERSONAL_COLLECTION_ID,
+        });
+        cy.signInAsNormalUser();
+        visitQuestion(;
+        cy.log("We should not even show the notebook icon");
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-header-action-panel")
+          .icon("notebook")
+          .should("not.exist");
+        cy.log(
+          "Even if user opens the notebook link directly, they should not see the source question. We open the entity picker instead",
+        );
+        cy.visit(`/question/${}/notebook`);
+        cy.findByTestId("entity-picker-modal").within(() => {
+          cy.findByText("Pick your starting data").should("be.visible");
+          cy.findByLabelText("Close").click();
+        });
+        getNotebookStep("data").should("contain", "Pick your starting data");
+        cy.log(
+          "The same should be true for a user that additionally doesn't have write query permissions",
+        );
+        cy.signIn("nodata");
+        visitQuestion(;
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-header-action-panel")
+          .icon("notebook")
+          .should("not.exist");
+        cy.visit(`/question/${}/notebook`);
+        cy.findByTestId("entity-picker-modal").within(() => {
+          cy.findByText("Pick your starting data").should("be.visible");
+          cy.findByLabelText("Close").click();
+        });
+        getNotebookStep("data").should("contain", "Pick your starting data");
+      });
+    });
+    it("user with the curate collection permissions but without write query permissions shouldn't be able to see/open the source question", () => {
+      createQuestion({
+        name: "Nested question based on a question",
+        query: { "source-table": `card__${ORDERS_COUNT_QUESTION_ID}` },
+      }).then(({ body: nestedQuestion }) => {
+        cy.signIn("nodata");
+        visitQuestion(;
+        cy.log("We should not even show the notebook icon");
+        cy.findByTestId("qb-header-action-panel")
+          .icon("notebook")
+          .should("not.exist");
+        // TODO update the following once metabase##46398 is fixed
+        // cy.visit(`/question/${}/notebook`);
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/NotebookDataPicker.tsx b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/NotebookDataPicker.tsx
index 3f2ad0be5ec..ca736ba7208 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/NotebookDataPicker.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/NotebookDataPicker.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { useMemo, useState } from "react";
+import { useMemo, useState, type MouseEvent } from "react";
 import { useLatest } from "react-use";
 import {
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import type { DatabaseId, TableId } from "metabase-types/api";
 import { NotebookCell } from "../NotebookCell";
+import { getUrl, openInNewTab } from "./utils";
 interface NotebookDataPickerProps {
   title: string;
   query: Lib.Query;
@@ -66,6 +68,31 @@ export function NotebookDataPicker({
     onChangeRef.current?.(table, metadataProvider);
+  const handleClick = (event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    const isCtrlOrMetaClick =
+      (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && event.button === 0;
+    if (isCtrlOrMetaClick) {
+      const url = getUrl({ query, table, stageIndex });
+      openInNewTab(url);
+    } else {
+      setIsOpen(true);
+    }
+  };
+  const handleAuxClick = (event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    const isMiddleClick = event.button === 1;
+    if (isMiddleClick) {
+      const url = getUrl({ query, table, stageIndex });
+      openInNewTab(url);
+    } else {
+      setIsOpen(true);
+    }
+  };
   return (
@@ -74,7 +101,8 @@ export function NotebookDataPicker({
-        onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}
+        onClick={handleClick}
+        onAuxClick={handleAuxClick}
         <Group spacing="xs">
           {tableInfo && <Icon name={getTableIcon(tableInfo)} />}
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/utils.ts b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a85daa29878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/NotebookDataPicker/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import * as Urls from "metabase/lib/urls";
+import * as Lib from "metabase-lib";
+type Props = {
+  query: Lib.Query;
+  table?: Lib.TableMetadata | Lib.CardMetadata;
+  stageIndex: number;
+export const getUrl = ({
+  query,
+  table,
+  stageIndex,
+}: Props): string | undefined => {
+  if (!table) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const pickerInfo = Lib.pickerInfo(query, table);
+  const tableInfo = Lib.displayInfo(query, stageIndex, table);
+  if (!pickerInfo || !tableInfo) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const { isModel, cardId, tableId, databaseId } = pickerInfo;
+  if (cardId) {
+    const payload = {
+      id: cardId,
+      name: tableInfo.displayName,
+    };
+    return isModel ? Urls.model(payload) : Urls.question(payload);
+  } else {
+    return Urls.tableRowsQuery(databaseId, tableId);
+  }
+export const openInNewTab = (link?: string) => {
+  if (!link) {
+    return;
+  }
+, "_blank");
diff --git a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/DataStep/DataStep.unit.spec.tsx b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/DataStep/DataStep.unit.spec.tsx
index 49bc1788023..84c4ed7acd8 100644
--- a/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/DataStep/DataStep.unit.spec.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/metabase/query_builder/components/notebook/steps/DataStep/DataStep.unit.spec.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";
 import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event";
 import { createMockMetadata } from "__support__/metadata";
@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ const setup = (
   step = createMockNotebookStep(),
   { readOnly = false }: { readOnly?: boolean } = {},
 ) => {
+  const mockWindowOpen = jest.spyOn(window, "open").mockImplementation();
   const updateQuery = jest.fn();
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ const setup = (
     return Lib.displayInfo(nextQuery, 0, column);
-  return { getNextQuery, getNextTableName, getNextColumn };
+  return { getNextQuery, getNextTableName, getNextColumn, mockWindowOpen };
 const setupEmptyQuery = () => {
@@ -290,4 +293,54 @@ describe("DataStep", () => {
       expect(screen.queryByLabelText("Pick columns")).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+  describe("link to data source", () => {
+    it("meta click should open the data source in a new window", () => {
+      const { mockWindowOpen } = setup();
+      const dataSource = screen.getByText("Orders");
+, { metaKey: true });
+      expect(mockWindowOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      mockWindowOpen.mockClear();
+    });
+    it("ctrl click should open the data source in a new window", () => {
+      const { mockWindowOpen } = setup();
+      const dataSource = screen.getByText("Orders");
+, { ctrlKey: true });
+      expect(mockWindowOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      mockWindowOpen.mockClear();
+    });
+    it("middle click should open the data source in a new window", () => {
+      const { mockWindowOpen } = setup();
+      const dataSource = screen.getByText("Orders");
+      const middleClick = new MouseEvent("auxclick", {
+        bubbles: true,
+        button: 1,
+      });
+      fireEvent(dataSource, middleClick);
+      expect(mockWindowOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      mockWindowOpen.mockClear();
+    });
+    it("regular click should open the entity picker", async () => {
+      const { mockWindowOpen } = setup();
+      const dataSource = screen.getByText("Orders");
+      expect(
+        await screen.findByTestId("entity-picker-modal"),
+      ).toBeInTheDocument();
+      expect(mockWindowOpen).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+    });
+  });