diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
index ae707415c299e421c768d7dbbc1daf462981fdb6..77cd0b4d233faf161a6877b12da140a35d5cf025 100644
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
                               (check 1)
                               (checkp 1)
                               (cond-as-> 2)
-                              (cond-let 0)
-                              (conda 0)
                               (context 2)
                               (create-database-definition 1)
                               (engine-case 0)
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver.clj b/src/metabase/driver.clj
index 2d6c28b12a09311f082ff078dfcbed2a3f14ec1b..4ba66233f79348e0ec51d492cc129274a414de68 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver.clj
@@ -484,10 +484,11 @@
   "Save QueryExecution state and construct a completed (successful) query response"
   [query-execution query-result]
   ;; record our query execution and format response
-  (-> (u/assoc<> query-execution
+  (-> (assoc query-execution
         :status       :completed
         :finished_at  (u/new-sql-timestamp)
-        :running_time (- (System/currentTimeMillis) (:start_time_millis <>))
+        :running_time (- (System/currentTimeMillis)
+                         (:start_time_millis query-execution))
         :result_rows  (get query-result :row_count 0))
       (dissoc :start_time_millis)
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj
index 88f0da8e916b7fa4e544ac8b7d553432efc12799..b0793866aa602f6e84c54524c964680fa9ec5a74 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/query_processor.clj
@@ -122,9 +122,7 @@
                                        (let [report-tz (driver/report-timezone)]
                                          (when-not (empty? report-tz)
-      (->> (u/filter-nil-values settings)
-           (assoc query :settings)
-           qp))))
+      (qp (assoc query :settings (m/filter-vals (complement nil?) settings))))))
 (defn- pre-expand-macros
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/metric.clj b/src/metabase/models/metric.clj
index 8904b44313c1794139fe90700ea6de7bd0552521..97eeb71b90dd2b573f5b4e462a8ff42abdad5692 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/metric.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/metric.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabase.models.metric
   (:require [korma.core :as k]
+            [medley.core :as m]
             [metabase.db :as db]
             [metabase.events :as events]
             (metabase.models [dependency :as dependency]
@@ -30,17 +31,17 @@
 (defn- diff-metrics [this metric1 metric2]
   (if-not metric1
     ;; this is the first version of the metric
-    (u/update-values (select-keys metric2 [:name :description :definition]) (fn [v] {:after v}))
+    (m/map-vals (fn [v] {:after v}) (select-keys metric2 [:name :description :definition]))
     ;; do our diff logic
     (let [base-diff (revision/default-diff-map this
                                                (select-keys metric1 [:name :description :definition])
                                                (select-keys metric2 [:name :description :definition]))]
       (cond-> (merge-with merge
-                          (u/update-values (:after base-diff) (fn [v] {:after v}))
-                          (u/update-values (:before base-diff) (fn [v] {:before v})))
-              (or (get-in base-diff [:after :definition])
-                  (get-in base-diff [:before :definition])) (assoc :definition {:before (get-in metric1 [:definition])
-                                                                                :after  (get-in metric2 [:definition])})))))
+                          (m/map-vals (fn [v] {:after v}) (:after base-diff))
+                          (m/map-vals (fn [v] {:before v}) (:before base-diff)))
+        (or (get-in base-diff [:after :definition])
+            (get-in base-diff [:before :definition])) (assoc :definition {:before (get-in metric1 [:definition])
+                                                                          :after  (get-in metric2 [:definition])})))))
 (u/strict-extend (class Metric)
diff --git a/src/metabase/models/segment.clj b/src/metabase/models/segment.clj
index e0f601811b9d60f465d628eae4f135cbbacad70b..9a9d4eeca7b176defdba34e95a750c4b814b02a9 100644
--- a/src/metabase/models/segment.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/models/segment.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (ns metabase.models.segment
   (:require [korma.core :as k]
+            [medley.core :as m]
             [metabase.db :as db]
             [metabase.events :as events]
             (metabase.models [hydrate :refer [hydrate]]
@@ -29,14 +30,14 @@
 (defn- diff-segments [this segment1 segment2]
   (if-not segment1
     ;; this is the first version of the segment
-    (u/update-values (select-keys segment2 [:name :description :definition]) (fn [v] {:after v}))
+    (m/map-vals (fn [v] {:after v}) (select-keys segment2 [:name :description :definition]))
     ;; do our diff logic
     (let [base-diff (revision/default-diff-map this
                                                (select-keys segment1 [:name :description :definition])
                                                (select-keys segment2 [:name :description :definition]))]
       (cond-> (merge-with merge
-                          (u/update-values (:after base-diff) (fn [v] {:after v}))
-                          (u/update-values (:before base-diff) (fn [v] {:before v})))
+                          (m/map-vals (fn [v] {:after v}) (:after base-diff))
+                          (m/map-vals (fn [v] {:before v}) (:before base-diff)))
               (or (get-in base-diff [:after :definition])
                   (get-in base-diff [:before :definition])) (assoc :definition {:before (get-in segment1 [:definition])
                                                                                 :after  (get-in segment2 [:definition])})))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/util.clj b/src/metabase/util.clj
index 97f9ecc50ac1aad0abba2a5498c402adc2ba26d2..7db4321ee1d9bb9df8441792a22e00952b08027e 100644
--- a/src/metabase/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/util.clj
@@ -114,10 +114,6 @@
   (^String [date-format date]
    (time/unparse (->DateTimeFormatter date-format) (coerce/from-long (.getTime (->Timestamp date))))))
-(def ^{:arglists '([] [date])} date->yyyy-mm-dd
-  "Format DATE as a `YYYY-MM-DD` string."
-  (partial format-date "yyyy-MM-dd"))
 (def ^{:arglists '([] [date])} date->iso-8601
   "Format DATE a an ISO-8601 string."
   (partial format-date :date-time))
@@ -250,35 +246,6 @@
 ;;; ## Etc
-(defmacro assoc<>
-  "Like `assoc`, but associations happen sequentially; i.e. each successive binding can build
-   upon the result of the previous one using `<>`.
-    (assoc<> {}
-       :a 100
-       :b (+ 100 (:a <>)) ; -> {:a 100 :b 200}"
-  {:style/indent 1}
-  [object & kvs]
-  ;; wrap in a `fn` so this can be used in `->`/`->>` forms
-  `((fn [~'<>]
-      (let [~@(apply concat (for [[k v] (partition 2 kvs)]
-                              ['<> `(assoc ~'<> ~k ~v)]))]
-        ~'<>))
-    ~object))
-(defn format-num
-  "format a number into a more human readable form."
-  [number]
-  {:pre [(number? number)]}
-  (let [decimal-type? #(or (float? %) (decimal? %))]
-    (cond
-      ;; looks like this is a decimal number, format with precision of 2
-      (and (decimal-type? number) (not (zero? (mod number 1)))) (format "%,.2f" number)
-      ;; this is a decimal type number with no actual decimal value, so treat it as a whole number
-      (decimal-type? number) (format "%,d" (long number))
-      ;; otherwise this is a whole number
-      :else (format "%,d" number))))
 (defprotocol ^:private IClobToStr
   (jdbc-clob->str ^String [this]
    "Convert a Postgres/H2/SQLServer JDBC Clob to a string."))
@@ -337,19 +304,6 @@
   (if (pred? (first args)) [(first args) (next args)]
       [default args]))
-;; provided courtesy of Jay Fields http://blog.jayfields.com/2011/08/clojure-apply-function-to-each-value-of.html
-(defn update-values
-  "Update the values of a map by applying the given function.
-   Function expects the map value as an arg and optionally accepts additional args as passed."
-  [m f & args]
-  (reduce (fn [r [k v]] (assoc r k (apply f v args))) {} m))
-(defn filter-nil-values
-  "Remove any keys from a MAP when the value is `nil`."
-  [m]
-  (into {} (for [[k v] m
-                 :when (not (nil? v))]
-             {k v})))
 (defn is-email?
   "Is STRING a valid email address?"
@@ -477,13 +431,6 @@
   ([color-symb x]
    ((ns-resolve 'colorize.core color-symb) (pprint-to-str x))))
-(defmacro cond-let
-  "Like `if-let` or `when-let`, but for `cond`."
-  [binding-form then-form & more]
-  `(if-let ~binding-form ~then-form
-           ~(when (seq more)
-              `(cond-let ~@more))))
 (defn filtered-stacktrace
   "Get the stack trace associated with E and return it as a vector with non-metabase frames filtered out."
   [^Throwable e]
@@ -538,42 +485,6 @@
   [& body]
   `(try ~@body (catch Throwable ~'_)))
-(defn wrap-try-catch!
-  "Re-intern FN-SYMB as a new fn that wraps the original with a `try-catch`. Intended for debugging.
-     (defn z [] (throw (Exception. \"!\")))
-     (z) ; -> exception
-     (wrap-try-catch! 'z)
-     (z) ; -> nil; exception logged with log/error"
-  [fn-symb]
-  {:pre [(symbol? fn-symb)
-         (fn? @(resolve fn-symb))]}
-  (let [varr                    (resolve fn-symb)
-        {nmspc :ns, symb :name} (meta varr)]
-    (println (format "wrap-try-catch! %s/%s" nmspc symb))
-    (intern nmspc symb (wrap-try-catch @varr fn-symb))))
-(defn ns-wrap-try-catch!
-  "Re-intern all functions in NAMESPACE as ones that wrap the originals with a `try-catch`.
-   Defaults to the current namespace. You may optionally exclude a set of symbols using the kwarg `:exclude`.
-     (ns-wrap-try-catch!)
-     (ns-wrap-try-catch! 'metabase.driver)
-     (ns-wrap-try-catch! 'metabase.driver :exclude 'query-complete)
-   Intended for debugging."
-  {:arglists '([namespace? :exclude & excluded-symbs])}
-  [& args]
-  (let [[nmspc args] (optional #(try-apply the-ns [%]) args *ns*)
-        excluded     (when (= (first args) :exclude)
-                       (set (rest args)))]
-    (doseq [[symb varr] (ns-interns nmspc)]
-      (when (fn? @varr)
-        (when-not (contains? excluded symb)
-          (wrap-try-catch! (symbol (str (ns-name nmspc) \/ symb))))))))
 (defn deref-with-timeout
   "Call `deref` on a FUTURE and throw an exception if it takes more than TIMEOUT-MS."
   [futur timeout-ms]
diff --git a/test/metabase/util_test.clj b/test/metabase/util_test.clj
index f3b3b1d2d26fbe1d7863aa3815cf79c23433de52..f62b3a0e7d48977005c32bf0ee6e045438af8941 100644
--- a/test/metabase/util_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/util_test.clj
@@ -46,17 +46,6 @@
 (expect #inst "2015-11-01"       (date-trunc :month   friday-the-13th))
 (expect #inst "2015-10-01"       (date-trunc :quarter friday-the-13th))
-;;; ## tests for ASSOC<>
-  {:a 100
-   :b 200
-   :c 300}
-  (assoc<> {}
-    :a 100
-    :b (+ 100 (:a <>))
-    :c (+ 100 (:b <>))))
 ;;; ## tests for HOST-UP?
 (expect true
@@ -71,36 +60,6 @@
   (host-port-up? "nosuchhost" 8005))
-;; ## tests for `(format-num)`
-;; basic whole number case
-(expect "1" (format-num 1))
-(expect "1" (format-num (float 1)))
-(expect "1" (format-num (double 1)))
-(expect "1" (format-num (bigdec 1)))
-(expect "1" (format-num (long 1)))
-;; make sure we correctly format down to 2 decimal places
-;; note that we are expecting a round DOWN in this case
-(expect "1.23" (format-num (float 1.23444)))
-(expect "1.23" (format-num (double 1.23444)))
-(expect "1.23" (format-num (bigdec 1.23444)))
-;; test that we always force precision of 2 on decimal places
-(expect "1.20" (format-num (float 1.2)))
-(expect "1.20" (format-num (double 1.2)))
-(expect "1.20" (format-num (bigdec 1.2)))
-;; we can take big numbers and add in commas
-(expect "1,234" (format-num 1234))
-(expect "1,234" (format-num (float 1234)))
-(expect "1,234" (format-num (double 1234)))
-(expect "1,234" (format-num (bigdec 1234)))
-(expect "1,234" (format-num (long 1234)))
-;; we can handle numbers with both commas and decimal places
-;; note that we expect a basic round UP here
-(expect "1,234.57" (format-num (float 1234.5678)))
-(expect "1,234.57" (format-num (double 1234.5678)))
-(expect "1,234.57" (format-num (bigdec 1234.5678)))
 ;;; ## tests for IS-URL?
 (expect true (is-url? "http://google.com"))