diff --git a/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj b/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj
index 164abba674b687130e6053e22a8e47e2a9eb0ca6..8bc386c062bfddb376bf1631e4f6d978169ed04a 100644
--- a/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
       (k/insert "data_migrations"
                 (k/values {:id        migration-name
-                           :timestamp (u/new-sql-timestamp)}))
-      (log/info "[ok]"))))
+                           :timestamp (u/new-sql-timestamp)})))))
 (def ^:private data-migrations (atom []))
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/activity_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/activity_test.clj
index 55eb3136508d2c0d4d920c555b8551cd2b08ee6c..ffdeac24ac98609b0bd56d0408329ee66fa558e9 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/activity_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/activity_test.clj
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
                              [view-log :refer [ViewLog]])
             [metabase.test.data :refer :all]
             [metabase.test.data.users :refer :all]
-            [metabase.test.util :refer [match-$ expect-eval-actual-first random-name with-temp]]
+            [metabase.test.util :refer [match-$ expect-eval-actual-first random-name]]
             [metabase.util :as u]))
 ;; GET /
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/card_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/card_test.clj
index 5f4b098b029f98745b42d40331ec12a18a957f84..203f6ddbf19767802939f7be527acf7cdfbe19c6 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/card_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/card_test.clj
@@ -32,31 +32,16 @@
-  (with-temp Database [{dbid :id} {:name    (random-name)
-                                   :engine  :h2
-                                   :details {}}]
-    (with-temp Card [{id1 :id} {:name                   (random-name)
-                                :public_perms           common/perms-none
-                                :creator_id             (user->id :crowberto)
-                                :display                :table
-                                :dataset_query          {}
-                                :visualization_settings {}
-                                :database_id            (id)}]
-      (with-temp Card [{id2 :id} {:name                   (random-name)
-                                  :public_perms           common/perms-none
-                                  :creator_id             (user->id :crowberto)
-                                  :display                :table
-                                  :dataset_query          {}
-                                  :visualization_settings {}
-                                  :database_id            dbid}]
+  (with-temp Database [{db-id :id}]
+    (with-temp Card [{card-1-id :id} {:database_id (id)}]
+      (with-temp Card [{card-2-id :id} {:database_id db-id}]
         (let [card-returned? (fn [database-id card-id]
-                               (contains? (->> ((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 "card" :f :database :model_id database-id)
-                                               (map :id)
-                                               set)
+                               (contains? (set (for [card ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 "card", :f :database, :model_id database-id)]
+                                                 (:id card)))
-          [(card-returned? (id) id1)
-           (card-returned? dbid id1)
-           (card-returned? dbid id2)])))))
+          [(card-returned? (id) card-1-id)
+           (card-returned? db-id card-1-id)
+           (card-returned? db-id card-2-id)])))))
 ;; Make sure `id` is required when `f` is :database
 (expect {:errors {:id "id is required parameter when filter mode is 'database'"}}
@@ -66,38 +51,18 @@
 (expect [true
-  (with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Card API Test"
-                                          :engine    :yeehaw
-                                          :details   {}
-                                          :is_sample false}]
-    (with-temp Table [{table1 :id} {:name   "Card API Table 1"
-                                      :db_id  database-id
-                                      :active true}]
-      (with-temp Table [{table2 :id} {:name   "Card API Table 2"
-                                        :db_id  database-id
-                                        :active true}]
-        (with-temp Card [{id1 :id} {:name                   (random-name)
-                                    :public_perms           common/perms-none
-                                    :creator_id             (user->id :crowberto)
-                                    :display                :table
-                                    :dataset_query          {}
-                                    :visualization_settings {}
-                                    :table_id               table1}]
-          (with-temp Card [{id2 :id} {:name                   (random-name)
-                                      :public_perms           common/perms-none
-                                      :creator_id             (user->id :crowberto)
-                                      :display                :table
-                                      :dataset_query          {}
-                                      :visualization_settings {}
-                                      :table_id               table2}]
+  (with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (with-temp Table [{table-1-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
+      (with-temp Table [{table-2-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
+        (with-temp Card [{card-1-id :id} {:table_id table-1-id}]
+          (with-temp Card [{card-2-id :id} {:table_id table-2-id}]
             (let [card-returned? (fn [table-id card-id]
-                                   (contains? (->> ((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 "card" :f :table :model_id table-id)
-                                                   (map :id)
-                                                   set)
+                                   (contains? (set (for [card ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 "card", :f :table, :model_id table-id)]
+                                                     (:id card)))
-              [(card-returned? table1 id1)
-               (card-returned? table2 id1)
-               (card-returned? table2 id2)])))))))
+              [(card-returned? table-1-id card-1-id)
+               (card-returned? table-2-id card-1-id)
+               (card-returned? table-2-id card-2-id)])))))))
 ;; Make sure `id` is required when `f` is :table
 (expect {:errors {:id "id is required parameter when filter mode is 'table'"}}
@@ -106,17 +71,11 @@
 ;; Check that only the creator of a private Card can see it
 (expect [true
-  (with-temp Card [{:keys [id]} {:name                   (random-name)
-                                 :public_perms           common/perms-none
-                                 :creator_id             (user->id :crowberto)
-                                 :display                :table
-                                 :dataset_query          {}
-                                 :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:creator_id (user->id :crowberto)}]
     (let [can-see-card? (fn [user]
-                          (contains? (->> ((user->client user) :get 200 "card" :f :all)
-                                          (map :id)
-                                          set)
-                                     id))]
+                          (contains? (set (for [card ((user->client user) :get 200 "card", :f :all)]
+                                            (:id card)))
+                                     card-id))]
       [(can-see-card? :crowberto)
        (can-see-card? :rasta)])))
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj
index 9cc0679ddc39626e4425e82cc63f395c53eeb991..aeb9a33c973755e6829f311717193155f2cc3dfc 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/dashboard_test.clj
@@ -113,26 +113,18 @@
                                      :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
                                      :creator                (user-details (fetch-user :rasta))
                                      :organization_id        nil
-                                     :display                "scalar"
+                                     :display                "table"
                                      :query_type             nil
-                                     :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                     :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}
+                                     :dataset_query          {}
+                                     :visualization_settings {} }
                       :series       []}]
    :organization_id nil}
   ;; fetch a dashboard WITH a dashboard card on it
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name "Test Dashboard"}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name "Dashboard Test Card"}]
       (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [_ {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
                                       :card_id      card-id}]
-        (-> ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "dashboard/%d" dashboard-id))
-            dashboard-response)))))
+        (dashboard-response ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "dashboard/%d" dashboard-id)))))))
 ;; ## PUT /api/dashboard/:id
@@ -159,25 +151,20 @@
     :updated_at      true
     :created_at      true
     :organization_id nil}]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (->> [(Dashboard dashboard-id)
-          ((user->client :rasta) :put 200 (format "dashboard/%d" dashboard-id) {:name         "My Cool Dashboard"
-                                                                                :description  "Some awesome description"
-                                                                                ;; these things should fail to update
-                                                                                :public_perms 2
-                                                                                :creator_id   (user->id :trashbird)})
-          (Dashboard dashboard-id)]
-         (mapv dashboard-response))))
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name "Test Dashboard"}]
+    (mapv dashboard-response [(Dashboard dashboard-id)
+                              ((user->client :rasta) :put 200 (str "dashboard/" dashboard-id) {:name         "My Cool Dashboard"
+                                                                                               :description  "Some awesome description"
+                                                                                               ;; these things should fail to update
+                                                                                               :public_perms 2
+                                                                                               :creator_id   (user->id :trashbird)})
+                              (Dashboard dashboard-id)])))
 ;; ## DELETE /api/dashboard/:id
   [nil nil]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
     [((user->client :rasta) :delete 204 (format "dashboard/%d" dashboard-id))
      (Dashboard dashboard-id)]))
@@ -198,15 +185,8 @@
      :sizeY        2
      :col          4
      :row          4}]]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
       [(-> ((user->client :rasta) :post 200 (format "dashboard/%d/cards" dashboard-id) {:cardId card-id
                                                                                         :row    4
                                                                                         :col    4})
@@ -223,8 +203,8 @@
     :row          4
     :series       [{:name                   "Series Card"
                     :description            nil
-                    :display                "scalar"
-                    :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
+                    :display                "table"
+                    :dataset_query          {}
                     :visualization_settings {}}]
     :created_at   true
     :updated_at   true}
@@ -233,25 +213,13 @@
      :col          4
      :row          4}]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {}}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id1 :id} {:name                   "Series Card"
-                                            :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :display                "scalar"
-                                            :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                            :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-1 :id} {:name "Series Card"}]
         (let [dashboard-card ((user->client :rasta) :post 200 (format "dashboard/%d/cards" dashboard-id) {:cardId card-id
                                                                                                           :row    4
                                                                                                           :col    4
-                                                                                                          :series [{:id series-id1}]})]
+                                                                                                          :series [{:id series-id-1}]})]
           [(remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps dashboard-card)
            (db/sel :many :fields [DashboardCard :sizeX :sizeY :col :row] :dashboard_id dashboard-id)
            (db/sel :many :field [DashboardCardSeries :position] :dashboardcard_id (:id dashboard-card))])))))
@@ -263,35 +231,13 @@
    {:success true}
   ;; fetch a dashboard WITH a dashboard card on it
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id1 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 1"
-                                            :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :display                "scalar"
-                                            :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                            :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id2 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 2"
-                                              :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                              :public_perms           0
-                                              :display                "scalar"
-                                              :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                              :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                          :card_id      card-id}]
-            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                  :card_id          series-id1
-                                                  :position         0}]
-              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                    :card_id          series-id2
-                                                    :position         1}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-1 :id}]
+        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-2 :id}]
+          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-1, :position 0}]
+              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-2, :position 1}]
                 [(count (db/sel :many :field [DashboardCard :id] :dashboard_id dashboard-id))
                  ((user->client :rasta) :delete 200 (format "dashboard/%d/cards" dashboard-id) :dashcardId dashcard-id)
                  (count (db/sel :many :field [DashboardCard :id] :dashboard_id dashboard-id))]))))))))
@@ -320,8 +266,9 @@
      :row          0
      :series       [{:name                   "Series Card"
                      :description            nil
-                     :display                :scalar
-                     :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
+                     :display                :table
+                     :dataset_query          {}
                      :visualization_settings {}}]
      :created_at   true
      :updated_at   true}
@@ -333,40 +280,26 @@
      :created_at   true
      :updated_at   true}]]
   ;; fetch a dashboard WITH a dashboard card on it
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-      (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id1 :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                       :card_id      card-id}]
-        (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id2 :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                         :card_id      card-id}]
-          (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id1 :id} {:name                   "Series Card"
-                                                :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                                :public_perms           0
-                                                :display                "scalar"
-                                                :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                                :visualization_settings {}}]
-            [[(remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id1))
-              (remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id2))]
-             ((user->client :rasta) :put 200 (format "dashboard/%d/cards" dashboard-id) {:cards [{:id    dashcard-id1
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
+      (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id-1 :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+        (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id-2 :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+          (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-1 :id} {:name "Series Card"}]
+            [[(remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id-1))
+              (remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id-2))]
+             ((user->client :rasta) :put 200 (format "dashboard/%d/cards" dashboard-id) {:cards [{:id    dashcard-id-1
                                                                                                   :sizeX 4
                                                                                                   :sizeY 2
                                                                                                   :col   0
                                                                                                   :row   0
-                                                                                                  :series [{:id series-id1}]}
-                                                                                                 {:id    dashcard-id2
+                                                                                                  :series [{:id series-id-1}]}
+                                                                                                 {:id    dashcard-id-2
                                                                                                   :sizeX 1
                                                                                                   :sizeY 1
                                                                                                   :col   1
                                                                                                   :row   3}]})
-             [(remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id1))
-              (remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id2))]]))))))
+             [(remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id-1))
+              (remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id-2))]]))))))
@@ -392,9 +325,7 @@
                       (dissoc :email :date_joined :last_login :is_superuser :is_qbnewb))
     :diff         nil
     :description  nil}]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{:keys [id]} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                         :public_perms 0
-                                         :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{:keys [id]}]
     (tu/with-temp Revision [_ {:model        "Dashboard"
                                :model_id     id
                                :user_id      (user->id :rasta)
@@ -471,9 +402,7 @@
                        (dissoc :email :date_joined :last_login :is_superuser :is_qbnewb))
      :diff         nil
      :description  nil}]]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{:keys [id]} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                         :public_perms 0
-                                         :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{:keys [id]}]
     (tu/with-temp Revision [{revision-id :id} {:model        "Dashboard"
                                                :model_id     id
                                                :user_id      (user->id :rasta)
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj
index a0a20a92f6f1bfb2e953d01ecab01a276cdb31fd..796a523cda639d41fcef1ea696f9691cec0ddd77 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/dataset_test.clj
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
              :description            nil
              :public_perms           0
              :creator                (user-details (fetch-user :rasta))
-             :display                "scalar"
+             :display                "table"
              :query_type             "query"
              :dataset_query          (-> (ql/wrap-inner-query
                                            (query checkins
-                                                  (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
+                                             (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
                                          (assoc :type "query")
                                          (assoc-in [:query :aggregation] {:aggregation-type "count"}))
              :visualization_settings {}
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
              :uuid         true
              :json_query   (-> (ql/wrap-inner-query
                                  (query checkins
-                                        (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
+                                   (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
                                (assoc :type "query")
                                (assoc-in [:query :aggregation] {:aggregation-type "count"})
                                (assoc :constraints dataset-query-api-constraints))
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
     :raw_query    ""
     :json_query   (-> (ql/wrap-inner-query
                         (query checkins
-                               (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
+                          (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
                       (assoc :type "query")
                       (assoc-in [:query :aggregation] {:aggregation-type "count"})
                       (assoc :constraints dataset-query-api-constraints))
@@ -172,14 +172,10 @@
     :finished_at  true
     :running_time true
     :version      0}]
-  (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dataset Test Card"
-                                     :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                     :public_perms           0
-                                     :display                "scalar"
-                                     :dataset_query          (ql/wrap-inner-query
-                                                               (query checkins
-                                                                      (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))
-                                     :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name          "Dataset Test Card"
+                                     :dataset_query (ql/wrap-inner-query
+                                                      (query checkins
+                                                        (ql/aggregation (ql/count))))}]
     (let [result ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "dataset/card/%d" card-id))]
       [(-> result
            (update :card remove-ids-and-boolean-timestamps)
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
index 866cfdfca06d022cada23ff60151de106c895eaa..282947ec9b4a22bde4f08e851fc5f8ac57960cff 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
@@ -158,22 +158,11 @@
   ["Invalid Request."
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Field Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Field Test"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
-      (tu/with-temp Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id    table-id
-                                           :name        "Field Test"
-                                           :base_type   :TextField
-                                           :field_type  :info
-                                           :active      true
-                                           :preview_display true
-                                           :position    1}]
-        [((user->client :crowberto) :put 400 (format "field/%d" field-id) {:special_type :timestamp_seconds})
-         (db/sel :one :field [Field :special_type] :id field-id)]))))
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id table-id}]
+        [((user->client :crowberto) :put 400 (str "field/" field-id) {:special_type :timestamp_seconds})
+         (db/sel :one :field [Field :special_type], :id field-id)]))))
 (defn- field->field-values
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/foreignkey_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/foreignkey_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..398378b2f4372ee4baf52afb1313a99ef53b7de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/metabase/api/foreignkey_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+(ns metabase.api.foreignkey-test
+  "tests for /api/foreignkey api endpoints"
+  (:require [clojure.tools.macro :refer [symbol-macrolet]]
+            [expectations :refer :all]
+            [metabase.db :as db]
+            (metabase [http-client :as http]
+                      [middleware :as middleware])
+            (metabase.models [database :refer [Database]]
+                             [field :refer [Field]]
+                             [foreign-key :refer :all]
+                             [table :refer [Table]])
+            [metabase.test.util :as tu]
+            [metabase.test.data.users :refer :all]))
+;; ## /api/segment/* AUTHENTICATION Tests
+;; We assume that all endpoints for a given context are enforced by the same middleware, so we don't run the same
+;; authentication test on every single individual endpoint
+(expect (get middleware/response-unauthentic :body) (http/client :delete 401 "foreignkey/123"))
+;; ## DELETE /api/foreignkey/:id
+;; test security.  requires superuser perms
+(expect "You don't have permissions to do that."
+  ((user->client :rasta) :delete 403 "foreignkey/1"))
+  [{:success true}
+   nil]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id table-id}]
+        (tu/with-temp ForeignKey [{:keys [id]} {:destination_id field-id
+                                                :origin_id      field-id
+                                                :relationship   "whoot"}]
+          [((user->client :crowberto) :delete 200 (format "foreignkey/%d" id))
+           (db/sel :one ForeignKey :id id)])))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/metric_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/metric_test.clj
index 53275f0bfdd46ae9d9ce9cce3b16e141dc032e6a..0f0cfcf14afe95903a763d6aa79da8ad74700d1d 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/metric_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/metric_test.clj
@@ -81,18 +81,13 @@
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 21
                   :query    {:filter ["abc"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (metric-response ((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 "metric" {:name        "A Metric"
-                                                                        :description "I did it!"
-                                                                        :table_id    id
-                                                                        :definition  {:database 21
-                                                                                      :query    {:filter ["abc"]}}})))))
+                                                                      :description "I did it!"
+                                                                      :table_id    id
+                                                                      :definition  {:database 21
+                                                                                    :query    {:filter ["abc"]}}})))))
 ;; ## PUT /api/metric
@@ -124,7 +119,7 @@
                                                    :definition       "foobar"}))
-  {:name         "Tatooine"
+  {:name         "Costa Rica"
    :description  nil
    :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
    :creator      (user-details (fetch-user :rasta))
@@ -132,26 +127,21 @@
    :updated_at   true
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 2
-                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}}
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                           :table_id    table-id
-                                          :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                          :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                          :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                          :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                           :definition  {}}]
         (metric-response ((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "metric/%d" id) {:id               id
-                                                                                      :name             "Tatooine"
+                                                                                      :name             "Costa Rica"
                                                                                       :description      nil
                                                                                       :table_id         456
                                                                                       :revision_message "I got me some revisions"
                                                                                       :definition       {:database 2
-                                                                                                         :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}}))))))
+                                                                                                         :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}}))))))
 ;; ## DELETE /api/metric/:id
@@ -170,8 +160,8 @@
   [{:success true}
-   {:name         "Droids in the desert"
-    :description  "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   {:name         "Toucans in the rainforest"
+    :description  "Lookin' for a blueberry"
     :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
     :creator      (user-details (fetch-user :rasta))
     :created_at   true
@@ -182,13 +172,11 @@
                                              :engine    :yeehaw
                                              :details   {}
                                              :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                            :table_id    table-id
-                                           :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                           :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                           :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                           :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                            :definition  {}}]
         [((user->client :crowberto) :delete 200 (format "metric/%d" id) :revision_message "carryon")
          (metric-response (metric/retrieve-metric id))]))))
@@ -211,19 +199,14 @@
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 123
                   :query    {:filter ["In the Land of Metabase where the Datas lie"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
-                                           :table_id    table-id
-                                           :name        "One Metric to rule them all, one metric to define them"
-                                           :description "One metric to bring them all, and in the DataModel bind them"
-                                           :definition  {:database 123
-                                                         :query    {:filter ["In the Land of Metabase where the Datas lie"]}}}]
+                                          :table_id    table-id
+                                          :name        "One Metric to rule them all, one metric to define them"
+                                          :description "One metric to bring them all, and in the DataModel bind them"
+                                          :definition  {:database 123
+                                                        :query    {:filter ["In the Land of Metabase where the Datas lie"]}}}]
         (metric-response ((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "metric/%d" id)))))))
@@ -250,13 +233,8 @@
     :diff         {:name       {:after "b"}
                    :definition {:after {:filter ["AND" [">" 1 25]]}}}
     :description  nil}]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "One Metric to rule them all, one metric to define them"
@@ -333,13 +311,8 @@
                     :definition  {:after {:database 123
                                           :query    {:filter ["In the Land of Metabase where the Datas lie"]}}}}
      :description  nil}]]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "One Metric to rule them all, one metric to define them"
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/segment_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/segment_test.clj
index f50e7760819d57a7baf664f363c1e426deba1d37..72337f14089434df9c521c6d4cc983cad16504bd 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/segment_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/segment_test.clj
@@ -81,13 +81,8 @@
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 21
                   :query    {:filter ["abc"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (segment-response ((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 "segment" {:name        "A Segment"
                                                                         :description "I did it!"
                                                                         :table_id    id
@@ -124,7 +119,7 @@
                                                    :definition       "foobar"}))
-  {:name         "Tatooine"
+  {:name         "Costa Rica"
    :description  nil
    :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
    :creator      (user-details (fetch-user :rasta))
@@ -132,26 +127,21 @@
    :updated_at   true
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 2
-                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}}
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                            :table_id    table-id
-                                           :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                           :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                           :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                           :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                            :definition  {}}]
         (segment-response ((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "segment/%d" id) {:id               id
-                                                                                        :name             "Tatooine"
+                                                                                        :name             "Costa Rica"
                                                                                         :description      nil
                                                                                         :table_id         456
                                                                                         :revision_message "I got me some revisions"
                                                                                         :definition       {:database 2
-                                                                                                           :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}}))))))
+                                                                                                           :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}}))))))
 ;; ## DELETE /api/segment/:id
@@ -170,25 +160,20 @@
   [{:success true}
-   {:name         "Droids in the desert"
-    :description  "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   {:name         "Toucans in the rainforest"
+    :description  "Lookin' for a blueberry"
     :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
     :creator      (user-details (fetch-user :rasta))
     :created_at   true
     :updated_at   true
     :is_active    false
     :definition   {}}]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                            :table_id    table-id
-                                           :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                           :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                           :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                           :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                            :definition  {}}]
         [((user->client :crowberto) :delete 200 (format "segment/%d" id) :revision_message "carryon")
          (segment-response (segment/retrieve-segment id))]))))
@@ -211,13 +196,8 @@
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 123
                   :query    {:filter ["In the Land of Metabase where the Datas lie"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "One Segment to rule them all, one segment to define them"
@@ -250,13 +230,8 @@
     :diff         {:name       {:after "b"}
                    :definition {:after {:filter ["AND" [">" 1 25]]}}}
     :description  nil}]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "One Segment to rule them all, one segment to define them"
@@ -333,13 +308,8 @@
                     :definition  {:after {:database 123
                                           :query    {:filter ["In the Land of Metabase where the Datas lie"]}}}}
      :description  nil}]]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "One Segment to rule them all, one segment to define them"
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/query_processor/macros_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/query_processor/macros_test.clj
index 9912370a6452b7f504e5f33c0e70de19a87d2e9a..db2806b59c47733af1bbb4be3034f76da204e2fc 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/query_processor/macros_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/query_processor/macros_test.clj
@@ -30,13 +30,8 @@
    :query    {:aggregation ["rows"]
               :filter      ["AND" ["AND" ["=" 5 "abc"]] ["OR" ["AND" ["IS_NULL" 7]] [">" 4 1]]]
               :breakout    [17]}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Macro Expansion Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Macro Expansion Table"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{segment1 :id} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                              :table_id    table-id
                                              :name        "Test Segment"
@@ -59,13 +54,8 @@
               :filter      ["AND" ["AND" [">" 4 1]] ["AND" ["=" 5 "abc"]]]
               :breakout    [17]
               :order_by    [[1 "ASC"]]}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Macro Expansion Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Macro Expansion Table"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{metric1 :id} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "Test Metric"
@@ -86,13 +76,8 @@
               :filter      ["AND" ["=" 5 "abc"]]
               :breakout    [17]
               :order_by    [[1 "ASC"]]}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Macro Expansion Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Macro Expansion Table"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{metric1 :id} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "Test Metric"
@@ -113,13 +98,8 @@
               :filter      ["AND" ["=" 5 "abc"]]
               :breakout    [17]
               :order_by    [[1 "ASC"]]}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Macro Expansion Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Macro Expansion Table"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{metric1 :id} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                            :table_id    table-id
                                            :name        "Test Metric"
@@ -139,13 +119,8 @@
               :filter      ["AND" ["AND" [">" 4 1] ["AND" ["IS_NULL" 7]]] ["AND" ["=" 5 "abc"] ["AND" ["BETWEEN" 9 0 25]]]]
               :breakout    [17]
               :order_by    [[1 "ASC"]]}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Macro Expansion Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Macro Expansion Table"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{segment1 :id} {:creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                              :table_id    table-id
                                              :name        "Test Segment"
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/sync_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/sync_test.clj
index efe64073b16e02b494ed31d9f887dc1d2eecf768..10dde91e7909c7398b15a37e77f88889ee09b04e 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/sync_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/sync_test.clj
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
             (metabase.test.data [datasets :as datasets]
                                 [interface :refer [create-database-definition]])))
-(def sync-test-tables
+(def ^:private ^:const sync-test-tables
   {"movie"  {:name "movie"
              :schema "default"
              :fields #{{:name      "id"
@@ -41,227 +41,196 @@
   (merge driver/IDriverDefaultsMixin
          {:analyze-table       (constantly nil)
-          :describe-database   (fn [_ _]
-                                 {:tables (set (->> (vals sync-test-tables)
-                                                    (map #(dissoc % :fields))))})
+          :describe-database   (constantly {:tables (set (for [table (vals sync-test-tables)]
+                                                           (dissoc table :fields)))})
           :describe-table      (fn [_ table]
                                  (get sync-test-tables (:name table)))
-          :descrite-table-fks  (fn [_ _]
-                                 #{{:fk-column-name   "studio"
-                                    :dest-table-name  "studio"
-                                    :dest-column-name "studio"}})}))
+          :descrite-table-fks  (constantly #{{:fk-column-name   "studio"
+                                              :dest-table-name  "studio"
+                                              :dest-column-name "studio"}})}))
-;(driver/register-driver! :sync-test (SyncTestDriver.))
+(def ^:private users-table       (delay (sel :one Table, :name "USERS")))
+(def ^:private venues-table      (delay (Table (id :venues))))
+(def ^:private korma-users-table (delay (korma-entity @users-table)))
+(def ^:private users-name-field  (delay (Field (id :users :name))))
-(def users-table
-  (delay (sel :one Table :name "USERS")))
-(def venues-table
-  (delay (Table (id :venues))))
-(def korma-users-table
-  (delay (korma-entity @users-table)))
-(def users-name-field
-  (delay (Field (id :users :name))))
-(defn table-details [table]
+(defn- table-details [table]
   (into {} (-> (dissoc table :id :db :db_id :created_at :updated_at :pk_field :field_values)
-               (assoc :fields (->> (sel :many Field :table_id (:id table) (k/order :name))
-                                   (map #(dissoc % :table_id :table :db :children :qualified-name :qualified-name-components :created_at :updated_at :id :values :target))
-                                   (map #(into {} %)))))))
+               (assoc :fields (for [field (sel :many Field, :table_id (:id table), (k/order :name))]
+                                (into {} (dissoc field :table_id :table :db :children :qualified-name :qualified-name-components :created_at :updated_at :id :values :target)))))))
-  [{:schema "default"
-    :name   "movie"
-    :display_name "Movie"
-    :description nil
-    :entity_type nil
-    :entity_name nil
+  [{:schema          "default"
+    :name            "movie"
+    :display_name    "Movie"
+    :description     nil
+    :entity_type     nil
+    :entity_name     nil
     :visibility_type nil
-    :rows   nil
-    :active true
-    :fields [{:description nil,
-              :special_type :id,
-              :name "id",
-              :active true,
-              :parent_id nil,
-              :field_type :info,
-              :position 0,
-              :preview_display true,
-              :display_name "Id",
-              :base_type :IntegerField,
-              :visibility_type :normal
-              :fk_target_field_id nil}
-             {:description nil,
-              :special_type nil,
-              :name "studio",
-              :active true,
-              :parent_id nil,
-              :field_type :info,
-              :position 0,
-              :preview_display true,
-              :display_name "Studio",
-              :base_type :TextField,
-              :visibility_type :normal
-              :fk_target_field_id nil}
-             {:description nil,
-              :special_type nil,
-              :name "title",
-              :active true,
-              :parent_id nil,
-              :field_type :info,
-              :position 0,
-              :preview_display true,
-              :display_name "Title",
-              :base_type :TextField,
-              :visibility_type :normal
-              :fk_target_field_id nil}]}
-   {:schema nil
-    :name   "studio"
-    :display_name "Studio"
-    :description nil
-    :entity_type nil
-    :entity_name nil
+    :rows            nil
+    :active          true
+    :fields          [{:description        nil
+                       :special_type       :id
+                       :name               "id"
+                       :active             true
+                       :parent_id          nil
+                       :field_type         :info
+                       :position           0
+                       :preview_display    true
+                       :display_name       "Id"
+                       :base_type          :IntegerField
+                       :visibility_type    :normal
+                       :fk_target_field_id nil
+                      {:description        nil
+                       :special_type       nil
+                       :name               "studio"
+                       :active             true
+                       :parent_id          nil
+                       :field_type         :info
+                       :position           0
+                       :preview_display    true
+                       :display_name       "Studio"
+                       :base_type          :TextField
+                       :visibility_type    :normal
+                       :fk_target_field_id nil}
+                                                {:description       nil
+                       :special_type       nil
+                       :name               "title"
+                       :active             true
+                       :parent_id          nil
+                       :field_type         :info
+                       :position           0
+                       :preview_display    true
+                       :display_name       "Title"
+                       :base_type          :TextField
+                       :visibility_type    :normal
+                       :fk_target_field_id nil}]}
+   {:schema          nil
+    :name            "studio"
+    :display_name    "Studio"
+    :description     nil
+    :entity_type     nil
+    :entity_name     nil
     :visibility_type nil
-    :rows   nil
-    :active true
-    :fields [{:description nil,
-              :special_type :name,
-              :name "name",
-              :active true,
-              :parent_id nil,
-              :field_type :info,
-              :position 0,
-              :preview_display true,
-              :display_name "Name",
-              :base_type :TextField,
-              :visibility_type :normal
-              :fk_target_field_id nil}
-             {:description nil,
-              :special_type :id,
-              :name "studio",
-              :active true,
-              :parent_id nil,
-              :field_type :info,
-              :position 0,
-              :preview_display true,
-              :display_name "Studio",
-              :base_type :TextField,
-              :visibility_type :normal
-              :fk_target_field_id nil}]}]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [fake-db {:name    "sync-test"
-                                   :engine  :sync-test
-                                   :details {}}]
+    :rows            nil
+    :active          true
+    :fields          [{:description        nil
+                       :special_type       :name
+                       :name               "name"
+                       :active             true
+                       :parent_id          nil
+                       :field_type         :info
+                       :position           0
+                       :preview_display    true
+                       :display_name       "Name"
+                       :base_type          :TextField
+                       :visibility_type    :normal
+                       :fk_target_field_id nil}
+                      {:description        nil
+                       :special_type       :id
+                       :name               "studio"
+                       :active             true
+                       :parent_id          nil
+                       :field_type         :info
+                       :position           0
+                       :preview_display    true
+                       :display_name       "Studio"
+                       :base_type          :TextField
+                       :visibility_type    :normal
+                       :fk_target_field_id nil}]}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [fake-db]
     (sync/sync-database! (SyncTestDriver.) fake-db)
     ;; we are purposely running the sync twice to test for possible logic issues which only manifest
     ;; on resync of a database, such as adding tables that already exist or duplicating fields
     (sync/sync-database! (SyncTestDriver.) fake-db)
-    (->> (sel :many Table :db_id (:id fake-db) (k/order :name))
-         (mapv table-details))))
+    (mapv table-details (sel :many Table, :db_id (:id fake-db), (k/order :name)))))
-  {:schema "default"
-   :name   "movie"
-   :display_name "Movie"
-   :description nil
-   :entity_type nil
-   :entity_name nil
+  {:schema          "default"
+   :name            "movie"
+   :display_name    "Movie"
+   :description     nil
+   :entity_type     nil
+   :entity_name     nil
    :visibility_type nil
-   :rows   nil
-   :active true
-   :fields [{:description nil,
-             :special_type :id,
-             :name "id",
-             :active true,
-             :parent_id nil,
-             :field_type :info,
-             :position 0,
-             :preview_display true,
-             :display_name "Id",
-             :base_type :IntegerField,
-             :visibility_type :normal
-             :fk_target_field_id nil}
-            {:description nil,
-             :special_type nil,
-             :name "studio",
-             :active true,
-             :parent_id nil,
-             :field_type :info,
-             :position 0,
-             :preview_display true,
-             :display_name "Studio",
-             :base_type :TextField,
-             :visibility_type :normal
-             :fk_target_field_id nil}
-            {:description nil,
-             :special_type nil,
-             :name "title",
-             :active true,
-             :parent_id nil,
-             :field_type :info,
-             :position 0,
-             :preview_display true,
-             :display_name "Title",
-             :base_type :TextField,
-             :visibility_type :normal
-             :fk_target_field_id nil}]}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [fake-db {:name    "sync-test"
-                                   :engine  :sync-test
-                                   :details {}}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [fake-table {:name "movie"
+   :rows            nil
+   :active          true
+   :fields          [{:description        nil
+                      :special_type       :id
+                      :name               "id"
+                      :active             true
+                      :parent_id          nil
+                      :field_type         :info
+                      :position           0
+                      :preview_display    true
+                      :display_name       "Id"
+                      :base_type          :IntegerField
+                      :visibility_type    :normal
+                      :fk_target_field_id nil}
+                     {:description        nil
+                      :special_type       nil
+                      :name               "studio"
+                      :active             true
+                      :parent_id          nil
+                      :field_type         :info
+                      :position           0
+                      :preview_display    true
+                      :display_name       "Studio"
+                      :base_type          :TextField
+                      :visibility_type    :normal
+                      :fk_target_field_id nil}
+                     {:description        nil
+                      :special_type       nil
+                      :name               "title"
+                      :active             true
+                      :parent_id          nil
+                      :field_type         :info
+                      :position           0
+                      :preview_display    true
+                      :display_name       "Title"
+                      :base_type          :TextField
+                      :visibility_type    :normal
+                      :fk_target_field_id nil}]}
+  (tu/with-temp Database [fake-db]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [fake-table {:name   "movie"
                                      :schema "default"
-                                     :db_id (:id fake-db)
-                                     :active true}]
+                                     :db_id  (:id fake-db)}]
       (sync/sync-table! (SyncTestDriver.) fake-table)
-      (table-details (sel :one Table :id (:id fake-table))))))
+      (table-details (sel :one Table, :id (:id fake-table))))))
 ;; ## Test that we will remove field-values when they aren't appropriate
-  [[1,2,3]
-   [1,2,3]]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [fake-db {:name    "sync-test"
-                                   :engine  :sync-test
-                                   :details {}}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [fake-table {:name "movie"
-                                     :schema "default"
-                                     :db_id (:id fake-db)
-                                     :active true}]
+  [[1 2 3]
+   [1 2 3]]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [fake-db]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [fake-table {:db_id (:id fake-db), :name "movie", :schema "default"}]
       (sync/sync-table! (SyncTestDriver.) fake-table)
-      (let [{:keys [id]} (sel :one Field :table_id (:id fake-table) :name "title")]
-        (tu/with-temp FieldValues [_ {:field_id id
+      (let [field-id (sel :one :id Field, :table_id (:id fake-table), :name "title")]
+        (tu/with-temp FieldValues [_ {:field_id field-id
                                       :values   "[1,2,3]"}]
-          (let [starting (sel :one :field [FieldValues :values] :field_id id)]
+          (let [initial-field-values (sel :one :field [FieldValues :values], :field_id field-id)]
             (sync/sync-table! (SyncTestDriver.) fake-table)
-            [starting
-             (sel :one :field [FieldValues :values] :field_id id)]))))))
+            [initial-field-values
+             (sel :one :field [FieldValues :values], :field_id field-id)]))))))
 ;; ## Individual Helper Fns
 ;; infer-field-special-type
-(expect nil (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name      "whatever"
-                                            :base-type :foo}))
-(expect :id (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name      "whatever"
-                                            :base-type :TextField
-                                            :pk?       :id}))
-(expect :id (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name      "id"
-                                            :base-type :IntegerField}))
-(expect :category (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name         "whatever"
-                                                  :base-type    :IntegerField
-                                                  :special-type :category}))
-(expect :country (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name      "country"
-                                                 :base-type :TextField}))
-(expect :state (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name      "state"
-                                               :base-type :TextField}))
+(expect nil       (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name "whatever", :base-type :foo}))
+(expect :id       (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name "whatever", :base-type :TextField,    :pk? :id}))
+(expect :id       (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name "id",       :base-type :IntegerField}))
+(expect :category (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name "whatever", :base-type :IntegerField, :special-type :category}))
+(expect :country  (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name "country",  :base-type :TextField}))
+(expect :state    (sync/infer-field-special-type {:name "state",    :base-type :TextField}))
diff --git a/test/metabase/events/dependencies_test.clj b/test/metabase/events/dependencies_test.clj
index 152e9020e25416b65410211921a0abe1ac54dc14..eaafd9cc4aaa88b8658f786796dc36c8dd044f42 100644
--- a/test/metabase/events/dependencies_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/events/dependencies_test.clj
@@ -20,36 +20,23 @@
      :dependent_on_id    2}
     {:dependent_on_model "Segment"
      :dependent_on_id    3}}
-  (tu/with-temp Card [card {:name                   "Simple Test"
-                            :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                            :public_perms           2
-                            :display                "table"
-                            :dataset_query          {:database (id)
-                                                     :type     :query
-                                                     :query    {:source_table (id :categories)
-                                                                :filter       ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"] ["=" 5 "yes"] ["SEGMENT" 2] ["SEGMENT" 3]]}}
-                            :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Card [card {:dataset_query {:database (id)
+                                            :type     :query
+                                            :query    {:source_table (id :categories)
+                                                       :filter       ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"] ["=" 5 "yes"] ["SEGMENT" 2] ["SEGMENT" 3]]}}}]
     (process-dependencies-event {:topic :card-create
                                  :item  card})
-    (->> (db/sel :many Dependency :model "Card" :model_id (:id card))
-         (mapv #(select-keys % [:dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id]))
-         set)))
+    (set (db/sel :many :fields [Dependency :dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id], :model "Card", :model_id (:id card)))))
 ;; `:card-update` event
-  (tu/with-temp Card [card {:name                   "Simple Test"
-                            :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                            :public_perms           2
-                            :display                "table"
-                            :dataset_query          {:database (id)
-                                                     :type     :query
-                                                     :query    {:source_table (id :categories)}}
-                            :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Card [card {:dataset_query {:database (id)
+                                            :type     :query
+                                            :query    {:source_table (id :categories)}}}]
     (process-dependencies-event {:topic :card-create
                                  :item  card})
-    (->> (db/sel :many Dependency :model "Card" :model_id (:id card))
-         (mapv #(select-keys % [:dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id])))))
+    (db/sel :many :fields [Dependency :dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id], :model "Card", :model_id (:id card))))
 ;; `:metric-create` event
@@ -57,13 +44,8 @@
      :dependent_on_id    18}
     {:dependent_on_model "Segment"
      :dependent_on_id    35}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Dependencies Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Dependencies Test"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [metric {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                     :table_id    table-id
                                     :name        "Dependencies Test"
@@ -71,9 +53,7 @@
                                                   :filter      ["AND" ["SEGMENT" 18] ["SEGMENT" 35]]}}]
         (process-dependencies-event {:topic :metric-create
                                      :item  metric})
-        (->> (db/sel :many Dependency :model "Metric" :model_id (:id metric))
-             (mapv #(select-keys % [:dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id]))
-             set)))))
+        (set (db/sel :many :fields [Dependency :dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id], :model "Metric", :model_id (:id metric)))))))
 ;; `:card-update` event
@@ -81,13 +61,8 @@
      :dependent_on_id    18}
     {:dependent_on_model "Segment"
      :dependent_on_id    35}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Dependencies Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Dependencies Test"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [metric {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                     :table_id    table-id
                                     :name        "Dependencies Test"
@@ -95,6 +70,4 @@
                                                   :filter      ["AND" ["SEGMENT" 18] ["SEGMENT" 35]]}}]
         (process-dependencies-event {:topic :metric-update
                                      :item  metric})
-        (->> (db/sel :many Dependency :model "Metric" :model_id (:id metric))
-             (mapv #(select-keys % [:dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id]))
-             set)))))
+        (set (db/sel :many :fields [Dependency :dependent_on_model :dependent_on_id], :model "Metric", :model_id (:id metric)))))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/events/revision_test.clj b/test/metabase/events/revision_test.clj
index 3f1ca27ce829b74b64f82910ac7476a9fd068658..dc1ea6ff0c90336da7d3c7232bbb3c48113cfe28 100644
--- a/test/metabase/events/revision_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/events/revision_test.clj
@@ -191,22 +191,16 @@
    :is_reversion false
    :is_creation  true
    :message      nil}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [metric {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
-                                      :table_id    id
-                                      :name        "ABC"
-                                      :description "DEF"
-                                      :definition  {:a "b"}}]
+                                    :table_id    id
+                                    :name        "ABC"
+                                    :description "DEF"
+                                    :definition  {:a "b"}}]
         (process-revision-event {:topic :metric-create
                                  :item  metric})
-        (let [revision (-> (db/sel :one Revision :model "Metric" :model_id (:id metric))
-                           (select-keys [:model :user_id :object :is_reversion :is_creation :message]))]
+        (let [revision (db/sel :one :fields [Revision :model :user_id :object :is_reversion :is_creation :message], :model "Metric", :model_id (:id metric))]
           (assoc revision :object (dissoc (:object revision) :id :table_id)))))))
 ;; :metric-update
@@ -221,24 +215,18 @@
    :is_reversion false
    :is_creation  false
    :message      "updated"}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [metric {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
-                                      :table_id    id
-                                      :name        "ABC"
-                                      :description "DEF"
-                                      :definition  {:a "b"}}]
+                                    :table_id    id
+                                    :name        "ABC"
+                                    :description "DEF"
+                                    :definition  {:a "b"}}]
         (process-revision-event {:topic :metric-update
                                  :item  (assoc metric
-                                          :actor_id         (user->id :crowberto)
-                                          :revision_message "updated")})
-        (let [revision (-> (db/sel :one Revision :model "Metric" :model_id (:id metric))
-                           (select-keys [:model :user_id :object :is_reversion :is_creation :message]))]
+                                               :actor_id         (user->id :crowberto)
+                                               :revision_message "updated")})
+        (let [revision (db/sel :one :fields [Revision :model :user_id :object :is_reversion :is_creation :message], :model "Metric", :model_id (:id metric))]
           (assoc revision :object (dissoc (:object revision) :id :table_id)))))))
 ;; :metric-delete
@@ -253,13 +241,8 @@
    :is_reversion false
    :is_creation  false
    :message      nil}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [metric {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                       :table_id    id
                                       :name        "ABC"
@@ -285,13 +268,8 @@
    :is_reversion false
    :is_creation  true
    :message      nil}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [segment {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                       :table_id    id
                                       :name        "ABC"
@@ -315,13 +293,8 @@
    :is_reversion false
    :is_creation  false
    :message      "updated"}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [segment {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                       :table_id    id
                                       :name        "ABC"
@@ -329,8 +302,8 @@
                                       :definition  {:a "b"}}]
         (process-revision-event {:topic :segment-update
                                  :item  (assoc segment
-                                          :actor_id         (user->id :crowberto)
-                                          :revision_message "updated")})
+                                               :actor_id         (user->id :crowberto)
+                                               :revision_message "updated")})
         (let [revision (-> (db/sel :one Revision :model "Segment" :model_id (:id segment))
                            (select-keys [:model :user_id :object :is_reversion :is_creation :message]))]
           (assoc revision :object (dissoc (:object revision) :id :table_id)))))))
@@ -347,13 +320,8 @@
    :is_reversion false
    :is_creation  false
    :message      nil}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [segment {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                       :table_id    id
                                       :name        "ABC"
diff --git a/test/metabase/models/dashboard_card_test.clj b/test/metabase/models/dashboard_card_test.clj
index 524f2545690e1800f47638f58a92d914e8ab1188..871740463eb05c53ccab64e8981c475abdcbf531 100644
--- a/test/metabase/models/dashboard_card_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/models/dashboard_card_test.clj
@@ -33,19 +33,11 @@
    :col    nil
    :row    nil
    :series []}
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
       (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
                                                       :card_id      card-id}]
-        (-> (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id)
-            remove-ids-and-timestamps)))))
+        (remove-ids-and-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id))))))
 ;; retrieve-dashboard-card
 ;; dashcard w/ additional series
@@ -56,45 +48,22 @@
    :row    nil
    :series [{:name                   "Additional Series Card 1"
              :description            nil
-             :display                :scalar
-             :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-             :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}
+             :display                :table
+             :dataset_query          {}
+             :visualization_settings {}}
             {:name                   "Additional Series Card 2"
              :description            nil
-             :display                :scalar
-             :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-             :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]}
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id1 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 1"
-                                            :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :display                "scalar"
-                                            :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                            :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id2 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 2"
-                                              :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                              :public_perms           0
-                                              :display                "scalar"
-                                              :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                              :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                          :card_id      card-id}]
-            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                  :card_id          series-id1
-                                                  :position         0}]
-              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                    :card_id          series-id2
-                                                    :position         1}]
-                (-> (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id)
-                    remove-ids-and-timestamps)))))))))
+             :display                :table
+             :dataset_query          {}
+             :visualization_settings {}}]}
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-1 :id} {:name "Additional Series Card 1"}]
+        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-2 :id} {:name "Additional Series Card 2"}]
+          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-1, :position 0}]
+              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-2, :position 1}]
+                (remove-ids-and-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id))))))))))
 ;; update-dashboard-card-series
@@ -104,45 +73,24 @@
    ["card2" "card1"]
    ["card1" "card3"]]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :name                   "Test Card"
-                                       :display                :table
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                       :visualization_settings {}}]
-      (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                      :card_id      card-id}]
-        (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id1 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :name                   "card1"
-                                            :display                :table
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                            :visualization_settings {}}]
-          (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id2 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                              :name                   "card2"
-                                              :display                :table
-                                              :public_perms           0
-                                              :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                              :visualization_settings {}}]
-            (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id3 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                                :name                   "card3"
-                                                :display                :table
-                                                :public_perms           0
-                                                :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                                :visualization_settings {}}]
-              (let [upd-series (fn [series]
-                                (update-dashboard-card-series {:id dashcard-id} series)
-                                (->> (db/sel :many :field [DashboardCardSeries :card_id] :dashboardcard_id dashcard-id)
-                                     (mapv (fn [card_id]
-                                             (db/sel :one :field [Card :name] :id card_id)))))]
-                [(upd-series [])
-                 (upd-series [card-id1])
-                 (upd-series [card-id2])
-                 (upd-series [card-id2 card-id1])
-                 (upd-series [card-id1 card-id3])]))))))))
+  (tu/with-temp* [Dashboard     [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
+                                                     :public_perms 0
+                                                     :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
+                  Card          [{card-id :id}]
+                  DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+                  Card          [{card-id-1 :id} {:name "card1"}]
+                  Card          [{card-id-2 :id} {:name "card2"}]
+                  Card          [{card-id3 :id} {:name "card3"}]]
+    (let [upd-series (fn [series]
+                       (update-dashboard-card-series {:id dashcard-id} series)
+                       (->> (db/sel :many :field [DashboardCardSeries :card_id] :dashboardcard_id dashcard-id)
+                            (mapv (fn [card_id]
+                                    (db/sel :one :field [Card :name] :id card_id)))))]
+      [(upd-series [])
+       (upd-series [card-id-1])
+       (upd-series [card-id-2])
+       (upd-series [card-id-2 card-id-1])
+       (upd-series [card-id-1 card-id3])])))
 ;; create-dashboard-card
@@ -155,7 +103,7 @@
     :series [{:name                   "Test Card"
               :description            nil
               :display                :table
-              :dataset_query          {:type "native"}
+              :dataset_query          {}
               :visualization_settings {}}]}
    {:sizeX  4
     :sizeY  3
@@ -164,17 +112,10 @@
     :series [{:name                   "Test Card"
               :description            nil
               :display                :table
-              :dataset_query          {:type "native"}
+              :dataset_query          {}
               :visualization_settings {}}]}]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :name                   "Test Card"
-                                       :display                :table
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                       :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name "Test Card"}]
       (let [dashboard-card (create-dashboard-card {:creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
                                                    :dashboard_id dashboard-id
                                                    :card_id      card-id
@@ -205,13 +146,13 @@
     :row    1
     :series [{:name                   "Test Card 2"
               :description            nil
-              :display                :bar
-              :dataset_query          {:type "native"}
+              :display                :table
+              :dataset_query          {}
               :visualization_settings {}}
              {:name                   "Test Card 1"
               :description            nil
               :display                :table
-              :dataset_query          {:type "native"}
+              :dataset_query          {}
               :visualization_settings {}}]}
    {:sizeX  4
     :sizeY  3
@@ -219,37 +160,19 @@
     :row    1
     :series [{:name                   "Test Card 2"
               :description            nil
-              :display                :bar
-              :dataset_query          {:type "native"}
+              :display                :table
+              :dataset_query          {}
               :visualization_settings {}}
              {:name                   "Test Card 1"
               :description            nil
               :display                :table
-              :dataset_query          {:type "native"}
+              :dataset_query          {}
               :visualization_settings {}}]}]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                               :public_perms 0
-                                               :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :name                   "Test Card"
-                                       :display                :table
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                       :visualization_settings {}}]
-      (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                      :card_id      card-id}]
-        (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id1 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :name                   "Test Card 1"
-                                            :display                :table
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                            :visualization_settings {}}]
-          (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id2 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                              :name                   "Test Card 2"
-                                              :display                :bar
-                                              :public_perms           0
-                                              :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                              :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
+      (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+        (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id-1 :id} {:name "Test Card 1"}]
+          (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id-2 :id} {:name "Test Card 2"}]
             ;; first result is the unmodified dashcard
             ;; second is the return value from the update call
             ;; third is to validate db captured everything
@@ -262,5 +185,5 @@
                                                                 :sizeY        3
                                                                 :row          1
                                                                 :col          1
-                                                                :series       [card-id2 card-id1]}))
+                                                                :series       [card-id-2 card-id-1]}))
              (remove-ids-and-timestamps (retrieve-dashboard-card dashcard-id))]))))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/models/dashboard_test.clj b/test/metabase/models/dashboard_test.clj
index f4749cc5166897483f98e408e310bd9fa301e7a1..e4e34504bbcad629c65c9391f019993fa79aae96 100644
--- a/test/metabase/models/dashboard_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/models/dashboard_test.clj
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 (ns metabase.models.dashboard-test
   (:require [expectations :refer :all]
             [metabase.db :as db]
-            [metabase.models.card :refer [Card]]
-            [metabase.models.dashboard :refer :all]
-            [metabase.models.dashboard-card :refer [DashboardCard]]
-            [metabase.models.dashboard-card-series :refer [DashboardCardSeries]]
-            [metabase.models.hydrate :refer :all]
+            (metabase.models [card :refer [Card]]
+                             [dashboard :refer :all]
+                             [dashboard-card :refer [DashboardCard], :as dashboard-card]
+                             [dashboard-card-series :refer [DashboardCardSeries]]
+                             [hydrate :refer :all])
             [metabase.test.data :refer :all]
             [metabase.test.data.users :refer :all]
-            [metabase.test.util :as tu]
-            [metabase.models.dashboard-card :as dashboard-card]))
+            [metabase.test.util :as tu]))
 ;; ## Dashboard Revisions
@@ -25,40 +24,18 @@
                    :id      true
                    :card_id true
                    :series  true}]}
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id :as dashboard} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                                             :public_perms 0
-                                                             :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id1 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 1"
-                                            :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :display                "scalar"
-                                            :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                            :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id2 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 2"
-                                              :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                              :public_perms           0
-                                              :display                "scalar"
-                                              :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                              :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                          :card_id      card-id}]
-            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                  :card_id          series-id1
-                                                  :position         0}]
-              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                    :card_id          series-id2
-                                                    :position         1}]
-                (update-in (serialize-dashboard dashboard) [:cards] (fn [[{:keys [id card_id series] :as card}]]
-                                                                        [(assoc card
-                                                                           :id      (= dashcard-id id)
-                                                                           :card_id (= card-id card_id)
-                                                                           :series  (= [series-id1 series-id2] series))]))))))))))
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id :as dashboard} {:name "Test Dashboard"}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-1 :id}]
+        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-2 :id}]
+          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-1, :position 0}]
+              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-2, :position 1}]
+                (update (serialize-dashboard dashboard) :cards (fn [[{:keys [id card_id series], :as card}]]
+                                                                 [(assoc card
+                                                                         :id      (= dashcard-id id)
+                                                                         :card_id (= card-id card_id)
+                                                                         :series  (= [series-id-1 series-id-2] series))]))))))))))
 ;; diff-dashboards-str
@@ -157,51 +134,29 @@
                     :id      false
                     :card_id true
                     :series  true}]}]
-  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id :as dashboard} {:name         "Test Dashboard"
-                                                             :public_perms 0
-                                                             :creator_id   (user->id :rasta)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name                   "Dashboard Test Card"
-                                       :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                       :public_perms           0
-                                       :display                "scalar"
-                                       :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                       :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id1 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 1"
-                                            :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :display                "scalar"
-                                            :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                            :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id2 :id} {:name                   "Additional Series Card 2"
-                                              :creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                              :public_perms           0
-                                              :display                "scalar"
-                                              :dataset_query          {:something "simple"}
-                                              :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}}]
-          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id :as dashboard-card} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
-                                                                             :card_id      card-id}]
-            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                  :card_id          series-id1
-                                                  :position         0}]
-              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id
-                                                    :card_id          series-id2
-                                                    :position         1}]
+  (tu/with-temp Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id, :as dashboard} {:name "Test Dashboard"}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-1 :id}]
+        (tu/with-temp Card [{series-id-2 :id}]
+          (tu/with-temp DashboardCard [{dashcard-id :id :as dashboard-card} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id, :card_id card-id}]
+            (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-1, :position 0}]
+              (tu/with-temp DashboardCardSeries [_ {:dashboardcard_id dashcard-id, :card_id series-id-2, :position 1}]
                 (let [check-ids            (fn [[{:keys [id card_id series] :as card}]]
                                              [(assoc card
-                                                :id      (= dashcard-id id)
-                                                :card_id (= card-id card_id)
-                                                :series  (= [series-id1 series-id2] series))])
+                                                     :id      (= dashcard-id id)
+                                                     :card_id (= card-id card_id)
+                                                     :series  (= [series-id-1 series-id-2] series))])
                       serialized-dashboard (serialize-dashboard dashboard)]
                   ;; delete the dashcard and modify the dash attributes
                   (dashboard-card/delete-dashboard-card dashboard-card (user->id :rasta))
                   (db/upd Dashboard dashboard-id
-                          :name        "Revert Test"
-                          :description "something")
+                    :name        "Revert Test"
+                    :description "something")
                   ;; capture our updated dashboard state
-                  (let [serialized-dashboard2 (serialize-dashboard (db/sel :one Dashboard :id dashboard-id))]
+                  (let [serialized-dashboard2 (serialize-dashboard (Dashboard dashboard-id))]
                     ;; now do the reversion
                     (revert-dashboard dashboard-id (user->id :crowberto) serialized-dashboard)
                     ;; final output is original-state, updated-state, reverted-state
                     [(update serialized-dashboard :cards check-ids)
-                     (update (serialize-dashboard (db/sel :one Dashboard :id dashboard-id)) :cards check-ids)]))))))))))
+                     (update (serialize-dashboard (Dashboard dashboard-id)) :cards check-ids)]))))))))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/models/field_values_test.clj b/test/metabase/models/field_values_test.clj
index 5d510d4e29b466ae38cd530cefbe69e723373b23..da8acd388df23e0ea527118528d510692cdcdd47 100644
--- a/test/metabase/models/field_values_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/models/field_values_test.clj
@@ -47,20 +47,9 @@
    {:status 204, :body nil}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "FieldValues Test"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "FieldValues Test"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
-      (tu/with-temp Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id    table-id
-                                           :name        "FieldValues Test"
-                                           :base_type   :TextField
-                                           :field_type  :info
-                                           :active      true
-                                           :preview_display true
-                                           :position    1}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id table-id}]
         (tu/with-temp FieldValues [_ {:field_id field-id
                                       :values   "[1,2,3]"}]
           [(db/sel :one :field [FieldValues :values] :field_id field-id)
diff --git a/test/metabase/models/metric_test.clj b/test/metabase/models/metric_test.clj
index d2a10805ce6fd4fd2e6051dca836c98b21598d77..2d70cf84eca1a980354cff70ed30550ce698e8a7 100644
--- a/test/metabase/models/metric_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/models/metric_test.clj
@@ -39,13 +39,8 @@
    :description nil
    :is_active   true
    :definition  {:clause ["a" "b"]}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (create-metric-then-select id "I only want *these* things" nil (user->id :rasta) {:clause ["a" "b"]}))))
@@ -53,13 +48,8 @@
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                           :table_id    id
                                           :name        "Ivory Tower"
@@ -79,13 +69,8 @@
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 45
                   :query    {:filter ["yay"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                           :table_id    id
                                           :name        "Ivory Tower"
@@ -106,16 +91,9 @@
     :description  nil
     :is_active    true
     :definition   {}}]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id1 :id} {:name   "Table 1"
-                                          :db_id  database-id
-                                          :active true}]
-      (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id2 :id} {:name   "Table 2"
-                                            :db_id  database-id
-                                            :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id1 :id} {:db_id database-id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id2 :id} {:db_id database-id}]
         (tu/with-temp Metric [{segement-id1 :id} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                                   :table_id    table-id1
                                                   :name        "Metric 1"
@@ -148,51 +126,41 @@
   {:creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
    :creator      (user-details :rasta)
-   :name         "Tatooine"
+   :name         "Costa Rica"
    :description  nil
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 2
-                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}}
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                           :table_id    id
-                                          :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                          :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                          :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                          :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                           :definition  {}}]
         (update-metric-then-select {:id          id
-                                    :name        "Tatooine"
+                                    :name        "Costa Rica"
                                     :description nil
                                     :creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                     :table_id    456
                                     :definition  {:database 2
-                                                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}
+                                                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}
                                     :revision_message "Just horsing around"})))))
 ;; delete-metric
   {:creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
    :creator      (user-details :rasta)
-   :name         "Droids in the desert"
-   :description  "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   :name         "Toucans in the rainforest"
+   :description  "Lookin' for a blueberry"
    :is_active    false
    :definition   {}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                           :table_id    id
-                                          :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                          :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                          :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                          :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                           :definition  {}}]
         (delete-metric id (user->id :crowberto) "revision message")
         (metric-details (retrieve-metric id))))))
@@ -207,24 +175,19 @@
   {:id          true
    :table_id    true
    :creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
-   :name        "Droids in the desert"
-   :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+   :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
    :definition  {:aggregation ["count"]
-                 :filter      ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}
+                 :filter      ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}
    :is_active   true}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [metric {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                     :table_id    table-id
-                                    :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                    :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                    :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                    :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                     :definition  {:aggregation ["count"]
-                                                  :filter      ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}]
+                                                  :filter      ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}]
         (-> (serialize-metric Metric (:id metric) metric)
             (update :id boolean)
             (update :table_id boolean))))))
@@ -234,25 +197,20 @@
   {:definition  {:before {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}
                  :after  {:filter ["AND" ["BETWEEN" 4 "2014-07-01" "2014-10-19"]]}}
-   :description {:before "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   :description {:before "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                  :after  "BBB"}
-   :name        {:before "Droids in the desert"
+   :name        {:before "Toucans in the rainforest"
                  :after  "Something else"}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Metric [metric {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                     :table_id    id
-                                    :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                    :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
-                                    :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}]
+                                    :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                    :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
+                                    :definition  {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}]
         (diff-metrics Metric metric (assoc metric :name "Something else"
                                                   :description "BBB"
-                                                  :definition {:filter ["AND",["BETWEEN",4,"2014-07-01","2014-10-19"]]}))))))
+                                                  :definition {:filter ["AND" ["BETWEEN" 4 "2014-07-01" "2014-10-19"]]}))))))
 ;; test case where definition doesn't change
@@ -261,33 +219,33 @@
   (diff-metrics Metric
                 {:name        "A"
                  :description "Unchanged"
-                 :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}
+                 :definition  {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}
                 {:name        "B"
                  :description "Unchanged"
-                 :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}))
+                 :definition  {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}))
 ;; first version, so comparing against nil
   {:name        {:after  "A"}
    :description {:after "Unchanged"}
-   :definition  {:after {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}}
+   :definition  {:after {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}}
   (diff-metrics Metric
                 {:name        "A"
                  :description "Unchanged"
-                 :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}))
+                 :definition  {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}))
 ;; removals only
-  {:definition  {:before {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"],["=",5,"yes"]]}
-                 :after  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}}
+  {:definition  {:before {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"] ["=" 5 "yes"]]}
+                 :after  {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}}
   (diff-metrics Metric
                 {:name        "A"
                  :description "Unchanged"
-                 :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"],["=",5,"yes"]]}}
+                 :definition  {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"] ["=" 5 "yes"]]}}
                 {:name        "A"
                  :description "Unchanged"
-                 :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}))
+                 :definition  {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}}))
diff --git a/test/metabase/models/pulse_test.clj b/test/metabase/models/pulse_test.clj
index 45cfc6e21ed96b7a979ff505add04b8571c20ddc..5ac1d399ec50ed000b8e133e6d7ad48148feb3cf 100644
--- a/test/metabase/models/pulse_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/models/pulse_test.clj
@@ -66,12 +66,7 @@
                                                                               :emails ["foo@bar.com"]}
                                                               :schedule_type :daily
                                                               :schedule_hour 15}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                        :name                   "Test Card"
-                                        :display                :table
-                                        :public_perms           0
-                                        :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                        :visualization_settings {}}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:name "Test Card"}]
           (db/ins PulseCard :pulse_id id :card_id card-id :position 0)
           (db/ins PulseChannelRecipient :pulse_channel_id channel-id :user_id (user->id :rasta))
@@ -84,55 +79,6 @@
                                    (-> (dissoc channel :id :pulse_id :created_at :updated_at)
                                        (m/dissoc-in [:details :emails])))))))))))
-;; retrieve-pulses
-;; some crappy problem with expectations where tests with vectors of maps are failing without explanation :(
-;  [{:creator_id   (user->id :crowberto)
-;    :creator      (user-details :crowberto)
-;    :name         "ABC"
-;    :public_perms 2
-;    :cards        []
-;    :channels     []}
-;   {:creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
-;   :creator      (user-details :rasta)
-;   :name         "Loddi-doddi"
-;   :public_perms 2
-;   :cards        [{:name "Test Card",
-;                   :description nil,
-;                   :display "table"}]
-;   :channels     [{:schedule_type :daily,
-;                   :schedule_hour 15,
-;                   :channel_type  :email,
-;                   :details       {:other "stuff"},
-;                   :schedule_day  nil,
-;                   :recipients    [{:email "foo@bar.com"}
-;                                   (dissoc (user-details :rasta) :is_superuser)]}]}]
-;  (tu/with-temp Pulse [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id (user->id :rasta)
-;                                     :name       "Loddi-doddi"}]
-;    (tu/with-temp PulseChannel [{channel-id :id :as channel} {:pulse_id      id
-;                                                              :channel_type  :email
-;                                                              :details       {:other  "stuff"
-;                                                                              :emails ["foo@bar.com"]}
-;                                                              :schedule_type :daily
-;                                                              :schedule_hour 15}]
-;      (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-;                                         :name                   "Test Card"
-;                                         :display                :table
-;                                         :public_perms           0
-;                                         :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-;                                         :visualization_settings {}}]
-;        (tu/with-temp Pulse [{pulse2 :id} {:creator_id (user->id :crowberto)
-;                                           :name       "ABC"}]
-;          (let [format-pulse (fn [{:keys [cards channels creator] :as pulse}]
-;                               (-> pulse
-;                                   (dissoc :id :pulse_id :created_at :updated_at)
-;                                   (assoc :creator (dissoc creator :date_joined :last_login))
-;                                   (assoc :cards (mapv #(dissoc % :id) cards))
-;                                   (assoc :channels (mapv #(dissoc % :id :pulse_id :created_at :updated_at) channels))))]
-;            (do
-;              (db/ins PulseCard :pulse_id id :card_id card-id :position 0)
-;              (db/ins PulseChannelRecipient :pulse_channel_id channel-id :user_id (user->id :rasta))
-;              (mapv format-pulse (retrieve-pulses)))))))))
 ;; update-pulse-cards
@@ -143,34 +89,19 @@
    ["card1" "card3"]]
   (tu/with-temp Pulse [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id (user->id :rasta)
                                      :name       (tu/random-name)}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id1 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                        :name                   "card1"
-                                        :display                :table
-                                        :public_perms           0
-                                        :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                        :visualization_settings {}}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id2 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                          :name                   "card2"
-                                          :display                :table
-                                          :public_perms           0
-                                          :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                          :visualization_settings {}}]
-        (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id3 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                            :name                   "card3"
-                                            :display                :table
-                                            :public_perms           0
-                                            :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                            :visualization_settings {}}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id-1 :id} {:name "card1"}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id-2 :id} {:name "card2"}]
+        (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id-3 :id} {:name "card3"}]
           (let [upd-cards (fn [cards]
                             (update-pulse-cards {:id id} cards)
                             (->> (db/sel :many PulseCard :pulse_id id)
                                  (mapv (fn [{:keys [card_id]}]
                                          (db/sel :one :field [Card :name] :id card_id)))))]
             [(upd-cards [])
-             (upd-cards [card-id1])
-             (upd-cards [card-id2])
-             (upd-cards [card-id2 card-id1])
-             (upd-cards [card-id1 card-id3])]))))))
+             (upd-cards [card-id-1])
+             (upd-cards [card-id-2])
+             (upd-cards [card-id-2 card-id-1])
+             (upd-cards [card-id-1 card-id-3])]))))))
 ;; update-pulse-channels
@@ -207,12 +138,7 @@
    :cards      [{:name        "Test Card"
                  :description nil
                  :display     "table"}]}
-  (tu/with-temp Card [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id             (user->id :rasta)
-                                    :name                   "Test Card"
-                                    :display                :table
-                                    :public_perms           0
-                                    :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                    :visualization_settings {}}]
+  (tu/with-temp Card [{:keys [id]} {:name "Test Card"}]
     (create-pulse-then-select "Booyah!" (user->id :rasta) [id] [{:channel_type  :email
                                                                  :schedule_type :daily
                                                                  :schedule_hour 18
@@ -245,22 +171,12 @@
                                    (dissoc (user-details :crowberto) :is_superuser :is_qbnewb)]}]}
   (tu/with-temp Pulse [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id (user->id :rasta)
                                      :name       "Lodi Dodi"}]
-    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id1 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                        :name                   "Test Card"
-                                        :display                :table
-                                        :public_perms           0
-                                        :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                        :visualization_settings {}}]
-      (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id2 :id} {:creator_id            (user->id :rasta)
-                                          :name                   "Bar Card"
-                                          :display                :bar
-                                          :public_perms           0
-                                          :dataset_query          {:type :native}
-                                          :visualization_settings {}}]
+    (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id-1 :id} {:name "Test Card"}]
+      (tu/with-temp Card [{card-id-2 :id} {:name "Bar Card", :display :bar}]
         (update-pulse-then-select {:id         id
                                    :name       "We like to party"
                                    :creator_id (user->id :crowberto)
-                                   :cards      [card-id2 card-id1]
+                                   :cards      [card-id-2 card-id-1]
                                    :channels   [{:channel_type  :email
                                                  :schedule_type :daily
                                                  :schedule_hour 18
diff --git a/test/metabase/models/segment_test.clj b/test/metabase/models/segment_test.clj
index 2955b43c50eea2346da28a57ae785cc843ebe21f..5a93709a836b9299c10756d4d088cffe653ddc1d 100644
--- a/test/metabase/models/segment_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/models/segment_test.clj
@@ -39,13 +39,8 @@
    :description nil
    :is_active   true
    :definition  {:clause ["a" "b"]}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (create-segment-then-select id "I only want *these* things" nil (user->id :rasta) {:clause ["a" "b"]}))))
@@ -53,13 +48,8 @@
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                            :table_id    id
                                            :name        "Ivory Tower"
@@ -79,13 +69,8 @@
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 45
                   :query    {:filter ["yay"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                            :table_id    id
                                            :name        "Ivory Tower"
@@ -106,16 +91,9 @@
     :description  nil
     :is_active    true
     :definition   {}}]
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id1 :id} {:name   "Table 1"
-                                          :db_id  database-id
-                                          :active true}]
-      (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id2 :id} {:name   "Table 2"
-                                            :db_id  database-id
-                                            :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id1 :id} {:db_id database-id}]
+      (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id2 :id} {:db_id database-id}]
         (tu/with-temp Segment [{segement-id1 :id} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                                    :table_id    table-id1
                                                    :name        "Segment 1"
@@ -148,51 +126,41 @@
   {:creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
    :creator      (user-details :rasta)
-   :name         "Tatooine"
+   :name         "Costa Rica"
    :description  nil
    :is_active    true
    :definition   {:database 2
-                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+                  :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}}
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                            :table_id    id
-                                           :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                           :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                           :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                           :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                            :definition  {}}]
         (update-segment-then-select {:id          id
-                                     :name        "Tatooine"
+                                     :name        "Costa Rica"
                                      :description nil
                                      :creator_id  (user->id :crowberto)
                                      :table_id    456
                                      :definition  {:database 2
-                                                   :query    {:filter ["not" "the droids you're looking for"]}}
+                                                   :query    {:filter ["not" "the toucans you're looking for"]}}
                                      :revision_message "Just horsing around"})))))
 ;; delete-segment
   {:creator_id   (user->id :rasta)
    :creator      (user-details :rasta)
-   :name         "Droids in the desert"
-   :description  "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   :name         "Toucans in the rainforest"
+   :description  "Lookin' for a blueberry"
    :is_active    false
    :definition   {}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [{:keys [id]} {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                            :table_id    id
-                                           :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                           :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                           :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                           :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                            :definition  {}}]
         (delete-segment id (user->id :crowberto) "revision message")
         (segment-details (retrieve-segment id))))))
@@ -207,21 +175,16 @@
   {:id          true
    :table_id    true
    :creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
-   :name        "Droids in the desert"
-   :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+   :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
    :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}
    :is_active   true}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                         :db_id  database-id
-                                         :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [segment {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                       :table_id    table-id
-                                      :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                      :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                      :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                      :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                       :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}]
         (-> (serialize-segment Segment (:id segment) segment)
             (update :id boolean)
@@ -232,21 +195,16 @@
   {:definition  {:before {:filter ["AND" [">" 4 "2014-10-19"]]}
                  :after  {:filter ["AND" ["BETWEEN" 4 "2014-07-01" "2014-10-19"]]}}
-   :description {:before "Lookin' for a jedi"
+   :description {:before "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                  :after  "BBB"}
-   :name        {:before "Droids in the desert"
+   :name        {:before "Toucans in the rainforest"
                  :after  "Something else"}}
-  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id} {:name      "Hillbilly"
-                                             :engine    :yeehaw
-                                             :details   {}
-                                             :is_sample false}]
-    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:name   "Stuff"
-                                       :db_id  database-id
-                                       :active true}]
+  (tu/with-temp Database [{database-id :id}]
+    (tu/with-temp Table [{:keys [id]} {:db_id database-id}]
       (tu/with-temp Segment [segment {:creator_id  (user->id :rasta)
                                       :table_id    id
-                                      :name        "Droids in the desert"
-                                      :description "Lookin' for a jedi"
+                                      :name        "Toucans in the rainforest"
+                                      :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"
                                       :definition  {:filter ["AND",[">",4,"2014-10-19"]]}}]
         (diff-segments Segment segment (assoc segment :name "Something else"
                                                       :description "BBB"
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/util.clj b/test/metabase/test/util.clj
index c700284021c27d73c4e486ad026b3198ccf43e7b..90529e248b865227bf76698b74f12767b76d2d1f 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/util.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/util.clj
@@ -4,7 +4,13 @@
             [expectations :refer :all]
             [medley.core :as m]
             (metabase [db :refer :all]
-                      [util :as u])))
+                      [util :as u])
+            (metabase.models [card :refer [Card]]
+                             [common :as common]
+                             [dashboard :refer [Dashboard]]
+                             [database :refer [Database]]
+                             [field :refer [Field]]
+                             [table :refer [Table]])))
 (declare $->prop)
@@ -73,9 +79,45 @@
   (->> (repeatedly 20 #(-> (rand-int 26) (+ (int \A)) char))
        (apply str)))
-;; ## with-temp
+(defprotocol ^:private WithTempDefaults
+  (^:private with-temp-defaults [this]))
+(u/strict-extend Object            WithTempDefaults {:with-temp-defaults (constantly nil)})
+(u/strict-extend (class Card)      WithTempDefaults {:with-temp-defaults (fn [_] {:creator_id             ((resolve 'metabase.test.data.users/user->id) :rasta)
+                                                                                  :dataset_query          {}
+                                                                                  :display                :table
+                                                                                  :name                   (random-name)
+                                                                                  :public_perms           common/perms-none
+                                                                                  :visualization_settings {}})})
+(u/strict-extend (class Dashboard) WithTempDefaults {:with-temp-defaults (fn [_] {:creator_id   ((resolve 'metabase.test.data.users/user->id) :rasta)
+                                                                                  :name         (random-name)
+                                                                                  :public_perms 0})})
+(u/strict-extend (class Database)  WithTempDefaults {:with-temp-defaults (fn [_] {:details   {}
+                                                                                  :engine    :yeehaw
+                                                                                  :is_sample false
+                                                                                  :name      (random-name)})})
+(u/strict-extend (class Field)     WithTempDefaults {:with-temp-defaults (fn [_] {:active          true
+                                                                                  :base_type       :TextField
+                                                                                  :field_type      :info
+                                                                                  :name            (random-name)
+                                                                                  :position        1
+                                                                                  :preview_display true})})
+(u/strict-extend (class Table)     WithTempDefaults {:with-temp-defaults (fn [_] {:active true
+                                                                                  :name   (random-name)})})
+(defn do-with-temp
+  "Internal implementation of `with-temp` (don't call this directly)."
+  [entity attributes f]
+  (let [temp-object (m/mapply ins entity (merge (with-temp-defaults entity)
+                                                attributes))]
+    (try
+      (f temp-object)
+      (finally
+        (cascade-delete entity :id (:id temp-object))))))
+;;; # with-temp
 (defmacro with-temp
   "Create a temporary instance of ENTITY bound to BINDING-FORM, execute BODY,
    then delete it via `cascade-delete`.
@@ -93,15 +135,22 @@
                                     :organization_id @org-id}]
   [entity [binding-form & [options-map]] & body]
-  `(let [object# (m/mapply ins ~entity ~options-map)
-         ~binding-form object#
-         delete-fn# (fn [] (cascade-delete ~entity :id (:id object#)))]
-     (let [result# (try (do ~@body)
-                        (catch Throwable e#
-                          (delete-fn#)
-                          (throw e#)))]
-       (delete-fn#)
-       result#)))
+  `(do-with-temp ~entity ~options-map (fn [~binding-form]
+                                        ~@body)))
+(defmacro with-temp*
+  "Like `with-temp` but establishes multiple temporary objects at the same time.
+     (with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
+                  Table    [table {:db_id database-id}]]
+       ...)"
+  [entity-bindings & body]
+  (loop [[pair & more] (reverse (partition 2 entity-bindings)), body `(do ~@body)]
+    (let [body `(with-temp ~@pair
+                  ~body)]
+      (if (seq more)
+        (recur more body)
+        body))))
 ;; ## resolve-private-fns