diff --git a/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj b/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj
index 625d5a35e66c5c337dd5cb67acb7bb2dee67ea36..8c82265b26875db960996c102209c17629034497 100644
--- a/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/feature_extraction/async.clj
@@ -113,17 +113,24 @@
   (or (when-let [job (cached-job ctx)]
         (callback job (:result (result job)))
         (:id job))
-      (let [{:keys [id] :as job} (db/insert! ComputationJob
-                                   :creator_id api/*current-user-id*
-                                   :status     :running
-                                   :type       :simple-job
-                                   :context    ctx)]
+      (let [{:keys [id] :as job}   (db/insert! ComputationJob
+                                     :creator_id api/*current-user-id*
+                                     :status     :running
+                                     :type       :simple-job
+                                     :context    ctx)
+            added-to-running-jobs? (promise)]
         (log/info (format "Async job %s started." id))
         (swap! running-jobs assoc id (future
+                                         ;; This argument is getting evaluated BEFORE the swap! associates the id with
+                                         ;; the future in the atom. If we're unlucky, that means `save-result` will
+                                         ;; look for the id in that same atom before we've put it there. If that
+                                         ;; happens we'll never acknowledge that the job completed
+                                         @added-to-running-jobs?
                                          (save-result job (f) callback)
                                          (catch Throwable e
                                            (save-error job e callback)))))
+        (deliver added-to-running-jobs? true)
 (defmacro with-async
diff --git a/test/metabase/feature_extraction/async_test.clj b/test/metabase/feature_extraction/async_test.clj
index fd05a9962c6f5b66113e5acf9178a8113289d59a..b9e1c6b7003ef3cd52a567b846e90d37a4016d10 100644
--- a/test/metabase/feature_extraction/async_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/feature_extraction/async_test.clj
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
             [metabase.test.async :refer :all]))
 ;; DISABLED due to constant failures 12/6/17. Fix soon!
     (let [job-id (compute (gensym) (constantly 42))]
       (result! job-id)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ;; DISABLED due to constant failures 12/6/17. Fix soon!
   (-> (compute (gensym) #(throw (Throwable. "foo")))